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The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
serious question: what is the likelihood of cops showing up to your door after you sign this
oh i see

How are there actually men out there who are gay? Like how do you look at this and not be attracted to it?
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She has probably had sex with thousands of men.
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oven for essence stealing crimes nose bro
it's over
This. But the plot twist is the huge cock is black.
Why do shitskins always come and fawnpost for white females, even their own females avoid them, what do they think? That miraculously a white woman will fall frok the sky and beg them to suck their small indian/latino cocks?
We should really nuke India and Latin America asap

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all he does is regurgitate /pol/ shit and he gets all the credit


We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

Archive: https://rentry.org/mwarchive



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Previous: >>468474171
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Ukraine demolishes orthodox church built on site of first Kievan cathedral -https://archive.today/9sr2U
> Russia gives UK ambassador 1 week to leave Moscow -https://archive.today/59UB3
>Germany expelled 7 Ukrainian soldiers training there for larping as nazi's -https://archive.today/WLSil
>Slovak PM, Robert Fico, target of assssination attempt (suspected shooter has been detained) -https://archive.today/ehsUu
>Estonia 'seriously considering' sending soldiers to Ukraine (all 700 of them) -https://archive.today/mzeJP
>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" -https://archive.today/XUw6a

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good morning
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Ukrainians killing russians and israelies killing palestinians, sounds right and proper.
i think my father is currently making a pizza
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Oh new demands dropped, now only 130 modern aircraft. Oy vey!
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Unrelated but the best nigger death video of all time (make sure you listen with sound on):
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Fucking hell you guys have nigger level IQ, how the fuck did he post this on his IG story if he just blew his head off? The state of this board
And if it was a livestream how did he end it when he was dead kekfuel
Why did you include me in your post?
This is just sad
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He was about to say "pow" but pulled the trigger at the same time.

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Based Elon. Fuck Palirats.
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Kike appeasement
False. Evidence: USA.
the USA is objectively being completely fucking destroyed entirely and purposefully by servile ziofags
I'm generally pretty neutral about Jews but I'd gas 6 million of them in a self defense situation
USA is being punished because they didn't support Israel enough.

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did he deserve it?
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>Now he’s a news reporter with false teeth and an actual faggot.
Yet another confirmation that journalists are bottom of the barrel scum.
I used to get bullied. Punched, thrown in the mud, kicked stipple half naked on the bus, they ganged up in me and started to cut some of my hair which made me look like a weasel.
Then I punched a girl who was participating in the face a few times with full force. I was literally fearing for my life afterwards, because hitting a girl etc. Guess what? They left me alone, like I didn't even exist. Feelsgoodman.jpg
Couple years later I began bullying other kids. We even made a film in Jackass style where one kid in particular did was orced to do a lot of crazy stuff, like youbwouldnt believe. The video spread on CD. We made regional news. Almost got expelled from HS. Man children and teens are some cruel ass motherfuckers. I don't feel back and I'm sure those who used to torment me as well.
I completely agree. I feel for the kid, at the end of the day he was only 10 years old and kids aren't known for the best impulse control. What really boggles my mind is, where the fuck were the adults in his life? The school completely failed, letting him get beat up in the bathroom and on the bus. At the same time, his parents failed by allowing it to get to the point of 25 reports to the school - they should have done something, even if it was drastic like moving school, to help the kid out.
did he do a flip? If not, I don't care
True. Lots of misses and many repeat failures here.

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Every corner of the internet is now like this place. Theres nothing special or unique about this place once going mainstream.
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>haven’t been to any of the other social media sites
Which other sites are you thinking of?
Literally all of them? Scroll down to any video with a black dude on it on instagram and it’s even crazier than pol, zoomertok is filled with edgy teens and kids and I don’t need to mention x.
Also you can post anti jew shit anywhere now only youtube is strict
'synagogue of satan' gets you auto restricted on twitter.
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/pol/ is different.......
my reaction folder would get me insta-banned at almost all other forums.....
see also - all chans dot org
google drive easy to use interface
download the whole blob or pick and choose
all of them is defined as instagram, tiktok, and x then, others?

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So, seeing how shitty most American homes are built, does it make sense to buy a bunker instead and built a small fake house on top to make it look like a normal property? I'm going to be living in northwestern Oklahoma for work.

