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>Blue Archive anime flopped
Nikke anime will save gacha adaptations
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sex with kyaru
first bruaca thread in 2 days...
and it's a flop...
Why are you complaining so much? It's like Loli Black Lagoon and it's fun.
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Who assed?
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>/a/ doesn't like BA and BA threads
>make BA thread by disguising it as a hate thread
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>big boobs behave like two chunks of hard plastic bolted down
>somehow manage to keep the camera in the most unsexy position possible for the entire series; lots of face shots and over-the-shoulder
>possibly censored outfits to make their job of making it as untitillating as possible a little easier
>and while they're ruining the sex appeal, also give the most by-the-numbers half-baked delivery of the fairly exciting opening chapters that they possibly can
I'm half expecting it.
We love Hoshino, Hina and Seia here.
We hate Neru and Ako.
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Based Seia poster.
We hate Blue Archive here.
Go back to /trash/
We love shupogakis here.
Now that the dust has settled, why did it flop?
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But there's no Blue Archive /trash/ thread.
Because it wasn't that good?
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Gay sensei
>But there's no Blue Archive /trash/ thread.
Then make one you dumb slut.
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This thread needs more Hina
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>thread only pops up when I have to leave
sad, won't be able to post seia
we do love them yeah
No budget, terrible direction with no soul, sensei being a twink male, also act 1 is boring as fuck
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What, are your hands broken? If you want one make it yourself.
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We love Seia here.
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We absolutely love Hina here.
Babylonia is one of the best anime to come out in 10 years, but it still fucked up on a few things like not giving Ritsuka enough screen time and didn't give him more scenes with servants and they did not go hard enough with the blood and gore.
Nikke has the potential to be trash if it focuses too much on shit like Rapi and Modernia and CGDCT trash. Nikke is only at its best when there is suffering and body horror and the japanese have been skimping out on the blood and violence for a while. They should just do anime shorts like what pokemon did, but focus on the lore bits that you find in the game cause that has the violence.
It's just an objectively low quality anime. If it didn't have the Blue Archive label on it, nobody would even know.
It's insane how much advertising this thing has. I visited Akihabara and it was just fucking everywhere.
You just gave the most underwhelming possible suggestion for a Nikke anime.

But at least it wouldn't give me hope.
/a/ doesn't like anything. /a/ doesn't even watch anime.
blue..... archived................
Because the production committee is blue and the show's been archived!
Terrible chapter choice.
Fuck abydos and gamers shit. Just go directly to Trinity.
it has great appeal
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It flopped lol
What are you gonna do when the Abydos girls show up to help Hifumi? Just retcon that whole bit?
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Look at this cute retard, /a/.
This + making sensei less of a twink would have been perfect. Not a meme buffed chad either, just a normal looking adult.
Just make a short to explain the bank robber retards like the Momoi one.
>normal looking adult.
Define normal looking adult.
>Nikke anime
Onpy if 2B also appears but impossible since it's a collab.
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Hina thread.
Azur Lane back?
Someone like the Idolmaster 765 anime producer(glasses optional)
Realistically speaking, there's no chance of this actually happening is there?
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Too nerd.
Cat thread.
Yostar should've just given us another AL show but lewd instead of this mid trash
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Hina cat.
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*fixes your twink*
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Gacha anime has already been saved
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I love the T-headed admiral in Kancolle.
I imagin having him having the same personality as Koro-sensei but the admiral is mute.
The P-headed producer would also be a funny one.
Hinya you could say.
Never heard of this, what's about?
Female sensei would be 100% better but weebs need their fucking self insert i guess
the vg general decided to only have one every weekend so that it doesn't overstay its welcome and die out
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What a bunch of literal faggots.
I would make Hina nya a lot.
no you don't understand they're clearly saving their budget for the more memorable trinity act
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There's surprisingly a lot of Hina neko fanart.
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You niggas keep saying this but I haven't seen a thread since the one on the 9th, unless it's called something weird.
>she doesn't know
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kot meidos.
iirc they usually went to the general gacha one, I saw a big influx of BA posting on the weekends there...
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kot sex.
