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Kyora will win trust the FUARKING plan, Sazanami patriots are in control........
>Char and Hinao
Holy shit, how long has it been since we've seen them?
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long enough that she most likely dyed her hair with different color again.
>Char and Mr. Inazuma
What's the ship name?
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>bidding team are back
cute and canon
Hana Yori Dango
MR. INAZUMA!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't.. stop.. crying..
Damn, I was kinda hoping at least one of them died in the bombing
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>Hakuri bleeding his brains out just doing basic storehouse abilities
>didn't bomb the feds.
how fucking much did they pay these mooks to bid at the auction? multiple guys got blown up and they're less scared of death than their boss kek
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>grenades in the audience
>corpses on the auction floor
what a shitshow
>Explosions going off all around him
>Still nonchalant
Our FUARKING calm glowie.....
the glowies got lucky this time, hakuri would personally burn their homes later on
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kyora is so cool bros...
brain damaged fucktoy Hakuri, soon.
I would imagine the guy at least is a competent sorcerer
>Taking off his jacket
Uh what does Kyora intend on doing to Chihiro?
OP as fuck
>having drawbacks on a newly discovered power is bad
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Awesome. Thanks, anon.

>Waifu-kun: ....!!
>Chapter 39: Surpass him!!
>Blurb: The people transferred to outside the auction all by Hakuri....
>Hinao gang: !
>Blurb: Volume 3 will release on July 4th (Thursday)!! It collects up to chapter 27!! Go get it!
>Hinao: Oh... I wonder if those are the people who were turned into merchandise.
>Hinao: Wait here! I'll go have a look!
>Char: Is your sister there?
>Mr. Inazuma: .....

>Chihiro thoughts: He's tightened his defense... To save them, first I have to....
>Kyora: How desolate... Exerting yourself to set free
>Kyora: my precious merchandise.
>Chihiro: Don't worry. From here
>Chihiro: its just bloodshed.
>Kyora: ...It seems your partner is at their limits.
>Hakuri: !!

>Verification not required.
Hakuribros our GENIUS is turning retarded.....
Kyora is probably the most handsome guy so far
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Chihiro looks handsome at that angle
I didn't say it was bad. It's good; there should be huge limitations on that kind of ability to keep things interesting.
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>shitcord shill in the way of that middle panel
can't wait for official scans
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>OH N-
those cubes sure look familiar..
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FINALLY, that is such a better way to depict what is going on
how many grenades did kyora illegally stockpile in the storehouse lmao
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fuck this is gonna look so good animated
>Another bombing run
He looks so cool...
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>Hakuri didn't teleport them out
Chihirobros he's gonna look like Two Face by the end of this fight.....
rip chihiro..
you were the coolest guy
>teleported a sword just to parry enten throw
this going to be so kino when it's animated
Wait did he fucking teleport to his blade? Was that Chihiro's doing or Hakuri's?
*gets teleported behind you*
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Kyora and Hakuri are getting overtaxed by the modifications on the pocket dimensions?
Oh great now there's two of them
literally minato
He uses the preview ability to throw Kyora off balance?
Wait which Enten was the preview aaaaaiiiiieeeeee
>use Sukuna's STRONG CLEVE
There is the black bubbles from storehouse warp, hakuri moved him
*teleports behind you*
nothing personal kid
Hakuri really wants his dad dead.
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goodbye, kyora
you were the coolest
enjoy my best job at aligning the double spread kek
GENIUSkuri the BLOSSOMING fooled his father AND the reader......
Shinuchiman better be OP as fuck because any combination of Chihiro + Hakuri + Shiba fighting together is insanely overpowered
>Hakuri thoughts: It feels like my head is going to split....!!
>Hakuri: pant
>Hakuri: pant
>Hakuri thoughts: The transfer.... It is so taxing
>Hakuri thoughts: Father does this...
>Hakuri thoughts: Keeping up with Chihiro's speed.... and
>Hakuri thoughts: making those large scale attacks....!!
>Kyora thoughts: Connecting your consciouness to the subspace is very difficult
>Kyora thoughts: If you push too far, your brain is going to fry.
>Kyora: You cannot surpass any more than this
>Chihiro thoughts: Hakuri....!!
>Kyora: Listen.... The Rakuza Ichi is
>Kyora: tied together by the lives of the great many who came before.
>Kyora: And today,
>Kyora: with the two demon blades, it will reach its zenith

>Audience: Moved up....?
>Audience: ...Its the Shinuchi
>Audience: The bidding for the Shinuchi is gonna staaaaaaart
>Kyora thoughts: The explosions blew away even the screws in your brains
>Kyora thoughts: Now then, go wild!!
>Kamuwaifu: Forcing ahead in this situation...
>Kamuwaifu: Each and every one of these guys are insane.
>Kamubro: Well, I get the sentiment.
>Kamubro: Bidding for a demon blade. Its never happened before, and probably will never happen again.
bandagesbros? won
So he tanked the explosion with Nishiki instead while Hakuri used preview for the juke
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See you later Kyora.....
hakuri is going to die from exhaustion isn't he?
it's nice to see Hakuri didn't forget to preview Chihiro's bandages
Peak as fuck
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chapter end
it's time
As much as Chihiro after Sojo.
>Hid in his hole to die
good job anon
This was the best fight since Hiyuki
>final page
>Kyoura with the real Shinuchi box
>Kamunabi man guessing: "Doesn't Shinuchi have enough power that just the life contract alone can't restrain?"
>Kyoura: A demonstration!
You know it.
You know what's coming next chapter.
Are you FUCKING ready?
What an excellent chapter
Fucking Hokazono, man
>Shinuchi box is with him in the hole
He's gonna set it free as final fuck you to Chihiro, isn't he?
Kyora second form incoming
Hakuri's brain will get fried soon.
I've doubts that hokazono might not be able to one up the sojo fight, now I truly knew
getting a friend and a insta tele that can save kagura at any time is a little broken, he'd need big nerfs if he's gonna stick around
So THAT'S why it had to be locked up?
Shit, it's owari for Chihiro and co.
where the fuck is shiba during all this
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>Hakuri is going to turn into a vegetable by the end of this arc
Hakurischizo won
One of the best chapters in the entire manga.
he almost died doing barely what kyoura did, he needs a buff not a nerf kek
No, GENIUSkuri The BLOSSOMED is only starting...
Raping Ino
That wasn't an insta teleport. The teleport was a ruse and Chihiro just tanked the explosion.
Feels like this is said nearly every chapter
>Kyoura uses Shinuchi
>Shinuchiman comes in at the end of next chapter as he dies
he'll probably get nerfed one way or another if he keeps in up.
but then again, char exists.
Hakuri did both.
Storehouse Teleport and Storehouse Preview.
the fact he fooled readers in just a few panels is fucking kino
Just make the opponents more and more haxx instead
I don't think it was being said during Hallway Namek except for the Icehag chapter and Hakuri awakening chapter
Now that Shinuchi's power is getting revealed next chapter, start making your final bets on what it will be.
He didn't. The Chihiro that came from behind Kyora was always a preview.
Real Chihiro jumped out from Kyora's front/the explosion.
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>Shits on Oda without even trying.
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hakuri will be griffith and chihiro will be guts
>Kamubro: ....But it wouldn't be strange for it to end at any moment.
>Kamubro: From the start, the merchandise
>Kamubro: was an image, but just a bit ago so is the auctioner.
>Kamuwaifu: Huh? Then where is his real body?
>Kamubro: Who knows.
>Kamubro: But there is still no report from Hiyuku about capturing Rokuhira Chihiro.
>Kamubro: That image is created by sorcery.
>Kamubro: If the main body is in a different location in combat,
>Kamubro: The sorcerer must be pushing himself excessively.
>Kamubro: And in spite of that,
>Kamubro: Not a single person has been allowed to trespass onto the stage.
>Kamuwaifu: ....
>Kyora: ...---I won't let you
>Kyora: do as you please anymore than this

