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There is tons of sexual degeneracy surrounding Trump. He isn’t living a Christian life at all.

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I only watch Doctor Who in the 80s when Tom Baker played him and the movies with Peter Cushing. Fuck off with your modern remake bullshit.
>Society don't like me because it's racist!
Why do we even deny it? Yes, we are sick of this shit and like our own people more. What does he even want? Mandates to watch Dr Who??
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literally who
>i dindu nuffin
>i cannt breef
and the third thing that comes to my mind is the disingenius act and laughter of kevin heart who probably sucked the didlers dick the deepest
Holy fucking shit they even had to fag up pressing the goddamn button that is an aids ridden faggot.
Criminally underrated.
Well done.

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What is your response to "Christianity is Lost"?
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Are you still up anon? You are never alone with frens. And there's no end in fren.
Never forget anon, we are all alone here together. See you tomorrow.
>Actually, I've read etc a great many historians.
I should have been more specific, anon. I meant: you have never read any BIBLE historians. If you had, you would have a better idea of the variety of divergent opinions on just about anything, and you would have cut out this "all historians think Jesus was real!" shit years ago
>hat it was obvious, not only that Jesus lived, but that He was Who He said He was.
Great, so show me the evidence
>I don't know how much evidence you want.
>Great, show me a single piece of evidence that dates before the 180s.
>source? where's your source?
Oh, I get it. You're jewish. But regardless, no antiquities phd denies that the Mathew mark Luke and john were written within decades of the death of Christ. Same goes for the writings of Paul. Even kikeapedia backs this up.
>Lüdemann is the only serious challenge to the consensus of mid to late 50s.
You're fake and gay, niggerfaggot.
Greek Archdiocese could mean any autonomous branch of Orthodox church
looking at this news i am 100% sure its some faggot loving country branch, like USA or Canada

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This dude is simply insane.
that image can't be real

Scroll to the bottom.

The entire book is mad in itself.

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Guenon was a Freemason, I wish you tradlarpers would stop shilling people his Perennialist, New Age drivel.

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what are the political implications of people choosing AI girlfriends over real women?
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Leave my owl alone
he would program first "just in time" science gf
She's a shark. Sharks don't wear shoes.
I have moomed
Your owlsister is safe again... for now

Trevor Paglen. "I could tell you but then you would have to be destroyed by me" novel is very eye opening. The amount of symbolism in these patches is astounding.

Link for him discussing the book, worth watching : https://youtu.be/2_hv2YOJ8ck?si=v725JB7ckFMwYUxt

Honorable Mention: Lt.Col.Philip J Korso : https://youtu.be/ezJYX7ec5sQ?si=NOIBEn-3dqS9Cs8W
Correlations between the symbolism of black op military patches and the outer space alien
Inb4: It's demons, Space is Fake and Gay, Flat Earth, African Jew Trannys , and any "insert" flew over my house.
I'll post some patches that are weird and questionable so you know Op isn't a cock mongrel.
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Chim chim
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its crazy how much of Humans real history was covered up and how they keep shilling their fake science.
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idiots have been freaking out over these same exact patches for at least 2 decades

get some new shit already morons
The thing about this one is that the continents aren’t even close to ones we have, they could only be the americas but north america is too fucked up. Reminds me more of this schizo moon reflection map i saw a while back, and I think the red line between the continents could
mean something, but i don’t want to go flattard here. Also the 11 stripes and 25 stars on the mutt flag doesn’t seem right, they could have atleadt sown enough stripes. Maybe a civil war reference.