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That thread is perma dead and is only kept on life support by autismos to bump it every time it reaches page 10 though. I'm pretty sure nobody has made a /bag/ thread since the first two on the 9th/10th.
In that case, IDK. I recall seeing baggots roam around a bit on weekends is all.
the best Bruaca threads are the /v/ ones anyway...
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Nice filename.
>That thread is perma dead and is only kept on life support by autismos to bump it every time it reaches page 10 though.
Reminds me of /a/ BA threads...
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Oho, I recognize this anon! Wait, are you the one who I told that I would make a thread but then I never ended up making it too?
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I don't know, maybe, maybe not? It depends on when and where this happened...
BA fanbase tried to be the old /a/ fanbase and failed miserable because the franchise is just not that charming
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In /gst/.
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At least we jerk off together like anons used to in old anime threads.
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Love Noa!
That still depends on when!

She's nice. Though I picked a random bruaca to post.
It's the only thing remotely interesting since over half of the story is dominated my modernia.
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Very nice random student to post!
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The FGO killer they said
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6/14/24 at 17:09 EST, is that specific enough?
I dare to say we love Noa here.
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Based red man poster.
Yurirbo. Episode 11 should've been the entire series with an actual harem. Hypothetical Nikke adaptation would have no choice but to be straight because Soda literally wears a fucking egg vibrator in one costume and the fans don't tolerate retarded tourists to any extent unlike Blue Archive still needing constant vigilance.
It doesn't matter because Japan fucking lost the gacha war hard to Korea and China. The only gaming force that exists in Japan is Nintendo and westoids are seething about it because they're racist against Japanese and they're too poor to afford Nintendo games and would rather spend thousands on robux.
FGO Babylonia and Camelot already did that
FGO is still dead. It keeps pushing disgusting male servant trash and TM garbage for collabs.
Shouldn't have trusted Yostar with the adaptation.

Nyot me, though I do agree with the sentiment and I might've posted similar things elsewhere.
Fucking retarded gook Japan literally released elden ring dlc last week which not only will will GOTY is a fucking dlc that is going to win it
Another gook found
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We most definitely love Noa here.
That's very good.
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Ah, never mind then, I do agree with your feelings though, if a thread can't survive on it's own two feet it deserves to die. I will be sad when this one slows down too but I'd be much happier to see an alive weekly/biweekly/monthly thread than one that requires 24/7 resuscitation, but anyway, ANIME.
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Imagine cumming all over her pantyhose.
Nigga you gay
>Racism outside of /b/
For what purpose?
I think i did imagine it many times already.
At least this thread is alive-ish, even if a few anons aren't here for good reasons.
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More students should use pantyhose.
It's so good it's downright criminal.
I agree. But there are already some nice students wearing them.
Mecha musume fighting robot aliens in space.
what would be the goddess of victory nikke anime even be like? jiggly asses every scene?
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Realistically it'll just be like every military action anime you've seen already except with a dozen more hot chicks
I doubt we'll see any jiggly asses or tits either, just a camera pan when they're walking or talking if we're lucky
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That is true.
And it's so good!
Ako posting is allowed here.
Rio also wears them which makes me consider not hating her.
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Students that wear pantyhose have a certain charm.
You can still hate them, but it's not exactly "hate", if you know what I mean.
I think i get the idea but i would still rather just stick to students i like.
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Would it have been successful if they used chibi models instead?
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Fair enough, anon. I took mainly stick to the students I like.
Though I have been hate-liking some more recently due to a certain someone...
I think using chibis for certain scenes could have been cute.
Probably what they did for Babylonia that had a good amount of ass shots in action scenes.
Which is a lot when you remember Babylonia had a fight in every single episode which is almost unheard of in modern anime.
Nothing wrong in trying to like new ones.
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I know, but this is all your fault~
>Phrenapates didn't even bother
it is 100% over
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wish they'd stop
akihabara has turned gay since all the seasonal anime ads were replaced with Mihoyo and Blue Archive ads
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nyo...it's just a little delayed...they'll upload it tomorrow for sure......
they shouldn't have portrayed me as a twink boytoy. FUCK YOSTAR!