>Chihiro: ....So you do become emotional
>Chihiro: But the death of your sons do not sadden you....
>Kyora: The Rakuza Ichi is not yet over. Nothing comes from mourning right now.
>Kyora: Everyone fulfilled their roles.
>Kyora: I must continue on from that.
>Chihiro: And you call yourself a father....!!
>Kyora: "Father"....
>Kyora: I don't know how you personally measure that
>Kyora: But it is a mistake to take measure of me with that word.
>Kyora: I am...
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God Hokazono please don't fumble HIS entrance
I was fooled. At first I went
>That's it? that's so obvious a trick
and then I went
>Oh, I got fooled.
Absorbs the strength of those it kills
>Kyoura dies as he blows up half of the Rakuzaichi audience
>last page is Shinuchiman picking up the sword from his body


>the hologram Chihiro uses the brand new right arm while the real one uses the dominant left

Who's Casca?
Him and his sis will fuck off after this arc.
Are you saying Takeru is putting his schrodinger bandage into canon kek
lmao really?
>Him and his sis will be fucked by tafuku after this arc.
>Kyora: The Head of the Sazanami Family
>Chihiro: !!
>Chihiro: ...
>Kyora thoughts: If there is no ground to push off from, even your vaunted speed is pointless!!

>Hakuri: ...
>Kyora thoughts : So you can dodge that

>Chihiro: ....
>Chihiro thoughts: The consecutive fights and the Shred just now took a lot out of me.
>Chihiro thoughts: I don't want this to take a lot of time... but
>Flashback Kyora: This is my world
>Chihiro thoughts: Its just like he said
>Kyora thoughts: You can't get close
>Kyora: ...
>Kyora thoughts: That said, I can't waste time either
so what will kyoura's animal be
A hermit crab
fake chihiro enten is also clean
What animal? He can't use Shinuchi.
A lion as foreshadowed by his shadow when hugging his sons
>Hakuri: ...
>Kyora thoughts: He won't be of any use now
>Kyora: Which means you have no cards left
>Kyora: --I'll finish you with an explosion!!
>Kyora: !!
>Chihiro: Kuro
>Chihiro: Shred
>Kyora thoughts: The small goldfish...
>Kyora thoughts: So he recovred the extra ones...!!

>Kyora thoughts: Multiple slashes all at once....!!
>Kyora thoughts: But they can't reach....

>Kyora thoughts: Accepting that he can't get close, he threw Enten...
>Kyora thoughts: All or nothing. He tried to end it right now .... But
>Kyora: Its too bad!!

>Kyora: Pheeeew
>Flashback Chihiro: The "best" would have been to believe in Hakuri.
Lion, obviously
a sorcerer exposed to datenseki would create a manifestation of their spirit energy, e.g tenri's jellyfish

question is what would kyora's spirit energy manifest into?
I can't believe I got fooled by Hakuri too. What the fuck is this manga, what a great chapter.
Why the fuck is she not out yet? Got a feeling she'll be killed.
bros.. i'm so excited for the next chapter
Shinuchi decapitates her next chapter.
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>She dies and Chihiro is forced to adopt Mr. Inazuma as well and turn him into his Robin
>Kyora narration: Today, you surpassed my expectation many times.
>Flashback: Its the transfer.
>Kyora narration: I won't look down on you anymore!!

>Kyora thoughts: A preview...!!
>Kyora thoughts: The real body is----...
>Kyora: !!
>Hakuri: ....Go

>Flashback Hakuri: Father....
>Flashback Kyora: Hmm?
>Flashback Hakuri: I've decided.
>Flashback Hakuri: I
>Flashback Hakuri: will become a clan head even greater than Father!
>Flashback Kyora: Oh, I see.
>Flashback Kyora: ....Then
Now the million dollar question.
How did Chihiro get Enten back? He threw it. Did Hakuri teleport it to him as soon as Kyora blocked it?
>Kyoura kills his sister
>Shinuchiman then kills Inazuma
Hakuri will most likely sacrifice himself for her in the end.
Though not sure how will Chihiro get out when that happens.
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dang, how sad
>Kyora narration: Today, you surpassed my expectation many times.
>Flashback: Its the transfer.
>Kyora narration: I won't look down on you anymore!!
Oh shit he was absolutely going to welcome him back lmao
>Hakuri will most likely sacrifice himself for her in the end.
>Hakuri dies
Now THAT would be subverting expectations
>Flashback Hakuri: will become a clan head even greater than Father!
Hakuri's not joining the team.
He needs a pussy to save to fully complete his character arc.
>Flashback Hakuri: will become a clan head even greater than Father!
Hakuri clan head bros, how are we feeling??
He'll reform Braid Bro and Ino and they'll become a family of merchants that sells children toys.
killing hakuri might cause a fallout in the community
Where are they even
From his first appearance I didn't think he'd have a proper fight but I really, really liked the Kyora fight.
great battle but where is Shiba and Hiyuki?
Hope so. It only makes sense. It gives him his own life instead of glazing Chihiro 24/7. But not sure how since his father is dying and Shinuchi man might literally kill everyone there.
>that sells children toys.
>to lure in kids
>first thing he thinks about after being cleaved in two is hakuri
kyora is such a tsundere. he should just admit he loves the kid already.
What was toc?
But it would make me happy? Well, clan head route was my first choice anyway.
bottom 6, above astro and kb if nothing else
Yeah but the auction comes first
Doing nothing like the irrelevant side characters they are.
Remember Tenri?
Neither does Kyora, kek.
EL HERMANO please! He need to appear, get his sword back and make everyone run for their lives then we can start a new arc without this Sazami bullshit
First ability lifts or makes things fall
Second ability pushes and pulls
Final ability increases the effect of gravity on something/changes its weight.
It's difficult for shitters to control but Shinuchiman combos with it to swing a weightless sword as hard as he can then pulls someone in and hits them with a sword swing that weighs as much as a car.
honestly not sure. That's why I don't think Hakuri should directly join Chihiro. Dude has trouble fitting his characters already.
>not sure how
It's Hakuri, if he wants it he can do it. Just make more children if most sazanamis die during auction, starting with clean slate.
Shiba is busy sucking Azami off while thinking of Kunishige.
>Flashback Kyora: I have great expectations for you.
>Kyora: UWA
>Kyora: AAA
>Kyora: AA
>Kyora: AAA
>Kyora: AAA
>Kyora: AAA
>Chihiro thoughts: He went under the floor...?
>Chihiro thoughts: Just what is he....
>Kyora: pant
>Kyora: UAAAA
>Kyora: pant
>Kyora thoughts: This is a fatal wound....!!
>Kyora thoughts: Very soon now.
>Kyora thoughts: Today, I will die....!!

