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Will he really return this batch? Even if just for a panel showing whats he up to?
Hunter x hunter is over lol
Gon's history is over, move on, he was a boring protagonist carried by those around him, carried by the other 3 MCs in the exam, carried by Hisoka in HA, carried by Kurapika in Yorknew, carried by Bisky and Killua in Greed Island, carried by literally everyone but specially Kite in CA

Gon is overrated, and Kurapika is a way better protagonist, hopefully we never see Gon again, Ging is just a quadrillion times better too
>Will he really return
No. He's never gonna finish. Same with ASOIAF.
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Who would win? Pariston vs Hisoka.
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Bisky solos.
Pariston's hidden pussy technique solos the verse
I want to see more Illumi flashbacks, I want to see him meeting Hyskoa for the first time
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Pariston is not a traditional fighter.
But he probably has an extremely broken hatsu once his conditions are fulfilled.
Ging and Pariston are gayer than Killua, Hisoka and Illumi combined
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The only problem with Chrollo "cheating" is that Togashi didn't have the balls to kill Hisoka for good.
Think about it: if Hisoka stayed dead, Chrollo's cheating would've been a masterclass.
Imagine some crying "but he cheated!!", to which you'd reply "Yeah, and it was based. Fuck your gay fightfag character, he is dead LOL"
But Hisoka's revival poisoned the discussion about it forever.
Chrollo cant be based because he's brown
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Except it’s clear Chrollo is the antagonist and Hisoka is the protagonist in the conflict. Hisoka is the hero delivering karma on the troupe. So he wouldn’t lose like that
Pariston is Sheila
>stupid sexy chain guy
Pariston is Gyro
>I can't fight you. Chrollo said 'no'. You saw how serious he was, right?
>The Troupe aren't with you? They're fighting what in Meteor City?
>Uh, can't, getting ready for my fight with Chrollo!
>Once I defeat Chrollo - for real this time - I can escape to the Dark Continent. Better Hellbell than... that man
I'm gyro
Pariston used to spar with Netero, Shitsoka could NEVER.
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I have no life. I probably missed some.
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the ones that togashi still hasn't posted
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but are they gayer than nobu and hinirigh?
Nobunaga possesses a great motherly love towards Hinrigh, its different
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>SJ: Togashi we need you to make a draw for the cover.
>T: Aight (So tired of this shit)
Bisky sex
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This must be after they only showed Gensuru's eyes
That's a cool drawing. But i bet took at least month to be made. Sorry hxh bros. Your favorite manga will remain inconclusive like Berserk.
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is this thread a safe space for spiderbros?
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Machigods won
Nobu just wants to fill the hole in his heart that Uvo left.
He tried with Gon before and now tries with Hinrigh, dude just wants a new buddy for his bromance so badly.
That does sound pretty gay tho
Whats the deal with blue gon?
>Nobunaga relates the Heil-ly to the Troupe on a fundamental level
>Sees spirit in Hinrigh and puts his life on the line to protect him
>Sees Uvo in Terebellum and starts taking an interest in him
>All within the span of half an hour or so
Togashi is starting to write him as a loose, friendship seeking whore
Since HxH became boring garbage where everyone is a specialist, there's still 1 thing I'm looking forward to and that's Pariston turning out to be a Enhancer, that would be so cool, hopefully Togashi makes it happen before he dies, so before they hit the fake Dark Continent...
Hes giving him some character cause hes about to die. We all know its going to happen, even tho we dont want to admit it.
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There are no canon colors in Togashi's works. He only thinks in black-and-white.
>Enhancers: simple and determined. They are selfish and never lie.
It's completely impossible for Pariston to be an Enhancer.
Nobunaga has had tons of character from the onset, if anything the recent trajectory made me think he was less likely to die. Before the common assumption was that he'd eventually run into Kurapika and die fighting him, but now there's an angle where he assumes the leadership mantle.
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>Togashi can't draw wo-
You mean Yellmi
werent the zodiac designs made by his assistants or is that a fake rumour?
Fake rumour.
All the zodiac women are gonna die early. They’re too fanservicey design wise
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>Hina won't survive the CA arc. She's too fanservicey design wise
Except for Cheadle, who looks like a middle aged woman who hasn’t had sex since she was 18. Plus she’s close to Leorio and the chairman, she clearly has some character potential.

But the rest of the female zodiacs have as much plot armor as zodiacs not named Cheadle, Mizaistorm, Kurapika, or Leorio. As in, they have none. If anything I’d say kanzai is 5th on the plot armor zodiac list since Togashi and japs in general are baseball fags
But her design isn’t fanservicey at all. She looks like a dumb teenager deisgn wise. Having a “sexy” scene has nothing to do with design.
What does this have to do with her
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How would the Hunter x Hunter cast get along with their Yu Yu Hakhsuo counterparts?
Gon and Leorio would get along with Yusuke and Kuwabara.
Kurapika and Killua would maintain a respectful distance from Kurama and Hiei.
>Gon and Yusuke
Yusuke would be a big brother to Gon, and considering Yusuke shares some personality with Ging, would probably have a similar “you can do this yourself kid” attitude. But unlike Ging, I think Yusuke would always be there if Gon needed him. Also I think he’d say “this kid is batshit crazy” with a smile a lot.

>kuwabara and Leorio
Would argue a lot but in a best friend way. Would be roomies in college and probably get a pretty close bond. Would be drinking buddies too.

>Kurama and Kurpaika
Would get a long well as they’re both calm collected and intelligent. Although Kurama would probably offer some guidance to Kurpaika about his path and Kurpaika wouldn’t listen, so Kurama would just be chill about it and let Kurapika do what he wants. Don’t think they’d hang out a lot but whenever they did it’d be pretty smooth.

>hiei and Killua
Hiei would think Killua is a fag because of how emotional he is. But he’d think he’s a great fighter and empathetic with his sister problems. He’d be the big brother for Killua that he didn’t get from the Zoldyck family, but again, it’d be tough love
Fucking hope not
Hate this little cunt so much, he's the worst aspect of hunter hunter by far
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CA Gon, Kite, Kurapika,Killua and Leorio decide to help the clown against the troupe
How does it go?
Kurapika auto kills everyone while using everyone else as support (especially Godspeed , bungee gum, Jankenrock combo). Troupe dies with at least 1-2 casualties on Kurpaika and Hisoka’s side.

But this wouldn’t be a one time battle. It’d be a repeat of Yorknew except both teams are all in
chrollo solos
That's obviously a retarded take.
Off the top of my head: Pakunoda, Shizuku, Machi, arena announcer, Bisk, second stage gourmet hunter examiner.
chimera ant arc was overhyped desu. i was expecting better.
I feel the opposite, Chimera Ant was hyped a lot, so I went in with huge expectations, and was still surprised

