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" I was a Business Man doing Business! " Edition:

Previously on /slop/: >>>>92814763#

▶ Thread Task: post traders, markets and whatever you are buying or selling goods or service! Maybe just getting a snack at a stall?

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

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No idea what did you generate it with, but DALL-E would do it better.
>JRPG party 4
Would you kindly fuck off to /v/, spamshitter?
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>Howdy, Adora


Shit, are you that guy on /co/ who made Chubby Catra for me that one time? Didn't know that you or anyone else was still making her. I kind of gave up on her when it got harder to gen her after the Great Coomer Cull of Winter 2023. I'm onto Na'Vi girls, now.

Don't know if you're still here.
>DALL-E would do it better
Explain better.
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>Shit, are you that guy on /co/ who made Chubby Catra for me that one time?

Yeah, that's me. I can't prompt too many cat girls anymore since they updated Bing

>ITT: You post IC as a vampire, what setting? VtM. What clan? Doesn't matter. Need more info? see /WoDg/

>Be cursed to be hideously ugly
>Be incredibly good at getting secrets from mortals because no one notices you with your powers
>Be bitch-boys to the local Camarilla for few thousand years
>Finally cry for freedom and go to the Anarchs
>Nothing changes because your IQ matches your body temperature
>Get bossed around and used as mutts for secrets and bodyguards still
>Be Nosferatu, pic unrelated
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Some friendly advice. Don't make excuses, just decline. If they're inviting you so they can use you as a laughing stock, the worst thing you can do is show disinterest. If the "joke" won't even take them seriously, what does that make them?

Toreador often act like they're all that, but the truth is they're very insecure and take rejection awfully. Just decline and if asked why, say they're boring, predictable, or uninteresting. Be sure to say it with conviction as well, so they can't claim you're just sour grapes with them.
I've sort of gotten bored of Human: The Bloodbag. Black Cat has been slipping lately, their latest edition having the Third World War break out because of proxy wars between China, Russia, and the United States in Taiwan, Ukraine, and Israel is a bit absurd.
Hmmm. Thats probably the best form of recourse. Perhaps the Sheriff could keep an eye on her, maybe send one of the Noses to dig up anything they can find on her. I don't see her really getting this annoying to anyone except me so maybe its worth investigating.
I prefer the Old World of Daylight games like Mortal: The Hero, when Quintessence bought the IP & renamed it it got weird
Alright. Are there "Talentless" licks in your chantry that you want to protect? Give them busywork, out of the blast radius of whatever the fuck this is. Something routine, but complicated to require a lot of hands. Reports of we true Cainites, burying sorority girls alive at the local cemetery is a good one.

What would it be like, whether it was based on history, a licence or your own setting?
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>Implying I'm not already working on my own Bloodborne werewolf game
I want to make a skirmish wargame based on Thundarr the Barbarian.
yeah. im pretty sure it was politically motivated or thry knew i came from 4chan and just wanted to bait me.
i hate them.
i hate them.
I suppose I'd want it to be similar to mechanically similar to Infinity, but with a 'league' play ala blood bowl to be the default, complete with character death and upgrades, and currency that is used to hire new guys and buy inducements.
I like Sci Fi well enough, but I'd go with a fantasy theme since 40k and star wars dominate the Sci Fi space. A sort of kitchen sink fantasy, but with limited freakshit races.
To make sense of the league mechanics and character/roster progression, I would theme it more specifically as a fantasy gladiator arena game. Rather than having strictly defined 'teams' like blood bowl, the rule book would instead include a large variety of 'themes', which blacklist certain models and give boons for using only whitelisted models.

Also, gratuitous cheesecake
If by 'means' I take it to mean learned and well read enough I'd make a 28mm fantasy 'large skirmish' battle system that doesn't completely suck.

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>redeeming a literal archdevil
Waifufaggotry truly has no sense or perspective these days.
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Technically, we're not talking about anything to do with God's light, Heaven, or His angels. This is a conceptually similar, but very much material phenomena wherein human souls transmigrate into different bodies as they experience organ failure. It's closer to an exotic legal code or medical practice than any kind of true supernatural process. One could consider the moral trappings of it to be evidence that it is itself an example of divine providence, but that would be a matter of extreme conjecture.
Most mythologies have some level of worldly access to the afterlife or other "supernatural" places. The notion that the supernatural needs to be utterly inexplicable, unreliable, or inaccessible is a post-empirical cope trying to defend it from the historic traditions being rapidly falsified.

