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Yusuke was real and Tom Cruise don't
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>whites did it first!
sure, in their own nation, when America was closer to its origins as a dominantly pure white nation, not the jewish potpourri it is now.

why would anyone feel bad about being the majority race in their own nation? gonna go preach to niggers in africa that they're racist because they occupy most of their own governmental positions too? fucking retarded hypocrite. take your pity party abroad; racism is everywhere and that's OK because when you are the majority you make the rules. dont like it? go back to whatever fucking shithole spawned your brown race and stay there.
This Im tiered with niggers usurpating everything I want total kike death now
This, the nig was a pet a mascot noe goyflic is extrapolating this bullshit whats next? ancient Mexicans were nogs?
double nigger
Yusuke Yufuke rong time 2 dorra?

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>Do the needful
I've been told that India will become a super power in 2025. Will the Indian government track down anons here who have posted anti-Indian things? I'm a little worried because even right now the Indian government has assassinated anit-Indian people in Canada.

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im looking forward to the great indo-china war
people think its us that will get into it with them but I got my money on india
Wasn't this a Chinese story? So they stole from chinks too?
more kike DnC no white man would give a shit about this
nah ur right it might be chinese. i always mix the two up. bug people be bug people i guess.
Well around the 2010s it was Chinese tourists pooping in the streets, and now it's Indians -- and they do it near drinking water too because they are extra retarded.

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Debt maxx then BK. You can only do it every 8 years or so, so make it count.
No but he gives the tyrants of a post collapse america a valid reason to enslave him.
>Shit, or even a good paying job. They run your credit score as part of the shit-filtering process these days and don't want degenerates on their payroll.

Most fortune 500 companies use HireRight (Look it up) They'll bounce your app straight to the trashcan. You are a bad risk.
In the USA everyone is armed. In the initial collapse stages it would be all hell for 6 months. Once most have starved/been killed the survivors (generally the Prepared) would rebuild. A stable medium of trade would be necessary. Salt and bullets, lighters and water filtration - but also silver and gold as trade increased. No one will want gov fiat as the cold reminder of what it lead to. You lack an understanding of how It Goes Down.
oldest zoomie is 26. while not a child but when you get your first credit card you start out with a bullshit limit of like $800, which is 20 big macs a month and gas to go get it these days desu

my first card was $500 limit, now its $27k. so back in the day I was close to maxing it out, now I only top 2% of it

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I keep getting recommended videos about post-Brexit regret, homelessness, poverty and dying business streets in the UK. Was Brexit really a mistake? Was /pol/ wrong?
when you import the 3rd world people generally stop caring about solving problems or doing anything worth being proud of as a nation
Algorithm making you think bearish in a bull-market, that’s it. Better not invest and take a slice of the wealth transfer goy, put in that money in the bank for our awesome interest rate instead of buying assets that +1000%. That stuff is too complicated and risky for goys like you, you need to keep that money until it’s decided that fiat is worthless and you need ti be left holding the bag. C’mon goy, get with the program.

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>still winning the war
>fastest growing economy in europe
>wunderwaffe paraded and humiliated in moscow
>powerful alliance forged with china
>ukraine never a threat again as it is demographically and economically wiped out
>memes made to mock him appropriated to serve him instead
how does monke do it?
Through the power of banan
The west is not laughing anymore that's certain.
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>Through the power of banan
Honestly it's not hard when the people on the other side are stupid and incompetent

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Previous: >>468477680

▶Day: 815 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>For the first time during the war, the AFU has enough artillery shells - Zelenskyy
>"We didn't need Kharkiv" - Vladimir Putin
>Denmark's new military aid package to Ukraine valued at 5.6 billion DKK (€750 million)
>Sevastopol hit by drones
>Novorossiysk port hit by drones
>Tuapse refinery hit by drones
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea. Again
>Putin begs for peace after realizing he can't get the entirety of Ukraine - RT
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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> crossing open fields in broad daylight without full EW cover
It's like they want their mobiks to die
KEKim white af bro
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>KEKim white af bro
Blue eyes Slavic stay mad? Kek!

