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Spring 2024 is almost done!
Let’s talk about our final verdict!
Pic related = at least watched 3 episodes

Let’s start with the many ORIGINALS

>Girls Band Cry
Definite hidden gem & AOTS. Amazing characters, songs, hype, emotion, well-written drama and 3DCGI. This anime will revolutionize the 3D animation industry. Though, the best part is how “real” the characters are behaving with all the personal issues, interaction and teenage angst. The anti-moe. I wonder if I should watch MyGo, but I doubt it’s any better than this supreme kino.

>Yoru no Kurage
The Yuribait anime of the season like LycoReco. And just like LycoReco, it BOMBED HARD in the 2nd half! They introduced shitty melodrama with mommy and that fragmented the main cast and it’s just never the same again. Mahiru is a retarded traitor. Kano is a retarded sperg. And Kiwi brought the non-binary shit, repetitive doxxing drama and le evil anti-LGBT bullies into the anime. Mei is the saving grace of the 2nd half. Overall, this anime got nice art, bland songs, character assassinations and retarded plot, conflict & drama.

>Shuumatsu Train
Interesting premise & setting with fun beginning. HOWEVER. It got stale fast, as early as the zombie arc that sucked all the fun dry. I don’t know, It’s just not fun anymore. Kojiima approved this anime early on, but I doubt he still likes it now. BORING.

>Highspeed Etoile
The Metallic Rouge of the season, nothing to say.
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>Henjin Salad
Sasaki + Hinamatsuri done VERY right. The only anime this season that’s consistently great every single week. Not a single boring episode/skit. Simply fun, funny and comfy.

Pure yuri is simply BORING. Yuribait is good because it has yuri on top of something else that’s actually fun. Pure yuri is nothing but romance, which is the worst entertainment genre out there.

>Spice & Wolf
I hated it as a kid and thought it was because I was too young to enjoy this, but NOPE. Watching this as an adult and YEP, this shit is boring gabage

>Blue Archive
Too much plotfaggotry, when the plot is garbage. I don’t see the appeal

It’s ok, but a littl bit boring sometimes. It lacked the “vibe”.

Not even Kugimin and meme OP song could carry this garbage

>Kaii to Otome
Not even GIANT BAZONGAS could carry this garbage

>The New Gate
I like the OP theme, but it’s still boring garbage

>Konosuba, Yuru Camp S3
Still good.

>Hibike S3
I don’t know why I gave this a chance. Season 2 was pure melodramatic garbage.

>Mahjong Soul S2

And that’s all from me. Decent season, but the next season is looking GRIM. I’m interested in trying only 8 of them and half of them seem drop-able after ½ episode.

Now it’s your turn.

What’s your AOTS?
Hidden gems?
Disappointment of the season?
Worst anime of the season?
Best OP/ED?
>reddit band cry
>reddit salad
Stopped reading there
What do YOU like?
Kill yourself with this shit list
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>no true yuri this season
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Tonbo is AotS and AOTY
>3dcg garbage on top
Fucking kill yourself shit eater.
shit. kill yourself
>Kiwi brought the non-binary shit, repetitive doxxing drama and le evil anti-LGBT bullies
Didn't watch it but how bad was it?
>Yuri AOTS yet again
Your ratings are less awful than usual as well.
I tried it because I liked Birdie Wing, but I just can't get into it. the characters, everything is too bland. I can't enjoy Sorairo Utility too.
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I don't understand you people who shat on other people's taste without sharing your own. are you that afraid to be criticized back?
Girls Band Cry and Konosuba were the best shows of the season.

Henjin no Salad Bowl and Shuumatsu Train were a lot of fun.

Tonbo and Tonari no Youkai were the hidden gems of the season.
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>an adorable daughterfu is bland
>an asshole tryhard philosophizing is bland
>learning about the sheer autism of golf is bland
>literal eye cancer 3dcg at the top
That ugly trash makes me want to puke, it wont revolutionize anything. It's looks like dogshit compared to 2d animation., Are you so new that you've never seen an actual 2d anime?

>more cancer.