>Kyora thoughts: I will successfully complete the Rakuza Ichi!!
>Kamubro: The demon blade is limited by the life contract.
>Kamubro: So if the double protection on the box is for the possibility of the holder dying,
>Kamubro: Then the other demon blades will be like that too.
>Kamubro: Since thats not the case... This is just conjecture, but
>Kamubro: What if only the Shinuchi does not have the life contract,
>Kamubro: And it has so much power that it cannot be limited?
>Blurb: Kyora, his final move is....
>Kyora: It is a performance.....!!
実演 can also be "demonstration". Maybe he's about to use Shinuchi.
Cool fight, too bad MAPPA
There isn't "bottom 6". It's Top 9. Bottom goes until 5.
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Yet again
What? How does braidbro and Ino matter to Hakuri at all.
They barely have anything to do with each other.
rule of cool, and it was extremely fucking cool
>Kamubro: What if only the Shinuchi does not have the life contract,
Eh, what? Is kamubro just making a bad prediction?
Nue is bottom 12
So does Shinuchi just not have a contract? Or does it have one, but its power exceeds the contract?
I don't get it, what does Char has to do with anything.
She's awake now, yeah, but... I don't get it.
I really though Shiba was helping the released slave goods.
Just where the fuck is he?
There's no way he's just a taxi driver, right?
>does not have the life contract
Shiba will get offscreened by Hiyuki
latter, he tl'd that wrong
You goofed on that Kamubro Shinuchi explanation TLbro
I thought he was helping the slaves too. Oh well, I guess he is fighting jobber siblings again, can't have him do anything important ever.
Kyora would have been too sympathetic if he didn't do Tenri dirty
Fuck my life. I misread the line in my haste. I thought it said
So the actual line is
>It has so much power that is cannot be restricted by just the life contract.
My bad, guys.
Some are from before the grenades.
Sword too strong, life contract can't contain the power.
so kyora is going to use just the excess power from the shinuchi?
He'll be their new leader. He has the storehouse. Now whether they listen to him, I dunno.
I get him.
I find it hard to love a son with such a shitty hairdo.
might as well go bald or something.
he'll use it till he dies, probably only let out 1 strike raping half the auction
You're good, TLanon. Thanks as always
>Kyora tries to use the excess power of the blade.
>Breaks the seal and holds Shinichi
>The blade flies of his hands while something breaks the walls of the auction
>"That's not yours."
Nah, he wasn't. 見くびる is not looking down on someone in terms of not underestimating them. He was still gonna kill Hakuri, but he wasn't going to treat him like a weak shitter.
yeah, to strip off chihiro's jacket.
it will be worth it.
Shinuchi is the sentient and that guy in a prison is his manifestation
When the box will be unsealed, he will appear
Kyora will tell him to obey and Shinuchi will refuse and kill him
Shinuchi has no wielder, Shinuchi belongs to himself
It's no problem TLanon. Your translations are the best and 100x better than the officials
>January 11th
fuck off schizo
so only EL HERMANO could release shinuichi true potential, we'll know next chapter how powerful the blade is even with restrictions
>Now whether they listen to him, I dunno.
See, you can't even make sense of your prediction. There's just no narrative reason for Hakuri to come back into slave trader Sazanamis' estate nor would the niggas there listen to him.
If anything his next development is giving hope to people after what happened to Ice Hag.
This is still the worst theory I've ever read here.
Hopefully the next villain will be able to strip Chihiro naked.
I really hate getting teased with this no trench coat thingy.
People will praise it and KGB will go back to normal ToCs.
this shit is so retarded that I bet people would shit on this forever if it actually happened
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>shinuchi kills everyone except tafuku
>tafuku becomes the new protagonist
t. shinuchi
take your meds
Here >>268180780
>Hakuri thoughts: It feels like my head is going to split....!!
>Hakuri: pant
>Hakuri: pant
>Hakuri thoughts: The transfer.... It is so taxing
>Hakuri thoughts: Father does this...
>Hakuri thoughts: Keeping up with Chihiro's speed.... and
>Hakuri thoughts: making those large scale attacks....!!
>Kyora thoughts: Connecting your consciouness to the subspace is very difficult
>Kyora thoughts: If you push too far, your brain is going to fry.
>Kyora: You cannot surpass any more than this
Now stfu
>>Kamubro: What if only the Shinuchi does not have the life contract,

