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Oh no! Tomo is watching Kinos and crying! She keeps saying
>that's literally me
While screaming and crying!
How do you comfort her, /a/?
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I pick her up and pet her
ill put my penis inside her vagina
Tomo a shit.
Jesus christ these threads must be made by an AI
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Something's off about their voices too. What is going on here?
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I'm a real human bean, anon
Tomo a cute!
They're all new.
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When kissing a girl, is it weird to run your tongue along their teeth?
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ONONONO its happening again...
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>Nina is obviously still pissed off in their meeting
That's how you know that GBC is going to do it better.
We have both a live event with main group & rival group, and a coffee date with the main rival? What's next, they're gonna go tagging up the streets too?
Nina is always pissed off. That's her default state.
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That's not true, Nina's been pretty damn happy most of the time since episode 8.
She's angry in every episode.
Subaru will flash her pantsu.
Can we pretty please load an earlier save? I would really prefer to get the true ending with the concert kiss CGI between Nina and Momoka instead of the normal ending.
NinaHina relationship is nothing like KanoMero though. And if we compare how GBC handled Nina's family drama (her father) and how Jelly handled Kano's drama (her mother), that just makes me feel that much more confident about GBC. There are indeed a lot of similarities between the two shows but GBC has consistently hit it out of the park while Jelly consistently fucked it up.
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Subaru is such a slut.
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Yes please
>Hina-cunt apologizes and becomes friends with Nina.