>Highspeed Etoile
>more 3dshit
What the fuck is this retarded list. IO refuse to believe a real human being with a soul came up with this atrocious list.
So Hibike Euphonium, it may not be for everyone but it has a decent plot and beautiful animation, you think that one is garbage but fucking GBC with his PS3 cgi, worse girls and the same melodrama is your aots?
>spice and wolf
>didn't liked it when I was a kid
Oh, that explains everything, Zoomers should always be laughed at and treated with disdain, literally worthless retards with 0 taste.
Fuck off with that 3d garbage OP, go shill those turds somewhere else.
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Kiui got doxed and her bullies accuse her of being FTM trans because her v-tuber persona is a male. a lot of twitter users are calling her non-conforming non-binary they/them.
retard shitposter share what YOU like instead of shitting on others >>268022873
OP is mentally ill. I don't know anyone can stomach that repulsive 3d shit.
I literally said that OP's taste is kinda decent this week. Where's the problem?
I don't understand why zoomers like you think their opinion matters, first watch at least more than 1000 titles, then come back and lurk 2 years before posting.
You're the shitposter. You're not even an anime fan. Who the fuck shills literal 3d dogshit? I like frieren btw, it's a real 2d anime. Get eye surgery.
I like Frieren too.
Trips don't lie, OP a retarded zoomer
Why are you here if you don't want to have a discussion?



Dude this is why I don't watch shit anymore I'm always disappointed
We'll see if girls band cry does this shit too

thanks yorukura!!!!!!
>1st 3DCG shit
>3rd a Google earth slideshow
Why do retards like you even watch anime? It's clearly not made for you, just stick to normalfag shit like marvel slop or Jewflix series.
Was she or was it just bullying?
I feel like male(female) vtubers are easy to spot, just from interests alone.
To have a discussion means that I consider you an equal in some way and to me you are just a clown, a lost normalfag that ended in this website by chance, a blight that latched in a healthy hobby, a retard ruining the hobby for everyone else.
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>MUH 3D!!!
Dilate tranny 3dcg apologist.
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what went wrong?
it's always the same person making this shit thread every season, go back to MAL
toei shill lost, gbc is a big flop.
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i started watching this show like 5 days ago when i heard the final ep was gonna air this week. i really enjoyed it until the biker ep which just felt like filler.

then the drama just came out of nowhere and there was only like 3 eps left??? the ending was unsatisfying considering how much stuff was left unresolved properly. i didnt even care about the yuri, it just felt like they only planned the beginning and the rest of the story was an afterthought.

i really liked the visuals, the music and the voice acting in general. im still going to listen to the original songs even though this anime has made me disappointed. it had potential to be a 9/10 if they stuck the landing but i would prob drop it to a 7.5/10. i cant deny the first half made me both really happy and sad, my personal favourite episode is 5.

not because of the kiss but because of mahiru's insecurity about her art. it's just a shame they ruined her character after ep 9.
A self admitted teenager, no wonder he has shit taste.
>Girls Band Cry
Stopped reading right there, show is basic as fuck, the characters couldn't be more obnoxious and to be a music anime the music is just not good. I didn't care much about the animation but 3D will always be inferior to 2D, is really that simple.
What's your favorites this season?
This gets funnier when you see what you have to say about Jellyfish and you can say the exact same thing about GBC but worse.
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Highspeed Etoile mogs.
How so?
Etoile had NO reason to be 3DCG.
But there was a kiss
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Like I said I don't mind 3D but yeah, 2D will always be the better choice, such great SoL moments would have been even greater.
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Surprisingly accurate, except I would put Kaii to Otome and Spicy Wolf a bit higher. Also, Salad Bowl should be above GBC.
Also Seiyuu Radio was pretty good and fun and Yozakura Family was ok.
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Seiyuu Radio is a soulless business yuri. I don't know how to explain it, but you just know.
I like Sasakoi, Yori a best. Girls Band Cry is good, though I don't like Nina very much. Seiyuu Radio and Yoru no Kurage are nice. Kaii to Otome is so-so, Sumireko's hot but even when it stays on topic it's just worse Dark Gathering/Mieruko-chan.
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I like Blue Archive, but the threads are unreadable, unusuable shithole on /a/, even more garbage than Solo Leveling threads back then. crazy, but true. They have absolutely NO discussion whatsoever, not even screencap posting, even on an airing day. The threads are always full of out of topic image spam. Yes, it's still Blue Archive-related image spam, but the images are all so fucking random and detached to the current episode. Whenever I watched a new episode, went to the thread, it's always like that. no discussion, no nothing. only image spam. I thought of posting something, but decided to just close the thread. every single week.

