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>still cant do shit

i really wanted to make low poly models
but i never like how they turn out
am i just trash at texturing?
i´ve read the main tread and watched loads of tutorials but still feel lost
what am i doing wrong?
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recent creation
Show us some of your work and we can give you some suggestions. Because I don't know your level, but yes, usually low poly shit need good textures.
Great, you should work on the siluette, and the colours, that character is not readable at all.
Start blocking colours, if you are bad picking them use a colour palette of the internet, fix a little bit the siluette and then paint some shadows so the cape does not look like part of the body
Make the eyes smaller
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some things i´ve made
Siluette first, block with a good color pallet, texture and paint baked shadows, in that order
You need to learn actual art fundamentals. Grinding a 3D program without knowing why certain things look good and certain things look like trash isn't going to help you

I hope you at least also acquired a lot of technical skills in the use of the tools
i think i did?
i know how to rig stuff
i understand how UV unwraping works
i know some things about geometry nodes and shading
im familiar with the tools blender has
i can do simple animations
and i try to do good topology
i know some of the shortcuts
and i understand most of the modifiers and their uses
i know how to bake textures

sometimes i forget blender open while i do other things so a couple of those hours are from AFK
did i just waste all my time?
Just do this >>964090
Your shapes are shit, and your textures are shit, try to focus on that anon critic
none of that is art fundamentals, that's just the program. That stuff is the 3d equivalent of learning all the different types of paper and how different pencils and chalk and charcoal behave on them.

You need to learn to actually draw, which is 50x more difficult.
can you at least draw? It will help tremendously having sketch or even mental image of what you're trying to do.
There is no way after 1000 hours you can't do shit.
I bet you just leave the program open to waste hours.
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If you are inspired by the good looking video game models of the past then 70% of their appeal is hand painted textures. The rest is mostly silhouette.
Use a reference. Low poly still needs a plausible silhouette, even when highly stylized
>using blender through steam
never gonna make it
If ur older than 15 ur ngmi
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>spend hours upon hours focusing on topology when starting out making masks to 3d print
>needs to be squares, needs to be squares, NO TRIANGLES, NO PENTAGONS, NO HEXAGONS
I fucking wish I never watched a tutorial video looking back, I'll have surfaces with 10 sides if I want to, if it prints it prints
Kek, I started when I was 27 and I'm in a comfortable spot. Spamming ngmi throughout threads is not a reason to live, kys is a viable option you know?
Post your work
Knowing how the tool works is not equivalent to knowing what to do with it.


>for 3d print
>cares about topology
Sorry to tell you but you made an absolute mistake. You can add as many n-gons as you want as long as it doesn't deform in a bad way

Strict quad requirements depends on what you're trying to do and what the finish product should be

If you're doing lowpoly, sculpting or 3D printing. quads don't matter.

Quads matter the most when you're subdividing. What you really need to worry about are poles, vertices where only three or more than four edges are connected to them. Those bastards deforms your model even if your model is all quads.

If your model is a hard surface that has no organic deformations n-gons are okay if it looks good but that only really occurs on flat surfaces.

If it's organic and will be animated, try to keep quads at least 99.9% if possible. Shit topology is noticeable once the mesh deforms.

Tris aren't that bad and there are situations where they're the best choice. They are eventually converted into quads when subdivided anyways, it's just that there's a chance that could end up with a bad pole. Put tris in inconspicuous areas.
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Commissioned work, fully rigged and this was a few years ago. Just one of my many works. Low polys are not the only things I do but because of professional reasons, I won't post more.

You don't even need to work in the 'industry' to "make it" as long as you find a niche but you will get filtered if you're an irresponsible little shit. Being good will help but connections do more. Industry wage cucking is not for everyone.
Your problem is you lack understanding of color theory enough to understand that BRIGHT BLUE, and BRIGHT YELLOW, and BRIGHT GREEN are not good color choices because they look unnatural. Also a completely unsaturated grey next to a brightly saturated BLUE looks like shit, like there would be a tinge of blue in that grey. Now if you were to follow my advice and add a tinge it would be either TOO MUCH BLUE or so little that you can barely tell the difference because this is what newbies to color do. They lack the confidence to push colors and rely heavily on using BRIGHT SATURATED PRIMARY colors because they lack subtlety.

tldr, just steal a color pallet from a generator or a website for now or learn to paint and develop your eye.

