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>create a new character
>she's a transfer student
>have her wear her old uniform instead of wearing Kitauji's
>she BTFO the MC and shatters her dreams
What did Takeda mean by this? Why did she create Mayu then make her a Mary Sue?
>crate a new character
>she's a transfer student
>have her wear Kitauji's uniform from the start
>she is terrible at music and spends the entire time flirting with Shuichi
Should Kumiko have been given a different kind of rival
But is she yuri?
She is gay for euphonium
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>ETA 4 days 17 hrs 15 mins till anime original yuri ending.
Are you sure there will be an anime original ending?
I hate Mayu so much.
>Yuto/Natsuki confession
didnt age well pretty fast >>268117279
>ending is the same
>remove all gay from existence

Bravo Kyoani
Will the anger rival the anger anons had for Yorukura's ending?
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>ending is the same as the novel
>the next day Shuuichi gets a phone call
>they're all dead, burned alive by an incel fat bastard
>Shuuichi becomes a serial killer for hire
Idk but I will be able to use Shuuichi images to scare yuritrannies for years so I'm happy with that.
Yuko and Natsuki obv
Go away
>they literally removed all the gay scene possible
how can one studio be so fucking based
ACK is a mentally ill schizo btw
Reina is off to America to get BRED
Kumiko stays in Japan to get BRED
If KyoAni were an American company they'd literally not be allowed to do this.
She should've been a trumpeter.
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>last year
>pick the composition with trumpet/eupho together
>your play is better
>you are my special
>I'm already decided to play the soli with you
>votes against Kumiko
>I did know which play was yours btw haha
If this isn't the biggest anime betrayal then I don't what it is.
Hope she will be raped by niggers daily.
I fucking kneel. Trannies lost
>Whisper you a love song: production hell, shit animation
>Seiyuu Radio: 11 volumes of friendship
>Jellyfish: status quo friendship ending
>Girls band Cry: About to be status quo
>Hibike: Yurislayer with almost no dialogue all season gets the girl
What happened to the season of yuri?
There was a Yuko and Natsuki confession?
Who are you quoting?
MahoAko sucked out the life force of all the other yuri shows
I’m glad japs are still scared of the backlash against homo shit. I hope this will prevent them from shitting the bed too hard with the new Madoka movie
>Season of yuri
Never happened.
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Should've been on tempo with Reina, then
There was never a season of yuri
Yurifags world wide are like 200 people tops. Everyone hates yuri and yurifags
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Hi anon-kun
can they have gold medal at least?
it will be hilarious if not
If that was true then Comic Yuri Hime would have died years ago.
Yes, that's the novel ending. KyoAni only made Kumiko lose the soli.
I can’t even remember the last time I have hated a character this much before. Her existence triggered some long forgotten PTSD because we had a college friend who behaved the exact same as Mayu and she single handedly ruined our group dynamics.
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Kumiko...the patron saint of mediocrity
I am still having a hard time figuring out what Reina was trying to accomplish by betraying Kumiko like that. It’s not like Mayu is much better than Kumiko because the votes split 50/50.
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Why are you guys acting like it's still 2015?
No one cares about Hibike anymore.

Or is this thread made by That guy?
T. Seething Yuriturd
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It's been 9 years.
No one cares about Hibike anymore.

Anyone who wants Yuri can now get it every season. In fact, it is even more abundant in manga now.
Did Kumiko win in the novel?
>remove almost all het
>maximise yuri
>no one wins the kumikobowl

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>>268115659 is there another UMich bando in my kumiko threads or was this just a one-off eupho image
Yes. The big drama in the novel is that Kumiko loses the solo in the second audition, Reina goes
>well Taki knows best innit?
and everyone gets super pissy, Asuka visit, big hug, Kumiko plays with a clear heart and wins it back in the third audition.
Can’t believe episode 13 is a one hour special of Shuichi fucking Motomu in the ass
What did they change?
Because fuck you
Mayu is so cute.
>Not HibiKEK
>concludes their arc better than author herself
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Natsuki and Yuuko are actually gay for each other?

>Jellyfish: status quo friendship ending
There was no friendship ending in Jellyfish though.
No public humiliation ritual, just a normal third audition.
Mayu is hot and hot women are never at fault
Because KyoAni is the only studio that consistently improves on its source material.
I said what not why
>There was no friendship ending in Jellyfish though.
The director literally called it a seishun story, not yuri, not romance, not gay
I dunno, seems kinda gay to me.
How does it being a coming-of-age story prevent the characters from being lesbians or in love? It's a series focused that's focused on multiple aspects. Show me a quote of him explicitly saying it wasn't romantic or yuri.
There was a lesbian, but she was a joke most of the time
Faggots don’t come of age they kill themselves before then
Not him, but are coming-of-age series always yuri?
The main girl was a lesbian too. She described herself as "not normal" and wanted to see another girl's breasts. All of them were pretty much lesbians.

This is fiction, not reality.
>The main girl was a lesbian too
But Mahiru was not a lesbian.
>are coming-of-age series always yuri?
They don't have to be, but there's nothing stopping one from being yuri, which Jellyfish absolutely was.
Lesbianism is a phase, it ends when the girl meets a real man for the first time in her life
Mahiru said there was someone she was interested in the fourth episode. It was Kano.

