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Why is Bleach the most influential manga among the former Big 3?
middle is literally wizard Naruto what are you on
le all orgazerinos are the gotei and espada
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he's a sword guy with a shikai and bankai
I just think the hollow evolution process is neat.
it's easier to mimic than One Piece I suppose
And left is modern naruto. Your point?
Is MHA the only one mostly influenced by Naturo?
The concepts are cool
It's a cool series
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Kagurabachi's author stated that Naruto is his biggest inspiration, and he did try to make a ninja manga before
Kagurabachi itself as a series is pretty Bleach-coded though
>Modern Naruto
I can agree with that. Bleach sticks out to me out of the big 3 due to it's concepts and grimdark setting
Bleach has the best power system and is more suited to the more mature taste of modern shonen mangaka.
Sometimes i feel like there's some sort of cultural gap that makes the japanese enjoy Bleach more than the west, because holy shit is the plot of Bleach utter garbage, and I'm a huge fan of the series.
Naruto and OP have huge issues as well, don't get me wrong, but both of those series feel like they have overarching themes that are well executed and decent plots that are developed over time and go somewhere, Bleach feels completely aimless from the start, and while Soul Society as an arc is excellent, it both feels disconnected from what happened before, and feels like it leads nowhere, there's no plot progression, Ichigo has no goals, the characters have cool designs but they don't really do anything, there's like 10 different evil organizations but they don't really feel threatening, the world feels small because somehow the main character is connected to every single villain in a personal way. I don't know man, Kubo is an amazing artist but i don't think this motherfucker wanted to actually write anything.
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A boring, uninspiring shit manga like Bleach inspiring other boring, uninspiring shit manga like My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen and Black Clover will never ever put Kubo in the same realm as Tezuka and Toriyama and will never ever make him relevant in any timeline. Oda is on a league of his own, because One Piece can't be soullessly aped. It actually requires effort unlike those slops.
that explains why all of the new gen is so fucking dogshit
Because >katana and every possible element you can make them shoot.
Netflix adaption look slop
Japan literally gave zero fucks about Bleach. It lagged so far behind the other two in the "big three". Really Kubo should be thankful that they even did a big 3 shilling campaign because OP and Naruto were simply leagues ahead of Bleach in fame, popularity, sales, and brand recognition. Look at how it even got axed by the end.
simple: Tite Kubo is a futurist
Bleach isn't plot centric, like at all. You said it. Bleach's plot only exists to facilitate its characters interacting. The drama and interest doesn't come from some machinations of the situation but from characters being the way they are. Bleach really only had two major villains anyway and both of them had very strong reasons to be related to Ichigo.

Combine that with Kubo's poetic way of writing dialogue or his way of framing scenarios (normally grouped under "cool factor") and you have a series that is more novelistic in pace and delivery than battle shonens are used to be. Reading Bleach in bulk and reading it week to week as it was coming out is a massively different experience. It's just so much better read in bulk because the actual chapters are slow in pace and lingering ("the coolness" it is called) which violated the sensibilities of shonen readership in a week to week schedule.
The kishimoto cock slurper has arrived with his seethe.
Let's be honest, KnY, Kagurabachi and JJK are way better written than Naruto.
I'm well aware of all that, but for some reason the current gen of mangaka seem particularly inspired by Bleach/Kubo, which is surprising.

