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here's your anime recluse fan artist enthusiast hardware + youtube and netflix machine, half a computer and truly never useful

only instance where a tablet would fit could be if you're taken to the psych ward and you need a passtime, usually they let you keep just that and a phone, it might be okay for taking notes during a college class with the cool $150 pen

my brother has an ipad and he slowly stopped using it, they are so fucking useless, literal buyer's remorse
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My relationship with my father was 60% fixing his PC until I got him an iPad. He has loved it for 10 years (the new Pro will be the third one I’ve given him).
It depends on their use case, there's a reason as to why they didn't replace laptops, but also stick around and haven't died, if you're someone who needs desktop applications and features, then it really isn't for you, but if your work and daily life doesn't require that and/or you want something to draw on, read books or comics/manga, or just consume media in general, they're just excellent.

Again, it depends on you and how you're going to use it, a tablet could either be genuinely useless, or the best device for you. I'm torn on them, but I think I'll get one this year just to see if I'm into it.
>you failed both as a man and as faggot and as a woman
They’re insane for mobile gaming like cod mobile
>Watching videos in bed is a bad habit
I had this epiphany recently when I realized I spend way too much laying in bed fucking around on my iPad. I'm slowly shifting myself over to only using the internet when I'm sitting at my desktop. It'll take time to ween myself off of the mobile stuff but I think it'll be for the better. I'm not ready to just sell it all yet

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Any new /man made horrors beyond our comprehension/ ?
I'll start
Looks like a 10$ fursuit for a midget.
It took them decades just to put some tacky fake fur on this shit?
That's not a dog?

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i like old controllers
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PSOne controller didn't have the analog sticks, PSX controller did.
>I like PSX controllers
>Vastly superior to anything on the market right now.

I always had a problem executing fighting game combos on PSX controllers.

Personally I think the XBox 360 is the perfect balance for game controllers. All it needs is hall effect analog thumbs. And the XInput API is very comfy.

However, just about every controller after the NES original will shatter from cheap plastic. The glowclowns who run the industry want you spending $50 every time you get angry.
There are no controllers where thumbsticks rest above d-pad and face buttons, and it makes me mad.
>I always had a problem executing fighting game combos on PSX controllers.


Actually get good, EVO finals have been won on those things.
This could be /vr/ but now is a good time to discuss the gradual cheapening of controller parts + baffling design decisions + greedy battery shenanigans. All ruining what would otherwise be great controllers.
Wii U Pro Controller does this. Sadly it's not very good for other reasons, such as an especially shit D-Pad and fragile bumpers that don't properly make contact so you have to press harder than the actuation suggests. I don't understand how they got this all correct on the Wii U screen gamepad (especially the D-Pad which was great!) and then fucked it all up on their pro controller. All they had to do was not change the underlying mechanisms but they did it anyway.

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Battlestation Thread
Rate Edition
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which country do you come from?
why you ask?
i use it to hold stationery and other shit.
no idea of the hole
i found the intake in scrap bin in workshop
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Couldn't help myself, changed the layout a bit. Samsung QN90B TV is now my central monitor even though it's 2m away.

I've been told this is stupid, but screw it I like it anyway.

>What do you do on your drafting table? I find your "bed side" of the room much more interesting, with the mini board and all that.
That's just the drafting station. Use it for both practice and sketching basic ideas for environments and compositions. Currently have an arm mounted to one of the sides too with a Galaxy Tab Ultra.

>very comfy, but monitor looks too high
The horizontal midpoint is parallel with my line of sight when sitting upright.
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i just rly want to cum in a shemale you feel me

I have never felt these threads were more of a data collection psyop than I do right now.

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honestly, im going to move back to FVWM after seeing >>100525035 because the page scroll feature looks so nice, and my bar is simpler now so it wont be too much of a annoyance with FvwmButtons; but, ive had a good experience with awesomewm so far. window manager isnt really that important to me but i found configuring wibar/wibox to be way easier than the shit i was doing with fvwm. i WISH fvwm had https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/awful.widget.watch.html this, i was doing super hacky shit to try to get a functioning notification notice in bar lmao. while i think FVWM flips from being extremely intuitive to annoying dsl shit there is a consistent level of annoyingness and difficulty in AWM and needing to navigate lua is kind of a headache for simple stuff even just changing wallpaper. i think i eventually want to move back to FVWM since i want to do a config in fennel(lisp language that can be used in place of lua) but that pagescroll feature was enough to get me to switch back lol.
You can't really go wrong with awesome, bspwm or Fluxbox on Loonixland. Openbox and Jwm are ok too.
yeah ive used openbox in the past, its great but i needed a little more which is why i used FVWM

It's really simple to set up.

