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>be me, 2005
>play with PSP. it's perfect size.
>use pocket PC. it's perfect size
>graphics card, perfect 1 slot size
>imagine that in 20 years all same things will be 100x as performant
>20 years pass
>everything is massive now
>they hide lack of progress by increasing size
>there is no technological progress
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Yes. Also touchscreen and gyro on PS joysticks is in the same ball park
Funny you posted this because the PSP has an excellent PS1 emulator, and the Steam Deck's hardware is at least as strong as a PS4.
Vita does not play PS2 games, you would realize that if you every played Vita games, they're highly compressed, very low quality versions.
Vita would easily play PS2 games.

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Post build list or current specs including MONITOR: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases.
State BUDGET and COUNTRY or you will NOT be helped.
Building guide: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Build_a_PC

Intel Battlemage (Q3 2024)
RTX 5000 Series (Q4 2024)
Intel Arrow Lake (Q4 2024)

Web browsing: i3 12100/5600G
Budget: 12400F/5600X/12600KF
Gaming: 13600KF/7600

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No, they're saying Steve is dumb and stupid.
Your example of games working good enough with 8GB GPUs is a 4 year old PS4 game?
>zoomer frogposter doesn't know about AM2 and AM3
Have game graphics progressed in four years?
why?? they literally got caught on camera scamming him.

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Benq announces the rd280u a 28inch 4k monitor
in 3:2 resolution designed for coding. /g/ has been begging for a monitor like this for years, so all the replies to this thread will be complaining and calling it shit.
MSRP is $599.
Since its a 3:2 monitor 28” is bigger then it sounds.
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If there's banding it's probably whatever panel BenQ used for that SKU (most likely AUO). It's foolish to discount any monitor seller when 95% of them don't even manufacture what they offer.
yeah no, fuck you
i guess you haven't bought any electronics in the last 4 years, everything is expensive now
I have one of these and still want the BenQ... shit, I might even buy two!
That's a fairly okay price though.
It's a niche product from a trusted monitor brand (not domestic chinkshit)

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Why are you still using this piece of shit in 2024?

Mozilla is nuking about:config
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i would even say that this is just fud of antifirefox crowd. the comunication was perfectly correct, what would you put in the bug tracker?
what failure? this change affects nobody. why would they communicate about this?
>no one praised me for my regex skills
This thread is a result of a failure. Communicate what you are removing and why then these threads never exist in the first place.
we dont speak the dark languages as you do man
cool i guess

old >>100491954
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Is a GPU "just" a CPU with an assload of tiny cores and its own circuit board and heatsink?
Hypothetically would it be possible to design a motherboard with two "CPU sockets" except one is actually for GPU that you insert just like a CPU? I know nobody would do this since it would be shitty to upgrade as there's only one GPU slot and annoying to stick two individual heatsinks in.
realtek wifi
Can you dumb that down for me
No. GPUs are much more memory bound. Having the GPU and memory soldered to the same board, or even the same silicon interposer, is a major cost reduction in the GPU. If you had socketed chip and socketed memory the whole works would be much larger and more expensive.
first time game dev here
i just hit build in my game using pixelgame maker mv and the output isn't an exe. I'm trying to upload this to itch.io for a game jam.

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1DD edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio, Bloom Audio, MusicTeck, Elise Audio (UK)

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

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that asshole has single-handedly caused IEMs to increase in price by 10%+
Bass and treble are like salt. Not enough - the music is too bland, too much - you can't hear shit, only salt, also bad for your health. Actually nevermind, you probably use lawry's seasoned salt.
white people dont season they salt
bassy as fuck yet still balanced to be genre versatile and i love it. takes a lot of power and the stock cables (including the "upgraded" red cable) are not great. sm0l which is cool for higher priced gear

nah unless you count n5005. i mull over getting monarch mk3 or 64audio volur, but more recently think i might get symphonium titan. all in due time

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Micron was operating at a loss. It was going to be a bad situation if they go bankrupt and the rest is barely profitable despite making good quality hardware.
>third worlder
>American units of storage size
>1 hand = 128KB, from the days when you could hold a single DDR1 DIMM in your hand and never you mind that that's RAM and not storage
>1 finger = 1/5th of a hand = 25.6KB
>1 pocket = 5 hands = 640KB
>1 crate = 14 pockets = 8.96MB
>1 truck = 36 crates = 322.56MB
>1 semi = 20 trucks = 6.45GB
>1 Boeing 727 = 20 semis = 129.02GB - the first sponsored unit was a wild success, people were building storage clusters for their media centers out of dozens of Boeing 727s and Boeing stock skyrockets
>1 Sponsored by Tesla(tm) CyberTruck(tm) = 5 Boeing 737s = 645.12GB - this is what you're required to use in the IT industry if you're building datacenters or something
>1 Sponsored by John Deere(tm) SuperTractor(tm) = 8 Boeing 737s = 1.03TB - this is what you're contractually required to use if you are in the agriculture industry
>1 Freedom = 8 Boeing 737s and 2 Tesla CyberTrucks = 2.32TB - this is what hard drives are sold in
how many bytes in a BBC?

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could someone explain to me why my steamdeck is saying my GPU is at 99% usage even though it only shows 4.5 gigs of ram being used??? I'm also getting some performance issues that I didn't have before
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Keep V-Sync on, some say to turn off the next-gen graphics.
>because it's squeezing out as much fps as possible
it's trying to get above 60fps despite having a 60fps cap?
very likely so, PC games don't bother capping rendered fps 99% of the time (or enforcing vsync, which is a retarded)
>get above 60fps despite having a 60fps cap
If you think about it, there's two ways to render to the 60fps cap. In the 16miliseconds you have for a frame, you can render it and immediately send it to the display then wait until the refresh, or you could keep rendering frames then send the last fully completed frame when the refresh ticks over. The second approach is more GPU intensive, but it will always serve the most recent representation of the game world, making it feel more real time. This is why people say it feels smoother to run high fps even on a 60Hz display.
Aha, and on a steam deck it doesn't feel smooth to game for 3 hours and then charge it for another 3 hours.

