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Which genre is a better fit for a campaign and why?
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Unironically WFRP. Normally you don't give magic weapons away like that in that system, but WFRP has the 'call to heroism' baked into its career system. Of course, chosen or not, odds are good you die a horrible death at some point.
Sword and sorcery fits D&D better, even though most of the races and monsters are ripped straight from Tolkien, this throws a lot of people off.
High fantasy works fine in D&D and is more fun for some people. D&D doesn't naturally support it the way it supports sword&sorcery but I also don't think that it gets in the way you just need players who want to be the heroes and save the day and don't mind being railroaded a bit, vs players who want to explore and get rich and don't mind dying.
S&S tend to be more yarn based rather than being sweeping epics. Which I feel probably makes them easier to manage in terms of being a game. A lot of Conan stories are him putzing about till someone mentions/offers or suggests a treasure hunt or some such. Something like the Tower of the Elephant probably wouldn't need to be broken up into too many sessions.
High fantasy? Like Harold and Kumar go to the Tomb of Horrors?
High fantasy is more a species of setting than a genre of stories. It just means "a magical world that isn't Earth." The generic anthesis of sword & sorcery is epic fantasy.
And you're conflating high fantasy with high magic settings. That's even worse.

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ITT: We predict what will be shown off at the preview show tomorrow, then see if we are right.
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Sounds about right.
Why? What do I get if I’m right?
There's be no point because GW doesn't make models that aren't already standing on shit anymore.
Felinids when?
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Well looks like I was mostly right.

What do I win?

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What should they carry?
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>Cursed item shop
>What should they carry?
a box full of several metal objects varying in shape and size, though all slightly warm to the touch.
a faint light can be seen when exposed to unnatural darkness.
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No see that's perfect, because people will still go into the store and prod around and clang the symbols of oncoming doom and flood the place with the cracked decanter of endless water and whatnot, but they'll never actually pay anything and when you start just giving shit away it always comes back.
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Necromingers have gone too fair.
Is this actually a cursed item in current year? I have a feeling that the CR crew would go on a hekin ebin quest for one of these.

Have you used it? How do you use it? When is the right time to use Diabolus ex Machina?
I don't know. I really envy people who can pull it off, its so hard to write a tragedy.

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I let my NPCs do anything a PC can do if they qualify for it. Fuck anyone that says otherwise. You're a bad GM
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I wanna bash your moms head in with a baseball bat for birthing such an insufferable faggot
Just ignore the crybabies. They've been coddled
>sees vaguely squarish image
>immediately sperg about AI
I agree, and the corollary is letting PCs do anything NPCs can do if they qualify for it. I'm don't believe in PC-NPC asymmetry. I don't fully stat out every NPC, but they all run on the same rules.
>"if you don't do this thing I have a preference for, fuck you, you're a bad GM" isn't inflammatory
Even if this is true, it still classifies as petulant autism.

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'Arguing in our sleep' Edition
Previous Thread: >>92804116
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Anyone actually making a build for this?
I have build(s) in mind already, but idk if it's gonna start off.
>Proposed Rules:
1.You can be a Novice/Intermediate/Expert/Heroic/Legendary battlemage. You get 8/11/15/20/26 Mana Glass coins and an appropriate mount or something else of equivalent value.
2. You can form teams of up to 3 and only with those of 1 rank above or below you.

I based 1. on the Quests page. I don't really like the rule and feel like we should all be Novices or Intermediates and advance from bottom up, but idk, this is the first iteration of rules and I left things open for discussion.
I made 2. because forming a team with someone too high means being a burden and teams of more than 3 would be hard to write for (I saw a lot of posts saying how hard writing FoD is).
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I think Impakt could teach Sally a thing or two about rationing her calories and help her actually meal plan to maximize her fitness.
Hoge: specifically on preparing plans in a detailed manner and doing casing work instead of just sniping people or rushing in[!spoiler]

I'd say she could learn a bit about her demon by spending time with Amaryllis, or even trying to patch up her relationship with Haruhi to learn how to use more advanced tools.
Yoji: much as she hates to admit it her situation is not a good one right now[!spoiler]

Silas, by a long shot. He's got the spirit of a saint with the ambition of a demon, the perfect combination. Of course, that needs to be brought together with practicality.
Yes: Gristletooth is a cynical old demon that hides behind a lot of humor to not let on how scared he is of what Abadon might do to the world if her wins[!spoiler]

She could teach Sen a lot about proper spy work, especially black-bag type stuff where you have no support. Theres potential in her, but she's waiting to see how the exams end up.

