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>In the end, we truly are the Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night
This piece is clearly designed to please a male audience.
Although there is lesbianism, gender dysphoria, sexual content, plastic surgery, idol industry scandals, violence, and family conflict.
But all the content is only a little bit because the production team is pussy and afraid to discuss it in depth.
The truth network of violence should be exposed to the fans so that the story would be at least somewhat interesting.
the anime already ended, you don't need to make more threads
It's not even a full day since the anime ended
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Best part of the finale
In retrospect, was it really yuri?
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True winners of the series.
DAMN elementary schoolers are built like that?
I'm happy for Kiwi, they finally found happiness.
>was it really yuri?
Yes and no. It depends on your point of view.
Because the production team was cowardly and tried to shoehorn in gay content without angering anyone.
is there a way for this anime to get an extended cut or something? i dont want it to end this way :(
the escalator scene were they go in different sides of the escalator made cringe little
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You should ask the writer in 50 years
everyone is gay except Mahiru and Kano KEKAROO
Now that Kano got interested in singing, she will eventually ask Mahiru to introduce her to Kano for advices then NTR her away from Mahiru.
It was the only good part of the finale
>Kano selfcest to NTR Mahiru
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>subs said baba is 42 now
>next scene shows kaho all big like that
I unironically thought we had 10 year timeskip.
It was already more yuri than 90% of yuri shows by episode 5. The finale being comparatively light on the yuri doesn't change that.
but why are they so dumb
People become dumb when they fall in love.
>end the anime on a high note that would make it an instant classic in the yuri community for years to come
>end the anime in the most generic way possible where any issues are perfectly resolved and everyone is easily forgiven no matter how awful they acted
They're so hopelessly dumb it's cute.

There's still a voice drama left this week. After that, vol3 of the novelization and some BD bonus novel chapters. For animation content, the best you could hope for is them announcing an OVA or something in the event in October.
I haven't seen an anime original not going the trainwreck route in years
>anime original
this actually advertisement for the light novel
GBC is solid
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Should've shown this timeskip
Any spoilers worth knowing?
The animated story is a bit too boring.
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So, what was the reason they didn't actually make them kiss here?
writers are a bunch of pussies
Mahiru is not gay and didn't reciprocate it, even though she claimed she likes to reciprocate things at the beginning of the episode.
Mahiru is homophobic.
Why are anti-yuri schizos still here?
>trusting shitty LN authors to deliver yuri
Same thing with lycoreco scriptwriter who used the show to promote his horrid novel and this tomozaki one.
even if mahiru is straight why didnt kano confess her feelings to her and ask her out at the very least?
At least this had cute kisses between girls. Lycoshit had interracial yaoi instead.
i dont mind about whatever happens to the yuri stuff, but you are right about the light novel scripter. He is a retard, many subplots and drama are rushed/or removed completely
None of the girls is gay
They're always here to seethe at things they don't like, otherwise they wouldn't be schizos.
Kind of tired of the yuri baiting genre.
Neither pleases yuri faggots nor heterosexual viewers.
Just fail kids drama.
Sometimes I get to feelin'
I was back in the old days, long ago
When we were kids, when we were young
Things seemed so perfect, you know
The days were endless, we were crazy, we were young
The sun was always shinin'
We just lived for fun

Sometimes it seems like lately
I just don't know
The rest of my life's been just a show

Those were the days of our lives
The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now, but one thing is true
When I look, and I find, I still love you
you know what would've been brave? If Kano genuinely confessed and Mahiru rejected her kindly but firmly. It would be a story you don't usually see (and maybe Kano could've realized Mei is better).
Mahiru is a bottom that won't initiate things while Kano's a coward that gets cold feets when it comes to serious stuffs.
Looking back, before the end of episode 5 Kano had no qualms about throwing the words "I love you" straightforward at Mahiru, be it "Suki dayo" or "Aishiteru" but after ep5, she stopped that completely and started putting implied gay lyrics into her songs instead.
Don't jinx it.
I wanted another thread, I'm still mad about the ending. I feel like they didn't even throw yurifags a bone. There wasn't a single scene in the entire finale where Mahiru and Kano were actually alone together.
Whats even worse about the unsatisfying last episode is that its going to completely overshadow everything else good about the series. Even the running tackle hug which I would be championing as something we see no where near enough of means nothing because everyone is so upset about its weak as fuck ending.
when the credits of their performance rolled and the two of them sat there watching I was 100% sure a kiss was gonna happen right here. Then Kiui and Mei joined them and that was the moment I knew it was over.
The whole thing was about them overcoming their teen angst and becoming w̶a̶g̶i̶e̶s̶ normal adults
Don't be mad about what could have been, be happy about what we got. Yorukura still delivered far more than most other originals.
Has there ever been another original anime with such a weak ass payoff?
As expected from Japan
why did they make mahiru so sexy but only show one fanservice shot of her?
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We got several shots of Mahiru's legs
Why did you retarded coomers all forget about the bath scene?
You could tell it was going that way since ep.7
what ep was that im skimming through the eps and i cant find it
Wonder Egg Priority
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At least Mahiru had the guts to tell her future mother-in-law.
I wish they had revealed the truth about Mahiru and the love hotel.
>without angering anyone.
And yet, everyone is angry.
Mahiru will get a boyfriend in college
I still had hope for the train scene after. Kano was emotional, and Mei and Kiui were sleeping.