ohnonononno, im thinking im going to win
It's more power than the contract can contain.
It's actually
>cursed energy
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it's going to be alright
What the are you talking about? He has the store house, if their father dies, storehouse goes. They have to listen to him.If they want to continue operating. If Hakuri says no more slaves, they should listen. If not, no more sazanami family. They'll just be a regular family of merchants. None of this human trafficking nonsense. The family still has children in it. He can reform his family.
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>Looted Enten from his dead father
>Will loot the mask from his dead bff
What's next? He's gonna loot Roku from Hiyuki?
Rakuzaichi is dead, there is no clan anymore, now everyone fends for themselves.
>what a shitshow
what a boring citizen
it's not a proper black market auction without some deaths
not a single one of you have explained why this theory is bad
now it turns out Shinuchi doesnt have life long contract, meaning the 'Sword Saint' may be irrelevant, long time dead even, making the guy in the prison someone else completely
which brings us back to a theory
that prison is the sealed box dimension
the guy in it is Shinuchi
cant wait for it to become real so you all will seethe immensely hearing my 'I told you'.
If im wrong, ill admit it though, no problemo.
Hopefully the leakerfag posts them early again next week.
>now it turns out Shinuchi doesnt have life long contract,
What a hack copied Gojo's Unlimited Void
several people told you why it's retarded months ago
>now it turns out Shinuchi doesnt have life long contract
yes it does
It literally deletes people from existence and removes any trace they ever existed in the first place
loots her virginity probably
Tafuku already took that.
It cuts everything. Matter, energy, abstract concepts, the boundaries between dimension... EVERYTHING.
Lifedrain / Bloodsword / It gets stronger the more it kills, has an aura that sucks spirit energy indiscriminately
Farmer gave Shinuchi to Kyora to kill EL HERMANO and sign contract himself.
even enten fags aren't this retarded.
missing neko kanji on forehead
it does have a contract, it's just so powerful that the power leaks out

only the wielder can use it's full power
Tafuku does not take virginities. He gives them back.
>implying Kyora's siblings and relatives would let the nigga who wrecked their business back
They'd just go on as a sorcerer family of 30+ members, excommunicate the justicefag spawn of satan, and lay low until they can do Rakuzaichi without the storehouse.
Put yourself into their shoes. Why the fuck would you take a familicide nigga back instead of just procreating to get another one of the first patriach copy like him.
Something like a... slash... that maybe... cuts the world...
>Gaygay invented ability taxation
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If hits you so hard that you get flung through time, Chihiro will get sent far into the future where Farmers evil is law. The rest of the series will be Chihiro trying to get back to the past and undo the future that is Farmer.
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the trenchcoat came off!
>the trenchcoat came off!
>Why the fuck would you take a familicide nigga back instead of just procreating to get another one of the first patriach copy like him.
To be fair, who knows how long that would take. It took 200 years for a second one to be born.
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Im so excited for Shinuchi, bros.
Yeah bro he invented EVERYTHING in jjk actually. there wasn't a single thing taken from another story, not a single one. It's amazing. Can you believe that?
You really overestimate the amount of free thinking Sazanami family members have. Also Hakuri said he wants to be clan head so he will be one. Hakuri's manga.
Hakuri is a perfect example that it works. The uncles and aunties of the remaining Sazanami will just need to do some eugenics for some time if they survive this ordeal.
Justicefag spawn of satan isn't invited.
It's just sharp, too sharp...
Nigga, he said that when he was a brainwashed kid that wanted to be his father's successor. Taking that as a sign for anything is retarded.
Anyone else think Hakuri's development is moving too fast?
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>that duck
i remember him :-)
Niggas bullied Kyora into excommunicating his most beloved son because he wasn't able to do Isou. Are you serious?
better than 1000 chapters of wanpiss and almost no difference in early luffy and now
Holy headcanon.
Why are you still replying to that?
Poor guy speedread Tenri chapters.
I've read shit like manga where there heroes can instantly win a fight after spending so much time getting mauled on
are they
going to feed shiba to a deer?
>Also Hakuri said he wants to be clan head so he will be one.
that was before he shagged the ice pussy though the bars
Headcanon. Tafuku is the only one that fucked her before throwing her away to the auction.
So if you can use it and ignore the contract holder why doesn't Farmer just use it? I guess he wants to remove the limiters on it? But it seems like the box can't hold it for long really if that part is just as flimsy of a lock as the contracted holder. I still think this is bait setup by Farmer. He wants someone to jump besides the Kamunabi




"So its the same kind of stan- I mean blade as Enten"
It's gonna be Precognition so I can have an excuse to talk about Katana Zero even more.
Because you can't use it.
Kyora is just taking in part of its leaking power to do a suicide bomb
Since all swords have multiple abilities, so is Shinuchi. No way to get all of them correct, but I hope to score at least one
1. Ability to pass through objects
2. Mind control
3. Ability to take over control of other enchanted blades or even manipulate Datenseki and create new ones
>Mind control
this would really suck, fucking hate it every time it's used
Assuming it had 3 abilities like the others
1. Immortality, the hyper regeneration brand where you instantly heal everything and anything and absorb all the energy from the attack(for the followup)
2. Full Counter or reflect type attack like Aka only on steriods and it multiplies the reflected attack ten times over
3. Nuke Slash A cut so sharp it splits atoms and nukes everything around you. (your immortal so you'll be fine)
It's going to kill everyone there. The slaves, the children the rest of Hakuri's family. It's going to go off like a literal nuke. Hell it might even hit Hinao and the kids. Char gotta lose her legs again.
Nah braids and ino will survive and he still has three younger half-brothers
Nah, it's just a guess, I don't really see a potential for that ability here. Like, who will they even control, Kamunabi? Seems to me the baddies want to fuck shit up, not seize authority.
The only 2 people worth controlling are Chihiro and Shiba anyway.
>Souya who worries me so much showing no signs of wanting to procreate with women and enrich the clan
>My youngest son canon fodder
He's raping Ino whole making Braidbro watch.
You just know, Gege rec KGB vol.3 when HACKazono introduced Sukuna's abities.
Light-based powers would be cool.
It had all the power of those it killed.
That's why it become so powerful after the war.
The reason for most things get sealed were usually to let time deal with it, as in letting it fade away.
Should get some sorcerer that can make a hakuri lookalike except with a vagina.
>there's a non-zero chance Kyora thought about pairing Souya and Ino up
Spatial abilities. Something like slashing space itself or even opening portals to other worlds (see Yokai).
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Are we really gonna have the same discussion with every Sacred Blade? Is like some new legendary pokemon is about to be released
hopefully no mind control shit.
yjk the author already ran out of ideas when it gets to that point
Shinuchi is the hype one and its name doesn't even tell us much.
At least kuregumo was related to clouds.
I'm curious what the demonstration actually is.
Kamubro's line about the double seal on the box indicates that it shouldn't be easy to just take off. Since the whole point is that its a lock to stop the blade from being used if the holder dies.
Starting to think Kyora isn't going to use the blade at all. But then I don't know what the demonstration could even be, in this context. Maybe footage of sword saint from the war.
Give a speedy a QRD on Shinuchi?
>Maybe footage of sword saint from the war.
that'd be hot
Right now, he owns the blade, doesn't he? He could simply teleport it out of the box.
It can only be releasing the sword.
Open it up and use the spirit energy himself to increase its "value" by killing Chihiro or the Rakuzaichi mooks?
That value motif throughout the arc gotta come back next chapter.
There are six(seven including Enten) demon blades. Shinuchi is the greatest one of them. While the demon blades turned the tide of the war, Shinuchi is specifically the one that brought everyone to victory. The use of Shinuchi was so fucking horrific that Kunishige want no one to ever use this blade ever again, so he sealed it away in the box with extra bindings.
Thats all we know so far.

