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So what's next for the Kogester?
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Next Lolong will take him.
Toa will take Koga under his wing and help him bulk to 120kg by eating fried turkey ass
The absolute fucking state of the stupidity, mental retardness, illness, and gayness of /a/.
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Julius bros, they don't believe...
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He's gotta finish the story
Realistically there’s no way Agito won’t win unless Sandro really wants to shake things up. Narratively he’s THE guy and his only onscreen losses have been to Kuroki who’s the other guy and Jurota who is the Kuroki of THROOWING.
They already mentioned how Lolong was able to knockout Toa so this is the fight to elaborate on how someone can knock out a giant with superior skills and martial arts. It’s chapter 1 of the fight and we already have him no selling Julius’ strongest attack. Julius will probably get a hit or two in before getting dicked on.
Yeah I need to sex her.
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>move that was previously stated to be compared to blast core gets completely no-sold by formless jello man

christ man, also, I don't even know if formless got retconned or what the fuck it was ever supposed to be. I wish sandrovich just fucking actulaly explained it for once.
You'd think the impact would at least knock Agito off the stage and they'd keep fighting anyway because they're on the spectrum like that
He’s dodging it you stupid niggers. It’s not that hard to understand. Toa ate shit because he specifically stood in one place and tried to counter it and had his hands knocked out of the way. Agito isn’t just going to stand there and let it hit him the same way.
Juliusfags have fucking negative IQ because they can’t cope with their muscle boy not one shotting everyone.
Are you stupid? Kanoh is clearly turning himself into water to disperse the impact. It's what happens when bombs go off on the surface of a body of water
The point is he’s not just standing there and taking it head on like Toa tried to do. Do you really think he’s just letting it hit him fully and going “ nope didn’t hurt lol”? Use your brain.
It’s the same thing as when he dodge Gaolang’s punch back in Ashura.
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That's wrong, though. Kanoh is explicitly applying this "principle" to negate Julius. It doesn't get limper than water and Kanoh is now water at the cellular level
Koga will beat Ohma
Can't wait for Shen to pull this shit unironically
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>make an entire page where the characters explain "this seems like formless but it isn't!"
>still have a dozen or so anons going "I can't believe Sandro forgot how formless works!"

Guys, I know Kengan has gone to shit but I feel like you're tripping over yourselves in your rush to complain about shit with every new chapter. Not even reading any more.
Formless is "Adapt to opponent's style"
Not "Limp"
Who the fuck is koga
>still have a dozen or so anons going "I can't believe Sandro forgot how formless works!"
They were talking about the retcon that happened between
>Agito v Gaolang: Agito fights by "evolving", making up on the fly a new style purpose-made to counter his opponent
>Agito v Kuroki: Agito fights by juggling with his two personalities, one with some wrestling-heavy MMA for his civilized side, and the formless-style for his GU side
But what is Formless and also it feels like Martial Arts Agito is more of a striker than a grappler
>I can tell the "formless" styles apart!!
why call it formless then?
Isn't the whole point of hand drills that you can't redirect their impact
Agito isn't doing that, he's just dodging
Here's what I would do as Julius
>stomp the arena causing a large shockwave
>while Agito is stunned rush in close
>feint going in for a punch but dive for a tackle
>Agito uses his evolved formless to wriggle out
>grab floor of the arena loosened from earlier shockwave and flip it upwards to unbalance him or force him to retreat
>punch through concrete barrier with gocht totter steinbohrer, even if Agito dodges the punch he will get clipped by debris
"Kano... your world is too small for me."
Why don't you just use gott toter steinbohrer but foot to rakshasa sole shotgun blast Julius into bits?
Agito is a tier below Kuroki and Ohma. Rolon Donaire could(and will) take him. But he's coming off a loss and fighting the most overrated Kengan jobber, he's got this.
I think Agito and Ohma are roughly on the same level. Below Kuroki
Kengan Omega really is Sakigake!! Otokojuku.
>Constant tournaments
>The heroes always win
>The antagonists always lose except when against each other and always go out looking like total clowns
>Every fight is a gimmick vs gimmick fight
>Stoics always win
>Bullshido up the ass (though Otokojuku is kind of semi-satirically and doesn't pretend otherwise)
>Antagonists get build up as ultra supremely powerful yet lose their first fight and plenty otherwise DIE after their first fight
>"Heh, he was the weakest among us" is plentiful
>Even the whole "holding down the point of force" is just like this
How would you rewrite the Niko technique so that they're not bullshit overpowered but still a threat?
Except in this case it actually makes some sense.
When something is PERFECTLY balanced on something, weight is not much of an issue.
You mean to tell me, Otokojuku, the series all about "LE CHINESE SECRETS" has a bullshido principle, that's actually somewhat realistic compared to Kengan?
Yes because yeah, this does make some sense. If two spear tips PERFECTLY matched each other, they'd cancel each other out
it's the same "principle"
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What about "this" then?
Theoretically yes. It's how Prince Rupert's drops work
guys this wasn't AI
he actually spent time drawing every layer of that armpit

>stomp the arena causing a large shockwave
>while Agito is stunned rush in close

Using an attack not to do damage, but just disorient your opponent, feels kind of like a technique.

>feint going in for a punch but dive for a tackle

Feinting is definitely a technique.

>grab floor of the arena loosened from earlier shockwave and flip it upwards to unbalance him or force him to retreat
>punch through concrete barrier with gocht totter steinbohrer, even if Agito dodges the punch he will get clipped by debris

Tool use? That's a technique.
It's called "strategy" and the truly strong use it to "decimate" their opponents.
Here what's freaky is the guy finding the weak point in the first place
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And this?
sakigake is truly "unfathomable"
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Bros I haven't been able to stop thinking about Alisa's pits all day, I want to bury my nose into them and inhale her musty scent after a long day so FUCKING bad
Interesting. AI can generate all that?
I hate pit faggots, I hate feet faggots, I hate smell faggots, I hate you.
Otokojuku is full of SOVL though, so I'll give it a pass.
>the base idea makes sense, that everything has a "weak point"
>gives it an origin at the molecular level
>gives it a scientific name
>gives it an explanation as to why not everyone knows about it
>gives it even a fake reference to a scientific book
This is fucking peak broscience mate, Sandrobitch could only dream of writing this good.
>hurrr I MUST post that I liked a random AI hentai panel
Kill yourself. Not my problem. Not your blog.
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You're helping me appreciate Otokojuku more. My main issue was with its lack of characterization with it before, but maybe there was more than I thought. I think Miyashita can be a very good character writer, I just think his methods were stiff in the original but very good in the Heihachi prequel and Akatsuki. I remember I used to get angry at Togashi and Toramaru being sidelined constantly in favour of all the super serious types even though some of them outright lose to those guys.
Cry harder
That's literally how backwards masks work
As an artist, motion blurs are like the dark side of the force.
They let you accentuate impact and motion, but soon you become too reliant on them.
The solution to this is to accentuate motion without blurs
And how do you do that?
Hmm and what do you motion with the blurs, big booties jiggling?
Show a sequence of motions
And how do you do that?
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Like this but without motion blur
The current complaints on Formless are fundamentally the same as the ones made about it during Agito vs Lu Tian. They popped up too when Chiba combined it with Lolong's silat somehow during the Berserker Bowl.
The swaying shoulders that were there in Agito vs Gaolang was because it was a style specifically to deal with him, not because Formless inherently has swaying shoulders. But Sandro is building upon the needlessly retconned Formless from Lu Tian's fight.
Sandwich did this to Demonsbane as well
>Entire thing is that it's a counter you can launch from ANY stance
>Now it has a stance/tell
Reread your faggot post, you were the one "crying". Now shut the fuck up.
Happy to help.
But without the motion blur it wouldn't be as exhilerating in that example.
Nice tears, bitch.
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I feel like anon's learning all the wrong lessons from Sandro and attributing blame to the tools instead of the user (which is funny considering Sandro isn't even the one doing the art).
I had a dream last night that Julius and Agito were about to fight, but then Julius proposed that they settled their match with a watermelon eating contest instead.
Watermelon Kata wins again.
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Should be a side story where Lolong uses his endless premonition to kill Shen and whatever else he wanted to do.
I DO NOT care
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>Raian was knocked bloody and unconscious several times prior
>still has enough stamina to use Removal
>still has enough stamina to tank Edward's Ultimate Technique while Edward was using 100% Guihun
>the poison was explicitly stated to be not working on Edward by another character meaning Raian took it head-on at full power
If they're this useless no wonder Hatsumi and Rei didn't bother picking up any Wu techniques while they were training with them.
He's Raian
Ir eally wish Julius would win because It would be different at least but Agito already had a lost and looks like this will be a KAT rematch between him and Kaolang. Also, it feels weird that Rank 1 and 2 of Kengan back in the KAT days have never fought each other
>Hey Xia Ji this guy killed the "other me" how about I kill him back?
>Heh, you finally reached me, kiddo. I guess I'll have to kill you
>Heh... You thought you could stand up to me, Solomon and Fabio. You're bleeding but not injured at all, guess I better spare you... By the time you wake up, the world will have changed. Consequences will never be the same
>Hey, you guys, we don't have to fight! Water under the bridge, am I right?
Why was Edward so magnanimous?
I like how he's somehow the villain even when
>Less bloodthirsty than Raian
>Hasn't killed anyone on-screen unlike Raian
>Less arrogant than Raian
The Kure do way worse shit than the Wu but they're somehow allowed to morally posture
>He didn't even dare reply
That's right, eyes on the ground, crying bitch.
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>solo the verse
Anyone got the gif of this sequence of Agito vs Lu that starts here?
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Nvm, found it.
>That's right, eyes on the ground, crying bitch.
Why are you LARPing? You never fought a single fight in your life, so why act so tough while being a shameless cumbrained weirdo?
>That made the bitch big mad
Hit a nerve, uh?
This doesn't make sense
Where is cubaribro?
If you really want to Juliusfag, you don’t use “muh oneshot” to wank him anyway.