And to make things worse, yoru dialogue at the end was very much a "were all so great friends!" type of speech.
She is a slut, thats why she cant be with kano
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My heart sank to the bottom of the ocean. Sorry Mei and Kiui, I like you guys, but you really needed to get the fuck out for the finale. At least for a few minutes.
I'm going to fly to Japan and tape a copy to the front door of every anime studio.
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Mei is gonna groom Ariel into becoming an obsessive yandere lesbian stalker.
She just wanted to pretend to be an average schoolgirl and made stuff up. Source: LN
>not gay enough
Infuriating yuri faggot
>too much gay content
enraging heterosexuality
>Too little pornographic content
Angry at masturbators
Their friends were standing right next to them and they were in a semi public place.
Why is Kaho's pants soaked?
Because her Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night
ngl i cant stop rewatching the kano outburst scene. the directing of that scene is so good. kanos face going to immediate regret after mahiru starts to cry is kino
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Counterpoint: And sorry I'm too lazy to dig up her other appearances.
She was the saving grace of the final arc.
>I feel like they didn't even throw yurifags a bone
There was Kiui asking plastic oneesan if she wanted to offpako. No MahoKano though.
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Gotchu, nigger.
From a yuri perspective then Gekidol was a similar situation, but to be fair the MC went schizo and the world ended, so it feels a lot more justified.
This was basically Birdie Wing 2.0.
Hey, she was the first one to comment after the final performance. Sasuga JELEE's TO.
Well now I known why they had to bait yurishitters…
Nah i think u need to kys to make your life more interesting
Episode 1 when Mahiru goes home after meeting Kano.
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>end the anime on a high note that would make it an instant classic in the yuri community for years to come
Jesus christ, was Jellyfish really that amazing of a show it would create such a big impact in the yuri community? Please, have some standards
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Wonder Egg Priority comes to mind. I mean, people really thought it would be yuri because
>MC sandals were a rainbow
>Girls wanting to save other girls
>Overall a strong relationship between girls
But turned out it was just standard woman friendship plus the MC turned out to be into the teacher and best friend was an adult predator. Fun threads with deep and crazy as fuck theories similar to FranXXX but in the end it fell to production issues and a no-resolution ending. Do you think Jellyfish is bad? at least the gang didn't stop being friends like in Wonder Egg
nah it's more like having an actual yuri kiss as an original would already be an achievement that few have gotten before and would make the show worth remembering for that alone, regardless of writing quality.
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Done by the same person? Also, i fail to see what's the purpose of divorce arcs. I guess it is a must for yuri stories as much as love triangles are in the romcoms
>I guess it is a must for yuri stories as much as love triangles are in the romcoms
Not really, no. Actually, there are more love triangles in yuri than the divorce trope.
post gif of mahiru dancing
What's the lore behind the small jellyfish between Mahiru's and Kano's?
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Probably the JELEE avatar.
>threads already dead
good job in killing your show, LN-tard
The series had multiple 650+ post threads back-to-back. What's there left to discuss?
There's one thing left, actually. What was Mero's passcode?
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thanks boss, i was looking for one and seeing how the show ended i wasnt going to get any better chances
Pretty much the only thing jellyfish does is swimming. What else it does if it is not swimming?
Literally me (minus the reproduce part)
6666 for Nono
You live in the ocean?
I feel so empty after watching the final episode.
I don't know if it's because the ending was shit or because I will miss the show...
It's Yukine's birthday
It's both for me. I am left unsatisfied and wanting more. Not only because I wanted more yuri but because I just want more time with the characters in general.
Which magazine is the manga published in? Or are they releasing it in volume format only?
seriously why did she do it?
Why was there a random Mei panty shot in the end?
I asked for it
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>Remember when I doxed those smoker idols and make them go under? Good times
was this the only time we saw pantsu in this?
is this the yuri music anime everyone is talking about?
Kano asked for it
No, that would be Girls Band Cry.
Not yuri nor music anime
Having children.
what is the point of yuribait?
why not let them kiss?
would a kiss give the show a higher age rating?
or does Japan just not like homos?
genuine yuri would scare away waifufags and thus sales
And now they pissed off both sides and won't get any sales.
Good fucking job.
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What a weird ending. I was enjoying the show until the last couple episodes but that resolution/conclusion was just so rushed and forced.

Are we supposed to be happy that Kano's mom acknowledged her daughter's existence? Are we supposed to feel something from her deadbeat dad smiling at the mural? Or her big gay crush being swept under the rug.
I was gonna write the same thing. Why does the writer expect us to care at all about Kano having some sort of cheap reconciliation with her mom, who is barely a character? Why is this the culmination of the arc? To the point where we basically get that conclusion in lieu of more stuff on Mahiru and Kano.
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>Flip Flappers
>Wonder Egg
>Birdie Wing
>now this
Welcome to the flop club, Jellyfish
I'm pretty sure that most waifufags already consider this show to be genuine yuri.
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>what is the point of yuribait?
Why not? That's like asking why men act gay in shonen
ok that makes sense

I just feel like anyone with eyes in their head would notice that those girl are not straight
out of those birdie pisses me off the most
then again I skipped wonder egg
it's weird how I've come to appreciate the symphogear ending just because everyone involved in the project acknowledges how it is
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It's one of the yuri music anime, the other being Sasakoi.

>not yuri
>That's like asking why men act gay in shonen
they do?
post 3 examples
Yuribait is not yuri yes.
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One of many collages
Where's the bait? They kissed and said "I love you" using both aishiteru and tsuki ga kirei desu ne.
Best part of the entire show*
Thanks for spelling out the baits.
only if you're a delusional yuritard that refuses to learn that friendship tropes will never be yuri.
It is released online, not in magazine.
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What counts as non-bait yuri then? Even girls in undisputed yuri anime give each other kisses on the cheek.
fujosisters have it hard
Odd Taxi
Now that the dust has settled, why did it flop?
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Why did Mei always act like a bimbo and a whore?
We saw a glimpse of kano's on ep 5 when she changed on mahiru's uniform.
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Lesbians romantically kiss each other on the cheek too.
Akiba maid war
Mei is a sweetheart and cared more about Kano than Mahiru did.
Even if there was yuri at the end, they still dropped the ball since episode 8. The pacing went to shit, the nice character interactions they had built until then were ruined.
I'll never understand the need Asians have to add extra drama at the end. I mean, this series already had enough drama. It's like they have this need to influx a fuckton of new drama when they no longer have time to develop anything, even though they have material they can work on.

Also, an ending doesn't need to involve fixing every single relationship. There was no need for Kano and Mero to suddenly become friends again, or for Kano and Yukine to be on good terms once more.
I'm just thankful that they AT LEAST made Mahiru apologize too.
It would have been real shit if they act like Mahiru did nothing wrong and it was ALL Kano's fault.
Mero did nothing wrong.
Kano is just a violent retard.
They later kissed on the lips so any ambiguity is removed
They literally fucked.
No, they kissed on the lips and fucked beforehand. The cheek kiss was after. My point is that a kiss on the cheek can be romantic, and given all of Kano's actions before and afterwards, it was romantic.
>It was romantic because I said so!
So you're saying Kano and Mahiru fucked before the cheek kiss? Ok buddy.
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Do you not know what this phrase means?

No, I'm saying that you were wrong about the timing. But regardless of time, even something like Sasakoi has a romantic cheek kiss this season.
Not gay enough for yurifags and the girls are not likeable or cute enough for waifufags. A middling show with pretty visuals that won't be remembered in any meaningful capacity.
>Do you not know what this phrase means
Yes, it's an ambiguous phrase used to bait yurikeks like you to think their relationship is romantic when it's not.
the kiss was romantic, the problem is that after the bike/beach date nothing of that sort was ever brought up again and the romance was completely abandoned. It's been exactly one year since the kiss in episode 12 and they've never kissed again nor done anything else of that sort and now they've graduated and move on with their lives as friends. I'm not trying to take away any yuri, there just isn't any after the date.
>they went a year with no progress
now I'm depressed
>it's an ambiguous phrase
This is wrong on so many levels. Kano has also used aishiteru, which is romantic.

>nothing of that sort was ever brought up agai
Kano thought about her kiss in episode 9. Something doesn't stop being romantic like that. If she kissed a boy in episode 5, no one would be saying that they weren't dating by the end of the series.
I'm a yuri fan, but they clearly didn't become girlfriends/lovers before episode 9. And even after a 3 months time skip to the graduation, they are still not acting as such. And then Mahiru monologue at the end was a "we're all such great friends". Even if they didn't want to say it out loud or show it, they could have easily give hints they are a thing now.

Does it means they can't get together? No, but shows the creators wanted to leave it completely open for anyone to anyone put their own headcanon, making those who say they aren't gay as valid as those who say it.
>Kano has also used aishiteru
As a joke and it was treated as a joke too.
>If she kissed a boy in episode 5, no one would be saying that they weren't dating by the end of the series
Yes they would if the ending didn't even have a kiss or any romantic implication. No, the dumb phrase does not count.
>get's blueballed for a whole year
>we're such great friends everyone!
being Kano is suffering
Mahiru was quick to point out how strange it was that Kano kept using love for her.