Again this is fiction. Anime girls don't need to be bound by what real lesbians do.
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Euphonium Season 3 Episode 12: I compared the volume (dB) of the solo scenes. Scene 1: 13'20" - 14'20", Scene 2: 14'42" - 15'44". The average volume of Scene 1 is 32.6 dB, and Scene 2 is 33.0 dB, making Scene 2 slightly louder. However, the maximum volume of Scene 1 is 62.7 dB, while Scene 2 is 60.8 dB, making Scene 1 louder. It is also noteworthy that the peak locations are different.
Why was she in love with Kano then?
Yuri authors tend to acknowledge it as a phase though
does this mean Mayu turned it up when she needs to and have more finesse than Kumiko?
Maybe like 20 years ago, but almost never these days. Even the author of Hibike has written actual yuri and it didn't end with the girls saying it was all just a phase or whatever (one of them even had a previous boyfriend).
I'm glad Mayu won because she's cuter.
Can any LN readers give a run down on what the confession scenes are about?
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The places where the volume increases are almost the same in both, but Scene 1 has its peak at the beginning. This is a clear difference. Even looking at the moving averages, Scene 1 has a slightly broader range. Just to clarify, the data includes not only the Euphonium sound but also the trumpet sound. After listening several times, I feel that Mayu's sound is smoother. When I listened in real-time, I thought Kumiko's sound was louder, but I think Mayu's sound is smoother and more dynamic. But it’s really subtle, and of course, they are different
> Maybe like 20 years ago, but almost never these days
Only when they have the west as a target demographic. Nips still hate fags
In Takeda's original scenario she doesn't BTFO MC
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done by some autistic nip, decided to post it here since most don't have a tweeter account
>Mahiru said there was someone she was interested in the fourth episode
She never treated her as more than a friend, though. She even mocked her for the kiss, like a typical normalfag making fun of a weirdo
has someone done an audio overlay to highlight the differences
It's not worth it to reply to such obvious, low-quality bait.
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>only when they have the west as a target demographic
One of the best selling yuri manga in Japan explicitly debunks the idea of it being just a phase.
I wonder how many friends Mayu has made outside of the brass band?
They went out on a beach date. Why would you do that with some weirdo who kissed you?
Mayu gets massaged by Sapphire Kawashima
How does that debunk anything? The fact that she wasn’t always attracted to girls proves it’s a phase
Midori desu.
I want a scene where a drunk Kumiko slaps Mayu's breasts.
Source? As in the source of the leak, this idiot actually doesn't know anything and just reposts stuff.
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>the fact that she wasn’t always attracted to girls proves it’s a phase
She was never attracted to guys? She had a previous relationship that ended in the standard "it was just a phase" yet she went on to fall in love with another girl and eventually gets her own girlfriend at the end of the series.
The simple fact that she knew it was a phase at some point proves it is a nd she’s in fact attracted to guys
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Forget about euphos, post old hags
She thought it was phase but then fell in love with another girl anyway because it wasn't a phase, she's just a lesbian. And she never once showed attraction to guys throughout the entire series.
Is this what Japanese women try to look like the second they graduate high school?
>Why would you do that with some weirdo who kissed you?
Girls are like that.
STop feeding him.
So they just wanted Kumiko to lose the soli for no fucking reason? They just wanted forced drama? fucking hilarious, kyoanus.
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I understand Mizore now
I don't think so chief.
Mayu-chan is a good girl and has done nothing wrong, but she's a villain with a dark side and is so unlucky and erotic.
Huh? Yuko and Natsuki confess in the novels? Seriously what is this post, i only heard that there will be kumiko and shoe confession so where did this come from and removing confession scene doesn't make any sense
The idea that you could decide the difference in quality according to a volume frequency chart is super retarted. Monkeys
Why did she think it was a phase then? If she wasn’t attracted to guys she would have noticed that
>Kumiko: "What did Motomu say to you?"
>Midori: "He said he wanted to have sex with Mayu-chan a lot."
I've always wanted to be Mayu's mouthpiece...
She thought it would be a phase because her previous girlfriend told her as much. But her past girlfriend was incorrect.
this is the most soulless ending we'll ever get for almost a decade of waiting.
okay /g/enius who definitely provided alot of input
Wouldn’t she notice that she’s just not attracted to guys tho
Like she imagines herself with a guy and either feels nothing or feels disgust
Surely that’s something you notice
Isn't it amazing that even though she's still a high school girl, she already has the dignity of a mother and the eroticism of a widow?
The idea of it being a phase is that, even if she doesn't feel those things now, she's going to feel them when she gets older. But she never did.
who are you talking about
He liked Mari from Evangelion and thought he'd do the same.
Fags got cocky when they only confirmed one (1) real married yuri couple recently from a popular franchise (Suletta-Miorine from Gundamshit) and one (1) yuri show which sold well aka Mahoako which is mainly ecchi for coomers.
Anyways I'm still a bit mad they changed some thigs and made Kumiko a pathetic loser because they wanted to be unique. Pretentious bastards
Shit thread?
Shit thread!
Shit writing and shit NPC character with no personality
>Rebuilds out of nowhere
Rent free
Yeah. It's pretty crazy. I even think that Kumiko was better, and either way it's ridiculously close. Can you seriously tell me that she can be certain that picking Mayu would really actually result in a better chance of winning at Nationals? No way. She Threw away her dream and her best friend's over fucking nothing.
>bots up and running
Who the fuck is this faggot and when should I believe him?
>Kumiko: "Reina, there's a rumor that Kuroe-san's...is Shuichi's child..."
          >...and then the next song begins.
>we're getting old hag Kumiko at the end of the episode
I guess this confirms there won't be a movie or any new material. This is the real end bros. Still, why the fuck kyoani made Kumiko lose? Fuck off already
life, there's always a bigger fish in the sea, your efforts mean nothing, only results matter
Kumiko: "Because I love Kitauji."
Reina: "Because I love Taki-sensei."

Mayu: "Because I love playing in an ensemble."

Mayu is the only one who loves music, so it's terrible that she gets bullied.
>believing literal whos on twitter.
Anime leaker, newfag
Just like Redon was a Jumpturd leaker
what do nips go to university to study?
She's beautiful, has big breasts , is
calm , has a good personality, is a kind person, is capable, yet is humble , she's a perfect superhuman, or should I say a saint, there are no women as good as her in real life , normally the only people jealous of her would be incompetent, mean, ugly women
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I'm not believing shit until the actual episode will come out. Anti-yuri chuds will be obnoxious from now on though, sadly.
>she has big boobs and uuuh... she's kind?
Worse than the blandest isekaishit protag
Off yourself if you like that cunt, we have better fap material among Kitauji band members
I want to bury my face in the huge bra that Mayu wore all day and take a deep breath
Since Shuichi is probably not the type to jack off to a girl he likes, it will be inevitable that someone like Mayu will be used.
The ojisans on the judges panel will be more likely to pick Kitauji if their soloist is pretty, that's just the facts
>Shuichi isn't mentioned anywhere on the tweet
he is into 1st years and childhood friends, sorry hags
>Janny deleted my truthnuke
Hahaha. Scared?
There are few scenes of everyday life in the series , so I want to see what kind of student life Mayu-chan leads.
Remember no Shuichi scene means /u/ won. Kumiko retains her family name in the future which means it still means open-ended ending.
for me, it's her worn tights
I want Mayu to say something like, "Kumiko, what university are you going to go to? Maybe I'll go to the same place."
>mentions that confession was cut
>makes sure to elaborate which confession
Sorry Shuichi is coming home this Sunday
I don't fucking understand how we got Asuka and Natsuki respective 'confessions'. It's probably Shuichi and Kumiko's scene that got skipped.
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>ending is the same as the novel
>Novel ends with Kumiko and Shoe back together
Probably means they won gold the same as the novel. Nothing mentions about romance.
It would be funny if Mayu was stupid and didn't go to college, but instead worked at a nearby food factory stirring a big pot.
he's not a literal who. shounen jump is literally suing his ass for leaks and got his first account suspended on twitter.
Mayu just wants to have fun playing with everyone...(T_T)
I'm on Mayu's side, I love you Mayuyun...
Mayu made this show fucking unenjoyable to watch.
Mayu will be a good teacher, she'll follow Kumiko back to Kitauji
Girls with big boobs are always right.
This is the way of the world.
what is the order to watch hibike?
Just go to some tracking site and follow the release date, what's so hard
Production order
Reina stayed 'true' to her principles and voted for who she thought would make them win.

