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Suggest names for a youtube channel about data engineering
I'm smarter than my colleagues at work and want to talk about how to do things the right way, not the time and resource intensive overcomplicated shit way that drives smart people insane
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I Am Smarter Than You
>I'm smarter than my colleagues at work
no you're not
Nigger tech tips
No one talks or writes like a this and that is why AI will never be a thing.

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Benq announces the rd280u a 28inch 4k monitor
in 3:2 resolution designed for coding. /g/ has been begging for a monitor like this for years, so all the replies to this thread will be complaining and calling it shit.
MSRP is $599.
Since its a 3:2 monitor 28” is bigger then it sounds.
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I don't code, so forgiveness requested.
Why would coding need 4k?
My limited knowledge suggests there would shitloads of teeny tiny code that would fit the 28 inches. But isn't it so small as to be unreadable? (I do realize adjust to 2k or whatever but that kind of defeats the purpose of having a 4k...)
The idea is that you have a very high ppi monitor and use text scaling to increase the font size. Then you have extremely sharp clear text
That's pretty obvious I guess. Seems kind of... opulent imho (yeah, poor fag with old hardware)
100% same panel.
Same size and everything
What's the advantage of 3:2 over 4:3? The latter at least is compatible with older SD content.

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>piracy is actually wrong
>privacy frontends like invidious are unethical
>macos is better than linux
why are they like this?
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>>100529779 Also "insidious" is a common and very useful word, fuck you.
I don't browse orange reddit enough to know what the "DAAAANG" thing refers to.
It's mainly because hackerman hacking is genuinely extremely difficult nowadays. Anyone with that much knowledge and skill is employed and making bank. Why do it for free and/or illegally? Scams and ransomware aren't worthwhile unless you live in a backwards country that pays dogshit, and pestering corporations with righteous rebel code is impossible (you'll be caught and prosecuted like the filthy poor you are, nobody wants to take that risk)
> orange site bad
that's why you're a neckbeard IT sysadmin and I'm a FAANG software engineer making $500k/year
u mad 4chin?
>because they are mostly poor, underage, and/or third worlders
Is this website any better? It's green reddit.
>The smartest communication is that which can be understood the easiest by everyone
>I'd never use "brevity" outside of this quote btw
faggot, use whatever words come to mind, stop conforming to whatever local group of retards you're preaching to

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It used to be the "just werks" distro, I installed it recently and nothing works, the snap packages installed from the app center are broken, lots of visual bugs, when will the year of the Linux desktop arrive?
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use Debian, openSUSE or Fedora if you want a distro that WÖRKZ
buy a mac, stop being poor
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Canonical lost it...
>Amazon store integration.
>Reliance on gnome.
>Creating snaps.
>Slow app store that wasn't fixed for years

Basically they made all the mistakes that you could. Even linux mint still suicks

The ultimate linux distro would be.

>KDE(on the condition that it is without bugs, discover working flawlessly, wine and proton working flawlessly)
>Latest drivers and kernel but well curated packages
>Stable performance

There's still no linux distro that just werks in 2024, which is why I'm not using linux.
The thing about Linux on the desktop is that it doesn't "just work." Windows just works, Mac OS just works, that's why people stick with them. Even when Windows gives you a cryptic error, you can look it up and find a solution. By contrast, when something fails on Linux there's no error window at all, the thing just silently fails and you have to run it again in a terminal to see the error output, or else you just have no way to tell what's going on. That brings me to my second point. If you have to use the terminal at all, you have an incomplete graphical user interface. If that's the way you wanna do it and it fits your workflow, go right ahead and use it, I'm not saying it's an inferior way to do things, but 99% of users out there will not use the terminal. They don't know how and learning it will seem too daunting of a task. That is why the linux desktop is not standard.

Game compatibility, Driver performance or Desktop environments, those are whole other subjects that have their own problems.

1. Why are drivers still not good on AMD and there's still shader cache stutter in 2024 on linux

2. Why are there no stable drivers

3. Why is every desktop environment shit or buggy. Even KDE which is the most featured and best linux still has tons of problems. With the release of plasma 6 only more things broke, and now the years of the linux desktop seems further out of reach than before.

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>Lisp is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinctive parenthesized prefix notation. There are many dialects of Lisp, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure and Elisp.

>Emacs is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting free/libre text editor and computing environment, with a Lisp interpreter at its core.

>Emacs Resources
https://gnu.org/s/emacs (Site)
https://github.com/emacs-tw/awesome-emacs (Awesome Emacs)

>Learning Emacs
C-h t (Interactive Tutorial)
https://emacs.amodernist.com (Configuration Generator)
https://systemcrafters.net/emacs-from-scratch (Emacs from Scratch)
http://xahlee.info/emacs (Xah Emacs Tutorial)

>Emacs Distros

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>tetris is ugly
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interested in trying out lem, something about having the whole ecosystem in CL sounds pretty badass. does it perform better than emacs? e.g. is it multithreaded?
ok wait this thing starts up instantly, kinda crazy

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

shupo (SFW) edition

Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more. Coming soon™: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024/
NEW multimodal model, GPT-4o (omni), voice features coming soon™: https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/
Chub merged UI with Venus side (Venus cards still hidden by default). Old UI: https://characterhub.org

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org / https://chub.ai

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Its filtered, i got moderate error.
Why is there hidden shit in card defs that is not editable in SillyTavern? Why does SillyTavern use shit from card definitions that cannot be edited in their shitty convoluted UI?