>/a/ doesn't even watch anime.
this isn't /v/. anons actually watch an anime so we can better hate on it.
>Kancopium flopped. TWICE! (Yes it's technically not a gacha, but it might as well be).
>Anal Lube flopped. (Though the shorts were relatively decent.)
>Bitch Archive flopped
>Faggot/Gay Orgy didn't flop despite animating only arcs by NaSHIT, but that was mostly because of its cult of shit-eating sheep from /jp/lebbit.
Just give up...
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>adaptation did nothing but normalize a boring vision of sensei
most gacha anime are bad but at least they don't retroactively make the gacha worse
He's probably doing a batch for all the episodes. Besides, he has had delayed releases before.
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I want to see more seasons just for Mika.
I'm usually not one to complain about originality, but, come on...
It's fine, no one cares about the Millennium girls.
This is just a skin color variant of blonde and brunette.
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Mika would definitely be a top fan favorite if she ever were to be animated.
Is it true she's the #1 favorite of JP's female playerbase?
>female playerbase
I love Azusa
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Yes she would, I wonder, would the Trinity arc even fit into one season? I feel like it would have to be two cour, or a cour and a movie or something. Also hello Hinafriend.
They exist but if they are even 20% of the player I would be surprised.
didn't ask
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I asked.
I also asked.
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Not sure about this but she's definitely one of the most played students because she's actually fucking overpowered and needs to be nerfed.

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>make 1 bajillion dollars every month
>completely phone in the adaptation
>but use the bajillion dollars solely for advertising
I dont get this logic
but millenium has the best girls?
Kill yourself.
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The best girl is dead.
The problem isn't just that the appearance. The problem is that's it's ALSO always the same character dynamic.
but yuuka is alive and well?
They do?
Dumb blonde is a character type older than everyone posting in this thread.
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I've not seen a retard try this hard to fit in in so fucking long.
Kill yourself catfag
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One more Noa image because why not.
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This artist has a thing for these kind of students.
All they needed was to make Sensei a fun, confident adult character willing to banter and joke around with the students like he is in the game. For some reason they made him act like a bland, boring, generic anime teenager without any confidence or capability.
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BA signs are a permanent fixture. They got the new ones up already.
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Smug crocs wearing demon.
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She is just too powerful.
Cumming all over her swimsuit!
Nobody wants yurishit.
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Her new hair reminds me of Rin from Yuru Camp, I love those damn buns.
Jeez, you and cumming on swimsuits...
So from what I recall, Valkyrie are supposed to be like Norse themed, right? I know Kirino is supposed to be a reference to Hoder, the blind archer. Who are Kanna and Fubuki supposed to be?
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Oh, you have no idea.
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They are made to be cum on.
Hanako sitting her fat butt on my lap in public and grinding on me to be the ultimate tease
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It wouldn't stand out on Fubuki's white swimsuit though, would it? I'd imagine her looking at you smugly while you did it and then she'd go strutting around the pool with it dripping down her swimsuit thinking that nobody would see it, and being too lazy to clean it up anyway.
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konosuba s3 will be the most successful gacha adaption
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You're right, it wouldn't stand out, but the way you described what she would do after that perfectly fits what I had in mind!
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It's almost better when it's just a little secret between the two of you.
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I like girls like this.
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So that's how they work.
Smug girls are the best. Is she your favorite Valkyrie student, then? I really love all of them, they're all fun in their own ways. Also Fubuki's crocs are so good, every smug flat chested girl needs to wear crocs.
Fubuki is (Not) Sexy
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Imagine putting a pair of onaholes in her buns and fucking them.
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I haven't really given much thought to the Valkyrie girls yet, but her swimsuit really made her stand out now.
Yeah, I see Kanna's getting a lot of attention for obvious reasons but as far as nailing the character goes, I think Fubuki's is the best. Imagine her telling you to hump her foot because she's too lazy to jerk you off.
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nta but I always found Valkyrie to be a bit weak as a school. I see Kanna's appeal, but Kirino is whatever. Fubuki is great though, she's got that lazy attitude I like and she's smug. I'm kind of sad I started playing so late because I missed her release and rerun, so I'll need to wait to get her when her event goes permanent and then spend a bunch of eligma maxing her out. Fortunately she seems like one of the better welfare students.
