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/wip/ - Works In Progress - High Level Edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>982476
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The cranium :)
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It looks like a drone scan
Fantastic. Too good for /3/
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I love zbrush
I got six and I'm aimin' 'em
how you do that painterly effect?
it is quite possible that it is a painting!
why would a painting be posted in /3/?
Very nice. Loose the coffee cup its cliché. Try a Cantucci with Santo Wine.
The sant owine coud give out an inverted image of the dumo. Now that would be spectacular and in the spirit of Brunelescci
it doesnt look like 3dcg !
holy shit you are right!!!!! i wish i had thought of this earlier!
Post your donut or gtfo tripfag
Over my dead body biotch.
What are you scared of?
Post the donut you tripfag
what the fuck how did you get it to look exactly like an oil painting, it's spot on
he's talking about your pink donut, make sure you spread it a little
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Rate the progress
the anatomy is not there
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finished a not-so-quick sketch. looks deceptively simple lmfao but tbf i dont like this one too much
oh shit the compression killed the colors

heres my tweet of it: https://x.com/pinilandok_/status/1796948187951096062
Please be more specific
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baneblade WIP
this is NOT 3dcg. Stop posting this garbage
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I fixed the hips
This is the WIP thread
It means that It's gone.
Maybe you can find the anatomy if you look closer
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stop hatin
Nice bollards
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suspension rigging
true emoji
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Megatron attack!
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finished a new project. its supposed to be a godfather fan art but it ended up looking like far cry
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I'm stuck again. The cylinder mesh is supposed to deform around these underlying points. Each point has the same 1m radius. So all the bulges should look the same. Unfortunately, only the left most point creates a proper bulge. While all the other points make weird spiky shaped protrusions or half bulges. I don't know what's causing this.
It's very difficult to figure out what's wrong, because there are like 3 layers of complicated nodes at work. Any one of them could be the problem.

I'm so very close to it working though. It's very frustrating.
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Makin' a metro train, this here is the passenger train, up next is the locomotive

Hmmmm tiddy
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Oh thank fuck. I found the problem. Luckily it wasn't anything major. Just a small oversight.

Well now.I have a proximity based deformer. It can't do anything impressive yet. But the cool thing about this, is that each vert in the cylinder mesh knows where all the underlying points are at the same time. Verts aren't just sampling 1 point at a time, they're sampling all the point they can "see" by using the triangulation I came up with in the previous thread: >>984247

When a point comes into range of a vert, a scalar calculation is done to push the vert out of the point's radius. When two points come within range of a vert, two scalar calculations are done for both respective points, then averaged. And when 3 points come within range, 3 respective scalar calculations averaged. 4, 5, 6, 100. It doesn't matter. The vert will find the average.

Merely going with the average doesn't get the best results, but that's ok. Now that I can combine multiple samples into 1, I can figure out better math to get smoother results.
Posting them so often just makes them feel cheap imo. Just makes it obvious that you're not doing much more than flipping assets. I won't deny there's a craft involved and you have an eye for composition, but something about the frequency just makes it seem really shallow and surface level.
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not my fault i work fast and know what i want my renders to look like. i literally model my hero buildings myself.

why are yall hating so much ;-;
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Got the locomotive done along with the interior
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Locomotive + passenger trains
People who makes art themselves tend to have a inherent dislike for low effort art and asset flips. It compounds from dislike to distaste when
the flipped art is actually objectively good. Like if I doodle something and tell a image2image AI to make something out of it all credit goes to the AI not me.

The bar for what counts as cool if you use tools like that in my view is to make something that would be impossible without it that transcends the media.
Making synthetic traditional art that would be special due to the craft behind it by applying generative filters is frowned upon for the similar
reasons people dislike 'stolen valor'. You're cheapening the real thing, adding 'noise' to search for that type of content while benefiting
off the popularity of the sort of thing you kinda fraudulently depict it to be. These are the sort of reasons why people will react with repulsion to such works.
so the only true 3D art is the raw render? O.o

pyw or gtfo beg
>so the only true 3D art is the raw render? O.o

It's about Signal to noise. People exploiting the sort of tools you are using can have a very large output of work but other creators won't care about any of it
precisely because it's possible to create for low effort. At best it's yet another cool looking image at worst it's just more noise making it harder to find any real stuff. You bring such tools to any place where makers gather and they're ofc gonna look at you a bit sideways. Like when AI hit artstation etc.