You can do it, you're just a little baby boy that needs to grow a bit more through practice.
So you've made it because you made a sub-par ugly animu model?
That's encouraging

Which is funnier when you say it is ugly and yet I still get work. I see people with worse work and somehow make more than me.

Also I recommend that you read my reply again slowly since your incapacitated brain is obviously incapable of comprehending in a natural pace that this is just one of my older works.
it's just bottom of the barrel crab bait; don't even bother acknowledging it.
I just wanted to say something mean desu
>Which is funnier when you say it is ugly and yet I still get work
Anon I understand the bar for being a successful 3d artist is so low on this board that getting any money for your work is viewed as "making it" but it's really not that impressive, I got my first 500$ comission when I was 15 when I had barely half a year of experience in 3d, anyone can do that. What's more important is making actual quality work which is not what you've showed with your shit waifu model you made for some coomer, therefore all I see is you just proving >>966550 right, it's way too late for you
Why is everyone on this site so obssessed with being some sort of anime protagonist where they're some kind of overachiever at a young age?I don't even think anon was trying to impress anyone.
>this board
Ah yes, let me update my 4chin portfolio. Surely when I impress someone on this board I will surely make it.
Dude, you know that's not fair. You look like a retard when you say try to deny reality. Post your own work
This is a troll right? I've spent <100 hours in blender and can shit out better models. I don't even mean to be a crab this is just insane.
I got hired at ilm when I was 26, faggot. lmao
Probably just bad direction on OP's part. I do like the lower left from >>964091. I'm not even sure what I'm looking at from the other three.
HAHAHAHA and yet here you are trying to prove what exactly? I guess only 3d work exists in ilm? Apparently your neurons refuse to function when something
incomprehensible occurs outside of your bubble. You're a bigger retard than you think.
lmfao cope harder, boomer
It means it's too late for you nigga, art is not for you, maybe next time
so many words, so little work posted.
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Does this count as low poly?
That completely and utterly depends on the model. A detailed character model with lots of bits? Yeah sure, maybe. A barrel? No
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how's my chair
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Just made this and I think it turned out pretty ok. I didn't paint the bg myself, that's an image from a ren and stimpy background I think. What do you think?
poly modeling is an IQ test and midwit filter
if you can't even do low poly after 1,000 hours it's a wrap, maybe drawing is more your speed
Low poly is just box modelling with subdiv disabled.
You know I'm right.
Armrests are too low, if you sat on it you'd probably not be comfortable. But that's just me being a realismfag, and this chair looks pretty stylized so
im sure this is bait but 2d art is a thousand times more difficult than 3d shit. anyone can learn to push vertices around. i mean for fuck sake the program does perspective for you.
No, definitely not. Entry level 3d is surely easier than entry level 2d, but advanced 3d in miles more complicated when you start doing shit that has never been done before, 2d doesn't even compare
>Entry level 3d is surely easier than entry level 2d
Actually I just remembered how entry level 3d was and I take it back, pushing around vertices, sculpting, retopo, unwrapping and texturing takes way more brainpower and creative approach along with adaptability
I've been waffling on getting started. I fully understand at some point I need to just take the plunge and use it. My biggest interest is low-poly psx style graphics, they seem approachable and I really like the look.

My only question is if I should start learning by doing studies on ps1 games I like and using general guides and tutorials to learn how to use the program, or if I would be better served by taking the doughnut tutorial and learning to use blender for more modern style stuff before trying to go for a specific look?
I'll also mention I'm mostly interested in learning blender for the sake of a creative outlet. I'm definitely interested in learning to animate in it, and maybe learn game dev after I'm comfortable making stuff.
Wrong! You can not approach a subdiv poly model the same way as a low poly one, apples and oranges
wrong but you knew that
1000 hours? More like zero. Start over from scratch. Reboot, new you. You need to focus on studying more intently and in a disciplined manner, don't settle for laziness or the easy route.
anyone have that one image of the low poly girl with rather high res textures? I must have forgotten to save it. I think she's wearing a white shirt.
How many tris would you consider the max for a low poly character? Does that include accessories (like weapons and items that they may wield?)
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Very much depends but as long as it's below, say, 500, I'd say you succeeded.
i find them cute. keep making them. heed some advice, not necesarily from here
>learning 3d followong blender tutorials
ngmi, the best advice I got was from a russian anon
>"if you want to learn ed never watch sny blender tutorial"
"if you want to learn 3D never watch any blender tutorial"
that lil wormy thing in the bottom left is cute. make more of him.
You know why people use blender? because the 3d shills like flipnormals and romanian bald guy are loosing money. Gotta feed their families with blender tuts bro.
I like the characters, they have a lot of sovl
>He launches blender from Steam™®©

Either way the knowlage how to use Blender is not free.
Pro Tip the fagots on YT are 98% of the time a wast of your time.

