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75th Period
Previous chapter:
Just fuck already
While Gotou is watching
76th Period
This is the first time he cares about her messing with him kek
Done. Somehow I doubt making a plane out of tape makes it invisible.
What does rock bottom look like?
See you tomorrow!
Damn Yokoi is amazing after all
That would be the time she doesn't think they are a couple and somehow aren't having sex
Like that face in top panel
Bratty Yokoi need correction!
Okay that's cool, I actually want to try make one
>What does rock bottom look like?
Yokoi's fat ass
Calm down, Gotou.
Thanks OP
where's my nigga mo?
Monterey Park
Seki can do the [Spin]
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I worked overtime today. I wanted to post the chapter only about half an hour later than usual, but things didn't work out
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Some guys just want to do a barrel roll.
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Autism too strong
This one is entirely on the teacher
The teacher must know by now. He probably just enjoys gaslighting Yokoi
She advance her tard wrangling skill, using the power bureaucracy.
>What does rock bottom look like?
Like another morning.
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It would be a lot more productive for Yokoi to ignore Seki and study instead of being such a busybody and stickler for the rules by trying to interfere with his games. She basically ends up being his playmate. She only has herself to blame for not keeping up in class.
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>What does rock bottom look like?
I'll tell you when I see it, but I'm not there yet.
rock bottom is a feeling. the feeling of "If I was crossing the street and a speeding truck was heading straight for me, I'd probably just let it hit me"
Yokoi would be the villain in another manga
Isn't that feeling normal?
I am convinced that she is simple in denial, she actually enjoys getting into the games, her imagination is far to active, a lot of the scenarios are her own imagination, we dont know what exactly is Seki thinking when doing the more story driven games. Sadly Yokoi has a stick up to her ass, so she tries to be the killjoy or force her own narrative on Seki's games, if the manga was on Seki's POV she could easily be the antagonist.
I miss her
She must be worth more than 500 yen, right?
Marriage training
No, Seki is the bratty one needing the correction
Yokoi used the power of private property and capital on poor worker Seki.
But Seki is the one that showed more greed since he build an illegal airport on someone else land, Yokoi is a law abiding citizen that make sure he at least pay for flying his airplanes around
Thank you for posting.
Hope you reach it, I know you can do it
Is the robot child male or female?
I assume male due blocky features and color scheme is clearly based on Bumblebee
You only admitted you were wrong because it wasn't a cute target. You'd never admit it if it was a small weasel, a tanuki, a kitty cat, a dog or something other adorable.
You're shallow Yokoi. You're deceived by looks.
Puppies >>>>>>>>>> insects
The insects are cooler
You sure?
>What does rock bottom look like?
like beating boss rush as jacob and esau
Yokoi's fat ass?
for Seki's face
No. Thats being suicidally depressed
I am 100% uncertain
77th Period
78th Period
Done. Rumi is the proof that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
How are your manners?
See you tomorrow!
Make up your mind woman Jesus
The type to rationalize that Seki not using a condom is fine 5 seconds after saying no
Yokoi Arbuckle
Evil women... Erotic...
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>yokoi cucked by a potted plant
Carpe Diem
thanks, OP. I always take mind, it's just that I live alone and lick my plate clean
Thanks OP
>How are your manners?
We don't have much table manners at home
>first panel
Hey, I've read that NTR doujin before
>It is not necessary to return spilled food to your plate
But it will fucking piss the waiter off
Thanks for the read, OP
>what does rock bottom look like
The space inbetween your current beer and the next one
>Uzawa has awakened
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Thank you for posting.
First time I heard about that one.
I wonder how many pics of her fat ass we will have by the end of the manga
It's not good enough punishment for Yokoi to be whacked on the knee. She needs to get whacked on her butt as well.
But she would like that
She’s legitimately more unhinged than Seki
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>mfw when I get back a test
Don't got any. Thanks OP
just throw it on the ground. You don't have to pack anything into napkins and the waiter has to pick it up without discussion.
death note
stupidly devilish
Literally me.
>I'll find the battery... And steal it!
Do people even give a fuck on this level of table manners? I feel even high society doesnt today.
Man, Uzawa sure is a prick when seeing him already have me groaning.
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So she actually did 9/11
Just like death note, this manga is a villian pov story
When you least expect it, mushi
Wtf, ants gotta eat too. Yokoi is such a racist.
She's enjoying it, anon. She just doesn't want to admit it
The real villain of this story
>owning land
>owning water
>owning air

Capitalism has thoroughly rotted your brain.
There will always be people that care about that stuff. Question is if you want to associate with them or not.
Is this the first chapter with narration?
Thank you, OP!
I eat pizza, doughnuts and chicken wings with cutlery. But that's more autism than manners.
>Do people even give a fuck on this level of table manners?
There are people who care about how the trains in Thomas the Tank Engine would have sex with each other, so I'm going to go with: Yes, there are people who give a fuck about it.
Why those specifically and not other things?
How would the trains have sex?
That's how things work at the moment
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I can, but that's because I'm not a penniless hippie
Welcome to human society. You're several millennia late in complaining about it.