It's nothing new either. Generative AI art tools are just the latest addition to the pile, people on art forums have had the very same sentiments
against art generated in Poser, Daz, Bryce etc since approximately the dawn of the internet.

AI artists need to create their own spaces where they can look at one anothers work in case they really care to see what other people make with AI.
I've had a lot of fun with generative AI myself making cool images, doesn't mean I'm interested at all to see 'the body of work' of what someone else have generated. When it comes to 'slop' like that it's best to just keep it to yourself, it's like that home-video of your vacation or your porn collection, it means something to you specifically, to others it's just a waste of space.

Maybe you show a few curated pieces to your close friends and family but you don't bombard others with that shit.
its not AI lmfao how dense are you? you just keep running your mouth with these verbose words salads in a desperate attempt to sound profound and smart; trust me it has the adverse effect.

pyw or gtfo;
>its not AI lmfao how dense are you?

Looks like running image2image AI ontop of a low-fi render so In absence of knowing what you use that's what I would guess it is.
Any image and 'impressionist painting in the style of X' would yield similar looking results.
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case and point:
I'm the one that called his shit cheap, but your example doesn't even remotely come close. Worse than a PS filter (which is what I'm assuming the dude is doing, just using a decent combo of them so it doesn't look like shit). Really don't know why you went off on some AI tangent. It should be obvious enough that he's not throwing it through img2img. But then again, considering your fixation on it, I guess it's not obvious.
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got my alchemy bench done, for the most part anyway.
i still need to add a bench or a step ladder or something next to the cauldron
i like the front shield and its is attached
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cz scorpion reload
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hes a retard; too much talking not enough art posting.

its not like im hiding my process; they literally wrote an article about it.


that being said my color graded still look good on their own.

now, pyw
Iirc when you hit the magazine release on a Scorpion the magazine is just going to fall out, you wouldnt need to hit it like an AK mag
This does look cooler though, nice work
How long did it take to make the animation?
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New bulge-pole just dropped. I got the bulge to be more even by making the mesh scale along the normals.(Not actually a good solution, but it approximates the solution I'm going for) You can see in the previous webm that the verts of the mesh fling far away from each other. Especially when the points get close to the verts. But now they distribute tidily. Never flinging to far.
another wip thread RUINED by some no-talent wannabee making basically architecture calling his seniors "retards"
Post your donut tripfag
You are in /donut/ Post your donut
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>changed the bindpose so the tets between the legs don't intersect at start frame
>modelled the arm muscles
>modelled a more complete hand (4 fingers / hand)
>modelled more realistic eyes

Been getting heavily into facial blendshape rigs. As it turns out I already have experience with doing that but with simulation I have to adjust the process. It may not be end up being necessary to have to bind the SDF outer tissue to simulation attachments to "sculpt" the blendshapes as it seems like i can just skip that step and sculpt them by hand with sculpting tools since they will be getting simulated again anyways, massively simplifying the pipeline.

Now, I make the SDF outer skin, then detach the head to create blendshapes, then reattach
My fucking sides
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New whip
I've posted my work in the last thread. Have fun finding it.
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2 days and another day for tac reload
Is it made up of hundreds of keyframes of micromovements with bezier curves? I'm just starting out in animation and no clue what this would look like.
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i start with the main motion trying to use as little key frames as possible and then add small shakes on another layer
Do you have videos to look at where people use your technique? Just interesting
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im gonna work on this until i get humans right. how can i make this look better, especially the lips. blender btw
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Why would you need videos? Seems like it'd be common sense to keep things as simple as possible so its easy to work with.
In my eyes he's already perfect
I'm intrigued and disgusted at the same time
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Very excited about this bit of progress. All the underlying points now all move out of each other's way. This is so cool. This is no mere "sample nearest" setup. No. This is all the points calculating all the other points that are in its vicinity, adding up the steps to move out of each near point, and averaging those steps in a weighted fashion to ensure that the sum of the steps is maximally distant. The result is a very smooth kind of "pushing".