Example: >>268005458
>What’s your AOTS?
>Hidden gems?
>Disappointment of the season?
Re:monster, I was expecting something more interesting since people were saying it was one of the first ones about fantasy/iseakai or some shit like that.
>Worst anime of the season?
Tensura, I don't know what happened, I had a good time watching the first seasons and even nikki but this time it felt weird I couldn't finish the first episode.
>Best OP/ED?
LV2 as some anon said Kugimiya Rie groomed us.

About the drops:
>tonari yokai
The switches between drama/SoL ruined it for me and It became a chore to watch.
No cunny in sight
We got a similar show last season and I wasn't in the mood for more of that.
Ever seen the DBZ and Naruto threads?

BA threads are anime related compared to those garbage
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I didn't even know Mushoku and Slime aired this season
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i agree with this
The fact that your calling Salad Bowl better than Hinamatsuri invalidates that rest of your opinions for me.
>What’s your AOTS?
Probably will be Mushoku Tensei.
>Hidden gems?
Either Lloyd's show or Sentai Daishikkaku.
>Disappointment of the season?
Yuru Camp, that character design change.
>Worst anime of the season?
Of what I watched I guess Salad Bowl. Didn't really enjoy any of the knight lady parts.
>Best OP/ED?
Probably Sentai Daishikkaku for both. Especially the OP.
I honestly disliked all the band shows this season. I think GBC did a good job looking pretty expressive despite being CG, but it was still just terrible melodrama.
You just a yuritroon, everything without gaysex is bland to you.
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next season is looking really, really bad
Opposite for me, I usually drop girl band stuff but GBC was the first one I genuinely liked. The other one seemed to be top tier first but turned out to be kinda bad though.
The trifecta of flops this season: kurage, shumatsu and gbc
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You don't know what bombing means. LycoReco was pretty successful, you not liking something =! bombing. You might be right about YnK though. Started great, went to shit and unlike LR I don't see any hype or fandom for this.
>HOWEVER. It got stale fast, as early as the zombie arc that sucked all the fun dry
Agree. I liked one of the recent episodes again though, but the middle was a drag. Could have made that way better, I don't blame anybody for dropping that midways.
>The Metallic Rouge of the season, nothing to say.
Fail to see the similarity. I even liked MR despite the god awful pacing. Couldn't finish the first episode of HE.

>personal AOTS
GBC or Dededede Demon Destruction
Sentai Daishikkaku
Astro Note
>Fine, good enough to watch
Shuumatsu Train
YnK (would drop if it was two cours)
Wind Breaker (again, okay start, shitty second half)
>Not sure if finish or drop
Otome to Kamikakushi
>Not yet started/unsure if watch
Kaiju 8
both are good, but Salad is more FUN
>not even anime
you’ve gone above and beyond this time, seasonal chart shitposter-kun. i applaud.
cope. GBC is this season's most popular and beloved anime on /a/
All cgdct, really? I never like that much as the characters are extremely shallow, is it any different here?
definitely to be mentioned, it has humor and funny, somewhat unique characters. Granted I liked the first two eps more, but I hope it still has more to give.
Way better then last season, enjoyable and has its moments but nothing crazy.
>Boku no Hero
Started off nicely after last season that was too chaotic and with too much talking
>Kimetsu no Yaiba
As always visually gorgeous, not much going on but look at that. Also Stone Hashira is based
>Kaiju n8
Started off good, and it delivered in terms of kaiju fighting, so can't complain. Might be cheesy but I love the "last minute save" setups and punch hard. Too bad for the artstyle and the OST which seem to be made for western markets, combined with shitty jap "humor". Last ep was great
>Wind Breakers
Dropped, too much gay talking and not a single likeable or charismatic character. Extremely predictable at that
I refuse to waste any more time
premise of monster food is boring and characters don't make up for it. Made in Abyss dealt with fantasy survival themes so well that this is too bland. Dropped after ep 2