Why is this bad?
hate sex > normal sex
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Love Live Sunshine with guitars.
Would Nana and Momoka let their groomed girlfriends woohoo each other?
Nana is aiming for Momoka, the groomed kid is just a weapon.
This used to be cheap shitposting, but then episode 12 happened...
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Hina did nothing wrong
what does this say? I'm at work and can't listen
TT will be disbanded, and everyone will do their own things like what happens in Jelee.
Jelee disbanded?
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>I'm at work
Play the first one at max volume.
I want to be their roommate who hears and occasionally sees them having sex all the time
>becomes roommates with Momoka
>"Oh boy! I'm going to get to see so much yuri-sexo!!!"
>it's just constant physical and emotional abuse where they try and rope you into their drama
>no sex at all
Thing is they don’t want you in their drama in the first place. Since the last roommate was barely home. In reality Neither wouldn’t give a fuck about you.
>seeing a short dyke gremlin gets beaten to a pulp by an older dyke drunkard.
This is better than yuri-sex.
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it is a nice cover
cant wait to buy the magazine
Momoka is worse to Nina than Hina ever was
>implying it wouldn't be Nina doing the beating
>Nail polish
good head canon
my head canon is that the roommate isn't even gay and that Momoka tried rebounding onto him after the breakup with Diamond dust and he didn't want any part of her so she got mad and just tells everyone he's gay
Nta but that wasn’t even directed towards you…
But it’s canon that he’s gay…
is it? we only have Momoka's word that he's gay
How are waifufags literally so much fucking worse than the yurifags? It's unbelievable.
Momoka is a character that doesn’t lie…in fact after Nina she’s the most honest character.
Hold on a second, waifufags have their waifu that they're loyal to. They don't go around to every single seasonal anime claiming all the girls as theirs. The people who act like this are something else.
New Kokuhaku
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Looks like its out tomorrow
Ignore the 2014, its just google translate being dumb
I'll buy the digital version and upload the magazine in the thread tomorrow like I did it last month
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>Tomo OP
oh no
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>Tomo OP
oh yes
I wish Momoka also chain smoke. Imagine Nina frantically hiding her cig burns to the rest of TT members. That would've been so hot.
LMAO this motherfucker thinks yurifags claim the girls? Bro, the whole point of yurifags is that they want the girls to get together. It's so far removed from waifufag coomerbrain
>LMAO this motherfucker thinks yurifags claim the girls?
That's not what I was saying. Work on your reading comprehension please.
which toge would you anal?
It's a kokuhaku.
Smoking is disgusting
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Hina smoking my pole
the chinese counted a total of 103 momoka-sans
Nina hates Hina not because of the bullying, but because she didn't kiss her back like Momoka does
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Pretty sure they undercounted.
Will they be in their eighties with science babies and grand children and Nina will still call her Momoka-san?
Wow, that's the same number of views they got. Poetic.
What a coincidence!
Still think their agent intentionally set them up to fail with that song, based on her behavior... probably all part of a plan to further prop up diamond dust...
that shit has nothing to do with the show
A paranoid schizophrenic would think that.
103 views is literally impossibly low
I can only assume Nina checked immediately after it released.
I think they double counted the festival one that appears both in the beginning and end of the episode, but it depends on the method.
it was 6 in the morning
oh they counted the ones without the honorific too, thought I missed some in my compilation
Rina's voice sounds different in both of those lines
No uta!
stupid girl is so stupid
Probably not recorded on the same day. Possibly even months apart and used as a redub.
I'm actually thankful towards sobsplease. If they had been good, they would've been entirely irrelevant, but by being so laughably bad they reached the point were some people found out about the show just from people dunking on them
Say what you want about SobsPlease, but they have the best translation for episode 10.
People make a bigger deal out of it than it really is. The implication is that she wanted to kill herself regardless, there's no other interpretation, her sister cried on top of her and thanked her for not doing it.
Yeah, it's extremely stupid to get so caught up on that one. It's ultimately very obvious what it was going for.
Business Yuuri.
Is SobsPlease the preferred subs for anti-yuri schizos?
I watch yofukashi
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Yofukashi is yuri neutral.
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holy, these are great. can you pass the source?
its an Ninamomo artist.
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48 hours until the final episode
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Not allowed
Of season 1 (of N).
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Tomo, Hina and Subaru the most.
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Is S2 in the work? We still haven't gotten to the obligatory Dark Rupa arc.
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Hanada said go buy merch if you want s2/movie
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it's a ninamomo artist as opposed to a momonina artist
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Rupa is already dark thoughbeit
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Why does most MomoNina ship art have Nina wearing socks but Momo without any?
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much appreciated anon
>all's well that ends well
>even if the plot goes to shit
I still have faith in GBC
Why does she have a cigarette?
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So small.
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Tomo after I tell her I hate her
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Bocchi and Subaru kissing each other
Who made this one though?
nta but https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119693017
>1 day and 22 hours until MomoNina kiss
>plus ~5 hours waiting for Nakayubi
I'm not gonna make it, bros...
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If you see a filename like that, it's from Pixiv, and you can just input the numbers at the beginning to source it.
When you post your receipt for the BD set is when it is confirmed.
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Say something nice about Rina!
Does anyone know if she is still in school. She is still high school age, but does she actually go? The band has been traveling so much to support the show it seems unlikely. Its unlikely that management will want to attract attention to this I know, but...
It's up to you to volunteer to help her with her education anon.
At this point
HinaNina > TomoNina >MomoNina >SubaNina.
Why is Nina always the bottom anyway
This is what happens when you have fansub kerfuffle; no one knows which to pick unless it's either SubsPlease or Erai
I think she is. It's not that unusual, Love Live Hasunosora also had an actual high schooler.
I use le meme subs
Who gives a shit
majority of people don't even torrent they just google "watch girls band cry" and pick the first streaming site that pops up
skill issue
Doesn't sound believable and there's zero raw data posted, disregarding as BS.
Just don't use any subs, problem solved.
Cause she's smol
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What would sex with each DiDust be like?
I watch all my anime on aniwave. I might rarely torrent a completed series for the sake of posterity but I have never downloaded a show one episode at a time.
Well, first you would have to be female yourself, otherwise they won't touch you.
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Rin would be too good at it
The sleepy looking ones always are.
Why Rin has different socks, is this some sort of fashion
Or speak French.
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How do I save the strongest NinaMomo soldier from repressing themselves.
She's not and you have terrible taste.
Hina is also smol
gape her asshole and give her something to really cry about
Why is Hina's D hand sign different from the rest of them?
I want the tall one who would still be a midget compared to me
Where do you people come from
Cause she's cool
Why are they throwing up gang signs?
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Nina if she appeared in the Gridman universe.
Is it an improvement?
I hope she never stops posting and never stops drawing.
Her thighs are so fucking fat compared to the rest of them
Nah. Sticc Nina works well for the story.
High school dropouts led astray, please understand.
Drummer legs
P-please tell me there's a continuation...
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Leaked episode 13 is out. And sorry yuribros, there's no yuri. Nina and Momoka don't even get a single scene alone together. The episode is mainly about Nina dealing with her bully, and trying to get over it. Here's a low quality screenshot for proof.
>Nina topping in any situation
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Another screenshot. This one's kinda yuri.
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Most people just order the names based on what sounds better.
Hina and Suba could top but literally everyone knows Tomo and Momo would get dominated by Nina. TomoNina is a rare yuri oddity were even in most art the "cool older character" is consistently getting topped.
NTA but I sometimes watch shit on aniwave when I'm traveling and can't download episodes, for gbc they at least had the decency of not using the MTL subs so that already makes them pretty much the best option if you're not gonna torrent it
Gonna get some use out of this
>her bully
Yuhime best girl.
Hina got her into DD. LMAO. I knew it.
So sobsplease was in the right all along?
Hina was never her bully...you fucking idiot.
Their translation is wrong even under a friendship interpretation so no.
That series was alright for like three episodes
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Hina was her sexual bully. Her glasses are still drenched with the scent of Nina's cum.
Maybe they were right, but that doesn't mean they were correct.
I haven't kept up with the show since episode 3. Was just curious if it ended up being yuribait or not.
We do get some NanaHina. I'm grateful for that.
you're an idiot.
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>noooo you have to consume media exactly like I do or you're a normie tourist!!!!
Nana is a cuck.
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Okay, I think we're in good time to do this. Put in your FINAL BETS, is there gonna be yuri in episode 13 or not? No middle grounds, a simple yes/no BET.
For this, assume yuri is something explicit or that cannot reasonably be understood in any other way.