Monkey paw
It's seems they do the bare minimum to attempt to pass the assignment
In case of BA they didn't even understand the role and importance of the Sensei and cut a lot of little but important moments for the girls characterization
Personally i'm still bummed by the Arknights adaptation
They sanitized the FMC crush towards the Doc
They didn't ricreate the CGs atmosphere (just a slight change to color palette could made some key scenes cooler)
They cut talulah chuuni lines
They didn't animate the catastrophe, and info dumped afterwards
They non-binaried the Doc, which is bad for the future since without a solid basis you fail to build authority since the two genders express that differently
They didn't show gore and sanitized the mass killings
The tacticool moments were so goofy
It could be so much more
Few non-players people who watched this and for a story like this, for various reasons, presentation matters
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And imagining that just got me hard.
Yeah, if I had to choose the weakest member it'd have to be Kirino, her shtick being that she just really sucks at her job makes me a little sad. I think as a trio is where they shine, I'd like to see more content with them all together. I started late and don't have her either, so I hope they add that event soon...Foobs' Mini-14 is super cool too.
Guess I don't even have to tell you what to do next then.
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hope it gets a season 2, one of my favourite anime from last year
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I don't think we should be doing this so soon... But I give up, I just want to read your orders. Please tell me what to do (though I already know it). Please.
Would you mind posting in /trash/ with me then? We can do it in /gst/, or can Hinaperv only get off if he's doing it on a blue board like the degen that he is?
This truly is our Blue Archive.
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Senseis are way too horny.
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I'll go to wherever you tell. See you there.
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Now that anime is over we can love Neru!
That is allowed here.
Why tf were there no BA posters when I went there?
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This will save gacha adaptations!
You weren't there for Azur Lane's anime. What a stupid idea to have no commander.
BA has no bikini...
I could barely tolerate sensei in the gacha, shitting up an all girl's school with his self-insert nothingness but having a bitch boring face attached to him too and dumped in front of my eyes killed any interest I had in even watching an episode.

Write real main characters for gacha or don't have them.
Sensei doing literally fuck all in the final episode made me laugh.
It was a pathetic anime but the story in the game sucks too.
The story in the game gets really good on Vol.3 onward though.
Like really, really good.
Let's not get carried away.
NTA but I really do think it's great. Vol F made me cry and I don't care if that's pathetic. It's a good story.
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for me it's seia
Pricone and Umamusume already saved gacha adaptations. Only gook and chink shit are doomed to fail.
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truly scary
I specifically asked them to temporarily remove them just to mess with you.
BA killed Touhou and that's better.
Fate is killing itself slowly anyways.
It didnt, BA is already declining in sales and after that comes the decline of fanart and doujins like every FOTM that lacks stay power.
>BA is already declining in sales
there was virtually nothing last month and the revenue didn't even drop...
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>FGO is still dead
It rank way higher than BA and Nikke though
>FGO is dead
It still regularly tops the sales charts when they release new shit. It's bizarre that the game is so old but still has such a huge following.
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What do you mean? I've already uninstalled FGO since year ago, just that FGO look way more alive than those 2 wapanese gacha
It really doesn't, unless of course, you only measure it based solely on how much money it can syphon from whales.
The scene looks much worse than before, but of course that's natural as the game is quite old now. I play both.
Well, blue archive is priconne walmart discounted version.
shit adaptation
anime came first
>you only measure it based solely on how much money it can syphon from whales.
It's the goal of every gachashit lol. Do you expect mind breaking changing the world gameplay from them or what?
.The scene looks much worse than before, but of course that's natural as the game is quite old now. I play both.
i played Nikke right now and the story is even worse than FGO, and this shit is even way more easier than the crap that is FGO for some reason. Too much auto and useless units
>play BA and Nikke
>When 90% of the game is autoing, 10% is clicking, finding pixels in event screen and rolling when 90% of the characters are useless and waste of time compare to 6 meta characters
>It's the goal of every gachashit lol. Do you expect mind breaking changing the world gameplay from them or what?