>the dumb phrase does not count.
>it doesn't count because I say so!

>"we're all such great friends"
She's talking about their friend group together. She's not obviously not romantically involved with all of them.

>making those who say they aren't gay as valid as those who say it.
There's no one saying they aren't gay.
Genuinely, how did you even mess up something this simple? Just another kiss on the cheek by Mahiru and this would be an instant classic remembered by yuri fans for years to come. They would even pretend the last few episodes became good because of it. But now it's just a forgettable seasonal anime that will be forgotten after a month.
And then the kiss was romantic in the sense that Kano feelings, that she probably don't even fully understood overflow and resulted in a kiss which she then run away. It wasn't a kiss that lead to them talk about the possibility of a relationship, or anything like that. Which was it worked as a start for future development like in ep 7, but not something that would make them a thing already.

it is even a bit worse. They had the separation a bit over 10 months after the kiss. they stayed away for a bit less than 2 months. Then 3 more months for graduation that happens at end of march.
>that will be forgotten after a month.
that's generous
but it will live on - as a negative example on how to shit the bed really hard
What a disappointing ending. It was at its best when JELEE were just hanging out being gay weirdos. Whoever decided Yoru needed to be apart from the cast for the last 2-3 episodes needs to dogeza and apologize immediately since that melodrama immediately killed the momentum.
Glad it didn't lean too hard on the tranny shit and entirely ruin Kiui's screentime.
The character development felt realistic at the start and then became confusing and artificial. This is hard to pinpoint while you watch but your subconsciousness picks up on it. Mahiru's behavior after getting the contract, Kano's mother as a weird autistic Gendō persiflage, Kiui's teenage angst and whatever the fuck Koharu is for her, Mei being the 6th wheel on this tricycle. I don't know but I feel like I bought a washing machine and when I unpacked it and turned it on I realized it was actually a fridge with a weird round door that just looks like a washing machine and has "WASHING MACHINE™" on the package.
Should've been about the cake idol
I'm still reading that as a tomboy being uncomfortable with sexual attention and nothing else
I'm actually depressed now, it has been on the back of my mind since yesterday and I can't do anything properly.
Pitch me a good yuri anime that had a decent ending.
That is actually a surprisingly good example
>but it will live on - as a negative example on how to shit the bed really hard
Oh yes, like they learned from previous flukes like Flip Flappers, Birdy Wing, Lycoris Recoil and many others in which instead of following the natural flow of their own series they shit on it by not focusing on what made the story popular.
MagiRevo had a great ending in terms of yuri but some of the episodes like the political stuff are a bit boring
World Dai Star
>Flip Flappers, Birdy Wing
>Lycoris Recoil
That one wasn't a flop though, even if you don't like the later part of the story.
there really should be a proper list of 2010 onwards anime with confirmed yuri and kisses but it's not gonna be made because people will never agree on what counts and what doesn't.
Yeah, why not? Not a tomboy fan at all, but I can get behind that infinitely more than whatever disgusting groomer shit they were attempting with plastic Whore-chan and Kiui. What a 'splendidly' pointless twist.
I guess they didn't want to do the obvious by pairing her with Mei or something?
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Then why don't you make one instead of criticizing other peoples' attempts?
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Thank you yurifriends
The thing is, most people forget that for the elevens lesbianism is nothing more than a phase you grow up from so you can marry a salaryman that you will meet on your job that you went to college for.
Been playing Elden Ring DLC so I missed the finale yesterday, but holy shit that was so mid.
Like, it wasn't BAD, they hit good notes. But it just was so disappointing cause the show had so much more promise early on.

I also feel like they scrapped a ton of stuff. Nothing about Kano's Dad or Kiui's GF? They just show up in montages doing nothing?
I really wonder how it fell apart so hard. Was this always the intent or was there some production issues?
>JELEE has 5 letters
>only 4 members
I bet Mero was supposed to join at some point but it got scrapped.
>the elevens lesbianism is nothing more than a phase you grow up from
People who think this like don't write or watch yuri or yuri-friendly stuff.
>for the elevens lesbianism is nothing more than a phase you grow up from so you can marry a salaryman
Those people don't watch yuri, though. They make shows like Hibikek instead.
Even the author of Hibike doesn't believe that considering she's written actual yuri afterwards.
no fucking way. Are these "new" developments? Because I know for a fact I never saw this panel when the show aired.
I didn't mean the LN but the anime.
Yes, it happened a few months ago. Those are new characters who just joined the team.
YagaKimi anime exists and was hugely popular, there is no reason for yuribait to exist anymore
that's pretty awesome, actually. Wouldn't have expected it from this one, even though the author is quite the huge yurifan.
>Those people don't watch yuri, though.
Yup, that's the problem here, maybe the director and writer didn't know their audience? Because saying yo guys it was a 青春アニメ all along! Feels like it was made on bad faith.
YagaKimi anime only sold 3.7k BDs. A better example would be that fact that New Game is in the top ten best selling CGDCTs of all time and it has a yuri ending with two of the girls getting married (off-screen) in the end.
The problem is that yuri is seem like hentai. if a show has it, then it has to be all about it. That way people who are offended by it can just completely skip such shows.
>Lycoris Recoil
it was one of the biggest shows of its year
Praying to G*d that everyone who seriously uses this W*sterntrash (oxymoron) term is immediately thrown into an active volcano. Discussions based on misconceptions and ignorance are the most pointless and frustrating things imaginable.
Where do you leave MahoAko?
>Two girls kissing
>Two girls holding hands

