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File: blender-default-cube.png (483 KB, 1920x1040)
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483 KB PNG
Deleting the default cube in Blender is bad practice.
You're supposed to drag it out of view.

Of course the total hack hiding under the moniker "Blender Guru" (or as I like to call him "The Doughnut Grifter") teaches you to erase it.
I hate him so much.
I get satisfaction by raising it up a little, so its bottom is flush with the ground.
>I just saved an empty startup file that has my UI and settings exactly how I like them
>normalfriends waste dozens of hours deleting the same fucking cube every new file
Truly subhuman.
In a way you're supposed to use it.
Well that is if blenders main workflow of boxmodelling directly into the intended base topology and using multires with sculpting and use that to export LODs did work as intended.
Blender devs shill it from time to time omitting the fact that it's completely broken and there's no way to directly edit the multires data.
I must admit I also like to do this
>normalfriends waste dozens of hours deleting the same fucking cube every new file
But you're not supposed to delete it
File: file.png (1.54 MB, 1891x1518)
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1.54 MB PNG
>anno domini
>not having a stylized default cube and backdrop as your startup file
only if you do it in edit mode so the origin point stays on the world origin
take your meds right fucking now
Proportional editing.
> The Cube
Let me lick.
>But you're not supposed to delete it
>You're supposed to drag it out of view.
please for fucks sake support this statement with some reasoning. I can't think of any other program that starts with something instead of nothing. the camera and light are extra fucking annoying because like the cube 95% of the time that's not what I'm doing with blender. to me it's a throwback to when some idiot freecoder couldn't have an empty obj_list. fucking retarded it's still here in 2024.

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