All good points, but even considering the fact that Bleach has so much cool shit, all of that gets buried under the immense weight of how dogshit the progression of events is in the story, besides the Aizen twist I can't think of a single plot event in Bleach that actually challenged the expectations of the reader. I feel like the japanese appreciate the coolness of it all a bit more than the typical western shounen fan, which is fine, but still unexpected, especially considering the other popular manga at the time.
And I forgot to add, this was why Bleach was the least popular of the 3. Shonen readership has a very set in stone idea of what a good battle shonen should be. Bleach never had a real chance with them.
>Bleachtard immediately brings up Naruto out of the blue
many such cases
>besides the Aizen twist I can't think of a single plot event in Bleach that actually challenged the expectations of the reader.
I find that hard to believe given the fact that Bleach had a substantially larger number of haters crying about asspulls or retcons every other chapter compared to others in the big 3. It seemed like people's problem with Bleach was that it could be too unpredictable with its developments. I don't really think it was, most of the things are foreshadowed or set up early to be exploited later and the manga being predictable, if you are paying attention, is what I would assume good writing should be. But that was a major issue for the shonen readership back in the day.
>thread about the big 3 and their successors
>out of the blue
Naruto is the most blatant example of poor writing dresed up with melodrama. It's the worst offender.
Anon, you and the western (read American) shonen fans are just massive plot whores. That's the reason.
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>out of the blue
narutard-kun, this is a thread about the big 3...
In recent years, Bleach has been reevaluated positively on forums like 5ch.
Although you need high level Japanese skill to understand, the characters' dialogue and word choices are considered the most refined and beautiful among the Big 3.
Conversely, Naruto is often criticized for Kishimoto's low writing skills, with character dialogues sounding ridiculously awkward in Japanese, leading to mockery of Naruto's characters and their timing on 2ch.
Meanwhile, One Piece is probably one of the most ridiculed manga on 5ch nowadays.
Jujutsu doesn't have a captain/ squad system system, how does it fit?
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>best selling manga of all time
>will inevitably surpass superman and become the best selling comic in human history
>has a 200 million dollar live action TV show, became a smash international hit
>set to get a remake by wit studio
meanwhile your pathetic little manga got axed, the anime got cancelled and you have a live action movie that flopped
as far as i'm concerned, you're living under our foot fag boy
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The absurd notion that the origin of the captain/squad system comes from Bleach is completely wrong.
The Gotei 13 in Bleach literally stole the idea from the Shinsengumi, the last samurai squad in Japanese history.
The kimono uniform costumes of the characters in Demon Slayer also taken from them.
>look how many retarded normies like my series
You don't say...
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Because out of the big three, Bleach is the one that the most people read and went "I could probably write these concepts better than this".
I know OP was trying to mean something else, but this is a case of damning by faint praise.
KnY is pretty obvious, but how are JJK and BC inspired by Bleach?
>Main character who gets his powers from the demon in his stomach
>His main power is punching people multiple times simultaneously
>His two best friends are stoic brooding guy and loud violent girl
>They are chaperoned everywhere by white haired blindfold guy
>the characters' dialogue and word choices are considered the most refined and beautiful among the Big 3.
>Conversely, Naruto is often criticized for Kishimoto's low writing skills, with character dialogues sounding ridiculously awkward in Japanese, leading to mockery of Naruto's characters and their timing on 2ch.
This was kinda already known in translations too. I haven't read anything as bad as Mangastream's Naruto translations for a long time until some really bad vidya, yet Mangastream's worst attempts at translation never gave us a Bleach chapter with such poor dialogue as an average Naruto chapter. One piece's dialogue writing is also closer to Naruto's than it is to Bleach's.

Too bad shonen readers don't give a fuck about the actual writing.
>The show I like is better because less people enjoy it
>the people who don't enjoy it also happen to be among the dumbest fanbases in media
You say it as if it is a bad thing.
Bleach was never the big 3. The real big 3 is Dragonball, One Piece, and Naruto. Bleach's sales aren't in the same zipcode as those 3. Even Demon Slayer has more sales per volume. Just because a few retards coined the term big 3 does not make it real.
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why do you ask?
obviously it is
DB is 'the father' of the big 3, it's not ON the big 3
it's above them

you uncultured swine
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Best girl
Why didn't Orihime heal her mask though?
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It wasn't, bleachfaggot.
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Big 3 is the name given to the 3 concurrently running series that exploded anime's and manga's general popularity worldwide. Before them, the only shonen the world had heard of was Dragonball. They put shonen jump on the world's radar and converse to your newfaggot opinion, Bleach was topping the charts a fair amount until after Aizen's defeat.
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That image really doesn't do a good job of conveying how big One Piece actually is.
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If you think Naruto is better executed than Bleach then you are just retarded
>Meanwhile, One Piece is probably one of the most ridiculed manga on 5ch nowadays.
Its just shit. I don't know how any grown adult can still be reading it to this day and happily accepting Oda's literal shit wiped on a paper
>Why is Bleach the most influential manga among the former Big 3?
That's Naruto anon. Demon Slayer, JJK, MHA & BC we're either inspired or co-inspired by it. I only see Bleachfags say this. You are insecure.
cause the story is consistent throughout its entire publication
Black Clover was inspired by Bleach and Berserk and site Naruto at all.
It isn't. Go back to Twitter
>stole the idea from the Shinsengumi
Which no one had used the idea ever in the manga.
>b-but kenshin!
It was only mentioned briefly, the only relevant shinsengumi character was Saito the loner.
Classic Naruto is masterfully executed, Shippuden (at least the second half of it) sadly shits all over what was previously stablished.
if someone here actually read the middle one I will bash their face in
The shit I took this morning is better executed than Bleach. HM is to blame
Kek fuck no, Bleachtroon.

