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Why are redditors unable to comprehend the meaning of the big O notation?
Most claims he makes here about big O notation are wrong.
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you sound insufferable
take estrogen maybe it'll mellow you out
Where can I get some?
anything to get you to stop making these annoying threads
why can't you?

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>bro just buy a ssd
>3 years later
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TBW is just what they are willing to warranty
The percentage heath is calculated by the firmware based on p/e cycles
don't you people torrent? that's a normal number if you're constantly downloading and deleting movies or series
yes I download anime, into my HDD which is still faster than my gigabit
Only torrent games on my SSD everything else goes to my HDD
100% on that small drive after 35tb written is still bullshit

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I just installed BlockTube to filter every word related to video games and gamer content, I'm finally leaving this manchild hobby
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anime girls
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>manchild hobby
The hobby being "manchild" is 100% a personal problem.
A number of us have noticed that these kinds of negative attitudes tend to also be turd-worlder cope.
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And what grownup hobbies will you cultivate instead?
I'm happy for you anon. Do note that destructive habits are often a result of not being happy with your life, so I'd recommend focusing on aspects of your yourself that needs to be fixed as well. You have treated the symptoms, now focus on the causes :)

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>currently """"best"""" $2k graphics card gets 120 fps on a 2020 game
why are gamers so retarded
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>more fps is bad
boku no pico
I don't care, I refuse to buy anything more expensive than a 4060.
My 3060 12 gb is fine for a long time still.
As if they get choice. Nvidia is AI cards are in such demand they increased price on upcoming blackwell cards to reflect performance increase to prevent price drop of H100 and A100. And they can do it because we are at point where performance per watt is more important for corpos than performance per $ in AI clusters.
>AAA goyslop
Found your problem

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Anyone else have an interest in downgrading computers? I usually find junky beaten up laptops running windows 10 or even 8.1 and try and see how far I can take them back. Usually XP is a sweet spot for most of these but I just find it neat.
Yes, it's funny how they run so much better with an older Windows than the one they originally came with, as if one should always use a Windows ten years older than the hardware. I call it the Windows fat ass syndrome.
It's also amazing to see how well some recent lightweight Linux run on obsolete computers people got rid of "because it was so old"...
I’m glad I’m not alone then. I’ve stuck with windows to windows downgrading but maybe my next computer will be Linux instead. I remember the first time i downgraded was with my old high school laptop. Keyboard had to be ripped apart cause of all the dust and gunk and it barley ran Windows 8.1 with a bunch of horrific viruses on it from over a decade ago. Downgraded it to Xp and it runs like a dream. I know Virtual Machines can do this easier but I find it fun to mess around and have a dedicated device if that makes sense

I'm not paying google for storage.
Will buying an old used pixel phone free up the 1.3gb of Google photos and provide me with unlimited media storage?
Google storage is extremely convenient, managing a nextcloud infrastructure however is a pain especially if you live in a shithole with constant network and electricity downtime.
I wish I could backup my whatsapp chats to a free 25gb mega.nz account instead.
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Just werks, Mr Stallman
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>I can't do nothing on my own, and I need to rely on satanic big corporation to decide what is good for me, and I should obey them and accept their choices, because they know what is good for me.
>why aren't you a NEET
>why isn't your time worthless
Double negative retard

If you were him, what would your Ai-proof major be in?
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> AI-proof major
Still Computer Science. Only the bottom 90% of jeet code monkeys and women/bottom 50% of whites will be losing their jobs, and these people produce no work whatsoever as it is.

The rest of us will be even more highly paid than we already are.
Ukraine lost
Kharkiv is about to fall.
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>still no 24" OLED monitors
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Oh yeah and until then, VA is good enough for desktop / productivity work, and light gaming. Good color, contrast, brightness, saturation, view angles. Only catch is it's not the fastest so it's not good for twitch (fast, not the platform) shooter games.
>MicroLED is coming
not falling for this bait any longer. You faggots have been saying this for like 7 years.