You use the precedent of much less muscular people in Dumbberu (which is canonically set in the Kenganverse) casually travelling through time by flexing, and infer that Julius is patiently biding his time for the Worm shit to actually matter before he just time travels back to ancient China and punches the first Shen Wulong in the face before he’s learned any Principles.
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Hassad soon.
Does this flag really look 300kg?
Doesn't seem like its weight is evenly distributed anyway.
"I" have ascended beyond the need for reading. "I" have gone "limp" in the brain you see.
Is this one of those SiR spinoff characters?
Yes. Koga is a hikikomoro who picked up pankration
Let's go back to complaining about the tried and true.
>His Formless isn't Formless because he's also using hydro kinesis, Chuddy! Totally different!
Sandro isn't sending his best.
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People aren't complaining about THIS specific change, people are complaining about how Sandro somehow managed to character assassinate a fighting style all the way back during the KvP tournament.
For some reason Formless is now synonymous with jelly, watery movements when that was specifically a style Agito developed to counter Gaolang. And instead of walking back on that change, Sandro doubled-down. No surprise that people have complaints about how Sandro ruined the fighting style of the character who had the best fights back in Asura.
>Tiger Niko never used Formless
>never used any of Fei's techniques
>never used Divine Demon, instead settles for a wimpy Possessing Spirit
>Kiryu never uses a single Niko Style technique, instead goes for Gaoh Style and Koei Style and almost severely wounds Tiger Niko
When did Formless become something you can teach anyway?
Only Kure Clan: Copy is more ridiculous.
I'm going to replace some shit for the hell of it
>Instead of Gaolang, it's Nezu with the excuse that Toyoda is giving Bishamon's former roster one last hurrah. Why? Because fuck Sandro's pet characters
>Justin isn't Okubo-lite, is a straight up hood dude, but the cool kind who had a shitty life, rose past it, and does songs based on his experiences. More of a Biggie Smalls than a DMX. Put an entire martial arts style based on his street/school fighting experiences
>No Julius, make whole new character who's built like a fucking square for D4. Smokes a cigar, acts like a drill sergeant and uses a military style
>Next to zero subsidiaries
>Need to be traumatized and develop schizophrenia for Formless
>Yeah that's inexcusable
>Physically cannot handle DD
The rope alone is probably around 300 kilos;
With the amount of complaint filled rewrites posted I think some should just go write a fanfic.
>Need to be traumatized and develop schizophrenia for Formless
Did Tiger Niko teach Agito and the other orphans Formless before the Gu Ritual or was Formless merely the consequence of a Gu Ritual?
>Physically cannot handle DD
But can he handle Fallen Demon and at least switch between it and Possessing Spirit without using both at once? Surely he has that level of fine control if he can teach Fei to combine them or learn Guihun from Edward. Kinda embarrassing if Ohma has better control of Possessing Spirit than Tiger does.
It's just one guy
>The latter. Your fighting instincts become second nature
>He doesn't use it
I don't think that one is pastebin-fag
>Because fuck Sandro's pet characters
Be a lot funnier if it was Willem instead, and he beat the dogshit out of Gaolang. Make it so Gilbert and Yan each put a guy forward for this tournament. And Ramon is Yan's guy, he happens to be Fu's biological father
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Formless just being the user chimping out into PTSD mode was the explanation in Ashura, but Sandro walked back on that by pretty heavily implying it was taught, according to multiple characters.
Doesn't this not directly contradict formless? The only 2 users I remember are Lu and Agito and both were gu ritual survivors. "teach" could just be a softer word. Man Sandro did Lu real dirty.
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From rereading the Lu fight, it feels like what Sandro's saying is that it went:
>Tiger Niko trains tons of students in the basics of formless
>with zero explanation offered to how he did this, I'm forced to assume he called them into his dojo and proceeded to stick his tongue out while writhing around on the mat for a few minutes, then said "ok do that"
>he puts them in the gu chambers and has them kill one another because it's the only way he can get hard anymore
>the survivors get collected from the chamber and made full fledged disciples <---- Agito exits the process here because his chamber was abandoned for some reason
>surviving disciples get full training in formless, which is why Lu was better specifically at formless than Agito
>other disciples I guess wind up killing themselves gradually over time unless there's some we just haven't met
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Also this panel.
This isn't even the worst case of Sandro contradicting his own writing.
Someone post the image of Hayami Huishenging his adopted clone son.
>When something is PERFECTLY balanced on something, weight is not much of an issue.
I hope I’m just misunderstanding you, because you seem to be implying that you can lift as much as you want as long as it’s balanced.
Kek, alright that wording really does imply so. Also what a shitty removal.
Have you considered that Katsu trusts his adopted and lab made respective sons so much that he excused all of the murder and schizophrenia and bleedy eyes as just boys being boys?
I hate that diamonds are still memed as indestructible when they can be fairly easily crushed like any other rock. Hardness only describes scratch resistance, nothing more.
Theoretically yes. If you're durable enough at least
don’t summon him, please
humans ain't built like that
holy retard
You think you can deadlift a truck as long as it’s balancing on a needle?
Why do people can still use removal and shit like that while having open cuts? Shouldn't you just start spraying blood? And like if had internal bleeding wouldn't that just kill you too?
This anon is an example of what happens when you read too much manga. You forget the basic laws of reality.
I thought only advance would kill you if you’re bleeding.
Not him but Removal WAS said to induce pressure on the human body. That likely includes an increase in blood pressure from the exertion
I said theoretically. If a human being was just fucking abnormally durable
>Formless is "Adapt to opponent's style"
It stopped being that after his fight with Gaolang though.
the human would get squashed and pinned in between a truck and the ground even if they had Luke Cage's skin. they wouldn't be destroyed but they sure wouldn't be able to lift it without superhuman strength. now a solid statue made of steel with a humanoid shape and size would do the job
>theoretically if a human was made out of the core of a star he could hold this
Pitschads we stay winning
That's kinda the crux.
Assuming a pin was perfectly balancing a pin that hat a truck perfectly balanced on it.
A technically possible thing but not realistically possible thing
I'm just not sure how the Formless could evolve further. How I see it Formless is like a massive bag filled with tons of techniques and the appeal is that you can theoretically counter anything but it takes a while to actually develop a counter martial art, I'm not sure how it could be further improved or even changed.
>whines in 4chan
>"this is not your blog"

Nice paradox, artfag
I loved her pits back in Purgatory, but this just looks weird especially with the shading contrast to everything else. I dunno if he unironically Ai generated it or what.
Daro's mind is as incomprehensible as Sandro's. But we have a footage and layers, so it is not ai.
I feel that Formless being turned into… Whatever it is now is just weird.
What’s the difference between Formless and Martial Arts and why does Agito need to switch between them?
But you can still read what’s going on
Story by ChatGPT.
More like story by Google Gemini
Can sex be a martial art? If you think about it logically, it's as old as fighting.
No. That was never stated. Toa pretty much stood there like an idiot in his “watch me counter this” stance which made him super easy to read. Even Lolong had an inner monologue where he said that standing there like an idiot was a bad move. At the last second, Julius rotated his arm to knock Toa’s hands out of the way so he didn’t even get a chance to use Breathing Mountain. Waka even says that the counter would have worked if not for that.
If you try to eat it head on and make it obvious that you’re trying to counter it then Julius has a counter measure to prevent that. But it was never said that it outright can’t be redirected. Blah blah blah you have to get the timing right and all that shit.
Wouldn’t it be funny if this happened?
>Waka hasn’t fought in any matches since Purgatory. Wonder what he’s been up to.
>Waka has apparently found a new master. One who could actually train him in martial arts hands-on.
>It’s fucking Katsuya
I'm not sure why that would be funny
>dude le Formless xD can just dodge everything lmao
Fuck off. More needless Agito wank. The shockwave alone should've sent him flying.
Because it’s not gonna happen
Even regular punches from Julius should fuck Agito up. Not sure why they had to be those awful chunibyo punches if they didn't land anyway
I don't have a twitter account but I'll trust you and other anons.
In that case, what the fuck? Practically everyone in the dump thread had reason to be convinced that it was AI. Have we all been truly mindbroken by AI?
Alisa is hot as fuck in that outfit so I'm not complaining either way.
>complaining that he’s dodging
>if he blocked you would complain
>if he countered you would complain
>if he did magical niko style and redirected it you would complain
>if he danced around him you would complain
>noooo Agito shouldn’t even be able to hurt him
>noooo you can’t just use martial arts to overcome strength even though we’ve seen it dozens of times already
>uhm actually in real life a bodybuilder would totally destroy an MMA fighter even though realism has never been a thing in this series
How the actual fuck do you want the fight to go? Julius just swats him in one hit and it’s over? You faggots are actually insufferable.
Like this: https://youtu.be/KIBM6ds2IJY
>Julius just swats him in one hit
Yes? Julius' whole thing is having true strength that transcends all gay martial arts. Even someone is extreme muscle density like Waka got badly hurt from Julius's attacks, a slightly above average guy like Agito shouldn't be a problem to Julius.
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I misread that as "Alan" at first and I didn't disagree
Lolong knocked out Toa
Misasa dicked on Yumi
Agito knocked out 100% gui huin Lu Tian who was said to be as strong as Julius. Fighters have overcome giants time and time again.
Your precious muscle boy isn’t invincible. Get over it.
Who are you going to believe?
Reminder that Raian would destroy Julius without breaking a sweat.
And Toa nearly koed Julius meanwhile Lolong low-diffed Toa.
Calm down manlets.
>slightly above average guy like Agito
Agito is 201 cm and 130kg of pure muscle, he is way above average.
I just realized that every fighter besides Sen (and possibly Yan) that Agito has fought on panel has been a heavyweight. Incidentally, Sen has been his most one-sided fight so far.
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Uhhh, bjjbros? Care to explain this?
You may not like it, but Guard pull is the optimal strategy for 1 on 1.
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>Guard pull is the optimal str-ACK
The fundamental problem with Julius is the same as the fundamental problem with Rei.
By nature their gimmicks mean they either squash their opponents or their opponents get squashed, unless they can match them in their area of specialty.
They're stat checks and designated jobbers, the same way Razor's Edge is a jobber technique, and those kinds of fighters are hard to write around.
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That wasn't a guard pull though, he was knocked down and could not recover before Wanderlei continued into the stomps.
How will Agito handle this?
He'll use a technique
>tournament is so awful anons have started eating each other alive
>no mention of Justin and Hiraku because they're boring fighters whom nobody had any expectations for
So that's the TRUE Gu ritual Toyoda was talking about...
...the same way he has handled it this chapter?
>no mention of Justin and Hiraku
I'll be honest with you, i forgot them 5 minutes after closing kengan thread last week.
In hindsight it was always kinda silly how I thought yet another tournament was the best course of action for Omega.
Well with Rei, if you know his gimmick beforehand you can prevent yourself from getting instantly blitzed by guarding your vitals like Saw did. That and he can only run in a straight line. If you survive his initial rush he’s hard to swat down but it was shown he’s not super tanky and it only takes a few solid hits to start cracking his bones.
Razor’s Edge is just all over the place. It’s effectiveness constantly gets walked back and forth every fight but then they’ll say shit like “Rihito could theoretically beat Shen if he lands a hit…” which goes with the narrative that you can’t really defend against it. But then he couldn’t use it on Myer’s bootleg indestructible despite it supposed to be able to rip through steel like butter.
In this fight, Gott Totter is just a really strong punch. “Don’t get hit” is a perfectly valid way to deal with it. People are acting like Agito is getting hit full on and no selling it when they’re clearly showing him dodging with the silly water visuals like during the Lu Tian fight.
>Already dodged by technique
Maybe just power isn't enough. He should do speed training too
>if he blocked you would complain
Nah, this one would be a 100% legitimate gripe if it happened.
People don't like it because Formless isn't about going limp, yet Sandro is framing it as exactly that.
Found the Nguyen
Rei's best fights are the ones where his gimmick was checked, albeitperchance.
>Can't write a straightforward fight with Julius because he'd just stomp most people he fights
>Can't write a straightforward fight with Lihito because Razors Edge is too strong so make him retarded to compensate and make Razors Edge inconsistent just to be safe
>Can't write a straightforward fight with Chiba because his Copy is too strong so make him an idiot who makes poor choices
>Removal is only effective for Raian, anyone else who uses it jobs/dies