A great many Christians throughout history, including no small number of clergy, assume that Heaven works much as depicted in D&D, where good people faithful to God awaken immediately after death to His kingdom. It's the premise of all the "[recently dead] is in a better place now" talk comes from.
A man likes a challenge.

Lesbians too presumably.
I'm not sure what you mean. If the completely separate physical world isn't anything to do with god's light at all then surely Christian ideas about redemption are even further from being relevant.
Regardless, my point was that
>Pretty much anyone can be redeemed, if the genuine will is there
does not seem to match Christian teachings under which redemption is only possible due to the sacrifice of Christ. "Genuine will" may be necessary, but it isn't sufficient.
The fact that souls continue to be reincarnated into this shitty world is only evidence of the devil having more power and/or this world actually being Hell.

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Ananasi Femme Fatale Edition

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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Gargoyle girls are cute
A horse cock.
>The Sabbat had an /embassy/ in Paris.

That's because the Paris Camarilla are retards. The Sabbat engage in total war, any attempt at diplomacy is almost certainly a trap designed to kill you, see that bullshit Polonia pulled in New York that backfired.
There is an old 6th or 7th dot ritual for becoming a garou whenever you want by making a wolf pelt. But it's easier to just use the more up to date Skin Dancer rules, which anyone can learn. So no that's not difficult.

Secondly, Spirit Manipulation is singularly powerful in messing with spirits so yeah, you can get one to possess you. It's a 3 dot power, not some dusty ritual.

So at 3 dots you start getting weird with spirits & make yourself either a Fomori or if you can pull it off a Kami. You also find one that can teach you the Skin Dancer Rite. At 4 dots you start making talens & fetishes. Maybe make a grand klaive. Remember that Chiminage will go a long way with spirits even if you have the direct power to force them. Parlay with some werewolves & trade premium fetishes for five appropriate pelts freely given. Or go fuck up a Black Spiral Dancer & take what you want. Dealing with lupines is dangerous, but you're a Tremere, if you aren't clever enough to walk away a winner then you don't deserve to live.

Congratulations you just made yourself drastically more powerful with 4 dots in Thaumaturgy, some invested exp. Best Kami/Fomori powers to obtain might vary from person to person but daywalking & extra speed should be priority. Extra Speed unlike Celerity & Rage spending should let you cast more thaumaturgy powers per turn, not to mention super fast movement speed.

Continue to use Spirit Manipulation to learn Garou gifts. The book says its not even so much a knowledge thing as it is spirits investing you with the power to perform the gift too, so it's super easy. You'll want to upgrade your Gnosis to a good level to use your new gifts & fetishes. Keep helping your wolf bros & maybe gain access to their cairn, or kill some BSDs & take theirs.
well if you are a tremere+ skinwalker abormination and you lean spirit manipulation from the tremere the offical way then you might actually just already have acess to a cearn the tremere had rituals that used those (they went with the mage termology cray of course) since the dark ages and a chantry that teaches spirit manipulation will already be interested in spirit lore because paths don't show up out of nowhere

for location where we we know sure they controll the cearns/dragonnests/crays/leylines are around vienna, frankfurt, large parts of hungary and saxon at least during the dark ages and they are also working on redirecting leylines away from the black forest in germany (the forest has a cearn in it, but the forest itself is filled with get of fenris AND sabbat so the tremere don't want to enter) and finally acording to beckett's jihad diary they moved to the hills outside los angeles, the same hills that nines in vtmb tells us are werewolf territory

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A good friend of mine is about to start running a game - this is what we've been provided about his setting (truncated due to character limit).

>The world is one where various realms have fused together following a catastrophic event where all planes collided into one massive modern city and the lands around it, merging realms that embody elements like Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. The resulting world is diverse, featuring locales from dinosaur-ridden jungles to high-tech cities with weather-altering powers.
>The central hub is a sprawling, class-based city surrounded by mountains. The city features advanced technology and magic, especially in its central areas, while the outer regions resemble medieval Europe in tech level. This city is culturally diverse, with various beings integrating into its society over thousands of years. Magic is common in the outer regions but less so in the inner areas.
>The surrounding realms are equally diverse, including wetlands with rocky giants, radioactive swamps with plant-like beings, mountains with prophetic moth-creatures, ethereal realms with ghosts, volcanic lands with fiery beings, and black-and-white grasslands with 2D shadow creatures.
>Playable species include non-magical and magical humans, magically enhanced beings, rocky nomads, plant-like dwellers, moth-like prophets, ghostly entities, fiery beings, 2D shadow creatures, sentient candy beings, and apple-like forest creatures.