That registration connection mechanic probably stops that. You try to port the blade, and you port the the blade in the box with the bindings.
have you been reading the manga at all? there's nothing to say
we have the name, it's the best of the 6, owner is locked up
I wasn't expecting Kyora to be a fighter but he sure went down easily
Dude can't even teleport enten because it's noth his spirit energy.
He doesn't own the blade and can't teleport it as long as Shinuchiman is alive. His mana is preventing it from being registered, which is why he's been using its preview since the start of the arc instead.
He got tag teamed and rused.
Against a sword user, he put up a decent fight in general and he's not going down just yet.
>His mana is preventing it from being registered
I wonder if the sword saint's spirit energy is still in the blade. Its been 18 years after all. It would be crazy for any energy to still left in it.
Who knows, though.
Isn't the double binding implying it's still there?
>only using Shinuchi as a suicide attack
this thing fucking kills on use doesn't it?
el hermano is probably the only person who could handle its excess power.
He almost won if not for previewhiro
On second thought, maybe there is still some spirit energy in it. It would explain how he seemed to be aware that Kyora was reaching out to touch the box. That same sort of connection Chihiro had to Enten.
And Chihiro's energy lasted until the day of the auction, too.
It will. That's why he's locked up.
They've hinted it enough this arc.
What were braids and ino even doing? I know Soya is knocked out and Tenri is dead
It's gonna be Tenri 2.0, but Kyora is dying anyway so he's doing a Hail Mary
Shiba is tortur- talking them into murdering Kyora too.
The bindings are to stop anyone from using the blade if the sword saint dies. Whether it has his energy left in it or not is irrelevant, when it comes tot he bindings
ask Shiba
Shiba is with them, presumably. Hiyuki is with the remaining senior Sazanami.
No one is gonna help Kyora. Poor guy picked the wrong fight.
Is Takeru not even giving a name to the two remaining Sazanamis?
>you should have believed in Hakuri
He really should have.
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It would be nice to have an update on Hiyuki before Shinuchi-man appears.
Family gossip and Hakuri bullying into Ice Hag incident BROKE him
it was the ice hag that finished him
You just know Hakuri is going to get another gf as a pity prize for existing.
I'm still waiting for Hakuri to teleport "the" knife and stab Kyora to death.
im getting de ja vu
or is it bots
Hakuri did something this chapter, sadly.
feels like he might die along with him.
then again, its unlikely to happen since chihiro will get stuck inside
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>Kyora: "Father"....
>Kyora: I don't know how you personally measure that
>Kyora: But it is a mistake to take measure of me with that word.
>Kyora: I am...
>Kyora: The Head of the Sazanami Family
He's so COOL
He's also gotten really popular so it'd be a waste to off him after an almost three volume arc focused on him.
>no my brain hurts
>actually exceeds limits again
Had the power for 15 minutes btw
Toji is so cool, bros....
nips seems to like him a lot
and even more so when he started racking up his death count.
I've seen some posts where they commented on how they missed the mcs just wiping out bad guys left and right.
>Those feints that Naruto used to make when it was trying to be good
Fuck I'm sad.
Hakuri is almost dying now. I doubt he can help chihiro further at this point.
Switching up to a different aspect of the ability seems like a fair trade off.
Will Chihiro ever face an actual challenge? I blinked and Kyora immediately got dealt with. Very underwhelming for the big boss of the arc.
I'm guessing Hokazono is going to sideline Hakuri a bit after this, by putting him in a coma or something. Overstrained from using the storehouse.
gaygay brainrot really did turn people like you into retards, not every main fights had to be 10 chapters long kek
Ackshully, it's very well executed. I hate the usual powercreep shounenshit.
kyora accomplished what no other had before
he ripped off a layer of chihiro's clothing
Kagurabachi is soft seinen.
I like this series but Chihiro has been bulldozing his way through every single obstacle so far, even when injured and full of bandages, after getting out of the hospital, or when "missing" an arm, he just cuts everything down. I enjoyed the trouble that Farmer man gave him, but he immediately fucked off somewhere (which is fine, we can save him for later)
I don't need him to eat shit or anything, but there's only so far the battle scan go like this before we stop thinking of any enemy as a threat at all
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Man I really was not expecting to like the Rakuza Ichi more than the Vs Sojo arc
I miss the days when fights are supposed to only be cool and entertaining
Hokazono already planned ahead, shinuichi would completely obliterate chihiro and define the power ceiling

Trust the keikaku bros
Barely beat Sojo who had an enchanted blade for like a week or two, while Chihiro had his and trained for 3 years at least; also lost an arm in the process, I'll say that's was a good challenge. Kyora was easier, but that was because of Hakuri's help. El Hermano enter is algo coming.
We literally had the farmer casually keep up
STFU. My HERO and his JUSTINCE partners always wins.
Get fucked you fat slimy bastards.
Forget the past, get ready to read another pointless fight with no end in sight
My favourite.
Chihiro's bare back..
I wish his pants were sagging a bit so we can see some underwear too.
fucking hackazono
Vol.5 will be rec by both Watsuki and Tsukushi respectively btw.
>>chapter ends with kyora getting ahold of shinuchi
give it 7 days
>Chihiro undies tank exclusive
I would buy 20 copies of volume 5 if Takeru would draw it in.
Knowing Chihiro. He probably wears two layers of underwear
Both black
is it his bare back or is it an undershirt?
>Hakuri overheated his brain and became a literal tard
3 piece of clothing is too much for an agility build like Chihiro, no?
and don't ruin my immersion anon,
Hokazono needs to show more skin.
Is that a white shirt under Chihiro's sweater?
Finally hakurischizo can relate to Hakuri!
we have to wait for the clear scans to really study if it's skin or cloth
>3 piece of clothing is too much
chihiro is a halal man and cold all the time please understand
Nigga he almost got checkmated multiple times, and Chihiro only won because of magic trickery from an outside force.
>Tags: Threesome, Mindbreak
Shoseki Ranking Top 500 (June 26
81 9784088840413 Blue Box 15 集英社 三浦糀 2024.06.04
83 9784088841205 Sakamoto Days 17 集英社 鈴木祐斗 2024.06.04
140 9784088838809 Kagurabachi 2 Shueisha Ken Sozono 2024.05.02
174 9784088838199 Kagurabachi 1 Shueisha Ken Sozono 2024.02.02
309 9784088841199 Mission: Yozakura Family 24 集英社 権平ひつじ 2024.06.04
>BIG reprint