Here in the webm, I'm dragging one point in between all the other points, and you can see how they all react to each other in order to make room. They're not entirely "hard". Meaning, two points can get pushed closer than their radius would normally allow. But that's only due to 3 or more points pushing in opposing directions. It creates a sort of "pressure" that the inner points can't escape from. As you add more surrounding points, the inner ones just get averaged more and more into the center. I think it may be possible to scale them all in a way to perfectly displace them as if they were hard marbles. But it's probably not worth the effort. As the displaced points will be very far away from where the points truly are. That would make things needlessly complicated. It's probably for the best to just allow them to cluster up.

I also made the mesh deformation slightly better. But I doubt that's noticeable. There's still a lot more to do in that department. But for now, I'm just enjoying these points pushing each other around.
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more progress

how did you rig this?

look for blender suspension rigging tutorials. essentially a target bone for height which is shrinkwrapped to the floor with alot of constraints
i only use maya

so you can make the inside wheels wiggle and shake to the sides?
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how can i make make the sunset look less shit?
Really nice texturing anon. I also like the little turret pointing down at the fire like it's looking at it. Not too sure if it makes sense since the gunner probably doesn't see out the barrel, but it gives it personality and I like it anyway.
The treads look great by the way.
Find a color palette that works, like the anon said in the other thread.
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TY, anims are mostly placeholder atm. gonna have to create some smaller tanks to drive alongside it and create alot of stuff to decorate the environment with
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She is almost ready for her first scene, bros. Fingers came out better than I expected.

Inner skin complete and thus outer skin almost complete. I had an issue where my voxel was failing to generate a single, manifold mesh because I had some big gaps between skeleton / muscles and also I was unable to preserve enough detail on the face noticeably the eyelid region and the fingers while keeping the same detail on the rest of the mesh. This held me back for hours but I was eventually able to split the voxelization process on a arbitrary basis and then merge them together later...

I switched all my final renderings to "fisheye" lens as I believe it looks significantly more realistic
Wtf, this worse than I expected. Please post more.
If you and Cris worked on a project together it would be the best day of my life
I'm making this my wallpaper
>Red Skull if he transitioned
the dick shaped tits make me feel really un-easy
t. weeping architecture kidd
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this 'exercise' was unpleasant but it forced me to use tools that are more uncommon
very cool.looks like a comic
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i am so confused about zbrush, is hard surface stuff supposed to be poly modelled? i want to start sculpting but i have no clue what object to start off with. any tips? i was thinking of remaking this as a sculpt since its more orangic in shape but felt like maybe i am jumping in too deep especially for a new software.
good question indeed.

hard surface in zbrush is more like using really accurate brushes rather than extruding , there's no need to remake this sculpt. you can continue in zbrush.

it will be actually better since i assume this is poly modeled and zbrush likes unfiform topology. your main issue will be handling the subtools and getting into alphas and polygroups.
its a real mindfuck, you can do the same stuff in blender but it will be slower and less intuitive.
my advice , if you want to learn sculpting start with zbrush, and if you're serious about it buy a course with structured learning.
i used to be good with blender but i forgot it all years ago, now im coming back with zbrush because i feel like that's what people are gonna use in the future.
the last consideration is economical, if there's more demand for organic 3d you're simply gonna make more money
another one, stick to modeling in maya/blender and just import that stuff to zbrush. it just makes the most sense.
this one was for practice purposes only
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I started learning 3D and there are so many things to learn.
I found it incredible how the rendering makes the work less ugly, very different from a traditional drawing where the margin for
making mistakes is much narrower.
wait until you learn about compositing and other post-processing stuff
>if you want to learn sculpting start with zbrush, and if you're serious about it buy a course with structured learning.
any resources you would recommend?
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the popular courses on udemy.
if you have prior 3D skills you can go to artstation learning
also this excercise felt like pissing blood, it made me model the whole thing in blender and import it.