You're a dumbass.
a little late now, if anything
Can you be cucked by music? Or your partners narcissism? Momoka left her for an idea and the inability of Momoka to delay achieving that idea emotionally, not for another girl.
>assume yuri is something explicit or that cannot reasonably be understood in any other way
At this point, in a post-Gwitch world, this is a meaningless metric.

That said, I never expected this series to give anything explicit beyond the confession.
>Can you be cucked by music?
Report, don't respond.
I didn't even expect we'd get that much. Even if we get nothing else, I'll still be very happy.
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There won't be anything other than HnaNina crumbs.
post everything. stop dripping it idiot.
>Says the guy that called Hina a bully...
>Nina and Momoka don't even get a single scene alone together.
this is the biggest waste
The word is "normalfag", but other than that, yes, that's correct
They didn't even get anything alone last ep either, yet they were still the center of the episode.

Your not making sense dude.
this >>268163277
give us the ending
that scene where Nina called out on Momoka's bullshit was such a girlfriend move.
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Either post a megalink with the whole episode or stop posting whatever screenshots you found on some Chinese forum fag
torrenting anime you'll watch one time doesn't make you a hacker or an oldfag
The aren't "leaks" they are just stills clipped from the 1min30sec version of the PV, instead of the 30 and 60 sec versions that have already been linked whole, extra frames from the same scenes in the shorter versions.
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They play a new song. This is the last shot before the title appears, and then it plays the normal ED.
Thanks for calling out his bullshit anon.
>Momoka keeps looking like a lesbian...

>We're getting HinaNina art
I don't think anyone believes this kinda post, it's just fun to play and shitpost along, not like we have anything left to talk about at least until the raws are out and personally I'm noping out of the thread a couple hours before that and until the subs are out, you niggers can't be trusted
Post the fucking megalink coward.
did she buy that guitar?
I'm actually gonna be pissed if this episode has an ED despite previous concert episodes skipping it. I fucking NEED that extra minute.
The fact that this dude is dripping out the scenes and not posting everything in a megalink is sus.