Bleach is the worst fucking known series out there bar none. That's why your garbage got cancelled 3 fucking times.

Remimder that people would rather watch Boruto or Rock Lee spinoffs over Bleach lmaooo.

It's wraps for all those shonenshit as well
Seething Bleachnigger kek.

Everybody thinks so btw hence why Bleach got axed LOL 3 whole times as well
Why do you annoying shounen shitters keep making the same bait threads
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Maybe not, but at least it's concepts are unique enough to be harder to steal.
Funny thing is there is nothing Bleach about these series because Bleach has no identity of its own LMAO

What's funnier is that all of these authors mentioned Naruto as inspos lmao
Ichigo is like Father Abraham
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Reminder that Bleach was effectively kicked out of the Big 3 around 2011
Gotei and Espada were ripped off from Phantom Troupe, even their number tattoo motif.
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wanpisscucks eternally SEETHING
It's the coolest and not as unique as One Piece
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>Narutard spamming his headcanon
Just stop embarrassing yourself.
>its concepts are unique and harder to steal

You can't be this retarded. You have to be NARUTARDED.

Bleach's take on shinigamis is far more unique than Hackshimoto 1:1 copying actual ninjas and then adding a good chunk of hunters from HxH.
The first 200 chapters of Bleach was much better than any Naruto. Classic Naruto is extremely overrated these days.
The newfaggot kishimoto cockslurper is out of his containment board.
Truth broke the cockslurping narutard so hard lol.
Not even close lol. Only narutards think this. Even their Mangaka freely acknowledge Bleach as the major influence.
I never get why they did this. Was it a dig at Kubo? Or was Toriko exploding in Japan at the time.
The Bleachtroon insecurity is so fun to watch lmao.

Your series is dogshit and garbage in every way. That's why Kubo had to add the fanservice.

Even that didn't do much tho because Bleach was so shit it got cancelled multiple times lmao.

Bleach isn't even on Boruto's level, much less Naruto
The truth is Bleach is a really trash series that got cancelled and no amount of homosexual crying online will change that
Thread made by falseflaging narutard
There is literally nothing unique about one piece.
If only
Retards fall for this bait every time
>freely acknowledge Bleach as the major influence.
Or co-influence. Read my post again. To leave out Naruto when the authors didn't gives away that you're a bleachfag. If we add them all up, Naruto has it beat. I don't get what's so hard to understand here.
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Bleach was simply not pulling the numbers that it used to and Toriko was booming. I don't think there's any personal reason behind it, they were just following the trends
The way each division is numbered in Japanese, such as "一番隊(1st divisiom)", "二番隊(2nd division)" and so on, is clearly modeled after the Shinsengumi.
To be fair, this is not only Bleach; the concept of organizations where each officer has a number, which appears in much of Japanese fiction, is based to some extent by them.
If you are well-versed in Japanese history and culture, it becomes easy to recognize the roots of such ideas that appear in manga/anime.
Is it wrong if we say Toriko replaced Bleach in the big 3 if even Jump was pushing it?
Industry plant
Toriko then crashed and burned and Ichigo retook his spot on the cover
Nobody steals from it because it has nothing worth stealing. These mangakas are trying to write well, a concept completely foreign to Kishimoto.
Tezuka and Toriyama are no brainers.
But I'm still not sure about the third one. I mean, Oda is valid, but there is also an argument for Go Nagai or Rumiko Takahashi.
Where's the toriko gourmet world anime?
MHA is obviously Naruto-derivative. Izuku is Rock Lee and All Might is Might Guy.
Well they're clearly not inspired by Bleach because they didn't get cancelled.
Lmao. The Narutranny is having a meltdown again. Dilate tranny. Nardo is garbage series on the level of soap opera slop, precisely why it sells because the buyers are all retards like you.
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Reminder that they're all inspired by HxH since Bleach ripped it off.
Bleachtroons can cry about it all they want but Bleach got cancelled 3 times lmao.

