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Vaxxies you are officially allowed to get mad now. It's ok for you to be angry and feel like doing something.
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I was just thinking this. That would explain the hand sanitizer connection. Thanks!
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Well, I got the shot and I didn't die.
You need to kill yourself.
hows the ol heart and lungs?


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Would you give the Ican people billions of dollars of military aid to restore their nation by force? Why or why not?
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>It is an enormous paradox that the most dangerous and versatile criminal organizations originate from institutions in charge of the security components of the state such as the armed forces and intelligence services.

This isn't an enormous paradox, it's just common sense. A huge freestanding army isn't state security because, it can be flipped. Abuelo with a shotgun is state security.
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Funnily enough Ica is a region of Peru with a lot of black people (not niggers), they actually want to have an education and a career rather than being US-styled niggers.


As for invasions, most of Lima was made it the same way Israel did, through invasions from people tired of being among niggers at their locality deciding to join the party to build something better than potato farms and literal shit fueled ovens, we never wasted our time blaming spanish, US or the jews.

Oh shut up caviar, Lapicito is the classic template of the average nigger demagogue, they use the poor and the ignorant niggers to get themselves into power and leech out cash and benefits from the national budget I, not their voting base, pay, he got absurdly lucky due covid, but like most retards who forget it was sheer dumb luck he eventually ran himself into a corner, never understanding he cannot do the same sort of low-brow corruption and illegal maneuvers you find in provinces at the capital, he never got sophisticated enough to make a profit at Lima and then he was dumb enough to try to pull a coup in national television. What did he think he was? Alberto Fujimori? The nip was actually smart enough to understand first he needed to get the Armed Forces within his pocket, Lapicito somehow failed at figuring even something as simple as superior military support.
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Also we have managed to throw most of our corrupt politicians into jail, how many countries could pull that one? Look at US with Nixon and all the other guys who stepped all over the constitution, got into huge political scandals, started illegal wars and so on walking free in the street, for all our faults we got bigger balls than americans or europeans when it comes to accountability, and infinitely far more than the russians and chinese for that matter.
zesty ican nigga
They took him out because he was fucking retarded just like Biden.

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Visajeets are the Jews' ideal Janissaries.
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Yeah 3 was island niggers, not proper niggers
Yes. And Hispanics are the sappers. Look up the term.
>You think jews are bad? You poor souls have no idea what pajeets are capable of.
Methinks a certain agenda hath appeared
Unless she is making games where the objective is to poo in the loo, her contribution to "diversity" will offer absolutely nothing of value.
There will come a day when we snap our fingers, and millions of POC will rise up in unison against their colonizers.
We will stand up together and strike down white supremacy once and for all.
When the Messiah comes, every Jew will have 2800 slaves.

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Why the fuck ameritards don't vote for a third party candidate?
>Muh supports Israel who cares the main two don't?
>Hates bureaucracy and educated about 5G risks,vax
>So much better than trumpfag and bidenturd
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>just vote harder bro!
in jew we trust, it changes nothing
I'm gonna vote for RFK just for the Lul's decelerate
Fags will be fags I see

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Has anyone noticed the comment sections in normie sits are getting very redpilled? Every time there's a nigger nigging almost all over the comments are openly trashing niggers. It looks like white people are getting fed up with it.

What's going to happen when they reach their boiling point?
You sure this boiling point thread really is about kufr nigs? Reminds me more of what's happening worldwide to and about......................
the world is broken.
I noticed most websites stopped allowing comments

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Trump began the trade war that against China that should've happened decades ago. But China is building an export network with countries like Botswana. China exports $200 million dollars a year to Botswana. How likely is Trump/Biden (I know Trump won't win in 2024) to keep away countries like Botswana, and how can they do that?
That's nothing. Building up African infrastructure would be profitable if their nations weren't disintegrated rump states like Congo. Case in point, Botswana is functional.

It's not the 1700s. Monkeys wild lands in Africa are not worth anything compared to developed areas.
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fuck chinks
fuck chyna

>Netflix to cast Brad Pitt as Shaka Zulu, the great Zulu king, in new historical biopic.
This would literally cause riots.
Meanwhile white people do nothing while their history is replaced.
maybe you should have tried harder

just don't play the game, don't go to the movie

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If all the kikes were gassed tomorrow, the world would stay the same, because Luciferian Freemasons are pulling the strings.
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>post conclusion without evidence
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==Q== is Masonic AF.
'''33''' Q posts contain "Dark to Light".
33 FFS!
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Everything that’s in the dark will come to light. These people have been cast into the light and want to try and hurry back into the shadows. Secret societies aren’t okay. What’s the big secret anyway? If you don’t know the secret then the joke is on you for defending a Satanic pedophile cult. Because the secret is that they do Satanic rituals with children and all sorts of other evils
Wake me up when the Good Guy™ Masonic scumbags take over.
It's gonna be fucking great.
Especially when the mark of the beast comes out. Oh yeah. Good times.
Synagogue of Satan was an off hand remark, not a fucking prophecy. If anyone is the synagogue of Satan, its the Catholics. Satan literally just means "adversary of the jews", which historically means everyone that isn't Jewish. Catholics say they are Jews, but are not. And it doesn't even matter if they call you the synagogue of Satan, because Morality is just completely foreign to these people. Something is only immoral if their rabbi scolds them for it. end of story.