That or he's just technologically inept.
That's how you know he's talking out of his ass and it just posting random screenshots.
What kind of non-ending is this. I guess the ED doubles as an epilogue but come on.
Why would they play the normal ED, it didn't do that for all the other concerts?
Huh so that's where these outfits come into play
would you pull Subaru's strings?
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Was this in the PV too?
It never had any meaning. Thinking that "explicit canon confirmed on screen real yuri" is an actual thing is something that only shitposters believe.
Post the entire thing you fucking asshole.
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>is your best friend
>abandons you at your lowest, insults you while at it
>goes on to replace your idol as the vocalist of your favorite band
>does shitty renditions of the song that saved your life just to hurt you
>pretends she doesn't know you...
>...until she starts mocking you and rubbing her success on your face
>steals your signature pinky flip off (everyone's gonna think DiaDus came up with it)
>exploits your personality to make you accept an unwinnable battle that'll tank your career
>makes it so your new song flops (idk how but she definitely did)
Reminder, If you like Hina you're a sociopath.
Bet you now she's gonna try to steal Momoka, or make it so Momoka and he blue Ex get back together...
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>it's real
>the character-driven drama ends with a "smiling at the concert" scene
It's so fucking over...
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How so? Gwitch had a bunch of it.
The only possible doubt was "did they actually hook up", and Bandai was trying to string people along by saying "Ohh, I don't know, maybe~ You decide~", but then the BDs showed they're actually married.
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>Girls Band Cry
>Does end with all the girls crying while performing on stage
Shitty Jelly ending once again.
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>The confession? it definitely happened.
>the final episode is focused on Hina and Nina's relationship
>Love Live concert
>back to status quo "see you all next season!"
A-at last we will probably get a second season...
That's my point, you have the maintext showing they're married. You have Kobayashi himself saying they're married. But you still have retards calling it yuribait or whatever. Sure, they're arguing in bad faith, but there's still an insane amount of people who haven't watched the show or won't watch the show because they legitimately think it never went anywhere.
On a serious note, people blame Nina but no one, not even her dad who wanted to drag her to school so she could get closure, has told her that she should talk to Hina. That bitch is not to be trusted.
nina is so lucky...
Sobsplease... I kneel......
Togenashi Nina.
They're going to have to apologize with an S2 now because this is not an ending
I'm running low on Tomos.
Please post some.
How the hell did she get the guitar?!
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>Tomo famine
It wasn't mmk or her family. It was Hina who buys her the guitar.
Where can I find the 90 second pv?
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LOL LMAo...You know what, who ever said this in the other threads. You were right.
>because they legitimately think it never went anywhere
Well, they're... kind of right. It's made clear as crystal that they love each other, but the show doesn't actually do much with and they spend the entire second half in a yuri divorce. Even the conclusion is kind of "oh btw, they got married off screen".
I'd recommend Gwitch, and I'd say Gwitch has yuri, but I wouldn't recommend Gwitch to someone looking for yuri.
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where's the one where Momoka is taking her pets out for a walk and Tomo just took her collar off?
>In the end we were the girls band cry....
Pink = good.
I still think NinaMomo are dating. But now we can get some pinning Hina fics.
and how does Hina know which model Nina wanted? sounds like a load of crap, just gonna be Nina buying it on her own
Please know I just made that fact up but it could be true.
damn, she's just like me
Our band adventure is only getting started!
You don't seriously believe the "leak" anon, do you? If he had anything more conclusive he'd post it. He probably just scrounged up some stuff from the same chinese leakers that brought us the leaks in the past and is making up whatever bullshit he wants to shitpost.
Sorry anon nobody can fake this:
Then why doesn't he leak the rest of the shit?
I don't like I've stated in my post, I just hate leak shit
>anything more conclusive
He literally posted the final part before the credits
I didn't say it was fake, I said if you had anything substantial you would post it you subhuman piece of shit.
Because he doesn't want to leak everything? Even the Twitter attention whore only leaks parts.
Because he wants to make you mad.
She's cute and most of these are wrong.
She should've contacted Nina earlier though, but maybe Nina wasn't ready for conversation and blocked her.
I have to get off these threads, my enjoyment of this anime has Tanked since I started lurking here...
And? First off the transition to the ED could easily be an edit, but I don't get it. Am I supposed to lose my mind because he posted a 4 second webm? Are you actually retarded enough to believe that means he has the whole episode and knows what happens in it?
It doesn't really prove any of his claims though. He should leak everything or he's just full of shit.
Yeah, but that guy just talks about the music at the end. he never posts screenshots, videos or takes a shit on the fandom.