to me, its just like Steel Ball Run, both masterpieces that are hyped a lot but rightfully so
I'm so glad that I just happend to stumble upon HxH and binged it blindly back in the day.
Which character in the series is closest to having a genuine harem (outside of Nasubi and Mereum)?
Probably Sale-sale
Who are the members?
what animal hina ever suppose to be
anyone he needles
was she pregnant
No. Yes. I guess. Her abiltiy makes her remove curses IIRC, it’s just that the removal process manifests in bwlly inflation for her. But she doesn’t actually have a child or anything
ok i was very confused thanks for the explanation
Togashis barely disguised inflation fetish
You can see the 99 anime slowly influencing Togashi into making green hair Gon the default
Hisoka probably gets an astronomical amount of pussy. Though he thinks of fighting Gon the whole time. The way he asked Machi and his presumably 100% playthrough of love town is evidence of this.
Did his wife draw the right page
Yes. We'll get a mention from Kurapika that Gon has died off panel, killed by Genthru.
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missing this one
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>humanity has to go to the DC and bring back Hellbells to get the nitro rice
>Ging just creates Angel's Breath for fun
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I think a lot of people don't realize quite how powerful the greed island cards are. many of them can control a person's fate. Nanika doesn't seem quite so asspully in context.
The Troupe gets demolished. In fact, a team of Hisoka, Kurapika and Killua would also win.
True, but greed island requires a bunch of restrictions that take place on probably the greatest collaborative nen feat we’ve seen in the series (creating an entire real life game).
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The Annihilator of Avarice. The Blaster of Bombasticity. The Careener of Claymore. The Detonator of Dice. The Exploder of Emnity. The Forger of Fulmination. The Grenadier of Griefing. The Hucker of High-Explosives. The Idol of Ignition. The Juggernaut of Jubilation. The Kingpin of Kiting. The Leet of Launchers. The Monster of Missiles. The Nuker of Noobs. The Officiator of Ownage. The Prince of PKing. The Quagmire of Quintessence. The Regent of Rekt. The Sergeant of Spawnkilling. The Trouncer of Twinks. The Unfurler of the Uninitiated. The Vicar of Vivaciousness. The Wight of Wipes. The Xerxes of XP. The Yeoman of Yeeting. The Zealot of Zoning.
Abengane victim.
>tfw when you learn the basis for greed islands high ranked cards is a human sacrifice condition
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Kuwabara would consider Leorio a manslut because of how pure Kuwabara is about romantic relationships with women. After all, Kuwabara is big on chivalry
Gon already had a harem in his hometown. Gon hooked up with every female tourist that visited his island.
and now he lost all of his potential (as a man) so he spends his days getting railed by fat old fishermen in a cute frilly dress
Bros im going to reread the manga in japanese for the first time, wish me luck (all in preparation for the eventual return)
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>POV: you're the only young boy in Whale Island
Is whale island the female version of going to thailand?
I see you togashi. I know you’re here. How is the sun over on your part of the planet?
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Ara Ara, Gon-kun~
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Dalzollene and maybe by extension Light
In an alternate universe Gon is a shota admiral from Kancolle
I realize cuckposting is inevitable, but they were only really depicted as generic handmaids and one of them(elisa) was dating Squala.
why the ai slop
the implication is there
Do I look like I can draw that?
Would you rather have a remake of the 2011 anime in the style of the 99 anime or an adaptation of everything that has not yet been adapted into anime?
Genthru sinking the boat soon
Using nen isn't cheating
Yo would you like random chapter dumps? Give me a number and I will do it every now and then if it's okay with you
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An anime with this exact style of coloring and line work would be the best version possible.
I thought his only love interest was childhood Paku and he turned asexual after Sarasa death
NTA but cheating in the context of Hisoka vs Chrollo refer to it not actually being a 1v1.
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She won the Gonbowl
There are no signs in the writing that hint towards him dying. If he fought alone, Hisoka would have a chance, but he's with two other Spiders, and unlike with Kortopi and Shalnark, they are combat oriented and expecting him.
To add, it should be directed by Yuasa and the music should be composed by one of the Chrono Trigger composers.
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So, a HxH adaption that looks like Hells basically?
Looks interesting but I haven't watched it.
An anime like the manga previews but with this type of coloring would be perfect.
I don’t think we’ll see a full anime adaption come out like that anytime soon for any series. But for a 4 episode mini series, or an artistic section of a series, yea I could see it.
Yes, overrated by the wave of fans that got into HxH through 2011, because its portrayal of the older arcs was abysmal (still good enough for narutards and wanpissers), so CA seemed much better by comparison.
No way gon knows what a condom is there is like 20 freeces's running around
It doesn't need to be as well made as those previews.
Yuasa has pulled similar styles in his series before.
The real problem is that HxH is over 100 episodes long, so you would never see it getting the budget it deserves for a perfect adaptation.
Maybe 30-50 years from now if there's a revolution in animation methods or something.
An adaptation of everything that has not yet been adapted into anime in the style of the 1999 anime
I think its kinda pointless and unrealistic to expect an anime adaptation to fully embrace Togashi style, considering how off-model the manga is and the lack of mass appeal for a limited colored animation
I think the 1999 style is great and as good as I can imagine an adaptation to look, only brought down by 2 particular studios that were clearly not up to the task on the earlier half
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It was a 1v1. Shalnark and Coltopi's abilities were lent to Chrollo for the fight. That's why Chrollo was in possession of Shalnark's cellphone after the fight, that specific cellphone has to be used along with Black Voice, that's also why Shalnark and Coltopi were helpless against Hisoka, they were nenless at the time of death.
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That page only confirms Chrollo can return powers.
Chrollo said it was the most abilities he ever needed in order to kill someone, meaning every ability was part of the plan. Explain to me why Convert Hands was necessary. What did Convert Hands achieve if he used in conjunction with Black Voice, meaning he could not be producing copies in the meantime.
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Secret dark web footage
>That page only confirms Chrollo can return powers
Quote exactly what part confirms it. C'mon man, stop pushing this retarded theory, it only makes you look stupid.
>meaning he could not be producing copies in the meantime
Not being able to use more than two abilities simultaneously doesn't mean he can't use more abilities in the same fight, he just has to deactivate either of them to make room for another, with the exception of Sun and Moon seals giving permanence to Gallery Fake copies due to postmortem nen hax.
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>Quote exactly what part confirms it
It's blatant obvious when he's talking about returning the phone and the antennae, and when Shalnark confirms that he has no plan of using it for now. He's not talking about "no plans to use the phone", he's talking about "no plans to use the ability".
Or will you try to propose Chrollo took their abilities for good?
> C'mon man, stop pushing this retarded theory, it only makes you look stupid.
You're getting desperate. There's zero refutation there. The smartest Chrollofags in the board have already accepted the theory and stopped trying to contest it.
>Not being able to use more than two abilities simultaneously doesn't mean he can't use more abilities in the same fight, he just has to deactivate either of them to make room for another
Again, what did that Convert Hands + Black Voice combo achieve exactly other than buying time for someone else to produce copies?
The Convert Hands + Black Voice combo achieves nothing if Chrollo has to make the copies himself.
>with the exception of Sun and Moon seals giving permanence to Gallery Fake copies due to postmortem nen hax
Chrollo never says that happens. Only Hisoka comes to that conclusion, but when he does, for him that would mean Chrollo would have fewer copies than expected (not more), which would be around 20-30. He was then immediately swarmed by over 200. So there's a tenfold discrepancy in Hisoka's failed interpretation.
Hisoka's mistake came to the wrong answer to the question "Why is this still here?". The answer was Koltopi was keeping the copies, not Sun and Moon.
*Hisoka's mistake came from the wrong answer to the question
Man, this would be a dream.
Would an anime in this style be more or less expensive than a regular anime?
If anything there are fewer specialists now than when nen was still new in yorknew. Togashi seemed to realize he was making them seem too dominant, stuff like Meruem being officially classed as an emitter and Komugi as an enhancer was huge. Now we basically just have Tse and probably Benjamin. Kurapika is a conjurer who larps.
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>He's not talking about "no plans to use the phone", he's talking about "no plans to use the ability"
>There's zero refutation there
There's nothing to refute, because you have no way of proving this theory
>Again, what did that Convert Hands + Black Voice combo achieve exactly other than buying time for someone else to produce copies?
Exactly that, a distraction.
>Chrollo never says that happens. Only Hisoka comes to that conclusion
Based on what Chrollo explained in the introduction. And as I already proved, Chrollo was in possession of the cellphone and antennae the entire fight, he even had to explain to an unknowing Shalnark that he used up all the antennae, and there's no way he could fulfill Skill Hunter's conditions during the fight, which means that in order for him to have Shalnark's ability by the end of it, he must have stolen it before the fight and kept it throughout.
Now let me sleep, motherfucker.
tbf meruem and komugi's typings were OOS. like how we are currently assuming benjamin is a specialist when there's prime material for another emitter rug pull
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He already has a phone there. Saying "he has no plan to use it for now" obviously means the ability, not the phone for the phone itself.
>There's nothing to refute, because you have no way of proving this theory
The manga already proved it with the tenfold puppet discrepancy and Koltopi's presence in the arena.
>Exactly that, a distraction.
A distraction for what? What does it accomplish other than buying time for Koltopi?
Chrollo does nothing with that extra time.
>Based on what Chrollo explained in the introduction
As Hisoka said "Chrollo didn't lie per se...". Chrollo only said the markings would remain if he switched abilies. He never said the markings would keep the Gallery Fake copies if he switched abilities. That was Hisoka's mistaken conclusion that was part of Chrollo's master plan. But you can't accept Hisoka's conclusion as canon if it would mean Chrollo would have ten times less copies than what Hisoka was hit with.
>Chrollo was in possession of the cellphone and antennae the entire fight, he even had to explain to an unknowing Shalnark that he used up all the antennae
Who said anything about the phone?
The point is that Koltopi was making the copies, not Chrollo. Shalnark has nothing to do with it.
The ultimate jajakin SOON.
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That's just danchou's side gig
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Currently on a reread, This scene is amazing. I can understand how frustrating spread out chapters can be, but when you have the chance to read in at your own pace, everything fits. It's surreal to think Chimera Ant was coming out from 2003-2010, I'm curious at what point anons could get weekly chapters. I remember Manga Panda, but unsure when they started and if they did HxH.
Hunter x Hunter has been scanlated since the early 2000's. Greed Island was already weekly, but maybe Yorkshin was already too.
Whatever happened to that one anon who said they were planning a HxH story time?
Been reading since early CA. I remember thinking the art was dogshit horrible (early CA), but it got better later on, but at least the volume chapters are vastly improved
I'm not an animator but probably about the same since the manga accurate designs would be simple to allow for either flexible or rigid animation even if outsourced.
Second one from top left. I left out duplicates.
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hes got 10 chapters ready so when the fuck is the next chapter coming out?
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Really cool to know scanlations existed at that time considering it was niche than today. I'm curious if any of those original weeklies exist in any form today rather than your hearts. In the early 2000's i remember getting bootleg Jojo p4 volumes from a friend printing them off in school. In an early CA volume Togashi did write he redrew a lot of the volume, it'll be intesting to see those originals to compare.
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As a long time reader, some of the shit I’ve seen from clearly post 2011 fans (aka people who more than likely started reading the manga after election arc ended), trashing succession war art, etc. they didn’t suffer shit except slightly worse (we, much worse hiatuses, 50/50 on hiatus level between CA and SW). Also, most of the bad Togashi art was during magazine runs, the volumes (which I’d expect most new readers to read), have solid redrawn art.
I’m not sure if those people just parrot the opinion they see online from older manga readers or they genuinely think SW art sucks
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They got it from older manga fans. 2011fags who never read the manga saw manga memes and bait about the art from older manga readers, focused on the worst pages (like the greed island page), and Ran with it, to the point some of them think togashi doesn’t care about art. Add into the fact that SW is text heavy it amplified even further to people who think Togashi secretly wants to write a novel and that he should because he is a “mediocre”artist , who was lucky to have such a well animated adaption to bypass the “shitty art”
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>trashing succession war art
huh? Which parts? From memory it's all pretty amazing other than the literally single chapter of the Rihan explaining Predator.
I can completely understand why you were mad at the art on release. It's horrible. At least it was fixed, but still. I assume a large reason for the Hiatus' in that stage was their second child, but shitty there's no communication of " Hey, taking two years for family, 17 year-old idols, harder to draw from my back and Adventure Quest".
Countdown would be great on the black whale.
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>that one cover with the gon feets
wats goin on there
Great for what? It requires Genthru revealing he's the bomber. Then he has an entire army after him and nowhere he can run to.
It would be total shit.
I think they said they might do it when there's an official announcement date for manga return
Thought we had some hopium from the Arab Twitter user saying it'd come back in August. Let's hope for October like last time.
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I can't believe Hyskoa said all these things.
>luffy mouth
Can't he be original?
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OVA Machi best Machi
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13 and 15 are not spreads and yet 14 is. This is the second time he makes this mistake. Wonder why.
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Smiley Matey is best Matey
Second time this chapter; third time since he started posting in May. Two days ago we saw a spread page underneath the pages he inked that day; maybe he was working on this page in advance.