Garbage series got replaced by Rock Lee SD. Not even worth comparing to Naruto, that shit is trash tier
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The Real Big 3 is One Piece / HxHunter / Naruto
You are giving Bleach fans a bad name here with all these bait posts. Stop it retard.
>narutard doesn't understand writing and can't talk without deflecting to sales
What's new?
Yep yep!
*naruto ripped it off. Very early Bleach was more insired by YYH.
Bleach doesn't have writing which is why it got cancelled lmao. Nobody cares for anybody in Bleach and everyone knows its just asspulls galore.

Even Kubo knows it which is why the fanservice exists and why it got cancelled.

Kubo's had what like 4 cancellations? Garbage writer
Look man, I'm no Toriko fan, haven't even watched/read the thing, and its clear that Bleach was also at the top for longer than Toriko, I just meant to expose the undeniable truth that at one point Bleach clearly "fell off" from the podium.
By stating the truth?
>Bleach was more insired by YYH.
You mean ripped off.
Worthless lip service. HxH is a mediocre series just like Bleach.
No, by making bait posts. Stop that. Take that shit back to xwitter
Back to your containment thread, narutranny. Go and pray your threads don't get invaded again because chances are you'll soon be crying a lot about that, you hypocritical retard kek.
Bleach is genuine dogshit. Naruto is shit too but at least it has a few good arcs and iconic moments under its belt, Bleach has nothing. Just ironic meme pages like muh heart
Haha keep crying Bleachnigger.

No amount of cope will change the reality of Bleach being cancelled for a Naruto spinoff.

How embarassing but fitting for Clorox
Only the first arc. YYH itself ripped off dbz for like 50% of its run, so hakushofags shouldn't even bring this up.
nta but we're talking about the big 3. how is that hypocritical
>by YYH
By Gegege no Kitaro
Both are infinitely better than nardo still
Naruto has one good arc (land of waves) and another was a shameless ripoff of hunter exams. Soul society arc alone is longer than both of them put together and it's MUCH better in quality.
>Only the first arc
Lol. Everyone owns it to Togashi. Kneel.
>Only the first arc
So the only way Bleach avoided an immediate axe is by ripping off Togashi KEK
HxH is a JoJo and Dragon Ball ripoff and Bleach is ofc dogshit. Neither could ever hope to reach Naruto's level when they were running together lmao

Everyone knows Bleach is shit and only follow for the girls but even then it got cancelled anyways.
Keep dilating Narutranny. No amount of cope will change the fact that nardo is a garbage series for women and the soap opera audience.
Yet it's still leagues above cancelled ahonenshit like Bleach lmao
LOL. Neither of the series will ever stoop as low as nardo did because they aren't trash like nardo.
In fact, the biggest influence on KnY and JJK is undoubtedly HxH.
It's not just the superficial aspects like the characters' visuals or the use of swords, but rather the way the story unfolds and how the characters are handled, where you can feel Togashi's philosophy on a deeper level.
For example, if KnY were influenced by One Piece, Mugen Train arc would have ended with beating that sleep demon and Rengoku didn't die.
Man, even the damm games pull shit like this and add Goku instead. I know the big 3 meme isn't a thing in most places, but c'mon, I'd still like to see Ichigo with the big boys in some official capacity again.
Naruto never got cancelled unlike Bleach so nope and HxH was never on Naruto's level when they were running together.
Soul society dropped it so hard and was so much better for it that you have to think why was Kubo holding himself back by following a worse example. Even Togashi knew that shit won't cut it and started ripping off Toriyama instead.
Keep coping narutranny. You're literally glorifying you being counted among shit eating retards.
That's all just superficial stuff though

Yuji's character and story goes in a competently different direction the that of Naruto. His powers are different, his dream/end goal is different, as is his relationship with with his "inner demon". Thier personalities arent even close to being similar outside the fact that they are optimistic, cheerful and aren't all that academically gifted. Their back story is completely different as well, Yuji was never hated, nor did he grow up an orphan like Naruto did. He was rather well like by those around him and had a grandfather who was there for him for the majority of his life. They are nothing alike

The same goes for Megumi, Nobara and Gojo. None of them are similar to Team 7 when you truly look at it.
I'm not the one seething about Bleach getting cancelled 3 times lmao.

