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What are some good games that let you play as gods right off the bat? Not demigods like Scion or Exalted, but actual gods, or at least beings of comparable power to deities. Beyond that, how do you personally handle gods in your worlds and campaigns, including their faiths, their spheres of influence, their divine servants, settings that you look at for ideas, any art you use to represent them to your players, and more?

In my world, a single Creator made the world, then left to make more, leaving behind the Spirits, a sort of mix between angels and Japanese Kami. There are a few for major parts of the world, like the Sky, Land, and Ocean, but those are so large and distant that most people, with the exception of a few chosen to be the agents of these Great Spirits, just worship the Spirits of the region, with different categories of Spirit looking for different types of offerings and rituals, with more powerful Spirits sometimes giving mortals power as Clerics and Paladins. I’d love to hear both what you think and what your setting’s take is.
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Well, there’s a game called First Light, but it’s been incomplete for years, is the modern /tg/ up for finally finishing it?
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And here’s the character sheet document. So, can we do this?
I think two anons have given you more than enough to go on here, and it'd be polite for you to engage in the conversation and be specific rather than say "elaborate further".
Isn’t there also a spin-off game to that?
Chuubo's Marvelous Wish Granting Engine I believe it’s called. Only vaguely aware of what it’s about though.

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I'm looking to broaden my horizons, but many companies out there are just as expensive as GW, and the few promising ones often only show pictures of 3D renders, as opposed to actual models. I don't know which ones are trustworthy, so tell me about your experiences with alternative purveyors of wargaming models.

I just found a company called Rakovendetta, pic related, and I like their style. Has anyone ever purchased any of their models? How do they look in real life?
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I've been looking for ranges with good samurai / sengoku jidai models, trying to avoid Etsy single-print models, but a lot of the older Perry stuff, and other, older lines tend to have ham-hands and are fairly... "stout".
Glad to. I've ordered from them before, he's a good dude.

/re-commence shilling:
Footsore also does Sengoku Jidai.
Also, another note on Knightmare: If I go to checkout and switch my mailing address to the USA, the price drops by about 18%, so the listed price isn't necessarily the actual price. Not sure if the discount applies to anyone outside Spain. Also, free shipping for orders over 150 Euros.
...they also have a 70mm tall Kweethul (for those who know).
What do you think would make an air combat game arcadey - for that Ace Combat, Area 88, or even Yukikaze feel?

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Thread 416: Mayoiuta Edition

Bushi-Navi EN: https://www.en.bushi-navi.com/
Deck Log:
https://decklog.bushiroad.com/ (JP)
https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/ (EN)
Beginner guide, decklists and other info: https://pastebin.com/QxKQRhrQ
Up to date fanmade PC online games, 3DS/Switch emulation and Mobile games: https://pastebin.com/7Fj8VqA2
Cardfight and Buddyfight matchmaking server: https://discord.gg/6xVFD4r
Weiss/Schwarz Resources: https://pastebin.com/sk2iSjW1

Bushiroad Spring Fest 2024 Info: https://en.bushiroad.com/events/bsf2024/

Release Schedule (Vanguard):
- D-TB04 Touken Ranbu ONLINE 2023: 5/24 (L E L)

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when is weiss going to get a vanguard anime set?
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I want to get the English version of this from the upcoming Dengeki Bunko set. How much do you think it would be on average?
>It is around 10,000 Yen in Yuyutei
Granted that JP and EN Weiss prices are probably different due to certain factors, would around $100 USD be a "fair" enough price?

>There are 62 SPs in the Japanese version of the set
Assuming it'd be the same for the English version is that a lot?
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It looks like Lyrical is getting some collab cards in Transendance so technically next week on the thursday stream.

If you mean the all lyrical set though you probably wont see anything until the week after the next. Theres 2 more bosses in Transcendence to cover.
Those are actually from VSpo! (a Vtuber group) with the collab being announced back in March during the Presentation, and that's a lot of cards with 21 in total.