Confession? Never happened.
Hina? Forgiven and saved Nina's band.
Momoka and Nina? Platonic best friends.
DD? Did nothing wrong.
Nina? Hothead that needed to calm down.
How does it end? Friendship ending.
When the shitposters aren't out in full force the the threads have been nice and people post lots of cool shit. Honestly this has been the best place to talk about the show for me. If you try anywhere it's just a bunch of room temperature IQ zoomers talking about shit like which girl would listen to Taylor Swift or some other braindead fucking shit.
And we were making fun of YoruKura...
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Official Ninas too big to post
Pic related
no one is even talking about the yuri. Besides despite everything Momoka and Nina hadn't had an 'alone' scene since ep 10.
So SobsPlease is more accurate and everyone else wrote fanfic for that scene in EP8?
To be fair and balanced GBC didn't do the divorce arc, so a non committal ending doesn't really do much to undermine the theory that they are dating. The ending will be rushed, but it won't shit all over the story and the characters.
I was expecting BIG NINAS...
Yeah that dude really just wanted to cause chaos in the fandom.
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I don't have any issues with the threads or the shitposting, been there done that, but that webm just completely deflated me, wish I hadn't seen it...
Should've just ended in episode 11. Maybe add a Rupa episode beforehand.
Post the rest or the entire episode already
Are you just gonna keep asking this?
I don't want to say goodbye. I need season 2 and a movie.
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What is happening to this Nina?
>to believe that means he has the whole episode and knows what happens in it?
it's more believable than someone only having parts of the episode and making an elaborate edit out of them
Post the Taylor Swift edit.
Because now you know the episode ends?
How can Nina act all smug about idols when she has Subaru in her band?
looks like accidental snooze
then can he please just drop the episode in a torrent already?
It's not.
Holy fuck I hate these retards faces so fucking much
if they want more views they just have to show their cunnies
Hahahahahah no it isn't you fucking newfag
>tell people the ending won't be rushed, every time, everywhere
>show's pacing been perfect so far, there's no way they fuck up the ending
I'm kneel and concede anons and non-anons everywhere, I was wrong...
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Thank you anon
What are you even trying to say here.
As long as Nina says Momoka-san in the ep. I'm fine.
a bit yeah, knowing how something ends is always a bit of a bummer but knowing it ends like THAT just kills a lot of my hype
that scene tells you a lot about what they're going for and the structure the episode will have, and I'm just not feeling it, unless there's some sort of post-credits epilogue
why are you expecting a real ending when they want to turn it into a franchise?
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Same, I wish I didn't see that, now no matter what actually happens my expectations will fuck up whatever I end up seeing for the worst...
At least they didn't get their final episode hijacked by the chuuni rival band as advertisement for the next series.
Jellyfish moment
What if Nina was in Kamurocho.
Look on the bright side, now that we are spoiled will be able to get through the withdrawal stage just a little easier. Instead of building up all the hype and falling onto our faces, we can just take a deep breath and face reality. Besides, their music is still amazing.
I still think Momoka and Nina are dating. Even in public they can't help but be lovey dovey.
That said I still don't expect anything next ep that's worth while.
Do you guys actually expected them to become an official lesbian couple or something? Does that ever happen?
Can we all agree that No Rain by Blind Melon is a dogshit song?
>Do you guys actually expected them to become an official lesbian couple or something?
>Does that ever happen?
very rarely but it has, yes
At least be happy that it's a happy ending and open for a continuation
Not officially but NinaMomo is def implied. That and Momoka being a raging lesbian.
>doomposting over 4 screenshots and a 5 second webm
You guys need help.
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My day is fucking ruined, at least I already know to not change my free day at work to Friday just for the chapter.
I hate all of you, fucking niggers so much is unreal. Hope you all die of cancer
Even without Yuri I would be satisfied as long as the episode has a decent conclusion, but that doesn't seem to be the case
I'm sure at least half of the doomposting is just the antiyurischizo samefagging. The doomposting would be more believable if the leaks actually spoiled anything.
>the episode doesn't have a decent conclusion... because the show about a band ends with them playing
I've been meaning to ask since before this post, but what the fuck are you niggers going on about?
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It would be nice if leaks where spoilered but I don't really think people here are doomposting seriously, just being morons or is the same guy replying to himself.
You can't guess how an episode will go or how the pacing will be just from this few pictures... so yeah, I'm still hyped.
That said, see you all on friday.
Even if they mess up the ending, at least the series was enjoyable all the way through.
Unlike a certain other series.
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It's literally just shitposters trying to cause chaos cuz they're bored.