 Mouse 4 R       T   Scroll 0 -50p
Mouse 5 R T Scroll 0 50p
Mouse 4 A C Scroll 0 -50p
Mouse 5 A C Scroll 0 50p

You might even be able to script something to set a scroll target and smoothscroll over time or something, but I haven't messed with it beyond this. It works fine for me as is.
o, thank you! ill mess around with it but it looks really useful as is :)

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It used to be the "just werks" distro, I installed it recently and nothing works, the snap packages installed from the app center are broken, lots of visual bugs, when will the year of the Linux desktop arrive?
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Gnome 3 happened
>ubuntu's file manager
>see keyboard shortcuts help
>F9 to hide that atrocious sidebar
>press F9
>nothing happens
Whats funny even Win7 has this feature. You can assign tags and million other details. And yet fags tell users to switch to Linux. There is also detail pane in Win7 that is missing in newer Windows versions. They gimped explorer pretty hard.
use Debian, openSUSE or Fedora if you want a distro that WÖRKZ
buy a mac, stop being poor

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I just installed BlockTube to filter every word related to video games and gamer content, I'm finally leaving this manchild hobby
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>I'm finally leaving this manchild hobby
When will you leave frogposting though? If you don't then what you did makes no difference.
what op pics should I use then?
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How would I know? Im a manchild myself.
anime girls
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>manchild hobby
The hobby being "manchild" is 100% a personal problem.
A number of us have noticed that these kinds of negative attitudes tend to also be turd-worlder cope.

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Why won't they put macOS on it? It has to happen eventually.
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Add additional components in the keyboard so that you can sell it for as much as a MacBook Air. Problem solved.
I see, that's fair. One thing I don't understand is, Samsung's cheaper line of tablets don't suport the S-Pen, does that mean that they only work with capacitive stylus or do other active stylus models, just not Samsung's, work on it aswell?
As an AAPL shareholder but not a user of any Apple products I think that not only should they not put MacOS on the iPad but they should triple the price of both devices. Apple fantards would still pay it for the perceived prestige of owning an Apple product and the company's market cap would triple as well. Also triple the price of all services
For me, it needs multiuser support that PCs have
I would assume it's the later since capacitive is so stupidly outdated but it's just impossible to tell without knowing the specific model.

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How do I get rid of all the unrelated/distracting slop Youtube keeps recommending? Are there any addons for this?
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press t
disable history to remove the recommended page
write a userstyle/script to remove every other stuff you are not interested in
>not using yt at all
learn to use a search engine, also >>100536934
YouTube search fixer, will remove a lot of unrelated shit from search (watch again, others watched, related etc. just shit that's irrelevant to what you are looking for) will aslo remove shorts, mixes, live vids.

unhook for recommended vids (all of them)

Probably this too
Ublock origin settings > my filters

youtube.com##.section-list > li:has(.shelf-title-cell > a[href="/feed/recommended"])

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why there is no standard for dividing by 0 in programming?
>python throws error
>js returns infinity
>c returns some random number
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No. That's a retarded statement. Math isn't fiction, Infinity isn't a number and you can't evaluate a function ,which is what division has to be defined as in a programming language, to two values. It's not a function otherwise. We call such functions not defined at the particular value, which is the correct answer mathematically, and that means practically that the language has complete freedom what to return, because it is bound by it's design to evaluate it to something, but what that something should be is not defined.
Your fanfiction that -∞ = ∞ has no basis in real mathematics outside of certain niches where the results are analogous for both and thus can be treated as functional equivalents.
your irrelevant academiatrannying has no relevance in real world where people need to get shit done, dividing by zero being infinity with a design specific to the context works everywhere
for me dividing by 0 should return a 0
also this
Becasue what is good for 99% of cases - throwing error (out-of-band exception handling in IEEE 754 terms), does not fit 1% case of high-perfomance number mulching (in which case passing errors from FPU to general purpose CPU becomes too expensive). So IEEE 754 describes different options, and languages either take 99% option (Python), refuse to choose (division by floating point zero is UB in standard C) or declare whenever C compiler used by Eich was doing in 1995 as a standard (javascript)
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Sure. That's what I said. It's undefined so do what the fuck you fucking want with it. And brush up your reading comprehension.