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he was against corona vaccines, he was murdered by CIA

its not a recent happening but do not forget

Many such cases
viruses don't even exist. Germ theory is a huge lie.
probably murdered ... the perps aren't messing around

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What does /pol/ think of Project 2025? Jewish propaganda or legitimate idea?
>The project will build on four pillars that will, collectively, pave the way for an effective conservative Administration.
Whenever politicians start talking about "[insert number] of pillars" . Run.

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“Nazi” (1945) – does not exist any more, created by Jewish movies. Friendship of families labeled as National Socialism, has nothing to do with created by Jews in a Hollywood “Nazi”.

National – united families
Socialism – cooperation with out usury. Friendship is social phenomena.

In times of desperation caused by criminal jew gangs, dads for the love to their families unite to protect and provide.

No usury - that what makes kikes seethe about friendship (“socialism”), it means end of parasitic lifestyle, you contribute your part and use benefits created together. Jews mocking with “Nazi” label, friendship of families, morality.
Swastika is pointing at the source of free energy, electricity that we all use (you not suppose to know that) https://youtu.be/gPdiqYOaTGY
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Free energy for those who don't dream about balls in imaginary space
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Heil electricity !
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Why is the Black murder rate increasing over time but everyone else's is falling?
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>defund the police
>black people kill each other more
kike brained cuck faggot. every dead nigger is a blessing
>And eugenics is a diabolical evil.
It's the opposite. Dysgenics is.

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Will other monarchs recognise and respect a self-proclaimed King of a Micro Monarchy and of a City-State.




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Could there be technology that gives the ability "edit" the past? But when doing so there are vague memories of what happened before the time edit (Mandela effect). For instance let's say the Miami Mall incident was a real portal that opened up but after the incident was "corrected" there was still "residue" of what happens - "errors" in the "edit" so it wasn't perfect.
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>Could there be technology that gives the ability "edit" the past?
There is
You can't remember what you had to eat 4 weeks ago.
As God would be able to stand outside and see 100 years from now before we even get to it.

The question is, is God able to determine where things will be in 100 years, or is he literally present at every single moment all at once outside of it all, and inside at every moment in real time, at every time. Meaning God is present 100 years from now and here now, as all time is happening at the same time in the mind of God.
Dr Craig - An Explanation of Physical Time And Metaphysical Time
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"The universe is God's mechanical clock"

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Euro trash that think they are peers should take a trip to the states
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Just saying, our assets far exceed our liabilities.
all white people matter to me
I call BS. The only thing propping up the US economy is the fact that we still have enough weapons leftover from the boomer days to force most of the world to use US currency
We have a bunch of Azerbaijanis and Armenians, plus a lot of Russians that fled here after the war. And also a lot Indian and African students. I would say we're still above 80%, but not by much.
Georgia US was 51% White in 2020 and given the speed of demographic change in the US it's safe to say that number is closer to 47% in 2024.

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Barron Trump just graduated. He is like 6’7.

Is he our Augustus?
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I'm so jealous of the pussy Barron is going to get
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>an autistic carnival freak is our savior
Good luck with that.
Octavian was based af so yeah probably
its obvious that Baron is his Golden Child. He has the most of Trumps genes and is YUGE.
He hasn't been steeped in politics yet so he's still pure compared to the rest of the family.

Baron is going to be doing some very big things in the future.

Sorry, Trump. I'm riding with Biden this time.
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>he's issues,
Trumpers love the herb. I see you all the time in dispensary parking lots with your bumper stickers saying fuck Biden. It's strange and ironic
they're so desperate they've taken the "dude weed lmfao" route. my god november is going to be a bloodbath unless they find a couple hundred thousand mail in ballots and stop the count like last time lol
Regardless of who was in office, weed would eventually become legal.
i voted trump last time, this time im voting biden. the republicans are insufferable traitorous faggots.

How come out of all the globalist puppets we had to get the worst one?
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candians need this at this point
He'll be better in the sense that he will cut all the social crap that the liberals are spending billions of dollars on. He's not going to magically make Canada better, I still think Canada is done for and the provinces will split up in the next 10-20 years as the system breaks down from stress.
really? social crap never gets cut here ever only in theory
he'll get rid of the stuff that makes canada good, but not change immigration slightly

just like every other neoliberal retard
they like Canada bc fresh water maxing, and sparsely populated

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autistic boy!


