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If a dude had a sex doll of a dog he would be called a freak that wants to fuck dogs but when a girl has a dog dildo it's "just because it feels different"
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I'm also white with blue eyes and tired of people saying "ur brown" when I say I fucking hate dogs. The first channel from the vids I posted is a goldmine if you're dog wise.
Women would rather fuck a dog than a white chadcel like me. It’s fucking over. Just lay down and rot buddy boyos
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I don't mind when dog plays the role it has always played (as a sound alarm/protector), but when people say shit like they value their dog's live more than other people, it gets into insane/perverted territory and is probably not far from actual bestiality
you already have it
it's called balls

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Genesis 21-22

21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs[g] and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[h] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

Women were literally created from biological experimentation. These passages from Genesis oddly specifies how Adam was put under some form of anesthesia, had one of his ribs surgically removed, and that Eve was somehow created specifically using one of Adam's ribs. Why was Eve created by this specific method when she could have simply been poofed into existence from dirt like Adam? I'll tell you why, God is actually a primordial transcendent immortal mad scientist and we are simply his pet project. This is the truth, are you OK with this information?
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Guts is a blacked cuckold thoughever.
Both Christianity and Judaism explicitly admit that they worship the same deity.
Are you claiming that jews then secretly go and worship other deity while nobody sees? Do you realize that the amount of cognitive dissonance it would cause to their general population would be orders of magnitude higher than even the most effective religious conditioning can contain? Of course nor lmao, local faggots giving big statements like this are ALWAYS deathly allergic to elaborate on the details of how it can even work.
>Why was Eve created by this specific method
Because the rib was close to Adam's heart.
It's just old Canaanite priestly castes being poetic.
That's all. It isn't that complicated.
Revelation 2:9

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

>Oyvey yes Goy we are Jews, and we totally worship the same God.
Begone (((you)))
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>and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not
You mean those Christian identity tards who WE WUZ as jews? I don't see how anyone else but those faggots fits this definition.
Modern jews who say they are jews do look like jews and behave like jews, so this is definitely nor about them.

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Seriously though, they is just kids.

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No one alive has ever bought an African slave to hold in the USA. That's like saying you pillaged me so I deserve free stuff from you, since you are a viking/moor.
they didn't even say nigger with hard R
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100% based and redpilled certified aryan queen







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Would you give the Ican people billions of dollars of military aid to restore their nation by force? Why or why not?
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Wisdom of the condor
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>It is an enormous paradox that the most dangerous and versatile criminal organizations originate from institutions in charge of the security components of the state such as the armed forces and intelligence services.

This isn't an enormous paradox, it's just common sense. A huge freestanding army isn't state security because, it can be flipped. Abuelo with a shotgun is state security.
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Funnily enough Ica is a region of Peru with a lot of black people (not niggers), they actually want to have an education and a career rather than being US-styled niggers.


As for invasions, most of Lima was made it the same way Israel did, through invasions from people tired of being among niggers at their locality deciding to join the party to build something better than potato farms and literal shit fueled ovens, we never wasted our time blaming spanish, US or the jews.

Oh shut up caviar, Lapicito is the classic template of the average nigger demagogue, they use the poor and the ignorant niggers to get themselves into power and leech out cash and benefits from the national budget I, not their voting base, pay, he got absurdly lucky due covid, but like most retards who forget it was sheer dumb luck he eventually ran himself into a corner, never understanding he cannot do the same sort of low-brow corruption and illegal maneuvers you find in provinces at the capital, he never got sophisticated enough to make a profit at Lima and then he was dumb enough to try to pull a coup in national television. What did he think he was? Alberto Fujimori? The nip was actually smart enough to understand first he needed to get the Armed Forces within his pocket, Lapicito somehow failed at figuring even something as simple as superior military support.
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Also we have managed to throw most of our corrupt politicians into jail, how many countries could pull that one? Look at US with Nixon and all the other guys who stepped all over the constitution, got into huge political scandals, started illegal wars and so on walking free in the street, for all our faults we got bigger balls than americans or europeans when it comes to accountability, and infinitely far more than the russians and chinese for that matter.
zesty ican nigga

"According to Islam A Succubus is a demonic, female, sexual predator typically born inside of a male but can be born inside a female lesbian. The succubus wants to kill the host and live life on it's own terms. The succubus grows in power overtime and as the demon has more power over her host will seek out having sex with men and gender transition so the succubus can be herself. How male the succubus acts depends on how much of a fight the host is putting up against the succubus and the age the succubus defeated the male and forced gender transition on to him. Mullah's believe the United States and Israel are behind it and are seeking more evidence if you have any. It is not gay to have sex with a succubus but it should be avoided if sex occurs it is the demons fault not yours.