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If I go to a neurodivergent /tg/ meetup will it be mostly high functioning people or low?
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I think I remember reading on reddit that a “high-functioning” autistic individual was equivalent to a “low-functioning” individual of other psychiatric diagnoses (anxiety, personality disorders, etc) but it might have been total BS.
It terms of their mental illness, they will be high function. In terms of being people, they will be low functioning.
Low-functioning autistics can't talk, have trouble learning anything new, have zero filters to stimuli so are constantly overwhelmed, probably have autoimmune disorders or ligament disorders, so on and so forth. Like it's profound systemic failure.
High-functioning means they can talk.
Low-functioning means they are institutionalised or non-verbal or homeless.
If someone has managed to get their shit together enough to organise a meeting and show up, they are by definition high functioning.
Chris-Chan is considered high functioning, because he can talk and shop and drive and do most human stuff. He still shits his pants and fucks his mother, so there is a lot of area covered by "high functioning".
What you should be asking is will they shit themselves, jerk off, throw tantrums, fight, or start fires.
It'll probably just turn out being a pretty good game, though; /tg/ is neurodivergent as fuck in and as of itself. I wouldn't expect any worse than the usual whining about rules and historical accuracy, probably less than what we get here.
Is Asperger's considered High-functioning or is it its own thing?
I swear they change this shit every few years just so when you get it wrong people can get mad at you.
You can usually get along with Aspies if you’re just interacting with them for the activity.

>Want to play a vampire themed game
>Someone recommends The Masquerade
>It's about modern bullshit with hippies and anarch kiddies
What the fuck is this shit? Where are my settings with classic vampires and in London?
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> I don't want a vampire game all about how the old guard are corrupt and evil, and that we must overthrow them. I want to BE the old guard. That's what vampires are!
You can do that. Read the Camarilla source books, buy your generation down at chargen and put your points into resources and domain. V5 isn’t built for playing an elder but you can do it, or always play v20.
> Like, don't get me fucking started on World of Darkness werewolves. I fucking despise what they did to them.
No I kinda want to know now, do regale us with your steaming hot take.
>No, old money noble degenerates are the literal stereotype of the Toreador and Ventrue.
That's what I said/meant. That those clans are exceptions to the other clans in terms of being old money nobility. Apologies if that wasn't clear.
>Tzimisce are literally a clan of aristocratic monsters who refer to themselves and each other as Voivodes for one, their evil nobility incarnate.
And aren't Tzimisce traditionally one of the clans you're NOT supposed to play as? Like, limited experience between V5 and Bloodlines, but Tzimisce aren't playable in either of those, and are very much antagonists in Bloodlines.
>And me mentioning the Gangrel was in response to you mentioning embracing being a monster, which is a big thing for Gangrel in particular and broadly for anyone in the Sabbat, you know, one of the biggest sects in all of Masquerade.
Again, that's a clan that's an exception. And, as far as Bloodlines and V5 are concerned, Sabbat are the antagonists you're not supposed to play as. They're very much presented as purely antagonists.
>You can do that. Read the Camarilla source books, buy your generation down at chargen and put your points into resources and domain. V5 isn’t built for playing an elder but you can do it, or always play v20.
I get that it's an option, but what surprises me is that it's not the default. For a game called VAMPIRE, it seems like the game designers don't want you playing the popular stereotype version of a vampire. I feel like you could still have variation on vampire bloodlines and such while still largely keeping the old world nobility angle. Plus, the default game state affects the players. The majority of vampire groups I see and hear about aren't playing aristocratic asshole decadent nobility, they're playing goth punk. And if there's one thing I don't think about when it comes to being a vampire, it's being a punk.
I'll address the werewolf point in another post for sake of space.
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>No I kinda want to know now, do regale us with your steaming hot take.
World of Darkness werewolves have nothing in common with the popular fiction story of being a werewolf. You're not a disease, you largely have control over your actions and transformations, and, worst of all, you're not a monster. oWoD werewolves are ecoterrorists fighting THE MAN, while nWoD werewolves are spirit world border control.
Werewolves are my favorite traditional monster because of the tragedy of them. A werewolf is fundamentally an innocent person who harms others through no fault of their own. They didn't ask to have this curse laid upon them, and once they transform, there is nothing they can do about it. All they can do is imprison themselves where they won't hurt people when they transform or kill themselves. Otherwise, they're going to continue hurting and killing without the ability to stop what's happening, always dreading the next full moon when they'll next transform into a diseased, malformed monster.
WoD werewolves, in both versions, give me none of that. None of the tragedy, none of the looming specter of the full moon, none of the innocent person being forced to hurt and kill people by a curse you have no control over.
My ideal werewolf game would be something akin to the Incredible Hulk TV show. Always on the run as you seek out a cure while pursued by hunters and/or law enforcement convinced you're an unstoppable murderer. Always having to be careful to keep track of the moon cycles and making sure you transform in a place where you can't hurt people. Always having the animal within you trying to break out.
I'm aware I complained about Vampire promoting woe-is-me characters, but that's because, to me, vampires and werewolves are very different in terms of their fiction, and the themes applied to them should be different.
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Thread was solved in post 7 and everyone ignored it to engage with the V5 bait instead.
> limited experience between V5 and Bloodlines, but Tzimisce aren't playable in either of those, and are very much antagonists in Bloodlines.
They’re in the companion’s guide, and again, v20. If you want Lasombra, they’re in Chicago by Night. And yeah, the Sabbat are broadly played as antagonists to the Camarilla, which are the default, but what’s White Wolf gonna do, senda hitman if you play in the Sabbat, or if you make an Antitribu Tzimisce?
>that's a clan that's an exception
To what? Genuinely, an exception to what? Because every clan has its own take on what being a vampire means, and individuals in every clan have their own interpretation of the clan. You have backwards savage vampires and degenerate aristocracy vampires, the existence of one doesn’t detract from the other.
>I get that it's an option, but what surprises me is that it's not the default.
Being at least nominally in the Camarilla is very much the default. As for the other stuff, that’s what your starting points are for, you have to invest them. You can’t just have all the things for free. You wanna be a rich elder with a staff and a mansion, guess you’ll be spending your points on those merits.
>For a game called VAMPIRE, it seems like the game designers don't want you playing the popular stereotype version of a vampire
There are so many more variations of vampire myth than just a vaguely Eastern European douchebag noble that have existed the world over, and Masquerade very much facilitates that image. You just picked the edition that moves away from that to be your entry point.