matter of fact, i could've finished it there. which is a testament to how powerful blender is
>learning from handholding busywork exercises udemy and piss station
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>matter of fact, i could've finished it there. which is a testament to how powerful blender is
yeah thats why i am so confused if i should dedicate the time to learn zbrush. i mean zbrush makes sense for characters and monsters but i am into into that field. i thought i could pickup zbrush since i can make brick walls and shit but then i can just use displacement maps and get away with it.
i am just so conflicted lol, i think i am just dumb
what else would you suggest/shill anon?
good luck with non paid content, take a look around you
no point in using zbrush as one-stop-shop. if you got a strong computer you could sculpt as well.
You could also learn to sculpt in blender, you don't need to use zbrush unless you want to work in the industry
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Bae's new jaw, new tongue, and new lips make her look extra feminine.

Completed the eyelid boolean and am now set to start making blendshapes.
Thanks anon.
You always make me feel better about myself.
B-bae...how are you posting t-this?
Is this supposed to be a joke ?
The hands are really small
what do you mean? Soon she will have multiple types of hair and eyelashes as well as different types of clothes

small hands are appropriate for this type of woman.
>Soon she will have multiple types of hair and eyelashes as well as different types of clothes
I can't wait
>The hands are really small
Yes, that's the only thing that's bad about it.
What a beauty
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Great work anon, you are well on your way to an industry job
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added some plants
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It's (90%) done. I'm happy and tired, will take a well deserved break once it's finished for good
I'm loving this.
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good topo
looks like a video game
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Made some last changes before starting the blendshapes

>added ears
>drastically softened jaw angle
>reduced trapezius fat size

Now, there is no going back
Is the model dupposed to look like a corpse in decomposition?
>there is no going back
We know anon, you are too far gone
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>mfw just want to work on personal project
>mfw keep getting booked for work

i know the cloth sim has too much drag, i'm working the problem
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many small repairs
making anything anime in 3d is a real challenge, there's no depth to most features
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and this little pen in blender
All I can do now is execute on these blendshapes. Its put up or shut up time. They will make me or break me
I haven't been able to work on a personal project in like 2 years. Got tons of ideas sketched out, but once I finish a commission, I'm just burnt out for a week or two, and once I get back up on the horse, someone else wants another several month long project. Like I could work on my own stuff in my free time, but I have that stigma where if I'm working on something for myself during my free time, I should be doing the thing I'm paid for instead and feel guilty about having free time.
Like a parent that see's you playing and having fun, and they ask if you finished your homework, and you tell them yeah, so they tell you to go study.
I'm guessing you do everything at the same desk?
try separating your work spaces from your downtime spaces if you can.
it wont solve the issue completely, but it helps a lot to have to have that line
I would, but I don't have the room or separate computers to do that. I just try to stick to a loose schedule to try and keep things separate, but the edges of it are a bit blurry.
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i know that feel - i feel like i'm perpetually on the brink of burn out. i think i might need to build a few of hours of personal work into my weekends. i know if i just make a start i'll happily work on something for a few hours - it's just the dread of making the start.
that said my last couple of weekends have involved me kicking off and nursing renders so who the fuck knows
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The beginning of strings. Took a stupid amount of effort to figure this much out. But on the bright side, I finally know how to use the shortest edge path node. It clicked, and then everything fell into place, and I cleaned up about 20 necessary nodes.
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Rudimentary sim. Dunno if this foundation is solid enough to scale up to a more complex hair sim. But that's the goal.
All it does it is check where the roots are, and then corrects the distance between points, and updates the position. But the way it corrects for distance is just going point by point in sequential order starting from the roots. So the correction is very root centric. That might not be good. Dunno.