But you have to agree that Reina owes Kumko some pretty big compensation for what she did. Realistically what could she do to compensate Kumiko?
i was wondering about movies, but it seems those are just recaps of seasons
Shuuichi won
>Mayu: "Kumiko-chan... you see... Tsukamoto-kun asked me to meet him again... what should I do? I want you to decide..."
jump in front of a truck
>Kumiko, should I stop dating Shuichi?
Poor Mayu-chan, who has a good face, a good body, is kind, is good at practicing and playing, has a top-class amount of practice, and is just a club member who enjoys club activities, but is targeted by small-breasted hairy girls and short, weak brats.
stop bullying mayu and kumiko. bully kanade instead. that fraud hasn't done anything besides complain when things don't go her way for the past 2 years now
Who the fuck is yuto and why would natsuki have a confession scene?
The only spoiler I read regarding a confession was Kumiko to Shuichi. I dont know how Natsuki and Asuka got into the conversation.
there's a scene in one of the extras uploaded to the publisher's site
>bully kanade instead
Oh, the kanadeschizo is awake.
No one could tell because she was covered with cloth, but Mayu was naked during the audition performance.
but she was wearing shoes?
Mayu-chan has done nothing wrong, but she has to be careful because there is a possibility that Kanade-chan will attack her.
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He's talking about Yuuko and Natsuki.
imagine being gay thinking love is all perfume and snuggles when it's really the smell of used tampons and PSYCHODRAMA
>Mayu's capture route:
>Don't set flags with anyone until the third year (raise Tsubame's evaluation to a certain extent)
>Raise her stats to a high level. Since it's hard to raise her favorability, when she appears, raise her favorability by completing events on a tight schedule.
>She's chosen to be a soli driver for the national tournament (difficult, but if you play the trumpet, her favorability will increase even more).
>If you win the national gold medal, you'll have a happy ending .
>Mayu: "The truck's horn was as loud as Rena's trumpet..."
If that's the case then it's pretty weird to just shoehorn it when they've already graduated and would be more appropriate for that spin off novel.
>another ESL leaker
Kyoani only cares about BL baiting, Free brings more money
No he is not because they have no confession scene anywhere in the novels.
So he's making stuff up?
They made a second season of Dragon Maid.
I don't know, that's why I'm asking.
Maybe its something in this novel
So why did they change soli soloist for the anime' In the novel it was Kumiko for the Nationals right? Is there a reason Kyoani changed it to Mayu?
>Is there a reason Kyoani changed it to Mayu?
forced drama
I don't know what their reasoning was but I think it makes more sense like this. Kumiko spent half the season having a meltdown over whether she wanted to go to music school, so it would feel a bit weird for her to beat Mayu immediately after deciding she does not want to be a musician. This also gave some closure to their stupid conflict, which was supposedly left unresolved in the novels.
There's literally no confession scene between Yuuko and Natsuki. What is this dipshit yapping about?
this >>268125633 and also callback to the s1 additional audition but with mc doing it
It’s Kumiko confession to Shoe that was removed. Leaker got it wrong.
>unresolved in the novels
Kumiko wins, the end.
I always say people who shitpost using the buzzword "forced drama" are retarded, but this is the first fucking time I've actually seen the word used properly and in a kyoani anime nonetheless.
>Shoe’s scene was removed
>left unresolved in the novels.
It was resolved the minute Kumiko beat her sorry ass in the auditions.
holy shit if shoe has been waiting til graduation to give the pin back his balls must be BLUE BLUE BLUE
You think if the leaker got it wrong they would have clarified
do you think shoe, a high schools student doesn't know how to rub one off?
Here comes the cope
Shoe and Natsuki are easily confused
man, I like hibike, but the drama in it is so petty I have nothing but laugh
hetschizos btfo yet again
>Reina's vote, which was the one that decided everything, was not for Kumiko even though she knew which one Kumiko was
What the hell
I doubt it, usually they get average quality leaks but leaker would have be on coke to make such a mistake
The better one wins. Taki-sensei's words mean more than friendship.
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There can only be one
I'm not even a Yurifag but Reina disappointed me this season. First she couldn't even apologize properly to Kumiko for calling her a shitty captain and now this.
her pantyhose legs are hot
Post the rest of this doujin please
At least the scene itself was done well
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Same, she kept saying this entire season she wanted to play the soli with kumiko and she likes her sound better but we're all left with this shit.
Sex with Mayu
>all the praise for this episode from faggots who can actually draw really well but still won't make a doujin
Exactly, I wouldn't have a problem with her decision if she said from the beginning that the better one should play the soli.
But Mayu was not better. It was really unclear and subjective. I personally liked Kumiko more but I can see that others would disagree. Reina even said she liked Kumiko's sound more. Why did she change her mind? And if they really were so close why would she not choose her friend?
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I do not unterstand either. Pic related, Reina said she liked Kumiko's playing better and now suddenly not anymore?
She said she liked it better, not that it was better.
she also keeps insisting that she's playing the soli with kumiko.
Mentioning Yuko and Natsuki at all is already quite a mistake.
I think it's a shame that this season skipped every competition, and now with Kumiko losing we won't even get to see the (final) soli of our main character.
>expecting anything from this rushed and non-canon garbage
ur mistake
In the novel do they atleast come to watch over the performance?
This was before she heard the full power of Mayu unleashed.
I've heard of an AsukaxKaori confession but not a YukoxNatsuki one. What the hell is going on?
You're free to discuss the novel you know, totally not a secondary anon.
>What did Takeda mean by this?
except Kumiko beat the shit out of Mayu in the LN. Why did Kyoani change the ending?
It's just so emotional!
Is the audition where Kumiko beats Mayu translated somewhere?
Because Takeda fucked up and Kyoani had to fix her ending
Kumibros its time to watch isekai
This but unironically. I can relate to Kumiko better now that we've both had our dreams crushed.
I dont understand why Mayu got so shit on by everyone
>didnt even want to compete
>bombed the first audition on purpose
>Kumiko on her ass about not trying
>finally plays for real
>wins the soli
>now everyones angry at her for doing the thing she didnt want to
>Kumiko had a second chance to beat her and still loses
>Kumiko has to do damage control immediately before the band tears her apart
literally did nothing wrong
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If Kumiko getting passed up makes you seethe then you either haven't been paying attention, or you are an emotionally stunted manchild. Probably both.
Here's how Kumiko can still win bros
Because everyone liked their buchou more and wanted her to play her final soli, it wasn't about her skills, the club just prefers Kumiko as a person
>those hips
Mizore is one lucky girl
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This was the best part of the episode for me.
seeing both of them smile and laughing warmed my heart. i need more of those scenes
>literally did nothing wrong
aside from being the worst character in the series? yeah, didn't do anything wrong.
that's kanade
cope kanadeschizo
Her "dreams" weren't crushed though. The entire season has established that playing in a band is not her dream. She doesn't want to be the best, she just wants to play with Reina. Her lack of conviction is explicitly the reason Reina chose Mayu, she could hear it in the way Kumiko played. They both want Kitauji to have the best.
heh nice
That's Taki
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Shut up, Kanade.
To think all this could’ve been avoided if Mayu had joined the manga club and given her body to the otaku there
what am I coping? that mayu is playing in the national?
>what am I coping?
the fact that mayu is the worst character in the series.
>still not able to make a coherent post and just keeps spamming headcanon
pitiful existence
Why would I need to waste energy writing a coherent post against your retarded headcanon. Are you stupid?
Its literally just this scene from the anime in the LN. Everything after "Oumae Kumiko" is the anime original change which is why Japan is mad
Kek, some really do have snappy comedic timings.
>final episode
>few mintues before their turn in the competition
>kumiko gets into a car accident
>bloodied and bruised. she forces herself up
>limping, she runs to the venue and bursts open the door
>she's late, soli in a few seconds
>she limps towards nearest student, pushes her off the chair, steals her euphonium and sits down
>she starts playing the soli
>everyone wa shock, she ignores them
>except Taki sensei
>sensei walks towards her and starts conducting
>sensei waves low, she blows low and slow
>they keep this for a good while
>background starts to fading to black
>only kumiko and sensei can be seen
>sensei hands starts waving violently
>she blows loud
>she blows fast
>she blows violently
>sensei abruptly closes hand into a fist, soli ends
>she stops and parts lips from mouthpiece
>kumiko panting hard
>bleeding fingers still on euphonium
>zoom in to her eyes
>cut to title card on plain black bg
>credit roll
*LN readers
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We enjoy.. screeching!
We love.. seething!
If we aren't hissing, we aren't.. HIBIKEKS!
How did Kyoani get the idea to make an anime original change this big if the season was already going to be rushed to adapt the whole novel
but that's kanade?
>first year
gets mad at natsuki because she's not good
throws audition to save her own skin
doesn't help kumiko with mirei's situation and instead it made it worse
>second year
calls motomu a brat when she herself acts like a brat
useless to the band
picks on mayu for no good reason
complains instead of getting better to try to play with kumiko
Cannot waste if you don't have the ability to use it in the first place, but i doubt anyone here expects (you) of that.
Isn't this just the ending of Whiplash?
If so, kino.
You do not understand Kanade's character. Stop posting immediately.
Because they read the LN and saw there was this huge build up of Kumiko not being able to commit to pursuing a future in music, then asked themselves whether it made sense for her to win despite all that
If she gets chosen as the next buchou, Kitauji is done for.
I understand her character and her job is to instigate fights and ruin group dynamics. she's like reina with none of her talents
>I understand her character and her job is to instigate fights and ruin group dynamics.
Get professional help.
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What do you have to say to the winner in both novel and anime?
Why doesn't it make sense for Kumiko to get the soli even though she won't be pursuing music in the future? She could have a different motivation for getting to play the soli, like playing together one last time with her best friend who will be moving to America.
then present your point why kanade is not the worst character.
>then present your point why kanade is not the worst character.
You first.
Explain her smugness throughout the whole season. She was constantly trying to bait out negative reactions from Kumiko and Mayu.
>doesn't understand what banter is
I guess we are done here.
I already did and you said I don't understand her character. explain to me how she's misunderstood
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Tick Tock
It's not banter when no one is laughing.
> to make an anime original change this big if the season was already going to be rushed to adapt the whole novel
>assblasted spic is indeed from MAL
Fucking kek
That's Reina.
what did they to my sukcess stori
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
I don't get it, is he known for anime original stuff?
I am watching anime so yes i want something that can make a loser feel validated
everyone is complaining about Kanade that people forgot secretly the worst character is Suzume
it's a plot executed by Suzumefags.
you should be loving this then. MC is a loser and her loss is in service of validating her decisions.
unless you mean you're a loser who wants to play make-believe wish fulfillment where reality and consequences don't exist. there's plenty of other series for you in that case
but enough about Reina
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>watch S1&2
>expect comfy band
>get a dramatic sports anime