But I guess it makes sense because even Zombie Powder got cancelled. Kubo is the master of axes
Cry more narutranny.
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Why nobody in West know that Naruto heavily plagiarized from Ushio and Tora?
This is very well known on the Japanese internet.
Naruto has nothing beat. All the series it inspired has way more in common with Bleach than Naruto does.
Look, man, the numbers don't lie. That's just how things ended up. Maybe in the future, a new manga will only be inspired by Bleach, which would make things equal.
I'm going to be honest this whole inspired/influenced discussions in shounen always has the same two motivations. It's either used by people to prop up their own favorite shounen and shit on others or to dismiss newgens in discussions by using that against them.
shh you aren't supposed to point out that part
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Rasengan is ripoff of Kuuatsuken from Ninku.
Yea, it's really silly and pathetic. Why does it keep getting made.
It was pathetic how shueisha tried to force Toriko as some hit shit
>to dismiss newgens in discussions by using that against them.
This one annoys me especially. While I'm not a big fan of newgan shounen, seeing Bleach, Naruto, OP, DBZ etc. fans acts like a bunch of elitists and dismiss these new series just because they were inspired by them pissed me off. Especially when they blatantly ignore that their favorites were inspired by something as well
KnY clearly is. JJK may as well have no influence from Naruto given how superficial it is.>>268126775
Scroll up and see my 1st post. I said those were co-inspired by both Naruto and Bleach. This rage you have against Naruto is bizarre. Just relax man.
One piece was the best prepared of the Big 3, which is not to say it was best or anything. You can see Bleach went into dodge the axe mode when pulling the Rukia kidnapping leading to battle gauntlet, and that Naruto gave up on the concept of missions for a tournament arc. Even if episodic, show up at new island with fantastical elements meet new friends and beat up assholes was easy to execute and understand. In fact, when One piece tried a tournament with the Davy Beck fights people call it canon filler to skip, and the Dresrosa tourney Luffy didnt even bother sticking to.

But when Marineford happened, boy did the other series copy that. Naruto and Bleach both conclude with a giant war. A war isnt really all that different from a tournament arc structurally, but a war has more stakes. But did they really copy OP? Did OP copy Naruto's timeskip or did they all rip off Dragon Ball? Was MHA inspired by Naruto to copy the kakashi intro for Eraser or did the editors just tell him to copy what worked for Naruto? Who cares he was influenced by Marvel comics more than anything, and even turned Deku into Spider-man with a venom rage form.
You can argue that TYBW is more of an invasion arc than a war arc.
How is demon slayer inspired by Naruto?
Ask the author. She cited it alongside Bleach and JoJo.
There is not a lick of naruto visible in Demon slayer though. If you wanna make this a competition about influence, you actually need to name series that take substantial inspiration from Naruto. Bleach already has its own.

All I am seeing is that Naruto's influence is slightly wider but way more superficial which unironically proves the OP right.
>There is not a lick of naruto visible in Demon slayer though.
Dude, you are now attempting to say the mangaka that wrote the series is wrong and that a random 4chan user is actually totally right. Do you even hear yourself?
>If you wanna make this a competition about influence,
I don't. This is a bait thread.
Read my post. No influence is visible, irrespective of what she says. Even if it's an influence, it's superficial enough to not even be visible in the manga.
>>irrespective of what she says.
>the creator is wrong about what she took from
Alright, well, you clearly believe that authors don't know their own work, so I'll just take my leave here.
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This is somebody's hero btw.
Do you have no reading comprehension? I am not arguing that it wasn't inspired by Naruto, I am saying Naruto's influence is completely dwarfed by Bleach's on KnY. You were using her statement as proof that Naruto has more influence when it's clear that Bleach's influence outweighs Naruto's by far on all 3 of the series in the OP.
Fuck Kubo and Fuck Bleach.
I'd rather fuck Bami
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>Why is Bleach the most influential manga among the former Big 3?
>thread empty because facts are boring
What exactly is this image mocking?
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>admits his threads are dead, just like his series
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they were copied from saint seiya
>even their number tattoo motif.
togashi did not invent the concept of numbers
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Because Bleach is just cool, that's about it.

Sure it might be written like poo past soul society, sure the main character may have lost all his personality throughout the story, sure there may be asspulls all over the place, sure it may rehash plotlines, sure it may have plot conveniences, contrivances, and holes all over the place.
But it looks cool. Ichigo is cool. The characters are cool. The Shinigami are cool. The Zanpakuto are cool. Bankai and Shikais are cool. The captains are cool. The hollows are cool. The Espadas are cool. The Vizards are cool. The Soul Society is cool. Hueco Mundo is cool.