We knew they were going to have a performance this episode. We knew Toei wants to make this a franchise. Hanada's tweet basically implied continuation.

Also aside from literal trolls, there is nothing negative to be gathered from that 3 second webm. Ok, so they.... played the show that we expected them to and they were clearly from the looks of it happy with their performance?

I wish Nina were real so she could bludgeon some of you stupid fags with her lamp.
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Jellyfish didn't deliver what people wanted, but it did wrap the plot up and give a proper epilogue for the characters. This just looks like some nothingburger "our story has only just begun!"non-ending.
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Thank you for the cute Ninas, anon. You can just hear the "Momoka-san!" in this one.

Why would you expect anything different? They said earlier in the season that they were aiming for budokan and they're clearly not going to be there last episode. Their story is legitimately only beginning.
I ordered the bluray. You can thank me if Toei announces season 2
Jeleegger raiding again
Well yeah, this is 100% getting another season.
good job anon
too bad they're gonna add four new members in season 2 and ruin the dynamic
Why would I apologize to the show that began with an 8/10 episode and steadily got worse until it ended with a 4/10 episode?
meant for >>268166812
RupaTomo already ruined the dynamic
How would they do that? Add another drummer, vocalist, bassist, and singer? A band can't have two drummers.
Add 4 sexy dancing girls for the team.
That’s some sleight of hand shit. The plot of Yorukura wasn’t about Kano reconciling with her mom.
The plot of Yorukura was ultimately about nothing because it all changed last minute.
Nina finds her like that and then snuggles her.
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Cute budding Ninas...
Episode 1 began with Kano declaring that she'll make the people who wronged her acknowledge her skill. The final episode ended with her mom, i.e. the root of Kano's problems, acknowledging Kano. It's pretty straightforward if you're not speedwatching.
Their subs are terrible and I apologize for nothing.
What games does Subaru play? Is she good at games? Being better than Nina doesn't count.
So what was really the point of the impulsive kiss and whole beach moment episode where Kano decided to sing for Mahiru as her main investement?
Why she suddenly forgot that in last episodes in favour of my mommy dearest drmama plot?
Also if the novel spoilers are real then the whole Jelly group will fall apart anyway soon.
Such anime are pointless wank in favour of Japanese work system.
That's why GBC is actually a bit better seeing the girls actually try to live for their own choices as singing career goes.
Nakayubi is honestly the best one at this point, the others are just wrong or repressing the language
>So what was really the point of the impulsive kiss
>and whole beach moment episode where Kano decided to sing for Mahiru as her main investement?
in the ending it looked like she plays splatoon
Can we all just agree that both YoruKura and GBC are bad?
The only thing I can agree with is that you're retarded.
GBC has soul, YoruKura initially tried to imititate soul just to end as souless slump.
Well Japan isn’t.
I hate this kind of ending the most.
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sorry anon, soob's a squid
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GBC eps 1-11 > Yorukura eps 1-9 > GBC ep 12 > power gap > shit > Yorukura eps 10-12
Now that we know Hina is the best girl, will we get a (new) Diamond Dust spinoff?
This post was brought to you by the Sobsplease community.
This but swap episode 12 and 9 for GBC and swap episode 9 and 10 for jellyfish.
There's nothing wrong with episode 12. It needed to be more laid back so the climax can actually be climactic.
too bad the climax is anti-climactic and shit
>Plays the normal ending
What the hell are you doing??? Final episode is supposed to be the special episode without the OP AND ED.
it's so they can have the preview for surprise split cour announcement
It makes sense since the ending depicts a slice of their lives after the events of the anime. Kind of an epilogue itself.
Letting you know Aoi If FLAC is on nyaa and the archive. Also scans are up.
finally, thanks for telling
Ah, I see you've gotten a hold of that mysterious full episode leak? Then kindly either post it or kill yourself thank you
People here don't understand what made Jelly ending shit. It's not about the episode itself, but everything leading up to it. It could've been a fine ending if the episodes before it weren't total garbage. It also didn't have enough time for a proper epilogue for everyone because there's no plan for S2. Then there were some rabid yurifags wanting them to kiss and fuck onscreen.
GBC has no such problem because the last few episodes besides maybe the last one were amazing. It also didn't need to have proper conclusion for everyone because we'll defintitely get a season 2. The yuri is also more subtle so they didn't even need to show anything explicit. I still trust the writers to pull off a good ending sequence.
Thank you for saving my band, Hina-sama! I'm sorry, it was all my fault!
If we don't get a bunch of HinaNina art i'll learn to draw and do it myself.
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>we'll defintitely get a season 2
The thing is if you don't want to deliver or you knw you won't be allowed to do so later, just don't bait with it.
The shitty director could as easily avoid Kano kissing Mahiru out of her emotional impulse and nothing would be changed at all seeing the ending episode but he wouldn't give poeple false hope there might be going something there for a while.
Ant it isn't yurifags fault, if Kano was a boy and did the same things to Mahiru people would be as disappointed for it not being addressed at all in the finale.
Megu mogs Jelly, Hina mogs GBC, why such pattern?
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Don't blame Nina, Momoka-san, it's her first time! Be nicer!
You have to be a special kind of retard if you think they are gonna end it like this, especially after they saw how much of a success it is. Toei's staffs are probably already discussing the plan to make S2 right now as we speak.
Not having a kiss after teasing about it is a problem yes, but everything leading up to it was still shit and a single kiss wouldn't save the episode.
Because girls’ music anime never gets more seasons, right?
3 24/6/26 ガールズ
4 24/6/26 ONE PI
7 24/6/26 青春ブ
8 24/6/26 ヒプノシス
10 24/6/26 忘却バ