Wish he’d give us any update on 401-410 though!
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What if Hisoka has multiple personalities?
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I searched for the specific page and, long story short, it looks like I'm re-reading HxH again.
So, in volume 10 there is a neat explanation of forgery methods.
I always assumed that it's a nice, simple setup with the sole payoff being the Nobunaga scene.
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Now I think that this scene contains at least two setups.
I always found it a bit strange that the smart guy like Pica didn't immediately suspect corpses being fake.
Yet in context, it makes pefect sense. It's the exact case of the hypefixated tunnel vision.
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Kind of pissed me off that Zepile saved Killua's ass from the terror of Nobunaga here but Killua does Zepile extremely dirty later
That's my favourite Machi's outfit.
We're also dealing with a group of genius nen users with 0 practical experience with nen or other nen users while the troupe has plenty of practical knowledge on nen. It's the perfect kind of trick against someone like Pica who is more of a brief rising star.
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This outfit begs the question if she still wore her big puffy ninja socks while wearing actual shoes for once
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what number is he on?
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Doomcels lost
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1. The copies come on waves and Hisoka was referring to just one wave, not the total number of copies used in the fight, hence the 'ANOTHER 20 copies'.
2. Koltopi's presence in the arena doesn't prove anything, most likely was there to give his ability to Chrollo before the fight.
3. Chrollo said the seals stayed forever no matter what, which implies it being the case even if the ability summoning the object they are assigned to was deactivated. While it is true he didn't explicitly spell it out for Hisoka and the readers, it only makes sense to function like that, how would the seals remain put otherwise? Floating in the air?
Besides, you need explicit confirmation to admit something already explained in the manga, but don't need any to believe Koltopi was using nen during the fight?
The manga doesn't support your claims.
4.You were the one confidently claiming Shalnark and Koltopi were helping Chrollo during the fight, now you're backpedalling to only Koltopi when I explain how there's no way for Shalnark to have been able to use Black Voice when Chrollo had been using his cellphone and antenna throughout the fight.
5. Chrollo is shown using Gallery Fake onscreen, Koltopi isn't, period. Mental gymnastics around which of Hisoka's assumptions were right and which were wrong to confirm you headcanon are meaningless.
he's not, he is a K-pop idol mixed with Nord Italian genes (big schnoze)
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Kurapika will be forced to form an alliance with the troupe to save the queen's daughter.
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Ponder the aroma
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Someone (a troupe member) is bound to see and recognize Kurapika eventually. It's a shame Matey isn't a bodyguard
iirc, Togashi remade the horrid "art" of the GI ending and beginning of CA at some point. So the pages you can find now aren't the same you read at the time.
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Machi is well suited as a mediator for negotiations with the troupe. She doesn't seem dangerous, and she's not mean and Kurapika can talk to her about the deal.
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Friendly reminder she was cool with Kurapika joining the troupe AFTER he had killed Uvogin lol
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It seems she didn't like Uvogin for his idiotic character and obsession with battles. In that case, why was she with him as a child? Perhaps to get money for which she tried to cure her single mother, who had tuberculosis. Machi can be given a sad backstory.
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YYH is better than HxH.
>smaller cast
>better setting
>simpler power system
>short, concise story
>it fucking ends
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I have 2 thoughts, either she was his sexslave or the opposite where she was so tiny and looked to him for protection
Hanging out with someone doesn't mean that they are friends.
I bet she was hanging out with Chrollo, who, in turn, was hanging out with Uvo.
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It looked like most of them ran in groups of 2 or 3
Phinks was with Feitan
Chrollo was with Shalnark and Franklin (and Pakunoda)
Machi was with Uvo (and supposedly Nobunaga given what he'd said when he cried)
Clownfags BTFO'd
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I think that Kurapika and Machi will find each other attractive in appearance. And she will probably be more tolerant of him. Kurapika learns from her what happened during the Kurut massacre. Perhaps there was something there that would make Kurapika think more positively about Machi. If she was at least in favor of sparing the children or something like that, but lost the argument with a coin, Kurapika will soften towards her. He will not think about how to punish her, but how to persuade her to leave the troupe and live from scratch as a good person.
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Add this one into "smart people make serious mistakes due to the tunnel vision" jar too.
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We are being framed Halkenburgbros
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Cute kot
>>simpler power system
>>it fucking ends
It didn't end, Togashi just wrote "the end" in the middle of an arc to start the superior series HxH
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These threads are likely to 404 at the slow hours of the day without at least a little characterfagging
Hisoka is considered one of the primary characters like Gon, Killua and Kurapika. I still don't understand the butthurt about his fight with Chrollo, it was obvious as a setup for him to start killing the Spiders.
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>These threads are likely to 404 at the slow hours of the day
Good, that means the next thread can be higher quality
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Why is the fucker still drawing? I'm sure if he focused on the first 10 chapters to release and then went on hiatus for a few months to rest we would all have been fine with it.
Shut up we want 20 chapters
Obviously me too retard, but I dont want him to die.
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Hnnggg sexychi
If he dies, he dies.
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So Fuugetsu definitely got hit by one of those suicidal curse users off screen right? Just seems odd she didn't say anything about it, wasn't it set up that the curse user would have to touch her, make direct eye contact and immediately kill himself? What was the ninja doing at the time? Taking a nap?
My favorite part was when he put on a sick sideways baseball cap and said his famous catchphrase:
>I'm Gen-through with you!
before decapitating Puhat with an explosion.
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>1. The copies come on waves and Hisoka was referring to just one wave
There are no "waves" to speak of. You need to read the fight again.
When Chrollo hits Hisoka with the first wave, he stays onscreen the entire time chipping away at him. He physically cannot be making more copies then.
After Hisoka hits him with the flying head, he stays on Hisoka's sight for a bit to mark what head he's using. He then disappears into the crowd, and Hisoka "finds him", but it turns out to be a fake with Convert Hands controlled by Black Voice. Chrollo cannot be making more copies with those two abilities activated.
After catching the fake Chrollo, and coming to the (wrong) conclusion that Chrollo would hit him with FEWER copies than he thought (20-30), Hisoka is immediately hit with 10 times that amount. It's impossible.
>hence the ANOTHER
Hisoka had already destroyed all the copies Chrollo had produced before.
>most likely was there to give his ability to Chrollo before the fight
Koltopi could've stayed anywhere in the world, and Chrollo who maximizes his chance to each percentage point would allow him to be in the one place where he can be killed, which would ruin his entire plan? Yeah, no.
To just give him the ability he could've stayed anywhere else in the city.
>Chrollo said the seals stayed forever no matter what
"Stay no matter what" even if he swaps Sun and Moon from his book. It keeping Gallery Fake copies Conjured is a failed Hisoka-only conclusion with a tenfold discrepancy on it.
>You were the one confidently claiming Shalnark and Koltopi were helping Chrollo during the fight
Holy strawman. I've been debating the topic for years and it's the opposite. I've told Hisoka fans that Shalnark's help is unsubstantiated.
>Chrollo is shown using Gallery Fake onscreen
Yeah, literally only once. Chrollo can return abilities and Koltopi was at the arena.
Chrollo literally says he fights as part of a team or does whatever needed to maximizes his chances of winning.
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Chrollo can't make new copies while Order Stamp is activated.
He would be able to make Gallery Fake corpses, but to affix them with Sun and Moon he would need to either deactivate Order Stamp (which we see is not the case), or Gallery Fake (which would make the copies disappear before being affixed with Sun and Moon).
Copies without Sun and Moon markings would disappear when Chrollo is using Convert Hands + Black Voice while hiding in the crowd.
Once again, there's no timeframe for Chrollo to make 200 copies.
Chrollo's fakeout with Convert Hands + Black Voice achieves nothing but buy time for someone else to make copies for him.
I thought Hisoka never actually got a hit in on Chrollo, that all he hit was other people disguised as Chrollo, am I wrong?
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>am I wrong?
Yes, Hisoka hit the real Chrollo twice with the flying heads.
It couldn't be a manipulated fake Chrollo because that requires Convert Hands + Black Voice, but Order Stamp was still activated.
My hatsu? The strongest.
My strategy? The smartest.
My nen? The post-mordemest.
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She uses it to masturbate, yay or nay?
Pariston literally never lies on screen