Yokoi when she listen to me singing Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley
The true way to beat Seki's autism: cooking!
>people invented the concept of owning land in the 17th century
Something else seems to have thoroughly rotted your brain.
>Seki brought actual cats to class
Where did he even find them
She's overthinking this.
Angry Seki!
Now that's impressive.
>What does rock bottom look like?
A sensation.
Yokoi would literally justify Seki violently mating pressing her at this point.
>How are your manners?
Barely there.
Hits too close to home.
someone edit the pen into a pregnancy test
Most political and economic systems apply the concept of land and resources' ownership, even of it's not private.
Most likely not a fun crowd to be around.
Not amused.
Those were meant as examples for food most people usually eat with their hands. My point was that I eat finger food with cutlery. I just don't like having greasy or sticky fingers.
How bad was the last one?
Japan has plenty of stray cats that are friendly to humans.
I just wanted to check if you're one of those weirdos who uses a knife and fork to eat a sandwich
Yeah, but usually affluent and well connected.
Cold sandwiches, grilled cheese sandwiches and burgers a fine. So are wraps and burritos. But I keep napkins at hand in case any sauce spills out.
If I wanted to mingle with corrupt bastards, I could always join a gang
Does anyone think that Seki and Yokoi are dating? They're always goofing off together during class and I've seen them exchanging gifts. Anon from class B also said he saw Yokoi leaving Seki's house the other week. This all can't mean nothing, right?
I've seen her going under his desk for some reason...
And don't forget about what she did while he was sleeping in the bus
I guess the way to avoid making noise can be useful
Yokoi is an honour student and Seki is an irresponsible delinquent. There is no way she would ever stoop so low and date that punk
What situation are you thinking of where you want to be prepared for dining in a fancy restaurant Yokoi?
>implying Seki isn't the honor student
>NEVER got caught doing anything bad at school
Honor student confirmed
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thanks anon, its perfect
>youtube link
Incredibly based, I'm literally listening to a live show right now. Thanks for doing this.
>Can't be undone
You sure about that?
Yokoi is too sheltered for that
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nothing a little Falcon Punch couldn't fix
79th Period
Done. It seems Goto got herself spoiled about the next manga.
Do you love your imouto?
See you tomorrow!
Dammit Jun! *I* want to play with Yokoi's thighs!
>Do you love your imouto?
Imoutos aren't real, they just made them up to sell more manga
Thanks for the dump like always OP.
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Is this a threesome?
Thanks OP
>Do you love your imouto?
Don't have one but an older sister, I can tolerate her
She should be this happy, I'm no longer sure Yokoi has pure intentions with Jun
>Do you love your imouto?
I'm sure I would if I had one.
She can't beat the lolicon allegations
>goto actualy gets something right
what a day
tags:dominance_loss, mindbreak
Oneesan but yes. Thanks OP
You forgot threesome and semi-incest
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Bad Yokoi!
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I never trusted her
Thanks for the read, OP
My little sister gives me tallboys when it's hot out
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I heard Yokoi put a love letter in Seki's shoe locker. That's probably how it started.
I've heard from a very reliable source a close friend of Yokoi,, that they are madly in love with each other. However, Yokoi lets Seki get away with anything. ANYTHING. Lucky bastard...
How the fuck do you make a net like that only using rubber bands?
Yandere Yokoi.
>Cunny thread
Like if anyone here would have pure intentions towards Jun should she be real and close to you all.
Thank you for posting.
Fishing for (You)'s could hardly be easier.
Jun is surprisingly cute despite basically being Seki in pigtails
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she gets even cuter
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If I had a nickel for every time I have seen a nazi Yokoi image, I'd have two nickels-- which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice
This one was made by me
hoo boy
Thank you, OP!
Okay, hear me out
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just post an image, anon
that's some shit quality scan holy
yeah I know right
no wonder the translation is ded
We have volume scans now, though.
Dont have any beside Nazi Yokoi
That test looks negative though. It should be two lines for positive. Or you could go for one of the fancy ones that has words to tell you.
download them, silly
>Yokoi doesn’t know how a pregnancy test work
The Seki siblings claiming Yokoi as part of their family
Their mother already claimed her as future daughter-in-law by giving her lots if rubber
clearly she's a breeder that's disappointed over not getting pregnant instantly
>only one kid
She is a bad breeder
Yokoi can blame Seki again for getting a negative result on that test. It's always his fault.
Maybe Yokoi should just be more fertile?
What if Seki has a narrow urethra?
Seki just always plans it out to end up in her bum while Yokoi keeps trying for her bagina
Wonder what Yokoi did to force him to end in the vagina
Post best girl
>Dear diary, today Seki did-
How every entry in her diario start
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I thought that might be the case when I was making it, but wasn't sure.
80th Period
Bonus 1
Bonus 2
Done. Protecting the earth is everybody's job.
Are you doing your part?
See you tomorrow!
Now it's perfect
Loved doing that
thanks, OP. My car's stuck in the shop and the cyberattack on rental car companies means that I am not driving to see a show, so I guess I'm doing my part
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Custom stickers are dope. I had this one of my girlfriend's dog in May.
