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Fine you lazy cunts I'll bake.

>budget drops
Our more accurately gibs are announced, the bad news hasn't been announced. We're genuinely broke now.
>some cunt got shot in Afghanistan
>far left smash colonial statue in Tasmania
Violence works kids
>left wing unions attack Labor conference, target PM
Behind the scenes they're fucking furious about industrial matters.
>Victoria deepens ties with isreal
Banning Palestinian activism in the chamber, 30 million for isreali state intelligence, broadening laws against anti semetism, Labor has moved in a big way towards isreal.
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>zoomer trooners constantly thread split because of some gay aversion they have to archiving links.
>this must be because of bots.
It's painfully obvious that you're dodging what is a simple and fair question 1pbtid.
4chan, pol and specifically auspol has been under persistent attack from organised groups.
This has long been the case but this time it seems that they've insidered the admin team.

You just don't see this kind of inorganic activity elsewhere on 4chan, it's broadly inconsistent with normal site administration.

Use a bot to make 4 duplicate threads on another board and see how long it takes them to delete your slide threads. Try to populate another general with bots, try link farming.

The admins aren't stupid, they know exactly what this is, and on some level they've either been forced or decided to allow it
>Use a bot
Its not bots you tremendous retard. You niggers even have a vb themed auspol thread up because you can't stand the idea of not being the centre of attention and want to have shitty discussions about ava trannies, sucking each other off and rating Bradley's dick.
I don't give a shit who posts here, these threads are just so new users aren't funnelled into the bot threads.

You still haven't addressed any of my points so I'll just repeat them to punish you for dodging the question
>duplicate threads
If they're organic why is there three of them up at once, all being individually bumped.
Why is my single thread free of bots/users while three duplicate threads are all being individually bumped.
If these were real users why would any migrate to second, third, fourth duplicate threads.
You can't avoid the conclusion that the duplicates are propped up by bots, we know what a bot looks like.
>inorganic activity
The bots post at 3am, they don't follow the news cycle, their grammar isn't consistent, they seem unable to use or engage with non-text prompt, most just reply to each other. They've started making more than one post per IP and it's evident they're learning, but the way they're learning is further evidence that they're inorganic.

Our platform is under attack
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>If they're organic why is there three of them up at once, all being individually bumped.
You discord zoomer trooners are bumping your own threads. There was a perfectly good archive thread up and you still felt the need to bake this shit thread. Kys you absolute waste of space.

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>sanctions china
>full goes 24/7 media blitz how striking back is bad
you mutts are fucking shameless holy shit
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Your sanctions aka tariffs will only lead to further dedollarization and isolation from the rest of the world.

And let's be honest, you fucking deserve it
chinks aren't White. They should know which race is the true master race and kneel down. Never ever dare to challenge White hegemony, don't make White men angry or they'll turn you back into stone age. They have been warned!!!
from a house to the world's biggest pallet
they're "winning" because theyre protectionist and interventionist
>"free market"
>massive tariffs on imports
>industrial subsidies
there is not, has never been, and never will be a prosperous liberal/libertarian/free market economy.
all economies and governments have had (and need) tariffs and subsidies.
>American steel was subsidized
>every railroad in history received subsidies (and still do)

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We must recognize the importance of Romanized Christianity, but without becoming papists.

From the beginning, Christianity has demonstrated a unique ability to integrate European Greek and Roman culture, as exemplified by Paul and the writings of John. Even the most Hebrew texts of the Bible have Hellenistic influences.

At that time, Jews did not see Greek culture as an enemy, but rather as a source of wisdom. They, like the Romans, incorporated Greek concepts into their traditions. God apparently desired this integration, as the Greeks were wise and knowledgeable about the world created by God with their philosophy and thought, but the Greeks still did not have the monotheistic spirituality that the Jews had, this is the "fault" of the Greeks in relation to the Jews but God proved that Greek wisdom was very well received in the house of David so we shouldn't see it as heretical, the Greeks were not heretics.

