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New series/simulpub launched today.

>OMORI 001 (2024) (Digital) (danke-Empire)

Read online:

>After— something— changed his life four years ago, Sunny has not left his house once, living in his own reclusive bubble. Hoping for a fresh start for her son, his mother decides to move their family out of town. However, when his childhood friend Kel re-enters his life, Sunny finds himself thrust back into a world he once knew. With only three days before the move, the duo come across familiar faces as they go through town — reawakening a dark past that Sunny has tried so hard to forget.
well that was boring
what's the point if the only change you're making is reordering stuff a bit?
Fucking finally
/cm/ wins again
Storytime it fag.
Yeah the artist is definitely a shotacon.
>not dumping
you're new, aren't you?
and grass is green
This really felt pointless
What the fuck is this pacing? They totally ruined all of the mystery of the early game
>starting with Faraway and going to Headspace after fighting Aubrey
for fuck's sake, why?
Bejitabros... we won
I'm coping and thinking it means they're going to diverge from the original story. When they first announced it they said it was going to be aimed at both people who were familiar with the game and those who weren't.
The artist made Omori even sexier
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Not sure how to feel about the pacing and it's probably not going to be compelling if you haven't played the game but I'm glad to see my son.
The art is nice but so far I'm not hooked.
The K Manga app is useless. I've been to hentai doujin websites that had a better GUI.
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What a bizarre choice to make Sunny so expressive. I'll wait and see how it plays about but I feel like it takes away how disassociated Sunny seemed on day 3 in game.
It also makes this scene peculiar. Basil being a nervous wreck is par the course but Sunny having this reaction makes me think he is already lucid about the Truth.
So it's just retreading the story? But why
>Page 42
GOD! FUCKING! DAMNIT! I feel like such a schizo! That never happened to me ingame!
This is probably going to be an alternate timeline sequel to the game.
Can some anon post the pages here please?
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k, I'll do it

OP's pic is page 01.
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Kel looks so cute here.
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We Mieruko-chan now.
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shits gay as fuck
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Thanks anon!
Well that was boring. Putting White Space after Faraway felt weird. Makes it seem like Sunny is hallucinating in broad daylight.
The artist drew toxic shota yaoi. I wouldn't be surprised if Omofat hand picked her herself.
I'm guessing this is an introductory chapter for the plebs that never played the games.
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>Not starting out in White Space
Mmmmmm no.
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>Omocat got her weeb adaptation before Toby Fox

imagine that
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To be fair, Undertale and the other games already have comics being pumped out regularly for it so a manga adaptation isn't really necessary.
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>5'11 vs 6'0
There was absolutely NO need to make Kel so fuckable. AT ALL
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Has Toby even shown interest in translating Undertale/Deltarune to other media? He included "making a comic" in the original Undertale kickstarter, but nothing came out of it AFAIK.

Look at those hips!
I hope there's a Sunny/Basil kiss scene.
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>Included the hairy legs
Okay, points on being soul.
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Fuckable Kel was absolutely essential to the plot. How else was Sunny gonna leave his goon cave?
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Suntan a cute
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Everyone is fuckable in this manga.

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Page 29.

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What the fuck is her problem.
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What a (fuckable) bitch.
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Bratty Aubrey needs urgent correction
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>Just revealing how reality is like before we explore head space
Why? Also didn't they make Aubrey ultra mean spirited compared to how she talks to him in the game? She does try to mock him for shutting himself out, but it's not nearly as vicious as this. Nor does she go on about Mary being obviously dead, or not forgiving him. Unless this is all Sunny imagining it.
She looks rail thin which makes sense I guess but holy fuck
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She looks a lot more bratty than in the game. maybe its the size of her head relative to her body.
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I think the artist (and OMOCAT) wanted to start with strong drama to catch the interest of readers who haven't played the game.

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She fucked around and found out.
>I think the artist (and OMOCAT) wanted to start with strong drama to catch the interest of readers who haven't played the game.
The game already did that excellently imo. Start off with something cute, then hint the underlying sinister stuff.
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Maybe they found the introduction of the game too long for a single chapter?