It is unknown why but it is believed having sex with men is one of their primary goals. They seem to need to feed on new sperm once in every month and seem incapable of true love to a man, some have reported them vomiting a form of a black ferromagnetic fluid. A straight girl can become a Succubus if she is a mom, she seeks to grow succubui inside of her sons."
Does that mean Muslims want to fuck then

this restaurant owner recently marries the girl who used to frequent his restaurant 7 years ago, whom he gathered the courage to ask for her numbers even thought she was only 18 at that time
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Based really get to know them
And it’s ok in 7 years she’ll look older then him and he can claim she groomed him
Pathetic currycel who lives vicariously though other Men. Kill yourself you basal bitch
For starters the guy has normal eyelids. White guys find the chinkiest women and get surprised she pops out a super chink. The eyes are a dead tell like curly nigger or jew hair.
Better he gets her than some filthy groid
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keep coping ricecel, if you have kids with a white women you will just make chinky ricecel babies. only us INDIAN MEN can breed with white women and make white children since be are both apart of the caucasoid race............

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How are you too stupid to swim ffs?
Cats, dogs, apes, every animal on Earth...but Black humans.

When Sherman marched from Atlanta to the sea burning, raping and looting, thousands of dumb animal slaves, now free, began following him like fucking lemmings because they were stupid fucking animals without brains.
Thus, when Sherman's army cruised like Moses over a creek, thousands drown like stupid beasts because they simply walked into the water and fucking died.
Like they do every GD day..STILL

Do they not have bodies of deep water in Africa?
>Why can't they swim though?

>Hundreds of African Americans drowned trying to cross inEbenezer Creek north of Savannah while attempting to follow Sherman's Army in its March to the Sea. In 2011, a historical marker was erected there by theGeorgia Historical Societyto commemorate the African Americans who had risked so much for freedom.

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What region you live in? Rare to encounter a bear like you will niggers Also you low IQ retard I'm not op

See those things above the post? Those are called IDs, they help differentiate different posters.
show me on the full where niggers hurt you, anon?
Now I know what you're thinking.
You are thinking: but anon, after the first two or three deaths, why didn't the rest ..or at least the ones immediately behind and witnessing this senseless slaughter..oh I don't know...NOT WALK RIGHT INTO THE FUCKING DEADLY MYSTERY SUBSTANCE THAT WAS KILLING THEM?
I know.
I know you are thinking this or did think this because I asked myself the very same question.
But no.
They kept marching.
Right into the water.
Then it was ten.
They kept marching.
Right into the water
Then two dozen.
They kept marching.
Right into the water
Then fifty

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This dumbfuck doesn't even know who to respond to!
So triggered.
So very triggered
Don't drown in a puddle!

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You think jews are bad? You poor souls have no idea what pajeets are capable of. They are kikes times 1000.
You think chinks are bad? You poor whites have no idea what pajeets are capable of. They are chinks times 10,000.
Pajeets are the ancestors of European gypsies. They are master scammers. It is what they do. It is their purpose here on Earth. That's their only purpose. To scam people of other race. As said above, jews and chinks are nothing in compared to pajeets.
We know because we live next to them.
>b-but you are one of them
Exactly, you have been scammed by pajeets.
>b-but you have even lower IQ than them
Exactly, you have been scammed by pajeets. If we did then my country wouldn't exist, they would have stolen it a long time ago.
>b-but their higher caste people are aryans and white looking
Exactly, you have been scammed by pajeets. They all look the same. You wouldn't be able to tell a bahunrat from their dalit by look at them.

Stop importing them today and nuke India tomorrow or suffer for eternity.