is this how its supposed to work now?
>if a show has it, then it has to be all about it.
It doesn't, see Witch of Mercury.
MahoAko has about 10k BDs which makes it the best selling yuri anime since Yuru Yuri.
Fuck Mahiru
It wasn't a colossal trainwreck like Wonder Egg but it's kinda like whatever, average but with some really good designs and ok songs.
I feel like Girls Band Cry was the better musical show with gay girl drama of the season
GBC could have been more popular if not for the shitty CGI animation.
Yuribait and Yaoibait will never go away simply because homosexuality is not seen as normal
That makes no sense. Why use either if It's going to creep out people who find homosexual wrong?
>Why use either if It's going to creep out people who find homosexual wrong?
It's about the fetish anon, they don't accept it, they view it for sexual pleasure.
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gbc wouldn't be as good without its cg animation, its very expressive and fluid, its one of its biggest draws
my only real issue is the inconsistency since background characters tend to be 2d
Yuribait will never go away because otakus find two girls being close with each other hot. It's basically a compromise between fuel for threesome fantasies and pandering to yuri shippers.
I dont even watch GBC or Kurage for the yuri tones that people like but if it's there, I don't dislike it. Both started as good CGDCT with a bit of drama. I just want a show to nail the home stretch and ending. Kurage fell right into line with the general expectations that it was gonna fall short.
gbc had more compelling drama and the songs really hammer in that
yorukura feels more like a business as usual anime
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>Why use either if It's going to creep out people who find homosexual wrong?
Because even if there is bait and nothing happens in the end, people can still think it is a regular quirky Anime.
The problem with the ending was they set up the expectation really high with episode 5 and 7 so when they went with the normal status quo ending people weren't satisfied.
In isolation the ending wasn't even THAT bad, it's just in context of said episodes it's like they regressed the characters' development and relationship.
>GBC had more compelling drama
>WAAA my parents hate me!!!
>oh wait actually they don't
Now that you mention it, it's just like this lol.
The problem was making an ending in which everyone was involved. No one gave a shit about Kiui and Mei. They were side characters, who had their episodes and that was that. They should have had their issues and conclusion done during the middle part of the story. The ending should have been heavily focused on Kano and Mahiru.
>No one gave a shit about Kiui and Mei
YOU didn't. Plenty of people like them. To me they are the better half of Jelee.
>WAAA my parents hate me!!!
>oh wait actually they don't
That's literally the ending to Kano's story lol
Lets be honest, a kiss in the end wouldn't have done anything for the overall quality of the show just like how the second part of Gundam Witch turned out to be complete shit. The damage was already with or without kiss
Yeah Ep11 of GBC was such a highlight. I feel like you can only come down from there. When Kurage added more issues towards the final episodes I was thinking that they weren't gonna have enough screentime to resolve it all. Sometimes a show having that 12th vs 13th episode makes huge difference.
Nina's drama was definitely daddy issues and it was her fault for not talking with him. I'd say her drama brought the show down a bit toward the mid-section of GBC. A bit of a killjoy with her screeching so much.
It wouldn't, but it would at least be remembered among yuri fans as a decent show that actually committed to the yuri.
Now it will be remembered as a show that completely dropped the ball in the last quarter with unnecessary drama.
No you retard, independently of how you felt about Kiui and Mei, the main focus was always on Kano and Mahiru. And, as I said, Kiui and Mei deserved their development, just not at the ending together with Kano and Mahiru.
>already mention that it's just like this show
Why did you feel the need to reiterate?
In the end this is still better than GBC.
Mahiru owes Kano sex and she will never give it to her
Up to interpretation
This is so tame compared to how gay girls act with each other.
Was the author's previous hetshit work like this too?
Kind of, the couple had a child but he died in a car accident
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People don't understand the concept of bros being bros
This, Kiui's story in the PENULTIMATE episode felt so off and out of place
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Now its just empty teasing
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>Nonoka with Kano's haircut and hat
This was the absolute peak of the show. Things were looking so good back then. Fuck...
10/10 friends. Oh sorry, BEST FRIENDS
Would've been better had we got the episode where Mei saw the kiss.
maybe they'll have a proper yuri end in s2
Letdown of an ending and being honest don't really care for yuri as i wasn't expecting much in the first place, writing in latter half of the show needed to be polished. Another case of intresting concept and setting with amusing characters but poorly executed, as for yuri someone from the staff will like a kiss fanart and a portion of yurifags will be happy anyway but it is a very cheap way to attract viewers
The difference is that Kumiko/Reina have guys they're interested in and Kano/Mahiru don't.
This shitshow is never getting a S2. It's over, move on to the next yuribait
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I really, really, really need to know what the author was smoking when she thought these interactions are those that friends do.
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>No one gave a shit about Kiui and Mei.
That show ended with a wedding.
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Mahiru was interested in a boy
Yes, his name was Kiui.
Anime original rarely get S2, specially if they aren't super popular.
>Mahiru was [HEADCANON debunked by the LN]
How would you fix the anime?
Remove the stupid breakup arc
Remove the stupid Kiui episode
Make the final arc about JELEE as a team vs Sundoll instead
Boys and girls are different and relate to each other differently.
More news at 11.
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God were they so gay
The second cour of GWitch indeed sucked, but the show in still incredibly fondly remembered chiefly due to the fact that the two main characters got married in the end, which is honestly the main thing most people watching the show wanted in the first place.
Idk, give what the paying customers actually want and make the girls kiss or something.
It might be poor memory playing tricks on me, but weren't the major HaruYuu HOMO scenes contained all towards the end in the climax arc? I don't recall it specifically being super Gay for most of Applimon
One kiss would not magically fix the final quarter of the story
Not at all, but it would help take away some of the sting.
This is probably gonna be the last thread so I just wanna say that I still love the show and I enjoyed watching it and discussing it with you guys every week.
It won't but it will make the sudden divorce arc feels more rewarding
Thanks alot anon, lets keep being friends
Sure, what are you watching next season, the cheerleading anime?
There will probably a new thread if there is anything interesting in the voice drama or the LN next month.
>there is anything interesting in the voice drama or the LN next month.
Somehow, I severely doubt it.
Even Shuumatsu Train will have a better ending than this shit tomorrow
>we never got a Mahiru pantyshot despite seeing Kano and Mei's panties
What did Dogakobo mean by this?
At least we got to see her boobs
>the cheerleading anime?

Will it be as gay as Anima Yell?
Another garbage barely propped up by midzushima drones, also a flop by the way. Seeing /a/ pathetically shill both failures was hilarious..
Mahiru goes nopan.
bros whats your fav jelee song? ive been listening to the new one on repeat and now it's my number 1!
I never shilled Yorukura though, because I know about the author's other series. This went the way of Tomozaki-kun as I expected.
Only yurifriends that went in blind dared to get their hopes up.
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Yes. Blonde is a slut that loves to kiss other girls.
>another dishonest PA Works yuribait
This phrase is enough to make Deep Sea Swimming into my favorite JELEE song
They're probably not going to start dating guys though.
So? You're gonna get a sisterhood or other similar copout because they're afraid of going full yuri
As long as two girls consider each other to be the most important person in the world and aren't dating any guys, it's yuri.
Same. Looping it along with Shibuya Aquarium and appreciating how everything just clicks together.
Even if you devote 24 episodes to their development as such, through thick and thin, ignoring any guys, and the best label you can come up for it is sistership? It just comes off as cowardice to me
This image is so retarded that it feels like a false flag to make yurifags look dumb.
This is not a yuri anime until it is.
>the best label you can come up for it is sistership
That's not the label I or other posters or series have regularly used.
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Same here anonymous, I came to love this animu, and somehow, despite considering the threads rather bad (not awful, but still shitty) with the amount of retardation they had at times, I had a fuck ton of fun with them too.
I was referring to the studio using that label
would this show be kino if kano confessed her feelings to mahiru but it ends up in a rejection because mahiru is straight?
Better than what we got for sure.
Which studio? Because that's not how P.A. works has described the cheerleading anime.
>Mahiru goes to art school
>Mei goes to music school
>Kiui goes to university to become a teacher
What is Kano's ending again? Going back to the professional artist path?
reconciling with her mother and becoming an idol again
I was talking about their previous yuribait show. With narenare so far they opt to describe them as friends. Either way it's not gonna be a romance
man is a shame there is no translations of tamayomi
She'd go home, mope, bomb the live for real, and then end up killing herself. Mei would follow her oshi anywhere, so she'd throw herself off a bridge too. With two deaths in hand, I don't think Mahiru would be able to summon the courage necessary to like Yoru (herself) anymore since she'd rightly blame herself for the situation, and not even our resident HERO would be able to drag her out of that sort of funk. Despite her own personal growth Hero-chan would then get depressed too after a failure of that magnitude, and likely turn to her emotional support in Whore-chan. Prostitution is only a hop skip and a jump away for her after that.
Would that be kino? Abso-goddamn-lutely. The otaku and newfag tourists would shit blood in fury.
ngl the first half is something really special to me. im willing to give the writer a 2nd chance if he decides to ever work on another anime again.
Oshi no Ko will have to save Doga Kobo again after this disaster...
>hey opt to describe them as friends
Almost every series that has gone on to have surprise yuri has started with the girls being friends. You couldn't tell from the PV description alone that anything would happen. I don't know if anything will happen, but you'll need to watch the first few episodes before reaching a reasonable conclusion.
Again, it's PA works. If they didn't dare go past a sistership copout in aquatope, why should I believe this time will be any different? Their tourism ads are always the same
>if they didn't dare go past a sistership copout in aquatope
Aquatope had a male love interest, so they were trying to appeal to multiple fanbases. It also didn't have a writer known for doing yuri.
Mei's heartfelt confession getting handwaved in the next episode was the biggest sign a status quo ending was inevitable.
i remember giving aquatope a shot because nagi asu is my fav anime but it was so boring for me i couldnt get past the first few eps. is it worth finishing?
If you didn't like the first half, you're probably not going to enjoy the rest.
and yet the manga adaptation was done by a yuri artist, the expensive double figure had a yuri pose, nearly all promotional material featured the two girls suggestively. I'm not falling for it again.