Post a single time he's has lied
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Sorry anon, but he was lying here.
nta, but why do you think so?
I think he is the type to murder an ally to get what he wants.
"I wish you wouldn't interfere..."
Nigga, he literally paid them to do so LMAO
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fucking gay ass faggot
>it didn't end because I say so
ok schizo
Doesn't have to be a lie at all. Even if he instigated it.
Ok, you have a point.
I actually agree with you.
Pariston constanly employs mindgames and deception.
Even though he rarely lies, it doesn't look like a typical Enhancer according to the Hisoka's profile.
My bet on a Specialist.
He's very pure hearted in his own twisted way though.
He's insanely determined and is one of the most mentally strong and adept guys around.
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>Shalnark's help is unsubstantiated
And so is Koltopi's
Not only that, but on the day of the curse, they have to burn a belonging of the curse victim and drink the ashes. It’s not exactly something you can spontaneously plan for.

I think who cursed Fugetsu is one of the more interesting mysteries we have. Camilla’s bodyguards themselves were concerned about other curse users being on board, so it would be funny if that was the case and Fugetsu was cursed by a totally different party.
CH + BV can be activated without deactivating abilities stacked with Sun and Moon
Not necessarily true that they have to be close.
This would be true if fugetsu was strong in nen and had a Nen beast worth a shit.

Halkenburg or Tserriednicht and probably Benjamin have extremely potent and observant nen beasts. The idea was that these beasts would "snuff out" or otherwise block the curse.

The only way to circumvent their power would be to an hero right in front of the prince in question.

But fugetsu is weak, overuses the ability and has zero defenses. A trash prince being taken out as we speak
He is definitely transmuter though
>whimsical and prone to deception
Quits Zodiacs on a whim after becoming chairman, everyone on there says he lies all the time.
He doesn't lie all the time.
He seriously and genuinely just works against himself and his interests continuously.
People that claim he's being deceptive are missing the point, just like Cheadle.

He's not trying to win, or lose. He's not overtly lying. No one can catch him cheat, because that's not the level he's operating on.

Pariston can pass a lie detector test with flying colors. He can probably pass kurapika's nen chain test as well.

That's due to his way of thinking being different from normal people.
Cheadle didn't miss the point. His way of thinking is seperate from how he achieves his goals. In the election when he went on and on about the qualities of Mizaistorm to buy time, that isn't because he genuinely believes Mizaistorm is the best candidate.
Note that deception doesn't mean lie, it means to purposely lead someone on the wrong path. So what you described is just even higher level deception
It won't. HxH got soft cancelled, people aren't into that shit anymore.
To continue, leaving the Zodiacs definitely isn't on a "whim".
We learn that this expedition was planned, and in Pariston's mind, is a sort of gauntlet throw against the Hunter Association.

Pariston liked Netero, a lot. And he wants the HA to be fun and exciting.
Forcing them to go to the DC fits the bill.

Again, being spontaneous and erratic is it pariston at all.
>whimsical and prone to deception
Let me guess, you believe in astrology?
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You dare say this?
HXH "ending" mogs YYH garbageass ending.
Fair that he didn't do it on a whim, but the whole Transmuter personality description fits the "trickster" archetype that both Hisoka and Pariston fit into.
This. There’s this cope going around that treats Hisoka like he’s not basically the 5th MC.

I Do understand troupefags angry that a villain gets the glory in killing the troupe instead of someone like Kurapika who is more “good” and “favorable”.

But the troupe dying to a former member and someone as evil as them it’s much more enjoyable then Kurpaika fully going through with revenge
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Shoot having a chuuni epiphany in the middle of his fight will always be one of my favorite moments in the entire arc. It's completely useless and didn't give him any advantage against Youpi, but man, I just get it.
Extremely underrated moment.
What exactly did Shoot do for the group again? Buy time? He got knocked out pretty early
He did what he was supposed to do. Handle the Royal guard while Netero took out the king. That was everyone’s goal. It’s just that shoot was literally in the WORST position. Pitou was saving Komugi and had to focus on her , so Gon and Killua got to wait and relax. Pouf is an overthinking fuck and not the main combatants so Morel got a nice luck run.

Knuckles ability means that he has to survive and avoid getting hit, which means Shoot had to fight Youpi head on or else Youpi would just head around the castle and start murdering everyone.

Shoot gets underrated if anything. He fought Youpi head on, the guard of the royals.
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He did the whole honored one thing a decade before Gojo did, most underrated member of the extermination team
could the troupe with proper planning kill the royal guards and Meruem?
Sure, with the same plan that the extermination team used. Put a nuke in one of their bodies.
Nope. What a retarded question
The quality of nen users partaking in the palace invasion > the "spiders"
They all die except Nobunaga, but then Nobunaga has to sacrifice himself with the nuke because he's only Netero-level (may surpass at the end of the SW)
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Even if the troupe were “better” Nen users, half of their abilities are useless combat shit. Their only hope is literally a nuke and Chrollo having the greatest assortment of stolen abilities.

Uvogin , Nobu, Bono, Feitan, Phinks gets their head splattered trying to fight head on, because that’s literally all they can do. Even Feitan is useless because the attacks will leave him dead, not injured.

Shalnark , Illumi, wouldn’t be able to pierce the Royal guards cock.

Machis webs are useless , Shizuku is fucking useless, Pakunoda is useless, Kalluto is useless.

Fucking Kortopi has more value than most of the trouoe in this situation and he gets one shot
People forget that even if Netero could’ve fielded a better team with the zodiacs, the extermination team is still pretty nicely fit for the situation. Knov and Morel are ultimate utility and recon. Knuckles abiltiy is elite support. Shoot is a good diversion/bait with his speed and movement. Killua’s stun and speed is great help. Palms abiltiy is great support and strength. And Gon. And they still would’ve all got raped if not for the bomb.

The only person close to as useful for the situation is Chrollo.

The troupes nets chance would be beating the shit out of Feitan themelsves , to near death, and having him use pain packer in a surprise attack. And I’d bet Mereum and the Royal guard would still survive.
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Half of their members are utility users specialized in thievery. They don't have anything half as versatile as Deep Purple / Knov's Mansion, they rarely if ever show planning that isn't "Go through the front door and raise hell". What could they realistically do? Ask Youpi to stand still for a bit while Phinks charge Ripper Cyclotron? Try to put a needle in Pouf? Have Shizuku suckle Pitou's hairballs? I doubt they'd even reach Meruem. They would also completely fuck up how to handle Komugi.
Does anything change if They have Meloreon to help?
Even with Chrollo hax one RG is already an issue. Nobunaga can only hold off Meruem for so long.
They are trash humans, so they won't be able to get the support of ants like Meleoron or squid guy
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Nobunaga would sit down with Mereum and convince him to stop, tell him he Has a home in meteor city.