I always imagined he just kind of nicked her awkwardly with the knife, not seemingly cut her damn arm in half.
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They really overdid this.
This was my favorite fight in the game because of just how anticlimactic it was when the option to stab her pops up like in every other battle
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Goddamn why do they have to have such kissable faces?
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There’s a difference between playing a completed game where you go through 2 hours of cute preamble before the game’s story properly starts and reading a serialized story with weekly/monthly installments where they have to establish the hook in chapter 1 so the readers can have at least a baseline understanding of the premise. They’re two entirely different mediums and need to be paced differently as a result.
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Kel is even cuter here.
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>that pose
Does this artist do shota porn or something? The art style really gives that impression for some reason.
I still insist to this very day that I never stabbed Aubrey, but her two friends. Nobody believes me.
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>Made Aubrey(cute) and Aubrey(punished) pure sex from the getgo
>Made Kel(shota) the cutest of them all
This man understood the assignment
Built for big college frat boy cock
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I can't wait for adult Hero!
She did. The artist draws toxic shota yaoi.
I am NOT a shotcon
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>bedroom eyes
It's only the first chapter and the artist has already given up trying to hide his/her shotacon lust.
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>holding hands
>The artist drew toxic shota yaoi. I wouldn't be surprised if Omofat hand picked her herself.
Based and living the dream.
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Well, to be fair, little Basil's shota charm already couldn't even be contained in the game itself, so of course the mangaka was going all out from the start.
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And that's the end of the first chapter. What are your thoughts on it?
Honestly changing the order of important events feels weird, but I kinda understand the artist/OMOCAT's motives.
Damn what a cutie of a sister. Surely nothing bad will happen to her.
It's nice enough I guess. Artstyle admittedly is throwing me off since the game already has a fairly distinct one.
It was a decent start. the order can be easily fixed if, when the first Dreamspace adventure ends, next chapter goes again to Sunny waking up and makes a brief "how did we get here again" recap segment until meeting Aubrey and Basil in the real world
I feel like they should've started with headspace like in the game, pesonally
Jesus Christ did Sunny try to fucking murder Aubrey here lmao
Sorry Hero, but you're not beating the boywife allegations!
>What are your thoughts on it?
Boring and jarring if you played the games and probably exciting if you have. Plenty of food for lolisho enjoyers to survive the winter. Patiently awaiting chapter 2.
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My delinquent wife is cute even when drawn by a shota specialist!
Just apply the sacred ointment.
... and Basil
I just noticed he and Sunny are holding hands in that photo.
Inwomder if I should play the game first then read the manga.
Been hearing about this game cuz I follow the artist on Twitter
I am going to RUIN this twink for marriage then take responsibility!
Yes, you know too much as it is already.
Don't look anything else up, don't participate in any threads, just play the game and follow these directions.

Open the door when someone knocks.
Water all of the flowers every day.
And explore everything thoroughly.
To add on to this, you don't have to stab people actually. It is funny though.
I can’t wait to see the adaptation of the church scene, the game format couldn’t possibly convey how goddamn awkward that whole exchange would’ve been.
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either sunny talks or he's expressive
and they went with the wrong option
I disagree. Seeing "mute" characters talk always feels wrong.
I would never play a 20 hour game of this but I would read a manga of it
Just remember: Everything is going to be okay.
Hero canonically tagged Sunny btw.
The game is rather long considering it's a pretty basic RPG but is carried by the story, visuals and music. So far based on literally one chapter they're accelerating the pacing since that was one of the big criticisms and changing the order of events in a way that's a little weird.
This would eviscerate tienshinhan btw
undertale has only ever gotten like 2 4 koma joke comics
toby is notourisly autistic about doing things with his IP
The way this artist draws Basil is pure sex. I kind of hope the story is different from the game just so we see more of him.
The only way to save this manga is for the artist to draw a full chapter of Basil getting screwed in the ass by a fat oji-san
Seconding playing the game and answering the door, game drags a bit in the middle parts but it’s worth it to get through the full story
nah, it's cool af
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I won't fap to Basil you can't make me
I hate it, never let a stupid bitch write a manga. Fucking cunt already broke the chain of events.
Maybe that's the story split where it's a lot more serious, I got the same impression but shit's looking like she got slashed by Sukuna or something
>Local girl not so bratty after getting stabbed in half
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so how bad was it?
This nigga lookin' ZESTY, this nigga lookin' MOIST, he's got sugar in his tank, he's light on his feet, he's a Ill bit fruity, he plays for the other team, he dances at the other end of the ballroom, this nigga theatrical, this nigga good with colors, this nigga gonna coordinate yo curtains wit you cushions and that shit gonna look good! This nigga lifts shirts, this nigga on the down low, this nigga be a tollet trader, this nigga gardens uphill, this nigga packs fudge, he's a friend of Dorothy, he feels the love that dare not speak Its name, he loves to dance, he's of the Uranian brotherhood, he indulges in the French vice, he has an antipathic sexual Instinct, he's fluent in Polari, he's a refugee from Sodom, he's on the wrong bus, he bats for the other team, he's temperamental, he's 'one of if you catch my drift.
Good art, bad pacing.
Hopefully it'll slow down a bit from here on.
Don't worry, Blackspace next chapter.
fuck hope
>No "waiting for something to happen?"
AAAAAHHHH! How could you leave that out?! You better have it show up at a later chapter, OR ELSE!
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>they're accelerating the pacing since that was one of the big criticisms
Shit was fine, changing the ending wasn't.
This shit mad boring but I have to support fujo shotacon queens
They did not have to draw basil like that
I might have thought otherwise if she actually knew the truth and attacked Basil and Sunny for that reason, but she didn't, so I actually think she deserved this "local bully-as-coping not so tough anymore when the king of coping appears" treatment.
Note how they only focus on Sunny and don't seem much to care for Aubrey having actual cut wounds. They worry about Sunny and couldn't care less about Aubrey at that moment.