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When is the hero industry stated to have infinite resources?
Why is it dumb for potentially dangerous powers to require licensing?
What is retarded about the society?
I don't mean literally infinite. But just look at the sheer excess that just one of the hero academies have access to, as well as the exams. They can build entire cities for the sole purpose of demolishing them during training or tests.

It isn't, but the exams you have to take often have nothing to do with what you could actually be using your powers for. Things like combat or search and rescue are useless to people wanting to use their powers in a more mundane way. And safety is only part of it. The other part is protecting pre-power businesses and promoting equal opportunity between people that aren't equal anymore. You can't hire super strength people to do physical labor, because that's discrimination and the heckin corporations selling forklifts or construction vehicles or whatever tool you're replacing with powers need their money too. I get that they don't want to devolve into some kind of powers based caste system, but their current level of regulation is insane.

It's a canonically corrupt house of cards. It starts to crumble the moment All Might retires. There are way more heroes than are actually required, and they're only in it for fame or money. They all leave the moment actual heroes are needed. Many people turn to villainy because of the previously mentioned regulations. To a lesser extent the villain side is all propped up by one guy too. Once he's gone the heroes will have even less reason to exist.
In other words, everything about the setting is good.
Teleport, increased luck, give enemies bad luck, stretching, shapshifting, explosions. The ability to summon and control things relating to savagery and the breakdown of civilization, like summoning or controlling animals, causing plants to sprout, making normal animals and plants become monstrous versions, making people go berserk, making technology fail.
Ways to imprison people (barriers, summoned chains, paralytic touch), luck control flavored as removing luck and forcing average results to always happen, hypnosys and mind control (brainwashing but maybe without mind reading). The ability to summon and control things relating to civilization, like summoning temporary buildings, or at last walls, controlling paper, glass, concrete, rubber and other materials. Computer or technology control.
In my home setting, humanity really is made in the image of God. So are most alien species. We're not that special.
That, and one of the oldest species who also looked a lot like humans went on a collective mental break and decided to seed as many star system as possible with hidden probes to make sure that when a planet started having life, one species would be selected and modified to have genes like theirs. Which is why species from galaxies apart are somehow sexually compatible and capable of interbreeding.

Call general would be nice but I haven't seen a General for all chaosium games.