>runs out in like 2 weeks cause they only printed like 25k of each
Watch him go on for another hour exceeding every limit and using the ability in other ways.
I can't exactly say Sojo was cool, but he definitely brought out the cool within Chihiro.
Chihiro was so fucking hot on the final moments of their fight.
Meanwhile, Kyora is a quite fun antagonist. Using his kids as pawns, still loving his failure of a son despite all odds, keeping up the auction while coughing blood from fighting Chihiro at the same time, and now he'll be doing something with the Shinuchi.
He's really great so far and quite based too.
kage bunshin no jutsu
So many characters were underutilized in this arc. Hiyuki did nothing, could avoid introducing her until next arc (if she is even going to be important there), same goes for kamunabi really, remember when people were excited for all these factions at the auction?
Actual auction is disappointing, not a single "sold!" from what I can remember, Juts Kyoura shouting big words at excited audience, is he even selling anything?
Shiba is doing nothing as usual except this time Hokazono is not using any convinient excuses.
>muh he is too strong
confirmed jobber against Tenri so not an excuse, Hokazono just doesn't want him.
Souya got bitchslapped the entire arc even though he was supposed to be the strongest and the smartest, for all the shit he has done to hakuri, we didn't even get a satisfying scene where hakuri stands above his defeated brother.
Tenri fight was too short, no reaction from hakuri is fine but at least let him take a glance at the remains lmao.
Everyone except Kyoura, Chihiro and our genius Hakuri is useless and incompetent.
>So many characters were underutilized in this arc

>still at least another volume of content till it's done
>entire volume of Hakuri and Chihiro fighting Kyoura and whatever extra enemy would appear (lets hope Shinuchiman will actually appear)
how many chapters does this arc already have? How many opportunities did these characters have to do something cool? A lot.
>still seething about Hiyuki not being relevant
This arc focused on Chihiro-Hakuri-Kyora-Soya.
This arc isnt even reaching its climax yet. Chill
>All this cope
You fags will shout kino even if it ends up being dogshit.
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Why does every character need to be relevent at once? Just as the Sojo arc was Char's, this arc was the Sazanami's. Hiyuki appeared to establish and set the tone for her current relationship with Chihiro which will undoubtedly come back into play in the future. If you actively WANTED her to take the spotlight from Hakuri, Souya and Kyora you're a retard.
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>Not what I want = Dogshit
Imagine the seethe, a good mangaka (takeru) subverts and surpasses
It's hilarious to think that no matter how the arc is handled, there would always be someone complaining that it's too short or too long kek

It's fun to read and the side characters like shiba would get some screentime in the future anyway, just relax and wait anon
>le sazanami arc focuses on le sazanami
Who would cater only to you retard, most people enjoyed it so your opinion is irrelevant kek
It's a mixed bag when considering the pacing.
Nothing tends to drag, and we get to move on from one fun setpiece to the next. So far every chapter has still been pretty loaded and nothing has felt too dragged out. The highs are still pretty high all things considered.
On the other hand, it's a shame to see so much fighting get off-screened or be one-tapped.
The Tou feel very lackluster compared to their setup now when they initially made Chihiro struggle in a 1v3.
I have no complaints about the length.
>implying sazanami got a lot of focus
Mhm. Kyoura and Hakuri yeah.
Get your xitter mentality out of here, no one cares if you hate it or not lmao
adding more pointless fights would pad it out more, so yeah you're essentially complaining about the length kek
the fuck are you even talking about lmao
he literally got isou'd multiple times moments ago
The same way xitter retards function, piss and cry when they don't like something instead of simply enjoying it
Most of the stuff I mentioned could be condensed in a few pages with smart panel usage, maybe one chapter total if I'm being generous. It's not that hard to add flavor. I'm not asking for a fucking gege level or strenching.
You seem to go to shitter a lot, might as well stay there faggot?
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luv me kagurabachi
luv me chapter
luv me kyora

ate esl shitters
ate speedreaders

simple as
>There are people who speedread 39 chapters manga( 5%/100% of Wano Arc)
fags on discord reddit and now 4chan we can't discuss this shit without homo faggots
I get where you're coming from and I do agree some characters should get more focus, but kgb isn't completely safe from the axe and won't be until it's anniversary.