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I'm unironically a communist. Not a brainwashed one who substitutes Christian teachings for some leftard intellectual. But someone who believes that in earnest we should be co-operating instead of trying to extract profit from each other, our animals and nature. In the end such a practice inevitably leads to sloth, greed, degeneracy and destruction.
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Do Tolstoyans even exist anymore?
Idk it's a state of mind. I'm sure many do, individually. It's not easy to get any movement going that won't devolve into some kind of grift.
Planned economies are inefficient and prone to corruption. People stupid enough to believe in communism in 2024 should be shot on sight
then you are weak and ugly and feminine and useless with minor (or major) physical abnormalities that correlate with minor (or major) brain abnormalities. and you know it.

do you have attached ear lobes?
Communist is a weak ideology that seems to benefit capitalism more than anything

Communists died in droves to save the capitalist west from Nazi Germany and now 'communists' buy capitalist produces in the droves while having little tantrums they pretend are revolutions all of which are organized and controlled by wealthy oligarches for their own plans of global dominance.

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Stop posting your stupid repeat faggot threads? What do you think this is, Facebook?
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ᚻᛖᛁᛚ ᚹᛁᛋ ᚦᚢ, ᚹᚩᛏᚪᚾ.
and if he is, there is no reward for being right.
we're all headed for the same conclusion.
See you six feet under. We're not better than worm food.
>appeal to authority
it's the same shit when it comes down to it; "I believe in magic because I am compelled to"

Which is fair enough, the cringe part is telling others whether to believe in it or not.
youre incorrect in everything you do and ever did but its not politics

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Is this a woman?
"Good morning USA!!!"
no that's ben shapiro
skin rashes and pox all over his face
the sign of a diseased living
jack black is a jackie black now?

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Its just continued "men are bad" narrative. And because women are low T they cant express any opinion against what the herd says.

Someone post that gif/gotcha if you have it, where it explains low T humans have to pass information through a consensus filter. I now believe that is whats happening with the bear question. At first I just put it down to women beig retarded. Thats still kinda the case...
No man has ever had to pay alimony to a bear.
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>Its just continued "men are bad" narrative.
You sure it's only that?
Ultimately if you are engaging with women and this bear shit then you've failed a massive shit test. You're not supposed to listen to women because they are incapable of operating in a logical manner. It's like that tennis player demanding equal pay with the men despite being unable to beat other women since her fluke win, never mind being able to compete with men.

Unless a woman is passing information on to you then they have very little of value to say because it is entirely driven by emotion and their own self interest.
The modern diet has made everyone a disgusting sack of shit. Wall E was prophetic.

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Previous: >>468474171
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Ukraine demolishes orthodox church built on site of first Kievan cathedral -https://archive.today/9sr2U
> Russia gives UK ambassador 1 week to leave Moscow -https://archive.today/59UB3
>Germany expelled 7 Ukrainian soldiers training there for larping as nazi's -https://archive.today/WLSil
>Slovak PM, Robert Fico, target of assssination attempt (suspected shooter has been detained) -https://archive.today/ehsUu
>Estonia 'seriously considering' sending soldiers to Ukraine (all 700 of them) -https://archive.today/mzeJP
>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" -https://archive.today/XUw6a
>Battlegroup North liberates several settlements in the Kharkov Region -https://archive.today/78iGs

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We need to vote right-wing leaders aligned with Russia and China against kikes. Latin America either have commies or judeo-americanists.

Bump, I hate kikes so much it's unreal btw.
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I have a question. what does it mean?

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What sort of political views do people who live in places that look like this hold?
This isn't a search engine.
I'm just curious.
Google is your friend

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we did it reddit!!
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>I thought boxing was not fake and fixed like wrestling?

fixed it
lmao awful tattoo, looks like jesus has been touching himself
Usyk did knock him down in the 9th though, and probably would have stopped him if the ref hadn't intervened and given Fury a standing count, which is not allowed in championship matches.
>spectator sports
I don't need to dilate, real FemAnon here.