>Prenatal Exposure to COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 Induces Autism-Like Behaviors in Male Neonatal Rat

>Subsequent evaluations on male and female offspring included autism-like behaviors, neuronal counts, and motor performance.

>Our findings reveal that the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine significantly alters WNT gene expression and BDNF levels in both male and female rats, suggesting a profound impact on key neurodevelopmental pathways.

>Notably, male rats exhibited pronounced autism-like behaviors, characterized by a marked reduction in social interaction and repetitive patterns of behavior. Furthermore, there was a substantial decrease in neuronal counts in critical brain regions, indicating potential neurodegeneration or altered neurodevelopment.

>Male rats also demonstrated impaired motor performance, evidenced by reduced coordination and agility. Our research provides insights into the effects of the COVID-19 mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine on WNT gene expression, BDNF levels, and certain neurodevelopmental markers in a rat model. More extensive studies are needed to confirm these observations in humans and to explore the exact mechanisms
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you will turn autist yourself if you take a vaccine
I have not taken it
why didnt you?
Why would I? Mrna is poison
>More autism
just what we needed. anyways this was fucking obvious, the spike causes systemic inflammation -> neuroinflammation. Autism is a brain inflammation condition. So this is expected. There's studies that use photobiomodulation on the brain to fix autistic retarded kids but I doubt she will know any better that PBM shuts down and reverses vax DNA damage