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>Abadon might do to the world if her wins
I'm coming for that reverse trap Abussy STAT

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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It's more like, how dare Gaia do something so minimal that doesn't make sense and kind of destroy the suspense and you just don't care what I'm saying don't you.

For a definition of work
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A reminder that THIS is the real Proto Arthur.
She'd definitely make a lot of sense to take with you as a companion.
And he still look like shit.
Another king character I can't see as a king, and more like a typical old JRPG Hero because japs are fags.
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Tell me anyway

>Blocks your Path
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you are retarded. chaos warriors make up the main bulk of every major chaos army, where as barbarians are just the cheap trash surrounding the army.
That's a nice mini.
It's already long gone anon
It always impressive how this kind of threads alwaysanage to attract the same kind of mentally ill grogs still seething for more than a decade over something that they can't change.

Always a good laugh.

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I feel like Warhammer fans here actually hate playing the actual game of Warhammer but like the idea of it. Its just constant complaining about the soul of the game being lost,

its like people just want warhammer to become a narrative war session at the end of the day.
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They DO or used to the Imperial Armor books used to give out rules for that but lorefags only read them for lore
40k has an excellent art direction which works as the basis for meaningful media. I don't see the appeal of a lame tabletop game, let alone wasting countless hours painting some figurines. Ideally we'd have a 40k version of star citizen, or an open world milsim with realistic physics. Sadly GWs idea of a good 40k game is arcade shooters made by and for 12 year olds or low budget small scale rts games.

At best Space marine 2 will be a regular third person shooter. Why milsim? The real life stats of imperial tanks sucks.
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>meaningful media
I would eat it up.
Though I would prefer if the dice were rolled and the narrative developed naturally.

>a guy I know from ttrpg unrelated hobby says he's putting up a D&D 3.5 game and asks if I want to join
>well why not
>show up, make lvl 1 half-minotaur fighter with spiked chain which the DM explicitly says ok to
>first encounter
>walk to 15 feet of an enemy and take a swing, it's a miss
>enemy turn, dm makes him swing at me
>point out that he's way too far
>DM: okay he steps closer
>grab dice and state he eats AoO
I was speechless. Apparently a lvl 1 fighter with reach is too high of an optimization level for this guy to deal with. My dude even lacked proficiency for fuck's sake and was more of meme character. I played the session through out of common courtesy but never went for another, a guy that oblivious to simplest of rules can't possibly run a good game anyway. What really really gets me is that this guy has supposedly been running games for decades.
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>if you have the combat reflexesfeat you can add your Dexterity modifier to the number of attacks of opportunity you can make in a round.
havent ever played 3.5, but i assume his character has this or something
You're the illiterate, the pic you posted literally describes what a threatened square is then goes on to describe how to trigger an AoO.
A threatened square is a square into which you can make a melee attack. Right?
Moving out of a threatened square usually provokes and AoO from the threatening opponent. Right?
So if your reach is 15ft. and an opponent is stood within range, if they move away from the square you are threatening, you can make an AoO. Regardless of whether they are leaving your range or not.
>did you talk to your DM about it like a normal fucking human being
it's just a story, you're the one acting like a girl.
catty faggot
Moving out of a threatened square into another threatened square is still moving out of a threatened square.

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So, I looked into this when it was newer and it didn't appeal to me (when it just looked like Roll20), but someone showed me 3d Canvas and the 'Landing Pages' people are making these days, and it finally got me to pull the trigger on buying Foundry, since I don't have to do the top-down 2d battle maps thing.