I'm more the sort of person who prefers a core central theme to base a character around (I am uncreative). When "anything is possible and you can be whatever you want", how do I come up with something that would mesh with the theme? The GM says he'll come up with the adventure once we've made our characters, so I can't make a character who might suit a particular type of adventure thematically either.

Also, what does /tg/ think of "anything can happen and you can be anything you can think of"-style settings?
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The game will never actually start, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
What does your first sentence mean?
Nta but I think he means
>something that probably won't get a licensed Lego set
pick something that isn't too mainstream, nothing that will be too obvious to the other players.
>then play the Lego version of that set.
Don't play it as an exact copy. Lego games usually are more tongue in cheek and make the property more children friendly. Or you can pick a silly character and make them serious. Pick a villain and play the heroic. Just so it isn't a carbon copy of the character you're copying.
There's no real objection to settings like these. Maybe if you lack creativity like OP you might run into issues, but then again why do you play RPGs if you lack creativity?

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MechaniCUM edition

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
https://pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8 (embed)
https://pastebin.com/8riDmnhS (embed)
https://pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLp (embed)
>Fluff(visions and BL)

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Why did FW give Russ good rules and make him stronger than some primarchs? It doesn't make any sense! It even contradicts lore.

It's tempting, some of them look cool as fuck but I haven't done too much in collecting a SM Legion to begin play with either. Maybe as allies?

Also curious as to whether Mechanicum will convince Admech players to jump ship to 30k especially given the incredibly poor state of their army in 40k currently.
Seeing that you wanted to emphasize the inability of an Ally force to bring a Myrmicalix, it would've been more convenient to say "can only be taken as non-compulsory" to denote the impossibility of it, instead of using "must be", which often implies obligation
>why you'd want Myrmidax without the Calix squatting your home objective surrounded by Line Myrmidons when you've specifically taken them as Troops
Secutors. They get 24" range at best, so you'd want to surround the Thanatar with Destroyers instead. But maybe you wouldn't want to attach your Archmagos there, seeing how he could easily lead Secutors into rad melee instead.
Idk. I'm still at the list-writing stage.

Myrmidax just catch my eye. Gun-savants, privy to the mysteries of shot and shell. Dakkamancers.
Legally they're also cybertheugists and battlesmiths, but no way they'll give up their shooting in order to cast powers.
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good job on the head, what is that sculpt from

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Look How They Massacred Our Boys Edition

Previous Thread: >>92612865
A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-PDF Collection
-Homebrew Collection

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I too wish they'd remember Lal exists in any meaningful capacity. I guess they think she's redundant now that they have Soji, whom they also pretty much ignore. Dropped the entire android planet, in fact.
PIC couldn't even remember that Data already had an emotion chip and full range of emotions. Fuck 'em
Don't knock it until you've tried it. It's only logical.
Went a bit aggro there, sorry, anon.

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Terrain, scenery, how tos and what ifs and beautiful tables in general.
Also: What about yours?
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Underhive Inn
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How to make that kinda orc buildings.
And Spikers.

>ITT you post IC as a monster hunter from WoD. Every user has an unique number appending their username. Need more info? refer to /wodg/