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Trannies were adopted by the LGBs as a political shield. Think about it. We all know the Gay Mafia runs Hollywood and anyone who works with government knows how many gay guys fill the ranks (and that's even before we consider the intelligence community's rich history of closeted killers). I propose that gays wanted cover for their nefarious activities and nepotism-like ingroup hiring practices. They observed the concept of the "ugly fat friend" in women circles, i.e., that mid women look hotter to guys while standing next to muttoid hamplanets. Thus, they devised a plot to pedestalize troons and pushed "trans rights" to absorb the flak, knowing full well the public would find it unpalatable. So they added a T to the LGB and the rest is history. Those sneaky fuckers.
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>do you have any proof of this that isnt just rage bait and/or delusional lefism?
Ok just out of curiosity, where do you think these rage bait boogeymen get their content from? Do you think they’re paying random homeless people to larp as trannies and say stupid shit? Clearly there are people harassing gays and lesbians from your community, and that’s why they’re telling you to fuck off. You’d just rather call them pick mes so you don’t have to address it.
>there is a huge difference between a man simply "identifying" as trans either as a fetish or to get access to female only spaces (sometimes both) and an actual trans woman who is trans because of gender dysphoria.
I don’t buy it, but let’s say you’re right. How are women supposed to detect the innocent real trannies from the fake ones that sexually harass and rape them? Also does the crime of rape automatically make them fake trannies? If so who are you to tell that rapist they don’t experience gender dysphoria?
>where do you think these rage bait boogeymen get their content from?
made up memes and reddit stories that people like you make and spread around, never heard of propaganda that dehumanizes and demonzies a targeted group? you can’t be this dumb
>Do you think they’re paying random homeless people to larp as trannies and say stupid shit?
mentally ill people will be mentally ill, you can’t apply logic to such a thing
>Clearly there are people harassing gays and lesbians from your community, and that’s why they’re telling you to fuck off.
wrong, it's to get approval from straight people as some weak attempt to make trans people seem to be the freaks and groomers when its almost the opposite
> You’d just rather call them pick mes so you don’t have to address it.
do you think grooming pedo behavior never happens within gay men? fucking lol
>How are women supposed to detect the innocent real trannies from the fake ones that sexually harass and rape them?
if you want my honest opinion on this, trans women shouldnt be let in female dominated spaces at all, even the "innocent real ones" as you put it.
>Also does the crime of rape automatically make them fake trannies?
not exactly, its more about how these "trans" people who do the crime end up hardly being medically trans, they arent on estrogen or put any effort to actually try and appear female, they're delusional men who just want to short cut the way to being a woman for his fetish, not the same as a real trans person.
>If so who are you to tell that rapist they don’t experience gender dysphoria?
because anyone with a brain can tell such a thing
>made up memes and reddit stories that people like you make and spread around, never heard of propaganda that dehumanizes and demonzies a targeted group?
Who’s making these made up posts then? Also who made the trans porn star to come up with the cotton ceiling to make all the trannies look bad? You can say some of it is propaganda, but it’s ridiculous to say that all of it’s made up and no one actually says these things.
>it's to get approval from straight people as some weak attempt to make trans people seem to be the freaks and groomers when its almost the opposite
You’re free to keep believing that and playing the victim, but they’re going to keep hating you.
>do you think grooming pedo behavior never happens within gay men? fucking lol
Do I think men magically stop being gross degenerates when they happen to be homosexual? Of course not.
>if you want my honest opinion on this, trans women shouldnt be let in female dominated spaces at all, even the "innocent real ones" as you put it.
Good. I’m glad we have some common ground.
>these "trans" people who do the crime end up hardly being medically trans, they arent on estrogen or put any effort to actually try and appear female, they're delusional men
Actually a lot of the times they are on hormones because becoming more “womanlike” gets them off. You can argue most put no effort in, that I definitely agree with, but even beautiful people can be perverts and hurt women.
>Who’s making these made up posts then? Also who made the trans porn star to come up with the cotton ceiling to make all the trannies look bad?
do i really need to explain to you that people are not perfect and always mentally well in the head? what's stopping some coomer brained hyper sexual (oftentimes gay) man from just larping as trans and due to people like you, everyone just takes his word even if he isnt actually trans
>You’re free to keep believing that and playing the victim, but they’re going to keep hating you
fine by me, i too stand for removing the T from the LGB, i dont want anything to do with homosexuals, i too want transgenderism to no longer be grouped together with them.
>Actually a lot of the times they are on hormones because becoming more “womanlike” gets them off.
there is some truth to this, but what you seem to forget is they are so caught up in instantly being a woman rather than actually passing as one that no, they dont put any actual effort in it, maybe its just because i know too much about tranny culture, but it is fairly obvious to tell the difference between a agp "trans" person vs an actual trans person, and if appearance alone isnt enough, a simple conversation about why said person is trans can be very telling.
> fine by me, i too stand for removing the T from the LGB, i dont want anything to do with homosexuals, i too want transgenderism to no longer be grouped together with them.
I don’t think we have anything else to argue about then. I have my opinions and you have yours, but it seems like we both want the same thing at the end of the day.

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qrd, pls
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new Current Thing just pooped out of the internets aids ridden jewish asshole?
ill have a bite of that please.
Landlocked mountainous country isolated from natural resources, suffering a devastating vowel shortage
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In Gundam 00 they based the "Republic of Krugis" after this god forsaken country.
Child soldiers fighting endless religious wars no one cares about.
I once won a bet by correctly naming a random flag which happened to be Kyrgyzstan which I recognized by its soccer ball logo
>roof racks
>gen 3
>winter coverage w/ snow
>russian style poles
Very easy to spot and region guess.

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So, we bought a house in 2020 during the retarded lockdowns. Across the street was / is a hideous brutalist styled building from the 70s. There werent any niggers living in it then. However, on the bottom floor unbeknownst to us, every apartment was abandoned. Now everyone that lives in the building is either an illegal spick or a nigger.

My question being how or who do I contact in order to condemn a building? I know for a fact that all of the abandoned apartments on the bottom floor have black mold in them. You can clearly see it just by looking in the windows. Also, the niggers that live on the 3rd floor told me that birds and shit git into their apartment via holes in the roof.

Surely this shit ain't up to code. I want to rid my neighborhood of these worthless blasting music, trash throwing, crime causing, low IQ mother fucking niggers. I hate them, I truly do and unfortunately our country is going to become nothing but niggers and spicks in 50 years. We are fucked.

But until then, how would I report the building for being unsafe to nigger habitation?

I live near Pittsburgh in Allegheny County FYI.
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