Only the first half is any good. The show falls apart completely in the second half and never recovers sadly.
The yuri artist of Aquatope has no creative control over the manga adaptation compared to a yuri writer. Although there was one anon who kept claiming that the Kai would totally win in the manga.

>I'm not falling for it again
Then don't watch the show. I'll enjoy the show for its light yuri fanservice and maybe I'll get lucky and something more will happen. No big deal if it doesn't happen, I can enjoy asexual CGDCT as well as yuri CGDCT.
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So she is the crazy lesbian
Nah, they're going to excuse that behavior away as something Brazilian girls normally do. That's literally the joke
>Although there was one anon who kept claiming that the Kai would totally win in the manga.
That would have been a better outcome than the nothingburger it ended on, honestly
Even if it is, it's still hot.
>make yurifags look dumb
With how many times they fall for bait i think that's pretty much set in stone already
The point was he was more delusional than the most retarded yurifag.

There's plently of series where yurifags have won though. Probably more wins than losses in the past few years.
And then have everyone laugh at her? I don't know. But I'm sure it would have made us laugh at least
Insulting someone or entire groups intelligence while basing your entire argument on utter ignorance and misunderstandings must be quite the exquisite feeling. Pray tell
Not really, Aquatope was so bland compared to Nagi no Asukara... that hack director was totally carried by Okada. Iroduku was another borefest...
To be fair those wins are in obsure yuri manga or all girl series most people don't know exist
Then why doesn't she kiss the girl that's the most interested in her?
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>Currently feeling grateful this guy didn't write for the show
Iroduku first's episode was magical, at least for me. The rest of the series was just okay, and it also had with a good finale.
Almost none of those victories were from manga that were advertised as yuri. And whether normalfags know about them is irrelevant.
I don't know, the show hasn't even begun airing, but probably for more gags
If you don't know because the show hasn't aired how can you say with confidence that the kisses are just gags?
man nagi asu was so amazing. im wondering why there arent any studio trying to make unrequited love drama anime anymore. its a really untapped market.
Same, no other anime in recent memory has managed to get me invested like this one. The MahiKano drama could have been handled better but I'll still remember it fondly.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxGHmEato5E damn the audio drama is really cute, i will be following the story in the supplementary works.
It's a mystery. Nagiasu was a success when it aired, but the studio prefers to shit out these yuribait originals that flop miserably nowadays, it's a shame
Lycoris and Gundam did well despite being originals with varying levels of yuri fanservice.
Dare I say, this anime would ended better if it were written by that hack, Mikami Teren.
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>my little Anonymous cannot be this delusional
Mei never had a chance, Anon. You're lucky it was only handwaved and not laughed off.
Theyre not PA works.
What does that matter? If those two could be successful, then so too could a sereis from P.A. Works.
Well yes, having her confess at all was already surprising, which is why I thought there was a chance the show would address the issue. After that point it was clear that it was never going to focus on the romance again.
Light novel writer ONCE AGAIN proves himself to be a pretentious fucking hack
the sad thing is its played off as a gag. mei was a real character that had a good backstory and flaws but they kept using her for jokes instead of giving her proper development
Mei is a Nonokawota, Anon. They tell their favorite idols they love them all the time. Fuck, it's like you've never even watched OshiBudou.
Still yuribait though
Yeah I sure am glad that we got another cliche divorce arc that completely killed the ship and the anime's momentum
Aquatope was their biggest flop anon. Yurifags in Japan don't care about their shows
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I don't blame them. PAWorks yuri is some low brow slop; confused and meandering despite half-hearted attempts to punch it up with stalking horse NTR, hetbait, and other nonsense, ultimately leaving you unsatisfied, like after eating a meal consisting entirely of crackers. Deliciously novel at first, and a bland slog by the end. Waiting warmly for their next offering.
Most yurifags in Japan don't care about studios because there's no obviously yuri studio. They're more focused on magazines.
>it's yurifags fault aquatope did poorly
Opinions that can only exist in hindsight.
Aquatope ripped off the character designs of Adachi and Shimamura and it still couldn't make any buzz in the yuri fandom. That's how you know the series was a total failure.
Good based yurifag for ignoring that half assed "yuri"
In this case though we're talking about their original productions, and all of them follow the same pattern despite varied attempts to spice them up. Any seasoned yurifag would know better.
Unlike the west and China, most yurifags in Japan are fine with watching both series that are explicitly yuri and not-so-explicit as long as the girls aren't dating guys. The male love interest was the reason they avoided Aquatope.
>Expecting anything from PA original
It's like you people never learned anything
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>most yurifags in Japan are fine with watching both series that are explicitly yuri and not-so-explicit
>most yurifags in Japan are fine with watching [yuri]
Shocking truth! Whoa!
Don't make distinctions where there are none, dumbo-kun. Only the trash in the W*st have no clue what yuri is. Just don't talk to them.
you know the stupid thing is if kano was a boy they would prob have an actual romance ending
Some pre-sceening impressions support my initial initial assessment that it's going to be some light yuri fanservice thing. I'm not claiming it's going to go beyond that.
The male love interest that also existed in G-Witch? Yurifags avoided Aquatope because it offered nothing to them, not because of the presence of a guy. They know when a studio has never and will never deliver anything of value to them
G-Witch was attached to the Gundam name, had a beginning that established a yuri endings, and had the male love interests die or get quickly rejected.

>they know when a studio has never and will never deliver anything of value to them
And what was that last yuri series that Sunrise delivered, anon?
Not even comparable. Sunrise had Mai Hime/Otome, Cross Ange, Love Live, side characters from Code Geass and Horizon, etc. The head writer for G-Witch also did Princess Principal.
What yuri does PA Works have? That's right, nothing.
>What yuri does PA Works have?
Literally every original they've done in the last 10 years? Uma Musume?
>What yuri does PA Works have? That's right, nothing.
Not him, but PA Works has Canaan, UmaMusume, some really subtexty side characters in Hanasaku, and Akiba Meido Sensou (so I've heard, at least). The quality of the yuri in each of those not withstanding, but I mean, that's not the argument here.
>Cross Ange
And if Love Live counts as yuri to you, then so must every all-girl series from P.A. Works.