The choice is very clear.
There is no other option.

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some lock screen blur feature. lol
>name: russell peters
>visibly indian
ah another jack-murphy
Actual fucking state
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mooooslimes are the worst
Nepal was a part of india. Buddha was an indian. Nepal must be absorbed into india

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I've had a theory, and mentioned it here before, that Covid vax injury info is being drip, drip, drip, flood released to the public, and that will continue, more and more as 2024 progresses, until it gets to a point later this year where it has become widespread publicly acknowledged by everyone that the shots are dangerous. This will be a precipice for a lot of people. Then, just prior to the election a MOAB will come to light that the shots initially released while Trump was still in office (the ones that had to be stored at below zero temperature, and carefully administered within a specific timeframe after being removed from deepfreeze) were swapped out for different shots (no longer requiring deepfreeze, and having blank paperwork in the boxes the vials come in) after Trump left. Over the past several weeks we're suddenly seeing Covid vax injury stories beginning to go mainstream... AstraZeneca banned due to clotting, media figures like Bill Maher talking about vax injury, etc. Now I just saw this post about YouTube quietly reinstating previously banned Covid content, which goes along with my theory.

Was the banning of Trump from Twitter, the censorship of our social media posts, the lies and omissions from the MSM, all of it, part of the plan to SHOW the public how corrupt everything is? Is it now time, in this election year, for the pendulum to swing back to where the media will start drip, drip, dripping out actual truths? CNN fired a bunch of their "talent" (Cuomo, Lemon, Stelter, etc.) and now Trump is doing interviews and debates on CNN, and public sentiment and polling continues to increase in favorability towards Trump. I can't really put it into words, but I keep thinking that maybe EVERYTHING has been meticulously scripted from the beginning, but orchestrated in such a way that to the casual observer it's been a public awakening that is organic in nature.
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i want that image in human resolution
>his kid came out looking indian probably got some vials switched
my apologies, but i'm lmfao
>40,000 Euros
stupid cunt, that's a bad precedent

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Order of
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Sneed was never funny.
More of a G.R.O.S.S. man myself but I appreciate the G.O.O.N.
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sneed is sneed

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Remember when silver was relevant?
Pepperidge farm remembers
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>be a surf with a small amount of silver
Mods are asleep, post shiny.
You can thank the Spanish for mining Latin America dry and inflating the price of Silver
They used to have that thread

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Who is the raging homo next to trump?
That's a government classification, not a scientific classification. Hemp and marijuana are the same plant.
>cannabis startup founders realized that while 0.3 percent delta-9 THC by weight wasn’t nearly enough to intoxicate users who smoked it — that kind of potency was more than enough to intoxicate if put into an edible.

>Today, a standard commercial edible may carry a dosage of 20 milligrams of delta-9 THC — which is far less than 0.3 percent of the weight of a 10-gram candy, but still more than enough to get a user high.
>Enterprising vendors realized that Congress had banned cannabis “flower” containing more than 0.3 percent of Delta-9 THC — but that even intoxicating cannabis doesn’t contain Delta-9 THC.

>Instead, it contains delta-9 THCa — or tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, a chemical that is non-intoxicating unless exposed to heat, at which point it is converted to intoxicating THC. (That’s why simply eating marijuana doesn’t get the consumer high.)

>Therefore, based on a strict reading of the 2018 Farm Bill, Congress hadn’t just legalized the growth of hemp fibers — it had legalized smokable, intoxicating cannabis, which was legal up until the point that the purchaser lit it on fire.

>As one online vendor notes, “THCa is completely legal across the U.S. It contains less than 0.3 percent Delta-9 THC, which according to the DEA, makes it federally legal.”
Yes they all need jail forever

Can anyone actually define “cultural marxism”?
Like, what can you point to specifically as an example of it?
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>Can anyone actually define “cultural marxism”?
pathological insane urge to genocide goyim
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Cultural Marxism involves implementing the Frankfurt School's teachings of Critical Theory, particularly Critical Race Theory and Queer Theory. But it also includes things such as radical feminism, relativism, political correctness, and so forth.