>no mentions of chris titus
My man's eating good. Even his casual desktop is a 10K machine.

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Friendly discussion of Apple's Macintosh computers and Apple accessories (iPhone, MacBook Pro, etc).

Do you use Apple devices or develop software for Apple devices?

>General tips
Use Spotlight (Cmd + Space) for anything including unit conversions, Reveal directories with Command + R
Disable iOS iCloud photo album syncing if you're on a free plan
Application functions are searchable through Help
Setup Time Machine. You can setup multiple local volumes beforehand to keep using a volume for other use

>Open Source package manager

>Free Utilities (Brew casks) https://formulae.brew.sh/cask/
Window Snapping: /rectangle

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About the same. And specially Apples stuff like Logic seems piss easy to get … assuming you trust pre-cracked stuff.
>put usb in dongle
>put dongle in mac
>no storage device available
what the heck
should i just spend the money for the extra 8gb of RAM for an M3 MB air?
yes, not doing so will keep you up at night
as a person with self-esteem issues, you're right

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Ive been a firefox user for years, redpill me on chromium, why should i switch
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>install windows 10 LTSC on my laptop
>do a benchmark test on both browsers with a fresh profile + uBlock and Tampermonkey
>get this
I'm fairly convinced that Firefox's windows build is just poorly optimized compared to the Linux one.
Chromium-based browsers works so much better on Windows, Firefox can't compete.
Is it important to updoot ungoogled chromium? I used it for some time and never updated it for over a year. Any way to enable auto updates or something? on Windows
>Is it important to updoot ungoogled chromium?
>Any way to enable auto updates or something?
Install the winget version from CMD/Powershell, and run "winget upgrade --all" at least once every 3-4 weeks.
I'm not sure I'm getting it, higher number is better or worse?
use ungoogled-chromium + ublock origin
Cures your browserhopping. No reason to use anything else.

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Have you installed Slackware yet, son?
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I would try this but sadly that was years ago before 15 was even out
don't install lilo or elilo
chroot /mnt
grub-install /dev/sdX
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
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Then it's time to try again
The closest I have used is Puppy Slacko

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>can't present a realistic usecase
waste of resources and effort to do absolutely no good for anyone. Nah.
He used your logic, smart one
Or, crazy idea bro, I simply to to pornwebsite.cum and get to fapping regardless of the device I'm using.
Oh wait, I fucking can. Steal from me and you'll lose your hand.
You shouldn't have to show ID for anything. Those laws are relatively recent and already violate the fundamental principles of the USA
for the 50th fucking time in this thread that no one can seem to answer: why is it the government's responsibility to police this?

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Do people make their own libs in c?

Aren't libs licensed? they are open source but not all are open to use, obscure and profit on? am I correct in saying this? could a dev sue me if they don't like my program?
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Yes. No. Wut? More like incoherent. Yes
He's literally right, however.
Retard hands typed this
Yes, people do create their own libraries in C. In fact, it's a common practice among developers to abstract away common functionality into reusable libraries.

You're also correct that libraries can be licensed. When a library is licensed, it means that the author has given permission for others to use the code under certain conditions. Open source licenses, such as the MIT License or the GNU General Public License (GPL), are common for libraries, but not all open source licenses are the same.

As for whether you can use an open source library in your own program and profit from it, that depends on the specific terms of the license. Some licenses, like the MIT License, allow you to use the library in proprietary software, while others, like the GPL, require that you release the source code for your entire program if you distribute it.

And yes, in theory, a developer could sue you if you violate the terms of their license, but in practice, this is rare. Most developers are happy to see their code being used, as long as you follow the terms of the license and give credit where it's due.
Oh that makes sense, I guess it would also be hard to go through millions of obfuscated programs just to find out if someone used your lib.

LOL. why do you say that?

These two profit off of code that uses "not 4 profit" licensed libs, not that their naughts and crosses android app store game makes much advertisement revenue anyway.

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What is /g/'s opinion on Zig? Why isn't it as popular as Rust and Golang? Have you ever used it for a project of yours?
In my junior eyes it seems like a good language to learn, but then again, I am a junior so I don't really know shit
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you're rewriting history. it was absolutely touted as a cpp replacement initially

Ah, Zig - the dark horse of programming languages! While it may not be as popular as Rust and Golang (yet), Zig has a growing fanbase on /g/ and elsewhere in the dev community.

Zig is a relatively new language that aims to be a simple, fast, and practical replacement for C. It has some neat features, like compile-time code execution and built-in support for cross-compilation, that make it a great choice for certain types of projects.

As for why it's not as popular as Rust and Golang, there are a few reasons:

1. It's still relatively new and unknown.

2. It doesn't have the same level of corporate backing as Rust (Mozilla) or Golang (Google).

3. It's a bit more low-level than Rust or Golang, which can make it harder to use for certain types of applications.

4. Zig is still in pre-1.0 development, so it's evolving and changing, which can make it riskier to use in production environments.

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gpt post
idk history. anyone who touted language with GC as cpp replacement is retarded
I'm sorry you think that way nigger! I didn't know wellspoken polite helpfulness was owned by llm spooks. Should I have called op a faggot a few more times? Looked at the timezones to see if the post was made when jeets wake up to be more racist? Kill yourself.

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