> What are some of the better built-in features I should try?
> What's modules / extensions are good for it, that I should check out?
> How do you guys handle multi-level buildings in Foundry 3d Canvas?

t. Foundry Newbie.
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Only the server owner needs to own Foundry/have an account to begin with, so that shouldn't be an issue. I believe there's also a "streamer mode" that you can use to put up a second window with GM-only info obscured by default, but there's probably addons to improve that. Haven't looked into this use case myself.
You mean Patreon? Because I'm looking for official ones and I only found outdated ones on TNW.

Speaking of... looks like one of my ISP's dynamic IPs is banned on IRC. Should I just wait for a new one or can I DM someone about this?
>made night vision
>made nice maps
>realize turning everything green makes the maps look worse
Hmm. The only animal themed file site I can think of is catbox.moe. I will have to dig through old PDF share threads to see if I can find it I guess. Thanks for the hints.
Well if by night vision you mean the modern stuff, yeah that sounds about right.

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This shit is apparently sold out but it seems like literally vaporware as it doesn't have a release date.

It will suck, won't it.
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Just a rework every supplement release
literally Call of Cthulhu since it came out 43 years ago youre hopeless
Are there info about the classes available?
one could just assume the ARR jobs. as a start.
Warrior, Dragoon, White Mage, and Black Mage, for the starter set. We have pretty much no information for the core rulebooks.

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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

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I would need to re-read it but I'm sure it can be done with the supernatural Way.
wait I found it here:
minor supernatural way let's you "attack as if having a Weapon" it can be seen as you creating a weapon and then you just add the paced way for the construct to last longer.
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NTA but in QE there's two ways I can think of to do it to do it but it requires two charms or perhaps two traits to do Supernatural more than once in a charm.
Supernatural 3 to have a Supernatural 1 effect to last for a scene, then Supernatural again to improve that first charm with Gift Points so that it can be modelled as an actual artefact. Some might want that to be a Supernatural + Paced (in Turns) charm instead, but I think keeping it to a Scene is within the spirit of it.
just take Jade armor; Solars are Resonant with it
Pretty much what >>92825650 said here
>Sometimes I come here and inflict a thought I have on this thread.
If I have a question or idea I'll bring it up, though half the time it's inane (like would Adorjan charms work with bicycle or other human muscle powered machinery) or get ignored like my once every 2-3 month request if anyone knows any homebrew for Alchecmical Elder charms I could steal
Other than that I mostly just hang out on the off chance there's ideas I can steal for my own games or neat lore I didn't know about gets mentioned

Previous Thread: >>92692698
For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and examples of play (Greentexts)

Not for: "Looking For Group" posts, sperging about Hentai

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die!), 2: Solo RPG General: >>92743849

>Official Thread's Discord

>Lewd Solo Games
Labyrinthus: https://gm-bertus.itch.io/labyrinthus
Powered by the Lewd: https://j5drops.itch.io/powered-by-the-lewd
Lewd Attack: https://mega.nz/folder/CbhQnQyB#Xn-0F9OVyr_SHQ2s7rDhmQ

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You want any system with crunchy rules where you could add a PISS/SHIT stat that acts like HP. Decide how much eating and drinking decreases your PISS or SHIT score, and when you need to make a saving throw to not shit yourself.
That will just make him piss on you.
I understand, I was just asking if there's any of these RPGs with a ready to go sex combat system for arousal and such
Desperation Panic >>92771238

Literally made for exactly what you're asking
Were you the anon working on the lewd MASKS adaptation? If so, you ever settle on the moves?

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What system to run this in?
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Well that's shit. I hope someone saved a copy.
Running the combat side of it is pretty simple, Sanity or no Sanity. The real question is how you incorporate all the shit you do in the Geoscape.
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The homebrew I'm trying to keep alive is essentially modern-day DH2E with an expanded Comrade system for lethality purposes. Instead of burning Fate points, PCs chew through lesser NPCs. Or, if they're unlucky enough to get hit despite their glorified meat shields, their Comrade gets an immediate field promotion.

>Cryssalid terror mission
>At night

>DG leans more into "oh my god, PTSD attack!", while TL is more of "they are gonna rip my face off and eat it while I'm still alive, so better kill them all first"
neither work for XCOM
they might work for x-com or Long War, but XCOM is way more gung-ho and actiony, and all about a small squad winning over great odds.
>but the canon commander lost
retcon after the fact.

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