But over time, Christians came to favor Rome, and this support resulted in great success: the Romans converted to Christianity. This is one of the greatest achievements of a religion, converting an empire as vast and powerful as the Roman one.

Therefore, we must value this Romanized heritage and not consider it heretical. We must recognize Latin as a sacred language.

Christianity's greatest achievement was the conversion of empires, especially the Roman one. Embracing this heritage helps us not to be seen as outsiders, but as members of a noble tradition. Identifying as Roman can be synonymous with being Christian.
the romanization of Christianity should not be seen as heretical

Its un-fucking-believable. The SAME FUCKING CHOICE, AGAIN. When I thought we hit the bottom of the barrel, you fuckers turn around and load another retard-bullet into the chamber.
DID NONE OF YOU ASSCLOWNS LEARN SHIT FROM THE LAST TWO ELECTION CYCLES? Oh but surely just ONE MORE TIME Trump will DEFINITELY deport all the mexicans and build the wall! SURELY THIS TIME trumps gonna do something, 2 more weeks guys!
Fuck all of you, I'd rather vote for fucking Rick Sanchez than either of these two demented old fossils.

You realize this isn't a presidential ""CHOICE"" its a fucking flavor variant! RED goyslop, or BLUE goyslop, you PIGGIES FEED AT THE TROUGH ALL THE SAME!
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Who's afraid to say Trump? If I was afraid, I'd say bullshit like 'Orange Man' or 'He who shall not be named' lmao. It's just funnier to say it my way.
They glowniggers want the same matchup so they can make it look like their previous election theft was legit all along.
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The absolute state of "democracy"
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i disagree. I don't support any politicians or partisans, but I do believe that faggots who say DRUMPF as if it's funny should be put down.
"choice" is relative you fool. an illusion if you will.

They were removing anti-israel posters.



Anti-Semitism has no place among the Belgium peoples.
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I’m gonna cum
>kikes import mudshits
>mudshits attacks kikes
This is why israel doesn't have a right to exist, let alone kikes.
The browns aren’t golems, they are both prone to violence and extremely anti Israel on average. In their homelands the golem authoritarian puppet states manage to keep them under control with excessive use of force, something euro police officers don’t even know how to do anymore, hence the complete chaos and second shoah in Europe are inevitable as their numbers grow. If you think Jews have had victim gibs so far just wait till they get shoahed again by “European youth”.

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i was on Linkdin networking with CEOs and sexy middle and upper level executive MILFs and by god my friends from the israeli defense industry always excede and blow out of the water wat level of yidd maxations one can achieve. i keep my giiggles in as i respect the jes and their money making abilities, as a stock broker i must understand these men. although they make me gigggle

what do you think reddit >:???

if i go israel will i get a jew habbibi or a harem of palestinian WiDOWS

nah ill go to ukrain Дoбpий дeнь!

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Solar cycle set to peak in late 2025, or at least maintain current levels of high activity. bit unpredictable.
Im farting so hard rn!
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>Red Deer Mass Vax Death = dud
>Bank failures = dud
>China collapse = dud
>WW3 = dud
>Solar eclipse = dud
>Last week's solar storm = dud
Nothing ever happens.
>We are FUCKED
if only
Nothing would help us more
if I had to quantify it, roughly 2 more weeks!

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roadrage involving a police and a civilian

who was in the right
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oh no oh no oh no no no no no
Why don't you cut your hands off so you can't type anymore
You are JEWISH.
You have to purchase a Gold pass for audio. This website fucking sucks.
remember that? in the sword attack by some forren Brazilian cunt?

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At this rate you might as well go visit the cancer ward and rip a morphine drip line out of some poor cunt and suck on it until you get dragged out of the room.
I doubt anyone gives a shit but here's an update on my infected leg. The new antibiotics seem to be working well as my leg cheese has scabbed over and stopped oozing though I'm now dustier than a nigger due to all the dead skin being expelled.
Every day. Hard as fuck, like a cup of powdered cement but harder.

Cannot hand a man a granger cup of deadly-dusted death expander. To refuse it is to refuse your birthright, your history, your link to construction and laws that keep you off the job more than on.