Just enjoy the ride for now and enjoy it instead of fighting an uphill battle on /kgb/
Its been explicitly stated that using the Storehouse is messing him up
Maybe stop acting like a xitter retard next time
>expecting people to read the words literally printed on the page
It is safe. It's very fucking safe. Worst case scenario is transfer and it's still SAFE.
God, I understand being defensive but it's been like this since the beginning, can't have a discussion about the potential flaws at all, hokazono can do no wrong. He is a newbie and there will be some storytelling problems, why can't we fucking talk about them? I am waiting until the end of the arc. I'll fight because I'm bored and before I posted my complaints the thread barely moved anyway
I'm hoping the circulation numbers doesn't include digital
Well I'm interested about your take on how it should be done, and no this isn't a provocation
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if they do ill be slightly concerned, but oh well
beats massively overprinting
He's seething about Hiyuki, mostly, you can tell.
coomers should just stick with porn.
zoomers ruined a generation of manga pacing. KGB had 2 big arcs in a span of 5 volumes is very impressive because old manga couldn't go anywhere with only 40 chapters IN. A. SINGLE. ARC.
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Shitstro is DOA
at this point I'm convinced jump is purposely printing it low to either make it scarce to encourage buyers or to stop it from overshadowing asstro
>chihiro is inches closer to luffy than gakuro
we won
Oda spent about as much time on a backstory for an irrelevant character (oden) as Takeru did for the whole VS Sojo arc
akahiro sisters...
we lost
Why the fuck is corleo there lmao
Give Hiyuki a a few hits on farmer before he flees, maybe give updates on where she is after fighting Sazanami jobbers. Remember there was a chapter with just farmer vs Chihiro and hokazono gave us 2 panels update on how Hakuri and Shiba are doing? He should do stuff like this more often about other characters.
Show some of the auction. Not Kyoura shouting cool bs at the crowd but at least one item being sold. Just for flavor, you know, because it's an auction where things are getting sold.
Let Shiba do anything, literally anything when Chihiro is around. Not a single assist teleport since he was introduced and I said before I'm not buying the "he is too op" bs.
Give update on what the fuck he is doing rn with one panel.
Show Hakuri standing towering over Souya's body. Show Hakuri looking at Tenri's remains (I don't care what the expression is, I want to see that he saw it).
Would be nice to see Souya fight properly but that is extra and I'm not sure where to fit it.
She is not even my top 5.
New volume
Then who is in top 5?
>Show Hakuri standing towering over Souya's body. Show Hakuri looking at Tenri's remains (I don't care what the expression is, I want to see that he saw it).
What happened in the manga is hilarious and I want it to stay that way.
Chihiro, Shiba, Sojo, Char, Souya. Last 3 interchangable.
Damn that coat was probably expensive. Also Yumejos won this thread
I respect liking it for being funny and I had my laughs as well but let's not pretend it's very good storytelling.
Razuka Ichi bros won;
In theory a good sword Is the one who always do it's job, so cutting. What if every strike of the shinuchi always hit the designated target making It the best sword because every swing Is potentially deadly?
It's true strike, maybe a space/teleport? Imagine it's just Gojo the sword with attraction/repulsion and perfect defense /attack.
I'm not going to bet on this particularly, instead I'd bet shinuichi is just kuregumo but instead of a malnourished funky dragon it's going to be a majestic ink dragon the size of an entire building
that sounds kino and it's possible since EL HERMANO might be sojo's twin/brother
Peak as expected
Accelerator vector control
>>Hakuri is going to turn into a vegetable by the end of this arc
Here we were thinking he was Zenetsu but better when he was actually Megumi but better
I can already see the backstory.
Sojo's family is a sorcerer crime family of renown, they serve a bigger family but aren't totally loyal.
News about the enchanted blades turning the tides for the government come in.
They also have connection with the Kamunabi, perhaps some of them are double agents.
Sojobro wants the family to get out of the double cross business, makes a deal with the government: he wields the dangerous Shinuchi for them and the government takes the family under their protection.
War is won, for whatever reason Sojobro is labeled a traitor and locked up by the kamunabi. The family then is refused government protection and the yakuza families exterminate them. Sojo escapes and eventually makes his own crime group.
Alternatively, it's gonna be crows. No way Hokazono won't reuse BLACK FEATHERS EVERYWHERE from Roku no Meiyaku.
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>True Strike
It's gonna be one of those "Cuts EVERYTHING" type of swords and is sealed up not because it's got WMD potential that can't be contained but because it's the one sword that can deployed remotely and the true wielder "possesses" the one holding it.
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they're still closest to each other in those numbers, but i do fear chihiro will shoot ahead of her in the actual sales. hopefully jump puts them together in the next cover at least
Shinuchi is the sword that makes you shit yourself. Whoever it is pointed at automatically shits themselves . It's 2nd ability makes you piss yourself and it's 3rd ability makes you do some secret 3rd thing,

Why not both? Dragon with black feathers
Chihiro appeared to want to say something about Tenri, but Hakuri urged him to keep moving. Hakuri didn’t even glance back when Ino and Braids caught up behind them, as if he was deliberately avoiding thoughts of his relatives to stay focused on his goal, knowing it would weaken his resolve.
Actually, I was also hoping to see Braids question Hakuri about his betrayal, sadly that scene was skipped entirely. I wonder if we’ll get to see more of his introspective side and, (maybe some flashback about Tenri too since Chihiro likes to mention him) once everything settles down.
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True strike is a literal translation of an archaic word. Its mainly used in Rakugo to denote the main performance. In the context of Katana it means the best forge: The Masterpiece.

The blade is literally just named The Masterpiece
the sazanami family is left without a leader, the glowies gonna get them kek
Hakuri is the new leader and they should get him as well. Terrorist needs to serve his jail time.

I think Kamubro's hypothesis is a red herring. The blade isn't leaking power because it's too powerful, it's leaking power because it still has a "charge" from El Hermano in it. The problem is that the nature of the power emitted by the blade by this charge has some sort of negative effect irregardless of if El Hermano is present or not
If the enchanted blades are nukes than Shinuchi is the tsar bomb. It's the sword that won the war.
>as if he was deliberately avoiding thoughts of his relatives to stay focused on his goal, knowing it would weaken his resolve.
hope this interpretation is true. Still, I wish we got to see a glimpse of inner struggle. I'm waiting for the end of this arc to see how it all plays out, anons are right and just a few chapters could change everything, but the way this manga had been written so far is not giving me hopes that any of the nitpicks I have are going to be resolved/addressed.
So when is Chihiro "nuke owner" Rokuhira serving?
> but i do fear chihiro will shoot ahead of her in the actual sales.
It's already did with vol 2.
When he feels guilty about his crimes. When they catch him. Never.
Hakuri giving zero shits about his family is actually good storytelling.
At this point he only gives a shit about KILLING his dad.
I love double fakeouts
b-but muh love
Imagine the kino, the Rakuzaichi is done and defeated, Shinuchi is lost, Sazanami siblings are dead and missing and Hakuri after doing the "yeah we did it" just breaks down and that's how the arc ends.
Death. No fancy elements, no hyper movement, no special attack.
If it makes a cutting motion and you're in the line of its blade, you die.
takeru seems to know what his readers want, I'm hopeful that it will be rectified and we'd get more shiba actions in the future
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> Wano arc was 149 chapters and lasted 4 years, 191 anime episodes.
the same way you've loved me
I'd love to see him crying for real.

It would be interesting to know how old Sojo was. Going by the "flashback perspective theory" (Sojo's vision was from the first person perspective), then El Hermano is likely the person we saw slaughtering the yakuza.

Now, Sojo is of obvious sorcerous heritage. The abnormal black rings under his eyes ks probably a physical alternation caused by his spirit energy usage. With that said I suspect Sojo never figured out how to turn his spirit energy, so sorcery is absent (he was on step two of sorcery. With step one being latent spirit energy, step two being active spirit energy, latent sorcery and step three being active sorcery). El Hermano probably awakened his sorcery in that flashback though.