The more gimmick-y your character the harder they job. I think Chibas only on-screen win was against a Nobody before Ryuki nearly killed him afterwards
That's because it can't be. Logically, Formless is only limited by the user's ability to parse out their opponent's style, understand the counters, and execute them. "Formless" basically isn't a style. It's just Agito's fight autism (retconned to be a sort of fight autism you can teach) that he learned to survive the Gu Ritual. It's just his fighting instincts going into overdrive to tailor his fighting style to his opponents. By definition, it always evolves and grows as Agito learns new movements and puts himself in situations where he must adapt and more perfectly understand how to cope with those situations.
It's such a fundamentally vague "style" by intention that it should be literally impossible to tell someone is using it unless their whole thing is that they keep coming up with the perfect move for every situation. The liquid bullshit becoming the norm doesn't make sense.

It was still adaptation during his fight with Kuroki, but the switch he was doing was switching between fast, reliable set movements and custom counters as he adapted to Kuroki's karate. Formless allowed him to gain ground because it was suited to pushing Kuroki to the limit, but it takes time to adapt and coming up with the perfect move leaves you open with all of the options. He switched back to his martial arts because, while not as polished and experienced as Kuroki is in martial arts, it was still something fast and "safe" he could use while he was studying Kuroki's movements and technique. It wasn't until Omega that there was suddenly a "Formless stance" and other people were able to learn it.
Nah, Chiba’s not that hard to write around. His copying gimmick isn’t that strong. They showed a brief fight between him and Kiozan where Kiozan simply tanked his attack and then slammed him and won. It wasn’t implied that he used the “wrong” style in that case. He just got straight up beat.
Saw vs. Rihito was also pretty straightforward but highlighted just how much Razor’s Edge has to be nerfed to make his fights fair. He gave up on using it after one time and then won mostly through strikes and then choking Saw out after he reached transcendence. Theoretically at this point he should be able to seamlessly mix Razor’s Edge in with his martial arts like how Kuroki does with Devil’s Lance, but if he could land it consistently it would make him TOO powerful.
Who and who?
Daro's art is so inconsistent and he's made such liberal use of AI in the past that it's hard to blame people.
>body is off-modal from all previous appearances with much fuller proportions
>weird shading on the armpit and legs that is much more voluminous than other parts of the image
>line thickness is odd in several places
>head could easily have been pasted on after the fact
Thing is, Daro's art is just odd. People tend to forget that a lot of his drawn work is wonky and erratic from page to page. We know that the last time Alisa showed up, the body was AI-generated and traced, so the idea was planted. Both this Alisa and the previous Alisa look far different from her KvP proportions as well.
Justin vs. Hiraku is legitimately the worst fight in the series. Nezu getting one shot and Chiba getting beat in 10 seconds were even more interesting. It was just
>justin goes for a grapple
>gets punched in the face
>goes for a grapple
>gets punched in the face again
For two straight chapters. And then Hiraku did a kick which Justin no sold and then won in one move. Neither fighter had any charisma or anything interesting about them. It genuinely felt like Sandro came up with them in 10 minutes and was like “eh good enough”.
I fap to so much AI porn that I could immediately tell that Alisa wasn't AI.
>the poison was explicitly stated to be not working on Edward by another character meaning Raian took it head-on at full power
This was proven to be false. Eddie's bio page says that he was affected by the poison, but he partially staved off its effects because he's so hardy. Hollis was just wrong.
I'm so tired of retcon bios
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But... But Justin Randleman cussed and shook le stadium!!
I honestly forgot about this detail. Shockwaves are so pointless now.
>Nah, Chiba’s not that hard to write around. His copying gimmick isn’t that strong. They showed a brief fight between him and Kiozan where Kiozan simply tanked his attack and then slammed him and won. It wasn’t implied that he used the “wrong” style in that case. He just got straight up beat.
And then Chiba fused Formless and Silat much to the confounding of the Readers
He's a guy who makes dumb choices for his fights that end up with him losing because of it. He can copy techniques but then will use Hatsumis own style against him or do Formless x Silat. He's written like a guy who doesn't understand what he's doing

>Saw vs. Rihito was also pretty straightforward but highlighted just how much Razor’s Edge has to be nerfed to make his fights fair. He gave up on using it after one time and then won mostly through strikes and then choking Saw out after he reached transcendence.
That doesn't read as Straightforward. That reads like Razors Edge was too strong so it was nerfed to the point of not being reliable after one usage
I remember when that chapter came out and people were bewildered by Razors Edge getting countered by Saw Paings forehead