I need to bug them for the books from Storm Bringer Fifth.
If only there was a thread you could look for books in. A thread where books were shared. Oh well.
There isn't a Chaosium general, but Call of Cthulhu is pretty big in /hsg/ - Horror Settings General, and since that's Chasium's most popular game, might be a good place to look.

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For some reason, Wizards of the Coast failed to do the concept of Genasi justice, as they have long been eclipsed in popularity by Tieflings, and to a lesser extent Aasimar. So now it’s up to us to correct this grave injustice! Do whatever you want to show how you’ve used Genasi in your campaigns and worlds, post Genasi art, or suggest ways that we can make Genasi more popular/better, and correct WotC’s failings in the process. I don’t know about you, but I think that Genasi deserve a decent creation table of traits people can roll for their Genasi to have. I’ve scoured the internet, but I’ve only found ones for Aasimar and Tieflings, and I can’t let that stand. Where should we start besides szuldar patterns and features from animals associated with their elements, like fish scales for Water Genasi or feathers for Air Genasi?
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>or have a grip*
No. That's retarded. Light and shadow aren't elements.
To make genasi interesting, you have to make them not genasi. By which I mean that they need to be four distinct races, rather than one race with four subdivisions that you have to remember. Four different names, four different body types, four different everything.
Okay, so how would you differentiate these elemental races from each other or normal Genasi besides just copying Avatar?
How about they act as modifiers to the standard elements then?

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Old Ass Squig Edition edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News
MTO O&G, new Grombrindal if you ignore the siggypiggy base

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6

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both A and C plus
>Every army rapes a lot. It's fucking war.
Tomb kangs; nop,
Orks niether have the gear nor the inclination, I guess some inventive gobbos might come up with some sexual tortures by accident.
Vampires; maybe the vampires rape some of the prettier captives,
Ogres,; I mean they reproduce like people do so they must have a sex drive somewhere, but fucking your food before eating it is weird. (maybe as a way to prank your mates?)
Lizardmen; no sex drive on the lizards, I guess the dinos maybe?
For high elves they might but not make it public.
For dwarves; so on one hand they're extremely disdainful of non-dwarves, on the other 1 girl to every 10 men.
Chaos, khonates might not, at least for the really devoted, the rest would probably go for it, even if only as a way of torture.
For everyone else it's goofy time.
T. A.non(ce)
>I guess the dinos maybe?
do dinos even have dicks? Modern day birds usually don't have dicks and they're closest to dinos

but then again the birds that do have dicks like ducks usually got some pretty fucked up looking penises
>when your clan's bellower pulls the old cummy humie on you at the post battle feast again
while ogres do eat humans, they also eat other ogres and have no qualms against it

so really it's just "the old cummie meal"

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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game about worms produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official updates:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

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Forgive my grammar, at the store with my kids and it is a pain to type with them running around
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SWC is not an issue in Imperial Service as it is possible to have 10 SWC available but you can never get there as points is more an issue with the Sectorial

If I had my way I would make four minor changes to Imperial service and do not involve points changes and would not make anything broken.

Bao Troops
>UPDATE move from Light Infantry to Medium Infantry
>UPDATE add Forward Observer to Combi + Flash Pulse loadout
*note: with ARM1 and BTS6, this is a true Medium Infantry and not a Light infantry profile
*note: Combi + Flash Pulse loadout is already paying for all the equipment and giving it Forward

Imperial Agent, Crane Rank
>UPDATE replace Spitfire, Nanopulser (+1B) loadouts with AP Spitfire, Nanopulser (+1B) weapons. no cost change
*note: this give allow the army to have anti-armor options and makes the Crane Rank a legitimate option against the Su-Jian

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Why are you here then?
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>notice a number of Imperial Service model are no longer available on the CB shop
>mfw CB decides to perform a Military Orders update of Imperial Service instead of putting it out of Production and introducing a new space faring Yu Jing Sectorial

I want something new and cool.
I've wondered for some time if YJ sales have been mediocre since they pulled JSA from the faction.