By that logic it's also the goal of every single product in existence, what's your point? I'm still not going to measure success as the "scene looking better" from the company investors' perspective.
I meant BA and FGO
I killed BA
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yeah I'm thinking based
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>kiss your students
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Fuck off
>western shitposter on twitter has an opinion
wow, the matter is settled now
cause it's a gacha anime
like, one or two of them have been okay out of some 50 or whatever
I remember AKfags hyping up their show too but it was mediocre shit in the end, just like this show
>yostar studio
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08年 「ボカロ流行で東方はオワコンwww」
09年 「けいおん流行で東方はオワコンwww」
10年 「俺妹流行で東方はオワコンwww」
11年 「まどマギ流行で東方はオワコンwww」
12年 「モバマス流行で東方はオワコンwww」
13年 「艦これ流行で東方はオワコンwww」
14年 「ラブライブ流行で東方はオワコンwww」
15年 「ガルパン流行で東方はオワコンwww」
16年 「FGO流行で東方はオワコンwww」
17年 「けもフレ流行で東方はオワコンwww」
18年 「VTuber流行で東方はオワコンwww」
19年 「鬼滅流行で東方はオワコンwww」
20年 「コロナ流行で東方はオワコンwww」
21年 「ウマ娘流行で東方はオワコンwww」
22年 「スパファミ流行で東方はオワコンwww」
23年 「ぼざろ流行で東方はオワコンwww」
24年 「ブルアカ流行で東方はオワコンwww」 いまここ
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eversoul will save gacha adaptations
>>>>>>>>current touhou
frfr ong
speaking of
Touhou has gotten unexpectedly popular amongst jap zoomers for some reason and i'm not exactly sure why
since 2022 yeah
touhou's core audience is now, unironically, zoomers
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sweaty seia
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it's over...
I can't do this by myself...
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Just do nothing
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but if I don't, then who will keep it alive...?
the only activity is later on, I need to keep the torch burning until then
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here, have an activity
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I only know about it because there is a lot of really good impregnation porn of it

You know the doujins I'm talking about
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good taste
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She just keeps sitting there, reclining.
Studio tried to turn it into yuri anime.
I shit you not.
Seia poster needs to CALM THE FUCK DOWN AGAIN
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certainly not me, enjoy your suffering.
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that's not fair
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not my problem.
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I did nothing.
No, the other ones.
With the twins and pink and purple girl
watched it out of curiosity, a little boring at times and very mid. Problably wouldnt watch a sequel to it
Based Hoshino poster.
do we still love hoshino here even though she went full retard in the story now?
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>tag: pregnancy halo
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>tag: kufufufu~
playable momoka when??? i love her fat tail
Better than BA
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Do NOT mlem
Fine: 500$
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>seiafriend bumping the thread throughout the night
My hero...
saddest part is that he always leaves during the time the thread gets activity... truly a martyr
We don't deserve him.
I felt this they had a disagreement between writers. They kept giving shiroko sensei scenes making it the hoshino character arc make no sense. either do yurishit or do a faithful adaptation, not both.
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I knew things were grim during the first Shiba Seki scene where sensei can either sit next to Shiroko or Nonomi and the studio just deleted it entirely and made him sit at the end of the table like a dork.
sensei is canonically a dork though
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Yeah but I don't want him to be a dork like that.
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I get the feeling that the Seia poster might be just as autistic as the Azoo poster...
>the Azoo poster
There are dozens of us ᓀ‸ᓂ
did you realize that before or after learning seiabros have a whole ass 4chan extension solely dedicated to her?
Yuru camp archive is comfy
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Post "that" Zoos image.
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One of the few times I wish we weren't so being JP, doing this event in winter instead of the hot, sweltering summer of 2024 would have been max comfy.
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It's shit anyway.
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here you go
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>he hates camping
Time to go outside and touch some grass, anon.
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>winter in argentina
Comfy event
Chihiro didnt get an alt/10
This is ridiculous. The recoil is totally going to fuck her over.
Dumb bitch.
It would beat the event for sure.