What I think Sandro's trying to do with Lihito is have him not be so reliant on Razors Edge by making him a good fighter but by doing so he makes Razors Edge weaker because otherwise Lihito would have no reason to not be using it every chance he got
>Straight up can't use it against Mike Myers when he's using budget Indestructible
>Stops using it fter getting countered by Saws forehead
that makes sense. I'm not an artist and I don't analyze the art closely so I have a hard time telling where Daro's art ends and where the AI begins.
compared to Waka or Toa he's above average at best for Julius physically
You have to be kidding me. I forgot we got a new chapter earlier this day. I forgot all about it, from Julius using his shitty super punch to Agito dodging everything like some fag
The fact that Daro actually bothered posting about it probably means that we're not the only ones who thought it looked weird, nip comments on the chapter probably said the same thing.
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We've reached the inevitable breaking point where the magic of "so bad it's good" is starting to wear off, where Sandro's tried and true hackery and subversion fetish is ironically becoming predictable due to our understanding of how his mind works, and how fights between Kenganvengers are just win trading. Jurota beats Agito, so then he has to lose to Gaolang who hasn't gotten a win in ages to keep it "fair". Agito lost to Jurota, so now he's guaranteed to win his next fight because otherwise he'd look weak. Lolong is being handed a custom made jobber for everybody to hype up as Literally Kuroki before Lolong demolishes him as the announcer stares directly into the camera and spouts some bullshit like "HOLY SHIT THIS IS WHY THEY CALL HIM THE KING OF PURGATORY! IS THIS HIS TRUE STRENGTH?!??????"
Willem broke the magic.
Wonder what it was that made some people tap out
Fei exploding his heart for some, Eddie dying to Raian who may as well have never been hurt at all, Lolong getting mid-diffed despite being LITERALLY KUROKI
I think what made me tap out was Ryuki nearly killing Adam after having gotten pummeled for most of the chapter
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The Fei-Lolong-Eddie combo back to back is what made me give up on it ever being good again and converted me fully to partymode, but Willem is what made that give way to bitterness, since I think that was the first one where I genuinely couldn't really find anything at all to laugh about due to how gross and nakedly masturbatory it was.
Eddie's death was the big one for me, but I've still found plenty of smaller ways to be disappointed. The subpar choreography of Agito vs Jurota killed off any hope for good fights, and Tiger Niko vs Setsuna killed off the last remaining bit of mystique from the antagonist side.
I stopped taking this shit seriously after Toa, Alan and Lu ate shit. If I had to pinpoint a moment when the manga itself just wasn't fun anymore, I'd say around the time Mukaku was introduced, those dogshit fights and then Shen ""storming"" the Kengan Association while Sandro kept giving Joji the rub for no reason. I had completely lost interest in characters before, like when Koga learned the Niko Style and the Xia Ji ritual humiliation, or Okubo dressing like a literal clown. But Mukaku is what lost me completely
Willem was the last new character I think anyone really liked and he really didn't have to do much.
He was self-aware about how weird the Worms were, how Shen's strength made no sense, he wasn't blabbering like a jobber until he did, I think a small portion of us were somehow still holding out hope for one of the Villains to not be a complete fucking joke and Willem was looking promising
And then he jobbed to Akoya off-screen and we waited several weeks to learn that Akoya JUST FUCKING WON that fight despite being on the receiving end of a humiliation ritual
Speaking of humiliation rituals, Willem ended up receiving his once Sandro decided Raian learned Principles offscreen and needed to show it off against a "Super strong dangerous opponent" , completely ruining Willems personality by having him spout Jobber dialects and sporting Removal x Superman Syndrome that we can't even get a good measure of because he never did anything impressive with it
Some of us were even coping that he totally didn't just get his head sliced in half with that faggot katana
It also made Raian so much more incredibly unlikable because it showed that he'll never truly be humbled and he'll always be the edgy LE DOMINATE character he was when introduced all the way back in Ashura
>due to how gross and nakedly masturbatory it was.
Could you put that into words? I'd like to see that explained.
Shen will die and reincarnate in Karla and Ohma's kid.
>do Formless x Silat
Still incredibly strong, Ryuki had to go in for a lethal strike immediately just to survive
>Chiba was unfathomable... A monster in human flesh... Ryuki is lucky to have made it out alive.
Lolong vs Ohma was definitely the moment where the author's inability to "show, dont tell" came up and it's been clear since then. Maybe it's because two different people do writing and illustrating but it's like they are working on different manga and what we get is a combination that makes no sense.
God, I wish omega was full of tournaments so we wouldn't have to pretend the worm is a threat.
>Even indians are surprising!
Haha what the fuck, japan
you want julius and kanoh to have sex for at least 40 seconds?
No, anon. Weight has literally nothing to do with whether it’s balanced on something. If you can’t lift 600 lbs using a bar and plates, you sure as hell can’t lift it using the head of a pin, even if your skin was indestructible. That’s not how the real world works. Do you believe anything you read in a manga and assume the real world world like that?
You are also wrong, though. It's easier to lift a 70kg backpack than it is to try a random human of the same weight. It's about principles, unironically.
That’s weight distribution, not balance, you fucking retard. I’ll go step by step since you really seem to need some special education.
>try to deadlift a bar with 1000 lbs of plates on it
>you can’t
>try to deadlift a bar with 1000 lbs of plates on it AND the middle of the bar is perfectly balanced on the head of a pin
>you still can’t lift it
The weight is the same, the weight distribution is the same, the ease of lifting is the same. The balance bullshit is manga pseudo science. It’s not real.
Sensory hypnosis is strong.
Nice appeal to authority. Every leg in the human body can scientifically and theoretically support almost 300kg each. Now imagine if i was really strong. That number easily jumps to 500kg. And that's JUST legs. Add your spine, arms etc.
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Here, i even drew an explanation.
Theory: Koga was going to take Justin’s spot in the tournament but Sandro already committed to the stoic personality and Niko style so he decided to create Koga from scratch at the necessary power level
This manga has just absolutely zero inter-fighter conflict
In baki fighters are jumping down each others throats all the time, debating their definitions of strength, ambushing each other in hallways
In this everyone is a stoic respecter that only ever fights the people the kengan association allows them to
Akoya has threatened to kill dozens of fighters by now, but has put absolutely zero effort into actually "executing" his "justice"
The closest we got was Koga confronting Ryuki, but the circumstances allowing that fight to happen still felt incredibly contrived
I kinda dread what kind of bullshit Akoya would pull in his next appearance. Sandro retroactively made him strong enough to defeat someone with Wu physiology, 100% Guihun and Superman Syndrome while covered in second-degree burns, which was ridiculous enough to overshadow Tiger Niko's humiliating display of "power". Even the ambushes in Kengan just drag everything down.
We just get back to back wet farts in Kuroki vs Shen (ft some dudes), Setsuna vs Tiger Niko (ft Akoya just got fucking stronger) and Raian's return
You see, the Westward Wu are allied with the evil Worm, so they're totally evil and bad! Oh, but Shen is totally innocent of any wrongdoing the Worm does even though he's their leader.
The armor was secretly working like ankle weights, training Akoya to become superhuman
the reason your example is moronic is that you said you could lift whatever “if you’re just durable enough” but that removes the human element from the discussion. from the “durability” of human material to the composition of bones, muscle, connective tissue and so on. you then said a pin could lift a truck, but what you meant to say is that a pin could support a truck. lifting something means you’re raising it from a lower position. for the pin to lift a truck it itself would have to be lifted.
the reason you’re an idiot is that you’re trying to contrive “weight distribution” as some esoterica
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>successfully parried a slash from Otakemaru with a dinky knife
>displayed superior strategic prowess against a significantly more dangerous opponent than his superior officer
>all in the span of less than a third of a chapter
Here's to Sean.
Akoya punisher arc would be kino
The guy delivering Joji and Shen their beer? What about that bit character?
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4ZIJfDY9qs akoya taking off his armor and getting completely naked
you’re telling me Willem was less tough than a knife? knives break against Indestructible. the Westward Wu is in a sorry state
The death of Willem meant that we literally had no one else to root for and look forward too, outside of maybe Gilbert getting his ass torn in half against Raian. Joy.
I hated that Baki shit, no I don’t give a fuck about hanayama’s stooge let the fodders stay irrelevant
It doesn't have to be an exact replica, but it gives the characters a feeling of agency that kengan lacks
If a character is written as wanting to do something, they should be shown taking actions towards that thing instead of sitting idly on their ass waiting for the omnipotent hand of the kengan matches to sort them out eventually
It's because Itagaki is fully aware his cast is a bunch of deranged psychos, Sandwich on the other hand is fully convinced that his characters should be Marvel tier role models
All kengan character growth happens off-screen.
Character growth is when you get a new named technique
What more do you want? Pretty much every kengan character just wants to get strong
I wouldn't call Akoya and Wakatsuki the same kind of person anon.
I fucking love Otokojuku
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Since when was increasing a character's power level considered character development? Nothing changed about that character as a person.
>instead of sitting idly on their ass waiting for the omnipotent hand of the kengan matches to sort them out eventually
And THIS is exactly why Sandro fucked up when he decided to write a layer of separation between the fighters and the CEOs.
Is Agito using Xiaoli?
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I don't think there is anything wrong with the concept, especially if you characterize the business owners and allow them to generate intrigue themselves.
But when all we get out of the premise is being told what arbitrary shares number the two arbitrary businesses are fighting for at the start, what's the point.
I still remember Anons pseudo-panicking at when he was about to pick up his knife.
Hilarious. Rip to the best Wu.
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I miss him so much bros...
I have so much hatred for Raian it's unreal
Ohma actually rocks that look
I want to see Ohma or Koga or Gilbert or just fucking anyone for that matter beat Raian to a pulp
>He's right, Kanoh. Because of your strong butt you depend too much on your Formless twerking, you have yet to achieve your true "Disco" potential, but maybe...
>Lu-Tian, you lost yourself to the "Groove" within, just like I used to years ago, but I'm different now, I studied Samba, Jazz and Tap dance, I'm no longer the man I was while I was serving Master Metsudo
Someone post the "my knife is over there" panel
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I remember thinking about the endless possibilities of the Niko Style once I saw this.
In theory two Niko users can develop their techniques in complete different ways.
Imagine a Niko Style wrestler that mastered Water and Adamantine
Or a Water and Fire master that softens it's own body to archive inhuman Speeds
Sadly Sandro just turned the style into "do whatever" instead.
With the original implementation I could see even a tournament full of Niko users work
God dammit
>That hand
Wtf!? Is this AI slop?
>Retard picked out the one part Daro probably drew himself
This feels like it was drawn by the same guy who did FOTNS even when it's not that
>the character who had the best fights back in Asura
You reminded me of that incredible entry:
>sudden silence
>Enter Gaolang
Yup, though it's probably just a product of its era
So, what will be the HOWEVER in two weeks when the Gott Toter lands clean next week?
Me? You're asking me what I think? I think it will be that Kanoh went to go train with Ohma and Kuroki and they- especially Ohma since they both know Niko Style- helped him master Redirection Kata, among other things
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You know how in this tournament they said "None of these are duds?"
That's an apt description of Agito's fights in Ashura
>His sickass fast-paced MMA match with Okubo
>Gaolang forcing him to his limits and traumatizing him
>His systematic dismantling of Sen
>The Kuroki fight legit being one of the greatest fights in manga period with a near-perfect back and forth/visual-narrative flair
This shit looks like photoshopping real life nipples over a hentai drawing. Uncanny pits. Sayaka would never.
Daromeon claims it's not AI.
If I were Sandro's editor I'd enforce a single rule on him:
No commentary from the audience, only poetic narration
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The tulpa has already taken over him
Fucker decided for once to put an ounce of effort in a tiny fragment on this slop and we have gotten so used to the prompting we see more likely that he used dalle than his own hands. We got...

