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Is it responsible for little sisters to ship isekai'd people with their natural lady killer older brother?
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slave onahole!
yfw you just heard your CF monologuing about being a man in her past life
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average harem "chad"
Reminder that it's almost Catalina's birthday.
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I would've laughed if I didn't know how much of a subhuman the MC in this is.
What exactly is happening here? They all look ragged and dirty but I don't really
>beta tester's first instinct is to betray and try and kill another beta tester
Do betas really?
Shoelaces un-tied
All they do is have sex while the MC and his cumrag harem are having sex and killing dragons
Yeah. Who in sane mind would want to beta test mmo?
Shoelacer handled everything noncombat related. Especially important is the reporting system the hero party has where they have to send regular updates of their exploits, expenses incurred, and future plans which becomes the basis for their generous stipend (see stacks of paper on table). Without proper filing they get a pittance which has significantly dropped their QOL.
>mc get isekai'd
>turns out he's a copy of the original who's still back in nipland
More isekai with this premise?
>All they do is have sex
He doesn't find them attractive anymore so he doesn't even have sex with them. That's why he still has his clothes on and is planning on whoring them out back to the MC.
And the betrayer dies anyways! What an idiot.
the rubbish bags around the room are a metaphor for harems being trash
>Feels bad for the idiot who tried to kill him
>Places his things around as a gravemarker
>Even gives a quest item in that pile of items
Is Kirito genuinely autistic? He never came across like this in the anime.
I was a paid beta tester for New World, the Amazon MMO and it was an awful time
At last you get paid. Now imagine that some people actually pay to be betatesters. Or do it for free
Isn't this guy's sister also Bakarina's friend from the real world?
Is this SAO Progressive? I don't remember this happening at all in the manga with the tiddy dark elf.
It appears that ragged and dirty sex happened.
>Pay to be beta testers
Any dev who does that is a scummy fuck. I don't like Early access either but if the Dev is genuinely putting tons of updates across the years then I guess it's ok.
So literally the only reason she became a magic vender is because of him, why didn’t she just tell her faction that if they don’t let her be with him she’ll just leave?
I don’t understand why she doesn’t put her foot down with the leaches from her faction who want her to support them but refuses to do literally the only thing she said she’d want if she was going to join them.
Nah this is a readaption of the Aincrad arc with all the stuff the anime skipped out on
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MMO gamers are the biggest cucks on the market.
The progressive Aincrad arc, I take it? I don't remember this shit from the original novel either.
Dead game old man. It's all about that FFXIV and the hundreds of troons that infest every aspect of the playerbase
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We need more brown royalty from some desert nation in isekai.
browns bad
There aspects of Progressive but it's mainly a chronological adaptation of the original Aincrad arc with the things added from side stories from Volume 8 and whatnot.
Cuckqueen, quite literally
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Man this series was such a let down. From the constant politics bullshit to whoring out her husband. Why couldn't it have been a happy comedy about improving sandlandistan by fucking around with the shit he brought.
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Another princess who's going to follow in her footsteps as a cuckquean
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>by fucking around with the shit he brought.

isekai deadtube?
Artist seems familiar.
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>slimecuck anime officially announced
If they have any sense they'll end the anime before the NTR and amnesia starts.
What is the deal with the "ntr" in this? I heard the one devoted main girl betrays him? Is it actual betrayal or brainwashing shit?
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Because the village girl gets cuckolded.
Does the MC have sex with the fatty elf drawn by meth?
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Brainwashing and stockholm syndrome where the slime still has feelings for the people that brainwashed her after the brainwashing gets removed.
It was bullshit shitposting. She was indeed forcibly "assigned" to belong to an enemy faction via game master privileges, but even then she was still obsessed like crazy with the MC to the point her new "friends" felt overwhelmed by her cult-like preaching about the MC.
Also there is no chance that that enemy "game master" could have raped her or such off-screen because he was trapped in some isolated metaspace the whole time and couldn't interact with the world himself.
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Can someone explain what the fuck is going on here?
>MC and Mel are CF's
>Whole village + parents think they're an item
>MC gives her a neclace which is like wedding ring
>Apparently Hero seduces or rapes her just to cuck MC due to party power politics
>She shows no remorse and seems happy being plowed by the chad
>Hero seems to think that he can give back used goods and everything is fine again
It feels like there's some dropped connective tissue here. Is the girl just stupid/can't talk? Why does everyone think she was stolen?
Because she actually did love the MC, but the MC, being the cuck he is, only likes used goods. With his older mind, he only treated her as a daughter or just a younger lady. That's why she was so vulnerable to be taken away.
She did like MC, she just fell for FOMO when the temptation of being a hero's concubine stepped in. Basically she tossed out love for status.
That isn't written in the story at all. If it were true we'd see her mindbroken by now not still fantasizing about hero dick. And it's not clear that hero raped or or just seduced her.
She liked hero CF the same as the other two CFs but she thought she wasn't as good as them and would never get chosen so MC said he would marry her if nobody else wanted her but somehow she was ok with being one of the hero CF's concubines over the MC.
Hero CF is basically desperate for his shoes to get tied that he's willing to whore out his harem to him for it and she think she's not allowed any say on the matter because its her fault for conspiring to kick him out or something.
I havent read the manga version but the wn had a pov chapter for each of the four CFs.
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I can already hear the normalfags screeching in the future:
>hurr hurr, it's just a MUH generic self-insert wish-fulfillment power-fantasy escapism carbon copy of Overlord! AAAAHH!
And they'd be right
Why are you angry at the truth?
Why are heros so desperate for harems that they will backstab and kick out any shoelacer that gets in the way?