I might try to watch some of the big names mentioned here but I don't have high expectations
toeiscum shiller in shambles. girls band cry? More like I cry after that horrendous spastic CG. The CG in Precure endings sucks too by the way
The fundamental reality is that the Abydos story is genuinely not that good in the first place. The SRT and Hyakkaryouran stories were shit as well.
everything is shit you mean?
>3dcg slop on the top
Unironically kill yourself in the most excruciating and painful way possible you fucking retard with abysmal taste. I couldn't even watch past episode 1 without cringing, but of course you like it since you are one of those yurifags who eat shit as long it as yuri in it.
Do everyone in the board a favor and Livestream your suicide.
>Yuritard perpetuating a shitty meme
Figured. Meds now!
close minded shonenbaby
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The clear and undisputed AOTY is Dainanaoji but sadly is too controversial so nobody is going to publicly rate it on a positive way.
most people aren't gay pedophile
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2024 not of to a good start
Shonen has genuinely more interesting characters than most moe. I don't shun away classic literature and action movies aren't my favourites, but the psychological, emotional and plot-wise depth of cgdct is no more than puddle like. I'm just not entertained by stereotyped, tropey non characters drawn as anime girls if nothing new is genuinely brought to the table.
Hidamari Sketch I liked as the direction was great and the characters felt much more real than the usual seasonal slop. Yuribait just doesn't cut it
Dogshit shilled by paid Nexon workers. I have no other better explanation than to believe people genuinely believe this garbage holds up in writing to anything
Hating your abomination of "AOTS" doesn't make me a shonenbaby you autistic retard. Fix your tastes already and watch more anime, or kill yourself. Your choice.
>the psychological, emotional and plot-wise depth of cgdct is no more than puddle like
you aren't old enough for non-shonen series. it's like drinking coffee.
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>Filtered by meetings
People were always overly reliant on being spoonfed everything or relying on ecelebs to "explain" how to view things, but there was still a minimum of observational abilities for a decent amount of people.
Unfortunately it seems like the "Generation TikTok" phenomenon caused such brainrot and lowered the attention span so much that those who only felt mild annoyance at the meetings in Tensura S2P2 now show complete outrage at the meetings in S3 even though they aren't any worse in particular.
Oh well, it's the natural result for something that unlike most series is not even made to appeal to the average common man anyway.
>defending isekai meetings
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>this dude missed the Space Odyssey of our generation
Don't you get the message retard? nobody likes you here, you are just another normalfag polluting this board with your shit takes and mental illness. You will never represent us, you will always be alone.
Dungeon Meshi.
The rest I really didn't bother because I'm not 12 anymore and saw generic covers.
Kono is good though.
Shut the fuck up. I read more books then you ever will in your life and I know what character depth is.
Or you really imply that moeshit is more complex than Dostoevsky and Shakespeare?
can't get into this tumblr anime
Didnt watch the seventh reddit prince because it is a show clearly tailored to women and homosexuals, not /ss/ but /ss/(gay)
>Unironically likes Dungeon meshi
>I'm not 12 anymore
Reminds of fucking Dragonbooster for some reason.
God that show was so bad. I swear I've hated 3DCGPD since then.
>Or you really imply that moeshit is more complex than Dostoevsky and Shakespeare?
>muh boomer dead writers!
you have never watched any non-shonen anime, but mad a lot of assumption about it, giving them labels even though you don't know shit about it. there's a reason as anime fans get older and get more immersed into the hobby, they switch FROM shonen TO non-shonen, not the opposite.
literally grow up.
>nobody likes you here
go to reddit if you want to interact with people based on their fakeass virtue. faggot
how can you assume that if you haven't read those authors?
I tried watching a some moe shows but I liked only a few. Also please tell me a single moe character that's more complex than the peak of classical literature, I can't wait to dip into such a marvellous journey. But I know you won't say it as you'd look even more of a clown that you already do
trash thread like always
Disappointing season.
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CGDCT moeshitters are mentally ill.
lmao no need to read them to know desu. also i wont tell you shit, no spoonfeeding
>well-written drama
>my family hates me!!!
>actually they all love her
wtf i wrote desu not desu lmao
I'm only really watching Kaiju No. 8 this season because I found everything else boring so I dropped them. I'm mainly just catching up on my backlog
Good choice, Kaiju is easily AOTS
Pretty bad season
>Pedo Tensei 2
Slightly better than the 1st cour but still very uninteresting
I liked it, it's refreshing
>Spice and Wolf
I can't believe how boring this shit is, and Horo is annoying
Terrible 2nd half
>Sentai Daishikkaku
Terrible directing and pacing
5/10, mostly boring
>Blue Archive
Same as train