That aside, I do wonder if the manga will elaborate on the ending or leave the reaction to Sunny's friends learning the truth of the events up to the audience's interpretation again.
>They did not have to draw basil like that
But We are glad they did
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You mean chapter after next.
Next chapter will be all about Sweetheart, or else I will make sure there's no third chapter.
headspace aubrey >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> punk aubrey
Wrong route detected, dropped
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I can't do it Jesus is watching and it would make him gay
God commanded omocat to create Basil for this specific purpose.
I guess I don't have a choice then. I'll be back in an hour.
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The story would have gone from an 8 to a 10/10 if Mari was a rapist.
The signs were literally all there.
>just becoming /omog/ all over again
My fault really
Behead all Sunflowerfags
SunburnCHADS in
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Finally... finally the man who gets it...
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I'm not sure why Hands was deleted.
It was pure kino
Wasn't that the retard Sunny fic?
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Kel is best boy!
The only person Mari rapes is Hero and with his consent.
Its funny how Hero managed to woo the ultimate girl next door just to lose it all.
Por guy.
>and it would make him gay
This nigga missed the whole "You are the bride of God" stuff
First for Basil is Balkan
the difference between omori and the rest of the cast is uh, a bit less noticeable in a b/w manga
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Cute doggy and kitty
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It's like, Omofat didn't have the guts to say it, but build the entire story around it...
Sunny and Mary are japanese. Kel and Hero are Mexican, but what about Aubrey and Basil?
Whats omori about? I
Getting away with murder
It's been a while since i've seen the pizza here meme. Sunny really shouldn't have lost his cool and pushed her down the stairs. I know she was overbearing, but no need to lose it. Damn, now I want to replay the game.
Basil is an angel
It's about a boy who uses dreams as escapism from what he and his friend did.
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What can change the nature of a shota?
They shouldn't have fucked Mari in the eye...
>anything made by WESTjima
Come on, anon. It's too early to shitpost
Whenever I come across someone determined to assign a nationality to them, most seem to agree that Basil is of Irish descent, and Aubrey is Korean.
there's a silent hill manga?
I thought Aubrey was white
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The thought process seems to be that she's dark haired, and a high percentage of Korean immigrants are Christian, to the point that they have their own churches, and Aubrey regularly attends Church.
In a similar vein, the Bakers are Coptic Egyptians.
I mean probably, this is mostly the mental gymnastics of people determined to have no Anglo-Saxons in their media.