Agito wins but sustains an injury he can't recover in time for the Gaolang match.
I can't tell if Daro is telling the truth, lying, or thinks using multiple layers of AI generated art to complete his outline doesn't count...
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>the one time Daro puts in effort to draw something it's Alisa and her pits
You know what? Based.
I miss this fucker so bad
>true strength that transcends all gay martial arts
Why are you even reading this you fucking faggot? Go back to reading some beefcake magazine you disgusting deviant.
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What do you mean anon? Edward is right here.
Yeah not sure why everyone was saying it's AI.
Japs have been drawing pits in every shape and form since the dawn of time
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>Heiri Kofu
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>anons have started eating each other alive
A "Gu ritual"... In these very threads...
Lmao "PAXW" captcha.
His gu ritual backstory and Metsudo found him and it was the one time Metsudo is taken aback by anything. Seeing this kid laying around surrounded by corpses, covered in blood.
For me it was Raian SOMEHOW beating Alan, and making quick of him, as if Alan wasn't a literal "Raian but stronger". At this point the curtains were torn.
Edward's because it was completely fucking retarded.
>Literally Raid boss tier needing multiple canonically strong opponents to even make him put effort
>Manhandles everyone easily
>Given the "You were too strong speech" which makes zero fucking sense
>Raian gets up and no sells his secret technique
>Raian, who was offscreen beaten to a pulp just minutes later
>Raian that one finger shots him and he dies
My eyes just glazed over after that. Then Xia happened and I basically stopped reading altogether.
I remember when that happened years ago, everyone here loved it and thought Raian was so cool for instantly killing Alan
Hes not fighting Gaolang next retard
It's no coincidence that Raian is the centerpoint of some of Omega's worst moments
Blame Sandrobitch and his faggoty chungus obsession. And blame the fucking redditors who encourage him by reading his SoL slop.
Nah, everyone """loved"""" the shock of it considering how violent it was. Being robbed a fight was pretty shit.
Sandwich's princess after all.
Well on Ashura it was easy to just make a character say "I'll definitely become stronger blablabla" cause half of the manga takes time during like 5 days, but here in Omega we get a arc>2 year time skip>another arc over and over and characters dont change at all
Also am I the only one that think the timeskip from ashura to omega should have been way longer? Like at least 5 years
Daro's an even worse faggot than I thought. Incredible how pathetic this disgusting crossdress can get.
To this day, I have no idea what the point of the knife was.
Every single story justification has been exhausted. I'm only left with the impression that Sandro loves Raian so much he humiliated Alan even more for him.
Not everyone. I remember the reception being mixed. But eventually everyone grew to hate it.
Keng/a/n cheered where Raian tore Alan in half
I was only half around for a bunch of Omega but I caught the entirety of the Xia Ji cartel execution and felt indignation.
>Keng/a/n is one hivemind
Nah. Always fucking hated Princess Rayanne and all Kureniggers, and seethed beyond reason when he somehow stomped Alan. The Sandro bootlickers will always try to make up stories.
He defends the parts he likes.
That was a joke
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If your favorite Kengan character doesn't have at least one deranged femcel drawing herself with said character in a romantic context your character is officially shit
>Agito exits the process here because his chamber was abandoned for some reason
I figured Metsudo found and excavated it before Tiger Niko came back.
We have such a sorry rogue gallery going on right now

>Yan is a glorified Nanny who's main trait is being Shen's tardwrangler and being a bitch to Ji
>Fu Zhan's biggest accomplishment is not dying yet
>Gilbert who no one is kidding themselves over, he's gonna die more miserably than either Eddie or Willem
>The Westward Wu's in general have nothing going for them, they're all far superior than the Kure or Wu but are never allowed real victories in their fights and were even in-fighting for 2 years over Leadership disputes
>Tiger is completely deflated as a Villain and looks to be having a mid-life crisis after nearly dying to someone who's working off a handful of techniques
>Luohans entire existence is unfortunate and I genuinely feel bad for him but Shen/Sandro successfully deflated him from a schemer to a bitch boy in just a couple of chapters

Can you even call Akoya a villain? He makes routine death threats to everyone who annoys him but he never follows up on them and only ever kills low level mooks on the Villains side.
If Sandro wanted to make a commentary on how BitchMade Serial Killers truly are then he's succeeded but that's not the intention here
What I find sickening is how we have relatively virtuous characters on the “Kengan” side of things
>Most Kengan fighters seem to be passive or friendly enough, like Waka or Seki
>Even the more standoffish ones lie Ohma don’t take it too far
>Mokichi is a literal priest
>Agito took his meds and is relatively calm now
But they’re forced to share space with some genuine monsters like Raian or Akoya.
Either he spent way too much time laying it upon layering it and it contrasts with his regular drawing or Daro has spent so much time using AI his artistic skill has declined.

Sandro is trying to make 'Formless to Martial Arts to Formless' sounds mystical and cool but boiled down Sandro is just describing someone switching up their fight rhythm and stances.

I actually like Rei because unlike other speedsters in other fightan mangas he doesn't panic or get sloppy when the going gets tough, when his opponent begins landing on him Rei bites down and stays at mid to inside range and starts using overwhelming speed and technique to overcome his opponents. Him vs Saw Pang was bretty good.

>Can't write a straightforward fight with Chiba because his Copy is too strong so make him an idiot who makes poor choices
But this makes sense because while Chiba can perfectly copy a technique, he doesn't know when to use it. Floyd Mayweather is famous for his Philly Shell guard but he knows when to use it and when not to. Andre Berto tried using it against Robert Guerrero but didn't understand the nuances of when and when not to use it and got caught badly.
>one deranged femcel drawing herself with said character in a romantic context
That's just a yume, and numerically speaking there has to be at least one for every male character
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Hyper masculine characters like Julius are the ones I've never seen get this kind of art.
I feel like in the beginning Sandro was full madlad, he was the trope 'Young, passionate, nothing to lose and everything to gain'. But once he did gain fame and money and attention all the sudden he got cold feet about how cavalier he is about his own series and started to play things safe.
Why is silat a soft style?
Youre telling my elbowing someone and splitting their head open is soft?
It’s soft because it has circular motions.
No really, that’s the explanation.
No clue how that counters physicality
Honestly it’s mostly because killing off some characters would just be kinda “Okay why though”
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>elbowing is a circular motion
>boobs are round
>boobs are soft
>therefore silat is a soft style
It is compared to what Lolong could do to a weakling like Wakatsuki. Lolong is fucking TERRIFYING, Akoya is lucky he didn’t lose his composure
>But this makes sense

Nope, Ohma uses Copy the one time when fighting Lolong and it just works out but Chiba's whole shtick is copying other peoples Martial arts and he jobs for it
Just admit Chiba sucks not because of his lack of understanding but because Sandro doesn't care enough about some fodder to make them look cool for one fight

I'll give Sandro this, he tends to keep characters like Akoya and Raian in their own little spots from time to time
Akoya doesn't interact with much of the cast nor does he seem to have any real friends outside of his talking fleshlight. Setsuna seems to outright disrespect him despite working together
Raian's pulling a 1-man army against the entire Westward and not even Ohma seems to know what he's been up too since Purgatory

Begs the question of where Ohma is even bumming at if he's not living with the Kure anymore. You can only bum so much before it becomes clear you have ZERO interest in impregnating one of their women, rent free of course
Anon Ohma already has a place he was bumming.
Probably took whatever fight money he was given to spruce it up just a bit
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Bad Guys, Then
Shen – Connector. Mystery nigga.
Yan Ji – Head of Worm.
Xia Ji – Master espionage agent with low level Superman Syndrome and a martial artist genius.
Edward – Master of the Western Wu Clan with 100% Guihan
Alan – Has killed more Kure then Edward, 100% Guihan
The Western Wu Clan – Offshoot of the Wu Clan with many 100% Guihan users
Tiger’s Vessel – Mystery nigga, Tiger Niko’s best student with Divine Demon
Tiger Niko – Part of the OG Niko class
Lu Tian – Survivor of the Gu Ritual, student of Tiger Niko, knows Perfect Formless and 90+% Guihan
Naidan Monkhbat – Worm field agent, strong enough that he reports directly to the Head of the Worm
Yumigahama – 5th Fang of Metsudo which means he’s still a big deal
Hayami Katsumasa – Still CEO of Toyo Electric, still plotting to take over the Kengan Association
The Worm – Super secret association that’s been working behind the scenes for millennia
Gilbert – Edward’s son with bad fashion sense

Bad Guys, Now
Shen – Connector. Strong. Likes food, might genuinely be an okay guy.
Yan Ji – Head of Worm with low level Superman Syndrome.
Xia Ji – A punching bag for all the protagonists, literally begged for mercy
Edward – Dead
Alan – 100% dead
The Western Wu Clan – Infighting as well as field operations have killed off many high ranking members
Tiger’s Vessel – Dead
Tiger Niko – Part of the OG Niko class, wandering around
Lu Tian - Dead
Naidan Monkhbat – Dead
Yumigahama – Clowned on by a manlet he couldn’t even hit cleanly, never mentioned again
Hayami Katsumasa – Dead
The Worm – ‘Achieved’ their goals and is disbanded now
Gilbert – Got Huisheng’d by Edward, technically or metaphorically doesn't exist anymore.
It works because Ohma has a higher fight IQ then Chiba does.
>It works because Sandro said it did

>Xia Ji then
Those last two were revealed as he got the shit beat out of him so Koga could low dif him.
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Maybe he heard the weakness
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Whoops sorry, just posting proof that Chiba has a low fight IQ. Honestly you never had a chance.
>he heard that!?
>from here!?
was this ever elaborated upon?
You forgot Wu Hei

Went from ancient ancestor that all Westward, Wu and Kure descend from. Bloodlust taken form, evil incarnate and probably just as powerful as the Connector
To a complete joke who never wins fights and who's current status of existence varies depending on how Sandro's feeling. A complete non-entity who lacks a presence since every Wu Hei acts differently

