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Its time to show atheism love
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>Maybe autistic
Have you seen his descendant Chris Chan by chance?

Einstein was a Deist, you filthy child raping Jew.


Heisenberg too.
Anon none of them were proper atheists, they just decided to make their own conclusions, which is actually what most people do, even many "believers", most humans customize things until they are mostly at peace with themselves and most of us always come to the same conclusion, that there is some sort of Superhuman Power who decided to run the show such as it is even if it's very ugly at times.
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Alright fags, Prove the Book of Mormon Wrong
There's 500 points made. Prove them ALL wrong.

>What is a good alternative explanation for the Book of Mormon that accounts for all the evidence?

>Unless he was inspired, how could 23-year-old Joseph Smith dictate all 269,510 words of the Book of Mormon without any notes?

>Unless he was inspired, how could Joseph Smith achieve such incredible and complex internal consistency while dictating the Book of Mormon (120 examples)?

>How did Joseph Smith sustain a blistering pace of dictating the whole Book of Mormon in around 60 working days?

>How could Joseph Smith imitate so many different writing styles in the Book of Mormon, and how do we explain the 1 in 15 trillion chance of Nephi and Alma having the same author?
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Atheism is a religion. It has sin in the form of racism and carboin emissions. Indulgences you can purchase in the form of carbon tax credits. Even a doomsday that is always right around the corner but never actually happens in the form of global warming. OOOhhhhhh the earth will boil if I don't renounce White males and pay Al Gore more money for his preaching.

Its the Seinfeld of religions which is fitting since these Canaanite so called jews founded it to fleece fat retards. To be an gaytheist is to be a mental midget with deep intellectual insecurities you salve by having cranks in coats tell you how smart you are. (you) aren't.

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Every race comes in a bunch of colors

Sami = depigmented chinkoids
Jews = depigmented negroids

They hate Jews because Jews are niggers with fat lips, curly hair, fat noses, prognathism
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I'm pure Finnish. I live in upper Michigan and would love to show you "no I haven't seen him" lake.
im jacob mcqueen i live in the lower peninsula, im danish on my fathers side so we are kinda related.

if you hate kikes and love christ as i do, we have no problems.
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Germans = depigmented indians
which is why if you just would have presented that picture without context we would have totally mistaken them for nordic whites right?
indians are literally slightly bleached australian abbos, this "depigmented" psyop you are pulling is embarrassing you yellow we wuzzing kike. this fucking kike is in another thread pretending to be finnish under a different flag arguing with me

still looks fully White

can still see some slightly Asian features

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Yes we did. We shot down most of the missiles. And our missiles were super fucking expensive.
The only reason israel didn't retaliate harsher than they did is because they know they started it.
Good. I hope to God she murders 6 billion nigger parasites for American pesos SOON. I mean faster than the beautiful Germans did just 80 years ago.
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> innocent Palestinian
>a reminder that israel has dozens of nuclear bombs and that they can take everyone else down with them
They don’t have enough nukes to take even fourth of the world with them. The only thing they can achieve is giving the world a reason to exterminate every jew they see.
Lol. Instead of being in medical school, which is the real nakba, this woman should be some bedouin's fourth wife.

Like if a Swede married a Spaniard. Or a German and a Slav.
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well 4 centuries ago swedes were serfs while spaniards had 5 continents under they rule, then the Germans had equal power than slavic empires
it didn't really matter asides for elites, the 4 great nations of history have always migrated to other European countries, see how many Italians built Russia per example or how many Belgians were in the Spanish army
A Swede marrying a Spaniard would have been considered a jackpot for the Swede since at that time the Spanish Empire was amongst the greatest and richest while swedes were going through famines, had no political power and had buildings made of wood, to this day the Swedish royal family is Italian and French, pic rel King Charles XIV
you should open more history books, especially as a descendant of prisoners and thieves like you
Imagine mixing your genes with a Slavomongol. Uh.