Everything else looks so shit I didn't bother picking it up
I mean it's alright. Kafka gets annoying sometimes but it's just a nice Saturday morning chill to watch if anything
>no Nijiyon Animation 2nd Season
i'll see myself out to /vg/
I genuinely don't get the hype behind GBC.
I tried watching it and even ignoring the 3DCG the story and characters are nothing special.
That's true. Shonen is a fine genre on its own, though there's some shitty ones, there's also gems within. Retards will tell you once you get older you'll move on from shonen and watch whatever romcom or CGDCT anime of the month for who knows reason, but once I tried it, it's just expectedly an extremely bland boring show that I just forget what happened in it in the next month. I don't wanna bore myself when engaging with entertainment ffs
>barely anyone has watched fable
im disappointed
I already read the manga and the anime looks like shit
for a show that basically advertises a real band they'd like to succeed the characters are unhinged.
Imagine an AV joke in a love live show, the fan base would have a meltdown and send death threats to the director
i too am disappointed over fable but it cant be helped, the anime adopted pretty boring parts
GBC easily. I started the season watching Yoru no Kurage thinking it was a music anime but was already disappointed by episode 3 with the plot and all the zoomer shit like vtubers. Then I saw threads praising GBC and decided to give it a chance since it was also a music anime. The 3D is good enough that it doesn't detract from the show, and I like the plot and characters.
Hibike S3. Can't believe i wasted days of my life rewatching everything up to S3 just for it to be this shit.
Honorable mention to Yoru no Kurage, only anime I dropped this season.
Also watched Yuru camp and Shuumatsu train. Yuru camp is there, didn't even know it was airing this season but i ended up watching it, not bad but not good, it's just there.
Shuumatsu train, started waching with zero expectations, looked interesting at start but steadily got worse.
very deep and touching.

I can't finish the 1st season.
Niji as a group became so bad after they introduced the american and chink transfer students.
Everything outside of popular anime and anime generals is dead
It's a total snoozefest, even the MC keeps yawning. how do you expect the audience to be entertained when even the fucking MC is bored all the time?
its easy if you dont have adhd
But people liked Frieren?
based. TogeToge mogs JELEE.
real instruments > software-made """""""music""""""""
File deleted.
Frieren is chill and comfy adventure with attractive characters.
Fable is boring slideshow about bored yankees with ugly "realistic" characters
Cool dawgs didn't. It's too popular.
Frieren was good before the tournament arc
Frieren is just boring with kindergarten-tier writing. I mean, it's shonen, and I even like shonen but Frieren feels like shonen-lite which makes it shit
Frieren is reddit. Get better taste in animes
Frieren is anime of the century
Frieren? Better than tengoku and onimai
I only watched dungeon meshi, konosuba and mushoku tensei this season.
Couldn't bother or have get enthusiastic about anything else this season.
If it was just software made music I'd be fine, but half the characters have nothing to do with music. How am I supposed to take the story seriously when they act like MC drawing 4 doodles is as important to their success as the character playing the song.
I actually enjoyed Highspeed the most this season despite it's dismally imcompotent 1st episode,
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The least you can do for your shit bait threads is use an image of an actual Japanese tower instead of that garbage in your OP.
t. mohamad
it wasnt even the best of its season
Oh yeah, who the fuck arranged the songs for JELEE anyway? Mei? Nonotan?
Nonotan is just an industry plant who can do nothing but sing
too bleak. lacking beauty and aesthetic.
this but unironically
this but unironically. fun things are fun is literally the most significant statement in the entire history of the world and none of that literary old garbage can compare. shonenbabies lost lmao
>What’s your AOTS?

>Hidden gems?

>Disappointment of the season?