Like Sunny and Mari clearly aren't Japanese when you look at their parents.
Their dad looks Japanese as fuck what the fuck are you talking about? Are there any pure White folks out there that have black hair and almond shaped eyes? Not to mention Omori’s canon favorite food is an Onigiri.
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They look pretty japanese to me
>In a similar vein, the Bakers are Coptic Egyptians.
yes that's obvious (or some other type of middle eastern) but aubrey has BLUE EYES
Is Sweetheart fluffy and yeasty or dense and crumbly?
Need a Go/jo edit but with Aubrey
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The cutest
I want Omori to step on me! ToT
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No those are contacts
What happens if you fluctuate between all the personality disorders, does that make you like a complete human?
call her dense at your own peril
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fluffy like her pillow
I want him to sit on my face
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Omocat getting called Omofat will never not make me laugh. Also sex with Hero.
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Why did they do it?
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The Kid
Omocat will always be second tier.
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They should have had one page be the entire door and as the reader you physically turn the page as if you were opening the door to replicate the idea of how you choose to open the door in the game.
basil is obviously white and as aubrey and basil are both bunnies in blob form aubrey is white as well
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I hate fags (I am indifferent towards fujoshis)
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I mean its obvious that Aubrey is trailer trash. Basil I guess you COULD argue being something else but considering he was hardly raised by his parents he really wouldn't have anything culturally to separate himself from being just a generic white kid.
Kel my beloved.
It's Omori. You could tell me Kel, Basil, and Sunny were in a polycule and it would not surprise me.
Bad mom is bad.
Kel being the most fuckable character is absolutely critical though.
>loser shut-in
Ouch. True, but ouch.
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Sunny earned it
>Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine
I need to marry this man.
Sex with Basil.
Basil sexo.
I'll fap to Kel though.

This is true.
These threads never fail to make me feel like I'm the only one who played this without homo goggles.
>t. Mari
I played it without homo goggles until i saw hero in his pink apron cooking me breakfast
I wasn't full gay until present Kel showed up. At that point, it was over.
>pink apron cooking me breakfast
nothing homo about this
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I wasn't full degenerate back when I played it genuinely because it's a fun game. However now the goggles are glued to my head and I can't go back to enjoying it platonically as long as Basil is involved.
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I'm only here for big titty mari and aubrey
basil is as cute as i remember....
I can't decide if prefer Sunny dominating Aubrey or Aubrey dominating Sunny.
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I like to think they cycle through it weekly
At least use the bat to block you dumb bitch.

Also Sunny is a fucking psycho, if someone stabbed me that I'm never talking to that person ever again.
Too be fair if someone swung a spiked bat at me I'd be a bit miffed at the person.
she tanked that
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sunny seems too shy to be capable of that
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Omori could do it.
no but it made me homo for hero
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fair enough
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Sunny on occasions can be surprisingly forward
I can only hope we get more quality Mari porn out of this. Cabron can't be doing all the work.
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Would they be friends?
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I mean, I think if you're trying to convey the actual difference between Omori and Sunny, having Sunny actually act like a human being is a good way to do so.

I'm not a fan of the reordering of events, but it probably works to grab people who don't know the plot moreso than Basil disappearing from Headspace and then slashing Aubey in the second chapter.
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Well, it's the tragic point of the event: under pressure, a series of ALL the possible wrong decisions followed. And by that time it was too late
In a way, the last shot when they turn around to see sounds like karma, the perfect reminder of "you fucked up THIS bad"
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like any schizoid worth his salt sunny is aggressive and domineering on the inside
what did he mean by this
Too explicit for Xbone
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Snuuy sweat
Is everyone in this thread a crossboard-er? Not shocked, just find it funny
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That's because you are. Trying to separate Omori from the gay shit is like trying to separate the white from rice.
Both are bottoms, sadly.
Reminder that everything would have been avoided if Sunny wasnt born autistic
MY FUCKING HUSBABND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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haha no way
me, on /v/ of all places? dream on
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>Self-centered statements: Using language that emphasizes one’s own thoughts, feelings, and experiences, without considering the perspectives of others.
>Example: “I think I’m the best at this task, and everyone else should follow my lead.”

>Lack of empathy: Failing to consider the feelings and needs of others, and instead focusing solely on one’s own emotions and concerns.
>Example: “I don’t care about what others think; I’m doing what I want.”

>Dominating conversations: Taking over conversations and dominating the discussion, without allowing others to contribute or share their thoughts.
>Example: “I’ve got a great idea, and I’m going to tell you all about it.”

>Disregard for others’ opinions: Ignoring or dismissing the opinions and perspectives of others, without considering their validity or value.
>Example: “I don’t care what you think; my way is the only way to do this.”