Maybe if I work on collision with the ball now, then I can figure out a correction that isn't root centric.
This classic paper have deets on a very good way to make simple physics chains that you have some more control over.

this is a demo of what it can achieve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpJzoFzDDMw
show wireframe
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very nice, was trying to think of some other good beginner projects to do after i finish the chess set i'm working on. mechanical pencil seems like a fun one, might try modeling the pencil i use.
am I witnessing a actual goddess come to life?
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dwarf female
any recommendation on my little scene ? i haven't work on presentation and lighting, im trying to figure out what could be improved or added 3D/Txt, obv the water could be better, trying my best with my knowledge of unreal material

I feel like adding even more stuff would hurt the readability of the scene, I was going for really stylized but ended up more realistic..

i animated the fish swimming and fabric moving with washing machine already. sry reddit spacing
focus on fundamentals first before doing scenes like this.
what are the fundamentals ?
scenes like this
fundamentals are technical skills. Once you have technical skill in isolation you can create multiple objects in one scene
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what are you trying to say, that you have some technical ability due to your isometric blender eevee scene? You need to grind
>The fundamentals poster is back
That's neat, it looks like something that would get a few hundred/thousand upvotes on r/blender. You can take that as a compliment or an insult.

Gesture, form, color, light & shadow, perspective (not usually relevant in 3d), anatomy (if applicable), etc. Artistic principles you can learn to make art better and quicker.
There's no "the" fundamentals as people usually word it since many artists will disagree as to what is important and will include/exclude different things in their lists, but you can learn from multiple people to get the whole idea.
I think what you made demonstrates a good degree of competence.

Dunning-Kruger posts

You're schizophrenic to a degree that it confuses people.
thanks, anything you would rework ?

i know the fundamentals btw, i was playing dumb tto schizo poster
i think it looks good as-is anon, once you light it it's gonna look crazy...
i never seen that artstyle before so i can't give any advice, looks need i think you need to develop it
dat bunda
As someone who autistically screeches about learning fundies, that dude doesn't really need them, and seems to have a basic grasp of it, and where to stop ("adding even more stuff would hurt the readability of the scene").
While things could be improved, the dude has an understanding of what makes something look visually pleasing. The composition is interesting, the color choice is nice and light, which adds to the whimsical theme, and the details lead the eye around the small scene in as good a way as you'd need.
Maybe you should focus on fundies.
I'm truly sorry for the responses you're getting anon-kun, the quality of the posterbase has fallen dramatically, seriously all the posts were either gibberish or dumb fucks talking right out of their ass, fuck 'em. Your mini scene looks good, good work anon

>reddit spacing
Anons pointing that out are some of the most midwitted fucks to have ever disgraced my retinae, I don't use Reddit but have been accused of using it because I spaced my posts in order to give them better readability. Don't listen to those fucking niggers, they can Reddit these balls
Could I see all of the fish individually? Did you model them yourself?
>You're schizophrenic to a degree that it confuses people.
not him, but you don't know what schizophrenia is and you are using it as a buzzword.
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Why cant I pose the neck?
It doesn't bend much in real life, only 90 degree on the vertical axis, you need to twist around the lumbar area to get a wider range
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So my reference pic is wrong?
You can also see my thread caled failing at blender
I like it a lot. Looking forward to seeing the finished piece.
I think it looks real neat. I'm just confused with what that kinda smear thing with the black in it is.
>You can also see my thread caled failing at blender
Stay in your containment thread, freak.
thanks anon, i rarely come here for this reason, i guess this place is still mostly people who don't do 3D. I don't know why I apologise for reddit spacing since everyone here actually go on reddit

yea in zbrush, they don't look that good but they aren't any close up

some translucency test for faking god ray
>thanks anon, i rarely come here for this reason
Why? Only one dude sperged out on you, and the rest were either compliments or basic critiques which you asked for.
preddy good. hard to give decent feedback without seeing it in motion but:
1. the sand on the left hand side should probably reach the back wall
2 .water shader obscures things a bit too much
3. washing machine would benefit from not being full of water imo
4. foam bubbles would help tie things together, esp gathered aroun the washing machine.
5. the label on the detergent bottle is a little sussy. don't know if it's moon runes or if you genned it. maybe change that up a bit.
...and this proves my point why you need fundies ;). Just look at that those seams - there is no fakin fundies lmao. Love to see you squirm.

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>fixed her massive underbite resulting from not checking the jaw bone rotation.

