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There are 1151 Shoujo oneshots on mangaupates. Every day I will use a random number generator to select one from the list and dump it here. Come read along if you want.
Yesterday's Thread >>267981211

Today it's number 132
>Michiru has always been praised as a prince by the girls around her, so when Kousuke confesses to her and becomes her first ever boyfriend, she slowly becomes more aware of being more feminine.
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oh, cute height gap
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>>Michiru has always been praised as a prince by the girls around her
>so when Kousuke confesses to her and becomes her first ever boyfriend, she slowly becomes more aware of being more feminine.
Very not based.
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she should peg him to show dominance
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Extremely based opinion, except it should be omegaverse and the protagonist should have a flesh and blood penis as an alpha and the shorty should be an omega and be made pregnant.
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>spoiling the present beforehand
not how you do it, boyo
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Quite, so, he should be punished by the alpha penis slowly invading his butthole and making him pregnant and the scene should happen from his perspective and describe the awkward yet pleasant sensation in great detail as it hurt and yet somehow he wants it to go deeper and fill up his butt-womb with all that alpha semen.
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spats are cheating
sir, this is a wendy's
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>Anything unnecessary
I kneel, this is the way to translate 余計なこと isn't it.
Finally, after all the awkward “unnecessary things”, I've been delivered. I never thought of it.
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I don't like this love intrest one bit.
Wear one yourself then if you like them so much.
Makes it easier to lift up and reach your womb anyway.
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pretty cute one this time, i feel cleansed after yesterday. although i don't get why he went after the prince girl if he wanted a girly girlfriend but whatever, it was still nice. it would be nice if we could get more that weren't romances though
I always hate it when they do this with shorter rapey younger boys, the dreaded epilog chapter where they've grown taller.
Wait, the protagonist used “boku” the whole time and I missed it?
'Zounds, confound this infernal translation.
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it was eh
not bad like previous two days but quite bland

this page was included in the chapter for some reason so i might as well post it
>the eyes of those two guys on the top left
nightmare stuff
>prince girl feminization
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Only if they want to.
Forced feminization works well if they don't and are forced into it and are like
>Th... this is so embarrassing, these clothes are so revealing...
And still blush when they're told it looks cute.
That skirt is terrible.
Thanks for posting.
Nothing offensive, but more like one chapter in a longer series, instead of being a stand-alone story.
Posturing is weird too and the boxers under it.
what else can you expect from a m*nlet?
its the thought that counts
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Don't hate on my cute omega boys and shorter rapey younger boys.
They're absolute chads.
You know I always see this in romances with reverse traps, where the conflict is that everyone would rather have the cool girl looking princely and her character development is her accepting that she can look girly too. But it feels like it doesn't actually happen, since it's usually the opposite
It's just the same thing as tomboy fetishists and classic tsundere fans on /a/: the gap moe and the challenge of gradually seeing the gimmick turned more conventional
I like those boys on the bottom right
yeah me too, I was actually kinda interested in what that might be
not interested enough to look it up but, yeah they look good
Thank you for posting.
those guys walked right out of a wax statue museum
Like sculptures.
Those faces are something else.
Thanks for posting. Pretty bland is a good description. Also what is the moral here? Let your partner pressure you into making changes to your physical appearance that you’re uncomfortable with because it’s the right thing to do?
>Wear skirts, it's gonna be cute
and then
The problem is that the only reason someone is clicking on most of those/picking up the comic, is to look at the reverse trap/prince girl.
So feminizing them just kills whatever audience you would have had.
Yeah, it's always bothered me. Even if liking tomboys isn't a fetish it's reminded me of The Lewd Abuse from Domme-chan for the way it baits the audience with the archetype and then tells you they're going to be something else.

Now I get that there are girls who do like tall or boyish girls (or feel like they themselves are taller or more boyish than the average girl) and want to read comics where the cool girl gets to be cool AND feel like she's pretty or desired like a girlier girl. But when that's pretty much the romantic development of the majority of reverse traps it gets dull. The ones who don't do that just have the same problem in reverse, where their one joke is that they're "the man" in the relationship and their crush is softer or more feminine, and that's it. Would it kill some writers to let the girl just naturally like being masculine without her love interest ha ing to explicitly say "you can be X because I like it that way"
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Apparently not since it's a very successful formula.
I don't really think that's the reason for most people to open it up. There was a three-chapter story that concluded in the last issue of Nakayosi which had one of those “female prince” protagonists who had a secret identity as a fashion model looking entirely differently but the entire “female prince” look was shown at the start of the first chapter, somewhere during the second, and then never again.
>Now I get that there are girls who do like tall or boyish girls (or feel like they themselves are taller or more boyish than the average girl) and want to read comics where the cool girl gets to be cool AND feel like she's pretty or desired like a girlier girl.
That is I feel closer to the real reason for this trope.

>Would it kill some writers to let the girl just naturally like being masculine without her love interest ha ing to explicitly say "you can be X because I like it that way"
I think the fundamental issue you're facing is that the people that want this aren't reading those kinds of magazines.

You probably noticed that many of those stories often have pretty ridiculous and extreme gender stereotypes including in body proportions that can get fairly absurd because the people not into that wouldn't be reading a magazine with makeup and boyband ads dumped into it to begin with.

Exceptions do exist like picrel. But in many of those stories it feels like the characters are entirely defined by their gender, they started as as a gender and the rest of the character was built around it it seems. Even many of the stories that supposedly set out to “challenge” it like say Vampire Dormitory still do it by completely defining characters around their gender.
Friday's oneshot was amazing. I laughed at almost every single page
it was no sensei
The art on that one was more scary than funny
This "woman is someone's property or a rape FFA" reminds me of some ghetto stories about youth gangs. Pretty terrible way of living, all things considered.
Funny how these stories can take you by surprose.
Stop being so pathetic and just admit that consentfags have negative i.q. and can't actually have an interesting conversation about the fiction they enjoy.

It's a 71 post topic. People said what they wanted to say about the story and at least say something interesting if you want to keep it alive.
The only thing I admit is you're fucking annoying.
Yeah, so are your transparent
>I have nothing to say but I want to keep this topic alive for whatever reason
Posts every time.

At least say something with substance but maybe you were too busy dreaming about idealized consensual relationships and getting angry on Twitter about whatever story not being consensual enough to be able to form a coherent thought like all consentfags.
You do a lot of projecting.
Thanks op
Yeah, nice argument that literally makes no sense
>Accuse others of making dumb one liner posts transparently just to keep a failed thread where no one has anything to say alive which I never did
>Y... you're just projecting by accusing people of something you clearly don't do yourrself
“projecting” might as well be new “ur mum” argument at this point.
See you next thread, one-shot anons.

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