No, nonononono, not like this...
What gay shit? The only canon couple is straight and the game implies Sunny has a crush on Aubrey. I was genuinely surprised when I played the game all the way through and saw nothing
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the gaydiation poisoning from basil existing on your screen permanently taints the viewer's perception of reality
>the game implies Sunny has a crush on Aubrey
Says it FLAT OUT.
But most of it is coming from the fact that Omocat is a shotacon first and a fujo second.
Mari and Hero???
sean and karen???
bebe and the maverick???
Also Sweetheart and Captain Spaceboy.
Omori is fujobait. Fags love it because of Basil but the truth is 99% of relationships are straight.
>Draw a girl
>give her hairy legs
>call her a boy
i am needing the source for the artist's old works for... reasons
>Artist already drew sunburn
Basilfags? lost
Suntanfags? lost
Homofags in general? lost

Omocat is an /ss/ connoisseur.
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based. all she needs to do is give us more rarepair content.
The only thing better is Loli x Shota
I want Omori to facefuck me until his pelvis breaks my nose
I still have to see someone love this game and not be a shotacon.
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Hey! Some of us are here for the kid.
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I mean normally I'm not, but Basil does something for me.
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The game is huge fujobait. The plot, aesthetics, boy to girl ratio, the creator being a fujo herself. The straight pairings like HeroMari are peak (Sunburn is okay) but it was definitely made with a boy enjoyer mindset.
Most likely lost media. To my knowledge, all of her comics were published on Twitter under her (@LLLL_NNMN/@666nu_no) handles, but one is empty and the other is deleted. Her new account is @nui_purple if you want to follow her before she prunes all of her work. This is one of her works that was salvaged.
>That Sunny pose
He's just asking to be headpatted.
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Go on Xitter. There are users there that totally like the game for non shotacon reasons. Just ignore that they know who the major Omori shotacon artists are and talk about them constantly.
I'm guessing only Hero and Mari worked part time jobs and the 12? year olds only contributed their allowances.
Basil is an obvsessive psycho.
They all worked. Kel delivered newspapers while Aubrey and Basil sold lemonades.
iirc Kel had a paper route in the game
Hero sexo
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i really need to get my hands on these 3d models
anyone know the person who made them?
the best omori porn is shota yaoi which says a lot
That's a fuckhuge bathroom holy shit.
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am i really the only person who loved the headspace section?
it feels like nearly everyone else in the fandom ignores/hates them and just focuses on the real world sections
>Those eyelashes
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Wait, how can the fight in the church happen now?
What exactly did she do here?
i think she tripped him. notice the position of her leg and the lack of any injury on basil
She healed (spiritually)
Which one?
If you played the games, the story is jarring and boring
If you haven't played the games, the story might've hooked you in
technically you can use the knife in any fight you want if you have it, he just happened to have it early here
fake swung the bat and kicked him over

she never hits anyone with the bat because she doesn't really want to hurt anybody
darn. thanks for the image, though. hoping to find more...

she swung hard enough at kel that it got its own sfx, but she missed
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she missed on purpose you big stupid
Aubrey is white trash
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kel stepped back though...
imagine if she did hit
Imagine having a date with Basil.
Slip roofies into his drink and drag him back to my apartment
Damn, look at that egg.
What would the White Trash of California be? The Appalachians or German Texans?
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honestly the game is still gonna be the best way to experience the story.
i really doubt the manga will ever come close to kino stuff like black space or the omori route
post best tunes
>she doesn't really want to hurt anybody
I'd argue that she does, but more in the vein of giving out a few black eyes, just not Baseball Bat filled with Nails bad.
It's definitely a tool of intimidation, but she wants to kick some asses.
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best song in the game hands down
That just makes Mari look like a cuckuean
I just liked the game, anon, I am also a fellow cis normie freak.
Man she is really pretty Hero is lucky guy
it fears the inevitable defeat.
>leg hair
>no armpit hair
Something doesnt check out
Damn if this is how punished Aubrey looks I cant wait for friendly Aubrey
So this confirms that Omori can actually invaded the real world
its not uncommon for sporty boys to shave their pits because showing hairy pits makes them insecure and/or they think it'll reduce body odor after exercise
All I'm going to say is that hiring an up and coming fujo shotacon mangaka and not having any gay shit in this is the biggest waste of talent imaginable.
Damn, in the game it wasnt that brutal, like he hurt her but it wasnt that bad, you can put this page in bleach or jujutsu kaisen and it would fit
this makes her adversion to them look more justified in the following the days
I came expecting homoshit, but in the end, it was almost totally straight. A pleasant surprise
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The artist quite missed the point of Sunny/Omori, everyone else is on point but they treated Sunny like shit. He is the quiet and expressionless kid for his reactions during the slow realizations of “The Truth” to hit hard, his more human side shouldn’t show up on day fucking one. “B-But that makes him different than Omori” I would accept this if Omori didn’t look like fucking garbage, look at the last page with his DERP EYES. DUDE CAN’T LOOK STRAIGHT HE’S FUCKED, THE OMORI DESIGN IS UGLY AND LOSES THE FUCKING POINT OF THE ORIGINAL DESIGN.
the art is dripping with lust for shotas on every page
the artist understood the point
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>those socks
What the fuck
They are longer than in the first promotional image.
Those are cute boy tier, the longer ones are harlot tier
They started off normal length with Omoriboy and just keep getting longer and paradoxically, sluttier.
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I love this one
why are all of you homosexual
Speak for yourself faggot the Mari/Sunny is peak
Boys are cute
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very much disagreed
here for aubrey and mari.
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Because cute shotas are the only thing that can penetrate my stone cold heart.
Stand proud Aubrey, you were strong.
No one cares
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The problem most people have with the Headspace sections is that they drag on for way too long. Some locations are better about it like the creepy forest, but most of the time, I just want the plot to move along which is ironic because not moving the plot along is part of the plot.
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Wait, what? Do people really hate the headspace sections? I wasn't a huge fan of the later stuff because it didn't really make any sense (which is the point) but the earlier stuff was great.
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sweetheart's castle and humphrey really fuck the pacing, but i loved headspace. spaceboy was the first fight that got me into it. i wouldn't even have liked omori as much as i do without the headspace build up.