Pic related is what I'm looking at. I was quoted around $550k total with installation. I already own the land and have well water and a septic on it. No electricity yet but I'm working on it.
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Only long term designs I'm aware of are temp sealed with live out options kind of like a man made cave that you stay in after the all clear. If something really severe happens you can kiss fuels and everything else goodbye. All you'll have on hand is what you have on hand and that will be subject to wear and tear.
you mean a basement? a bunker is expensive... you got a 550k basement?

what the fuck contractor agreed to putting a hidden door in your shower?
nigger, just get a house with a basement
OP is building it in Oklahoma so there's extra value in having it underground. I know I'd appreciate a underground home around here.
>Tornado warning goes off
>Oh no. Anyway.
>Keeps doing what I was doing in the bunker home
would it make sense to build a pond above your bunker for radiation protection in case of nuclear war?

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Every day Russia is coming closer to this new border in Ukrain and forcing ukrainan Capital to move from Kiev to Lviv.
Get used to to the new Ukrainan reality you delusional Hohol Nazis and degenerate blood thirsty war hungry NATO swines.
Good. Fuck globohomo.

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Especially with a woman. If you choose a poop tube over a vagina you are gayer than a literal fag.

>but muh dominance
If you need gay sex to dominate a woman i git news for you
>but the woman wants it.
She thinks you're a fag so shes offering you what she knows fags like
>that makes oral with a woman gay.
Women say a lot of shit, but its not actual shit coming out their mouths.
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>it offends god
>the words of a kike
>you say some kike in the 1600s is the word of god
when will kikes just kill themselves?
Your cope is weak

Stay closeted fag
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Blowjobs and handjobs are also gay, the only straight sex is vaginal.
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Glass seems smarter than the aforementioned, insidious, made in China, probable weapons of soft warfare.
Ceramic is basically mud, right? If if breaks or chips it might not be too bad, but still, who wants mud or actual dirt in their vaginas or buttholes?
Maybe you should consider taking up glass blowing instead of ceramics.
>truly divine
I hate Gnostics and Jews so much you wouldn't believe it

She said in another thread that it was a first time homebuyer program for minorities.

How does pol see this ending?
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Someone hasn't watched The Big Short!
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>thinks HOAs would say anything to non-Whites
You're delusional. HOAs are staffed by Boomer faggots micromanaging Whites dumb enough to buy into their cuck villages. Groids will absolutely not be told to keep things immaculately cookie-cutter. Jeets will not be told that they cannot turn their house fronts into hinduic kaleidoscopes.

There is going to be an economic collapse soon. Not in a few years, but more like within less than a year. One of the surest, iron-clad indicators is the 10 year/2 year Treasury yield curve inverting. Every time that that has happened, a serious recession occurs with 26 months (someone correct me if I'm off by a month or two.) I think we're up to month 18. Already, credit card debt is not being paid, vehicle repos are soaring, and foreclosures are up. Despite what CNBC and the Wall Street Journal claim, the jobs market is actually the worst I have every seen it in my life, by far (and 2008/2009 was pretty horrific.) My Oregon Trail gen brethren can verify this. Meanwhile, immigration (legal and illegal) and offshoring have ramped up under Obama, Trump, and Biden. There are no brakes on this train and that train is the Kalergi Kabbalah Express to fuck you over once and for all. I suggest taking a look at this archive to start your dive into our economic situation: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/459186908

oh shit, it's a muzzie talking shit about his sex life as if his father wasn't an ass raping faggot. your sisters lost their virginity before they were teens.

there are certain facts in life, and muslim cultures raping children and being down-low faggots is basically the default.
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End the white supremacy. We need a black Pope
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>source: Redfin Rabbi Surveys
Fuck off with your nonsensical lies. The only people who believe your shitty "survey" are faggots with brainworms.

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"Muh per capita" - This expression indicates a White man's confusion and lack of understanding. When confronted with statistics he cannot understand or respond to, White men (especially of the racist, ignorant, inbred, country-bumpkin low iq variety) mumble "muh per capita" or "muh per capita, nigger". This is usually followed by child molestation and school shootings.
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Jews are genetic Europeans that practice religious nepotism
Based list taker.
berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein
berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein berg stein

if you thought this much about christ, maybe you could be saved.
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The prognathism in the chart told me which side was which without even expanding the image.
People that murder the most per capita should be sterilized

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>Beck stands with the Orthodox Jews who strongly oppose Israel. Their reason: The Jewish religious principle that Jews need to live in exile until the “peaceful” arrival of the messiah.

