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>Video game franchise
>Board game
>Comic Book

Could a Divinity table top RPG set in Rivellon work /tg/?
RPS and dice mechanics?

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How would you play as a perfumer/scent master?

Systems: WFRPG, Conan (2d20 or faserip, def not d20), CoC, Cyberpunk.
That's mostly what I use
Me personally? Wouldn't.

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VTM fuckers out there, what are your guy's favorite clans, and why?

Don't say any requiem shit, Chronicles is horrendous.
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God I love having hot sweaty sex
Fuck you, I like Chronicles.
I actually like Brujah the best because VtM is at its best when it's hokey and overly dramatic. They're clearly inspired by classic 80s movies like the Lost Boys and Warriors, or characters like the Kurgan from Highlander.

Just imagine being a Ventrue or Lasombra, and having to interact with a gang of vampiric Backstreet Boys, who hold the entire city under their sway, commit petty acts of vandalism in their free time, and every direct challenge to their rule is first met by angrily removing their shirts. It's absolutely hilarious.
Probably Setite since I love vampires, snakes, and playing the villain.

Should witches be mechanically different from wizards?
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Holy fuck I need this, where can I get it?
This but unironically. Witches to me are apostate magic users who are unlicensed and self-deterministic. The magical equivalent of training someone to be the new blacksmith in your small village but with a lot more ritual circles and petitioning nature.

Also diskworld. Headology is peak witch,
depends on the setting magic system but generally yeah.
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Should slashing be mechanically different from chopping?
The teaching of witches should be like the Moonshine version of Wizardry.
Is it an arcane caster? Yes
Is it magic gathered by learning magic? Yes.
But how it functions should differ in the flavor.

Witches are spooky and that should be a prominent aspect of their magic, how it's more rural, how its more natural. It should feel like you took 2/3's cup druid 1 Cup wizard and 1/3rd cup warlock.
if that makes sense.

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goes infinite edition


>Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


>Current meta, complete with deck lists

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>chainsaw equipment
>from the horror theme park plane
>in a set with a token called blood
>it doesn't create blood when it deals damage
>>from the horror theme park plane
You are missing something here:
>From the wedding party set that was part of the poweful Wiccas block
It was creative bankrupt since its inception. . . (as are all wotc sets nowadays )
Decks that can cast this with mana aren't interested in milling, and the mill decks aren't casting something like that anytime soon.
Ceaseless Hunger Ula is still better.
is there any possible way to make big red good in pioneer
This was the only list I found, and it looks dogshit.

why are "dungeons" (not in the literal sense, but as "confined spaces where flow of the game changes from freeform/narrative form to structured form") in rpg sources so spacious and convenient to navigate? there is a complete disregard of visibility , crawling, squeezing, swimming, slipping, temperature , attrition, hunger, thirst, elevation, disorientation, etc. Everything is too comfortable. Do you like your dungeons consisting of a bunch of comfortable flat corridors with ideal space to stand and swing weapons?
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This anon is the only gamehaver in this whole fucking thread, hell he might be the only one in this board.
NTA, but I don't care about autistic terminological nitpicking on this matter when Record of Lodoss War exists. Apparently the "proper" term is replay, but that pretty major bedrock of Japanese fantasy is literally just a novelized RPG campaign turned anime.
Do you want to play a dungeon crawl or talk about spelunking? Because if you offer one but get angry that no one is having fun doing the other, you're the getting in the way of your own fun.
>Do you want to play a dungeon crawl
if its a "crawl" without crawling, no thanks.
You know what? You make a strong argument.

for real this time
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Orcs are East Asian.
Dwarves are Russian
There are societies if hulking, yet peaceful, slugs that roam forests. They craft with slime that can be tempered to different thicknesses and hardnesses like a bio plastic/ceramic

Mirrors are illegal as reflective surfaces are gateways to the bad place
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The setting is the Aleutian Islands... 3500 AD.
Until a century ago with the coming of the Pantokrator and the friars, the men of this land used to worship Lovecraftian entities. Starspawn, Water Lords, Eldren, Old Ones, these deities were venerated by men as the ultimate beings. They would make pacts with the Old One where they would sacrifice humans in exchange for bountiful harvests, victories in war, fertility for the village, Star Children, even knowledge from the stars. But then they came, on wooden ships. Their sails adorning the Cross.