>Worst anime of the season?
Highspeed Etoile

>Best OP/ED?
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I kneel...so fvcking zased...
>Hibikek S3 in the bottom
good taste
Nina my beloved problem child
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Just sad that Sylphie wasn't done right in MT Season 2. I mostly watch anime for the fun factor so I hate how a fun character with her own niche was completely ruined in the adaptation.
For this season, Fable was better in the manga, and Kimetsu is still not in Infinite Fortress. GBC and Shuumatsu was ok. MT2 had potential but the Labyrinth got done dirty
Pretty bad season all in all, nothing too exciting imho
>dogshit taste all around
Never change.
good said! love from India
>Calling OP's taste dogshit without sharing his own
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Still need to pick up a few but here's what I watched so far.
>Super Fun
fucking kill yourself. GBC is SSS tier
>lvl 2 cheat skill at bottom
>3Dslop at the top
GBC is garbage and i hate to pretend it's not.
Animation is soul but the plot itself is pretty mediocre and has a lot of holes.
>has a lot of holes
Like what? I can't even think of one
Who's watching Captain Tsubasa?
cowards are too afraid to have their taste be judged.
Momoka has 4 holes.
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Hibike easily, but I already knew it even before it aired. Just love Hibike too much. Simply head and shoulders above the rest.
Have been following this project since their debut MV and I'm glad it's managed to get so popular in Japan. The songs are top-tier. Anime is great too, though can't say I care much for Rupa and Tomo yet like I do for the other 3
>Hidden Gems
Dainana Ouji, though not sure whether to consider it hidden, certainly not hidden in japan if you consider streaming numbers. Probably one of the most "anime" anime this season when it comes to directing, if you know what I mean. Seems like people who worked on this were really enjoying themselves. High production values too.
Shout out to Rinkai, didn't expect to like it as much as I did. Fun sports anime that's not as generic as it might first seem.
YoruKura in the last few episodes.
I genuinely didn't like any of these shows aside from Spice and Wolf. Perhaps I'm just an out of touch millennial
lmao the characters are revolutionary and the plot is extremely unique and coherent. it is the best written fiction bar none
Also, forgot to put Sentai Daishikkaku in the "fine" tier. Seems like director has zero idea about how to make action scenes impactful and it's become very apparent in the second half, and the pacing started to feel off, like some scenes didn't really connect well with each other.
great season
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OP sucks cocks
That's because you're a closet homosexual and it perturbs your closeted faggotry..
said dungmeshit fans lmao
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For me, it's
>Good fun
Henjin, Jiisan Baasan, Bartender
Level 2, Madome
>Good Trash
The New Gate
bro how do you only watch utter garbage wtf
What do you watch big guy
Yeah, we all should watch SEINEN MASTERPIECE like Mushoku Tensei or Tensura. They're MATURE anime for MATURE AUDIENCE such as ourselves.
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I agree with this list.
>3dpdcg turd is AOTS
You are so fucking retarded.
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This piece is clearly designed to please a male audience.
Although there is lesbianism, gender dysphoria, sexual content, plastic surgery, idol industry scandals, violence, and family conflict.
But all the content is only a little bit because the production team is pussy and afraid to discuss it in depth.
The truth network of violence should be exposed to the fans so that the story would be at least somewhat interesting.
No you don't. If you truly appreciated Frieren's magnificent 2D visuals then you would never claim that some bastardized 3d abomination like GBC is AOTS. It's shitty 3dcg that mimics a 2d style which it can never produce properly.

open your mind
>durr why don't people accept some disgusting looking 3d abomination as aots
/a/ has standards. This is inferior 3d shit trying to replicate a 2d style that it is unable to. Some shows use 3d to take shortcuts here and there, the entire show is fucking. It's horrid. Actual 2d animation is obviously better and while there is still 2d animation, a 3d shit will never be aots. 3d is literally not anime.
>open your mind
To what? Cancer? 3d is not the right tool for anime, it can't do 2d styles like anime. I don't hate new technology. Live2D is okay and AI is rapidly improving. AI image generation can already make stuff that actually looks 2d and anime styled. 3d has never been able to do that. When the models move and turn you notice they're 3d and they look bad. 3d is literally obsolete now anyway thanks to AI.
I like 3D
You're not human.
I've watched the first episode of the OG and was bored to tears. Was the remake better?
no. it's less chill and more "anime".
go watch death parade instead
The 3d makes me cringe so hard, i cannot believe some people actually watch that. I hope 3dshit "animators" are put out of their jobs soon because of AI
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konosuba was still top tier even after 7 years
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This show really fell off. I want to like it but it's no where near as good as season 1. It's less actually funny and more ugly/cringey with it's off model cartoon moments.
The show might not be shit if it had actual animation but it looks like a shitty video game cutscene and not an anime.
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Both got mogged by the best singing scene of the season:
Man all this sperging out at the concept of 3D shows reminds me of the folks who start ranting the moment they see the word AI
salad is AOTS
>cartoon moments.
>dung meshit not even in the list
Good taste.
Mei is the only musician with training from their group so it's the only choice.
Not a terrible season, I enjoy Kaiju, MT, Rangers and Dungeon Meshi. More than I usually watch in a season.
Sentai Daishikkaku dropped off so fucking hard, I'm legit pissed. How do you establish such a great premise and great initial episodes only to flush it all down the drain with this inane selection exam bullshit. Every episode is so damn boring now.
Just ignore D*ngeon Meshi posters, most of them are trolls, to begin with why would they even be in a Spring anime thread.
She has a male vtuber persona but she doesn't identify as trans, she keeps reality and the virtual world separate, as Japanese people tend to do

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