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hardware is 100x better yet software is hilariously slow and bloated. I remember seeing a video of 90s IDE debugger stepping blazing fast on a modern system, meanwhile today we have

>1.5GB electron "apps" for anything
>several second wait times while websites to load up javashit
>zoomers creating 80mb hello world websites on VS Code

no you DONT need 35M lines of code to stream music

where did it all go wrong?
is there any hope?
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I could name you some pretty good GC games, or I could accept that you're a retard who doesn't deserve to know about good games.
Cool it with the antisemitism. How would your friendly hardware merchant make a profit if applications didn't generate a low baseline CPU load?
>where did it all go wrong?
When the iPhone was released.

Back then people programmed against Win32 and no one cared about cross-platform compatibility. Now you have to account for all sort of retarded form factors and this in turn means most people will use a shitty framework, the vast majority of those web-based, which is an obvious clusterfuck that doesn't require any explanation.
>multi-million dollar software companies
>objectively worse
This is why Freetards are all poor toe fungus eating neets, what you think matters doesn't matter at all.

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those who use this instead of linux... why?
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It just works much better than Linux trash. I had a system76 laptop, a tuxedo laptop and now a macbook and the macbook is just straight up superior in every way possible.
>I sincerely wish for a new programming board where all Windows and Apple users will be banned on sight. Imagine all the meaningful discussions and Neofetch threads.
Linux Troons write code? Who knew?
The primary output of Linux Troons is more Linux distributions.
>Yeah hopefully on the new m chip macs Asahi linux gets to a good place so if I ever end up with one of those (unlikely) somehow I can continue.
On Monday, you won't have to worry about this.

The first Qualcomm Snapdragon Elite X laptops will be announced, starting with Microsoft.

If I was Qualcomm, I'd be handing out free gear to Linux developers who can move their distributions to Snapdragon.

Here's Qualcomm's M1 MacBook Pro equivalent:

this doesn't make the remaining alleged 10% worthless

people have different priorieties. computers have stopped being nerdy fucktard's autismal toys. people use them for everything, including work

creative work like art on macOS is less frustrating, adobe software suite is more stable. these people don't care how the computer works. computer is a fucking tool ffs
Linux desktop is garbage, anyone claiming otherwise never used a proper desktop OS to its full extent.
Also it looks like shit most of the time.

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>mfw Instagram doesn't allow to save images
>not even with DownloadThemAll! and Imageye extensions

How did they do it?
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I think the only reason browsers get more complex is to enable all this stupid obfusctation shit that makes it harder to save images and videos you're already looking at.
>want to save video
>it's served as a fucking playlist of 2000 0.1 second clips
>browser can handle this seamlessly
>but to save it, need to write script to fetch individual files then stitch together
I thought these FAGMAN SWEs were supposed to be smart. Don't they know security-through-pain-in-the-ass isn't real security?
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was this supposed to stop me? I cannot get the "smooth," to load.
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werks on my machine
gallery-dl worked fine the last time I tried.
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>Doesn't download images, videos, and reels

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>buy macbook
>start using MacOS
>stop distrohopping
>stop buying shitty old thinkpads
>become productive
>start making shit
it is that easy
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Its for people who have money udders
>will need a MacBook*
Fixed that for you
>become productive
You can't do work with a mac.
Connecting to the internet and sending emails isn't work. I have a Dell latitude at work as my official network machine that touches the internet and has office on it. I don't do any real work on that machine. My Dell Precision tower that runs a dozen vms an is one the process network along with and ruggedized Dell laptop are the machines I use to do real work. You aren't productive. You don't work for a living.
You can also apply that procedure with Windows, Ubuntu, Linux Mint and maybe Fedora. Works too.
>muh debian
It's stable and great for servers, but for a lot of development stuff the older packages just hinder productivity.
>CentOS, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linunx
Same problem, except CentOS sucks now.
>Arch Linux
The only thing productive on Arch Linux is making Arch Linux stuff in the AUR.
>Everything else, BSDs...
Bad for desktop usage.

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>be me, 2005
>play with PSP. it's perfect size.
>use pocket PC. it's perfect size
>graphics card, perfect 1 slot size
>imagine that in 20 years all same things will be 100x as performant
>20 years pass
>everything is massive now
>they hide lack of progress by increasing size
>there is no technological progress
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They are rereleasing it, with double the battery capacity.
The functionality was limited. The screen was small and not pixel dense, The pictures and video were low residue, he OS wasnt multitasking and the processor was week. It didnt consume lots of battery
Low resolution*
Jesus, i want one so fucking one. Its perfect for my daily runs
Made up garbage from someone who never lived it.

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Backing up has never been easier and cheaper.
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is it true that ssd loses data without power
not in any relevant amount of time
Yes, so do HDDs but considerably slower than SSDs. HDDs can in some cases retain data for literal decades. I personally pulled data off nearly 30 year old drives that haven't been powered for that long about a year ago, data completely intact. SSDs can under the worst circumstances lose data in days without power, more realistically years to months or weeks depending on how temperature and especially NAND wear levels as well as layering. SLC is the absolute best, MLC is a distant second but still good, TLC is still okay, QLC is a fucking joke.
whats the best way to backup data to external hdd? just copy pasting the things?