>watch S3
>expect dramatic sports anime
>get raw seishun melodrama
HOW does Kyoani keep constantly improving this one series? Will they ever stop winning?
Reina was always my best girl, and is probably the anime girl that I've fapped to the most times, but man she is being a shithead this season.
The biggest tragedy is year 2 not getting a proper adaptation. So much missed stuff and we were deprived of more Yuuko Natsuki moments. Blue Bird was great though
If year 2 was a normal season instead of those weird half assed movies it would have been much better. Liz was good, Chikai was even good (awesome that they showed the whole performance at the end) but I just wanted more content.
Which only works if Mayu didn't just won by a tied break vote through a trumpet playing autist but was actually far superior, which she wasn't as numerous times confirmed throughout the series, the fact that Taki couldn't decide and the fact that Taki choose an orchestra vote on it and that it was a tied further solidifying that for the overall performance it just doesn't really matter who plays.

Additionally it's not understandable how her changed plans for college would have a bigger psychological effect on her drive and play then the literal pursue to play together with Reina for a last great memory. The explanation Kumko throws in our face on the mountain "muh i just didn't feel so secure with my play anymore" is just super convoluted and doesn't even make sense on a human level.

In fact KyoAni did not make this change because they didn't like the manga rational, but because this forced construction with Reina's final verdict was a setup to play out the character's truthfullness to their principles even if the decision they have to make is the most hurtful and against their personal desires. To make it more corny they flashbacked quickly to Taki who tells Kumiko that the ideal adult is the sincere one - Uhhhh!!! That's the only reason Kumiko had to lose in this rushed anime script.
>Azysa is president in her 3rd year just like Kumiko
Azusa had an entire charater arc in the background that needs to be animated
>HOW does Kyoani keep constantly improving this one series?
it's their anniversary passion project.
Takarajimasha really won the lottery with having Kyoto Animation reach out to them to adapt a literallywho novel because it was set in Kyoto
for me it's haruka
It doesn't really matter though whether Mayu is better by 1% or 100%, she is still better. To go against this would be go against their stance on meritocracy that's been the point of emphasis all season
>sucks some dick and did paizuri for the position
it's not that interesting
whose dick did Kumiko suck for the position?
Sure, but the LN ends with Kumiko playing the soli. The point is that the LN reaches the same conclusions in character growth and still manages to make Kumiko that 1% better than Mayu.