Are you building a laptop?
What phone? My Xiaomi chinkphone has no issues after nearly 1 year
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>Your face will be like this once you see the burn ins

No matter what i try I cant produce a photo realistic version of my image of kurririn in webui forge. I tried it with loopback script, ADetailer, different models (juggernaut, revanimated, photon) and controlnet in all possible settings. I dont know what I am missing, on youtube tutorials people get amazing results and for me its always far far away from a good result. Does anyone have tipps what i could improve to create photo realistic images from anime pictures? (cfg scale 6, denoising strength 0.3, dpm++ 2m karras, same resolution).

input promt:
photo realistic, 1boy, bald, black eyes, blue sky, cloud, cloudy sky, day, hood, hoodie, male focus, open mouth, orange shirt, outdoors, outstretched arm, outstretched hand, sky, solo, upper body, wristband, 2 eyebrows

negative prompt
drawing, plastic, jpg artifacts, unclean face, bad colors, blue colors in face, black color in face, not skin color in face, strips in face
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You include 'face' too much in the negative prompt so it is biased against 'drawing' a face.
Why are you trying to turn Kurririn into a sõyjak?
Tienfags are deranged.

>prompt: George Costanza in an orange gi

switch to a differently trained model

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What went so wrong?
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two days
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>I can't play most eroge with it, so it's trash.
Skill issue of the highest order.
Shit nobody asked for.
you can play eroge on linux retard. I've read dozens on linux and only needed a windows VM a handful of times
just add it to non steam games list. lutris isnt even needed at this point, proton has progressed that far. linux just works tm

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How are you even supposed to use a studfinder?

They just keep randomly beeping, especially in electric wire mode
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>Americans literally live in cardboard mansions
Have the US has to rebuild their shitty homes every other year and the other half have to deal with earthquakes
Oh, you!
In japan they just build earthquake proof houses

/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

kyu edition

Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more. Coming soon™: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024/
NEW multimodal model, GPT-4o (omni), voice features coming soon™: https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/
Chub merged UI with Venus side (Venus cards still hidden by default). Old UI: https://characterhub.org

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org / https://chub.ai

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
542 replies and 83 images omitted. Click here to view.
sturdy is filled with femcels, i believe it
>bunch of drama specifics no one cares about
Yeah so what I said
You mix up the causes and the consequences and present the mutt video as a fact, which is incorrect so I didn't want the op to leave with a wrong impression of the drama no one cares about.
But yeah, sturdy has been dead for 12 months, is just a group of friends and whatever the rest of how the saying goes.
Lol hi moxxie
For real though what the fuck race are you?
If I had a gun to my head I’d say mostly feather indian but it is, literally, impossible to tell.
I believe the rentry more than a random video.

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Good luck anon !
>can't take a screenshot
current state of software developers
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probably middle of winter but inside the building it feels like july. and you get the bonus of watching jewish manager "tech bros" running around in Hawaiian shirts listening to the beach boys while swearing at kenyans fucking up training data.
> "goyim intern! get on the phone and tell them that it needs more diversity training! oy vey!"
> *start crying because you realize kenyans are at least getting paid something while you work for free*
> *loses count of the amount of times people have asked if i'm circumcised or had a bar mitzvah*

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Is it dumb to learn several languages at a time?
I'm being taught Python in an introductory course, but I'm not a CS major so it probably won't go in depth.
I'd like to learn C++ on the side because I'm interested in systems programming. Is that stupid? How do I become good so that I don't shit out durgasoft tier shitty code?
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yeah, told you its a process, in stages.
focus on your major.
youre probably paying for that. it would be stupid if you fail a year bc you got distracted
That's true. Thanks
happy to help

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What distro is this Bindows?
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binbows egsbe :-DDD
It's worse than I thought. It's Binbows.
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lol i remember that website. what was it called? used to use it for an mc server where everyone can go in and queue songs, that was like 11 years ago
oh plug.dj its shutdown now tho. someone should make a copy

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