I am fine with people of my own country. Xenophobia to the max.
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.

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Mutts are desperate for culture that isn't trash.
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Well done for triggering the jew and shitskin posters. She's hot as fuck and belongs to the White man (as all women do). We just reject shitskins and niggers because they are genetic trash
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>muh russia
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Paganbros are you okay?
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>Nothing wrong with embracing your roots. Only Whites are discouraged from doing it, that should tell you something.
Jews fear the white pagan. He feigns fear at christianity.
See this is how I know you people are full of shit, you don't hold anything close at heart but labels.

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Why are Ukrainians such good warriors?
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No more brother wars.
Ukrainians are Russians with a slightly different accent. Saying Ukrainians aren’t Russian is like saying Minnesotans aren’t American
>Hurr why don't Ukrainians want to live under Russia's communist boot, it was so gooood!
KYS glavset nigger.
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why are Americans so obsessed with Indians?
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Because there's a shit ton just north that will probably come down here soon
we don't think about you
10pm at night and jeet in his car blasting Hindi music, not even the blacks around here do this.
When rats keep trying to get into your house to overwinter do you build the a nice heated rat house outside so they'll stay in it and make more rats or do you pest control?
You're the ones who keep making threads about yourselves.

Fine you lazy cunts I'll bake.

>budget drops
Our more accurately gibs are announced, the bad news hasn't been announced. We're genuinely broke now.
>some cunt got shot in Afghanistan
>far left smash colonial statue in Tasmania
Violence works kids
>left wing unions attack Labor conference, target PM
Behind the scenes they're fucking furious about industrial matters.
>Victoria deepens ties with isreal
Banning Palestinian activism in the chamber, 30 million for isreali state intelligence, broadening laws against anti semetism, Labor has moved in a big way towards isreal.
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>Use a bot
Its not bots you tremendous retard. You niggers even have a vb themed auspol thread up because you can't stand the idea of not being the centre of attention and want to have shitty discussions about ava trannies, sucking each other off and rating Bradley's dick.
I don't give a shit who posts here, these threads are just so new users aren't funnelled into the bot threads.

You still haven't addressed any of my points so I'll just repeat them to punish you for dodging the question
>duplicate threads
If they're organic why is there three of them up at once, all being individually bumped.
Why is my single thread free of bots/users while three duplicate threads are all being individually bumped.
If these were real users why would any migrate to second, third, fourth duplicate threads.
You can't avoid the conclusion that the duplicates are propped up by bots, we know what a bot looks like.
>inorganic activity
The bots post at 3am, they don't follow the news cycle, their grammar isn't consistent, they seem unable to use or engage with non-text prompt, most just reply to each other. They've started making more than one post per IP and it's evident they're learning, but the way they're learning is further evidence that they're inorganic.

Our platform is under attack
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>If they're organic why is there three of them up at once, all being individually bumped.
You discord zoomer trooners are bumping your own threads. There was a perfectly good archive thread up and you still felt the need to bake this shit thread. Kys you absolute waste of space.
There's no reason to be upset, just don't post in the bot threads
Discord zoomer trooner xisters, our response?

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Why do people keep asking "What is a woman?"

It's fucking simple. Were you born with a uterus?

Problem solved.
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what if you're a woman that was born without a uterus? it can happen
>what if you're some freak oddity of nature!?!
still chromosomally a female

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what if you're a woman that was born a ball? it can happen
>muh chromosomes
nobody knew they existed 200 years ago
and now we do, what's your point. we're more educated than ever but mental illness persists

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How come no one talks about how the Russias found arctic nazis?
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>john "they live" carpenter made an entire film about the vast importance of the arctic
>war is legally banned there
>used to be a green rainforest
>people post from there all the time

I'm sure it's nothing.
Yeah ok, Mad Basil.
What's next the
Bermuda Rhombus ?
>doesn't know the difference between arctic and antarctic
What do you mean people post from there?
The nazis went past the ice wall (Antarctica). It is not a continent, it is a huge ice wall that encircles our oceans and lands. Antarctica has the highest elevation for this reason.