Reminder that conact and discussion with God_45 is strictly prohibited.
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I used to run with a group, but they wanted to rob a gun store :/. It all came to a head when we came across a vamp that was just a kid, and the first thing they did was levy a gun at her >:(. I was barely able to deescalate the situation, and now I have an injured vamp kid living in my apartnment. Apparently her sire was abusing her :(. I've been buying mice from pet stores, y'know the ones they feed to snakes? I figured it'd be a good enough substitute to the real thing, atleast for now.She's got some really nasty scars that haven't been healing the way I've seen other vamps heal before, and I don't really know how to help. I can't be home 24/7 and I'm worried some bad hunters or another vamp will find her. The good news is that we are starting to build a rapport I think, though she is not very talkative, and I've heard herself late at night. Any help or advice would be appreciated :)
Some context, there's been a recent string of murders near my neighborhood with the only thing stringing them together being the intense brutality of the slayings. I'm talking guts on the ceiling and limbs shoved up asses kind of shit. The vics I've managed to do background searches on all seem to be scum, but that doesn't mean some monster gets to just kill them and whoever else they want. How long until they turn their fangs or claws or whatever the fuck on innocent people? I didn't have many leads to go on, but there's been this drifter type I've recently started seeing at night. Real creepy fucker, the kind that makes you wanna cross the street if you were to walk past him. So with no other info, I follow him. Yeah, I know, total noob move to go in unprepared, but I only meant to do some reconnaissance. Now it didn't see me, I know it didn't. I can be stealthy when I need to be. But at some point everything just goes dark. I mean I'm out, I can't remember anything. Hours later I'm huddled behind a dumpster, drenched in sweat and what smells like piss. So what gives? Was I fucking abducted?
A gap in your memory means you where DEFINITELY seen. the good news is that your still alive and breathing, Him sparing you may give credit to this guy only killing criminals, but he's to dangerous to go unchecked like that.The bad news is your gonna have to see a doctor, the shady no questions asked type. Have him run scans on you, xray, ct, all of it. Look for anything out of the ordinary, If this murder guy has the slightest thought of you being a hunter he's probably got you wired or marked in some way. The last thing you want is to expose any nearby hunters to this guy. Also try finding the most credible nonbullshit gypsy psychic, 99% of these hags are bullshiters but there is that 1% that can tell if your cursed or not.
You fuckers need to get back to /qst/ and quit shitting up /tg/.
Amaze I need you to understand that despite thinking your doing the right thing you have just set yourself up with a timebomb
Once turned time stops for all of them
She could actually be decades if not hundreds of years old
It will end with if not you then another person getting killed
How many lives are worth her one
Its not even a real life anymore
Give yourself a day away from her and when you see her again don't try and look her in the eyes
Just do what needs to be done

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92813454
55 replies and 27 images omitted. Click here to view.
Google translate, my beloathed
>The name Kelekona Keha comes from a Hawaiian translation of rising dragon. Dragon translates roughly to Kelekona. Keha translates to sky or heavens.
>Working on any new cyoas?
I'm drafting the design concepts of an interplanetary supply chain manager with interspecies political management. Had customization problems that got worked out a while ago.
>choose one of her angels as your patron
Can't we choose the goddess directly?
Initially no, but if you figure out a way to do so I won't stop you. I'm just not going to write a page for her and the powers she gives like I'm doing the 8 archangels and 4 ancient dragons.
>forced and convoluted balance
>acknowledges the existence of the d&d multiverse
>absolutely retarded races and stats
Mythic Lands is so shit

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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0

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The difference between psionics being magic vs not is pretty straightforward. Its a different kind of magic unaffected by dead magic zones and wild magic zones.

Its not about whether its realistic mundane reality its about which countermeasures shut it down.
>Spells per day is silly, so I changed it using alternatives provided within the official books as a basis.
Play characters using Invocations, Soulmelds, Maneuvers, Vestiges, or even Utterances if you want otherwise instead of contorting the magic made for the standard campaign pacing. It's how such things are done in this system.

>That's why you don't use the default recommendations, but rather something the table is comfortable with.
Further distancing yourself from the actual game.

>I'm talking about options, not defaults.
What you are asking for is what killed TSR, the publication of lists of options instead of single handlings of specific situations divided the community as both players and customers with fuck-all way to tell how prevalent a given setup was. If you want options, play other games, do not insist one game mutilate itself into a do-anything formless soup.

Unironically, have you tried just not playing D&D altogether? Not homebrewing yourself to a barely recognizable

>I expect most games with D&D dna to ship with ridiculous things like cultists praying to get spells
It's never just praying. Ceremonies create a rich field of Divination queries to locate probable agents, and giving them magic to do the job makes them much more useful at accomplishing task at little risk to the source. Setting up a long-term line of communication so they can request specific spells to answer specific challenges is just optimizing for long-term use of said agent.

