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"Sorry but I don't do hookups" after telling you about their ex boyfriend
Fuck White women. I hate White women so much. It's impossible for a White guy to fuck decent looking White girls. Im 6 ft. Bachelor's degree. Not fat. Graduate student. Above average in many ways but admittedly not a gigachad. It's impossible for even above average White guys to fuck decent looking White women. We are better off just fucking ethnic women. They put out and don't play games that badly. If White women aren't attracted to me because of my skin color and their obsession with getting conquered by niggers and spics and Arabs why even bother with them? I CAN get nonwhite pussy and they don't spew delusion.
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The Climb
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>over three minutes

So I'm assuming the lyrics are "USED TO BE YOUNG, NOW MY PUSSY HAS ARTHRITIS, USED TO GET FUCKED, NOW MEN THINK I'M DETRITUS... SHIT..." and then she sobs for three minutes straight.
is there a difference between white women and humans from 3000 years ago

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Every corner of the internet is now like this place. Theres nothing special or unique about this place once going mainstream.
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>that darn cabal pinning things on innocent jews
>faggot OP coping he can't hide away from wanton criticism anymore
What/where is relevant?
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Here you can say racial slurs, in this place people are effectively honest ie they call your bs and point at any retarded takes you may have.

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roadrage involving a police and a civilian

who was in the right
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This is an image board, newfag
in the 60's or whatever the cop would have just let the guy walk away
yet he shuffles after him using COMMAND LANGUAGE or whatever they are taught in ACAB school to get those ticket revenue bucks like a good little boy in blue
not a peace officer, a ZOG revenue boy
you have inside info?
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
lego anything after 10 years old is fucking gay, dude.

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Better question why isn’t /pol/ actually out marching against it? Why is it it’s only the leftists who are against giving Israel $26 Billion of our tax dollars to slaughter children?
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If jews and Israel actually made moves to remove mudshits from Europe, they could be redeemed. But again, never gonna happen. Kikes cannot compromise and settle, only antagonize and regroup for another attack. Even if their best move is to compromise they simply just can't. They feel they would be fundamentally undone if they ever reciprocated any good will whatsoever with a non jew for any reason.
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Taxes. Not even once. Do it yourself if it's so important.
holy shit your gif goes on forever.

Spoken like a true assoiate of satan complete with the digits.
Big busses, or those mini ones?

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Reminder that this 4th year UCLA students life is ruined. He has permanent brain damage, he will be saddled with medical bills for the rest of his life, it WILL affect his ability to get hired once he graduates.

He has no legal recourse, he can't file charges as no Law Enforcement Agency will even begin an investigation much less acknowledge his existence. He can't file a lawsuit because while he can get a lawyer, the courts are ignoring him and denying him his rights.

The media has a gag order on this story. Even the controlled opposition people famous for "naming the jew" like Nick Fuentes are ordered to not so much as mention the story.

This is the ultimate level of memory hole. It does not get more extreme than this.

All this because an active duty IDF soldier by the name of Eliran Bismut lost his cool and attempted to murder the UCLA student by smashing a 2x4 over his head as hard as he could. Now the entire pozzed system is collapsing in on itself to protect him.
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Kikes, shitskins, and leftists are just beating the shit out of each other and I'm just here enjoying the show.
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What are you eating Jew cum for Fren? You some sort of faggy Freemason or something?
Just saw you doing it so I didn't want to get left out.
Nah never had cum in my mouth, but it’s weird that in your fantasies I have cum in my mouth

That this happened on American soil is a tragedy. He and the jew should both be deported so they can do this elsewhere.

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Whats with this trend over the last five years where people mention the satanic gnostics like its one group and they werent dozens of different gnostic groups that got crusaded before Christianity formed?
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>Muhammad was taught about Christianity by Arians
That would seem to be what may have coloured their beliefs about Jesus, to some degree
Interesting. I'm trying to learn more about Christianity, this is an interesting thing to explore. Thanks anon
They were Christians as far as Christians needed to pad the stats. Marxionism was Christian, Arianism was Christian, valentinianism was Christian, everyone Itaneus decided not to like was Christian. Augustine himself calls it heretical, which automatically makes it a deviant version of the same religion.
Start here. It’s full of first person contemporaneous accounts.
>I'm trying to learn more about Christianity, this is an interesting thing to explore
Start here:
By the time you finish reading about the council of Ephesus, you'll also understand where Islam comes from.