>Still thinks his opinion matters because he posted a page from back when Kengan was good and not from when everyone's fighting style started getting flanderized into Pokemon moves
I miss when Waka had aura
Dweeby isn't deranged though. "We" are deranged.
Because Julius is completely lacking in charm and charisma. Even people into bara want a bit more to their man than their meat.
reminder that hatsumi can easily throw julius without any inch of effort
why isnt he in the tournament?
Whatever happened to the 4komas like Asura had?
Ohma wasn’t even copying a specific technique, he was just loosening his joints to cope with an attack like Lolong did
>with low level Superman Syndrome
Not introduced until Xia Ji was already getting buck broken.
I think they're still around, it's just that no one cares enough to translate or post them
To be fair Julius's meat likely doesn't work anymore after a life on steroids
No, not "that" meat. The meat of his muscles and body. He doesn't have an aesthetically pleasing body and lacks in charisma.
Next time Koga fights we learn Agito taught him formless, or Lolong taught him Silat. Pick your poison.
I actually didn’t mind Ohma being alive, but I think “He must have gone limp in his joints” was my point of no return. Kengan Omega is a comedy manga
Koga will be a Adamantine and Fire kata master, and his weakest Kata will be Redirection (his water is just mediocre)
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I want to see someone whos really goot at water kata. Feels like Sandro only created this kata specifically as a failsafe against cosmo
Apparently that was Fei's specialty...
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Luohan is the only character I like out of all of them.
And he will job.
>Moustache is colored over his gauze patch
If only Sandro didn't kill him in his debut match and keep him around
I fucking hate Raian.
so the japs did call him out too to the point he feel the need to defend himself
If I can get the raws I can try my hand
What's up with sandro and anti-hype villains? I don't remember any other manga where they get jobbed that bad.
Pure chungus cancer.
JJK kinda had this issue after Shibuya considering it pretty much killed every other villain. Then it's just Sukunawanking. Even Kenjaku died unceremoniously.
Toyotaro does the same. All his villains are only an issue because of 50 different caveats and overall just get unilaterally cucked whenever the MCs actually start trying.
Didn't Toriyama do the same from Android arc onward?
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Not really? 17 and 18 were basically immune to attacks until the MCs got power ups and by then Cell had shown up and made that irrelevant until the next power up, which he powered above.
Then Buu was just straight up unstoppable from the start.
Bit nutty that voring to get powerups was done twice in a row really.
Was that an edit by the translator? It can't have been there in the original.
>17 could have run away from cell but he was too much of a fightfag
>krillin could have destroyed 18 to stop the absorption but he was too much of a simp
>vegeta could have killed cell before became perfect but he was too much of a fightfag
>the entire saga could have been prevented if trunks was a little more specific about what the androids looked like
android saga had a dumb plot but I would still say Omega is worse because Tthe stupidity comes from the characters making mistakes. With Kengan its like the universe (Sandro) has to bend backwards to have the worm make any sense at all.
Plus everyone knows Toriyama was winging it when he wrote DB while Sandro insists on pretending his stupid mystery boxes are actually clever twists.
17 and 18 only emerged specifically because Vegeta immediately threatened to kill Bulma when she suggested it and then Goku also refused because he wants to fight. All of it could have been dealt with if they just went the easy way.
I'll give it this, this panel looks really nice, given the average Daroslop we get.
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It's realer than real.
>All of it could have been dealt with if they just went the easy way.
Except they'd have all gotten murdered by Cell years later if they tried that. Or just gotten stomped by Gero himself if he had already finished his own cyborg body. Or just got 16 sicced on them.
>krillin could have destroyed 18 to stop the absorption but he was too much of a simp
Krillin not being a cold blooded killer is good actually.
Vegeta and 17 are bad guys, obviously they make things worse.
>the entire saga could have been prevented if trunks was a little more specific about what the androids looked like
Not really, also Trunks was just straight up wrong about the Cyborgs, it's not a question of not being specific, he's just repeating an incomplet story he heard from Bulma and Gohan, who specifically survived because they weren't at the center of it when everyone got killed.
Lmao that old school translation.
>Except they'd have all gotten murdered by Cell years later
Cell wasn't even a thought bubble in Toriyama's mind by then. You know that's a flimsy justification especially since they're only about as strong as the plot requires them to be after any given timeskip. Gero also hadn't finished by then.
>Gero also hadn't finished by then.
Cell was finished by Gero's computer, killing Gero himself change nothing.
People loved it because it was a sudden shock to break up the monotony of the fights thus far and because it seemed to set up Raian to get his ass kicked by Edward. The real issue is the double whammy of Fei's heart imploding and Edward dying to Raian back to back.
I meant Gero himself wasn't finished with his cyborg body you chucklefuck. That and Cell by the lore wasn't finished three years prior when 3 years later he was still in fetal state.
And again, flimsy reasoning because Cell didn't exist in Toriyama's mind at that time. The characters purposely made bad decisions for the sake of the plot.
>And again, flimsy reasoning because Cell didn't exist in Toriyama's mind at that time.
You say that like most of your post wasn't post-Cell reveal, it's a weak reasoning.
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>stooping to unironically debating Dragon Ball's writing
>The characters purposely made bad decisions for the sake of the plot.
Goku not wanting to kill an old dude because of pre-crime is good actually.
And getting stronger to face the threat is smarter than taking the easy way out that leave you vulnerable to future threats. Which is why Future Trunks always end up getting fucked since he try to skip the grind.
It's like we revert back to 5th grade after a certain point. Wonder when we'll start discussing capeshit as well
>because of pre-crime
>Red Ribbon Army scientist
I feel like the Niko Style's real threat should've been it's versatility rather than it's potency.
It's just you studying the basic ideas behind all martial arts and applying them
>Your center of gravity
>Your muscular control, such as tightening or loosening
>Your ability to see your opponent's motions
And so on
No one actually reads capeshit. JLU was good though.
The problem is that it's basically just the basics of martial arts to the point that this "versality" is just an excuse where any Niko style user can pull out something that counters anything. On paper, Demonsbane is unbeatable but even Ohma didn't feel like using it against Lolong and Toa was too retarded to a fault to use it right.
What you greentexted is what it is already. That and if it wasn't potent Ohma wouldn't have gotten far at all. You can't be weak and then stomp all over strong people by definition.
>He forgot the Xia Superboy Prime arc
For me the problem wasn't the Niko Style "on paper", it was how Sandro used its nonexistence "in real life" to make up any ridiculous technique he felt like giving Ohma, even when they were totally pointless flash like Ironbreaker
Ironbreaker made sense to me. Ohma isn't clenching his fist, he's tensing all the muscles in his hand.
All Sandro had to do was convince you it made sense, but that's not what I'm talking about. I think the technique is pointless flat out
Fair enough. It is pretty pointless but I do get the mechanics behind it
I still find it hilarious how up until Ohma beat Lolong everyone was acting like Ohma was on the backfoot
>Ohma lands hits on Lolong
>Zero fucking commentary
>Lolong hits Ohma once
Clenching your fist is the exact same as that. Ironbreaker is just a punch.
Didn't Koga clench his fist so tight it got lockjaw?
I think that's how hard Ironbreaker is to do
It's a little bit different. If you clench your fist as hard as you possibly can right now you'll probably end up hurting yourself and that's the kind of clenching that goes into Ironbreaker. It's still pretty ass though, Ohma can just use it whenever when such an attack, even if we assume multiplies you hard your hits are, should virtually only work on people with no defensive acumen
I think it’s more about tensing the fibers than clenching the fist. It’s been like five years since I first attempted creating a real niko style and it’s not ineffective.
I tried hardening my fist once. It's difficult but I can physically feel the solidity
shaolin shadow boxing. and the wu tang sword style… if what you say is true, the shaolin and yhe wutang could be dangerous. do you think your wutang sword can defeat "me"?


En guard.
I’ll let you try
My wutang style. Bring the motherfucking ruckus.
DB's writing is great and I don't care that Youtubers and meme dub watchers disagree.
Red Ribbon was bad because they killed innocents, not because some labcoat made a Battle Jacket.
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Who were the most unfathomable monster martial artists in real life? I nominate Aleksander Karelin. Also including giants like Andre the Giant just by frame alone (he could lift 2000 pounds, which is two tons above his head). Who were the STRONGEST is what I'm asking.
>Aleksander Karelin.
Doesn't seem fair to include a drugged up communist propaganda agent. Might as well include the Cocaine Bear at that point.
>drugged up communist propaganda agent
What are you even babbling about? What would any of that have to do with his skills? The Cocaine Bear is a bear and animals can't do martial arts.
Anon Karelin was against the USSR if my memory serves right
>What are you even babbling about? What would any of that have to do with his skills?
Being hooked up to all the performance enhancing drugs in Russia and having political pressure applied to all your opponents, not even account bribe and blackmail, has a massive impact on how well you perform.
He was still KGB aligned, that's how he became a politician and got assigned by Poutine to help revise the Constitution.
I mostly called him communist because it's funnier than whatever the current Russian regime is called.
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There's no way Andre could press 2000lbs over his head. If we're talking giants, then the largest non pathological one was Angus MacAskill, standing at around 236cm (7'9'') and over 200kg (440lbs) while having the build of a normal man.
Didn't think we'd get so contrarian that we'd say Karelin was nothing special. Americans are so silly
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Karelin continued to dominate well, well after the Soviet Union fell. Might as well say Fedor was a mediocre fighter too
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Andre was 7'4 and near 500 pounds. The 2000 pounds thing was for a promotion and it doesn't seem legitimate, I'll admit I was heavily mistaken but his strength was still unfathomable.
I wish we could see a real equivalent to the KAT. Pure violent destruction between the men of steel of our time. Seeing how these monsters in human form would deal with each other given their different careers. Would Karelin be able to do anything to Andre? I wonder.
Were there any ancient martial artists that had a known enough history to talk about? There were stories of a man being able to crush rocks in his hands but it seems exaggerated and I forgot who that man was.
>shartists have been talking about how hard hand drawing is for years upon years
>now that ai is out only the algorithmic boogeyman is suddenly able to fuck up hands
I miss Ohma. The REAL Ohma, not this imposter we've been following
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By the time Andre made it to 500+ pounds he was already on the decline of his physical performance. His prime was probably closer to 360-400 pounds, with his freaky proportionality making him a lot stronger than his height, weight and aversion to training would indicate. He made guys like prime Hulk Hogan (around 6'6'' and 300lbs) look like children because his head, torso and hands were so damned big. There are stories of this guy flipping and dragging cars around.
>Would Karelin be able to do anything to Andre? I wonder.
I believe so. Andre was untrained and largely intimidated his peers into compliance with his size and strength, but he was no shooter. I believe a Japanese shooter actually took him down when Andre took liberties with him, but Andre was basically playing and drunk at the time. The real question is what would've happened if he picked up, say, Sambo, Judo or amateur wrestling as a teenager (considering MMA proper wasn't exactly a thing back when he was young). He'd be unstoppable
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>Were there any ancient martial artists that had a known enough history to talk about?
Milo of Croton borders on the mythological, with a pinch of progressive overload
>He would train in the off years by carrying a newborn calf on his back every day until the Olympics took place
>By the time the events were to take place, he was carrying a four-year-old cow on his back
Was it true? A modern domestic cow at that age would be over 1200 pounds.
>progressive overload
What do you mean?
I believe it, I imagine it's just like horses wherein what we have today was much larger than what they had before.
Push past your limits. You can add more words if that’s necessary but it’s genuinely simple as.