>she wasn't as good as them and would never get chosen so MC said he would marry her if nobody else wanted her but somehow she was ok with being one of the hero CF's concubines over the MC.
This sounds like fucking Charlotte from Piggy Duke
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>maid fucks up
What do?
I thought it's a harem between her, her stepmom and village girl?
There's two NTR's I guess
>Atou gets mindcontrolled
>Takuto is revealed to be an NPC
>reincarnated into another world, I developed a pure noble slave into my own wife.
The hero party's parents were all garbage. Both the moms and the dads did a shit job of raising them.
Their best parent was Ceres, ironically, but Zeckt only saw him as a male competitor and didn't realize what he actually was
in the wn she's just as mindbroken with regret as the other 3
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No. While it does follow the "dude gets isekai'd and becomes the lord of monsters, but we only follow his surface-persona and rarely get a glimpse of the true monster within" starter pack template, in Mynoghra's case it's more like a battle royale between multiple isekai'd game factions of different types, while Overlord is just Ainz going on a big conquest while mostly streamrolling everything with some minor difficulties at times at most.
Why should she be though? She's the only one with any relationship with MC. I would expect some regretkino.
The other 2 were hopping on hero dick from start.
can i ask for recommendations here? are there any isekai manga worth reading?
Heavy Knight
Kino Seeker
Atelier Tanaka
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what did they mean by this
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thankgoodness I dont have to worry about a cheating whore wanting to trade up.
Physically retarded Himmel. He even has the light Blue hair
because they all realized how important the mc is to them and how much they love him and recognized and appreciated all the shoelacing he did only after they kicked him out and started tripping over their untied shoelaces
just read the wn if you're going to keep looking for answers
I remember they all were being rebellious towards their parents and would avoid them as much as possible out of jealousy for how the parents favored the MC over them in their eyes. I don't understand how the parent's would do a shit job of raising their kids if the MC said they did a good job of raising him and helping him out when he needed it.
He didn't suffer from teen rebellious phase since he's got his isekai consciousness?
Regretkino but the hero (MC) dies in a one last stand against an impossible challenge protecting his loved ones or is mistaken as being dead? Need some sappy shit again. Like this basically
In the end they were all just immature teenager cunts doing shitty teenagery drama shit.
He grew up without any parents, don't remember why. Part of it probably had to do with keeping his memories as well.
Anyone got the updated chart of MC that actually fucked their harem?
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For those who would like to know.
The fairy butt manga got the axe last year.

I only noticed today because I went to oke on pixiv. But a real shame, I liked it and the artist.
It needed more naked fairy sooner.
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What ever happened to the party? last I saw someone posted a page up with the hero shitting bricks in front of the king or something.
Cast petrification magic and put her on the pedestal to replace the vase.
Ask if she's alright
>Be MC that got Isekai in a story
>Woa I don't want to change the plot too much
>Still save the characters that suppose to die in the original work.
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Oh, the king is on the chopping block too? That's a bit rarer.
Is the Evil galatic lord manga adaptation good?
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The king effectively accepted the cover-up so he's a conspirator.They didn't coup though, just secede, though they invited others to come along.
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Overall I think it's at least above average, but the things it nails the best is probably the depiction of the guide in general, as well as the "evil expressions" on characters' faces.
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really? fuck
>is... is that an arigatou? aieee not more gratitude
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>translator groups holding evil lord hostage again
What is the final solution towards the translator group problem?
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mtl snipe
This cuck is pimping out his sister.
unironically mtl
she just want to graduate from her brocon by having a threesome with her brother and a bisexual girl
Like the raws are 10 chapters ahead at this point. And everytime someone tries to post the next chapter on mangadex, Platinum scans gets mangadex to delete it and doesn't upload. So what can be done?
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This is the most attractive sperg in the history of manga
Is there a reason given for it being deleted?
Have you checked their website if the chapters are not already uploaded there? I know platinum scans timegates stuff between uploading it on their site and uploading it to MD since they do it with that manga about the guy who saved a family of man hating girls who all turn yandere for him
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Imagine claiming ownership to shit someone else made and did not hire you to translate
Why hasn't an mtl'r sniped this?
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>write heartwrenching dramatic relationship-driven origin story that opens up a host of complicated character dynamics going forward
>now to ignore this completely
>let's see combat slop waifubait slop guildslop uh combat again uh orphan waif daughteruslop uh
>crap how do I keep avoiding writing about the original relationship
>good food is good!
>stars are at night!
do authors really
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many cases
funny how they all have poor english skills as well
what is it about the faces in this series that is infuriating
>MC: oh, I'm a mob in the world of NOVEL
>MC: better keep my head down
>MC: by going out of my way to interact with every main character in the first chapter
Japanese people who are taught to never stand out being forced into the plot to save everyone is not the shitty plot device you think it is.
He's freaking out because a witch doctor shrunk their heads like beetlejuice
>MC: don't worry Protagonist, as a Mob I have no interest in Lead Female Character what so ever!
>Protagonist: haha, this guy is wild
>Lead Female Character: omoshiroi
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>caught red handed
>bitch: no, it's a lie!
>everyone else: oh it's our mistake then, everyone maintain status quo at all cost
>Bakana... he can cast.... WITHOUT INCANTATIONS?!?!?
where's this from?
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I like this series priemier and MC but Jesus everyone else are so boring
>Bakarina OP for an isekai thread
>no one is talking about Bakarina's birthday
Tell more about your bad time.
forgiveness is to be expected for slander
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>but... he didn't use chants!
>but... his magic is colorless!
>but... he only uses defensive magic!
>but... he only has a katana and no armor!
>but... he has the jobless class!
>but... I'm the duke's daughter's fiancé!
>but... he has dark hair!
>but... he's a filthy commoner!