Yes, that's what the Malatian schism was about.
There is only one Church. All others are heretics.
>There is only one Church. All others are heretics.
Eventually, that’s how linear time works. Retconning the past by post dating a conclusion from the future, is a rhetorical trick, but not something that happens in reality.

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Americans are a joke
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how is the factory going to be built if nobody should be lending money as the faggot i was replying to stated?
What an exceptionally stupid bitch. Women were a mistake.
Very antisemitic of you anon
>The best solution is to teach everyone how loans work.
Extremely interesting that your sxchools don't so that, isn't it?
yeah tell me more stories from a century ago
the only ones 'investing' in shit like that today are companies that already handle billions of dollars
usury is just a way to force everyone into debt: when joe redneck can take out $500,000 to buy a house, that's the price of a house, and now everyone else has to do the same because goyim don't make those kinds of salaries
it's inflationary by design and has ruined housing and education prices

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You can't serve in the USA army if you have tattoos? Also is he wearing a Stetson hat or what is the name.
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neck/face tattoos or otherwise can't be hidden by clothes or this >>468489524
And this matters in zogbots because...
tats are associated with being dumb and gay and the army doesn't want dumb faggots
that is a “Campaign Hat”
>Also is he wearing a Stetson hat or what is the name.
Campaign hat.

Previous >>468404446

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>BREAKING: Al-Qassam Brigades, the military arm of Hamas, says its fighters have eliminated 15 Israeli soldiers in a pre-planned ambush targeting IDF soldiers barricaded inside a house east of Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip.
>Urgent: Al-Qassam Brigades: Our mujahideen stormed the house and clashed with the remaining soldiers from zero distance with machine guns and grenades.
>#Breaking Fierce clashes between the #Palestinian resistance and the occupation forces in the Jabalia camp in the northern #Gaza Strip.
>The British Maritime Trade Operations Authority announces that a ship suffered minor damage after being targeted 76 nautical miles northwest of Hodeidah in #Yemen.


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Look here is the recipe
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thanks fren
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look at this fucking thing lmao
Hundreds of activists marched yesterday in Ottawa, Canada, in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
https://t.me/QudsNen/106438 5/18/24
The occupation army admits the killing of two soldiers during battles with the resistance in the #Gaza Strip.
https://t.me/me_observer_TG/211755 5/19/24

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It's the long weekend and we need a great shit posting leaf thread.
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As a Winnipegger, I can't decide which type of Indian to hate more.
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Sometimes a tech illeterate boomer, otherwise nice people
Very polite, no complaints
Polite, but some are complete retards beyond their task
Usually alright, don't speak English that great
Males are extremely annoying and rude, females are retarded but polite.
Older males are usually fine.
t. Tech support
>reddit spacing
like i told you in the other thread as well slit your neck retard
imagine thinking immigrants want to put up with the housing shortage and high cost of living
room temp iq
the reason can't be white replacement. no one would willingly race mix with an indian.

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So, seeing how shitty most American homes are built, does it make sense to buy a bunker instead and built a small fake house on top to make it look like a normal property? I'm going to be living in northwestern Oklahoma for work.

Pic related is what I'm looking at. I was quoted around $550k total with installation. I already own the land and have well water and a septic on it. No electricity yet but I'm working on it.
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Made this a while back as a means on how to classify bunkers.
This would make the op bunker a level 3 shelter. It doesn't have enough means of self repair to get to level 5 nor is it diaster specific with specialty equipment for level 4 such as decon. The generators are fine for a timed shelter though, but the shelter is likely useless longterm without diesel and the water in storage.
>no water chip...lol
>no solar panels
>small bats
shit build. How long do you think fuel is going to last?
In the netflix show The Rain. The government set up a series of small bunkers. Like 20 of them. Timed shelters meant I think to house like 6 people for 4 years or so. What was interesting is the power system. Each bunker had a limited battery backup that when lost main power they went into a low power mode. The main power was supplied by a small wind farm. Each individual bunker was some distance from each bunker and the wind farm, so you wouldn't know it was powering them. The wind farm had its own battery system for overnight mains power. Wasn't addressed in the show but it would allow you to even have reduced power at certain times, like not running hvac when the wind wasn't blowing to limit main battery power needs.
Rain bunker was a level 4 shelter focusing on biological warfare. It did have limited self repair but not enough to justify level five. It also had a small salad hydroponics setup.