Push past your fucking limits. You’re the one that put them there.
Most likely true, but livestock was considerably smaller back then.
>What do you mean?
It's when you gradually increase the weight of your exercise to get stronger. In other words, as the cow grew in size, so did Milo grow stronger
Kind of like how Goku trains in Dragon Ball then?
>Start with something really hard
>Do it until you're doing it easily and there's no difference, like adjusting to 10x gravity or doing milk runs and hard labour with a 20kg turtle shell on your back until it's no different to how you are regularly
>Milo of Croton borders on the mythological, with a pinch of progressive overload
IIRC, he might have been a made up mascot someone just pulled out of his ass to make a point.
Kinda like Plato keep inserting Socrates into his fanfic arguments and parables.
>Kind of like how Goku trains in Dragon Ball then?
Pretty much.
>Aristotle kept inserting Plato*
My bad, it's late.
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So like, the setup itself is pretty by the numbers as far as this type of series go. "Good guy" returns from a training arc to confront his enemies and defeats them in some big showy display of power to show us how much stronger he is now. However:
>Raian and Willem never interacted onscreen
>There is no existing animosity there that would make us want to root for Raian, Willem has never done anything wrong onscreen, he hasn't even hurt another Kure that Raian could be avenging, even a made up one like Rikuto
>From the very start, there's absolutely no fucking expectation that Willem stands any chance here, nobody would realistically expect Willem to stand any chance at all against Raian even before his AI hut training, so Raian winning isn't some sort of surprising reveal
>Willem had also just been humiliated by Akoya, adding to the absolute lack of any expectation for him to put up any fight
>Willem's character is changed for the purpose of jacking Raian off, he suddenly stops being introspective, fairly humble, and perceptive and turns into a living jobber flag muscle monster who rants about how he's invincible and acts in his own thoughts as if Raian should stand no chance against him
>I guess because Raian is historically an arrogant loudmouth, Sandro felt the need to make his opponent even moreso?
>The entire flow of the fight is so fucking predictable that reddit comics and our greentexts literally predicted the final chapter's flow beat by beat
There wasn't a single speck of tension or ambiguity in how it would go from start to finish. It was the same as Xia's cartel execution on a meta level, a character who stood no chance on a meta plot or fighting feat level being corralled and offed so Sandro could masturbate to an overpowered pet character to celebrate him becoming even more powerful with minimal struggle or character growth. And despite all that, Sandro frames it like we're blatantly supposed to clap for his cumsock of a fight.
It’s Sandro trying to have his cake and eat it as well.
This would’ve worked if it was Raian coming off the heels of 3 vicious losses in a row. To Alan, Eddie, and the Wu
I feel like I've witnessed Keng/a/n history. I caught up around the Agito/Jurota fight and I remember we were all "hyped" to see Raian again in that we wanted a good seethe. We got our seethe, some laughs were had, some were saying it's some of the worst yet but there wasn't much animosity. Over time people have looked back on it as yet another turning point for the worse. And it was only 10 chapters ago.
Love when redditors who overestimate the characters abilities get BTFO
>Gets le formless meme'd
These are the same people who would've been praising Chiba to high hell if he won that fight against Ryuki after showing off formless x silat but never had a fight ever again to leave his jobberness more vague
Then do you know anyone pre-1900's who was an unfathomable martial artist?
>his freaky proportionality making him a lot stronger than his height, weight and aversion to training would indicate
If you have any article explaining the intricacies of how different proportions can give similar sized bodies differing strength, post them, that sound absolutely like one of those wonders of human bodies I like.
>Andre was untrained
I admire that "those born strong need not to train further" thing. Or I could say I envy it, more accurately.
Have you ever seen people wonder "what if a gorilla trained"? It's true that some animals do exercise to keep in shape like a grizzly bear rolling over rocks but what if they were pushed to the peak of their physical fitness?
I want Julius to win because he's the last hope for strength actually mattering as much as LE TECHNIQUE
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>Over time people have looked back on it as yet another turning point for the worse. And it was only 10 chapters ago.
This basically happened to Lu Tian when he stuck his tongue out. At first there wasn't much of a reaction other than annoyance, but something snapped a while later and the tongue conquered the threads for a good few years until it was finally dethroned by the anon edits (which itself seems to have disappeared).
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I think Juliuswank is the worst because he's a shitty character that panders to the average weight lifter's delusions. They love to imagine that calmly following a nice and regular weight lifting regimen will somehow make them incredibly strong fighters. While conveniently sparing them the grueling, ugly grind of martial arts
>striking and feeling no power
>losing your first fight
>feeling utterly powerless in the face of someone stronger and more experienced
>taking your first KO and seeing yourself fall in slow motion
Those faggots really imagine they discovered a nice little shortcut to strength.
>Kazzy could see the worm tattoo on Lu Tian's tongue from the sidelines to the ring
>Couldn't notice that Naiden was letting Ryuki kill him
Eh, the most annoying thing is the false dichotomy that strength and technique are completely unrelated. Or it could be the insinuation that martial artists don't train their bodies, or that all strength training is equal.
Theoretically speaking, just having high enough strength would let you win your fights. If you could go beyond normal conventional limits. A human will never overpower an elephant, so I don't think Julius is entirely wrong in his assertion, but he is still a human.
Not any I would 100% trust to not be like 50% bullshit. All the fantasy martial art gurus and 'Kumite' bullshitters made me kinda overly suspicious the moment someone sounds too strong.
Athleticism is a separate category from size and weight. Logistically its a given that it would be tricker to put a guy in an armbar if he's three times taller or something and your legs are too short.
>so I don't think Julius is entirely wrong in his assertion, but he is still a human.
A fighting manga human where you can overcome an 80 kg weight difference with soft martial arts, at that. Kengan has never been particularly realistic - grounded in Asura maybe, but that's a separate thing from realism. Omega is weightless anyway, all bloat without meat.
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It's a real shame. The digital era allows us to archive things so much more efficiently and video alone allows us to record things better than any writing could but now everything 1870 and before may as well all be folktales in some way.
The very first sound recording from the 1860's.
Pictured is the very first photograph, from 1826. Which was almost lost to history anyway. It's a "tragedy" we can't look back at old history the way we can more recent times.
>the insinuation that martial artists don't train their bodies
Yeah, even though strength training is merely part of martial arts conditioning.
>If you could go beyond normal conventional limits.
Going with this "limitless" rule, you could envision martial arts so refined you'd have "perfect" Seiken Tsuki able to go straight through a man's chest bones.
Anon weightlifting is more painful than any martial arts training
That's subjective. I don't think you can lump all weightlifting and all martial arts training under the same category anyway. But why is it always weightlifting and never something like track-and-field or swimming that gets matched up with martial artists? Do you believe weightlifters train harder than other athletes as well?
Julius isn't just a weightlifter. He's trained every single muscle in his body to it's functional extreme
I wasn't talking about Julius?
I remember my dad saying to me as a kid that swimming was the best exercise because it trains the entire body, something to that effect. Is that true?
Genuinely what is Sandro's thought process behind "Point of Force"
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This times ten
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Lol, lmao even.
If you're training for health benefits, yeah swimming is great. I should look into it.
>swimming trains the entire body
That it does. Swimming is equally tough on your lower and upper body, and it gives your lungs and heart a workout. Use your arms and shoulders to propel, use your legs to kick, use your core to stabilise yourself in the water. It even has more impact on cognitive function than land-based exercise generally.
How the fuck would you know that?
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Juliuskeks love to spout about how being "stronger" alone lets you win, but could you actually post examples of a larger man getting beaten by a smaller one? I think that would do these threads good. Currently we're seething less about Kengan and more about the ignorance some anons have about martial arts and fighting in general. I still enjoy it, I feel I am learning from seeing the arguments. Even in the abyssal face of despair "we" still "evolve" even further.
Also is it really possible to do anything similar to devil lance?
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For me it's less about actual fighting advice and more about the misrepresentation surrounding Kengan as if it is actually a realistic fighting manga.
How many anons actually take pic related seriously?
What the fuck are you supposed to do if this grabs you?
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This is some of the most insulting bullshit Sandro has tried to sell.
Sure Sandro, your series is very loyal and faithful to real life physics and biology. A tetraplegic could defeat Shen if they hit him at just the right spot!
To be fair, his articulations were fucked so he'd probably hurt himself more than you if he tried to squeeze you.
Sadly human joints aren't adapted to gigantism, which resulted in a lot of suffering in Andre's life.
The human body has uneven weight distribution so I would be fine.
He was literally too strong to live.
a bit later in life, no? IIRC he was a farmboy in France and he once pranked a friend of his by dragging his truck from where he parked it
I found this article. Just search for "proportions", good enough?
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Isn’t that the point?
The point of force? Sandro couldn't hold it down if good writing depended on it.
Granted, you'll have a hard time finding size differences as vast as the one between Julius and Agito. I also felt it'd be cheap to use Bob Sapp because we all know he took dives
>Julius and Agito
I know you're referring to real life, but Misasa and Yumigahama is an even more extreme size difference going by ratio and not just pure numbers and we know how that ended.
Julius is 1.62 Agitos. Yumi is 2.18 Misasas.
yall ain't ready for Raian's power boost. He's gonna get the second biggest boost we've seen since Ohma between R1 and R2.
Yumi deserved that win
>What do you mean?
>Misasa gets fodderised by Shen making Yumi a super jobber by extension
>Sandro acknowledged in Mukaku's bio that Yumi is popular with the readers
What can he even do with the character at this point other than wheel him out for another Xia Ji cartel execution?
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Let him get stronger like Koga because he is a young person
Have him get his runback on Misasa
I think what pisses me off the most in Kengan is how techniques don’t have a limit.
It doesn’t matter how strong or tough you are, you’ll get redirected
He develops superman syndrome and has sex with Koga's female relatives
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Yumi's shelved until KAT 2 at least, if we ever get that. There's no space for a regular jerk like him in a stupid brain cloning schizo plot where every top tier fighter has some fighting game install super power. As for what to do with him I think Sandro bring him back by having him beat someone nice who doesn't really deserve to lose to a punk like him and fully lean him into being the heel he was made to be. Someone like Liu, Saw Paing, Seki, Carlos, Haruo, Falcon, Hatsumi, or Karo. Even better if he steals their spot in KAT 2.