There. The world is saved, without blood needing to be shed.
He's not the 5th MC, hes the 4th. Leorio isnt a mc
Meleoron can hide one of them for a limited time. It worked very well in the assault because they set up a surprise attack in the middle of the palace + Dragon's Dive completely fucked up the ant's command structure. Assuming they have Mereolon in, what happens? Let's assume the best surprise attack setup they have (Meleoron hiding Phinks charging Ripper or Meleoron hiding Shalnark / Illumi with needles ready), Meleoron would still need to go through the empty field outside the palace, the court, the ground floor before reaching the guards. Anytime he'd turn off God's Accomplice he'd instantly be spotted by Pitou's En. It's simply not practical. The Troupe simply lacks the logistics needed to pull out the element of surprise to begin with, and most likely would for a straightforward brawl to begin with.
Don’t you think Chrollo would check for all these options? Hell, he’d probably eve consider asking Hisoka to come since he knows he’s a fightfag. Chrollo could steal or have a dragon dive style ability for all we know.
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I've read the fight like 10 times, how does Chrollo make those dudes look like him? its always puzzled me
he has a skill that allows him to switch appearances with someone
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Kurapika will be captivated by Machi's beauty despite the fact that she is from PT
I wish another adaptation would play around more with Gon's colors, like how the OVA made Gon's Whale Island clothes blue and his clothes on the boat green.
the only canon faggot is hisoka
Kortopi's ability can nuke an area thousands of times over, the answer is obviously yes.
Explain how. Explain the payload system.
that's a furfag though
Just fly one of Nobunaga's private blimps over the castle with the explosive in tow and have Kortopi spawn a wave of them around the blimp, which would then proceed to rain down on the palace
hxh threads
>shitty theories
>shitty interpretations
It could also be a function of Shal's phone or a second ability Kortopi has.
Order Stamp was active when Hisoka hit Chrollo.
It was mathematically impossible for it to be a CH + BV clone.
No? Changing appearances is the only application of Transfer Student and that was the only time we see it matter. And it's why Hisoka is confused, because he was manipulating the target with Black Voice while Transfer Student was active, meaning there was no way for the clones to remain active, which is how he deduces that post-mortem Sun & Moon grants permanence to whatever it marks.
What do you expect with so little content? Also Togahsi doesn’t give much leeway for theories. Like we know about DC, but everything we’ve gotten is either so specific/infodumped or so vague and unanswered that most theories and speculations can barley go anywhere

Of course there’s speculation that doesn’t really happen “what will this side side minor bodyguard do to impact the war “ for example, but it’s because it’s not that interesting for discussion
There are some interesting discussions that aren't explored(IMO) and plenty of theories that can be made - SW is prime for it - but they've mostly been done to death and lots of people prefer to loop the same arguments endlessly.
Right now these threads are sustained by the fact that Togashi is updating, but there is not much people are willing to humor about intentionally obscured updates after months of this. We're just in a weird limbo state waiting for them to announce the return date.
There also seems to be somewhat of an aversion to theories (outside of the most basic ones like Kurpaika will find out the torupe os on the boat), which I assume is because the fanbase is trying to avoid being like OP fanbase which rides off theories and worldbuilding shit
Responses to theories vary, I think a lot of people have natural aversions to them because of how quickly it can delve into fan-fic material. Personally I only get somewhat annoyed by theories that completely trample on story elements (Kurapika is going to die because of his obsession with revenge/betray Woble, the Troupe's fortunes are coming true, etc.)
>...but why male models?
Nothing suggests Koltopi could dupe a Miniature Rose and the copy would have the same power.
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>And Gon
Gon was a tactical nuke. They knew exactly what they were doing by bringing Gon along.
Morel pretty much spelled out how Gon-san would happen.
...besides the fact that his ability is to create a perfect copy
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Digits say yes.
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Well the restriction of having to clear greed island to use it seems pretty good. I just wonder what happened to greed island now that it was clears. I can figure all players could just return home but what about the admins, razor and the likes? What about it being a real world piece of land? Hope we hear from it again sometime.
I could see Greed Island remaining functional with the caveat that the game clearing event (taking 3 cards out of the game) can't be repeated anymore, or for X numbers of years.
Fuck off HMtranny
>assuming Order Stamp doesn't become permanent on objects with Sun and Moon
Convert Hands/Transfer Student. Allows the user to give their own appearance to someone else when touching them with their right hand and/or give themselves the appearance of whoever they're touching with their left, there's no limit to how many times it can be used while it is active. Very powerful for hiding, not so much for setting decoys unless you can control them with something else.
You can use it in the game, so Ging just made something that can heal any Nen user with GI casually. Battera only needed it for a non nen-user
Makes me wonder why people don't just farm for those fledgeling cards and stay in the game for the required time. Though maybe any nen user should be able to accomplish those goals anyway
Ging gave birth to Gon out his asshole
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No man, it was Tonpa helping Chrollo with his nen walkie-talkie
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We saw exactly when Chrollo dismissed Order Stamp to activate Convert Hands + Black Voice.
Leave HIM to me
>we have nobunaga at home
Imagine being a fucking swordsman in the nen system. Kek. Alright man, just get a gun.
If it's current spiders without Uvogin.
Godspeed alone would kill all of them.
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Before the "puppets remaining" line gets misinterpreted, I'll explain it:
Hisoka thought Chrollo was making puppets with just Gallery Fake + Order Stamp. He suspected Chrollo could have 50 copies in waiting.
Immediately after this page comes pic related, where Hisoka spots fake Chrollo made with Convert Hands and Black Voice. COPIES CANNOT BE PRODUCED WHILE THOSE TWO ABILITIES ARE ACTIVE.
Once Hisoka catches fake Chrollo, he comes to the WRONG conclusion that Chrollo was affixing all puppets with Sun and Moon, THEREFORE, with the process taking twice as long, he comes to the conclusion that there would be about half the copies of those 50 he previously expected, which would be 20-30 copies + a new one every 2 seconds.
He was immediately swarmed with OVER 200.
It's as clear as day: Koltopi was making the copies, not Chrollo.
Kurapika and Killua are enough
Kite solos the entire troupe with his eyes closed but loses to Nobunaga because he'd want to make it a sword duel and Nobunaga is the World's Strongest Swordsman
If they never become better than fodder Hunters then yeah it's kind of unfortunate. But Nen swordmasters don't need Uvogin levels of durability to fuck up a bunch of people with regular firearms before they can shit their pants.
any B-tier enhancer can easily beat Tserriednich btw.
Any predictions on whats going to be Tse's second best power? Im expecting something to protect him from getting molested by enhancers
Lol no.
I don't think tserriednich can win easily either, but literally everything the enhancer can see is fake, and he will never be able to hit tserriednicht for as long as the ability is active.
Killua would need to be much stronger to actually finish the job of killing some of them with only Godspeed.
His physical stats are extremely low he is getting BLITZED
An enchancer with decent En would just blitz every new target without thinking about it. Tse is massively disadvantaged while on the boat
Head to bleach
A) Battery's wife was too sick to learn nen or undergo nen baptism and survive to use it in-game. Making the option to bring archangel breath outside the only option but there is also
B) the possibility that her sickness could not be healed by archangel's breath due to it being genetic. I like to see Greed Island they way a programmer would have made it. And to me it makes sense a missing limb or complete HP can be restored data from a previously gathered save file. Of course this is just speculation from my side.
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JOBriednich is going to get the SHIT beaten out of him by a enhancer CHAD. Your nen "beast" can only mark people that lie to you and a enhancer with en doesn't give a flying FUCK about your illusions they are just going to punch your shit in without thinking. congrats on your little ten second head start you are still getting the FUCK beaten out of you.
Nobunaga will kill Tserri
>It's as clear as day
It's not, Chrollo could have been faster using his abilities than Hisoka expected, but that explanation wouldn't let you twist things to accommodate your headcanon.
Machi will kill Hisoka
Chrollo could've made the extra puppets before the fight and hidden them somewhere.
Diego lost to Valentine, so I think Pariston would win.
He couldn't. The copies would've looked like corpses without Order Stamp active.
They would've been removed from the arena.
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I don't know, guys. Given the quality of most nen users, I think even a normal swordsman could beat most so long as some 'may as well have lost' ability hits them first. Add on nen to bog standard swordsmanship and you're really cooking. The former leader of the Hunter Association was just a guy who spent decades punching the air. Most people in the manga lack actual skill in battle, and I mean just out and out mundane skills. A lot of hunters clearly don't undergo basic nen training either. This is not exactly a field with stiff competition.