>but... he's a retired ojisan!
>but... rumors said he was trash!
>but... I'm the guild master!
>but... I'm the legendary Hero!
>but... I took these demon pills!
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Time for another Otome Mob spin-off. Though I get the feeling this is going to be the whole old human vs new human.
>caught red handed
You forgot
>but... he's just a ningen!
>claims to be caught red handed
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>Otome Mob
*laughs in villager A*
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Less than 4 days to become a friend.
If you were a game developer, what isekai series would you adapt into a game? Like maybe not 100% copycat, but which one would you steal the system/mechanics wholesale from?
Otome mob is a game about a guy who hates otome games and the weird girls who play them.
So I'd want that.
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>threatens to execute girls who try to cuck her with haremshit
>takes MC for herself
Is there anything more based
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This is the face of a loser
It actually a very interest game idea with some minor kinks that need to iron out. It is basically Persona but with scifi/fantasy setting instead of urban fantasy setting.
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This could be a good one.
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Why did he do it?
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kill all monsters. behead monsters. round house kick a monster in the face.
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Sex monsters.
I don't know, I'm beginning to think the series has Stockholm'd me.
Slutty dragon.
>Spend 20 volumes surrounding MC with only women developing a relationship with all of them
>last volume one takes him for herself and tells the others to fuck off
And then none of it matters and it's a bunch of massive loose ends that never went anywhere. If you don't like harems don't read harems. You quite literally have no end of mono content if that's what you want, just because something appeals to you doesn't mean it's good
Based haremCHAD.
Fuck off monocuck.
redhead sexo
I dont understand the appeal
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>You quite literally have no end of mono content if that's what you want
Biggest lie I've seen in this general.
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Why wouldn't you?
He promised to only be friends with her.
Being too busy with an elf would be the only excuse there.
He should've acquired multiple elf wives
>You quite literally have no end of mono content if that's what you want
Since you're so confident, name FIVE
have standards
He picked the wrong girl if he was going to pick one.
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>If the armor is light, then it is light
No one cares
He should've taken her two close friends that were already engaged instead along with her
No you mong, it's
>if you think it's light, it's light
>tags: bondage, tentacle, monster, ahegao, mind-break
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>This kills the hero
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Why does nobody become a teacher in isekai for regular math / reading skills. Don't you want to tutor some ojou-sama?
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Is this good shoelacer
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I miss Lolirina.
Still waiting for Lineage 3
>not counting faster to teach her a lesson
Shit teacher
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why is the MC useless
They're all cucks.
Ragnarok the Animation
>b-but it's not an isekai
Shut up
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Should more Isekai MC have a schizo council in their mind?
I checked the raw and the last line is slightly incorrect, he says to continue getting along well with her but its a minor nitpick
>mixture of dungeon crawl and /m/
Would be hard to make unless it was just Dragon Quest clone slop
Absolutely mindbroken
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He threw away the chance of a harem multiple times to be with the CF he always loved
Who then dies.
She gave him permission to fuck her clone which might as well basically be their daughter
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What loose ends? Genuinely curious.
That still doesn't help the population problem.
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You know what does? finding a cure for all the men affected with both the virus and restoring their libido unlike what that dumb homewrecking bitch was trying to do with forcing every woman to be bred by the same one or two guys
The cure isn't enough. If the male population was down to a few hundred thousand or whatever the number was, the population is already going to drop a lot. The cure just turns what's a near extinction level problem to a more manageable one if they all have harems.
Why would you be any better at reading than natives?
I doubt many would do well as math teachers either, because the priorities were vastly different in Medieval math and Renaissance mathematicians already blow your average MC out of the water.
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Add this to the sex chart at 1.
MC fugged(fade to black) red haired girl in the latest web novel chapter.
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so the MC is a rider and the main girl is a precure?
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>tensei kizoku S2 announced
Is this the power of orange isekai mutsumi?
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The other tensei kizoku was better.
I'm not surprised it would be her if it was going to happen, but there are others he should try next.
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This one?
There are no others. The vampire is the wingwoman/nuissance, The Phoenix is not in the race and the rest are daughterzoned
is this still ongoing?
This is never a good idea.
There's probably only a few chapters left now to either finish the current volume or one more.
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Seggs with Krystal
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>female pedophile preying on shota beastkin
These do not lie however Luna the wolfgirl, the Dragon girl and a spirit loli(who literally calls MC and Red hair Papa and Mama respectively) are so deep in the daughterzone that I dont know how they could get out of it.
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This would've been more interesting if the MC was secretly being groomed into being her yuusha husbando like with what similarly happened with mutsumi and taiyou because they couldnt trust any of the natives with the ring instead of the generic self insert MC with fake forced CF betray
This shit actually has a fan base?
Based, my harem shan't be allowed to fuck each other
>Why would you be any better at reading than natives?
Because you get a language cheat, duh.
Makes more sense than giving it to the power-hungry Emperor's son, even if he turned out to be a bro
It's okay when women do it.
So I guess I won't get any answers huh
Yes. That's a kino power couple.
>Expected /ss/
>Got /ls/ instead
I dunno if I should be mad or be glad
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Who's going to do anything about it?
>haremcuck gets heroine cucked by monochad
Didn't the mc state like in the first chapter, that he was actually planning on marrying her?
How many people are even trained in use of abacus now?
Yes but as of volume 11 she doesn't have her memories (I'll read volume 12 when it's out in paper. I don't like reading on screens as much)
How did they botch the lobotomy they gave the guy in the middle?
every time I see this I headcannon that the guy on the right is dreaming and has regained the lucidity to wake up
When is he going to start fucking his harem? Two of them have already seen his dick.