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Onion Earth Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, fight each other for victory.
A campaign mode is planned, and currently in the works. (you) are encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc

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Gargoyles as a beast unit would be cool.
Not to discourage creativity but I think Atlan is good for units right now.
Atlan is indeed in a pretty good place, we can add to it but it's not really necessary at the moment. However maybe Titanium statues that had enough pure Titanium in them to gain a spark of the Titan's consciousness and started wandering off? As either a Beast or Merc unit that Atlan has a way to recruit more of?
let me see what i can come up with. if it is good we add it, if it isnt we kill it. right now i am working on sponsors.
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>Titanium statues that had enough pure Titanium in them to gain a spark of the Titan's consciousness and started wandering off
Titanium Grotesque Cost:10(?)
Beast, Mechanical
AP: 3
Movement X, Accuracy: X, Strength X, Discipline X, Evasion X, Labor X, Awareness X
Health: X
Armor: 3T3T3T

Titan Spark: When this model no longer has Titanium on majority of its Armor Locations it loses all its heath boxes and is considered killed by the enemy.

Echo: this model may only take the Actions taken by the model that was activated just before it and in the same quantity.

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Grotesque would be for the Merc book. Gargoyle would be Atlan's third and final Character.
i am unsure about Silver Cost and load out. for Titanium Grotesque maybe medieval or generic melee weapons. for Titanium Gargoyle maybe just all Atlan melee; Acanthus would be really cool but maybe OP. Cost for Gargoyle should be high but not too high because Lazy Dancer makes it something of an obstacle and Titan Spark makes it fairly fragile. maybe 25 Silver? that would be 5 less than a Skinwalker. maybe just call it 30.

for Gargoyle, im thinking now that either Discipline should be lowered to 4 or 5 or it should go into Frenzy when Shaken. something like
>Last Ditch: When this model would become Shaken it instead becomes Frenzied and gains +1 Acc on Charges. While Frenzied it ignores all Models that share a Keyword.
i would prefer the latter but that maybe too many rules on an already weird unit.

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Naughty Nuncubus Edition

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!

Everyone is welcome.


Main Gens: https://e-hentai.org/g/2556775/f1669e072b/
Imgchest backups(not sorted): https://imgchest.com/p/na7ko9dky8d
Legacy Charts: https://imgur.com/a/IRtoHXh
Side Quests: https://imgur.com/a/7euVXRT

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A very WIIDE Human Princess.
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I like it
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The heart symbol on her skirt looks suspicious. Is she a mimic?
Nah that is on every hps skirt

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What are the best post-apocalypse games and what makes them great?

>Gamma World
>Mutant Crawl Classics
>Mutant Year Zero
>Twilight 2000
>After the Bomb
>Atomic Highway
>Fallout, I guess?

Post your faves and also post-apoc pics.
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it's the kind of game where the fun comes all from rolling the overwrought character creation and the actual play portion is vestigial
Dying in chargen is based (Traveler) but holy aids, Batman what were they thinking
Mutant is great
The newer "version" is aids
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deadEarth is great, but you need the expanded material from the old forums, as deadEarth was designed to be interfaced with its online forum and accompanying MUD.
Tourists aren't familiar with this though, as most can only discuss what was posted on some faggots blog & accompanying rpgnet posts.
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Endland's pretty rad

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The Technocracy took control of the D&D multiverse and started to subtly insert science technobabble into magic descriptions.

Magic is fading from the world and it feels irreversible.
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>evil wizard is going to blow up the multiverse
Good thing the rest of the multiverse where he didn't succeed will continue existing.
No it won't, it says right there he's going to blow it up.
Congrats on coming out as a tasteless plebe
Nope, my taste is good and yours is bad.
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>tasteless faggot used "No, U!"
>it's not very effective

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Post art!
Art of characters!
Characters for cool fantasy and sci-fi games!
You have great art - show it off! Do it now!
Last thread: >>92777119

Thread theme: Dwarves being cool
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I wanna bash your moms head in with a baseball bat for birthing such an insufferable faggot
You would find a way to lose the baseball bat in your ass long before you can use it on any anon's mom.
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You sound like an autistic faggot
You're not going to prove your oldfag credentials by posting dead memes. They're not even dead /tg/ memes.
Look mate, it's nice to see the classic memes get some respect, but you're being a knob.
How about you post "Fuck Yeah Seaking", call everybody insufferable one more time, then go do something productive with your day.

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