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It's over...
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holy shit LMAO
white girl heirarchy
>ayy lmaos
don't forget schoolboys

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We must recognize the importance of Romanized Christianity, but without becoming papists.

From the beginning, Christianity has demonstrated a unique ability to integrate European Greek and Roman culture, as exemplified by Paul and the writings of John. Even the most Hebrew texts of the Bible have Hellenistic influences.

At that time, Jews did not see Greek culture as an enemy, but rather as a source of wisdom. They, like the Romans, incorporated Greek concepts into their traditions. God apparently desired this integration, as the Greeks were wise and knowledgeable about the world created by God with their philosophy and thought, but the Greeks still did not have the monotheistic spirituality that the Jews had, this is the "fault" of the Greeks in relation to the Jews but God proved that Greek wisdom was very well received in the house of David so we shouldn't see it as heretical, the Greeks were not heretics.

But over time, Christians came to favor Rome, and this support resulted in great success: the Romans converted to Christianity. This is one of the greatest achievements of a religion, converting an empire as vast and powerful as the Roman one.

Therefore, we must value this Romanized heritage and not consider it heretical. We must recognize Latin as a sacred language.

Christianity's greatest achievement was the conversion of empires, especially the Roman one. Embracing this heritage helps us not to be seen as outsiders, but as members of a noble tradition. Identifying as Roman can be synonymous with being Christian.
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I ain’t reading all that shit. I’m Catholic.
op you're correct imo except for right here
>Christianity's greatest achievement was the conversion of empires, especially the Roman one
It's the other way around: Christianity was rome's greatest achievement and one of the main purposes of it was to kill/convert jews.
'ate universalist religions
simple as
jesus was a jew
Says the nigger

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I identify as Northern European.

I have a 125 IQ, I have a degree in computer science, I abhor nigger culture and nigger lingo, I listen to classical music exclusively, I’ve never committed a single crime in my life other than one speeding ticket when I was 20, I hate niggers and their low iq and hypocrisy. I’m spiritually white but my brain doesn’t match my body.

If a man can have gender dysphoria and become a woman then I as a black man can racial dysphoria and become white. AMA
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ok poojeet whatever you say
I'm a newfag so I have no idea if image really is that old. I'm just saying you have every chance to be white (much less Aryan) as I do. Those chances are "None."
>racial dysphoria
This doesn't exist, nor does it need to exist. Every single human in America is mixed. I don't give a fuck if you are a nigger, a spic, or a pasty white blue eyed blonde eyed god. Everyone has a little bit of something else mixed into their genes. You have the right to identify as any one of them if you want to. Get tested, I bet you'll have some german in you and you will not need to claim a mental illness to be what you are.
Nigger what. Maybe your grandparents fucked everything in sight. I don't have any trace of DNA in me that isn't northwestern European.
>being a mutt grants you bonus jew powers, so take full advantage in identity politics!
good morning saar
mutt here. it doesn't work like that. heritage and associated claims are halved with each miscegination

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cont from >>468436592

Lets keep it in one thread, lads.

Lmao I've never seen shills try this hard or be so mad about anything or anyone.

Lets track all the Nick Fuentes threads posted today since 12am just for shits and giggles (I may have missed a few):


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Fuentes is a faggot
No, he abstains to boost the sum of dead kikes to MAXIMUM
kek, retard groypnigger doesn't realise that it's morning in australia and we're just starting our shitposting campaign for today. you wish we were jews
Nick Fuentes has 0 followers on Twitter it's IDF Unit 8200's ~311.7k followers.
Cozy for a more authentic feel, if you like gay porn streamed to end the show like nick, otherwise rumble

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Gather 'round. Let the good gentlemen in. We need everyone here before we can proceed. Enjoy the refreshments in the back in the meantime. Thank you.
*cums on you*
*two bodyguards far stronger than you pick you up and toss you on your ass outside with the trash*

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>Rapid response to graffiti is critical. When graffiti is not promptly removed, it can encourage more graffiti and tagging, as it signals a lack of oversight or care for the area. This can lead to an escalation in graffiti and potentially more serious forms of vandalism. Graffiti should be removed immediately, regardless of the method used. The longer the graffiti remains, the harder it will be to remove and the more likely it is to attract additional graffiti.