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imagine becoming a fucking pink
>my son got reincarnated into a different world so i'm going to kill his bullies that remained in this one
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Me? I self-insert as the old butler who can kill everyone in the room.
She still sucked and fucked the principal. And her husband is pathetic. He got his ass beat by a Twink.
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Yes, even better if they are in universe gigachads
nigga looks cool as hell
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I thought it was only suck, but i wouldn't be surprised at this point if she used some kind of trick with an onahole gadget to make it look like it was real
imagine fucking a pink
>in universe "gigachads"
>all except for one get henpecked by their wives
as in... someone who copes?
just like irl
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For me it's the cute girl in a wheelchair.
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Monobros, we are eating good tonight.
>turn down instant sex with slut for cf promise which would've monsterized you
>ntrman suddenly shows up to fuck every other girl except the cf to deny harem
i guess that's one way to force mono
His same is コペル (Koperu) but yeah Coper is the closest translation.
Loses to Fiona or will have to settle for 3P
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>get isekai'd
>join the bad guys
>get sent to take care of the hero
>its a girl
>use seduction instead of violence
>get a hero wife and fuck off to the corner of the world
it's that easy
What does that have to do with being a gigachad? They're like a native Belmont clan practically the absolute pinnacle of humanity they pretty much dominated every aspects of their lives outside of their strong willed wives. That's like saying the Goku isn't a chad because he puts up with Chichi
>now both the kingdom and the maou want to kill you
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Did someone say... >GENTLEMEN ?
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Is this actually mono or is the girl a cuckquean and it turns into a harem later?
Go read Nagatoro or Komi or something, if you love mono so much you should be reading romcoms not isekai. Any mono you find here is just boring, empty, simp simulation or a contrarian book trying to stand out from the sea of harems
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be careful you'd get chlamydia or something
it's already harem 2 chapters later
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>if you love mono so much you should be reading romcoms not isekai.
Romcoms have just as much harem-baiting as isekai. Nagatoro and Komi? Are you fucking serious? 300 chapters until the characters kiss, with like 10 other female characters flirting with MC along the ride?
not an anti-mono psyop btw
Monofags run this thread we merely tolerate your presence as we are merciful god-kings
Except Romcoms never end in a harem. With isekai it's not harem baiting if the chance of a harem is 99%
Are you just pretending to be retarded for an extra (You)? If you like mono. No matter what other girls appear the MC WILL end up with the first girl no matter how many twists and turns it takes
>I don't want to give you any hard time
serious question, can this be reported to police as a threat?
Hundreds of chapters where MC divides his time with the other girls, but at the final chapter he ends up with one single girl that barely got screen-time anyway. You think that's what monofags want from a series? Are YOU pretending to be retarded?
It sounded more like the wives were actually a level further above the husbands, with them only getting together because apparently the max pinnacle for males in that world was lower than that of females so the wives had to "settle" with the best the males had to offer.
Except for the 5th generation (I think it was that one?) and maybe OG genius Lyle.
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The most popular topics in these threads revolve around harem series, name a single nono series that generates half as much discussion as mob around here.
Random pages from literal who manga and obsessive fags who repost the same series by themself
Don't run anything around here
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No way a highschooler is built like that. Guy is at least college level.
haremcuck is mindbroken being used to isekai harems where nothing happens other than circling the mc fighting with eachother on whos going to be his wife until the last volume when a timeskip harem ending happens so they think its normal for harembait romcoms to do the same thing and the only exception are isekais that are ecchi coomslop
Yeah but Marie Route is mono (despite what Angiefags would have you believe) and Mariechads run these threads
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Marie and Leon really are just isekai Kirino and Kyousuke fanfiction huh? The dude didn't even try and hide it. Their backstories and relationship line up pretty closely too
Romcoms often don't even end with any choice. Just MC orbited by wanna be haremmettes. No resolution, status quo always maintained. Harem or mono is fine compared to that.
>Seventh, MT, Rokojouma
Any other half decent to decent harem series out there
>we are just letting you fuck our threads
God-cucks more like
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Does anybody know how the final volume ends? According to animesuki:

In the previous to the last volume, Nobuna vanishes from the burning Honnouji Temple (where real Nobunaga died). She was pregnant then with Yoshiharu's child. It is after this that Yoshiharu finds out that there are multiple different routes of the world, and the fact that all of the people that were guys in Yoshiharu's history were girls was becuase this was one of the many routes that exist. There are routes where some girls are the original guys in Yoshiharu's original history, routes where some of the girls don't exist at all, etc. Basically, the routes are like parallel universes.

After learning this, in the last volume, Yoshiharu had to undergo some supernatural stuff that lasted for years on his end, searching for multiple alternate "routes" where he could save Nobuna and get a good ending. He eventually lands on a route of his choosing where Nobuna welcomes him with triplets which are his children, along with the girls who have been with Yoshiharu in his adventures. Some of the girls then start claiming themselves to be his wives, some being offered to him as wives, with Nobuna doing her usual "Yoshiharu is mine! I'll have you beheaded!" But since this time she has her babies who react to her noisy reaction, she actually relents in the end and focuses on the kids (basically implying she's given the girls a pass and is allowing Yoshiharu to have a harem). The ending continues with more girls reuniting with Yoshiharu and being a part of his harem, and then time moving forward into the future, with old Yoshiharu and Nobuna in a seemingly present Japan. This is because the progress of that world (or at least Japan) was pushed faster because of Yoshiharu's existence, and there is something about Yoshiharu or being a Sagara that relates to him having the experience of traveling through time and/or multiverses because of it.

Sounds plausible until that last part.