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How does he know they all have dual citizenship?
“The Jew is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out".”
>still talking about da vax

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Netanyahu arrested and jailed by ICJ, as happened to Milosevic. There's thousands of people buried under rubble of apartment buildings in Gaza, the final death toll will be much higher than it is now, potentially 100k+.

Ukraine eventually cedes Donbas and Crimea to Russia as they can't sustain the losses of young men any longer. Russia accepts the ceasefire, because quietly they can't afford to keep the war going either.
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Within two years, a ceasefire will freeze the conflict and borders will basically be where the lines are now. Ukraine and NATO will bitch and moan but ultimately do nothing as the world slowly forgets.
Since the jews cannot kill all fighters, Gaza's population will be expelled to western countries. Low-intensity terrorism continues for the foreseeable future. Israel/Jews' international optics marginally damaged. Zionist conservatives continue to run damage control until the boomers are all dead.
Neocons/neolibs get stabbed in the back by their greatest ally.
Zelensky will be assass-acked by CIA Mossad disguised as one of his own long term security retinue and a younger, straighter, more credible face will be installed as President of a very important New Ukraine. Meanwhile Bibi will be assass-ACKED by his own nation in a surprise black swan event disguised to look like a health issue. The string puller behind both hits is Five Eyes, tired of the controversy and laundering both subject them to. Both are scraping funds off top of monies 5E considers its and you don't get to do that. There will be a massive EU/Russia and ME/IS war to mop up and reset normie attention and, the litigants hope, when both end, IS will have a fresh minted young smiley new leader similar to Trudeau but Jewish, while Uke will be called New Uke and run by a woman. She already knows who she is and has already gotten the talk. Claudia Sheinbaum, Ukraine flavor.

How did I do boss
>Predict how their wars will end
With a lot less gentiles in the world...

>fades into irrelevancy
where did it go so wrong? immediately after mass censorship cooled down, breadtube was usurped by the red pill (and by orders of magnitude)
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I support all opposition to israel's geopolitical strategic interests.
anything that deals damage to israel and zionism is "good"
anything or anyone that deals damage to jewish agenda is "good" despite its "past"
dealing damage is all that matters, who deals that damage, matters not
Every obstacle in israel's path, I support.
Every single player that opposes israel on the world stage, I endorse.
israel is surrounded by her enemies on all sides and I support all of them.
Right or left doesn't matter. Christian. pagan, atheistic or Islamic doesn't matter.
I don't even care about the race of the of the opposition.
I dont care who is white, "muh shitskin", brown, yellow, it simply doesnt matter, so long as they deal damage
I don't even think Muslims would 'immigrate' to western countries if it weren't for jews.
They would live in peace in Islamic obscurity if it weren't for israel displacing them and then blaming other countries and coercing them into taking immigrants.
This nigger is retarded, he ends up always pissing off every side due to leftist purity spiral shit
>Ukraine is a NATO pawn
>But Ruzzia bad also because it’s just the US but homophobic!!
>Israel is bad
>but it’s actually white Christian’s at fault who are using Jews as their pawns, zionism is actually antisemetic!!
>has tankie takes but also hates tankies and calls them retarded larpers
>hates the US government but also says anyone willing to act violently against them is a LARPing scumbag wannabe
>hates the rich but also hates the poor outside of minorities because poor/working class whites are racist Christian retards
The only people he likes are minorities and young professional/student leftists but Muslims and niggers don’t like his fag shit and rich lefty’s are too liberal aligned to agree with him on geopolitical shit. Lefties here love to do this shit, they shit on everyone aside from 15% of the population than wonder why everyone hates them. This dude also recently told his fan that he deserved to get jumped by niggers simply for being white since only a racist would get upset about whites being attacked by blacks kek.
it was owning 911 GT3's and 3mill $ penthouses in LA, while telling his audience they should live within their means and that socialism is god. It was beyond what even braindead zommer and millenials can tolerate or delude themselves on.
is that you turkroach ?
still making millions yearly by shilling shit to watchers, sounds like a w to me desu. Closer to election time he'll be back to 40k+ daily for a while. He'll be relevant for years to come as well, seethe.

