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>I have purposely taught them wrong
>as a joke
If tutorial makers taught you how to do things correctly, they would work themselves out of their job. The name of the game is to promise and never deliver.
If Blender developers went in and fixed 20 years old bugs instead of adding useless with more bugs, then people would be happy. They would use the software productively and would stop donating. It would be a disaster.
What did he taught wrong?
His tutorial is mostly a "tour" through some of blender tools, so the user can get their feet wet with the software, before actually embarking on learning each tool in-depth.
That's the right word. You embark people, then when you are about to get to the destination you find out that the tool is bugged and will not deliver. But wait. Some developers are already working on another tool which will solve the problem with the previous tool, so let's embark again.
>What did he taught wrong?
he tricked the unwashed masses into using Blender in the first place
Why is he the only tutorial man around. Is there anyone better?
He is a meme, there's a lot of better tutorial YouTubers
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He's a good teac
Like who? Can you link?
Because he's entertaining. Everybody else bores me to tears and chokes me with rainbow dust. I also think he's a good instructor for modeling but I'm into animation.
One day remind me to tell you the story of the very early Blender Guru because I think it's been erased but I remember it. It goes way back before youtube. The guy is a genuine jackass and he's always been.
My favourite one is Gr
probably talking about grant abbitt
This website is brok
Grant Abbott is good don't get me wrong but I was referring to G
Are you G?
My post keeps getting cut out, I refer to Gr
The "Guru of Blender" aka "Blender Guru"?
Yes, he is a top G, indeed
No, The yiutu
I'm referring to Gr
This is unironically your future if you watch his "tutorials"
so this is just a blender hate thread
yup go it
They all are great, but blender guru is just more basic, like a wizard master who teach you little tricks and doesn't tell you about hangouts he has with dormamu. But still he is good
>so this is just a blender hate thread
blender & doughnut grifter
lmao all you people care about is muh job, you have no soul
I love 3D as a hobby and with the hope of one day finishing my indie game
Are you the only employed Blender user?
>indie game
I hope it's a game about 3D doughnuts
Tried this guy's "Hard Surface Modeling Jumpstart" course on his blenderbros site.
It was fine until the addon video, then he went:
>"click here....then click this....then click that...close this section, that will help us"
You don't learn anything here, he just changed like 20 things without explaining the viewer WHAT were they doing and how much they impact future work.
You could be enabling settings that will SCREW whatever you try to do later and you would be none the wiser!

Everyone on this board loves to shit on donut guy, but at least he knows how to teach, which is a skill very few people that are knowledgeable in a field can do.

Now i'll have to spend at least 2 hours searching what each single setting the hard surface tutorial/course changed to know what do they even do.
Ok, so, it was around the time of Blender 2.4x Video tutorials were a new thing and people loved them. People also hated the original Blender UI for the most part because it looked fugly compared to every other software.
So one day Andrew, as the well thought out person he is, decided to go on a video doughnut tutorial strike (the first and only in recorded human history) and press his thumb against the Blender Foundation to demand a better UI.
...wait for part 2
The day he would usually post a new tutorial on his website came but this time, instead of the usual doughnut, it was an an hour long ultimatum to the Blender Foundation.
He started pointing out (with the help of infographics) how non-compliant Blender's UI was with the latest Microsoft Usability Guidelines (or whatever that thing has called I don't remember) and he stated that that was problem.
He also stated that if the Blender people refused to listen to his demands, he would have found it difficult to continue to make tutorials for Blender and that he would have had to move his operations to another software (which was implied to be Cinema 4D I think).
...wait for part 3
But Andrew is a reasonable person and as such he had a proposal. One that the Blender Foundation couldn't refuse in order to avoid Total Tutorial Catastrophe.
So, here was the deal: a TOP TOOL BAR. Blender needed to have one because after all the most used and most sold software at the time had one. Some software like Internet Explorer even had many.
...wait for part 4
He presented a mock-up of the toolbar. It would have been a gray box about the size of a quarter of an average screen.
It would have contained pictures such as one of a triangle, one of a cube, one of sphere and so on.
The user would have then moved their pointing devices towards one of those pictures and the corresponding primitive would have been added to the 3D drawing area.
And with that, Andrew's video ended and was presumably submitted to the attention of the relevant people at the Blender Foundation.
...wait for part 5 (conclusion)
Another week went by and what happened behind the scenes I don't remember in detail but Andrew was back making video tutorials for Blender like nothing ever happened and to this day, Blender doesn't have a top tool bar.
In conclusion, maybe I'm judging him too harshly but for me after witnessing the events above in person, it's really hard to take anything the guy says or do seriously anymore.
He should have taken the offering he had from Maxon or Autodesk (if he ever had one) and never looked back.
You should subscribe to his newsletter. Never have I witnessed a more comprehensive collection of bad takes in one place. It seems he lives on the objectively wrong side of history on everything from crypto/NFTs to AI. Not surprising since his primary grift is selling assets his minions create in the slave mines, replacing them with AI and binding the results in crypto probably gives him a dangerously extended stiffy.
this story sounds believable
Thanks for the writeup anon. Unfortunately he makes leftists seethe so I'm afraid he's still based.
imagine the smell
why does blenderguru always look like he hasn't showered for 2 weeks?
guru has gotta be busy perfecting his donuts, I mean he's up to his shoulders in work
heard a lot of shit about this guy
because he's a nazi
Shouldn't this board like him if that's the case?
Wtf I love blender guru now
>people knowing donut man past his donut tutorials
I still hate him
Hi cris
Any proof this happened?
The only proof I'm going to offer you is that I wish I had the creativity to make that up.
>I got a job making 3D donuts for a big studio.
Me too, except they don't pay me
You did make it up, kinda.
here's the video.
20 minutes long.
includes good suggestions that were implimented (tabs)
No bullshit about a donut strike or moving to cinema4D. He's pretty positive about the software, just wanted some improvements.
I thought everyone itt was just trolling, this shit is real, lmao 20 minutes
> to this day, Blender doesn't have a top tool bar.
For sculpting mode, there is a top bar with tool-specific options which is much faster than using the tool options in the right panel.
There are also drop-down options at the top of the screen and tabs across the top like he proposed.
A donut button?
It would be funny if he demanded an "easily accessible donut button",
or default donut instead of the default cube

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