So the meritocracy argument is of course correct but I also didn't say Kumiko should win in the way the anime was scripted.

I just explained why KyoAni needed Kumiko to be 1% worse than Mayu.

In summary: If they went for a 2 cour season they most likely would have adapted the LN volumes as they are without any changes at all.

So I'm just explaining why I think KyoAni did what they did.
Reina choosing Mayu is not her being mature. Kumiko accepting it and coping with that 'i don't feel secure in my play anymore' is not her being mature.

as >>268129234
said, Taki couldn't decide. The band was essentially tied. She lost by a single vote. That's just noise. Reina should have noticed this, that if it was a hard decision for her, and everyone else was evenly split, in the end it really was just noise, and picking Kumiko doesn't even violate her principles.
The anime made us believe that there was a slight difference and Reina could hear it. Further that Reina knew that Kumiko was the second performer but had to vote against her to stick to the principle. Before Reina made her choice we got that quick flashback to the scene before her own Season 1 match with Kaori, where Kumiko said to her she can kill her if she betrays her principle of meritocracy. Reina valued these words and thought she must in fact stick to the principle too.
Why doe Japan have such an intense 'muh self-sacrifice' and 'you have to go with the majority' shit going on?

It's not maturity to keep making decisions that are bad for you. Kumiko, why DO you keep taking the short straw? Who cares about some abstract 'muh meritocracy' crap, especially when the skill level is basically the same? It's bad for YOU. Reina, why did you betray your friend over this? You wanted to play the solo with her. She is essentially just as good. Who cares about subjective assessments of who is 1% better? It's bad for YOU. I understand that it's bad to be selfish or hypocritical, but if society and the people around you keep asking you to do things that are bad for you, it is society/the group that is the problem, not you, so you shouldn't listen to them.
Asuka's futa cock
Selfish buchou = bad buchou.
There was a slight difference,but it's not an easy judgment call to decide who was better. I personally thought that Kumiko sounded better, and gave a better and more memorable performance. Any minor deficiencies in her performance could be corrected, and Kumiko on her A game would beat Mayu hands down. Others may disagree though, and that's the point. I understand why Reina did what she did,but I find it hard to believe that she actually thought Mayu was better, and also find it hard to believe she was so sure of it that she would torpedo Kumiko like that over it.

Again, if the difference is *that* slight, it's essentially noise.
Mayu exists to directly contrast Kumiko in the way she plays. They make a point to note that what Mayu plays is 'true', it's what she does and it's the only way she can show herself. By contrast, Kumiko's playing is entirely driven by her desire to be near Reina.
Whether or not it matters, practically, is a different issue - most likely it doesn't at all. But both Reina and Kumiko recognize it. Both of them are committed to being honest about it. I agree it feels convoluted and it would benefit from having more time and performances to establish this.
Instead they spent the runtime establishing that what Kumiko succeeds at is expressing herself in words and helping others. Mayu succeeds in expressing herself through playing. The context and decisions surrounding the audition are rough and probably not the most realistic, but I think the choice for her to lose by Reina's vote is still appropriate.
There's a difference between being selfish, and asking people to throw away their deepest wishes over something so murky and insignificant.
what does fluff smell like?
Kumiko's fluffy pubes
Overall I tend to agree. I was under the impression that the conclusion of the second audition drama has done enough to prove both Reina's and Kumiko's principality.

In this sense I agree that to highlight it AGAIN in such an extreme situation wasn't really necessary. So LN gave us character growth + soli won, anime gave us same character growth + no soli without really justifying why it's better to let her lose in comparison to the LN.
do you think Kyoani is just going to cut the follow up scene even if they already set it up? theres barely any time next episode and Kumiko and Shuuichi havent talked to eachother in weeks
t. never did any competitive before
Azuza please answer my texts don't just stare at them I know you read them the system says you read it Azuzaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love youuuuuuu if we can't be together you are not rikka aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
for me, it's Azusa's saggy tits
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What would Asuka think?
exactly that. Asuka is a selfish cunt.
I think that's why I'm having such a hard time accepting the outcome. I don't think the anime did a good job showing why it was necessary for her to lose to soli in the first place.

It doesn't do anything for her character, nor does it really do anything for Mayu's character. The whole thing just feels arbitrary.
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>"Yuto" and Natsuki
>a confession that never even existed in the novels
>rest of the spoilers are just the fucking obvious
why are some people so desperate for attention? Is it a twitter thing?
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>Be Lesbo Clarinet
>Her Senpai graduates and she falls into depression
>Shoe's bro swoops in and starts dating her
>She powers up through the power of dick
>Sweeps all of the Clarinet solos the next year
Maybe Kumiko shouldn't have dumped Shoe. If she wanted the Solo so badly, she could have won it with the power of love
Kumiko REALLY needed a good fuck to get over her insecurities.
Mayu can't compete.
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>No KumiRei on this giant Yuri Day poster
Probably yes. Not that much time passed in-universe since Chikai movie so there is no real reason not to.
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That dude is /fa/ as fuck.
>Eripiyo and Maina
Damn I totally forgot about this anime. Based. Gonna go Chamjam to the OP now.
didn't watch further
but will we ever see her eyes
her hair is her hijab. only her husband and family are allowed to see it
you're not on my kys poster so....
Reina owes Kumiko a good fuck for what she did to her.
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why do they always go up the mountain with Kumiko dressed like a damn slob while Reina has a beautiful dress on. Fuck Kumiko
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kumiko is a dork and we love her for it
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Good news, Takeda is no longer satisfied with yuribait and is now just writing stories about cute high school girls living with her self-insert
hope Kyoani picks it up
>climbing a mountain in heels
Reina likes the pain because it makes her more mature
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she wore better shoes this time
"People in Japan need to radicalize!"
"No not like this!"
Holy shit, I didn't even notice that, nice detail.
What a chuuni.
In the original walk up the mountain they showed the backs of her heels red and sore from the heel straps. Huh? no I don't fixate on feet that's a weird accusation that I remember something so specific. weirdo.
It was a yuribait scene meant for us to remember anyway because Kumiko literally picks up on that fact that her feet are sour and then says it's actually hot that Reina wants to feel the pain
does this mean Takeda approved of the anime original yuri end?
Shoe won
there should have been a kiss on the cheek. fuck you Kyoanus
to be fair, she did say that when she was 15
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>her feet are sour
I bet they were!
Kumiko and Mayu should both shove their feet on my face
Kumiko and Mayu should hug.
I agree
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D-daisuki no hagu?
Mayu should present herself to her Buchou naked and tied up in Shibari and apologize for taking the solo and ask Kumiko to have her way with her.
I need a webm of this
do you think some of the kids watching Eupho on NHK E Tele had an awakening from seeing this
reminds me of that papa's sex doll manga
I miss lipstick chan and her glossy glips
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Kitauji's pass to nationals and path to winning gold is completely up to a new transfer student from fukuoka. BAHAHAHAHA I CAN'T. Kitauji doesn't deserve shit.
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definitely this
>the new hotshot transfer student that reluctantly doesnt want to play but is forced to play
>wins nationals for them
was Mayu the real protagonist all along?
kumiko unties mayu and ties herself instead to make amend for feign ignorance to mayu about her struggles
nta but which episode I can hook you up
ensemble contest 15 minutes in. thank you
How do hetfags feel knowing their confession scene got skipped? There will be no indication that Kumiko and Shoe got back together.
nta but
>believing literal whos on Twitter
if he is right then he can show proof, right? Not like it wasn't obvious the series would end just like the novel
>not boys
Thanks for taking LGBT into consideration.
Kumiko won't end up with anyone. The anime will end with adult Kumiko leaving work and going back to her tiny apartment where she lives alone, opening her bridge full of Asahi, cracking one open and going phuaah. High school kids are crazy these days. I sure wish I could've played the soli with Reina back then, haven't heard from her in a while. I wonder how Shuichi and Mayu are doing with their 3 kids…
I can save her
anime original ending, Kumiko will end up with Mayu because they are one and the same
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>Not getting Machiavelli-senpai
Why didn't Kumiko just umaku naritai harder?
she thought she was good enough because all her friends told her so
she WAS good enough. Reina just had to go full retard for no reason.
here you go, timeframe selected for endless headpats and rubbing
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>Novel cover has an assload of text completely covering any blank space
Jesus Christ the Japanese sense of commercial aesthetics is bad
Good enough won't work, she had to be better than Mayu
>assload of text completely covering any blank space
it's obi
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Top 5 saddest moments in KyoAnime:

1. Nagisa dies
2. Violet helps a dying mother write letters to her daughter
3. Yuki has to live through all of endless eight
4. Kumiko loses the audition
5. Mio steals Mugi's strawberry
But leaks need to make some sense, yuto and Natsuki confession? Like what is that
I wish everything we buy had a cute obi strip that came with it, not just books and CDs. Like bananas and groceries
Reina is the representation of peak musical talent, the child prodigy, and the maestro that even Taki can't compare to. If she chose Mayu, then Kumiko was not good enough.
thank you, friend. I love Saachan so much. she's so fucking cute
Fake. Yuuko and Natsuki have no confession scene the novel.
Kumiko feels like Satsuki's mom in this scene
>Voted for Kumiko because she headpatted her
The whole Bass section was fucking biased. Hazuki and Mirei were based for voting for the one that sounded the best.
I expected a huge hug between Mayu and Kumiko in that scene.
haha, wouldn't it be funny if they hug twice hahha. one before and one after
Kumiko and Mayu should do asymmetrical docking
If a movie adaption with Kumiko winning the soli gets made by KyoAni I will be able to overlook their pretentious blunder.
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the voting really showed who's really in it to win the nationals
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I enjoyed this part of the novel
my dad accidentally bought himself the JP BDs and not the localized ones. pour one out
there's only one girl like that in the show
This but unironically
I honestly can't stand obi strips why are they so popular?
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Kyoani should have redubbed the compilation movies in full kansai-ben
Mayu lewds feel wrong to look at. I can't and don't want to taint someone pure like her. anyone else feel this way?
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reddit and AnimeSuki are unanimously siding with Reina because "muh principles" but it's hard not to resent Reina for this. Part of that is just because Reina is kind of a shitty person in general - she never gives a shit about anyone else's feelings to any extent, and there is a line dividing 'Moral and principled person' and 'Toxic asshole that causes a lot of unnecessary hurt and pain by never considering the feelings of others and just being a detached hurtful robot.' I might consider Reina making the 'tough choice' more admirable if she was a more respectable person in general.

Cons of Reina's decision

>Kumiko likely traumatized and will look back at her high school years with bitterness
>Kanade is emotionally devastated
>The entire band is likely hurt and upset by the decision
>Mayu will have preferred to losing rather than get this victory which she really didn't want to begin with


>She stuck to her principles and went with the person who was 99.9999 percent perfect rather than merely 99.9998

Good job on destroying everything and everyone, Reina, you dumb fucking cunt.
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Kumiko needs to take a cue from her senpai about being a sore audition loser
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It's obviously the worse decision for the band's morale, and that'll affect their performance. I don't know why nobody seems to have brought this up in the show. The only way you could justify this is if afterwards Taki said "i knew it would cause trouble, but i had faith that you would be able to lead everyone to victory even despite that, oumae-san. I was betting on your skill with people making up for my selfish decisions."
Don't worry, since the last audition the band is already used to their president being dominated physically and musically by the Beast from Fukuoka
how come reina barely talks to taki thought she loved him, always kumiko talking to taki
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This dude gets it. Exactly what we needed.
that's because reina is mentally 12 years old who can't talk to her crush properly
I hate Reina so much that I'm glad there's no KumiRei duet, and for that, glad Reina is sticking with her principles. Fuck their relationship, I honestly feel sorry for Kumiko putting out Reina's shit all the time but also hate her for enabling her.
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>implying that Mayu doesn't have enough sex appeal to power the entire Japanese power grid singlehandedly
mayu feels like she's very soft to touch
Did you hate Reina before season three?
What's there to provide? The whole argument is constructed under the premise loud=better. Why? It's obviously context dependend at which passage it's better to be more subtle or loud. And that's just the gain/volume parameter that doesn't account for 10 different things like how clean are the transitions between the notes, do you use vibrato on this or that note or not, how much vibrato and so on. Like it's just obvious that a volume chart doesn't say shit.
They really should have made Mayu a LOT better than Kumiko, instead of this "oh they're pretty much the same" bullshit. Now we have anons pretending like they can hear any fucking difference with their $20 headphones, and nips on twitter analysing the decibel levels of the performances. like dude, what the fuck are you doing? Its not like we're gonna care about Kumiko being worse anyway, we understand she had a lot of other responsibilities, and her giving up the solo to Mayu let's Mayu get over her trauma, and let's Kumiko transition into teaching
Yes this is why it is wrong. She hurt her best friend a lot (and also herself) in order to help the band win the competition a tiny bit, if even any. It's unlikely that the decision will matter with regards to the outcome of the nationals, and it's unclear which choice would be better. So it's extremely marginal and mostly noise even if she has an opinion about it. That's a shit tradeoff to make.
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>Kumiko...I'm sorry. But Mayu-chan is just so much better than you
b...but Kumiko yelled at everybody that it's fine! Sure this will not affect anybody, no, not at all because yeah Kumiko yelled at them!!
>KyoAni, you dumb fucking cunt.
kumiko's friendship with reina has always been very codependent. reina never learns to deal with other people, and always has kumiko clean up her messes, and kumiko has always sacrificed herself for the sake of reina's gold. This relationship was never going to last, and it's good that reina finally cut it off by not choosing her, because kumiko was never going to leave her. it's been pretty clear throughout the show that reina was never going to change, and her autism this season was the dealbreaker for a lot of us, and probably kumiko as well. they'll still have nationals gold as a parting gift, but they'll do well to spend time apart
Honestly I do wish that everyone would cut ties with Reina as punishment for everything she's done this season.
Apparently we have to swallow up the moral lecture slop by Taki that the ideal adult is the honest one, indirectly redeeming any of Reina's actions.