Give him some legitimate improvement over all the timeskips we've gotten and he's a good bastard to add to a tournament bracket.
That was a great article, thanks.
I don't care for the way Julius' arms get darker. Makes it look like he has tattoos
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Best I can do is him beating Himuro by fighting "unfairly"(even though it's been long established with shit like Adam and Ryuki that nobody but Koga cares about that), and then facing Koga in the second round while Kazuo basedjaks and goes "H-HIS MOVEMENTS ARE ON ANOTHER LEVEL FROM THE TOURNAMENT, IS THIS HIS TRUE POWER WHEN HE'S NOT HAMPERED BY IMAGINARY WALLS???" before Koga pulls off an "epic upset" by kicking him in the liver with Ironbreaker so hard it explodes.
Yumi beating that fruit Himuro would only make me like him more
Himuro's a legend, anon. Give him his respect. With the right attack thrown from the right position at the right timing he could defeat Shen, Machio and Kuroki at the same time.
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Now that the dust has settled, what did Eddie mean by this?
>Lolong didn't notice the tattoo the entire time Lu was in Purgatory
Lmfao. Sandro still has no idea what to do with Himuro does he
>jobs to fucking Kaneda
>"But don't forget: he's from the Inside! (Just like Niko! Just like Ohma!)
>Rin also came from the inside
>wasn't even mentioned when we got the inside arc
What's worse, Lolong not noticing Lu Tian's Worm tattoo or Nogi not noticing that his secretary was coming in on her scheduled days off over the last 2 years?
I saw on redditerino that theres a break next week.
What happened? Daro on hunger strike?
He was literally just talking about a literal party, considering Shen revealed he doesn’t even consider the Worm subordinates but at least acknowledged Gilbert he sees Edward/Wu Hei as his actual drinking buddy.

The subversion was that it wasn’t a figure of speech, Edward was literally just thinking of having a drink with the boys in his final moments.
>a bit later in life, no?
I mean yeah but in the pic specifically his health issues were already catching up to him IIRC, especially his back problems.
>his secretary was coming in on her scheduled days off over the last 2 years?
That's just normal Japanese work standards tho.
Probably got his feelings hurt that everyone thought the armpit he poured all his love into was AI.
I feel like if Himuro sparred with Julius, Sandro would write Himuro blocking a few hits from him like its nothing.
I hate Himuro
He IS on part with the legends after all
If he's on par with the legends why isn't he a legend
If Anakin's on the Jedi High Council why isn't he a master?
Himuro is one of the legends, just like Sawada
Remember how Nogi made a huge deal about not letting Ohma fight in the berserker bowl and all the top guys were staying out of it because of the supposed KAT, and then the KAT didn’t happen and now we have a big tournament where the top guys are fighting and risking injury anyway?
I would genuinely love to see anybody argue that Sandro plans more than a week or two ahead of time.
>Remember how
No. And neither should you.
It's just an excuse for the mid tier fighters to get some screentime, although the BB's level is probably still higher than Justin and Hiraku's farmer leagues
It’s mostly because it isn’t a high stakes tournament. More of a joint venture
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Haha, now wasn't that funny
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I see your "thread" is on "page 10"
Koga's gimmick should just be to use his autistic eye to copy every ability he sees sharigan-style
FIST EYE ACTIVATE is fucking retarded and he should've just had insane kinetic vision. The weakness of it should have been being susceptible to falling for faints if he just blindly relies on it without thought.
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How would a Kengan match with Momotaro Tsurugi go, if he were pit against Kuroki? Granted Momo wouldn't have his sword though he has fought several battles without swords before including against J the mach punching boxer.
Yeah, just say that Koga's problem is trying to see everything, because he is relying on superior vision. Hyperfocus is a real thing.
If I'm not mistaken, "Fist Eye" is basically "I can see in more FPS." As in motion blur doesn't exist
Mike assessing Erioh is the funniest fucking thing
After looking what the fuck "kinetic vision" even is from a scientific point of view, i've learned that you are somewhat right
>Kinetic visual field refers to the visual range in which a moving target can be seen.
>kinetic visual acuity isn't the same as static visual acuity
>you can have solid kinetic visual acuity and still fail to notice something, if peripheral vision width isn't good(?) enough
>when your body get older, your brain makes up for the worsening of your KVA with life experience and pattern recognition (PRE INITIATIVEBROS???), that makes studying KVA very hard
>In Japan old people have to take a "kinetic visual acuity" test to renew driving licence, because their ability to identify moving objects gets worse with age
You can also, allegedly, get better KVA by training yourself. Read the numbers or letters written on the thrown ball. Don't know if it's even damn possible.
TLDR Koga's "Kinetic Vision" means he can more clearly read your motions.
"Lookin good, Susan" meme but its Koga and Hikaru copying others people moves as flirting/harassment
What's with spics and their obsession for comparing wildly different characters from wildly different series ?
A Kenshiroface will almost always beat nu-manga characters. That’s principles for ya
I DQ'd him from the list
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Tongue edits were fun to make but after a while the fun wore off and there were less opportunities to tongue edit.
Baki feats and Kengan feats are so different it's comical.
Kengan it's just "Shook the stadium" or "Broke concrete"
With Baki it's way more creative
>Makes Himuro job like crazy and the rest of KAT he's down a broken arm
>Bring him back for Omega with a more prominent role
>His new role is to try his hardest to look super cool, a badass and hardboiled
>All this does is make him look overcompensated
>His "I'm gonna torture you with a Knife Xia teehee" was a giant wtf moment that made him look like he was a pscyhopath on par with Akoya

All Sandro had to do was toss Himuro into KvP and give him a win but instead he throws him into important roles and events that feel like he has no business partaking in
I like both, but I see where you’re coming from. Justin slamming Hiraku and shaking the stadium was pretty shit for a variety of reasons, but stuff like Sukune shaking the earth with his Shiko is straight up kino. You have Rihito using swipes to take advantage of his superhuman pinch strength and showing you over the top visuals that make fights seem unbelievable (like going through steel beams as a thing meant to be off handed), but Sikorsky used his pinch to c escape a missile silo, climb a building like King Kong and hold on to bolts in the ceiling so he can kick you from the high ground
Himuro vs Liu would've been pretty cool
Early Ashura was quite good with Kuroki carving a statue, Julius pulling a F1 car, Yoshinari killing a great whale etc.
Omega is just boring in that regards. Give Hiraku something like Retsu forming a perfect obsidian ball if he's supposed to be all elegance.
Shit that's good
Himuro will literaly never fight again in this manga
You know, i laughed internally after imagining it, but what if Justin slammed Scorpion guy really silently? Like, throw goes with mega speed and then "thonk". People would go "wait a minute, did he even throw him?" and then some bro science comes into action, how Justin was taught to care for his sparring partners and that's why he didn't outright kill him, Hiraku finds new respect for his opponent and hard work and forfeits.
Sandro likes Himuro too much to ignore him, he'll most definitely get more "Who cares" fight scenes when Sandro needs to toss in more Fighters for some espionage thing
Fair, but he will literally never fight on a official kengan fight ever again. At best its going to be offscreen berserker bowl fights again
I don't know where Himuro becoming the Kengan associations spymaster came from. Or why one of his orders was to stalk homeless Ji for two years. Of course other than Sandro needing an exposition device.
It's weird, he has a dayjob as a Bartender but he was tasked with finding where Agito was and then tasked with stalking Ji for 2 straight years
I know Sandro wants to runback on Himuro's status as a jobber but those two gigs he was given could have worked better for someone like Inaba or a Kure
At least with rescuing Ryuki Himuro had much better knowledge of The Inside than Ohma did so he had a reason to be there, unlike Rei who fucked off halfway through because the girl who dumped him didn't like killing
Muteba should've been there
>Muteba Vs Tenjin
>Muteba starts out dominating the fight while Tenjin throws compliments and jobber speak
>Suddenly Tenjin lands a hook and Muteba falls down
>Clearly the mission has become too dangerous, so Muteba pretends to be knocked out
>Tenjin leaves
How will the threads survive next week without a chapter? We'll need to find something to entertain ourselves
Post proof of a break week.
>without a chapter?

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