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We should organize a 24 hour abstinence from yt to protest censorship. Just one random day next month starting at 1200 GMT. I think enough content creators and commenters would be on board. This is just a small step forward.
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Is gud, but better to use ad blockers. Cost the company money by using the servers and bandwidth without ad revenue plus switch to rumble or odysee
secessio plebis
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
24 hour boycott will do nothing. Just start using alternatives as much as you can rumble, kick odyssey.
I dont use youtube because I'm not a brown zoomer

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Military recruitment openly admitting they want to start WWIII.
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American Zoomzooms will die in Europe and Asia
Why are they even bothering trying to convince these dumbass zoomers to join just draft already theyre not gonna do shit they will fight and they will like it
I'm recruiting to overthrow the Biden regime.
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Is there a NatSoc candidate in USA which you can support?
Be aware, you are going to be facing resistance from your Jewish controlled Republicans/Democrats.
We are facing stiff resistance in the Nordics too
>Banned in Finland (2019)
But in the end, we will prevail
This is what happens with boomers in charge sometimes - they think of the thing they boomers liked, and go
>thats perfect, just what the zooms and millenials will like.
Here its the greatest generation, boomers jerked themselves off

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This is peak sex appeal in 2024.
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Fred Flintstone fat man feet.
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>it's the same picture
Sad tits which is a criminally punishable offense for fat bitches.
Stop being gay

Trevor Paglen. "I could tell you but then you would have to be destroyed by me" novel is very eye opening. The amount of symbolism in these patches is astounding.

Link for him discussing the book, worth watching : https://youtu.be/2_hv2YOJ8ck?si=v725JB7ckFMwYUxt

Honorable Mention: Lt.Col.Philip J Korso : https://youtu.be/ezJYX7ec5sQ?si=NOIBEn-3dqS9Cs8W
Correlations between the symbolism of black op military patches and the outer space alien
Inb4: It's demons, Space is Fake and Gay, Flat Earth, African Jew Trannys , and any "insert" flew over my house.
I'll post some patches that are weird and questionable so you know Op isn't a cock mongrel.
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Nigger, jetzt gibt mir eine PDF download

make a patch that makes the Abrams not suck
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I'm gonna watch it but lemme make my own guesses first.
>background looks like a CME but also some sort of Moloch bull. Telescope so probably some sort of CME observation.
massive Magnetic field discharge aka Planetary Lightning (thats what formed the Grand Canyon or the Eye of the Sahara/Richat Structure) also known as the Thunderbolts of the Gods.
no idea desu
that eagle/lion/gryphon stretches like that dust wave across star constellations (thats what causes the Micronova).
also "we will prevail" ? so probably some sort of prep mission for survival.
also notice the red sun background and outer Corona.
like that previous one with the dragon, look how he engulfs the planet and our sun behind it.

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Christianity is Spiritual Communism!

The Bible is the blueprint for establishing Communism. Christianity was a pacifistic psychological subversive instrument used to dethrone the Romans from achieving world domination. Christianity preoccupies its work in the metaphysical domain, inducing pacifism as a means to destroy any intrinsic instict to fight for survival. Then, once the masses are demoralized, Communism achieves its task in the mechanical aspect of the State. It's seeks to concentrate economic power into the hands of a ruling class, an international oligarchy. Without Christianity, Communism is rendered useless because if a people know their worth, know the God of their ancestors, and love the land in which they reside, then Communism will never grip its claws in the people. Communism is a symptom of spiritual demoralization caused by Christianity! Jesus was the first Communist.

