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Friendly discussion of Apple's Macintosh computers and Apple accessories (iPhone, MacBook Pro, etc).

Do you use Apple devices or develop software for Apple devices?

>General tips
Use Spotlight (Cmd + Space) for anything including unit conversions, Reveal directories with Command + R
Disable iOS iCloud photo album syncing if you're on a free plan
Application functions are searchable through Help
Setup Time Machine. You can setup multiple local volumes beforehand to keep using a volume for other use

>Open Source package manager

>Free Utilities (Brew casks) https://formulae.brew.sh/cask/
Window Snapping: /rectangle

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should i just spend the money for the extra 8gb of RAM for an M3 MB air?
yes, not doing so will keep you up at night
as a person with self-esteem issues, you're right
Most likely but for fucks sake, wait for M4 unless you absolutely need it now.
I'd just use it in a VM or not allow it to connect to the web I guess
quite tempted atm with offerings since M3, although still bit of a rip off, can't decide
on the one hand software annoyances of linux solved and more reliable than windows, on the other if something breaks it costs a ton and have to hand it in to a shop

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I have a problem I seems to unable to clone any repo on GH

n:\>git clone --recursive https://github.com/GHUser/Cool-repo
Cloning into 'Cool-repo'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/GHUser/Cool-repo/': schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: CRYPT_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE (0x80092013) - The revocation function was unable to check revocation because the revocation server was offline.

Any idea?
Install gentoo

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Why is every imageboard except 4chan dead? 4chan is the worst one:
>no tor, vpn, or proxy use
>countdown captcha
>automated spam bot and ai problem (which never happened before the countdown captcha)
>random banning and shutting down boards like /qa/ for no reason
>many such examples
The second most active imageboard still has 5 years old posts still active and live.
4chan is botted as hell. This is why it looks "active," bute the only reason this shit is kept alive is because the media needs an enemy
> this shit is kept alive because media
I thought it's because the glowies need a honeypot to recruit from. Or trap paid poohs and poohbots

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

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nobody can because that's all it is. zoomers will attempt to though
I'm not a woman, just a better dev than you.
>Is django the go-to framework as an aspiring solo dev?
I'd say any fullstack framework will do, so django/laravel/rails
Honestly, it will depend on the type and scale of the project. Simple crud stuff is easy, the more you customize and optimize it, the more complicated it gets. The devil is always in the details.
Quite the opposite actually. Here is counter component written in html and javascript...
<button onclick="textContent++">0</button>

How is that verbose? Is your framework that simple? Probably not. Most people would actually argue that the whole implicit type inference thing is too difficult, hence they put stuff like TS on top of JS.

Can't do, sorry. Only people with serious skill issues fall for TS.

We lost but we'll get it back in 7 edition.

Request advice:

>Headphone Power Calc

Don't miss out on EQ
Bear in mind headphones may perform differently between units

Recommended programs:
Windows: EqualizerAPO (+ Peace)
Linux: EasyEffects
Android: Wavelet, Poweramp Equalizer, (Rootless)JamesDSP

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lcd-2 is one of the very few comfortable headphones for me because I can bend their headband to make it very wide. New lcds are way too small, like most other headphones. The weight is not an issue, I've worn a steel helmet before.
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should i finish sicp or study math
The Hadenys have better bass and newer focal drivers are supposedly less cranky, they also improved the frame. Thinking about getting those if they release them in a non-ugly color scheme.
If it is bad i can just return it.

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Not sure if this is the right board for this, but does anyone have any advice on finding a good laser printer that hasn't adopted HP's 'maintain our subscription or we'll shut off your cartridge' model? I had heard good things about Brother but after reviewing a number of them, it looks like they all have something along those lines in the fine print. I just want a printer that does one thing well without any extra bullshit or need for internet connectivity. Also, I have a separate document scanner so I don't need that built in.
If you avoid the ink subscription models you should be fine. Both companies you mentioned have them, just don't think that the non-subscription models are good too.

They all suck, you will run into issues later down the line no matter which one you pick. Printers are printers and they all cause trouble.
>printers are printers and they all cause trouble
I read through the A+ cert material a few years back and it has an entire section on printer coping
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I have a HP laser printer and a smaller HP inkjet, during the setup you could pick if you want to use their subscription service or not. You have to say no a few times and after that they are basicly just offline printers.
You could also by an older used Samsung laserprinter if you are fine with a used one.
My parents still use my old Samsung M2026w from 2015 and the first cartridge is still not empty, it's just plug and play via USB or with a basic wifi setup, it's super tiny and works with any third party cartridge.
Or the non "w" version if you only need USB.
My boomer accountant loves the fucking subscription for some reason. Although I guess maybe for an actual business it’s actually cheaper?

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>piracy is actually wrong
>privacy frontends like invidious are unethical
>macos is better than linux
why are they like this?
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It's mainly because hackerman hacking is genuinely extremely difficult nowadays. Anyone with that much knowledge and skill is employed and making bank. Why do it for free and/or illegally? Scams and ransomware aren't worthwhile unless you live in a backwards country that pays dogshit, and pestering corporations with righteous rebel code is impossible (you'll be caught and prosecuted like the filthy poor you are, nobody wants to take that risk)
> orange site bad
that's why you're a neckbeard IT sysadmin and I'm a FAANG software engineer making $500k/year
u mad 4chin?
>because they are mostly poor, underage, and/or third worlders
Is this website any better? It's green reddit.
>The smartest communication is that which can be understood the easiest by everyone
>I'd never use "brevity" outside of this quote btw
faggot, use whatever words come to mind, stop conforming to whatever local group of retards you're preaching to
what are the ethical reasons to pirate someones elses work?