In the extra chapter where the wives appeared in the jewel alongside the ancestors, it was pretty funny to see them immediately sus Novem out as suspicious and force Lyle to topple the kingdom before he ever even got to the first town was great
Just because a single girl is clearly main girl doesn't mean it's mono.
dont you know all high schoolers are well built and know everything
>If you like mono. No matter what other girls appear the MC WILL end up with the first girl no matter how many twists and turns it takes
When was the last time that happened with a harembait romcom?
Not for toubun, bokuben, kanojo mo kanojo
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best girl lost...
I was 6'0 in high school the fuck are you talking about
Never count your chickens before they hatch, especially with modern fantasy. Pic-related was supposed to be mono as well, until the very last chapter.
>Villainess got cornered
>No one defend her
>MC step up and accept to be her knight
Keep injecting that shit into my veins
only in eroge do women do not wake up when assaulted
Meant to reply to >>268045373
Pass the bong bro.
What the fuck are you talking about all romcoms get the mc with the girl especially modern ones. Only harem bait ends without a choice. It doesn't want to piss anyone off so it pisses everyone off instead. Shit like boku wa tomodachi aren't true romcoms
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>pure vanilla chivalric romance
that's the good shit right there
*chounin A ni waratta*
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Except Marie is canonically ugly (that's not a joke) and Kirino is canonically unreasonably attractive.
And Kyousuke is an alpha who is larping as a beta and Leon is the opposite.
Tbh I can't argue but Marie is definitely the only actual girl he has romantic feelings and has romance arcs with. Deirdre and Clarice comes somewhat close but it's pretty clear they're not in Leon's mind when it comes to romance (even though Deirdre is basically Leon's sugarmama/primary backer in the Marie route).

I'd personally like it even if Marie route was a harem end with Marie, rescued Olivia, Deirdre and Clarice but I prefer it her being the only heroine because I just wanna see more interactions between them
ReZero is by far the most popular isekai here and it would never have sustained its constant discussion if it was clear Subaru would get both Rem and Emilia. Harems are boring
Fucking 5Toubun Hanayome
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This is you.
>chad MC
>but it's earned and he is actually likable
weird how rare this is to find
I'm convinced that 90% Mariefags are just flatfags who haven't actually read the book and are mad that almost all flats in that story are evil
The only ones who don't read them are retarded Angiefags who make up lies like Mylene dying.
totally not an anti-flat psyop btw
are there any others beside the usual two always mentioned?
False, speaking from experience.
There's no point in putting up with bitchy women if she doesn't have honkers, dumbass
yeah, arifureta really aced it
Are there any genuine NTR redemptions out there? I would have probably heard of it already if it was in a manga, so novels of any sort work as well.
when they do that you're supposed to tweak their nipples until they mellow out. Everyone knows this
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What do you mean exactly?
I don't exactly know why people have turned against Angiefags recently but as a Liviafag I can safely say I'm glad people don't group me with them anymore.
>usual two
Which one? Name it
>boku ga...
>isekai no...
>yuusha da!
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MyleneCHADS stay winning
they're both posted in this thread bro
I thought it was pretty self explanatory. I am talking about any books where a girl that NTRed the protagonist somehow makes a comeback and isn't just a throw away character or a cartoonish villain
Angelica is the easier target.
For some reason Mariefags can call you a cuck for liking a girl who has been in love with someone else in the past...
But you're not a cuck if that person has literally been with other people in the past, blackmailed her brother to death, and blamed all her shitty life on him dying. Refusing to take any blame on herself.
Otome Mob is the most obvious one
it wasn't a crime, she was okay with it afterwards.
>For some reason Mariefags can call you a cuck for liking a girl who has been in love with someone else in the past...
totally not a cuck-fag psyop btw
enjoy your mentally used goods cuck
There's the one where the two CFs got brainwashed by the hero and the main heroine was a beastgirl. The MC undo's the brainwashing and takes them as his second wives.
Based as fuck.
Leon is the ideal knight, and the fact that everyone knows it but he doesn't is a great gag.
He just has the genes.
Still a proud AngieCHAD, nothing changed and nothing will ever. MyleneCHADS are based as well, MarieKEKS are completely cringe though.
This... is the logic of mariefags... naruhodo.
Stay strong, brother.
They're not fooling anybody.
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Marie was pretty much an AU Kirino Stacy and in her next life she canonically looks like a beautiful princesses sister.

Leon in his previous life canonically had multiple women in love with him crying over him at his wedding. In the final volume his parents talk about how he called himself a mob and normal in his previous life too but they say he was anything but that with how popular he was and the shit he pulled against the people that spited him.

Kyousuke on the otherhand was never a chad, he was pushing himself too far and was too stressed out and unable to keep up his image while falling apart, his CF saved him by freeing him of those lofty expectations and later even Kirino herself admits that the prefect brother she used to have was all in her head. Kyousuke was always normal and other character point out how completely average he is in all aspects looks included
People wouldn't be like this towards them if they weren't proven to be:
>Manhating Yurifags
>Delusional fanfictards
Yeah I know of it. It's mind control though, so not like the girls did anything wrong willingly, mind control is also incredibly lame.
cuck mob
>she canonically looks like a beautiful princesses sister.
This is a genuine fucking lie, dude. You're not fooling anyone.
Brad openly can't deny it when Leon calls her ugly and tries to say she's beautiful on the inside.
Marie looked like THAT? Why Leon didn't make moves on her while she was obviously taunting him to do it is baffling
I am honestly not sure which story you are referring to
It's still NTR and they're still used goods
Cause he like boobs?
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She had mediums looking here.
totally not a random derail the thread with otome mob shitflinging psyop to drown out the monochads btw
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Honestly how many of us would actually be like this? I can imagine a few maybe would, but i don't think MOST would think to do so.