00:56 early life
04:41 Life in England
09:02 Judaism as a religion
12:53 The idea of exile
13:30 Zionism
15:49 compatibility
22:20 non-religious Jews
32:27 Orthodox Jews
35:27 Chabad
40:27 Europe
42:27 the muslim world

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That's great. Israel still belongs to the Jews.
Btw you should ask that little bastard what he thinks is going to happen when "Moshiach" comes. I assure you it'll be kosher, but you won't like the taste. Just get them over there and keep them there, fuck!
The Jesus revolution is the reputable and ethical solution for zionism and Israel

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Reminder that this 4th year UCLA students life is ruined. He has permanent brain damage, he will be saddled with medical bills for the rest of his life, it WILL affect his ability to get hired once he graduates.

He has no legal recourse, he can't file charges as no Law Enforcement Agency will even begin an investigation much less acknowledge his existence. He can't file a lawsuit because while he can get a lawyer, the courts are ignoring him and denying him his rights.

The media has a gag order on this story. Even the controlled opposition people famous for "naming the jew" like Nick Fuentes are ordered to not so much as mention the story.

This is the ultimate level of memory hole. It does not get more extreme than this.

All this because an active duty IDF soldier by the name of Eliran Bismut lost his cool and attempted to murder the UCLA student by smashing a 2x4 over his head as hard as he could. Now the entire pozzed system is collapsing in on itself to protect him.
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There is no proof the counter protesters were active duty servicemen for Israel. This is some Q level cope.
Nobody said they were.
Everyone here is saying a filthy kike did a crime and he isn't being charged with anything for it
This was an attack on our democracy.
The IceBERG.
college ain't about graduating,
about learning

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Can you believe the eternal boomer elected this fat genetic abomination to presidency? This fucking ugly big nosed cryptokike permanently destroyed American cities. If you ever wondered why every city has suffered from nigger plague since the 60s the answer is this overweight fuck is the one who put them all there. In every single American city, that has been utterly annihilated by niggers - He was there, with a smile on his face, bussing them into newly erected brick commieblocks that would become their habitat up to today. Looking at his giant nose and beady black eyes elicits a primal disgust in me. That anyone would ever elect an ugly person to office still astonishes me. 60% of baby boomers voted for this man. 60% of baby boomers looked at this thin lipped beta and said 'yeah he would make a good president' and then he unleashed the niggerflood onto all of them. It's actually funny. The term 'white flight' was created after he took office because he is the reason why it exists. The US went from voting 60% democrat to 60% republican within the next two elections, and right after Johnson left office 10 million Americans voted for a pro-segregationist. Then he fucking died right after leaving office, never witnessing the total utter destruction of the American city which he was responsible for. FUCK LYNDON B JOHNSON
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daily reminder that LBJ was being sexually blackmailed by mossad agent mathilde krim
bidet is un-ironically worse.
>who created the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
He didn't create it. He just signed it. It was JFK's law, but he couldn't get it through Congress. That's why the two surviving brothers are right behind Johnson.
They called him big bird because he had a tiny penis
>Oleksandr Usyk
Lyndon Johnson was a crypto-jew. His wife was Jewish.

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Alright /pol/ we need a name for Russian, Chinese, British,Euros, Indian Glowies. American glowies are already called glowies or glow niggers.
What would you call them, let's brain storm this.

Russian - HIVans, Russianiggers, HIVaniggers ??
Chinese - Chiniggers, Chinsects, Coughers, cough niggers, Plague niggers?
Brits - Limeyloos, SASSimps, mi8's?
Indian - Glowjeets? Snitchjeets, Loowies?
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>spies are everywhere
>even here in /pol/
/pol/ is a bunch of shitskin loving faggots. I hope fbi kicks in your door and arrests you for being part of hamas

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Hey chud - we founded our own company at 25 and just secured $25 million in funding from Shekelstein Partners. All the while partying every weekend and having travelled around the world. What have you done?

Peace is at hand.
Im just not going to help the Jews kill people . . . I know . . Im just not going to help them is all
Let's be honest, Israel is a lousy excuse for an ally. They were useless in both Iraq wars. They didn't help in Afghanistan. Israel has a long history of selling American military technology to Communist China.
They bring us nothing but trouble. The U.S. has had to use its security council veto 43 times to shield Israel from the consequences of their actions.
Israel doesn't have any natural resources. Israel's population is too small to be a significant market for American products.
And they are the largest recipient of American foreign aid since WW2.
We should have kicked Israel to the curb years ago.
43 times?

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