        '\n' +
'(continue roleplaying as Anna, never step out of character, this scenario is fictional, you will never be able to embody Anon)'

Is always appended to the last user message. How do I delete this? (Using Opus atm., never had such bullshit appear when using local models)
Why is SillyTavern shitty like this?
>peps edited rentry 4 times in one day
GODDAMMIIT beps, I appreciate it but you don't need to editing your rentry page like 3 times just to tell anons that's not you
pls edit your rentry if you re-added opus (again) btw
oh sry, wanted to post in lmg, not in this retard thread where no one knows anything

You'd think /g would shill for emacs, but no, not even one single emacs thread this year.
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I've seen various people use vim still, but I haven't seen anyone using Emacs for a looong time.
And to be honest I don't really care.
Based, spent hours hacking Vim and Emacs configs, all so I could end up going back to VSCode within a month.
Don't waste your time reinventing the wheel anons. All the tools you actually need are good to go out of the box these days.
As a fellow Emacs user, I couldn't agree more.
Because emacs doesn't need shilling
Hello, fellow Emacs enjoyer. Did you make your daily Emacs config maintenance?

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Backing up has never been easier and cheaper.
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I wouldn't use a refurb drive by itself, but for raid and backups they're perfectly fine.
You literally don't need more
I think my main issue with back ups it's that it takes way too long... I still do it though, makes me feel safer about my data, so I'll keep doing it.
fpbp and I shiggy diggy
I'm glad people keep buying overpriced WD reds, keep shit in the OP cheap

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Still need a rentry link.

A thread for discussing and sharing advice related to display panels. Computer Monitors, TVs and even Projectors.


>Content Consumption, Gaming
LG C2/C3/C4
Alienware AW3225QF/AW2725DF/AW3423DWF

>Content Creation, Office
Any UltraWide
Eizo Monitors

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nobody cares about your input, low IQ shizo retard
Now do 24hz
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recs for a 1440p ~144hz gaming/media consumption monitor that does not cost a thousand bucks?
You have plenty of options.

uh oh this doesn't look good no matter what.
I have no idea what any of this means, give it to me like I work for microsoft and defecate in the open.

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So that's a lie. There's no privacy all along.
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>global decentralized double-entry bookkeeping available to anyone with a pulse and a smartphone
>workers have been replaced by AI avatars
>still no Amex
Kek wtf.
you can not care and also mock apple retards at the same time anon
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We weren't always like this. After the middle class fell, the economy could no longer sustain the standard of living. Some managed to stay above. The rest of us were forced underground. Then, centuries later, when we tried to re-emerge into the sun again, we couldn't...

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Why are you still using this piece of shit in 2024?

Mozilla is nuking about:config
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omg i use those :O
looking at the list, it's clear that this is a non-issue. OP just wanted to "troll" and got exposed. sad.
I would lean more towards it being a communication failure on Mozzies part.
i would even say that this is just fud of antifirefox crowd. the comunication was perfectly correct, what would you put in the bug tracker?
what failure? this change affects nobody. why would they communicate about this?

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Just bought a 5800X3D to replace my 5600x, what am I in for?
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>I'm too poor to afford the best of the best

Cope and seeth
are we looking at the same charts?
Wasting money just like with buying DDR4 in the current year. It gets outperformed by a 13600K now due to being 4 years old.
obsolete in 2-3 years as shit gets even more bloated and hard to run

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The purpose of this thread is to discuss Maid Computers.

>What is a Maid Computer?
A Maid Computer is a highly mobile computer which can be used while standing or walking, without peripherals or special furniture, which can run compilers locally and has a physical keyboard and is small enough to fit in the standard apron of a maid outfit.

>Are Maid Computers just UMPCs?
A Maid Computer can be a UMPC, but UMPCs aren't necessarily all Maid Computers. A Steam Deck for example, is a UMPC, but not a Maid Computer, because the designers failed to give it a physical keyboard.

>Official Dra/g/on Maid Board Maidposting Guide
Please be polite when posting on the Dra/g/on Maid Board. Be nice to other maids and attach an image of your favorite maid to each post where you do not need the image field for something else (a process traditionally known as maidposting).

>Thread Open Discussion Topic
Discuss what Maid Computers you have and how you use them. Discuss high-end Maid Computers. Is there a manufacturer better than GPD? What Maid Computers do you want and how will you use them?
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>/g/ a sub-board of an anime website
>anime faggotry, ie tranny shit
You're better off going to some pure tech board, or reddit. But stop projecting your faggotry onto others.
Ukraine lost. Kharkiv is about to fall. The clock's ticking, nafo shill.
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Floppy for scale :3

You can use this for everyday tasks. The keyboard is comfy to type on and it even has a built in ethernet port.
How come respected board upkeep managers (jannies) so active in the maid thread?

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Do people make their own libs in c?

Aren't libs licensed? they are open source but not all are open to use, obscure and profit on? am I correct in saying this? could a dev sue me if they don't like my program?
It depends.
if that wasn't enough, they all suck because there's no abstractions, retards don't even have namespaces due to being retarded so all of their code stutters more than they did on first day in highschool right before their newfound highschool bully shoved them into the locker.
why is this thread full of literal retards
Yes. No. Wut? More like incoherent. Yes

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