Though to be fair, Nen is more akin to DnD wizardry. Any spell that focuses on damage is actually incredibly poor for it's level and usually a waste of a slot (unless you are filling outdate low level slots with them cause they lose their usefulness otherwise). Your best bet is a spell that you cast to shape the battlefield and make it so your side basically wins as a forgone conclusion. Just keep in mind Wizards have easy to strangle necks.
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>Chrollo could've simply been 10 times faster than one of the most battle savvy characters in the series with the supernatural senses that shock even the Troupe and who can evaluate people without even looking at them
>when we know Koltopi was at the Arena
>when Chrollo quite literally says he "fights as part of a team" or does whatever he needs to maximizes his chances of victory
Yeah, no.
You beat up a guy. He dies. 10 seconds later he appears behind you.
As soon as kill him too the same thing happens.
He can still hit you in between btw, with his gigantic aura reserve and his knife collection and whatever else the fuck.
And you won't even realize you've been cut until after.

He can also simply leave and go to another room if he gets stressed out.

You do understand that tserriednicht can continuously chain illusions that are 100% effective? He's functionally immune to retarded enhancers
I like how he teases just the corner of the page as if we could decipher his scribbles anyway.

For the longest time I've been wondering how the Troupe feel about Kurapika. I don't recall them mentioning him since Yorkshin. Pakunoda said, "Let all of this end with me," and the OG members saw her seeing Gon and Killua say they didn't want Kurapika to be forced to kill people. I'd love to see him run into one of them and see what their reaction would be. Chrollo must've spent that entire time they were in Greed Island thinking about the Kurta massacre.
how do you know Tserr also won't have 100% or near mastery in enhancement? kurapika's specialist ability is literally just to use all nen types, and Tserr's water divination did show the cup overflowing. THUGhancers btfu.
>how do you know Tserr also won't have 100% or near mastery in enhancement?
Becuase he is a zetsu spamming BITCH
>>smaller cast
Not a good thing.
>>better setting
It's just Earth with a demon realm which gets hit at the last second with some of the cringiest left wing propaganda I've ever seen.
>>simpler power system
It doesn't have a power system, people can just do stuff 'cause the author says so. I want to call it terrible, but you can't be a bad system if you're not a system to begin with.
>>short, concise story
It's essentially a collection of generic shounen short stories. It has a worse throughline than Hunter x Hunter and it ends abruptly. Out of all battle shounen, it's most similar to Reborn in that regard.
>>it fucking ends
Togashi wrote several chapters to explain what happens in a time skip, the did like one chapter of fighting, then jumped past all the fighter and explained what happened in an epilogue - and it was the most unbelievable happy ending ever. Then we get a few chapters of slice of life filler and pro-immigrant virtue signaling. Yeah, what an ending...
because togashi wont allow someone to be on par with kurapika
Togashi I know you read these threads, please give us the ending that you said most fans won't like where you kill Kurapika.
>It doesn't have a power system, people can just do stuff 'cause the author says so.
Eh, it's pretty clear people have natural specialties and things they can or can't do. Just cause you see some tech that just better in every way than yours doesn't mean you can learn it. Why didn't Kuwabara ever give up on using a sword he couldn't even use right and just spam spirit gun too? He was no swordsman. Just as the easiest example.

It's just not hard coded like nen is, but frankly even that is just a smoke screen for author fiat in the end. Nothing happens that isn't at the behest of the author. Togashi is great at waving his hands in front of your face to distract you from the rabbit he just stuck in a hat, mind you. That's a skill all authors need to cultivate.
With proper planning? Yes, of course. Hisoka treats the Troupe the same way he treats the Zodiacs and the Zodiacs are stronger than Morel. Some of them might be stronger than Netero. The Zodiacs are Netero's sparring partners and Netero said he wasn't a top Nen user anymore, but Ging was, and Ging was also in the Zodiacs, and they have higher standing in the association than Morel.

The spiders are top class criminals and whenever Kurapika told people he was hunting them they'd shit their pants.
Is that the only thing that matters? How in the world do the torupe beat them. (Without a nuke of course, because then every answer is the same no matter the group. Nuke the ants)
The question is can they fight on the same level as the crew netero brought?

The answer is fucking no lmao spiders aren't at that level
Magic isn't real. Every author is making shit up. But when you set rules it makes things more interesting because you know there's a logic behind what kind of powers characters have. Yes, the author can make anything up, but he also made the character up, but you as a fan can't make anything up, you have to follow the rules. That's the one thing that makes battle shounen interesting. There's more of a game theory/escapism angle to it that other fiction doesn't have.

No one daydreams about living in Middle-Earth and, what, being a hobbit? Or stumbling upon a magic ring or something? Lord of the Rings doesn't have a power system like that, it's just a fantasy world with random bullshit. But people do fantasize about being in the Harry Potter world. Do they fantasize about what types of spells they'll use? Nope. Because everyone can use any spell and they can presumably do whatever they want - that's fucking boring. People fantasize about going to Hogwarts. Why? Because of the four houses. That's it. They want to know what house they're in; which team they're on. They'll take test after test to try and suss it out. That's the one fun bit of escapism those books offer.

Kurama has a whip and can control plants...because...he can. And he always has random magic seeds and shit on him...which...he got...from somewhere. And if you deage him too far you'll turn him back into his tall, sexy form.

Hiei has studied all sorts of dark fire magic or something. It's not his, it's something everyone else knows about. But he also has a third eye. Or wait...I don't think that's his either?

No, YYH is really all about magic items and sometimes people have demon magic for "reasons."
>Is that the only thing that matters?
No. I said, "With proper planning? Yes"
>How in the world do the torupe beat them.
They have a bunch of utilities and Chrollo just steals people's powers. He stole three just for his fight with Hisoka.

We also haven't seen all of their abilities and the Royal Guard are kind of retarded with Nen. Up until their death, they never learned that you can give someone Nen without fucking decking them in the face. That's what the whole ceremony was about and why so many people were going to die, because they were baptizing humans with their fists.

Knuckle and Meleoron are nobodies but they almost beat Youpi. Pouf almost killed himself trying to fight Killua. Gon killed Pitou. I'm sure the biggest Nen-using criminals in the world, with planning, can figure something out.
Leorio would sit back and rake in the dough by selling the pictures of the Troupe being curbstomped
Anon, consider for a second. Even what the rules mean and the extent to which the swathe of unspoken parts work are entirely up to Togashi. All he has to do is make sure what he's doing is consistent with the framework and then later point to it saying.
> Tut tut! It follows the rules!
It's a great little stage trick. It distracts you from just how deep the well of unsaid things goes. Not to mention the conditions in there explicitly so the rules can be broken in an emergency but without breaking the rules.

A different author with the same ruleset wouldn't have allowed even half of what goes on, but Togashi doesn't care so long as he's right by technicality. This is the SAME MAN who wrote YYH. Do you think he turned inside out one day and became someone new? Burst from a cocoon and became a butterfly? The nen system itself exists solely so Togashi can author fiat even more efficiently than ever.

Togashi makes a fine stage magician precisely because he can get away with even better tricks through prepping the audience appropriately. All great stage magicians have their ways. Making an entire tank vanish in to thin air is quite a feat, but when you get older you realized that performance had no live audience.
>Knuckle and Meleoron are nobodies
Knuckle is spider tier in strength.
Your ability to evaluate these characters is all distorted, probably based on some type of parasocial, psychosexual relation you have developed over many years fellating the garbage somali theatre kid gang
Kurapika may be a genius when it comes to Nen but it’s still a field he only recently learned, it’s likely none of the Kurtas were Nen users because otherwise he would’ve known about it.
Please realize that every time you've seen a magician let themselves be tied up to make a trick harder, that's only so the trick looks even more impressive. The way to escape is already predefined and well rehearsed. There's no danger at all, and the magician escapes in exactly the amount of time and 'struggle' they decided is dramatic beforehand. A self restriction that actually enhances the power of the trick. Thereby not being a limit at all but a springboard.