Both Christianity and Communism share a common deep-rooted hatred against the rich. The purpose of Christianity was to eliminate class differences by instigating the working class against the intellectual class. This is the reason Christianity is against intellectualism.

Both Christianity and Communism are against racial supremacy and nationalism. Christianity is the reason for the abolition of race-based slavery. Christianity is the reason for open borders since it teaches that the world belongs to everyone.

Christianity and Communism share a common origin. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were the leaders of the Christian Communism Revolutionary Party, the real roots of Communism are Christian!
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Indeed. Death to all abrahamism, death to communism, and death to all kikes.
Answer the question, bitch.
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This reality is just a maya of Vishnu for teaching lessons. Either it's my personal maya or a shared leela. Picrel.
The Gnostics are dead wrong about reality. There isn't a demiurge and there is nowhere to escape to. When the lessons are learned you immediately awake from the maya dream and the consciousness wakes up in base reality. The zodiac will guide you through your lessons until you do.

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Chances that Oswald did it are 0% regardless of digits.
This tape seems to be a fake, there is even a south african negro related to it (which means it was "edited" by the gov't).

For example one of the few replies about this posted here that weren't nonsensical spam:


>Dotty’s braces on as an actual test run of the apparatus.
>Its first actual application was the Reagan Assassination. Reagan actually died but this was covered up in a psychological trick involving Jodie Foster.

>Mandela effect employs massive surveillance and hundreds of operatives. However it works not by covering up most evidence but by diverting attention while covering up key evidence. It’s masterful.

>Mandala’s death was a less sophisticated version done by MI6. Since we remember the thing which is being covered up.

More info:

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*south african negro effect related to it

Some people remember the car with an extra row of passenger.
Oswald was a patsy but he could have done it. There were other teams on standby as well.

Fuentes gets caught on a livestream at In and Out flirting with another man

He has had multiple infractions of gay behavior recorded against him before

He then gets "hacked" and gay porn is played in order to "discredit" him days after

He was never arrested for being a J6 Ring Leader


Obviously, this is just suspicious, I think anyone with a reasonable amount of sense would therefore conclude this little media stunt was done to discredit any other gay allegations against him.

Nick and Nick fans, there is nothing wrong with being GAY. If you came out it would make you look like a hypocrite, however, it would eventually garner you more respect. Why live an uncomfortable lie and why live in denial. Be the person you truly want to be in life. The ammunition against you now vanishes if you live an utterly authentic life true to yourself.
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You're obviously a big fan of his, so ask yourself, if Nick Fuentes announced that he was gay. Would it change anything for you? Would you still watch him? Would you be bothered that he had been lying about his sexuality all this time? In my opinion, nothing changes. Notice how he doesn't joke about being gay or anything? It just doesn't add up.
Spic Fuentes is a gay poo poo eating faggot like his idol Shitler.
I don't trust fags, but I already don't trust Nick, because he's a fag.
Nick is a grifter he's not really "alt right"
I think not trusting anybody in media is typically a good rule. They warn us of following false idols, you know, think critically, challenge your beliefs, accept that you don't know everything

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>I don't know about your country but you're all retarded psychos or something t. Spic
How can I move there and get on welfare?
why the fuck are there indonesians in america?
is there any group that's NOT in america?
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>why the fuck are there indonesians in america?
There are hardly any, trust me. The lack of military bases in Indonesia and other connections between them in historical conflicts probably helps. Tons of Filipinos though.
>is there any group that's NOT in america?
No, we have everyone.
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I agree, all of our nogs should go live in Finland (or anywhere else, really).

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How do you respond without sounding angry?
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You can diss whites and even the virtue signaling fags encourage it but you can't do that to niggers because muh slavery, else a chimpout happens.
Asian liberals are the battered housewives of the left. They only get to shit on whites and have to take all the shit thrown at them from other minorities, but they have to sit there and smile because they know that they don’t have the numbers to stand on their own. They know if nogs wanted them all dead, they could do it and white liberals would stand by idly because they worry about if they are going to be seen as racist or not. I would be sad if it wasn’t so funny.
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women discussing politics into the trash it goes

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