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You're right, anon.
A parasitic bitch who holds her brother's life hostage with blackmail and makes him play games about seducing dudes all day.
You've opened my eyes. This is clearly what best girl material looks like.
It's all a psyop to make haremCHADs bad.
Last Dungeon Boonies
Blesser of Einherjar
DxD *if you count Rokujouma as Isekai adjacent
Are a few finished books I like that never seem to be talked about here
Those are small compare to his taste
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all flats must be cherished and loved do not believe the fat titcow lies
he would sooner fuck this cat before either of his wives
Little Tyrant is quite literally peak harem but the manhua is trash so only read the webnovel
>doesn't reply to me and instead scatters
Mariefags are like roaches.
mob otome is dogshit
He would sooner find men for the other girls that like him to fuck than do anything with them himself, if anything his wives are lucky he didn't pair them up with one of his students as well
>I-It's not that Marie is bad.... it's all bad.... C-cuck!
You are not original.
Yep. Marie is best girl not because of these but in spite of these things. When a heroine that's this nerfed is still way more interesting and fun than literally any other heroine you know the others are just shit.
Rokujouma is a monofag story because all the girls are 1 person.
If he met and rescued a catgirl after first landing he wouldn't have tried to avoid her.
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hammerbros, rapiersisters, spearkeks, scythechads, how are we supposed to keep up with swordgods?
Would the catgirl see him as a kobold instead of a hyuman. Cause y'know, different beauty standards.
That was a non-canon WN IF chapter, sadly. And it doesn't exist in the LN, the LN was pure monocuck end.
Get the archers
Oh yeah, she's so """interesting""""
>I was punished for never leaving my hoe phase and ruining someone's life in my last life...
>so this life I'm going to be a hoe and ruin someone's life!
This isn't interesting.
in shield hero it goes like this
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>archer is just a swordfag in disguise
Does any isekai scene come close to Sparks Liner High chuuni?
So he died fapping to his sister?
didnt she get raped or was used goods and caused a shitstorm?
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>status window lets you know when girls get seduced by other guys
This is sum advanced NTR.
this isekai does the 10 million artillery strikes and other chuuni shit unironically
No, he finally beat the game, so he went out to run some errands.
But he was too exhausted and fell down the stairs, dying. The truth came out after that Marie had been blackmailing him, leading to his death. So the parents disowned her, and she never owned up to her mistake, only calling her baka aniki for dying and ruining everything for her.
She's a genuine bitch, anon.
No, but Tsukimichi had Lancer dying and Archer who previously disguised himself as Caster defeating Unlimited Blade Works.
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Nobody lost everyone got a route there was even a strongly implied haremfag route where everyone was touching during the fireworks and they got their memories from the solo routes
Orsted 2 was pretty kino, but not particularly chuuni
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Harems should not have images so heavily biased towards a single girl.
Yes it is.
My isekai
No, she got punished for hoeing around and trying to ruin people's lives both times.
This is funny, not interesting.
He does realize half the population of the world is female and if you are in a dating game most women will be beautiful right? Why try to hijack somone eles harem when you could just build your own an receive no resistance as a villain
I couldn't wait to rape her into a docile tradwife.
Leon is so lucky
Just because she isn't brads type and he likes her for her personality doesn't mean she is ugly. During the school festival Marie and Erika were going around the stalls together and were commented to look like picture perfect sisters
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Yes, I very much agree!
Anon I can't read give me names
Jesus fucking Christ how buttblasted was the illustrator at the Harem
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It's like Civilization where you get cucked out of a wonder when it's missing 1 turn, even if you've never met the civ who built it first.
>his daughter came back from the future to fuck him because it was completely ridiculous how whipped he was for the mom
>she didn't actually join the harem
It's kind of stupid!
She's not even a good main heroine
What happens in Append 1&2 or did the "anime" cover it?
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There's 7 ones for different stores for the latest volume, and all but this are of that elf only.
this reminds me of rakudai's covers where stella is on 99% on the covers and the imouto is only on the 2nd cover
the lolibaba was best girl in this followed by the blue haired kuudere
main girl was a shit and I jerked off to her being NTR'd by the gigabased evil hag
>Read Korean Isekai
>MC get a herb to give himself a “big” penis
>It’s only 18cm
Do Koreans really?
How did this manage to get so many OVAs after the first season, was it really that popular?
Did the last two seasons ever get a proper translation or is it still using that esl machine one where it translated "Tou" as tower?
the difference is that rakudai was mono from the early start while stb was always harem or at least harem bait
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>translate to burger units
>literally my dick size irl
>harem bait
It was always a harem and was always going to end up being a harem
He's not into loli's we get it, his original dream girl was supposed to be olivia or are we just going to pretend that isn't relevant
it should be a law that lolibabas arent allowed to lose the harembowl
Leon's a Boobchad too
What a nice sister sanding him fap fuel of hef and her friend
Who is friend no.1?
sensei is not a lolibaba she's a sensei
didn't you see that episode when she used her true milf sensei form?
It should be a law that you're not allowed to write an older sister in the story unless she's the main heroine.
And in the Marie route he accepts Marie despite this because of what's on the inside or are you just going to say that means she's ugly too?
it's been fucking forever since I watched strike the blood so I forgot about that
still best girl
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Read better books
True. *Dabs in tsugumomo*
The micro dick is real
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>*Dabs in tsugumomo*
t. big dick haver
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When someone gets close she should keep trying until it works.
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I unironically love this new meme
The editor is clearly a cowfag or pandering to overseas cucks. No way it's the artist. Sasayuki mostly draws loli hentai.
Any isekai where MC talks with weeb terms and no one understand him?
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Even some more variety of girls with larger breasts wouldn't be so bad, but there should have been a lot more of her.