I can teach you if you pay me.

>but i never like how they turn out
Did you try modeling in physical clay?
The things in your head always come out diferent based on your skil and the material
>I can teach you if you pay me.
Okay I'm sending 2k bucks your way without the need of seeing anything you've made
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forced myself to learn modeling over the weekend for a uni project.
this bad boy took me ~5 hours with next to no prior experience.
how am I doing?
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That looks cool, Anon.
why what?
pixel texture?
leaves room for imagination. just a slight variation in color can be interpreted as any detail the viewer wants to see.
why it's that low of a resolution? because I tried to fit the whole boy on a 128×128 texture and prioritized the head.
why there's copper bolts? design choice. sue me.
thanks. I needed that.
looks cool
Why? A lot of useful functions are hidden behind convoluted ui, maybe its Daz/Maya talking, but sometimes its faster to watch 6 minute video of "how to make X in blender", than reading blender documentation.
Retard. Make a better uv unwrap next time, I don't give a shit about shitty pixel texture, not my point.
take your meds
Enjoy your shitty diagonal pixel art dipshit, what the fuck were you thinking
why the fuck would pixelart have to be aligned to any faces? it's pixelart! seeing them is the whole point.
maybe my plan was upsetting some autist on the internet who can't deal with a little chaos.
That anon is being an elitist retard and went straight into shitting on you instead of understanding the context that this was done by a beginner to feel good about themselves without even specifying what's wrong.

Real talk, good UV unwrap can matter for pixel art. Most of the time it's to align the edges parallel to the pixels. In your case, it's good enough since it's not that distracting except for autists.
thanks for the feedback. I understand that proper uv unwrapping is crucial on pixel art. I find it most problematic when theres half or quarter pixels on the edge of a face that aligns with the pixel orientation.
in the case of straight up diagonal wrapping it doesn't bother me as much and it was more of a design choice in this case.

I unfortunately didn't finish the game this was made for in time. setting up networking, terrain generation, physics and bone animations in just a few weeks was a little much. but maybe I'll use the assets in a new implementation of the same or a different game using godot or something.

if I make more models in the future I'll make sure to have some diagonal pixels on all of them. can't hurt to ruin the day of someone like that dude.
As hard as it is, literally sit down and finish through-and-through at least one course. Youtube is great, but there's a lot of courses you can find that are paywalled that I find to be more helpful. I stick with Maya and other tools, so can't help you out with Blender.

Pomodoro timer and discipline; pretty much all you need
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you are doing fine, low-poly+pixel art is quite hard tho.
Some idiots will pretend it is possible to have pixel perfect drawing on your geometry, but it is not.
no matter how hard you try, you will eng up with cut in half pixels or pixel distortion.

if you make low-poly with very small texture going for a sharp style (closest filter, no blur on the texture you WILL end up with pixel deformation and half pixels.

the only way around that is to restrict your geometry to cubes minecraft style, in that case only, it is possible to be pixel perfect.

there are some tricks you could use however.
i tend to use black contour line in my pixel art, especially if i know it will go on some non-cubic and non character object. that way i can use the black contour line to blend the little issues (ex A,B)

If i want to work with specific material i have a little bonus trick for you, you can add geometry by cutting loopcuts following your pixels shapes and then extruding, its the best way i found to have pixel art with extra depth.
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Why not just add some few lines on the mesh if necessary?
thanks for the input. looks great
that is a good way to make it less stretched for the visuals. adding more polys to the lowpoly kinda defeats the purpose though.
not that it matters at that level... it just goes a little agains "as few as possible"
look at this super cute anime girl I'm modelling ^w^ .It's on the higher tri count of low poly but I think I can get ride of some vertices and edges where they're not too important~
If you guys can see anywhere I can improve the model so far, plz let me know. I'd be very grateful!
you just asked why. you made no point. you are the laughing stock of the entire board
This seems perfectly fine, any less polys than that you'd have issues animating her.
damn looks nice!
what is it for?
Here's some textures for reference
cute little guy!
Diferential texel density is getting on my nerves please fix.
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Can anyone ITT help me out with a proper best workflow (not cris btw) on turning high poly assets to low poly? I am not necissarily looking to preserve details. I want the psx/dreamcast look but I am a poorfag so I am looking at all these awesome kitbash things some chad yesdev shared with me, I saw these before but the ones I saw where all soulless TESlike slop. Finally seen some good fantasy ones. I want to decimate them so they look low poly and and properly reduce their textures into sprite like stuff. This may be a pointless task and it may be smarter to buy someones services to make copy cats or something but to be honest I dont have that kind of dough yet.