Again, this is a skill all entertainers need to cultivate. This is how things are done in fiction. They need to cheat PRECISELY because they don't have the massive benefit that is being real.
>they never learned that you can give someone Nen without fucking decking them in the face. That's what the whole ceremony was about and why so many people were going to die, because they were baptizing humans with their fists.
They were simply uninterested in weaklings. They only wanted the most talented ones.
Their method was perfect for what they wanted to achieve.
In 30 days they developed an army of 5000 powerful subservient Nen users with full fledged abilities, while keeping the general population under control. And that's with the Hunters unrelentless sabotage. It would've been 50,000.
Hadn't the Hunter Association responded quickly, they would soon be able to take over the world.
You didn’t answer my question of how they beat them, just went into mindless headcanon.
Try again, please
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Chrollo could keep up with two senior Zoldicks at the same time, Hisoka's most impressive feat was besting one of their butlers. And we have never seen Hisoka match Chrollo's speed in any of his fights, you're delusional if you're surprised at Chrollo being able to overwhelm Hisoka with more copies he could expect.
Hisoka is not some sort of invincible entity who excels at everything, I feel this bias is the root of most of your misunderstandings.
Evaluating both the extermination team and the Chimera Ants is the official Hunter IQ test
One day people will agree with me that the CA arc was the worst thing to happen to HxH. That day is creeping closer with every post.
No, the worst thing to ever happen was
>kite revival
>Nanika okay Killua you can do whatever you want mmmkayyy
>Hisoka not dying against Chrollo

Aka, the election arc was the worst thing to happen to the series
HxH's Official Power Level Tier List

Reality Warper tier: Nanika
S: Meruem
A: Netero, Gon-san, Pouf, Pitou, Youpi, maaaaybe Ging, maybe Halkenburg with all his loyal men at his side
B: Chrollo, Zeno, Silva, Morel, Razor, probably Botobai and the strongest Zodiacs.
C: Uvogin, Hisoka, Illumi, Feitan, probably most Zodiacs, Knov, Bisky
D: Kurapika, Godspeed Killua, most of the Spiders, the weaker Zodiacs, Kite, Knuckle, Shoot, most Chimera Ant Squadron Leaders, probably Royal Nen Beasts, probably Benjamin and Camilla.
E: Gon, Pakunoda, Palm, Tsezguerra, Genthru, the Shadow Beasts, probably the strongest among Benjamin's men, probably Kalluto
F: Goreinu, Welfin, Ikalgo and other soldier Chimera Ants with Nen, Gotoh, probably the Xi-Yu mafia trio, probably Hanzo, maybe a level 50 Hei-Ly
G: Leorio, Basho, Baize, Melody, and the other Nostrade bodyguards, Kortopi
H: Average Hunter
I: Meleoron, Heaven's Arena trio
J: Nenless Chimera Ant Soldier, Zushi, a level 20-30 Hei-Ly, Greed Island jobbers, farmer with shotgun, Mike
K: Nenless human
Up to D I agree with everything at first glance EXCEPT replace Kite with Feitan. Or At the very least Feitan moved down to D.
Also I feel like there needs to be a D.2 tower because I don’t think even Godspeed Killua belongs in D
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I mean they can still benefit from firearms or similar weapons even at a higher level of nen expertise. Feitan still had his assassination umbrella but you could argue it's just because it allows for a surprise attack. That's all there is to it. It's a question of whether they're used to fighting one way or another because the benefit of a handgun over a Ko punch becomes negligible early on in the grand scale of nen prowess. Some emitters are glorified heavy artillery and the extra range is honestly too useful. Other categories have to get creative combat wise.
We wouldn't need either of those without the CA arc. Throwing Gon away like that only to magic him better was pointless and introduced a weird element to the story, and Kite was a better character before his/her resurrection.
where is this art from?
But I think the actions that happened were fine, the resolution was the problem. Gon didn’t need to revive immediately after. Killua could easily just joined the DC mission where he’d find something to save Gon, instead of having it as his tranny sister who follows all his wishes. It’d be the same thing, but much more earned and less contrived.

Kite revival I can’t defend, but again, Togashi didn’t need to revive him. He literally adds nothing except for some thematic resolution. And again, thematic resolution isn’t the end be all. Alluka provides a wealth to the theme of love and family, she’s still a shit character. The only value kite has is maybe a gyro arc that we’ll never get to see
>I mean they can still benefit from firearms or similar weapons even at a higher level of nen expertise.
I wish more people would realize this. Who cares if it isn't your category. Weapons are so strong at base that nenning them up is probably better than the vast majority of half baked abilities people make. Even Uvo wouldn't have been able to block that bazooka if it used proper high explosive. Bare minimum he loses an arm in that scene. Then put nen on top of it. Nasty. I suspect a lot of nen users are simply very vain, or perhaps being vain is a core part of being a nen user. Who else would throw themselves in to this kind of world?

But I will step back and admit Togashi does things a certain way precisely cause that's just how he wants to do them. He wants something like chess battles and not proper combat autism.
some good books that solely focus on e4/ italian game openings? I like playing Evan Gambit or Nakamshon Gambit when it happens, I'd like to try something else
Hello Hisokascholar
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oh my fucking god thought I was on /chess/ , sorry hxh sisters
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Common mistake...
The problem with that is you would need high affinity for emission. I imagine the effectiveness of emission drops exponentially with range. The very nature of taking on risk by betting on some low range ability should make it much stronger as well. Otherwise, in theory I don't really see why a more cautious combatant wouldn't rely on something like what you mentioned. Maybe it would stunt their training or something, since the way Nen is thought is still like a martial art and gun kata simply hasn't caught on in the HxH world.
Technically, Tserriednich is reality warping
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>And we have never seen Hisoka match Chrollo's speed in any of his fights
Hisoka is fast enough to escape a point blank explosion before the blood from that explosion hits him.
This is one of the greatest speed feats in the series.
Hisoka also completely overwhelmed Shalnark, Gotoh, Gon and Lynch (if that was him) in speed.
>Chrollo could keep up with two senior Zoldicks at the same time
Chrollo did literally nothing in that fight besides getting smacked around. He got a scratch on Silva once and never hit any of them again. Zeno saw through everything he tried to do.
>you're delusional if you're surprised at Chrollo being able to overwhelm Hisoka with more copies he could expect.
Two times more copies would be one thing. 10 times more when Hisoka expected him to have less copies than initially estimated is complete nonsense.
>Hisoka is not some sort of invincible entity who excels at everything
Hisoka alongside Chrollo was hailed "the two greats of our generation". He lives for fighting, has good enough instincts to unmask Bisky's lifelong facade with a glance, and is consistently portrayed as having supernatural senses (by even the Troupe's standards).
No, Chrollo is not 10 times faster than Hisoka expected, that would be a literal plot hole.
Koltopi making the copies solves the contradiction very simply when we know he was at the Arena and when Chrollo said he fights "as part of a team".
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>Razor above Hisoka
Hisoka Derangement Syndrome at its finest.
No, it is not. It has explicitely been stated to be future sight + illusion rather than the real King Crimson.
can we as a community admit that Razor is D tier and stop overhyping him
>post razor tanking a attack that would one shot hisoka
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He literally bounced that attack back lmao
If that attack would've one shot Hisoka, that's a TERRIBLE look for the Troupe, because Chrollo's hits were doing jackshit to him, and Hisoka is more tanky than everyone in the Troupe but Phinks.
Razor has his conjured teammates and has emitter projectiles, he'd rape Hisoka.
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>Chrollo did literally nothing in that fight besides getting smacked around. He got a scratch on Silva once and never hit any of them again. Zeno saw through everything he tried to do.
Found the speedreader
I've read the fight some 20 times now, you fucking retard.
What about that page refutes what I said?
Chrollo in fact never hit them again and Zeno saw through everything he tried to do.
Guns are already so strong, i'm not sure a low emission is a deal breaker unless you are on the literal opposite side of it. This is really only a problem once you try to fight someone like Uvo. For everyone else, it's a matter of not getting sucked in to weird esoteric abilities, but that's Tuesday in the world of Hunters. Even Uvo couldn't escape it being Tuesday through raw power, so lacking it is actually less of an issue than we think too.

What I'm imagining is, depending on typing, you either focus on enhancing your weapon somehow, be it sword or gun, and just lean on the power multiplier effect. No reason not to. For anyone who is directly opposed in their type, the weapon is still great to lean on cause they'll go right through most nen users as is. At the same time, trying to improve your already bad multipliers to offense is just a waste of time. Come up with some weird ability that means you don't NEED to kill. Your weapon is still a WEAPON if you ever really need it.