I want to be a dork for Shiroko
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Translate it, weebs.
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I swear this website is 50% Argentinians.
I think that's chink
Seia's so cool...
ok, I do admit that this is pretty damn cool
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You mean sexy.
nice virus
No Pecorine.
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truly the sexiest
Did it actually flop or is this just schizoposting as usual? It was mediocre but those BD bonuses are too tempting for the japanese otaku collectors.
>BD bonuses are too tempting for the japanese otaku collectors.
They aren't.
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It neither flopped nor succeeded, mediocre adaptation all around. It existed.
Probably sold enough to make a profit but not setting any records or generating any positive buzz about the franchise.
literally the very definition of mid af
It was mid in all senses of the word.
I want to eat her pussy so bad, man.
So fucking bad.
You have no idea how bad.
Lack of Hasumi.
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I feel then same way
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Her wings are too big to show on TV.
don't be rude! she appears during the second episode
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It's actually quite simply, the quality of the game content is directly proportional to the amount of Seia featured, the more Seia, the better the content, this is the goldern rule. The anime, naturally lacking in Seia, failed to achieved success and thus ended up a mediocre show.
Extremely cute!
I'm glad I masturbated to her yesterday night.
>exclusive l2d for all the abydos member (and the most popular one is exclusive for buying the 4 bds)
>also in game currency
>not tempting for nipponjin
You are retarded
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You don't play the game, do you?
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Hina thread.
I hate Hina
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is the gematria release of 12 any good
if you're a homo then yeah
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the anime ruined peco though
>he doesn't know
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I do, both global and JP, retard
Why would you play global?
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You what?
We love Hina here.
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I don't believe you.
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Hina thread.
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Blue Archive might be a piece of shit but at least if gave us Hina.
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Looks like Seia thread to me.
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can it not be an "all students" thread?
Maybe next thread though.
But i thought we hate Ako.
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I am canon Sensei therefore it's physically impossible for me to hate any student.
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Hina thread. Always.
We hate Neru and Ako here.
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Camp Hare thread.
lmao retard
A Nikke anime would be better suited for adaptation. It has action, fanservice, harem, and suffering. The Blue Archive anime was low quality and played it too safe.
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Posting the tsun kot for the kot poster.
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why does /a/ hate BA?
But we don't.
We love Blue Archive here.
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>banner isn't even over and she's already been forgotten
Prove it
I guess one Hina thread won't hurt anyone.
Her pickup was ages ago.
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and Kazusa isn't really a tsun type.
..sorry for acting like an annoying old timer.
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Aren't all kots, tsun?
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you have a point.
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We love Sugar Rush here.
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Smug Seia
We love kots here.
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going to sleep so don't expect me replying.
also yes,
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We sex kots here.
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We love (your favorite girl as long as it isn't Neru or Ako) here, don't we folks?
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That works too.
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This is cyberbullying.
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That's pretty much about how it works, yes.
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I must betray the squad for I like all the girls.
You're not allowed that here.
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Me too, but don't tell everyone else.
Based Millennium scholar
Millennium is a boring school
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Made for hard rockin' sex
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Won't argue here.
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We like Rock here.
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/a/ is full of Sugar Rush fans.
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Name their band.
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It's more like /a/'s the unofficial catgirl board.
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>just a mid-tier Sugar Rush cover band
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Actual good name. Would pirate their albums.
Or simply c/a/t.
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I'm off gentlemen, may you enjoy the remainder of this thread
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The tea is actually their body fluids.
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>shitting on my wife and her club mate's school
How dare you
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Byebye Seiafriend.
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Take care Seia poster.
this is actually cool lol are there archives of the aggies? i need them for research purposes
If you mean the /bag/ aggies, then yes: https://cubari.moe/read/imgchest/bp45x6bdq75/1/1/
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God I hope I can luckchad this kot during bluefes.
surely there's been more that one of these no?
Erotic cat!
That link has several I'm still scrolling right and I'm not done yet.
Start saving for the band version now and you will be ready once banner comes.
oh whoops im retarded nevermind
I still don't get why yostar gave this such poor treatment compared to something like arknights, dumb as fuck that they couldn't hire few good scriptwriters and animators from all the laundered money.