A few questions of interest then:
>when did this occur?
>why were they in conflict with the yakuza?
>how and when did they get separated?
>how did El Hermano become the kenshin during the war?
That would be hella disappointing if this is a red herring
personally i like the ring of
>final performer
Is it not longer? I feel like it was longer.
i mean shoot ahead more than currently. i'm expecting vol 3 to exceed 50k fw
the blade is normal, nothing special about it compared to the other swords.

EL HERMANO is just that guy
>just breaks down
Depends on how it's done and what he breaks down over. I'm struggling to imagine him breaking down over killing his family at this point.
Chihiro after seeing this:
>oh shit hakuri I though you didn't care I'm so sorry we went ham on all your family blowing them up, cutting them and tearing them to pieces
basically happened in kill bill
near the end of the second movie she cries-laughs on the bathroom floor
I dunno about it, looks like it will have the same stock as vol 2.
I'd rather hakuri just stand and look at his bloodied hands, chihiro just pats his shoulder and tell him to come then both pass out unconscious
>I'm struggling to imagine him breaking down over killing his family at this point.
the event being over is when it can all come out, the mission is done and he is free, but the heart is retarded and still feels things even when you know they deserved it
I think it should be 10-20k higher.
It's possible, but that also means the last reprint was also 20k-10k lower
>inb4 it was just a 30k reprint IN TOTAL
Tsugimanga will save us. If not, then Shogakukan.

>El Hermano's sorcery is essentially six eyes, the ability to be absurdly efficient with spirit energy
>it's not very strong by itself, but if you combine it with a blade, it makes the blade exponentially stronger since El Hermano has seemingly a limitless spirit energy
>This is why El Hermano became the Kenshin of blade users
>Even now, whatever small charge El Hermano left in the blade rages on
>El Hermano is an fallen honored one archetype; evil Gojo
Saitos first kagurabachi print will be a proper 200k for Volume 4
>eventual july-august reprint
>tsugimanga reprint
>vol 4 first print
500k+ basically confirmed for volume 4.
I'd hope it's like 700k
BB was 350k with 3, 800k with 4. KGB should match it.
Wait, obi recc dare?
not until sunday probably
obi rec is probably why vol 3 has such a crippled first print, so it oughta be someone good
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>#カグラバチ To commemorate the release of volume 3, we have created foil-stamped illustration cards!
>It will be distributed at bookstores participating in NatsuComi 2024.

>Distribution methods vary by bookstore.
>The number of items distributed is limited. The distribution will end when all items are gone.
It better be Kishimoto, Kubo, Togashi or Inoue to make it worth it
I see dead people
I heard that Tsukushi is in need of financial support and he is willing to rec any new manga from other magazines: the rumor is that WSJ is where he chose to rec one of the newbie.
I'm guessing it's small because of this >>268188671
Limited until they run out (they did the same with sojo's and had to reprint)
if he's in need of financial support the lazy fucker should get back to MiA
That doesn't explain the small reprint
It's either Sakurai(Ajin) or Isayama(SnK) that rec KGB
you forget the much more likely option
>fujimoto rec
Fujimoto only recommends flops.
>archaic word
Its not archaic. Its still in use, and isn't considered old fashioned or a period phrase.
Rest of the post is fine.
Easily my favourite of the color pages. And its like 80 percent of that edgy-fun shit they wrote there.
would be kino if it had gravity powers
shinuchiman could call it back like thors hammer
>cheesy movie poster
>now comes with cheesy news article about said movie
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FFFFFFF. Thats the word I was looking for. I keep on TLing it as "trash" because I'm drawing blanks each time. Its fucking "scum/scumbags".
Shinuchi controls anything it cuts
Would Chihiro be the briefs type? Boxers would expose his skin in a breeze
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>Why does every character need to be relevant at once
>Why does stuff need to be explained
>Why does character need to be used after introduction
>Why does power progression need to make sense
>Why does story need to make se...

You use the wrong pic for someone who has no good sense of taste and low quality standarts
Picrel would fit you better
Has Togashi ever recommended someone? Auction is more of a HxH arc if anything
>Has Togashi ever recommended someone?
Kimetsu vol 4
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Hokozono WARPED you.
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Gege has enough free time to rec now since he's on hiatus.
For a moment I wondered who he would draw for KGB art but it's definitely the Hishaku boss, right?
Probably. He prefers tight clothing and his dick probably isn't big
What does this reply have to do with the post you're replying to? Can you read?
>strawmanning this hard
both because chihiro is a walking matryoshka doll under layers of clothing
Believe in the beach themed cover
>it's a fucking diver suit
... which wouldn't be bad as long as it's tight enough.
>He prefers tight clothing
what? chihiro's not wearing tight clothes
...I'm a shibafag. Though I wish Hiyuki was either removed from this act or utilized more, yeah.
Shibabros are deranged...
>..I'm a shit.
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>resorting to personal attacks
This general is full of sensitive newfag tourists falling for the most obvious imaginable bait (every time), refusing to acknowledge any faults in the series and would rather talk about sales and the ways their series is being shilled instead of the chapter that just came out.
Fucking hell. Worst fanbase and the anime is not even announced yet.
>Why is a general talking about how the series is promoted?
You're right everywhere else, but that's just retarded. If people have said their piece on the chapter and they wanna talk about the volume that's right around the corner (and the promotional material we just got hours ago), then where's the harm?
People thought I was joking when I said 97 chapters lmao
Yeah I went overboard there. To me the constant talk about sales recs and shilling is getting annoying especially when there are other things to talk about, like the new chapter.
>when there are other things to talk about, like
chihiro losing his trenchcoat
momentous occasion, we'll finally see his sweater properly
>either removed from this act
Her role as the face of Kamunabi, as mundane as it is, is necessary to set up and move the plot forward. Her punching Hakuri also snowballed into Chihiro giving Enten, using Kuregumo and infiltrating the storehouse.
>or utilized more
Half agree. If only her fight with the 'elite' sorcerers wasn't 100% off-screened. What a waste of unique designs.
>Yeah I went overboard there.
don't walk it back, slander harder
set your fresh hatred ablaze
I don't have any strong feelings for this series or fanbase anymore, sorry fellow fresh hatred enthusiasts.
He looks younger and skinnier without it
your hatred has become
>another villain getting one shot by the MC without breaking a sweat in an epic double spread
Soo hype
He is not dead yet. Oh right, Sojo wasn't dead either. Why is Chihiro never aiming for the neck?
>Why is Chihiro never aiming for the neck?
He tried three times against Soujo, all failed.
Needs more practice.
>Without breaking a sweat

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