Asbestos will always be your friend. Think of the compensation your family will get once you’re dead by 30 or 40. Total WIN.

>cement sheet after party at my joint. Being a plate, cunts.
Nigger, honestly. Search ‘aus/pol’ and it’s the most bumped thread.

I’m a seven-year newfag. How the hell is anyone as retarded as me likely to tell which aus/pol is the glitz and not the shitz?

Enlighten my sorry, crippled arse please. Also, send hand relief to my hospital so I can spray the walls with a few weeks of jizzburgers.

Thank you.
Two bot threads left. Wait for it
Average for American standards.

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Mutts are desperate for culture that isn't trash.
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>they look like picasso paintings or background rick and morty characters, they have fucked up features, asymmetrical faces, they all wear T-Shirts, lean forward, it's like a zoo of beings that devolved from humans
Fuck getting approval from the Old World
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This is mostly what a viking would look like lol. Now I think this attire is comfy as fuck. But modern "viking" fags would be like "Where is the leather? O the tattoos? or the face paint or the dreads? Or the dirt on their face and ugly brown/grey colors to their garb?"
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yeah, anyway
You're a lying, hypocritical child.

First, you're fucking clueless about real Vikings.
Second, you got vaccinations all your fucking life until one day you were so fucking stupid and insanely gullible you actually fell for the Russian anti-vaxx destabilization propaganda.
Third, your surgeon wears a mask. He has a doctorate degree in medicine and you're a retarded 7th grader shitposting on anti-social media
Fourth, being a man is more about what you are, not how you waste time. I spent three years in rural Alaska and it was a hard fucking life. It's something you'll never anything about. I couldn't believe how much fun it was when I finally played my first video game. A few years later I'm a 1Charlie1 in the Air Force because I had the mutlitasking and screen skills.

You're the NPC and you're the last to know it - because you're the fucking NPC

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>The tide of war is turning in favor of Ukraine
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His term as president ends May 20th 2024 but you knew that already, bro
nobody in the united states gives a shit about this war we are busy preparing to kill kikes
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Its joever...
Arrest this russian provocateur for daring to claim that ukraine wasnt always winning the war.

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Why are chinks so disgusting?
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Pretty much everyone in those photos are Japanese, no? The school uniform styles are from Japanese schools.
They found a chink in my nigger i mean my armor had nips on it i mean my slope was found in my gook i mean
eurasiantiger is a squinty-eyed, buck-toothed, flat-faced, ugly retarded low IQ chink mongoloid incel with down syndrome.
honest question, do you not watch porn or
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Chinks are so ugly that I'm convinced that maybe 1 in 30 are attractive by American standards. The amount they fraud with makeup is INSANE. If white, black, and hispanic women use makeup to add 2 points in attractiveness (still a lot), chink women use it to add 3-4 points. Chinks literally look like completely different people when barefaced. Chink men are ugly too. Short, recessed mandible, they often look like they have down syndrome, they often don't have any dimorphic features, and they eat bugs.
Chink is essentially a catch-all for an east asian (mongoloid). Despite the cope that people in asian countries like to do you're all the same and none of you are special, chong. China, Korea, and Japan have virtually identical DNA.

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what are the political implications of people choosing AI girlfriends over real women?
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Why are zoomers and browns en masse buying into internet database algorithms as being intelligence?
Does anyone want to argue with me for argument's sake and for the glory of /pol/ and not because they're a nigger like the SEA monkey above?
>Reminder: the ability to speak does not make you INTELLIGENT
Such abysmal taste
Wouldn't men who are physically unattractive benefit the most from AI/robot girlfriends?
>cat ladies