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I have 85k but I'm grabbing NYKayoko, D.Ako, D.Hina, S.Hoshino, and NYFuuka...hopefully I'll have enough when band kot is here but I'm thinking I'll have to just luck out with her regular version.
Band is like 4 months away so you will probably earn another spark or more by then.
Arknights was shit too, mostly talking head anime with rare moments of animation between all the talking heads.
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based, our protagonist is cooler
damn, these aggies got zankuro in them, impressive
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EoS (End of Subs) soon.
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Honestly miffed since I thought this was supposed to be U149's successor or some shit
nikke sucks, just watch any ecchi that already exists if you want a nikke anime
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Uheee Hina-chan, you're approaching me?~
why does she have my wife's rifle?
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She borrowed it.
Probably stole it.
Definitely stole it.
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What? I can't hear you.
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I'm sorry, Seia CAN speak, except she only knows Chinese.
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Explain this then.
It was a dream, and then you woke up.
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Robot models?
why she called zoos...
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Her name is Azusa.
because she belongs in one!!!
I'd pop her cherry.
Uninstalled BA after +300 hours, what did I think about it?
You weren't perverted enough for it?
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That sounds pretty lewd if you ask me.
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I will trust you with this one then.
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This is extremely cute. Her swimsuit really made me like her a lot.
But we hate Ako here.
Shameless too.
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Hinako gets a pass.
No reason not to be~
I'm not sure about that.
Guess not when you are enjoying it.
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I've been enjoying it a bit too much lately...
Not like you are trying to hold back.
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It just feels so good~
At this point entire thread must think that you are a slut.
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But I am.
And you love it.
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I absolutely do~
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Oh boy a Blue Arch-
>erp session
But there's literally no ERP going on.
are you blind
You will get horny again, pervert.
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If you think that's ERP, you're a big dumb.
Volume 3 to Volume F,sensei's actions throughout cannot be done in a calm matter by a woman.
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The way this is going you're probably right...
I guess I should just stop for today and take a shower.
So you can behave sometimes if you want.
Good boy.
>Hypothetical Nikke adaptation would have no choice but to be straight because Soda literally wears a fucking egg vibrator in one costume and the fans don't tolerate retarded tourists to any extent
doesn't stop the corocoro spinoff manga from being yuribait
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jannies are sleeping post mlem
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This anon sounds like an expert at identifying ERP.
even the babeh mlems...
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ERP 24/7 = BA thre/a/ds 24/7
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If you really think about it, anons are actually behaving themselves 22-23 out of 24 hours, that's pretty good in my book.
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We're almost near the image limit...
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The little fox wants to be bred.
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We love canids here.
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Okay but seriously, where the FUCK is the Phrenapates release???
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Because a soulless evil corporation wasn't interested in creating art instead they wanted to exploit the hard work of others to bastardize their creation to lose money because they made a terrible ad that would not make anyone want to play their game and they did all this because they are stupid selfish people with no thought processes besides who can I rip off today to get one step ahead of the competition without actually doing anything of value for myself or society.
I hate them all, I'll never get to see Vol F animated and this will bother me all the way to my grave.
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>they did all this because they are stupid selfish people with no thought processes besides who can I rip off today to get one step ahead of the competition without actually doing anything of value for myself or society
I hate corpos so much it's unreal, soulless bugs the lot of them
I think people are going to be surprised when they see BD sales, otakushit like this with limited in-game goodies has a tendency to overperform.
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Well that was a terrible idea...
I ended up getting horny while in the shower and masturbated there while thinking of (You).
Helpless pervert.
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This is your fault.
Sounds like an excuse to me.
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That's because it is.
I really enjoy it, so~
I think i noticed that already.
And so did everyone else.
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I'm really going to miss these threads...
I hope they still happen from time to time.
Hand over that ice cream, Hosh.
I doubt we will have them often with how mediocre anime was.
I wonder if you even noticed i'm not your usual friend, pervert.
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I noticed, but that's fine, I was getting in the mood, so...

Too soon!
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Ah well, I guess it's fine now.
This is my fetish.