Do any of you anons have any advice on if / how to proceed on a potentially violent and hot scene? I planned it all out, recreating a very famous few sequences from a movie, got the clips together and edited it together in resolve but in a different order, but now I'm worried that even though it was very very famous that it may be simply too violent for today's times, even on this site because its directed against a certain demo. Like, it may be a relic from 25+ years ago now.
Can I get feedback in lighting?
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finally got around to modeling my oc, just have to figure out the coat now without it clipping :)
looks great anon!!
im blowing...
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thanks anon u made me realise i had plugged material in the wrong slot
Does anyone know the best place to get guitar references? When I say references I mean more like blueprints so I can just block them out and cheat.
The ones I have always seem to take the neck angle into account so it shortens the neck and fucks up the blocking in in the top view. The body is fine because it's flat anyway. Whenever there's a side view and a top view on the ref then the side view is always much shorter so doing it that way doesn't work neither. Even trying to scale it doesn't work because the length gets (roughly) right, but then the depth is way off. I've tried doing the scaling all kinds of ways and it never works.
Need some chad to hold my hand here. And I don't need to hear anything about fundamentals.
>And I don't need to hear anything about fundamentals
sounds like you need to hear about the fundamentals of googling, son
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how do i rig this without wanting to kill myself?>>987099
i LOVE this fish.. very soft and squishy :3
Your character's huge mouth and jaw looks like Dee Jay's from Street Fighter.
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Thanks for the insult.

There are measurements online from a study on human head size for both adult male and adult female, from wikipedia if you google human head


I took the average measurement (50th percentile) for all parts of the skull for female for all parts. I am working to real world scale.
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also, what you see in >>987072 is an approximation of the final result as the outer fat layer hasn't had internal pressure from the tissue and bone from the fem solver applied to it yet either. This is the underlying anatomy, with the skull bone, jaw bone, and masseter tissue
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Storefront so far
got a few more things to add to the counters, and maybe a vine creeping along that back wall.
unwrapping all of this is going to be a bit of a chore.
nice anatomy
nice ass too
that's really damn cute.
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gave her a mouth so she can express how happy she is, gonna work on a face rig next
thank you anon! really big fan of your store so far :) when does it open?
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remade her from scratch to fix some glaring anatomy issues and increase the polycount a little, while also making the unclothed version much fluffier :)
at the rate i'm going it should be ready to open some time next year lmao
that god damn smile is far too cute
i really like the ear changes, the fluff around her neck is nice too
her torso shape is a significant improvement
great work
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Didn't change much. Just added an arbitrary downward vector to work as a gravitational force, and did some bullshit math to get something of a momentum vector, and added it with the gravity so the momentum and gravity work together.
The results are nice, but I'm pretty sure the math is wrong.
Still no collision.

Looks great. Shame I don't know how to read the math the paper provides.
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I had read that paper months ago and I was intrigued by the approximation it suggests for point to point springs that avoids the square root.
I tried to implement it in my own soft body simulator previously but it didn't work out. I've tried it again today and it worked. It gives a nice speed boost.

There is no algebra in that paper. It's all code examples. You can't blame math this time.
I don't know code. I'm doing everything in geometry nodes.
And yes, there is math too. I don't even know what a couple of the symbols are. Googling the triangle bring up "delta". Never handled that in math class before. And I can't even google the foreign cursive symbol, because I can't highlight it to copy it.
And what do you want me to do about the fact that you chose to implement something that's objectively complicated in a tool that's made by retards for retards?
I don't recall asking for you help. I only commented on the paper as a show of acknowledgement. It looks pretty great. Maybe I can glean something from it. Doubt it though. What with the math and code deficiency and all.