I haven't gave a single fuck about Bleach since I was an impressionable teenager. I completely grew out of it, but I'll still admit that it's cool.
Even it's soundtrack is cool.
Compare that to Gege and Hori who are famous for taking breaks
>dbspic crying
Ain't nothing wrong with kinging like kong sometines.
>while Soul Society as an arc is excellent, it both feels disconnected from what happened before, and feels like it leads nowhere
That's sorta what was cool about it though.
I can only talk about bleach in terms of how I remember it from way back when, but I distinctly remember how absolutely excited I was at the idea of going to Soul Society, because I hadn't expected it.
It really feels like and adventure precisely because of that reason. One moment you think you're just watching a boy with shinigami powers killing some monsters in the real world, another moment our friend is kidnapped and we have to go right into the belly of the beast to save her. It wouldn't have worked as well if the story telegraphed the idea that we could or would go to the soul society at some point.

Also another thing to mention about Bleach is some of the story concepts can feel really natural when Kubo does it right.
Like the whole thing about hollows. At the start they're basically just monsters with masks. Then when Ichigo is trying to awaken his shinigami powers, he turns into a hollow for a second. Then waaaay later in the story it's brought back again when the mask comes back and it's fucking sick. He even learns to put the mask by his own later on. Then you have the Vizards and Arrancars that further develop on the concept of hollows.
It's just a really natural development for a plot device that seems to have come out of sheer coincidence.
>dbspic can't even find a thread
Kek. Certainly retarded fanbase
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Or when OMZ's real name is blotted out by Ichibe's ink when he tries to tell it to Ichigo all the way back in chapter 63.

Foreshadowing was one of Kubo's strengths. It was just that he didn't hold his audience's hand like many other shonen manga did/do. Hence all the accusations about asspulls and retcons.
No, MHA's Naruto influence is undeniable
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Toriko got the push of the fucking century when it got paired with One Oiece and Dragon Ball in movies and even then it had to rush the ending and flopped.

Like do you legitimately think this makes Toriko look better than Bleach?
The Big 3 never existed and Toriko is infinitely less popular than Bleach, the series only got massive shilling because the mangaka was Oda's friend.
And its creator says that Bleach inspired him to become a mangaka. So not only has Bleach influenced all that Naruto has but also influenced them more strongly.
Black clover also feels more of a Bleach clone than Naruto clone, though it has beats of both.
I wish I could read Bleach for the first time in bulk
Although I loved the series as a teen, it was so slow I have a somewhat bittersweet memory of it because it was so slow it got frustrating at times
I kept on going weekly because I wanted to see the characters swords and shit and I had no self control to wait
But fuck yeah I read it again years later because it was a big part of my teen life and it's so fucking cool and the fights are sick
Since I'm getting nostalgic, shoutout to my boy Nnoitra. As a teen lanklet with long hair, this guy was so damn cool to me
Bleach was never in the big 3. Hxh was tho.
Reading Naruto back in the day was so hype for fans. The twists were so insane and often silly especially towards the end. The twist with rezzed Akatsuki etc. and later Madara was just bonkers.
Whats the first manga?
Bleach lmao.

Cancelled, dead and completely irrelevant. It inspired nothing.
>Cancelled, dead and completely irrelevant. It inspired nothing.
Stop talking about SHITper.
Super is iconic. Bleach isn't.
Looks like it influenced manga into sucking.
because Kubo knows how to draw nice tits and fight scenes
I think Super is iconic because of the community and memes
Narutards real buttmad about this fact.
>created the trend of FOTM shonen
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This kills the bleachfag
>If you think Naruto is better executed than Bleach
It is. That's why Bleach was axed and Naruto wasn't.
And how is Bleach's influence not superficial? Most of it is designs
naruto is already a bunch of wizards
just replace jutsu with spell and chakra with mana.
>I'm joining X to become Y, and/or defeat X.

I've noticed I've gotten sick of anime and manga with this format. And I used to think it was because I got sick of anime tropes in general until I read a manga with a bunch of typical anime tropes that didn't have this format and really enjoyed it.
It's curious that Bleach inspired more creative types to make a go at it in the industry. I think the stylization of Bleach was important for that. Even if Bleach lost the sales war it won or is at least won the legacy war.
midslayercucks are gonna freak
>people say its shit
>that means they're invalid
>That's all just superficial stuff though
Shut the fuck up
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Bleach is influential because:
>action heavy story
>sexy/handsome strong characters
Probably because too many arcs in One Piss have no actual progression or consequences.
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Based trips. Kubo is known in Japan as The Master for a reason.

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