Even if none of them end up usable, they only have to look halfway decent. All of them will be items and environments, not players or mobs.

Unlike cris I dont think it's fair to talk about workflow without giving some kind of mile marker for what I'm hoping for; When importing your rig to game dev engines I use gamerig tools which is a bunch of scripts for making sure the rigify rig my modeler I use exports well to unreal. I'm hoping for something like this, a plugin script or process that will help just clean up a bit after using the decimate values, ways to reduce the texture resolution for the best effect if you have any. or even just color them automatically for re-texturing based on the trim sheet

If you know of any life saving tools like gamerigtools or just some simple tips that might help me do this that would be great.
I want to make a low poly model with huge fuckin tits but have no idea how to go about it. Any tips?
same, follow this tutorial

At the end it goes in into specifically making breasts. You could easily change it up into making them bigger
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progress. probably gonna go a lot bigger
Pure sexo!
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I use high poly but low detailed objects baked into low poly final objects just to have the lighting details baked so I can add details manually in photoshop just to match a certain game's artstyle

If you have the hipoly done it might be easier for you but dunno I kinda stumbled on my workflow if you can call it that
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Can you post the high poly version or post your work in a high poly version vs low poly? I want to see the way it works on more complicated non human objects like that truck you posted. Many tutorials on YouTube are about preserving the HD look and not about making it seem retro. However this is closer to the mark. I won't be able to know without seeing where the details level started. These kit bashes are a little pricey.
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this is just catching overall light for a 256x256 texture then I fill simple details in photoshop using bevel effects etc
you can let the baking-into object catch multiple objects too so you could add windows etc & add these objects in projection modifier but that's not worth it for what I do
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workflow is not the most optimal shit I could come up with + lots of manual work but it does it
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the robot is cute tho !!!
idk if this is OC, but somehow I've never seen anyone make this joke before. It's good
God how the fuck do I low poly hair i can't wrap my brain around it
Can you tell me how you decimate this? Do you just use built in functions? Is it that easy? Truthfully I was hoping to see something more complicated than this though like a building or other thing that has multiple geometries.
I only worked on what you see of geometric complexity
apply UVWunwrap to multiple objects
break faces & weld then offset symmetric faces to +1 U or V units away to save space
keep contingent faces weld to simplify texture continuity post edits in photoshop (base baked texture has continuity anyway so that helps preserving texture continuity)
umm. I dont know if I'm being too autistic to be understood but
I am not really all that interested in changing the UV mappings too much I just want the object to be less high poly. I dont want to bake lighting.

Is the base decimate really that effective? I got the impression that it wasn't ever going to give usable results with a low poly look like >>977727
if you fed it a high quality one. dont you have to define certain constraints or is it that smart?
if you change geometry you change the uvw
took me 2 years to learn shit, dont expect an easy ride
I'm not expecting anything anon, I am a total beginner here so when you gloss over things I dont understand what I missed, only that something was probably glossed over
So you DO use decimate and then manually go in and fix each model am I hearing you right? that's why you get outputs that look like this >>977727
If that's the only way to do it I guess I'll have to either take some blender courses or work overtime and let my experienced modeler tackle the problem. probably the latter because even if I did do the former I'd want access to their work advice in detail instead of continuing to pester you.

Am I on the money for how this is done?
no idea wtf decimate is
I only use 3dsmax
ask in stupid questions thread
i see, so you use 3dsmax. Well I'll head over there too I guess, maybe someone will know but I figured I'd try the low poly thread first. thanks for all the help so far anon
is it possible to make such textures in blender with painting? or do you need to make them in another program like krita or ps?
any career advice for newbies? tips to not get filtered and how to network?
You think that you can just jump into modelling while skipping the fundamentals
Learn how to draw. Every good 3d artist knows how to draw
How to learn how to draw? I hate drawing cubes and spheres, this is why I started doing 3d.
not OP
Go on /ic/ and browse through the /beg/, download some books, watch some beginner videos
complete drawabox, then copy bridgeman twice. Every single industry professional has done that.

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