>author is a cowtitsfag
>best girl has small tits
This isnt manga
Its by a SEA guy forgot which country
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What do Oliviafags think about proto evil queen Olivia being a Marie clone?
Vietnam I think
what's the point of this series
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I don't read cuckbait
Why do you keep pushing this narrative? Celes is her own distinct character rather than a prototype for another.
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You just know.
>Personally texts him a picture of her and her friend in a bikini
So, uh, she was totally a brocon in her previous life right?
who cares
it says clearly no insertion
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It should be a crime to introduce a lolibaba as a side character and not as one of the heroines.
i hate proto marie i hate proto marie i hate proto marie
why do retards think this character resembles marie outside of her appearance?
This author really hates imouto, doesn't he?
Not like it matters when the author only writes volcel MC's.
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eh, close enough
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I know I was saying she's proto Evil Olivia she even has the evil ancestor with a grudge nudging her to seduce the prince and crush the kingdom she only looks like Marie. Celes is her own character but Olivia clearly copied her homework in the Marie route
imouto love
what's the deal with this and the artist tiptoeing around actual penetration sex it makes no sense when theres tons of manga that have sex
The editor.
so what even is the appeal of this series? MC getting BTFO'd by his little sister makes him one of the most pathetic "kicked out of the X" characters I've seen.
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Interesting harem, good characters, character development and plot advancement, a perfect ending and the real proto Marie. The series unironically has soul
Do you really think mariefags give a shit about anything as long as she has the same appearance when the mariefag admitted to watching oroka tenshi only because the femc was a blonde flattie voiced by ayaneru?
I mean I guess. Ceres never got possessed though, she's just a hellspawn. A cute and cool hellspawn but a hellspawn nonetheless
Well Kaiser isn't a volcel anymore and unfortunately that's not because of his daughters
>2 lifetimes without sex
He's started to hate them less. Being successful has probably alleviated his hatred of imoutos.
No doubt in my mind that he probably had his own IRL imouto that he projected into the imoutos in his series.
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Someone had to survive to explain.
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still believe the author accidentally made marie the only character with any depth and now he's stuck with her being his only popular character.
Is she saying that hanahana talked to the moon goddess 3 days ago?
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What in the holy mother of ESL am I reading
Is that paralel paradise or whatever the fuck that shit was called? Actually what happened to it? I droppped it when they went to some castle in the desert and he jumped out of the window like 3 times in a row. I think the doctors warned him that his bones were about to be turned into paste if he did it again.
I think she did talk with her but also died 3 days ago.
What do you think of CFs that larp as a big titted kouhai to ward off other sluts?
Well, I DO like big titted kouhai
I need an imouto who larps as MC’s slutty gyaru CF and he still doesn’t know it after several years
>good girl design
>has good chemistry with the mc
such wasted potential
God of jealousy was the NTRman rival. The CF pretended to have fake memories but is also a witch. It's implied she got raped and isnt a virgin either in the isekai or in the previous world but my headcannon says the current CF is a fake. His dad cut the life support but somehow lilia sent him back to the isekai world again and he still cant die anymore. The mother/empress is an isekaijin and an acquaintance of the NTRguy. Also the girls who got fucked but dont have the black circle on their necks mean they're pregnant or can get pregnant.
What about imouto who reincarnates as big titty elf princess and summons onii-chan specifically to marry him but he doesn't know?
Oh right, missed the first bubble on the second page
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The closest i know of is an imouto who gives her oniichan amnesia so that she can larp as his CF lover but after every time they have sex he remembers so she repeats the process again.
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I understood like half of that. I don't remember any NTRman. I also don't know who the CF was, I only remember that one girl traveled with him or some shit after he fucked a bunch of them in some city and left the rest of them to basically disintegrate or something like that.
>dropped at chapter 73
>current chapter is 259
holy fucking shit, I thought the series was almost over when I dropped it because they were at the door of the big bad or some shit.
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Yanderes? Yeah I'm sick and bored of those bitches. Even tsunshits are better.
>she secretly likes MC
>MC secretly also fantasizes about her
>relationship will never be fulfilled because reasons
I fucking hate japan.
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You will love and recieve the love of a cute girl that is 100% dedicated to you anon. And you will die a bloody death if you dare lay eyes upon another woman.
I had to look up which chapter was 73, holy crap i thought that stuff happened way earlier than that. I think i literally spoiled almost everything that happens after that.
The manga has been ongoing weekly since 2019 or 2018
is this a daughter chastising her dad for not getting a new mommy or a daughter chastising her dad for not asking her out?
It's alright, it's honestly too daunting for me to read 180 more fucking chapters. It's insane that it somehow managed to continue for so long with that pace, I wonder if the author actually planned out the story in advance or if he's just making shit up as he goes.
An imouto chastising her onii-chan for being a tsunshit towards the MC.
They got close
Does this count as self-cucking if he thinks shes someone else?
I really preferred the mc's early design
>I wonder if the author actually planned out the story in advance or if he's just making shit up as he goes.
It's okamoto, its both
He's an expert at pulling random unforeshadowed shock twists that nobody expects
I remember when the first death thread and the lilia reveal thread both reached bump limit back in the day
Okay lads, let's say you have a CF and she does the usual thing and betrays you. But due to some weird timeline shenanigans a different timeline CF that was madly in love with your alternate timeline you crossed over into your current timeline. She tells you that she went on a journey with alternate timeline you, but he was a dense motherfucker. She wanted to confess at the end of the journey, but alternate timeline you died so she made a pact with some god to cross over to you. Would you take your alternate timeline CF or would you tell her to fuck off? And what would you do if your real CF was disgusted by the idea so she tried to get inbetween you and alternate timeline CF?