>20+hours in a dreamscape
>Left with no real answers
>Jump to Faraway and Kel is refreshingly different
>Fight a monster in a poster that lets you know shit ain't right with this kid
>Stab Aubrey on pure reflex of doing what you had for 2 dozen hours. Fight ends there and everyone freaks out
That feeling when the scope of dissonance sinks was masterclass. I fully believe anyone who started with faraway first missed out completely.
Yeah that moment was so great. The game recognizing "wait a minute, you just fucking stabbed someone, that's not normal" but you, just like Sunny had been spending so much time in Headspace you don't even think twice about it.
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>sweetheart's castle and humphrey really fuck the pacing
Sweetheart and Humphrey dragged like molasses, but those two segments are interesting both contextually and metatextually. They're deliberately long as Sweetheart's Castle represents the long repetitive violin practice Sunny had to endure when practicing with Mari and Humphrey is literally just Omori throwing random shit at the wall as a last ditch effort to stop Sunny from learning The Truth, but the game is already long as is and there are regions which are entirely optional. Those two locations tried to make a point, but the point was the exact same point the rest of the game was unintentionally making.
Take your meds
>Sweetheart's Castle represents the long repetitive violin practice Sunny had to endure when practicing with Mari
[citation needed]
The game?
>Girl waves a spiked bat around
>OMG why do you have a knife
Are they brits?
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Cabron singlehandedly made hundreds of anons play the game thinking it had incest in it
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Start with the cute chapter, interrupt it when you run out of pages and hint on the sinister stuff. A lot of manga have this kind of a hook.
I thought it's a jumpscare when Kel came to the house so my first route was the hikki one. I was in for a rude awakening during faraway town on my 2nd playthrough.
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last chapter leaked
what's it like having a basil bf?
Do you think the others forgave them
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Didn't this fandom almost get someone to off themself or am I thinking of another one?
It's just the basilfag from /vg/ shitting up the thread(her usual modus operandi) because she knows her dead ship will get btfo again.
Kel's hairy legs hnnggg
The Headspace sections are great, but they're also very long. I think more people would like them if they weren't aware they're painfully fake and mostly act to detract from the main real world plot.
Not at all. Despite what media in general tries to parrot, hopelessly traumatized people do not actually immediately bond with other hopelessly traumatized people.
Kel totally would have, Hero and Aubrey would definitely take some time.
>I accidentally pushed Mari down the stairs, I was responsible for her death
They probably would
>Also Basil and I covered it up by making it look like she hanged herself and left you all with crippling self-doubt for years
Think of it like this, Waltz sounds good, but hearing the same song over and over in a castle so big and monotone that you forgot where you are perfectly represents Sunny's frustrations. Sweetheart is also a perfectionist kind of like Mari.
Kel would for sure, but he’d probably keep his distance.
Aubrey would eventually, knowing that the whole thing was a horrible accident rather than Mari deliberately offing herself would give some peace of mind. She’d still be big mad though.
Hero is the wildcard. He’a dependable and potentially would be understanding but we’ve seen what a callous asshole he can become when overcome with his trauma and depression, so who knows what happens when that old wound is reopened and he has a target to point to.
also can't actually hear the duet in a manga
I still don't played this yet, it's incest or what?
There's no incest, not even implied. You fell for the memes.
Oh yeah. Loads of incest. It's like a Habsburg family reunion in Alabama.
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>This is what Hero used to see every night.
No wonder he's angry, he lost his perfect 15yo high-school gf
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Some other f/a/g too the opportunity to save some of her works. Just follow this thread if you really care.
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Kill Aubrey. Behead Aubrey. Roundhouse kick Aubrey into the concrete. Slam dunk baby Aubrey into the trashcan. Crucify that filthy whore. Launch Aubrey into the sun. Stir fry Aubrey in a wok. Toss Aubrey into an active volcano. Urinate into Aubrey's gas tank. Judo throw Aubrey into a wood chipper. Twist the Aubrey's head off. Report Aubrey to the IRS. Karate chop Aubrey in half. Curb stomp pregnant Aubrey. Trap Aubrey in quicksand. Crush Aubrey in the trash compactor. Liquefy Aubrey in a vat of acid. Eat Aubrey. Dissect Aubrey. Exterminate Aubrey in the gas chamber. Stomp Aubrey's skull with steel toed boots. Cremate Aubrey in the oven. Lobotomize Aubrey. Mandatory abortions for Aubrey. Grind Aubrey fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Aubrey in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Aubrey with a ray gun. Kick old Aubrey down the stairs. Feed Aubrey to alligators. Slice Aubrey with a katana.
Sunny is SMALL
Damn, that would be cool
Shut the fuck up Basil.
First half is just a 1:1 recreation of the game, it's weird.
The second half is great, better than I expected.
I wonder how will their kids look like.
Calm down Kel, all she did was swing a bat at you.
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Monoko, probably
Rejoice! In another desperate attempt from Twitter to cancel Omofat, they found the artist's previous works.
You know this can be solved by just ignoring them?
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I was just browsing Twitter for more Omori art. The link was in my timeline and I wanted to post it because I know some people here are interested in the artist's previous works.
fake western fans cannot handle the power of a real fujo https://twitter.com/ozukeim/status/1805440253194338504
a shotacon degenerate is the perfect artist for Omori
also who gives a shit none of this is real
yeah that's why it's so funny. how can you call yourself an omori fan if your immediate response when you hear "the manga is by a yaoi shota artist" isn't "yeah that makes sense"
There's some suspect lines of dialogue and some shit left on the cutting floor wasn't there?
Lol you faggots led them right too her, I knew this would happen.
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Is there a reason people care this much about fictional characters? Or do they just get off on cancelling people?
These people spend so much time online they genuinely think anime children are real children that need to be defended. They report lolisho enjoyers to the authorities despite the authorities telling them that there is nothing illegal about that. Some even said to just jack off to child porn and get it over with.
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since omocat had already caved and made an apology two previous times she got a shota controversy, should we expect her to do the same this time and condemn the mangaka/cancel their collaboration?
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You lost
>Faggot zesty artist gets replaced
>We get a new /ss/ artist
/ss/ is lame. Shotas x Shota is the purest form of love
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Disgusting faggot. Shota x loli is the best combo.
Kunoito has only ever drawn yaoi lmao
Many states still allow child marriages:
Fictional character gets drawn lewdly:
>"Cancel her! Her life should be ruined! She should never get work ever again!"
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My wife is so cute
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Bros was Aubrey too strong???
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Sunburn is peak. Any other opinion is wrong.