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Post books on politics, economics, sociology, philosophy, biology, history, etc, from a Right-wing perspective.
>Pic related is ‘Sex & Culture’ by J.D. Unwin. The book is a study into how sexual freedom and promiscuity leads to the collapse of society, whilst restricting sexual freedoms helps increase a society’s overall advancement.
Entire Arktos publishing output.
I like Righteous Minds by J Haidt.
Yes, a Jew.
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
Go to Libgen and search
"Delphi complete works of"
I'd like to read El Doctoro's The March next. ScottSherman's horrible march to the sea without supply lines, looting and killing everyone they came across. And what they didn't do, the ten thousand freed slaves behind them finished
:- I
Did you know that thousands of freed slaves just blindly followed Sherman ? And when I say blindly...
Hundreds of African Americans drowned trying to cross inEbenezer Creeknorth of Savannah while attempting to follow Sherman's Army in its March to the Sea. In 2011, a historical marker was erected there by theGeorgia Historical Societyto commemorate the African Americans who had risked so much for freedom.


By date
Always something looking interesting. I pick at least one up a day. Not even sure why. I'll never read them all .

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>American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief - one firmly rooted in history - that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of American Jews to endorse "gay rights" and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called "social issues."

American Jewish Journalist Charles E. Silberman (1985) "A Certain People"

>Most important for the content of immigration reform, the driving force at the core of the movement, reaching back to the 1920s, were Jewish organizations long active in opposing racial and ethnic quotas. These included the American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, and the American Federation of Jews from Eastern Europe. Jewish members of the Congress, particularly representatives from New York and Chicago, had maintained steady but largely ineffective pressure against the national origins quotas since the 1920s….

(Hugh Davis Graham, Collision Course, 2002, pp 56-57)

>In addition to their activism on Aboriginal issues, Jews were instrumental in leading the crusade against the White Australia Policy, a series of laws from 1901 to 1973 that restricted non-white immigration to Australia.


>Jewish Involvement in Shaping U.S. Immigration Policy
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Robot wives with artificial wombs will solve the declining birth rate issue.
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Was he behind it or is he another Jewish victim?
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to say Bush was an idiot is insincere. You are in fact the stupid one.
I knew you Ozzies could be extremely retarded, but I never imagined it could get THIS bad....
>Was he behind it
For fuck sakes, don't you know who his father was?
masonic skull and bones good goyim

freemasonry is the adapter the kike parasite uses to attach to its host.

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chemtrails are confirmed real



he saw weird weather phenomenon in California and started to investigate

1. there is rain
2. there is planes above that leave chemtrails
3. rain stops

it is now clear that governments cause global warming by stopping rain

this tech has been possible since the invention of airplanes

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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forget about chemtrails, now they literally burn the forest to smoke our whole summer and ruin it
chemtrails has been used to misdirect public attention from blood libel conspiracies multiple times in the past
magicians don't use magic they use tricks of misdirection

To affect humans or UFOs?
I question how any flight controller would allow two jets to pass that closely. This isn't an instance of
>no factor
Why does the jet engine have jaggies?

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>“Christians live securely in Palestine,” added Maher Al-Houli. “They are equal to Muslim residents, and this visit confirms our shared values of coexistence and peace.”

>Welcoming the Hamas officials, Archbishop Alexios expressed his thanks and appreciation for the visit to the church. He noted that this is an example of the tolerance and coexistence between Muslims and Christians in Palestine.
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Literally what did they do?
>here's them doing innocent things
>see, they're guilty of something
what was even your point?
I didn't start this reply to sagepost, but then I realized, this is a shit thread.
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> Not hating an enemy of Jews is antisemitism and justifies you being killed by Jews.
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Tell it to the Pope, chud.

> Catholics: use money to preserve historical relics even if it’s from a different religion or sect
> Jews: use non-profits to launder money, push gay/anti-white propaganda, and support people who bomb churches
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That makes them even more based
>Gaza population: 2,098,389
>Arab Christians 0.2% (2,000 to 3,000 est.)
Muh Christians in Gaza. A couple of thousand people among more than two million Muhammadans.

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was it based? was the Second Sino-Japanese War justified? were the warcrimes real?
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this didn't happen
they deserved it
it will happen again
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this looks pretty fake desu
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>Would you want to live under a foreign occupation that kills, oppresses, and exploits your people?

I have no idea what you're talking about
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and nothing of value was lost

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