2 24/6/26 青春ブ
3 24/6/26 ガールズ
4 24/6/26 ニジヨン
5 24/6/26 響ケユーフ
8 24/6/26 ユルキャン
9 24/6/26 ダンジョ
Two yuribait shows in the same season...
>The thing is if you don't want to deliver or you knw you won't be allowed to do so later, just don't bait with it.
That's Jelly's problem. GBC has delivered just fine.
Don't forget about Hibikek...
Yorukura's 10th episode was great, fuck you fags.
Yeah because it keeps being subtext so no one will complain even if we don't get maintext ending.
Jellyfish was trying to bait being a maintext and that's why people were mad that we didn't get it.
Hard to call it a yuribait show where in novel it adapts from has a canon hetero ending for Kumiko and Reina still loves the male teach.
Only retards would fall for it.
GBC has unironically been less subtext than Jellyfish was. It had a romantic confession. Jellyfish had a teasing kiss and that's basically it.
Hibikek is the real example of yuribait. A show that baited with yuri and ended up being a hetshit romance. Yorukura was yuri until the very end and so will GBC.
So, since the show is now confirmed as not yuri, can I get a date with Momoka?
Season 2 will feature an all male rival idol group, with the members also being potential love interests for the girls. Including Hina, who leaves DD and becomes the second main character, replacing Momoka.
It also turns out that the boys' hit single was actually the song that kept Nina from repressing herself, more so than Void
It's already yuri though.
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>romantic confession
Yeah, Nina just wants Momoka to feel loved.
>right now as we speak.
No anon they're probably sleeping now.
Kill yourself
You're right anon, these speedwatchers clearly don't understand that Nina was confessing that she assaulted that dude in episode 2. Shit's serious, could land her in jail and jeopradize their contract with the agency.
She didn't repress herself after all.
Wait, so SobsPlease was correct all along and yurishitters were just being delusional as always?
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So regarding the allegations from the 30 families that acuse Toge Toge band member Ruppa of brainwashing the same number of youn women....
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Dude you've been spamming this for hours at this point, please have a Tomo and relax! Stop shitposting!
Tomo wouldn't like that!
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both that and Nina playing the ASAT
Not him but Tomo a shit.
it's sobs discord
This is absolutely the worst type of ending, I hate it so much.
It's still a very enjoyable ride though, but apparently nips are incapable of making a good satisfying ending.
I don't know how else you would end it honestly. Why is them being happy playing at the concert so bad anyways?
The thing is they already doomed themselves by making their new song flopped, we don't have enough time to properly resolve that shit.
>Why is them being happy playing at the concert so bad anyways?
It's not about playing at the concert, it's about the "Our journey as a band has just begun!" type of enidng. It's the laziest way to wrap up a series.
You literally don't know that that's the ending. You saw a 5 second webm of them playing music like they always do. Quit inventing nonsense scenarios in your head.
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Buy the unofficial china Subaru doll
I'm just preparing for the worst from what I see. I would be very surprised and happy if they manage to pull off a satisfying ending.
Ah yes, I have gauged the entire plot of the final episode from this one three second webm. This single three seconds is the entirety of episode 13 on a loop.

Repress yourself, faggot.
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Yeah, you're prepared for the worst.
Are you hoping for the best?
I hate China so much
We know the episode is about Nina and Hina and we know that this is the final scene.
Like I said, I would be happy if I was wrong and the ending is actually good and satisfying but I just can't see it from the leak.
Momoka is a lesbian even nips think that.
Leaker here. Only the first half is about Nina and Hina. The second one is about Nina trying to deal with her issues while being supported by her bandmates, which then leads to their concert.
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These girls are too problematic
Post the full thing or you're a fake faggot.
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just imagine the lesbian orgies
kono yarou
Tomo is too jealous, she wouldn't Share Rupa willingly
We lost...
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all the shitposting till the episode airs gonna be fun
Momoka has a cute gf
The first BD episode was uploaded to Nyaa https://nyaa.si/view/1838447
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>6.6 GiB
"BD Remux" means it's the untouched BD video other than being put in a mkv container.
Also called "a waste of time".
Does anyone here have a good webm showing off the animation?
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Anything new/touched up on it besides the unreasonably large size?
>subs sourced from sobsplease
I swear to God those faggots have their discordfags all over nyaa
The uploader is literally a member of SobsPlease, it seems.