>closest to reality

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Nu programming language of the week dropped.
Supposedly allows for massively parallel computing while still writing average python-like code. It automatically parallelises things for you.
Might be useful for using GPU cores for average number crunching if it ever gets any sort of traction. My GPU sits unused most of the time.
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If you don't know the difference between a language and a compiler then there's no point bothering with you.
I don't think you quite understand what Bend does. See: >>100536611
The fact that you still are unable to comprehend the difference between a language and a compiler make me absolutely certain you understand neither what bend nor its compiler do, nor what they don't.
does anything?
>you can't simply go and fuck with the explicit parentheses put by the user. They're there for a reason.
If the language specification says that parenthesis are there only for grouping the expression, you can (in an associative operator). If it says they define the order of evaluation then you can't. All the more reason not to have side effects in your language. If you have side effects
f() + (g() + h())

Should f be called first or g? Does the programmer intend that the parenthesis should be computed before anything else? If the language specifies something like that then g and h must be avluated before f. However with no side effects you can evaluate them even at the same time. And it's dumb to express side effect order with parenthesis. Just express them imperatively
x = g();
y = h();
z = f();
z + x + y

Also C says it's undefined behavior so it avoids giving an answer to the order of evalution all together and blatantly tells you parenthesis are to be ignored besides grouping expressions

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Sister edition

Google Imagen 3, Veo, MusicFX, Astra, Flash, Gemma 2 and more: https://blog.google/technology/ai/ (coming soon™)
NEW multimodal model, GPT-4o (omni): https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/
OpenAI model spec detailing future desired behaviour: https://cdn.openai.com/spec/model-spec-2024-05-08.html
Chub merged UI with Venus side (Venus cards still hidden by default). Old UI: https://characterhub.org

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn


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327 replies and 29 images omitted. Click here to view.
surely this real

expecting cats in my inbox
NAI is malleable and pattern sensitive. It's not repeating the adverbs, it's repeating the sentence structure that you're providing it in every message, which includes adverbs being placed probably in the same place in most sentences repeatedly. Even something as simple as shuffling around the order of the words every message or two, or putting dialogue first occasionally, is enough to avoid any pattern looping.
When I was having that issue I could barely make it to a hundred message before it became unusable, but just the barest effort to add variety was enough to effectively eliminate the problem.

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Why does this trigger boomers so much? I can immediately tell good and bad programmers apart by how they use null in their code.
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>retarded newfag who r***dit types accusing people of being retarded redditor spammers

downboating you because i never accused anyone of being from reddit
It means “zero” in germ(an)
null is good in c retards must return -1 for some specific value
>t.operating system programmer
So someone who didn't actually make applications for the shit he was building and just trust that his theoretical bullshit actually worked back then. How about you actual write some shit for the garbage OS that you programmed and then we'll talk.

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You're not using a normal mouse that's slowly poisoning your body with microplastic, are you, anon?
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Most carbon fibre is epoxy infused retard
Microplastics are already everywhere, and are wholly unavoidable no matter your lifestyle or what you do to avoid them
I fill plastic bottles with tap water and let them sit in the sun, to get a good taste.
this is why i use a aluminum trackpad, thanks apple

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Found pic related at my local thrift shop
What am I in for?
You will never read that garbage. Hope you didn't actually pay for it
outdated code
How portable is ancient *nix code to modern systems?
With Windows you can usually get Windows 95-era code running on modern compilers without too much of a hassle. Has *nix changed enough that old code can no longer be repurposed as-is and instead needs to be redesigned entirely?
You need to disable errors and warnings since k&r code is deemed invalid nowadays. For the rest, it will probably be straightforward to compile and run ‘80s code on modern Unix

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