And the Franciscans got to work. They tore down the dark pillars, chopped the rotten trees, smashed the great shrooms, and toppled the unspeakable shrines. All at the behest of the local lords who had grown tired of sacrificing perfectly good serfs to feed some cephalopod crustacean bug god thing. Traditions still persist in the deep woods, old cults that dance in the dark and sacrifice slaves to feed their gods insatiable appetites, only...

The Eldritch clerics of Aleutia are powerless. The deities indifferent to their pleas.

The islands were conquered in preparation with a war with the Black Church. A war that never came for the sons of Bolska cared not for the ancient lands to the east.
The setting is constrained to a island chain, making it 10,931 square miles altogether. Pic related is merely the largest land mass, about the size of the Big Island of Hawaii thus making it 4,000 square miles. The extreme diversity of the wildlife, cultures, and religion can be attributed to:
>Rising oceanic land: Lovecraft Sea life, mushrooms, etc.
>Several waves of conquerors: Lovecraft worshipers, Haida, Samurai, Cossacks, Crusaders.
>Ley lines: the island converges on one, making it a hotspot for magic and supernatural stuff.
The islands play host to deeply complicated and intricate geo-political situations. There's also a shitload of tension between the 'fantasy' races and the settlers from old America. Especially over the Lovecraft shit. The Russians do have trading outposts and the Haida still raid the big island for loot.
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These are shards of the broken moon. Nobody knows what happened to the ancients, but it's believed that an Old One broke free of his lunar prison and destroyed their Empire.

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Which genre is a better fit for a campaign and why?
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Unironically WFRP. Normally you don't give magic weapons away like that in that system, but WFRP has the 'call to heroism' baked into its career system. Of course, chosen or not, odds are good you die a horrible death at some point.
Sword and sorcery fits D&D better, even though most of the races and monsters are ripped straight from Tolkien, this throws a lot of people off.
High fantasy works fine in D&D and is more fun for some people. D&D doesn't naturally support it the way it supports sword&sorcery but I also don't think that it gets in the way you just need players who want to be the heroes and save the day and don't mind being railroaded a bit, vs players who want to explore and get rich and don't mind dying.
S&S tend to be more yarn based rather than being sweeping epics. Which I feel probably makes them easier to manage in terms of being a game. A lot of Conan stories are him putzing about till someone mentions/offers or suggests a treasure hunt or some such. Something like the Tower of the Elephant probably wouldn't need to be broken up into too many sessions.
High fantasy? Like Harold and Kumar go to the Tomb of Horrors?
High fantasy is more a species of setting than a genre of stories. It just means "a magical world that isn't Earth." The generic anthesis of sword & sorcery is epic fantasy.
And you're conflating high fantasy with high magic settings. That's even worse.

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ITT: We predict what will be shown off at the preview show tomorrow, then see if we are right.
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Sounds about right.
Why? What do I get if I’m right?
There's be no point because GW doesn't make models that aren't already standing on shit anymore.
Felinids when?
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Well looks like I was mostly right.

What do I win?

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What should they carry?
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>Cursed item shop
>What should they carry?
a box full of several metal objects varying in shape and size, though all slightly warm to the touch.
a faint light can be seen when exposed to unnatural darkness.
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No see that's perfect, because people will still go into the store and prod around and clang the symbols of oncoming doom and flood the place with the cracked decanter of endless water and whatnot, but they'll never actually pay anything and when you start just giving shit away it always comes back.
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Necromingers have gone too fair.
Is this actually a cursed item in current year? I have a feeling that the CR crew would go on a hekin ebin quest for one of these.

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I let my NPCs do anything a PC can do if they qualify for it. Fuck anyone that says otherwise. You're a bad GM
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I wanna bash your moms head in with a baseball bat for birthing such an insufferable faggot
Just ignore the crybabies. They've been coddled
>sees vaguely squarish image
>immediately sperg about AI
I agree, and the corollary is letting PCs do anything NPCs can do if they qualify for it. I'm don't believe in PC-NPC asymmetry. I don't fully stat out every NPC, but they all run on the same rules.
>"if you don't do this thing I have a preference for, fuck you, you're a bad GM" isn't inflammatory
Even if this is true, it still classifies as petulant autism.