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Very True
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Sunflower is a good 2nd place.
And if we're stretching, I want HeroXPolly.
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literally any other ship comes before sunflower
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Sunny just doesn't have the right chemistry with Kel, let alone Hero.
Though I do want to see the post-canon adventures of Kel, Aubrey, and Basil being friends again. I've only seen this one comic exploring the idea.
That I can't find where I saved it, son of a bitch.
Would Sunny wear an eyepatch or opt for a glass eye?
eyes are pretty tough his healed fine surely
He got stabbed by a twink in the middle of a mental breakdown wielding gardening shears.
I'm not sure he has an eye left.
Okay Mari
Sunny doesn't have chemistry with anyone. He's an emotionless husk for 99% of the game.
Emotionally taxing.
How much power do you think is in basil's feeble little bitchboy arms?
Eyes can recover from a hell of a lot of damage, Sunny will be back to looking his boyfriend in the eyes in no time.
Seeing as how he doesn't seem to have a bike, his grandma doesn't have a car, and Polly's is nowhere to be seen, he's strong enough to haul bags of potting soil and fertilizer from the supermarket, to the poor side of town where he lives.
Flower Boy stronk.
He probably gets neighborhood men to help him in exchange for sexual favors. After what he did to Sunny he's no doubt an expert manipulator.
Been meaning to play this for a while, can I beat the game by the time the next chapter comes out?
Will Basil go to jail?
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The inmates would worship him like an angel. Anyone who even thinks about raping him gets beaten to death by all the others.
This but the opposite.
The perfect pick, basically.
Knife? Way more powerful than a spiked bat.
Probably, the game's main story is around 20 hours but it has two paths and a lot of optional content.
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Stupid bitch deserved it for hurting Basil
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It took me a month to beat the game, but that was back when I was a NEET and my save fine clocked in 30 hours. If you have time to kill and a tolerance for slow pacing, give it a gom
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Aubrey did nothing wrong.
yay ryonabait
>Aubrey looks like a gremlin
>Meanwhile every male looks like they drain old men fluids.
>im soooorry
It honestly looks like Omori is wearing a skirt and stockings here.
>shotacon artist pays more attention to boys than to girls
What a shock.
Needs Bunches
I love these plushies. I hope they make Faraway versions.
I mean, it's a fujo self-insert
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Would much prefer a Kel bf desu
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Based chad enjoyer
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also a very slept on battle theme
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Love that one.
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I'm a big fan of those Omari AUs where Mari accidentally killed Sunny instead
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I recommend double loading that one