Can anyone actually define “cultural marxism”?
Like, what can you point to specifically as an example of it?
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Cultural Marxism involves implementing the Frankfurt School's teachings of Critical Theory, particularly Critical Race Theory and Queer Theory. But it also includes things such as radical feminism, relativism, political correctness, and so forth.

It's part of the "superstructure" teachings of Marxism. And it has its roots in Antonio Gramsci, who believed that cultures had to be destroyed to implement communism.
you fucking dumb nigger

there is no such thing as "marxist theory"

it's all just language games

define the world based on some retarded narrative you pulled out of your ass and then force all discussions into your self-referential made up fantasy world

that's what marxism is
op is retarded
see DEI
see affirmative action
definition: gibs me dat
It's just judeo-liberalism

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tell the (((truth))) next time, OP
Simple mayday ccp stress, they take it out on everyone else.

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Also it's not like we are some bastion of high intelligence, we are also some of the most deranged hicks I've ever seen anywhere.

This is literally Finnish culture
>finnish man and russian man go to sauna
>russian die

What I'm saying is that I still love our culture and prefer my own kind to someone elses.
And contrary to how many paint us leaning natsoc, I am actually pro-diversity.
And what I mean by that is every distinct race and culture should have their own areas in the world. People can visit each other but shouldn't overstay their welcome, especially in large volumes which are culture-destroying.
Actually the only way to preserve and embrace diversity in the world is to let everyone have their own and don't mess it up into a cultureless brown mass.
As simple example, you can have many beautiful colors of paints separately, but once you mix them all up it becomes just brown sludge.
Show flag pajeet
No stay here please
I'm so sick of kikes and niggers bros. They're a plague I wouldn't wish on anyone else.
We just gave USA land for American bases on Russian border. Are there any none mutt cutie soldiers?

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Nauru severed all diplomatic and economic ties with Taiwan.
It’s fucking happening. It’s fucking over.
China won.
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oh no! anyway
oh no, not the most obese country on Earth
how much money did the president negotiate, total scam if he didn't get atleast 30 million
>this is not the first time nauru cut ties with taiwan
this story is somehow even more irrelevant and worthless than i originally thought
Why dont we just buy it?

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If Ukraine wants support, they probably shouldn't kill civilians.

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Barron Trump just graduated. He is like 6’7.

Is he our Augustus?
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Tldr this is just cope because you are a manlet now stfu and let the adults speak
he's scientifically proved to be a demon
Type of Antichrist
Type of Antichrist
Type of Antichrist

All manlets. Hmm, I'm starting to see a pattern.
>Soon but presidents have to be 35 so we might have to wait
any age restrictions on Emperors ?
cancerous tumors on his thymus (and that's a good thing). Let's check in on Him when He's 45 (doesn't matter had sex)

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Remember when silver was relevant?
Pepperidge farm remembers
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>be a surf with a small amount of silver
Mods are asleep, post shiny.
You can thank the Spanish for mining Latin America dry and inflating the price of Silver
They used to have that thread
floss your arsehole with an old t-shirt like really get in there like a belt sander and report the fart you rip please

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We should organize a 24 hour abstinence from yt to protest censorship. Just one random day next month starting at 1200 GMT. I think enough content creators and commenters would be on board. This is just a small step forward.
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24 hour boycott will do nothing. Just start using alternatives as much as you can rumble, kick odyssey.
I dont use youtube because I'm not a brown zoomer
Ill do it for no ads or no monetized videos
youtube website views
3 billion/month
You can't win against the jews idiot,give up

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"Sorry but I don't do hookups" after telling you about their ex boyfriend
Fuck White women. I hate White women so much. It's impossible for a White guy to fuck decent looking White girls. Im 6 ft. Bachelor's degree. Not fat. Graduate student. Above average in many ways but admittedly not a gigachad. It's impossible for even above average White guys to fuck decent looking White women. We are better off just fucking ethnic women. They put out and don't play games that badly. If White women aren't attracted to me because of my skin color and their obsession with getting conquered by niggers and spics and Arabs why even bother with them? I CAN get nonwhite pussy and they don't spew delusion.
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There's nothing to converse about with them, trust me i've tried. All they know is their beloved "insta", hot chip, twerk and how to lie
We make significantly more than that. Partners in some firms are on 8 figs a year. No tax.
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She went from Chad Hemsworth to pic related.

Truly Flowers:

you look like one of the junkies that asks me for 1 euro when im clubbing and stand outside for a smoke lmao
yea yea
you just have to ask strangers for 1 euro 1 million times bro ;3

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