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'Arguing in our sleep' Edition
Previous Thread: >>92804116
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Rolled 3 (1d22)

1.You can start as a Novice/Intermediate/Expert/Heroic/Legendary battlemage. You get 8/11/15/20/26 Mana Glass coins and an appropriate mount or something else of equivalent value.
2. As you complete missions, you gradually improve to become an Intermediate/Expert/Heroic/Legendary battlemage.
3. Mana Glass coins can be spent on already bought schools to slightly improve everything you have in it.
4. You can make a custom Mark for your build, but you have to come up with a name for it and give it a description like the original Marks.
5. You can form teams of up to 3, but only with those of equal or 1 rank above or below you. Being in a team is a Blood Pact and has the benefit of making everyone in the team resistant to each other's dangerous magic.
6. In a guild, a Legendary battlemage is the guild leader, a Heroic battlemage is the vice leader, Expert battlemages are squad captains, and Intermediate and Novice battlemages are normal members.
7. Legendary battlemage builds can make their own custom guild or replace the guild leader position of existing NPCs, but they must fit the role.
Yoru's based because a person completely controlled by lust would actually be a massively cringeworthy gooner, so I respect the dedication to the bit if nothing else.
>As you complete missions appropriate to your rank, you gradually improve to become an Intermediate/Expert/Heroic/Legendary battlemage.
>. As you complete missions, you gradually improve to become an Intermediate/Expert/Heroic/Legendary battlemage.
Has this ever worked for an MP?
No idea, but it's worth a try?

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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>WAIT WHAT A PERK?! For what? Finding a hidden treasure?
It give you Edmond Dantes' soul burning edgey flames magic crest.
It's in the Viva la France jump.
Basically, it lets you increase your stats by being eternally seething, makes you immune to poison and mental interference and gives you flames fueled by your magical energies that are hotter than magma and that can permanently kill even immortals like Roa.

Albeit his other perk is arguably better, related to his other NP. It gives you the conceptual ability to escape any prison or maze. Dantes uses it to get in (your) head, or move through time and space by saying that 'time and space are prison, thus I can escape them'. You could probably even use them to reach Nirvana by saying that you are escaping from the wheel of reincarnation or some other shit.
The thing is, his life is on such fucking easy mode he could literally still be running around in a spandex suit and effortlessly avoid every problem his character faces across his many interpretations by just finishing college and starting that company with his super genius. You know it's a fucking problem when the writers themselves have to acknowledge this by making the villain possess him, do his job better than him in every way, and realize halfway through spandex fighting that Peter was so retarded he didn't fight people trying to kill innocent people with his full power or try to kill them back to make his job easier. People constantly say that Batman is no different from his rogues gallery but that shit applies to Peter Parker more, he's so batshit insane and stupid the only reason he isn't robbing people with the rest is because his uncle died guilt tripping him.
His stand is "realistic consequences" every other comic character would have the consequences to their actions smoothed, Peter Parker is the marvel character who the writers often decide "hey what would happen if someone actually did some shit like this irl" is a fun repeatable plotline.
The Necron. The Dahak is bullshit, but so are the Necron.
Has the Shark Punching Center built a memorial to this hero?

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Reveal edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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If they'd have let you stuff another unit of lesser point value alongside them to deepstrike when you have the grinders then I could actually see taking that over the ratling, but the melee profile is such a fucking snooze on it that it's just not worth ever running. Still.
Correction. It's not +1 control to all model in the unit, it's +1 to the control score of the unit. Which means that if you have 5 models on the objective with a control score of 1 and a standard you count as 6, not as 10.
Why are the Middle Earth minis so ugly?
Perfect Strike: 0.83 mortal wounds
Flurry: 0.5 mortal wounds, 0.75 wounds with Ap1 or Ap2 Vs infantry

Yeah, flurry is generally better on average against everything but enemies that save on 3+ (so not-infantry that saves on 2+).

Still, the difference is very little and perfect strike has a much lower variance, so I can see it getting used when you absolutely need a few wounds to come through
Old (main reason) and slightly smaller scale, meanign they have less space for detail.
The main push was back when the OG movies were still fresh

Avenge the stolen jeans edition

>New stream reveals

>Balance Dataslate:

>Chaotic Detachments:

>How To Start A Tau

>Community Links:

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Crazy how you guys are like this 24/7 lmao
Weed enclosure + exhaust.
It's the only logical explanation for The Old World bringing back 6th edition Night Goblin models when it'd be cheaper to just put the Age of Sigmar/8th Edition Night Goblins in a box with square bases.

I'd honestly rather get a box with three jump pack canoness models than the battleforce box.
Meanwhile Chaos gets 8 and Space Marines get six per chapter.

I think anyone who writes a "buffs a few specific units and is useless for other units" detachment should have their wrists broken. Just plain bad design.
Was there a new trailer?

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