If you still feel like helping. Then tell me what that weird cursive symbol is among some of the math equations. Then I can at least look it up and potentially learn something.
as a not that anon, to me, it looks like a fancy lower-case lambda https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/List_of_Greek_letters_and_math_symbols

but it's just a name for a variable, so that shouldn't matter

Delta is often used to refer to a change in value, e.g. the difference in position from one from to another
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made an Appa
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I need to do a lot of tweaks, tighten up settings. I really need to make the fat suck in a lot more, but not uniformly, because that causes self intersections and thus major major major problems. The extra jiggly-ness could be caused by not enough substeps, I'll have to investigate further. The overall quality of my skin shader has regressed despite me having UVs, and I don't know why

The blendshape face did not work and will not work.
The lighting makes it look like she has a little dick
also i may need to drastically reduce tet size
God has forsaken us, no wonder the board feels dead
This is a vision of hell.
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>This is a vision of hell.

There is potential. The truth is, I have to deal with a lot of different parameters, each with the ability to totally destroy an animation which is why i have seen some regression but still, rome wasn't built in one day
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see for instance i can change just the skin around the implants and the buttocks or wherever really to be less stiff, but it will take me like 45min to 1 hour to see the result. Also you can see that simultaneously i had another setting too loose resulting in the secondary joint tissues just wobbling over and over and not settling, as you can see in the feet.

However, the chest and buttock points do in fact move a lot better here. Now to simulate both of these parameters to another value would take another 45min-hour
>There is potential
potential for a horror game, yes. With appropriate lighting this would be incredibly scary - actually, it already is. That model seems to radiate great malevolence
Fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap.
You are my new favourite person on /3/
I take back the Cronenberg complement.
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you made the right choice in retracting your statement. No, really. I probably dont have very many sims left in me. I'm getting put off and drifting away towards other mediums (non computer, trad)


Here, I made the tet size too large as I didnt have a lot of time to sim and I didnt want to leave the computer on. I had to turn off the stand in sofa and floor from handling collisions because the body would just go through them and literally explode and then freeze my program every time. The idea was to assume the position and then have the couch start moving, at which point the secondary physics bones would take over and move the skin. Little did I know that it would just fail every single time and every time it would take quite some time to get the anim to the relevant frames
Megatron! Attack!
ew, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
well done if youre going for that feel
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quick check to make sure things work
UVs next...
do you know how you want to texture it yet?
This shit is making my dick hard. The atmosphere is immaculate.
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i was aiming for something like this
i don't have much texturing/shading experience though, so ill see how things go
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Might do something with this if I manage to stop wasting time
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Finishing off a gun I started back in January and dropped cause of uni. There's a lot of small details that I'm not happy with how they turned out (especially weird shading artifacts), but I'm still proud of it for the most part considering my skill level. Still gotta do a high poly and texturing.
Very nice anon. How long did it take you to make this?
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Looking cool man, I like it

>UVs next...
Good luck anon, you've got a loooooooooot of work ahead of you. Next time I highly recommend to at least mark seams as you make the models, I'm saying this as someone who used to model first and UV later, but in my little experience I learned that it's best to model and UV at the same time.
For example, look at that railing: you could have been more efficient and saved time by UV unwrapping one UV railing post and only afterwards duplicate it, now instead what you're likely going to have to do is UV unwrap one post, delete the others and replace them with the UV'd version of the post.
I'm not trying to bash you, this is all stuff you learn as you get more experience with this stuff, I've gone through this painful lesson as well.
I expect your project to take at the minimum 2 weeks to complete, but a more likely estimate is at least a month

Scene looks good, I'm curious to see what the final result will look like

Cool design, did you come up with it?
>Cool design, did you come up with it?
I wish. It's the Howa Type 89.
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finally finished the eye rig, lots of alpha and UV fuckery going on since it's all images, but it somehow worked out in the end!! the dreaded mouth rig is up next..
looking great anon, good luck on your UV quest!! hope you can stay sane unwrapping the gazillion things you have in your scene..
super clean anon, can't wait to see it textured!!
Very cute
hella cool thingie with the eyes
awsome, what is this for ?
Best in the thread
thanks, not sure, just working on it when i have the time.
yea, i was thinking that when i started on the store front. had to learn it somehow lmao
awesome rig. i like how the dizzy eyes work
Thanks, i'm just making it for fun at the moment. i may animate something in it later on.
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started making a dude in blender but he looks a little weird and I don't know why
any guidance?

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