>Anything new/touched up on it besides the unreasonably large size?
Will be running a comp later to be sure, but I don't think so, other than looking a lot better than Amazon or any other web source.
It's literally GJM's old staff, so of course they're all over nyaa
How do they know? Half the releases aren't even on the usual torrent site.
Accidentally put on her girlfriend's sock when getting up.
If it's not on Nyaa, no one's downloading it. Yofukashi and Sasuga combined would be lucky to have double digit download counts
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>being bitten by Tomo
DD has some bangers. No one in Toge will write a song as good as eternal flame. Hina's such a good songwriter.
What the fuck did she mean by this
It's just a friendly hello
Expressing the primal desire to return to the womb.
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Here: https://slow.pics/c/2puWZUo8
tl;dr nothing really changed other than some tweaks to the opening, but that might've happened in a later episode too.
Never thought someone would actually do this but that's cool to know
Thanks anon
Oops, missed one. The biggest change, in fact.https://slow.pics/c/RMOCO69B
I'm surprised they even bothered with that change
Later episodes changed that
I opened episode 11 and it had the Subaru change
Then yeah, the only actual changes are the removal of the warning, and tweaking the ed credits slightly.
How is it that a drummer can steal the show this hard?
Guess that means the production was relatively smooth. But then I wonder about the increasing amount of 2D art used as a fallback in later episodes.
Probably just a stylistic choice. They used it for a flashback and they used it for when Miura went undercover to make it harder for us to recognize her.
I am guessing that to the Japanese that hand sign looks like the letter D, but as a native English speaker who has always used the Roman alphabet, that looks like a P.
I printed and fucked her.
Piamond Pust
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its doing well.
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Where are we meeting up again bros? Are we continuing to make season 2 cope threads like a certain other band anime? Whatever gacha general when the game comes out? /mu/ threads? avemuji next year? I'm gonna miss you guys, even the doomposters.
I believe in Ninacoin, I'm holding my BD preorders
Who's sight is that? That doesn't look like Am**on's graphics?
>Where are we meeting up again bros?
In the void.
This is where it all ends. It's over. Give up.
I love you too, sad and depressed doomposter! I hope you don't repress yourself.
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As always I forget the Megumi magazine digital version comes out a day later after physical release
I didnt want it to clash with episode 13 discussion
It's been fun but I know for sure that I won't be visiting this thread again once the anime ends. I know well enough that general thread with nothing to talk about just devolves into characterfaggotry
>fast solos
>pick squeals

DD is metal
Same, I'll just keep this show in the back of my mind while I wait for a season 2 announcement and the full soundtrack to drop.
If it was purely stylistic, I don't think that would explain why they used it so much more later on. Especially stuff like Tomo's blanket, I feel like that has to be about resourcing.
Are the DVDs cheaper? DVDs outselling BDs seems insane, what decade is this?
>DVDs more than BD
They still have DVD players?
Their use of 2D has been fairly consistent. For certain foods on tables that the characters don't interact with or if they're chopping somethinv, complicated fabric (Tomo's blanket), characters that they don't want to make 3D models for etc. I think Miura-san (forma rock festival) was because they didn't want to make a model for her when that fit is just for that one episode.
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What about early non-characters like Subaru's friends that are there for like one scene? I feel like they wouldn't do this for later episodes.
i never watched this show is the music good?
What makes GBC good for you?
Would you consider this show as something good, or just something that you like personally?
They're probably reusable crowd characters. Basically non-distinct enough designs.
Why don't you go search it up and listen to it yourself?
I will not share my secrets with you, satan.
Diamond Dust is.
It's an acquired taste, I think. Gonna admit, I wasn't really feeling it when the MVs first came out. And I still think the versions of a lot of the songs used in the show aren't great. I like the music because of the show and not the other way around.
>I like the music because of the show and not the other way around.
I feel like this is usually the case with music-focused anime in general.
If you like vocaloid yeah it''s good.
It's standard commercial anime J-rock. It's okay if you're into that, but it's really nothing special.
Performances in the show are visually quite good, though.
It's alright
I'd have liked it better if it was actually yuri, but it's still alright.
This isn't funny no matter how many times you post it in these threads.
This is funny no matter how many times you post it in these threads
I think it being very similar to vocaloid music contributes to why I might like it more than the average anon.
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Man, I love Momoka so much.
we know Nina.
Nina was surprised by Momoka's gay roommate because she was bullied for being gay, so she couldn't believe how "normal" that was in Tokyo, that's why she says "Tokyo is like another world!"
prsk fan?
No but I probably would be if I played that game.
You can clearly see how she went from shock when she thought that her idol had a boyfriend to glee as she found out that not only does she not but she also sees being gay as something normal.
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It can't be over. What fast food joint will sponsor them for season 2.
The leaker said that the show has no yuri in the last episode. Why are yurischizos still shitting up the thread?
I'm not so sure. I like a lot of idolshit music in EDM stuff despite not really loving say, Love Live past SIP.
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What does "Momoka" mean...
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First time here?
Cum for Nina

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