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NTA, but not everyone cares about purism. UA is full of although stuff, some people mix 3.5 and PF1, some mix 3.0 and 3.5, some use third party books, some people use "spheres" magic, some use Eclipse. I think there are a lot of us not trying to run "RAW; Hasbro Only; Errata'ed; Standardised a organised Play Rules 3.5" 24 years after initial system release. There's a huge volume of cross compatible material for this discontinued system.
The issue is that the mentioned changes are specifically WANTING to rip out parts of what make that cross compatibility work, in EXACTLY the fashion that killed AD&D proper. It didn't work for the community then, it still doesn't work for that community now going by my occasional skimming of /osr/, and the version of it that happened in this community back in the day was the sprawling mass of separate d20 games rather than individual games packaging massive transformations of basic systems in their core rules.

No Psionic character in those campaigns will ever work vaguely similarly in another campaign. People introduced to 3.X by this person will need to learn what is functionally an entirely new system with many critical campaign drivers working more like 5e than the "3.X" they played, because that anon pointedly LOATHS the usage scheme and historic tie of healing magic to a second-line combatant.
If I make a homebrewed 3.x frankenstein system, and it doesn't look like 3.5 anymore, I may still be able to leverage monsters, magic items, spells, feats, races, - something, even if other elements are not cross compatible.

I would agree at that point it's not 3.5 anymore, you've changed too much. Unlike the typical "mix of 3.0 and 3.5". But if you don't mislead your players into thinking thats raw 3.5, I'm missing how that's a problem.

But "yeah its 3.5 with UA spell point casting and I homebrewed custom psionics to be the same resource mechanic as regular magic" - the players will know which parts are not from 3.5 and wouldn't carry over to other 3.5 games. It may otherwise be pretty close to RAW.

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Welcome to the Old School Renaissance General, the thread dedicated to the first decade of TSR-era D&D, derived systems, and compatible content.

Broadly, OSR games encourage a tonal and mechanical fidelity to Dungeons & Dragons as played in the game's first decade—less emphasis on linear adventures and overarching meta-plots and a greater emphasis on player agency.

If you are new to the OSR, welcome! Ask us whatever you're curious about: we'll be happy to help you get started.

>Troves, Resources, Blogs, etc:

>Need a starter dungeon? Here's a curated collection:

>Previous thread:

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Yeah quit being a buzzkill you fuck just be happy to have players.
Everyone has made a clone of their character once.
Heroes get reincarnated if you want to justify it metaphysically
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I'm not a 1:1-time-only faggot, but giving 16 years of downtime between sessions seems like a bit much!
I copy/pasted/edited from the PDF into a blank document and made my own mega-abridged version of the B/X rules and printed that. It was about 10 pages, plus a couple more pages of quick reference sheets. I use pencil & paper at the table but keep the pdf on my phone if really need to Ctrl-F something in the rules, which is rare.
How can a character be a Mary Sue unless you gave them special abilities? And how can they really be a self-insert either, other than by name/physical description (and if so, who cares)? Sounds like a made up scenario to me.

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How do you like your werewolves /tg/?
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Balls deep inside a vampire twink.

Also acceptable.
Reproducing by ravishment fantasy.
I don't.
Scary, gross and fucked up.
If they just look like furries that shit is boring and uninteresting. Werewolves should be mangy monsters, with fucked up proportions that are not quite man not quite wolf. They should constantly drool like rabid dogs, they should walk in a posture that looks painful, they should have a long, painful transformation process, they should be murderous machines, completely overtaken by primal instinct and they should not remember anything by daylight.
Basically, make them monsters. Make them the absolute most savage reflection of mankind's inner animal, and the ugliness that means.
DO NOT make them WoD woofs, those are the gayest thing ever made.
I like them as wizards who sold their soul for the power to shapeshift, and correspondingly went utterly mad. Their bodies are made of an oozing, tar-like substance, which can harden or liquefy as needed for killing or movement, though it always retains a vaguely lupine shape. Their eyes are white and bulging, with six concentric black rings expanding from the pupil. Even when they assume a human form (which is difficult, as their insanity makes it very difficult to maintain a solid shape for long stretches), one can detect faint traces of these rings in their eyes if examined closely.

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• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores
• Stay on topic

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103 replies and 35 images omitted. Click here to view.
Good advice for all these requests desu
commissioning my fullbody full scene multi character action request for 5 pesos (columbian not mexican)
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This is shit. Nice cock and balls though.
He is an orc. They all have big cocks and balls.

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