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Better at what?
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Sorry I'm too much of a biggot for RedHat standards try R/linux
>federal backdoora

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Why won't they put macOS on it? It has to happen eventually.
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Neither of these assertions have a basis in reality.
Why not merge all 3 into one device?
Keyboard accessory to turn it into a computer, and head strap accessory to hold it in front of your face like those cardboard things for smartphones.
Better yet, just put a touchscreen on Macbooks.
It would be a better idea to strap iPhone to your face than a full entire fucking macbook
That I understand why they don't want to do. MacBooks aren't primarily touch-based devices and aren't really supposed to transform into whatever you want them to be contextually. What you would essentially have is a laptop where you can theoretically touch the screen but you have no concrete reason to when the keyboard and trackpad is constantly attached anyway, the screen is sitting on a wobbly hinge and is in a position where you have to hold your arms in a really uncomfortable position for prolonged periods of time, AND on top of that it's running an OS that isn't very touch friendly in the first place. It makes sense that the MacBook doesn't have a touch screen.

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ray tracing is a meme
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raytracing is a failed experiment like ai and the internet
retards who say raytracing is a meme are the same ones who think any resolution above 1080p is pointless
640x480 is all you need
milhouse is not a meme
but "milhouse is not a meme" is a meme
>Week 3 into SS+GOMAD

>4chan, an imageboard
>upload for the highest allowance boards is only 4mb image
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I quite like the sound of that actually, having a single active section that displays an image as you'd scroll the others in the same space, like Instagram and other modern UX examples, it could work quite well, though I doubt they'll implement something like this after so many years of the website being the same, which is really a shame, since this method sounds nice.
honestly, it comes down to money, more people need to pay for 4chan to increase the filesize limits
It's not even transparent wtf man

> Vulnerable by design.

It's not like that “vulnerable by design” equals “cannot be fixed”.

It's fixed in libwebp 1.3.2 and every newer version.

Just replace working class until everyone is out of job? Is this really the future you want? https://youtu.be/U2vq9LUbDGs
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I'm the first one as I've got nothing to lose. I even embraced the leftist ideas after college.
Absolutely untrue. No man knew to make anything more complex than a sandwich before the 80s.
I think about this a lot - humanity will never ascend the Kardashev Scale and are doomed to type 0 civilization, but I see humans as a stopgap evolution to some sort of hybrid carbon based lifeform, that will eventually harness power properly. It seems so obvious also once you think about this shit, humanity is literally just a lilypad in the pond of evolution that we need to hop over
I'm sorry bro but you're supposed to provide something of value to society in order to get rewarded with money not the other way around
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>scifi word soup
You know none of that stuff exists outside your imagination, right?

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mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
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>madvr does one thing so good I can't live without it
>haasn doesn't really bother with it that much
libplacebo was always fated to be abandonware. the signs were there
This is actually true.
MPC-HC has the ability to edit certain subtitle tracks, for example editing the subtitle size would change only dialog subtitle and not the signs etc.
MPC-HC also let's you filter signs tracks in general even if they're tagged by default. mpv is lightyears behind in general video player usability
i got erosions and gastric shit from constant stress myself. it sucks.

I'm gonna try drinking a lot.

i dont know some people I know feel thirsty all the time and I dont feel it at all till I get a headache.
>bottles indicating

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>JetBrains IDEA used by everyone
>Eclipse IDE used by the reminder
>Apache NetBeans used by me and maybe three pajeets

I remember disliking Eclipse because it pissed me off too much. JetBrains IDE requires a license which I never managed to get for free for my home computer. I really like Apache NetBeans and I'm fine with it.

However, JetBrains is very popular and pretty much everyone seems to use it. I'm starting to think that it might have great features that could improve productivity significantly compared to Eclipse and NetBeans.

Am I missing something by not using JetBrains?
Buy an ad.
I do not, and will never again, use JetBrains software, after their whole licensing fiasco some years ago.
Salvia goes in all fields.
I don't want to switch to JetBrains. I'm just wondering if using it allows you to make stuff faster than other IDEs, basically.
I personally don't think so but I thought /g/ could enlighten me on that.
I used VS Code before GoLand and CLion (I don't write Java). Honestly it has a better engine but at the same time consumes twice or thrice as much memory and CPU. Use what works for you.
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I use VSCodium for pretty much everything but Java. Besides the memory usage, it works well especially for scripting languages like Python.
I noticed it greatly improved for C/C++ development (with things like clangd) additionally.
But since the main target for NetBeans is Java, it's much more complete than VSCode when it comes to this language imo. I'd say it's probably the same for other IDEs (IDEs specifically targeting a technology being better for that tech than VSCode).

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Any new /man made horrors beyond our comprehension/ ?
I'll start
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All of these are correct, and sad at the same time. What a wacky ass world we're living in... I love it!
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>he doesn't know
Don't worry about it.
Could they really not just use brown or black fur?

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