We lost but we'll get it back in 7 edition.

Request advice:

>Headphone Power Calc

Don't miss out on EQ
Bear in mind headphones may perform differently between units

Recommended programs:
Windows: EqualizerAPO (+ Peace)
Linux: EasyEffects
Android: Wavelet, Poweramp Equalizer, (Rootless)JamesDSP

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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then just roll the aliexpress dice
Page 10 not cute.
which one is better Meizu HIFI or Fiio KA1?

no 3rd option pls
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i hope you got yourselves one of these and stuck thick hybrid pads on them
Dan clark drop aeon open x. Basically no clamp force and insanely thick pads

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THE TIME HAS COME /g/ for us to decide which is the masterrace phone application for groceries

Currently I use "Grocery List with synch": https://apps.apple.com/us/app/grocery-list-with-sync/id491297400

Pretty functional and works well - click once to cross something out, click again to flag you need to buy it. But it has a few problems:

>Has a tag color system coupled with a ":" separator that is not very logical, gets in the way. It tries to get you to register items in a certain way and you have to hit backspace to ignore and do your own way. Not an issue but needlessly confusing
>Doesn't let you add entries with space, you have to use hyphen. Sometimes, it let's you. Again, needlessly confusing
>The free version only lets you have 3 separate lists
>Paid version is pretty expensive

I almost paid for it once despite all that. I didn't because it literally wiped all my entries once when they updated to a new version or something, so that made me want to find an alternative instead.

What do you recommend anon?
I just write down my list in a note like a functioning human being.
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>write and rewrite the very same information in a monthly basis on a piece of paper
>being optimal


ARCH USERS: reminder to run yay today
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>king mutt incels (asmongold, penguinz0, xqc and austin evans

Stay classy /pol/tard aka retarded newfag
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the upd00t went smooth as butter. just like everything does on Arch
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Fedora + Flatpak
It just works bruh

Just replace working class until everyone is out of job? Is this really the future you want? https://youtu.be/U2vq9LUbDGs
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That's not AI. That's the modern Zeitgeist where the public exists to serve the vaguely capitalist economy instead of the other way around. We could choose differently. In theory.
You know it won't.
Why not brave new world?
Also it's impossible, it would require to be smart, useful and have intentionality.
>Misses the point entirely AGAIN
It's not about creating or creativity, it's about experiencing a certain thing. If all you wanted to do was create then you obviously would pick the best tool for the job (be it hiring someone, doing it yourself if you have the means, AI, etc.)

Again, same example, most people who learn to play existing songs are not looking to create, they are looking to experience the feeling of playing the song. This is literally a matter of ego, and completely irreplaceable by anything external.
Fuck it, let them take the jobs, it's the natural course for some people to render other people obsolete. Nothing you can do about it.

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What does your typical day look like?
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pic rel
my job has 0 oversight, and everyone else competent has been fired so no one realizes how little I have to do in order to maintain my workload, it's all bitchwork and I'm a seasoned developer with 15 years behind me so I'm getting fat stacks without any actual effort
>set up a phone tripod next to your desk that perfectly frames your body from the knees up "to show off outfit"
>record inane moments throughout your workday for an online audience of children and jealous adults
>stop video
>move tripod
>do it all over again
>stop video
>move tripod yet again
>capture a final shot from the back to heighten the non-existent illusion that a video you're making as an excuse to show off your wardrobe is candid
>add text that fail to answer trending questions and instead leave interpretation open to force people to ask questions in comments to boost engagement
>pretend to work the rest of the day and rake in a salary that is an order of magnitude larger than most wages in any other country
what a world we live in
>software dev on a single laptop
k lol
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>also if investors see your teams rocking thinkpads they'll think you're a joke
that's because they have Chinese backdoors

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which way, white man?
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Neither. In the left version, extract the switch into a separate function.
if "1" "2" and "3" were actions relating to business logic, B; otherwise A.
Depends, if I use the same code more than once I use B, all other cases: A
You mean best of both sides.
Granted, I haven't written more than a couple hundred lines for a project, so I might change my opinion in the future

How do I make KurobaEx open a default board (board at top of list) instead of the most recent opened board?

Clover does this and it's based.
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Install Gentoo.
Literally Israel
Open the history, tap the 3 dots button and uncheck "Restore last opened catalog"
There are so many issues with this fucking app. The cloudflare issues are the worst! I get a timeout error.

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why does the following code send g into a frenzy?

struct List
struct Node
Node *next = nullptr;
Node *prev = nullptr;
void *value;

Node *list = nullptr;
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Because it's not a linked list, but double linked list?
life is hard isnt it?
*atomically updates middle of st the list st stlist st*
simpas le
thats misuse, obviously
because it's bad

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Has anybody tried porting an RTX 3080 Ti driver to Windows 7? I'm not really keen on the idea of switching to Linux.
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You have two choices
Run windows 7, it will keep working forever with the software you have installed right now
updoot, if you want to keep updooting your software you need to updoot your OS
i wanna try windows 7 with my 4070 but im scared lol
What do you still need Windows 7 for?
Can Windows 7 even run DirectX 12 games?
Is the OP pic a screenshot from a king ass ripper video?

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