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I also enjoy suffering-porn
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I've read too many fanfics to be affected by much any more
two of them
He didn't need an adaptation, he practically became Japanese and makes media primarily for Japan now.
All bad pacing choices will be redeemed if they go for the best ending OYASUMI
She’s so cute… remember to fuck your sister!
Toby got Zun-sama to tell him he's a pretty good dev, that's better than 1000 orgasm for him.
I mean he technically did (in the sense of fucking over the life she could have lived)
And besides, there's some evidence to suggest that Toby and Omocat are friends, so even if he's jealous he's not bitter about it.
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Is the hikikomori route worth slogging through the game again? I liked it but some parts really drag on.
>some parts really drag on
90% chance you're bitching about Last Resort and Humphrey, right?
Where you were so engrossed in what was going on in the real world that the fantasy world didn't hold much power over you anymore no matter how hard it tried to drag you in?
Because your waking hours are limited to doing a chore before going back to bed, the pacing is a lot more even in the Hikki route.
It's mostly the same up until after what you would see in the Sunny Route, then there's new content.
The only thing you need to know is not to talk to the thing in the basement of the castle until after you collect all the strongest gear from the tentacles.
The game goes a lot faster the second go round because you can skip all the side quests and stuff, along with now skipping the daytime stuff too. The game doesn't really change until black space but it does get a lot cooler after that.
Wait, really? Did they interact on twitter in the past or something?
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pic related, toby fox doing one of the jukebox tracks for omori, and some other stuff, as well as the infamous tweet that isn't confirmed as referring to omori
not reading it, the game fucking sucks
Huh, the more you know I guess.
Toby Fox tweeted all the way back in 2014 that there was a game (implied to be Omori) that was too similar to a game concept he was tinkering with that wasn't Undertale (implied to be Deltarune).
I think Toby and Omo would be a cute couple. Let Temmie be the cuckqueen of the relationship.
Cabron’s omori art changed me…
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>Life changed by some random latino man who draws girlfeets
Many such cases
DO NOT fuck your sister
I think you misspelled something. The best omori porn is incest
You both seem to have spelling problems, you clearly meant to type loli/shota
the best omori porn is any that exists, caters to (You)r fetishes, and doesnt look like its drawn by a middle schooler with ms paint unless that's (You)r fetish
there was a fan theory that i really disliked that mentioned Sweetheart represented Mari and Spaceboy represented Hero, and that the Mari/Hero relationship was more like that than what it seems to be
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basil sex
sex with basil
Holy basiled
Omori has stuff for shotacons, fujos and big sistercons. What about lolicons..
This chapter in the manga is going through a way greater section of the game than the intro, though.
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There's aubrey for plebs like you
You get Dreamworld Aubrey, wearing a long shirt, a pink hairbow, and perhaps nothing else.
We have the opportunity for some cute Aubrey upskirts in this manga, let’s hope.
I mean, the author clearly has a preference, but she might enjoy Aubrey and Mari, and maybe Kim if we ever see the fucking Hooligans.
My beloveds.

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