>the head writer for G-Witch also did Princess Principal
One of the writers for Narenare is a yuri writer known for her yuri. Again, not proof that the series is going to go yuri, but it might have some light fanservice.
>Uma Musume
Maybe the latter seasons, but they were not even animated by PA Works.
Definitely the strongest case, but it was so long ago that it might as well not count.
The bottom line is they are, at best, "subtext" and "implied" yuri. There aren't any explicit lesbian characters like there are in Sunrise shows, thus there is no reason to ever expect them to pull a G-Witch.
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>The bottom line is they are, at best, "subtext" and "implied" yuri.
>The bottom line is they are, at best, [yuri]
Please, I'm begging you at this point, learn what the words you use actually mean you fucking retarded donkey.
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The yuri in the first season of Uma Musume is better than the yuri in various seasons of Love Live.

But in all seriousness, I'm still mad PA Works gave up this cash cow (horse).
>but it was so long ago that it might as well not count
Are you saying this 10 minutes after bringing up Mai Hime?

>thus there is no reason to ever expect them to pull a G-Witch.
>it might have some light fanservice
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.
i liked it a lot
that's because Uma Musume was always a Cygames IP, not PA's.
That's how the industry works, anon. Heterosexual romance is normal and expected and yurifags have to settle for scraps. It's even easier for writers to depict yaoi relationships than yuri ones as seen in Lycoris Recoil. Hell, in that same season there was another A-1 Pictures original where the male MC openly had sex with his love interests.
What the hell does any of what you just said have to do with my post?
I dont want this anime to be forgotten in a week....
I'm sorry but you're wrong.
>yurifags have to settle for scraps.

Next season is looking pretty barren, but I'll take what I can get.
You forgot we're talking about studio reputation and track record. Yurifags had more reason to trust Sunrise to deliver a yuri ending in G-Witch despite the male love interest. They have no reason to do the same with PA Works.
Don't worry, it'll be brought up every time people discuss their frustrations with yuribait anime originals along with the likes of Birdie Wing and Lycoris Recoil
They had their chance to be immortalized, and they fucked it up. They'll not get sympathy from me.
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Oh. Right.
same we are never getting anymore yuri fanart of kano and mahiru. it's so over bros..
>hey have no reason to do the same with PA Works.
Other than the fact that they have all-girl works with some light yuri fanservice already. Again, you have this really strange fixation on studios being pro/anti-yuri when it probably isn't like that at all.

It's only yuribait to a minority of fans.
By the end of Lycoris Recoil I didn't even want the yuri to happen. Chisato is a garbage character GARBAGE.
So true
>Implying it will be forgotten
Kek you'll see as ammo to trigger yurifans until the ends of this site, anon
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>this series triggers you because the lesbians only got kissed twice
Anti-yurifags get more pathetic by the day.
People are only upset because it literally just happened. By next week it'll be a 3/10 on the things that trigger yurifags scale.
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I'm not saying studios are pro or anti yuri, but some are evidently willing to go the extra mile and try new things. Sunrise has raised the bar for yuri in anime with the yuri marriage in G-Witch.
>Other than the fact that they have all-girl works with some light yuri fanservice already.
Yes, for example in Hanasaku Iroha. Isn't it funny how a show with hetero romance managed to have more yuri fanservice and spawned more fanart and doujinshi than their designated "yuri" show Aquatope? Things like this are why I can't trust them to deliver.
I would say that more yurifags are disappointed than outright upset. It's not like a loss or anything.
Obviously popular shows are going to get more fan-art and doujinishi than non-popular ones. Something just having yuri or yuri fanservice doesn't mean it will succeed or get popular among the yuri fanbase.

>more yuri fanservice
This is highly debatable.
For me it was the opposite. GBC felt overall very solid and safe, while Yorukura had greater high points but also lower low points. A lame episode like ep 9 barely affected my overall enjoyment of GBC because you just know in the next episode they'll introduce some different drama that will be back to the usual quality, while something like Yorukura ep 9 made you feel like the whole plot is going to collapse if they get slightly off track. That's why I'm also not very worried that GBC might fuck up the final episode - even if it did, the show will still have been great overall and there will likely be more material to fix it later.
only Mei is a lesbian tho
Kano wanted to see and touch the Biker lady's tits.
Aquatope is undeniably yuri and so is Yorukura.
Aquatope is poorly done and dishonest yuribait and no yurifags in Japan gave a shit about it
You lost, Kaicuck.
Does this mean you admit to Yorukura being undeniably yuri?
i preordered the nendo im part of the problem
Supporting the things you love in a way that actually impacts the industries profits is not a problem. Having poor tastes in girls is though
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Nice try, P.A Works
i dont think we would ever get a mahiru nendo id rather have her desu
I'd like a hero with giant knockers, or real form Mei. Possibly the only way I'd care to support this show. Mahiru is kind of plain and Kano is gross
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>episode 7 is the peak in an anime original series
Funny how it's not the first time that has happened
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Hanairo was popular for a reason. The interactions between the girls felt genuine and realistic, and even in spite of the male love interest fans shipped the girls. Aquatope felt like a cheap attempt at emulating this, with hollow yuribait that didn't occur naturally. It didn't even have yuri fanservice aside from maybe this scene where the girls rub each other's faces, but then again, rewatching it makes it so painfully obvious that it was a cheap attempt at yuribaiting awkwardly tacked onto the flow of the episode.
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This is where Revue Starlight ended for me. There was no more after this.
Yes, I will watch the movie someday.
what if they included a romantic date ova in the bluray?
Reminder that World Dai Star is better than Revue Starlight.
Game, anime, or both? WDS was pretty good, but I think it suffered from the same problems as Revue Starlight. A very middling and dragging mid-season.
Never played WDS, but I actually really liked the gacha of Starlight. Though the greed was completely outrageous, almost every single week they'd release a new stage girl outfit that completely broke the meta in half. Every single damn week. As a free player it became ridiculous, especially since you really needed to do decently in PVP to get a good rate of rolling gems per week.
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Only because this happened
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You'd be doing yourself a disservice if you didn't watch the movie. Dare I say it's on par with Rebellion in terms of quality as a sequel movie.
It's good but not that good.
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Remember when yuri f*gs thought this show would end with them kissing?