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They realize they have no future
I see them more frequently here. They always smell so revolting, i thought it was a meme. Why the fuck do they smell like that? Even their women smell like shit
different races naturally stink to each other
we weren't meant to live crammed together in jewish bazaars like we do today. we didn't evolve for this
niggers smell like shit
chinks smell like rotting chicken broth
jeets smell like a mixture of BO and vinegar
non-whites complain that whites smell like wet dog
it's natural to be revolted by the presence of other races. it is an assault on the senses
Fucking hell, this handwriting is so bad I tried to read it sideways and thought it was Cyrillic.
i have dated white chicks before. they sometimes smell but nothing unpleasant. i have dated latinas before, they can smell but its rarely offensive and can be pleasant actually. Curries and Meds smell bad but the ones that take care of themself don't really.

But these nigresses... they smell so foul. Why?

Also, idk what study it was, but you talking out your ass white boy.

They did an analysis of pore secretions of various races, Japanese/Korean women objectovely have next to no smell, and white people can smell bad (white guys on hot humid days smell like cheese thats about to go bad)

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If you have enough money to cover a lawsuit you already have insurance, and you're passing the costs of care onto other policy holders. Back when I was a kid they they used to describe it as "falling between the cracks". If you are poor you get covered by the government, if you are affluent you're of course covered plus some. Guy in the middle though he actually has to pay, even with insurance co-pays and premiums are no joke.
what does that have to do with them gouging you? It doesn't matter if insurance covers is, they shouldn't have to pay tons either. Insurance costs would go down a lot then. The guys who do pay and declare bankruptcy can do a class-action lawsuit or bring it to the supreme court to see if any laws are indeed being broken.
It goes back farther than that. The beginning of the end was the AMA cracking down on lodge doctoring around the turn of the century.
India and China has cheap health care only because kikes haven't setup their shop here. Get rid of kikes first.
>Why can't capitalism provide healthcare at a reasonable cost?
Because under capitalism the goal of all activities is maximum *profit*.

Thus under capitalism not only is medical care as expensive as possible, *the ultimate goal is the elimination of health itself.*

It's the jewish slavemaster-rentier arrogance applied to health: create a world filled with slaves chronically ill, who then work their lives away to rent from the kikes a little temporary relief of pain.

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>'Boil water' notice mostly lifted in Devon

>Unpaid carers being forced to repay £250m to DWP in allowance overpayments

>Thousands join pro-Palestinian march in London
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Shame you can’t afford a passport.
You’d love it over there.
Useless fucking nonce.
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>he doesn't know
>getting a (You) from the cretin
He didn’t read.
He probably thinks it’s cope.
You are undoubtably a moron.

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rip his spine,if he's not dead
America was built by refugees.
Unironically yes.
Does the guy outside make it? That was a bit of a spray.
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Cities and so called law are cancer. Eventually they reach a point described here:

Where they morph into a monster that protects criminals from their own actions at the expense of everyone else.

The frontier criminals were right all along and karma demands you be hoisted by your own petard. So you are, lawdog.

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childrens sex ed book used in 2024 in school
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what language is this?
Anon: This is the degeneracy destroying the west!
Me: The penis is #5, this shit is too easy
spanish from spain, cursive.
>tangled penises!
>someone is having anal sex with consent with the young boy Bartolome, but oh no! his penis has been tangled up with each other.
>can you help Bartolome discover who is knowing him anally from behind?
pardon if there are some mistakes, not an english expert.
Time for another book burning
Gomu Gomu Fruit
you can become a Ni(gg)a too

Is Islam right about women? You can't have a clean, orderly, scientifically and intellectually intense nation when women don't actively sexually select for this, thus they need to be kept in check.
>You can't have a clean, orderly, scientifically and intellectually intense nation
Now name a single country in the middle east that can be described this way
>inb4 UAE
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Perfect argument.
They switched to durka durka Salafi puritan tradition, I'm talking about traditional or neo-traditional Islam.

It's alive in pockets of Indonesia.
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We're at a turning point. Soon we'll have artificial woumbs and genetic engineering will allow women to be as strong as men.
Essentially leveling the field for women. We can hold them to the same standards as men.

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