What a shit show
Taki sensei's choice literally wired her brain to think otherwise
Yes, she's a dumb sheep
but I am
Kill Mayu
Kill Reina
Luv Kanade
>This relationship was never going to last, and it's good that reina finally cut it off by not choosing her, because kumiko was never going to leave her.
This is part of why I like this decision so much. It parallels Reina's decision to leave the country. Kumiko has been strung along by Reina, through peer pressure and attachment issues, towards this false goal of "being the best" with her, when they both realize that she's not and she doesn't want to be. Kumiko needs to do something else and Reina needs to cut herself off. It's not explicit but I think it's part of the reason they decided to ultimately go this way
It's literally a headcanon for people who think FAILING is better for character growth
kek lmao
I unironically enjoyed season 2, and the finale movie because every arc never revolved around Reina and Kumiko's relationship with her. In fact I forget if Reina was even in season 2. Kumiko deserves a better girl.
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who fucking cares about some duet that last for few tens of seconds. Which one would be more significant in the eyes of college application administrator. A few seconds of duet with your friend, OR The National GOLD with the band that you were the fucking leader of.
>almost all the section leaders voted for Kumiko excluding Reina
What the fuck, Reina
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subverting expectation is what he does
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there will just be a scene of her wearing the hairpin
How’s the new novel. Is it yurilicious?
>Kumiko visited Sally when she's sick
>didn't vote for her
Never trusts reinafaces
Mayu should have been playing the trumpet so she could taste her own medicine

In retrospect I wonder if this was her trying to sidestep the subject. She also had some evasive words the first time Kumiko lost the soli and was clinging to "well, uh, it was Taki-sensei's decision."
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How kino would it have been if they had the blind audition and Taki was still like ok who didn't vote, and Reina just goes
>the second one
The whole band raises Kumiko on their shoulders and carries her out of the auditorium, Mayu collapses on the stage sobbing
Yuribros would have rejoiced because Kumirei's love is actually true

Mayu already pulled them through the second round, there's not really much reason to be demoralized.
The idea that a good portion of the fan base that has been following Kitauji and wanting them to win gold is gonna be met with disappointment rather than excitement when/if they do simply because two characters didn't play a something together is kind of hilarious. Has there been anything else like this in fiction?
Miichan voted for Mayu so I will vote for Mayu too
Reina's choice would have been redeemed if she actually DIDN'T know who was playing
Reina's choice doesn't need redeeming
those portion of fan base weren't following kitauji to win gold, those yuributas just wanted kumiko and reina to play together. They wouldn't give a fuck if Kitauji lost at Kansai as long as both played soli together in that competition.
It's mostly just yurishitters furious that they wasted 9 years on something that was never going to happen because they prefer "fantasy lesbian couple" instead of actually noticing how toxic the relationship was. They don't actually care about Kumiko being a better person, or to grow, just that they kiss and make out on screen so they can clap and move on to shit up the next show they come across. Complain all you want about shoe not getting any screentime (and it's not like this anime ending will give him that much anyway) but for them to expect anything more than a parting "I will always remember you forever" hand hold is delusion.
All of them that go -
>waaawaaaa kyoani yuribait they're too scared to commit to yuri, shit writing
don't care about story or narrative, only that every piece of media pander to their desires only
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Rate this plate I give it a grease pool out of 10
I don't understand why Kumiko is still so fixated on Reina after 3 years. Everyone in the band likes her now and if she really wanted a toxic relationship, she could go to Asuka and talk shit instead of walking on eggshells everytime she talks to Reina
Asuka is special to everyone in the club. Reina is only special to Kumiko.
bisexual Kumiko would have been kino though. Hibike should've been like Scum's Wish where the protagonist is getting both dick and pussy
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It's still canon
Still could happen, but only the most hate+filled lust-charged Loveless sex when they meet up every few years, and then never speak again for months after. She deserves someone like Mayu for an actual functional relationship
If I could draw I would do a picture for the finale where Kumiko is getting a kissu on the cheek from both Shoe and Reina.
unironically shit writing by takeda. She had arcs and arcs of Kumiko moving past Reina, becoming the Oumae counseling center, growing as one of the strong pillars of the band just to reintroduce Reina's shit back into her life at the end. She had other options, like delve deeper into Kumiko becoming a senpai to not just Kanade but a whole set of new members, but no.
Novel Kumiko is het while Anime Kumiko is gay.
Kumiko is pretty much bisexual if those gay internal thoughts in the novel mean anything. She's dating a dude while eyefucking her hot menhera female friend.
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>(You) want your happy ending? Buy the novels goys
we can give her the benefit of the doubt and say that her editors made her choose the happy, conflict free ending so that the babies that read the novels were satisfied. I was surprised reading the spoilers in these threads that the novels did end like that, it seems like this anime ending would be the kind of ending takeda would write, but that's just based on vibes
>Scum's Wish
Sensei Kumiko sleeping with multiple of her female students.
Fitting. The entire instigating event of the anime is the MC wanting to wear a GOAT serafuku instead of the pozzed globohomo blazer style uniform.
>where did the "pozzed" come from?
I am not making this up. Blazers have often been introduced precisely because they are less gender differentiated. That was at least the original motivation which was somewhat forgotten around the 00s, but is picking up steam again because the world is becoming shittier.
my happy ending is Mayu X Kumiko
Nothing, she's going abroad so she's not going to be around to do much in the first place.
Pretty much no one in this thread has mentioned anything like that. Yurifags are perfectly comfortable inventing ways this could end with them together. They're very used to delusions. You're just a deranged and obsessed freak
B-b-but muh yuri!
Doujin where
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I suspect Takeda is a bislut too. Her interest in quasi-yuri and now outright yuri stuff is a bit much for a straight woman
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I guess they made Reina so hateable so that Shuichi ending is acceptable
bravo Hanada
I think so as well. Back then I used to make jokes about her being far in the closet. Her interest in the female body shines too much in those passages.
She could have both if not for some autist retard
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nah, that's a pretty accurate description of them over the years i've been in these threads and wherever i see discussions. doujins and fanfics are fine, but it is a personal victory for them if kyoani makes their dreams come true, and are annoyed when shows like the other similar shows that aired this season don't end the way they want
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Mayu's a jellyfish. Makes sense.
Would not have happened because the votes were 50/50 before Reina.
>yurifags are perfectly comfortable inventing ways this could end with them together
Not really. Most yurifags only want to pair up girls who haven't been romantically involved with guys at some point. There's a reason why the fanbase has mostly moved on from Kumiko/Reina.
>She lost by a single vote.
They made the voting scene pretty obvious that a bunch voted for Kumiko because they could recognize her sound and not necessarily because she was better, they showed those close up zooms for a reason.
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Am I weird in that I think the decision to pick Mayu was wrong from a musical standpoint, wrong from a moral standpoint, incredibly tragic for multiple characters I care about, and that the viewer is not supposed to think of it this way, yet it's the most absolutely Kino ending for the series to have?