Yes? That's what I thought literally 48 hours ago. It hasn't been THAT long
Was there a reason to think that it wouldn't end with them kissing?
Did a literal schizo create these?
so why did exoprimal decide to sponsor this anime? its a dead game no ones gonna check it out
The yuri community has so many i wouldn't be surprised
Don't worry, we've still got the manga and novels before they announce a season 2.
Only if you squint really hard and pretend to see things that aren't there
You still lost. They're gay and will never be attracted to boys.
It's just a spin on that mathematics meme template. The Gridman one does seem schizo though, or maybe it's just because I haven't followed the threads.
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I remember how this was the exact moment /u/ and yurifags in nipland lost any interest in Aquatope. Let's hope PA Works learned their lesson with Narenare. They have this golden chance of saving yuri next season, they just have not to fuck it up like that.
flop game sponsors flop show
it's like pottery
This caught me completely off-guard. Based oneeloli kiss.
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>It's just a spin on that mathematics meme template.
I would like to see the original.
Has there been an assault on the writer yet, like there was on the writer (director?) of LycoReco? I do not wish to participate in it personally, but I would enjoy the schadenfreude of watching the writer have to face some backlash for his pussyfooting.
Only from chink fans, but nips consider them to be subhumans, so
im torrenting sora yori i hope it fills the void jellyfish second half left in me
Sora Yori is infinitely better than this show, but it has zero yuri so keep that in mind.
Yorukura is yuri, Yorimoi is not yuri.
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Holy cope
It is yuribait
Yorimoi has zero yuri material since the girls' relationships are heavily leaning on a friendship, but it's still one of my favorite
I expect delicious girl drama from the MyGo writers, yuri would be a plus but not a dealbreaker honestly
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some chinese were gloating about being blocked by the writer after harrassing him
I just
I just want them to fuck
so bad
>At some point before breakup Mahiru sent that message to Kano
>Dumb Kano took it literally
Many stories can keep teasing without needing to ho anywhere because people are fine with just that.
very much same but I feel the moment is gone now. Even if they have more romantic development in the novels it's never going to feel the same way as it did post episode 7.
I can't get over it. What the fuck were the writers even thinking? How do you make a cliffhanger scene like episode 7, perfectly constructed and natural, and then decide to take the story in the direction they did instead. Just what specific level of cocaine is that? utterly baffling
Give her a break, Kano didn't attend school, anon
final staff space that will answer your questions
i cant speak or understand japanese but can one of you guys ask the director why they decided it was a good idea for jelee to break up at ep 10 when theres 2 eps left??
>final space only after last voice drama is released

Any chance they confirm the yuri on it? Most normal fans will not watch it and it would spread more between the people who wanted confirmation.
Here it is. The final cope.
>Well yes they did in fact kiss that night after the show, and Mahiru even used her tongue.
I'd take it.
There is never a last one. After that it will be moved ln, manga, and then to maybe in a s2 we don't even know if they will ever make!
Mei and feetgirl spinoff soon, jellybros! Trust the plan!
I'd watch it. Different director and writer though please
i dont think we will get a s2 after the final ep..
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I bet they won't touch questions like this one.
Kinda wish episode 7 had some minor focus on the Sundolls like episode 4/5. I was a little more curious in how the "rival" group would recover from the fall, along with understanding Mero a bit more. But I overall was expecting more on their activities as JELEE instead of leaping lightyears in time for some godforsaken reason. It'll forever bother me that it was New Year's at some point and then their first anni. when it feels like they haven't done anything towards that end. At least Mero didn't end up a one dimensional villain, I'd have also liked to have seen the talk between Yukine and her eldest daughter. I like the whole "she cares" angle but it still is a masive fucking stretch. It was decent outside of episode 9 and 11, with IdolBaba being the best episode I've seen in a while. Hope GBC sticks the landing.
Nothing can be as bad as this, anon.
If Takeshita is as gutsy as Kawamura it's still possible to expect his vision on Mahiru's feelings
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Reading through the replies at the moment, and there is an user asking a similar question to yours
>When did you guys come up with the shocking developments in episode 9? At what stage of production that was decided?

>What does Mahiru's expression when she was looking at Kano talking about her reason to sing here means?
>Did you write MahiKano's relationship intended for it to be a romantic one?
>From the kiss in ep5 and all the lyrics, it's obvious that Kano likes Mahiru. Well then, can you define what kind of feelings Mahiru has for Kano?
>What do you think of Mahiru's feeling towards Kano? Post-ep12, will their relationship proceed or will they stays as just friends?
There are at least 4 questions touching at the nature of Kano and Mahiru's relationship at the moment. Let see if they will actually answer any of them.

Bonus an interesting one I found
>Please explain how you guys came up with the idea of drawing Mei-chan's underwear in ep12! I want to thanks the guy who proposed this idea and congratulate the animator in charge! Thank you for drawing it so carefully! I love Mei-chan!!
if they dont answer any of the questions about mahiru and kano's relationship im going to boycott any future work the writer and director touch
I just hope their answer don't end up being "Oh no, we don't meant it to be romantic. They're just very important to each other.".
you'll get an unironic "open to interpretation" at best
I find it very unlikely, is there anything to gain with answering the questions? If the answer is no, then saying so will make them lose the yuri fans and solidify the show as actual yuri bait. If the answer is yes, then it would indicate they couldn't confirm it because of higher ups, throwing them under the bus and possibly souring the relationship between the director and them, as information like that would spread like fire.
The problem is that they're asking the wrong questions. A simple "who tops?" would be easy to answer and provide all the information we're looking for.
They're trying to ask it Ina way it sounds serious enough that the director may answer. Your question would be seem as a joke.
Just need Teren to ask it.
Can someone explain what happened in Comic Girls? Sucks to have no translations
Koyume and Tsubasa went on the same ferris wheel as episode 5, confessed, and now they live together.
That’s very nice! I can barely recognize the character designs on the screenshot above though, was there a timeskip involved?
No, those are another pairing.
>muh teenage girls fucking around is yuri
There is a reason almost no yuri shows the girls aged up and still in a relationship, it's only meant to be a phase.
They will probably not address any question about yuri lol
obviously because they are cowards.
There are plently of yuri manga with timeskips showing the girls still together. Hell, it even happens in CGDCTs.
there are girls kissing eachother on the cheek and apparently thats less gay than telling your friend shes special?
Goodbye Sekai
And how many of them are actually relevant?
Also CGDCT is not yuri.
YagaKimi and Citrus are two of the most popular and best selling yuri manga.