It's part of the "superstructure" teachings of Marxism. And it has its roots in Antonio Gramsci, who believed that cultures had to be destroyed to implement communism.
you fucking dumb nigger

there is no such thing as "marxist theory"

it's all just language games

define the world based on some retarded narrative you pulled out of your ass and then force all discussions into your self-referential made up fantasy world

that's what marxism is
op is retarded
see DEI
see affirmative action

>The former Republican governor of Ohio has said he believes there could be a secret plot underway that would see the Democrats replace Biden as the party's presidential candidate before November's election.
>John Kasich, whose own half-hearted bid for the presidency in 2016 ended in failure, said he believes poor polling data coupled with Biden's poor performance at public speaking events has given Democrats a reason to look for alternative candidate.


Realistically, how could the Democrats replace Biden if he's already won the primaries? Are they allowed to ignore the wishes of the voters and just nominate someone else? Presumably he's not going to step down of his own volition and the Democratic Party leadership aren't going to have him assassinated.

What can they do?
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theyve been saying that newsom is going to replace biden at the last minute for more than a year now. i think it will happen. newsom is our trudeau - 1000% controlled and ready to crash the nation into the ground. his entrance will give the media the cover they need to explain away the rigging. the brainless majority will accept it all
>How could Democrats ignore the wishes of the voters?
Bernie knows
>What can they do?
whatever the fuck they want
change the rules like duh
what are repubs going to do about it??
write emails schedule committee meetings
He's also good looking enough that women will vote for him. That's what women's suffrage has brought us. Politicians based on how they make their vagina tingle.
They're probably gonna try and pull it off with Newsome. Which would be bad fucking news for the country. He's a Pelosi

Anyone else sick of Smsishing and Carding scammers sending text to your cellphone constantly with links to Credential Harvesters like this??

Don't just delete them, report the URL's to their Domain Register and also have them added to the Google black list:


Most of the harvesters that I get have an IP address shown as Nanjing China but some of the better ones I get come from Russia too. Report them and save people's Grandma's pension money.

Post your screen caps - about time someone outed China and Russia for this shit.
I get 100 of those emails a week
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>Most of the harvesters that I get have an IP address shown as Nanjing China but some of the better ones I get come from Russia too.
We all know where they're really from.
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Other popular ones are parcel redelivery scams - they harvest personal info and want your credit card details to fraud you.
No. Im sick of actual companies outsourcing every single bit of transactions to authorized third party servicers so you never know who is legit or not.
>yeah we're gonna need you to sploosh your drivers license over to changbang on yizzurp and will get back to you within 7-10 business days on skirtskirt once it's been confirmed by YEET.
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>No. Im sick of actual companies outsourcing every single bit of transactions to authorized third party servicers so you never know who is legit or not.

A lot of rewards schemes use outsourcers - Telco's often have such programs. This harvester landed on my phone and I am not even with that telco, so the scammers phone list must lack info detail like which carrier the phone is at.

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Why do they shove niggers into everything? Why?
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Literally nobody outisde of california thinks that, Klaus.
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>rising tide of color
I will never watch another Lotr mainstream production. We got the trillogy and we barely got the hobbit. Hollyjew can fuck off now.
Every amerinigger libshit mongoloid cuck thinks that, memeflaggot kike nigger cuck.

block already dropped but this was spooky
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it's scared
Did it actually say what type of traffic was detected?
nope, that's all it said. i searched michael jackson music videos a minute earlier so maybe they're integrating ai and fucking up the search filters

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What if they're really the good guys?
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The good guys can actually live peacefully with everyone instead of having a plot to enslave the world to serve your people
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they actually are
What do they get from exterminating whites?
FPBP - israel will always lie through their teeth and protect niggers and faggots, then parade their most loyal and cucked shabbos goy as proof that they don't hate all whites
I tend to trust the Romans on this issue.

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>YO WASSUP RICE BITCHES *pulls up hakama*
*start trying to rape jap women and get slashed in half by real samurai*

Got a free ticket. What am in for?
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>These kids never learned anything in school.
They weren't supposed to learn.
would leech
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Heckle the fuck out of him about 200 Years Together.
Does he say anything novel these days? Seems like he just repeats the dip shit GOP party line like a parrot while wearing ridiculous clothing.
Chaos anon

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