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Was this made by a woman? I feel like a straight guy wouldn't draw a male MC like this, permablushing and moaning through every page and even giving him a womb tattoo.
This was a hentai wasnt it? But it was an onee-chan instead of a CF.
>Womb tattoo(Male)
Holy picked up.
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I only know of something similar with a married couple, but I tried to bend the CF part into it. It was this one, a regular manga.
It doesn't exist.
It hurts, doesn't it?
>refuses to allow MC to have mistresses
Cuckqueens BTFO
this is the ideal male and female height difference. You may not like it but this is what peak performance for a couple looks like
Im PRETTY sure satsuki imonet did an onee-chan who can cross parallel worlds so she can fuck every version of her brother or something and it's not as cuckshit as that
That MC should have been trying to have a slave harem from the beginning before meeting her.
that's a child
>reading pornsekai
>premise is gender role reversal but the girls are also mini giantesses
>a solid 45 chapters of the mc dicking down every girl
>at this point the author introduced another male (trap) to be the MC's only bro that isnt trying to fuck him
>author goes full faggot and has the MC fuck the trap too after getting drunk
aaaaaaaaand dropped
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the only issue with these kinds of dynamics is that the dude is a blushing pussy
he should be a chad who wins the tall girl through sheer determination
Also the guy being constantly pleasured to the point of ahegao and rolling his tongue out, brought to orgasm just by being touched a little, I think I finally understand how women feel like reading NTR doujins where women immediately start moaning like whores in 2 panels from the faceless guy's dick.
Not just their minds, they should be with the mc every step of the way. I want a clone of disco elysium, which is also an isekai.
MC reincarnated into a story as an AYM but since he doesn't know the story he's just living out his toku hero fantasies. Girl is one of the story heroines and 2nd reincarnator who is the story protag wants to take her from the (evil)MC and her response is to kiss MC.
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my niggas
wish more manga/novels had actual tall girls (multiple)
the isekai with kid stuck on island in world where women rule would be better if he was a tall man so the girls seems even bigger
>tall girls
manlet fetish
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gonna need sauce for the mini giantesses
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>manlet fetish
yes, and?
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He won the tall girl through a CF promise to protect her
I hate smokers.
Thats not the female lead thats his sister who is the heroine in the future in that world but the mc is a mob isekaijin who appeared before the story started.
Is this supposed to be ntr or did he just randomly stumble across some wierd threesome?
The MC is the one kissing the girl. The other 2 losers are his friends trying to pick him so they can go to school.
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It's a manlet world and we're only letting you live in it.
Kept thinking the glasses dude in the middle is his twin brother or something and that the guy on the left is the MC
>The other 2 losers
A bit rude innit? Just because a guy in your group suddenly gets a gf doesn't make you a loser.
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Rape correct manlet CFs
Need more series where the MC starts off as a monster and evolves.
Need more series where the MC starts off as a human and devolves.
>completely and utterly irredeemable
>seething about her brother and brainwashing everything in existence is her reason for being
>only accomplished anything at all simply because her (original) brother is a madman who'd let his existence be erased for a momentary "omoshiroi" moment
not proto marie (Celes)

>actually likes her "basically NBR brother"
>thinks herself as clever despite creating schemes that can only be called childish at best
>under the right conditions becomes the most motherly spiritual animal soul-mate of her "basically NBR brother"
proto marie (Shanon)
Chapter 2 human form
not an anti-tall-girl psyop btw
why are you booing? I'm right
Read fujimiya-san
i'm not a manlet and i like tall girls because i hate girl-lets
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Someone post Ainz buffs but with the 4chan speak
hhhnnggg iwtwm
cant get enough of this content with good ends
>early mob thread
Someone make a different one instead
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Fucking nerd.
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Kek this is my favourite 4chan OC webm
>has sliced bread
>not once in the 1000 year history of the elves has anyone thought to make a sandwich with it
>the entire point of sliced bread in the first place
If I got isekai'd (reincarnation), first thing I would do as a kid would be to look for a CF and make that stupid promise to marry when we grow up. If she betrays then it's whatever, I planted the seeds not expecting it to bear fruit and I was doing my own thing on the sides. If she doesn't then I get the most loyal wife a man could ever get. It's risk-free.
>MC is reincarnated into an otome game
>He doesn't know shit about the world or anything
>He also has a fiancee and they get together since young
>MC thinks she's cute and doesn't mind marrying her when they grow up
>He promises he'll protect her and all that childhood promise stuff
>Fiancee falls head over heels for him and they become a lovey dovey couple
>Turns out his fiancee is a high ranking noble's daughter/princess and is hiding her identity
>She's protecting him from the shadows from the bastards that want to get to her through him
>She also finds his peculiar otherwordly ways cute and interdasting
>All in all, he's the first person to bring color to her life
>With every passing year she gets more and more obssessed with him, to the point she can't wait for TheAcademy™ to end so she can get married with him and lock him away
that's just netorase with extra steps
>MC is reincarnated into an eroge game
>He doesn't know shit about the world or anything
>He also has a fiancee and they get together since young
>MC thinks she's cute and doesn't mind marrying her when they grow up
>only apparently she literally has to marry eroge hero to prevent the apocalypse
>eroge hero can't seduce her because unlike in the game her reincarnated fiance doesn't treat her like shit
>chaos ensues because MC wasn't an asshole
>MC thinks the protag is his friend while protag is inwardly seething that MC isn't bullying him or trying to bring him down
Who is this pocket prince?
would read, that sounds like GAMERS! tier comedy
I'm pretty sure there are a few japanese novels about the MC being an NTRman or a gyaruoh who doesn't know shit.

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