It's a classic case of how much tragedy in this world comes from people being trapped by an idea, or from their sense of what they are "supposed to" be, or what role they are "supposed to" play. Kumiko played the role of the buchou who is supposed to sacrifice herself to support the band. Reina played the role of the 'objective' champion who stops at nothing to be the best and win. Mayu played the role of the earnest band member who believes in meritocracy. They play the role they're 'supposed' to play, follow their 'ideals' which really are something that comes from a society outside themselves, and end up with a result that no one really wants. Reina seriously hurt her best friend for what she (in my opinion incorrectly) perceived to be a tiny increase in the chance of winning gold. Kumiko had to be publicly humiliated in the most thorough way, and after that give a speech about accepting this outcome where she had to bury her pain. Mayu... It's hard to say what she wanted, but it's very clear that she did not want the solo to the extent that it caused Kumiko and Reina this much pain. She likes playing, and wants to do her best, and is happy that they truly wanted her to do her best, but she still doesn't like that what she got from that was everyone else being sad. This kind of shit is what's wrong with society, in a perfect nutshell.

Three seasons, all the movies. All the drama and triumph and blood sweat, and tears. All of it leads to fucking this. This outcome. It's agonizing but I love it.
Cute kot.
slutty brat made for ojisan
So you're saying that Mayu is... a jellyfish that can't swim?
Mayu really really really needs some doujins.
You fags act like Kumiko isn't participating in the performance at all, she's still part of the ensemble. She's not a complete loser like Kanade.
>here's a reason why the fanbase has mostly moved on from Kumiko/Reina.
Yeah, that must be why they mog every other pairing in terms of content.
dream solister is the best OP
Saachan won, Kanade lost
I was talking about the yuri fanbase. If you look at Hibike yuri art on Gelbooru for example, there's been less than a page of yuri fanart that's been drawn since S3 of Hibike started (and it's a mix of different pairings, not just Kumiko/Reina). Now compare that to Jellyfish, which despite being a new show with no pre-existing fanbase, got 3 pages of yuri fanart.
I think every second year except Kanade won
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This girl is one performance away from winning gold at the nationals in her first year playing an instrument.
That's the only one I never skipped.
>Am I weird
Yes, but you're not wrong. I think this direction is great for similar reasons - pretty much everyone hates it, and it's precisely not what they wanted, but for everyone involved it's exactly what they deserve.
I hate that Kumiko doesn't get her big shining moment. But I think it's appropriate.
hopefully with the new season we get a bump in kanadaxririka and a shitload more mayu
also, yuuko-natsuki absolutely is closing the gap on kumirei, since it's actually a fun pairing and not built on autism
imagine getting btfo by someone who's only redeeming quality is being loud
It certainly makes for a more memorable ending, Kumiko winning is just too predictable and boring.
She really is the cooler Kumiko
maybe but Kumiko's best quality is being a dork that we all love
These threads were basically dead before last episode
Uh oh, 10 years later huh. This will cause some fallout no matter how it’s sliced.
The real justice will be if she ends up with some random faceless guy.
she's Asuka without the brain problems
Ah! Now I need a hot Kumirei doujin
she still has brain problems - but nice ones that are endearing rather than ones that make you go off and fuck a dozen college dudes when you do something wrong to her
>pretty much everyone hates it,
and you decided this, huh?
kumiko got that gyatt on her
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That is true, I hope she keeps that part of her.
Needs Monika correction
Fits perfectly. She goes with the flow.
Good post and sexy anon.
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>using a second-hand repository site as evidence
>comparing it to a brand-new popular show that of course has momentum to get a lot of art in a short time
>using a second-hand repository site as evidence
Gelbooru draws from everywhere. Using a primary-source like pixiv (where some artists don't post anymore) would be just as flawed if not more so. Of course it's not going to be all the art, but the amount of art not catalogued for both series is probably going to be same amount.

>brand-new popular show
Jellyfish is not more popular than Hibike, which is done by a prolific studio and has many seasons behind it. If you look at the viewership this season, Hibike does better as well.
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She was the game changer, if inly Kumiko was more loud like her.
I want to naughty things to Kumiko
I'm glad reina going to america
the perfect punishment for her
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Reina is going to receive my french horn player BWC.
Harukabros... will our girl make an appearance for one last Kitauji Faito? Or is she gone forever?
>the amount of art not catalogued for both series is probably going to be same amount.
Absolutely not. Boorus only post what its users find interesting, they can never be compared to primary art sites where the majority of artists upload their shit.

>Jellyfish is not more popular than Hibike, which is done by a prolific studio and has many seasons behind it. If you look at the viewership this season, Hibike does better as well.
It's not about popularity, it's about freshness. Newer shows always generate a stream of art if they get even mildly popular, and older shows lose that momentum as the years go by. But not all can retain the initial popularity, KumiRei still getting a decent amount of new art is more than what many other shows from the past decade could wish for
ok shut up for a bit
why did Mayu cry
because Kumiko supported her for once
She will have a spade tattoo on her thigh
>the majority of artists upload their shit.
The majority of artists uploaded to twitter more than pixiv these days because of copyright reasons. But you can compare the pixiv art totals if you really want too. If it's probably going to show something similar thing.

>it's not about popularity, it's about freshness
Artists care more about getting followers than freshness. And the best way to do that is by chasing popular shows.
Because she didn't want the soli
t. The whole band

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