It didn't bother you twice already so i guess it's not a surprise.
this but also it feels like most of the time it's just the one anon and the one or two anons that keep bullying the dork.
though it doesn't help that lately we keep hitting the file limit just as the bump limit is hit...
Not getting banned for all of the hornyposting is hilarious, I've never seen a thread like this.
Tell him to stop being so fun to bully, not our fault!
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I told you I liked (You) as well, and I meant it.
It's fine to bully that anon, but it feels like it's always the same anon, especially when the dork got told to go someplace else entirely when some people were getting impatient.
File deleted.
No wonder if you keep being a pervert when you have two anons teasing you.
>I've never seen a thread like this.
Oh this is nothing. We used to do railgun, neptunia and oriemo erp back in the day before /trash/ and /r9k/ existed. Mods and jannies would just mass ban every one.
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I love being a little slut~
I just hope I'm not too needy sometimes...
Kikyou ERP
>image limit reached
I blame the Seia poster, AGAIN
Does that mean you want to see other people get bullied?
I used to get a lot of action in Spice and Wolf/Steins;Gate threads, didn't know that there was fun stuff happening in those ones too. I will say I see it much more infrequently than I used to.
That's a very nice doujin.
Not at all. You just ask to be bullied though.
cute azoo
A little. It's mostly that it feels like these threads have changed from being a free-for-all to being the same anon or two being needy when they have played often enough that it would've been normal to exchange info by now... It veers too far into begging territory for me desu, so my mood tends to vanish.
But exchanging info would mean we would no longer be anons...
I love it. I truly do.
You have a fair point desu, I didn't mean to hog the thread like that. I'll back off for a bit and try and just let things develop naturally, gomen, anon.
[x] image limit
[x] post limit

GOOD JOB!!! ᓀ‸ᓂ
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>I'll back off for a bit
Please don't...
That's not how it works, then they'd be your nonny.
It's fine, it's only been this and the last thread where it got a little overboard. It's cute that you have to meet up in /gst/ but it really does feel like anon is begging and trying to reach for specific anons rather than the thread naturally devolving into "this". That's kind of what I meant about the whole info thing.
Jeez, there's always /trash/, you naughty boy... I'm pretty sure that other anon is a /gst/ poster too.
Nyo, I get what you mean, it is unfair to have it be an every thread thing instead of just spontaneous fun, that is indeed what /trash/ or discord are for.
I guess I'll try to behave a bit more...
I'm sorry.
Oh I should clarify, I'm fine with most threads turning out like this, it was mainly that it was mainly that it was always the same anon or two pushing for it; again, it's not really "anon" at this point anymore when you've blatantly done it often enough to know who it is...
And maybe I am.
you don't need to behave just go do it in the appropriate thread
It's okay *pat pat*
>And maybe I am.
What did anon mean by this?
also this desu
it's one thing if it's when we hit the bump limit, it's another when you're begging for it for the entire thread like the exchange from a day ago. at that point, go to the appropriate threads.
I'm sorry...
I will next time.
threads almost dead which means that the final post is mine which means i can safely say:
neru love!!!!
It means exactly what it sounds like it did.
Though I probably won't hang around there, it's been rather disappointing though that general usually is desu
i'm getting sick of waiting for phrenapates
what are the gematria subs like
Oh I'm retarded, I get what you mean now, nyahaha. I feel the same way. /bag/ trash thread when
hah i baited you THIS is the final post which means
neru love!!!!
post a lot about it in /bag/ on friday and someone will probably make one, with all the weekend teasing going on
Mika thread by the fucking way
yeah i saw but you never elaborated
I only go to the /v/ threads though...
Ehh, if I ever feel like it I'll make one on a Friday or something but I'd feel bad shilling it around the threads.
if you're fine with subs made by doxxed niece diddler local /bag/ avatarfagging eceleb then sure
well none of those words you just said are in english to me so ok i think i will watch them
Yuuka Love!!!!
he's also known cryptoshill be sure to check for cryptominers
ok maybe i won't now thanks
hah got ya this is the final post
neru love love loveeeee
Neru a shit
i love neru so much

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