The eraser got defeated finally
Dear God, imagine Yokoi going to an island filled by multiple people like Seki. A nightmare
Thanks OP
>Are you doing your part?
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Seki breaking into Yokoi's room and not playing with her
cute toes
Sex with Seki last hours because most of it it's actually him playing with himself while Yokoi watches
You'd think that's unfair, but she's actually incredibly into it.
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nice clock bro
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Nice post
Thank you for posting.
It's cute how much he's expecting to just fully rope her into it now. Not just fighting against an antagonist.
Keep going.
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Is that from Katsuwo's manga?
She would love getting fucked by multiple Seki clones at the same time nonstop.
Thanks OP
Boy, that escalated quickly
He spared no expense on this one
Stealth technology....
When was that hole made, how does he keep doing this
the red one!
This posture emphasizes the weight of her yokois
Fairly relatable, though all my scraps were just a uniform grey...
>Why bother?
No! We must fight for Earth!
Who's ever heard of a blue wire? Cut the green one!
It was all just a set-up for this?!
how's good the anime?
Hairy legs.
Shave it.
I love the way Yokoi is kicking her feet while sulking. Very childish and girly. It brings out her feminine charm.
I just rewatched it bc of this daily. Pretty good, def worth a watch. The episodes are short, like 7 minutes of content each episode so the whole series is a quick watch. Animation is ok, clearly made pretty cheap with a lot of cg but not bad and the voice acting is good. The dub is garbage but who watches dubs, I only know bc the best encode stupidly set the english dub as the default. Also one of the better eds in anime imo. Posting again bc it’s so good: https://youtu.be/oIKB7i6fcmk?si=ZStxpn-VszV66GX5
It's like a secret laboratory.
Seki knows if you give a sis a fish she'll eat for a day, but let a sis figure out how to fish and she'll be a desk autist for life
Seki a JERK

Hell yes

Nagashi somen?!
Chew properly
At this point I wonder how that desk haven't collapsed yet
It's built just for this.
I second that.
>Seki have never vandalized his desk, he actually made an identical one built specifically for his antics and swapped hit with the school one in secret
Thank you, OP!
That sounds exactly right.
The last day of school have him push a secret button on the desk and Yokoi look as it folds on itself into a tiny box
>the entire school gets crushed by a giant white monolith
>its an eraser
>it was all just seki games within seki games
within yokoi mind
Terrorist husband and wife.
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Nothing wrong in having some fun with Jun
What kind of fun are we talking about?
The cute and funny one
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>you look down and see this
What do?
Run away
In the sequel manga he works at a company that makes designer desks so this might actually be true.
Very easy for her
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82nd Period
Yo-Yo OP!
83rd Period
>eyes his lit up
What did he mean by this?
Done. They're already ready for the married life.
Name your move, anon.
See you tomorrow!
Sex Big Bang
I caught a wild Seaking, OH FUCK YEAH
thanks, OP. How about... Carl
Literally a woman moment
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Thanks OP
>Name your move, anon.
He is kneeling on the chair
I forgot that there was an entire chapter about a woman moment
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Why should I love Hedoro-san?
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1. She's great
2. She does her best
3. She will be very sad if you don't like her
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imagine the shibari
>okay, mom
>writing with straight lines on a grained, tearable surface
should've tried hiragana
Show me her when sad so I can decide
Thanks for the dump, like always OP.
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Model ships are cool, wish I had one.
>Name your move, anon.
I call my the Texas Crab Stick!
Just buy one
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I'm getting the strangest boner...
I'm glad to learn that I share a board with George Costanza.
>Her head starts going wild with lewd assumptions
>Then Seki pulls out a model train and some small tracks and dons a top hat, cape and fake mustache
They're expensive
Thanks OP
>Name your move, anon.
The Heart
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We're all costanza deep down
She's a goner
This is the literal woman moment >>267974357
Thank you for posting.
Heh, good. I kinda wish it was the old one.
Aim high.
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Yokoi has lost all shame.
Thank you, OP!
Then I will not love her
>nosy girl
>Name your move, anon.
Cosmic Censorship
>Name your move
The Big Flank
Make one
>Name your move, anon.
Lonely wank in a travelodge
Strange name
It suits the creator
>watch your relative pronouns
Wow, this manga is getting a little too PC for me.
Seki is not done.
Yokoi too
With what
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They will make british cuisine
>I bet the carp are delighted too
uhhh rumi?
Yokoi is a SoL chad
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Move used only on Yokoi
She should swallow
Gotou? Best girl
Better make a new thread
>It's not my fault! I don't need to say sorry!
People really shouldn't let women get away with this as just women being women.
I guess it's necessary now.
jesus christ
>Name your move, anon
Astral Ring
Thanks for the heads up.
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Tilted the X a little
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I'll start.
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These are really great pages. Could be easily be passed off as one of those artsy manga.
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It's over, see you.
I wish potatoes were real.
aru with the villain motivation
Strange, I thought I just saw a ninja prone on the ground in this image.
woah that's a lot of hotoris
Hotori, more like... cute maid with a handsome husband
The author sure understands Man and Woman.
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Oyasumi, princess Yotsuba,

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