I removed some from an electrical box in front of the local post office. I have another location ready to clean next week. I wear a bright vest to look official so that gangs assume I work for the city.
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Know that it can piss off local gangs, but if you do it with a vest and show no preferential treatment to any gangs, you're way safer than e.g. painting a different gang tag on top of it, for instance.
Most of ours here are just native or skid white kids here for better or worse
Tagging isn't a part of jeet or chang thug living oddly
Its like a part of another era
In my area, no one has given me any signs to stop. In fact, people usually look relieved seeing somebody competent cleaning things up.
Kek. Sounds pretty safe to clean. I figure if anyone ever actually gets angry about it, I'll just pull out some paint and put it back. "There you go" Lmao.
get a life you nigger faggots

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>Almost all people with higher income also have very high intelligence
>Some smart people but mostly dumb people at lower incomes

Poor people are just fucking stupid

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More news at 11
Butthurt commies upon learning this need to seethe and dilate and pretend rich people are all just stupid in order to cope.
>india has generational wealth

Here is your 50yearold apartment inheritance that will collapse in 10 years and some jewellery.
This is not true, the indian caste system is rooted in race not in earnings, it just happens to be that the higher castes earn much much more than lower castes (The idea of race among brown people is fucking stupid anyway, all brown people are the same imo).

Poor people in the u.s have no clue about how much opportunity there is to move up social classes. If you are poor in the u.s, you are either stupid or disabled or unmotivated.
An understandable response, but if some retard asks you for evidence or starts coping that they're a victim of systemic oppression you can send them this

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How do you respond without sounding angry?
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what are you on about you fat pathetic incel?
>slave owners should be murdered is calling for genocide against White people
No, that's antisemitism
>Force libshits to obey there own insane standards of morality
>Still blame whitey
Alinskyites don't play by their own rules, it's na core tenant

You ain't got no Rizz, yall will wear a $5 Walmart shirt and jeans to a date.
Niggas be setting all the fashion trends
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it's the lack of estrogen, black dudes wouldn't get it
The ridicule is for the bourg femoids who buy their shit.
You are right and it’s very sad
Is this beenslackin?
What's ur onlyfans

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>A senior advisor to the US Government regarding UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) has said that a ‘catastrophic disclosure’ regarding the subject may be on the horizon.
>Dr Steven Greer, founder of the Disclosure Project, claims to advise members of Congress and law enforcement about apparent covert Special Access Programmes (SAPs) which are allegedly being used to cover up the subject.
>Greer says he is the Senior Adviser for Intelligence and Information for a group of law enforcement officials in Washington who aim to protect military whistle-blowers regarding UFOs.
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>Intelligence advisor says ‘catastrophic disclosure’ about UFOs may be on horizon
The eggheads in DC have been saying this for decades, way back before '47.

What they're really terrified of is the catastrophic bombshell that is the public finding out how many civilians have been threatened, murdered and allowed to be abducted by their own fucking government. That's what this is all about; the people losing all faith in the feds and intelligence agencies schmucks. Utter betrayal, could lead to collapse of the government. And they deserve all of it.
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That's incredible anon! But wait you say it looks like what a lot of films show, which I would assume is a gray type, but then you post the tentacle aliens from Contact? Was it more humanoid or more Lovecraftian???
Also please don't worry what some 90 iq hispanic black mutt diversity hire fed thinks.
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..emo philips
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The people we're trusting for disclosure hate us and spend all of their time bullshitting us. Really now.

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