>CGDCT isn’t yuri
I didn’t say it inherently was, although there are some CGDCT that are yuri. I merely pointed out that series about girls being friends with each other doesn’t end with them getting boyfriends either.
I’m always disappointed when it happens. It seems like the characters are just wasting the years of their lives before getting together, as the authors typically fail to create any meaningful reason for why this relationship has suddenly become possible when it wasn’t before
Now you're being dishonest, of all the yuri/yuribait anime aired how many of them have timeskips where they stay in confirmed relationships?
What was the last yuri manga to have such an ending?
Almost all of them? The girls going through a phase is the exception these days, not the norm. Feel free to provide multiple examples if you think I’m wrong.
>Almost all of them?
I have you two popular examples. It was uncommon or rare, why would two of the most successful ones have it?
Something can be popular just because it's rare, unless you give proofs that's it's standard practice it's cherrypicking. And keep it anime related.
To prove that it’s standard practice, I would have to go through every yuri anime. I can name more examples, if you want: TenTen, Sakura Trick, AdaShima, G-Witch, New Game, and probably a few others I can’t name off the top of my head.
>sneaking in copeouts
There's no point in continuing this conversation. Also proof means the girls being aged up together and referring themselves as an couple, not just hanging around.
You don't know what you're talking about, the phase thing you're referring to (i.e. Class S) is supposed to be innocent youthful experimenting, romantic friendship stuff.
Actually becoming girlfriends and having sex already crosses that line, none of those old-fashioned nips would condone it.
Which ones? Because all of those are undisputed as yuri.
What are you talking about, one of the most common Class S tropes is upperclassmen having girlfriends.
Yes, if they were okay answering that then they likely would have the confirm yuri or confirm not yuri.>>268078758
>Although Class S can broadly be described as a form of love between girls,[4] it is distinct from a romantic relationship or romance fiction in that it is used specifically to describe platonic relationships based on strong emotional bonds and very close friendship, rather than sex or sexual attraction.
You should watch MariMite, it specifically deals with where the line between Class S and romance is.
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>The girls going through a phase is the exception these days
We get lots of stories where being straight is a phase though.
>>>>>>>wikipedia on a subject involving sex
It doesn't involve sex anon, that's kind of the point.
This is the last time I fall for an anime original bait
My bad, let me rephrase it
>wiki on a subject about lgbt
>Esu relationships were mostly deemed socially acceptable, “a positive training ground for future kindnesses to husbands and children,” “a natural stage in life, innocent and commonplace. Many thought them to be non-physical platonic relationships and thus unthreatening.” Nevertheless, the girls were expected to get married to a man after graduation (Frederick 2005, 68).
You happier now?
>girls get very intimate but not in a relationship, then grow out of it and marry a man
>girls get very intimate but in a relationship, then grow out of it and marry a man
I don't see a difference personally.
Tell that to the nips, cause they do, insert 'obsession with female purity' arguments here.
Point is, Class S ideology is definitely not extinct, yuri subtext is in fact a byproduct of it, but actual maintext yuri is in direct contrast with that.
It's the reason why Kano could kiss Mahiru but she couldn't date her.
Relationship that stays within teenage years lis pretty much the natural evolution of Class S. Clam jamming is not real sex either way. Class S was mostly focused in purity and girls-only enviroments.
Wake me up when the Manga catches up
>yuri subtext is in fact a byproduct of it
Yuri subtext almost never ends with the girls getting married to men though.
>Clam jamming is not real sex either way.
You would think a burgery guy posting in 21st century using a computer or phone to do it would have a bit more broader approach regarding sex than 10th century texts.
I do not care about what lgbtloonies think.
If that was the case, subtext anime girls would get together all the time, becoming lovers is crossing the line, Class S is the renown "more than friends, less than lovers" phase.
I already pointed you towards several sources you can use if you want to know more, but throwing random arbitrary conclusions around won't do you any good.
And it doesn't end with them getting married to girls either.
That's because "muh interpretation", yurifags can imagine a future with them marrying their subtext super-friends while old-timers can imagine them conforming to their anachronistic principles.
Everyone is a happy customer.
G-Witch is the only recent original that had the balls to make the girls explicitly lesbians and marry them off. Everything else only amounted to varying degrees of headcanon and cowardice.
That's right, and to think that even then the suits felt the need to come out and declare that their wedding, that is confirmed beyond doubt in the final episode, is actually up to interpretation, is very telling of the state of the industry even today.
>old-timers can imagine them conforming to their anachronistic principles
And what’s stopping them from imaging that the girls in full yuri manga break up with each other after the final chapter? A full yuri ending isn’t a protection against anything.
Have you even been following the conversation?
If a girl fucks another girl then she crossed the line, she's impure, they don't care about her anymore.
Don't you remember when Love Live Niji had that pretty explicit Yuu/Ayumu scene in S1, and a bunch of nips went bonkers and assaulted the creators on twitter because they went too far?
They didn't even fucking kiss.
>she's impure, they don't care about her anymore
Maybe for some of them, but like our friend here, a lot of them don’t think that yuri relationships count. Kano kissed Maihiru and most fans didn’t freak out even though it was more explicit than all (which has a yuri marriage in one of its continuities).
Farewell, YoruKurabros, what a time it was. Hope to see you in Yuniko's wild ride next season.
Did Kano get together with Mahiru though?
Of course not, much to the dismay of yurifags around the world.
A kiss on the cheek is still an innocent act, it doesn't automatically cross into the realm of lovers, so old-fags can still rationalize it, or at least that's what the anime creators were likely counting on, I haven't checked whether there was some backlash about it or not.
See you anon. Like it was said above in the thread, I'm not expecting anything from a PA Works original, but at least the fanservice should be good.
And even then, while g witch says on ep 1 that it is normal there for girls to marry, they never show any girl having a more blatant gay interacting like a kiss, even if mobs in the background. They can't even have two girls being described somewhere as lovers. And while they go with the marriage thing through, at the end when it actually became a thing they had to say and signal it indirect with rings and saying, sister in law instead of having one of two refer to the other as their wife.

All this roundabout way they had to go to tell us they indeed ended together show how much Japanese execs are afraid of saying it out loud.
Surely there will be another thread tomorrow when the mini drama hits. At least I hope so, I don't want to say goodbye to this series yet.
She used “tsuki ga kirei desu” which is romantic in her lyrics for Mahiru and she wanted to reciprocate. That’s unambiguously romantic.
By a bunch you mean few loud faggots? Because most of them love stuff like that.
Yes of course, at this point people should be fully aware that they will never get the complete victory they yearn for. Anime writers and producers will always find a way to undermine their own creation. A monkey paw will activate one way or another. People have to make the most of what they get.
I won't pretend to be able to tell where exactly the threshold should be, it's a matter of perception, the creators obviously thought they could get away with putting those lines in a song, but didn't feel safe with showing any kind of romantic outcome for it.
An yet the girls in Love Live never become lovers, guess the creators are too blind to see the gold mine in front of them.
we need to campaign for jellyfish s2 bros
Dogakobo will never do it. This show was a one and done deal. It wasn't even popular to warrant more of it getting done. It's over
whats the point of showing kano playing guitar if she was never going to do it live. especially when the songs had guitar in them. WHY
The biggest issues of the anime originated from the writer’s unwillingness to deal with certain subjects and topics. Simply extending the screen time would do nothing to fix that
>Shuumatsu Train had a better ending than this
Called it, and it's not even about yuri or not (Shuumatsu had none), but giving a proper payoff to the stuff you wrote over the course of the story.
the power of having an experienced anime script writer vs a LN slop writer
It’s even more impressive given that Train was gutted at the planning stage. I wish we could have seen what the original two cour version would look like
>original two cour version
I think there was more than enough filler as is, adding more episodes would've just amounted to fighting more stupid deformed people with no connection to the main plot.
To be fair, Shuumatsu Train's story was very linear and straightforward. You could have skipped three fourths of the cour and still arrived at the same setup for the finale, whereas Yorukura built up a dozen different drama subplots over the course of the show that needed to be included in the ending.
Goodbye to the last Yorukura thread to hit bump limit.
Last for Mei kissing feetgirl, Mero, Kiui, Nonotan, Ariel, Miiko and Yukine.
i hope this anime gets remembered in 10 years. no one talks about my favorite anime ever
GBC won
Shuumatsu, YoruKura and Henjin were my favorites this season.
Last for MahiKano won.
MeiKano won thoughever
That has been the case every week except for episodes 1 and 5, and even then, GBC retroactively mogged the fuck out of those episodes too in the end
What's your favorite anime?

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