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Previous thread (Chapters 3 and 4):
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CHAPTER 5 - An Autumn Flower

>Keiji...the leadership of the Maeda family belonged to you by blood...
>You had to give up your seat to Lord Toshiie by order of Lord Nobunaga, even though you had committed no error...

[And now, to save our five-hundred soldiers, you went by yourself to Suemori Castle, which is surrounded by fifteen-thousand men...]

[And you even went so far as to fight for me, wife of Lord Toshiie...]

>Lady Matsu...
>...why are you praying?

>I have to go to Lord Toshiie...
>I must send him to Suemori Castle at any cost to render aid to the others!
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[At Suemori Castle in the province of Noto...]
[The Battle of Suemori...in the twelfth year of the Tenshō period, Sassa Narimasa, a reckless warrior from the Hokuriku region, targeted the dominion of the Kaga and Noto territory, and surprise attacked Suemori Castle which belonged to Toshiie Maeda...]

>No! The three of us alone will not be able to protect this position!

>Lo-Lord! Lord!

[Castellan of Suemori Castle...]
[Okumura Sukeemon...]
Why did this not take off the same way Hokuto no Ken did?
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>Lord! Sir Doiyo died during the battle in the third palace!
>The waterway has been cut off for some time now, and the soldiers can no longer resist the fatigue! I don't think we can do it anymore! At least you take shelter, Lord!

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>As I thought...even the enemy soldiers are fighting while suffering from hunger...
>Even they are dead tired from the continuous battles and for all the sleepless nights they have behind them...at this point they're exhausted...

>All we need to do is hold out until reinforcements arrive, and we can win!


>Listen! Take out all the military provisions...
>...and give them to all the soldiers!

>Yes Lord!

[This man was once the head of the vassals of Arako Castle, where Toshihisa Maeda lived, the adoptive father of the Keiji when he was still eighteen years old. Even Shibata Katsuie was surprised at how fearless and intuitive he was...]
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>Lord! A messenger from Suemori has arrived who urges you to send reinforcements!

>And what do you plan to do?

>Sigh! Beat it and send him away immediately!

>Are you sure?
>Be quiet! For now I cannot move!

>Well, since we managed to repair Lord Nobunaga's armor...
>It's not important...by the way...

>...Keiji intends to leave as reinforcement, opposing you!
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>Seems very interesting...


>Ah ah ah! Do you think Keiji alone can defeat all fifteen-thousand soldiers?!
>Even if he's a monster, he will surely die!
>Forget him!


>It seems...it sounds like...
>...the cry of Sukeemon of Suemori and the voice of the soldiers...

>I want to go there, but Lord Toshiie has prohibited me from it...

>Ah...what can I do?

>It's a cloud full of rain!
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>Why do you keep sighing, Sir Jakusui?
>Oh, how frightening! It's you, Sir Keiji!

>O-oh, well...
>How shameful...

>During the assembly I boasted that I wanted to go to Suemori, but...
>...I'm not sure that an old man like me is really useful for this battle...

>Sir Jakusui, you and my uncle fought your first battle together, right?

>Y-yes! It was at Owari Kaizu! It was an infighting of the Oda family!
>Then I was one of Lord Nobunaga's direct vassals, and we were together with Narimasa! Lord Toshiie behaved bravely, he was nicknamed Mataza the spearman!
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>I too, taking his example, penetrated the enemy base without listening to the retreat order!
>I really risked my life in that battle!

>Uh uh uh!

>But now I've become old without a career...


>What are these flowers?
>They're gentians!

>Not all flowers bloom in spring, but those that do are elegant and fascinating!

>The flowers that bloom in autumn...
>...are modest, but also expressive!

>Flowers that bloom in autumn...
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>Forward! Even I will become a gentian, a flower that blossoms in autumn!
>My last petal at Suemori will be very big!


>You're really not that cunning!

>Mh? You said something, Yosui?
>You don't know how I feel, do you?

>This is my first battle!
>And why should I confront a lost battle?!

>What are you saying? If you win a battle that all thought to be lost, you will have a huge career!

>Damn you!
>You gave birth to me and now you make me die? If you're my father, why didn't you pick a less difficult battle?!
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>I can understand even your theory, but...
>Yeah! There is nothing after death!

>But glorious deeds cannot be performed in a battle without danger!
>Just go away, if you want!

>You really mean it?

>Well, if I can leave...
>But of course...ah ah ah...

>Urgh...that idiot! Your theory is good for farmers and craftsmen!

>I'm going now!

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>Ah! D-damn it!

>Pant! Pant!

>Come on!

>We were setting up an ambush for the reinforcements led by Toshiie, but instead...
>...only these ones have arrived!


>Kill them!
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>But...no horse dares to take even a single step out of fear!

>What?! But what happened to them?!

>But why?!
>Is there something wrong?


>Ah! But...who...who the hell is that?!
>It looks like a horse! But it's too big!
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>But...maybe I'm dreaming...

>That armor is...

>...the red velvet cape...
>But it's impossible!

>It's Lord Nobunaga!

>Lord Nobunaga?! But no...
>Lord Nobunaga was killed two years ago at Honnō-ji temple!
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>Out of the way!
>You're only gnats!


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>Iiiih! It's Lord Nobunaga!
>R-run away!
>Lord Nobunaga is back from hell!

>Lo-Lord Nobunaga...

>To go to the aid of the army of Suemori Castle...
>...it's truly heroic behavior!


>Eh eh...
>It's obvious, since we're samurai!
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>Ah! Ack...

>I'm speaking with Sir Jakusui!
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>Uh uh uh...
>Aah! S-Sir Keiji!

>B-but t-that armor...
>It can't be...

>Sir Jakusui!
>Now we're going to meet the real warriors at Suemori!

>I'm taking Lord Nobunaga with me for a while!

>For the Maeda family, the battle of Suemori is as important as that of Okehazama!

>Ugh...that Keiji fooled me again!
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End of chapter 5. I'll be back in six and a half hours with chapter 6.
How accurate are portuguese translations? Do you think it's worth translating translations?

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