And CA proved that if you ever meet a Double Uvo, or a Triple Uvo, you can just throw high explosive at the issue. That's not as hard to acquire as one would think, and Nen is more suited to stealth work where you can't just roll in wearing a giant sword, a .50 caliber anything, or driving around in a tank. When we put it like that, even the best can get their head lopped off by a nobody if they are caught unaware.
The point is that even when he wasn't fighting for real, he survived a fight jobsoka could not
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>Razor has his conjured teammates
Hisoka smacked his conjured beasts with his low efficiency Emission.
Razor has to combine them to tank his shot.
I don't see how the beasts would help with anything since he could deal with hundreds of puppets.
Razor can't fight at full power while the beasts are around.
>and has emitter projectiles
And that is supposed to help how against someone with Bungee Gum?
How did "muh projectiles" work out for Togari and Gotoh?
Why didn't Chrollo borrow Double Machine Gun to deal with Hisoka?
>specialist sissy
>having strong attacks
lmfao specialist fags wish they were enhancer GODS so bad.
Ben is a specialist and killed a lion with his bare hands
It's actually the one where Gon gets pregnant with the next Zoldyck heir and Kurapika is his wheelchair-ridden godfather
How valuable is punching harder in a world where the more flexible users already gave you dick-rotting super aids 30 minutes ago, when you foolishly scratched your butt on a wednesday afternoon without rain and thus fulfilled the conditions for their ability to affect you?
>Benjamin is a [HEADCANON]
He his nen type is literally unknown
cope specialist sissy while you spent 20 minutes thinking about all your conditions I just punched your face in.
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Ask Netero, who lived as the world's most powerful fighter and the leader of the most powerful organization for over 50 decades.
I dont think machi, shalnark, pakunoda, kortopi, or even phinks can stand and hang in the palace invasion type situation. They'd get fucked up.
By falling for my specialized "my face to your fist style", you've activated my ability. Enjoy your permanent retrograde ejaculations, idiot!
Benjamin doesn't fit the personality type description of a specialist at all.
Benjamin is really weird. His personality and strength feats are polar opposites of Specialization, but it's hard to see his ability as anything but Specialization.
His nen ability does.
Ability thieves are specialists.
>the enhancer sissies are getting UPPITY again
>posts an enhancer who is an actual sissy
What did anon mean by this?
Isn't Nobunaga a enhancer too
>Ability thieves are specialists.
He doesn't steal abilities his soldiers who swear loyalty to him give there abilities to him to enhance himself. He is a enhancer.
>specialist sissies have to to pretend enhancer GODS are one of them so they don't look like jobbers
Enhancer seems like a stretch.
Some kind of weird Emission with him inheriting their aura seems more plausible (though still pushing it a bit).
>when Jupiter is in retrograde on a Wednesday I-I-I'll totally beat you and your stupid punch hard ability
Nice cope, don't care
Personality Nen types are just a horoscope, dude. Like 50% of the characters dont fit their personality nen type.
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There is only 1 nen type that thriumps above all else
Why haven’t we seen a chuuni yet? If I was a Nen user I’d focus on elemental abilities , dress up as a classic magician, use some sort of restriction that I must use a wand, and make a spell book about my abilities that actually doesn’t mean shit because of how nen works
List of conjurers that are not jobbers
It's probably the kind of thing where just to enter the world of Nen, you have to expose yourself to so much bullshit and danger, you're not willing to fuck around with some bullshit gimmick ability, and instead focus on something that actually complements your other skills and is thus easier to master and intuitive to use, and helps you survive.
>GODsokas personality test
Much like everything else hisoka has said, it has never been wrong.
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>Ability thieves are specialists.
Shikaku is a confirmed manipulator. We don't know the extent of what "procuring" an ability means but most read his ability as being able to steal another ability.
Hinrigh, Genthru, and my wife Shizuku.
>Shizuku and Genthru
Jobbed to gon
Needed the enhancer GOD nobunaga to save him
Never fought Gon, only arm-wrestled with her non-dominant arm and almost won.
Was an absolute unopposed menace in GI, and beat Gon's ass up and down the street until he finally caved and fell back on the plan made by Bisk and Killuah, specifically to counter Genthru, in what is one of the better fights in the series.
Is a victim of being a side character, but has an extremely strong and versatile ability, and is clearly skilled in using it.
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how accurate do you think is hisoka's points system is?
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It's very accurate to his own preferences, not at all to actual strength or technique.
on what preferences do you think he ranks others then? i dont remember if this was ever written anywhere
Kinda accurate. He considers himself a 10 so he's obviously biased
Intensity of tingle in his dingle
Probably decent for telling relative 1v1 combat levels. Like I don’t think his scale is perfect number wise because what would Ging or Beyond be? What would Netero be? Is Hisoka 100?

But I think we can trust that when it comes to a wide range of 1v1 combat scenarios, more than likely, kanzai (85) is stronger than Piyon (75), Illumi (90) stronger than kanzai. I would assume that from Hisoka’s scale.

I’dassume it’s otherwise useless for anything outside of 1v1 combat. In the same way korotpi is a grey Nen user and vastly more valuable than Phinks when it comes to theivery/the troupes occupation, but on Hisoka’s scale Kortopi would probably be about 30 points lower than whatever Phinks would be
Also think it’s probably useless to group combat scenarios. People with support focused abilities would probably be fucked
If togashi was healthy do you think we’d
>get the theorized basic run of finished succession war, DC, gyro (or some assortment of that run)
>we’d get a handful or more arcs along with those 3
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>original brovuda design
remember what they took from you...
Why do people act like gon is permanently out of the story? Ging confirmed he just got set back to base level and has to re-learn nen again. Seeing how he already knows how to do all the basics even without bisky to speed up his ren training he still should be back to his pervious level in about a year.
I’d bet 100$ that mantis like ant in the top right corner is connected to Pariston’s 5000 ants in someway
The only people who act like “gons story is over, he found his father he can’t make any new goals, your life is complete at 14” are newfags, people with limited sight for the future, or Kurapikafags who hate Gon as MC.

Everyone else knows that Gon can easily come back , has setup storylines , etc. the problem is, Togashi is never gonna get the chance to show it, so Gon might as well be Gone. We’re never gonna see Gyro. The best hope is that We cut back to Gon after succession war, and I’d fucking hate that. I don’t want to see Gon as a major character until after the current DC expedition.
togashi is only 58, he can finish hunter hunter within our lifetime.
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He thought he'd easily beat Chrollo and that didn't happen so I'm guessing not very
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does anyone have the original WSJ page of Knov beheading the chimera ant with Scream? It looks quite pitiful
>he still believes Nobunaga is not an enhancer
He never thought it would be easy, and his scale accounts for 1v1's, not team battles.
When did he say he could “easily” beat Chrollo?
The part about watching his opponent fall apart at his feet or whatever, Hisoka thought he'd easily be left standing while Chrollo was in shambles
>togashi's illness will keep us from seeing gon meet back up with wing and surpass zushi in a week again (zushi won the battle olympia offscreen)
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58 is over 70 in mangaka years.
Togashi has about 22 years, on the most optimistic outlook, to be pushing out chapters. At 10 chapters a year, that’s 220 chapters. In that impossible scenario that still probably isn’t enough to cover everything else
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If you're asking about book recs, it means you're not that good. The Italian and Ruy Lopez are just too complex/vast for beginners and even club players. I'd go for something simpler like the Scotch.
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>Ends of the earth
hot sex
>10 chapters a year
Doomcuck. He's averaging a chapter per week right now. He could easily do 300-400 chapters (character inking) and finish his part in the drawing process in less than 10 years.
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Very qt in this sequence of pages
Why didn't the hack just end it where the Anime did or with the group sailing off to the dark continent for infinite adventures (never to be written)? Both would have been fine.
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tfw no schizo gf
Very qt this Machi
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2018 showed us that he's still capable of dropping 20 chapters in under a year
The 4 year hiatus following that was questionable thoughever
Keep thinking that until you get hit with another 2-4 year hiatus
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The older a man gets, the better Palm becomes.
Because he anted to continue writing? Kurpaika’s story wasn’t even finished either, it would be unsatisfactory unless you’re one of those
>let’s leave tons of shit (Hisoka vs torupe, Kurapika, Pariston ) open ended because why the fuck not
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It's probably easier to continue publishing new material under the HxH name instead of trying to launch a new series after chapter 340, and he said he still enjoys drawing for this series, but at his own pace naturally
Hopechads always win. Yes I'll keep having faith in ToGOATshi. You keep doomposting faggot.
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My takeaway from a genuine Ging vs Hisoka is that Ging would crush Hisoka like a housefly
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Palm lost to Noko, have fun with broken traumatized Knov whore
Ging is atleast prime netero level btw.
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Yukako-coded waif
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Reminded me of this, I've been noticing more and more Sensui in Hisoka lately
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We’ve gotten 60 chapters in 10 years cuck, I’m not doompsoting it’s called being realistic
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My dick beats Pitou btw
it was I wish it ended a different way ;_;
whenever read it always think about how Hisoka could've just said he was gonna leave the spiders alone then fugged off to the boat
Why didn't the zoldycks teach kiulla nen?
because that would be a hack move
thanks anon somehow I always missed the Transfer Student panel like a retard
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but they did, see here
>killua was just pretending he didnt know nen so that gon wouldnt feel left out during heavens arena
>despite being a enhancer he broke a wall with pure emission
Wing is ging level btw.
I remember downloading via dial the early scanlation in zips from the first scanlators. I can't remember the site, but long before aggregators, those were the times.
I remember this is where I dropped the series. I ain't reading those scribbles.
Soul vs soulless
newfags will never understand even with JjK trying to copy even that
Kite fucking sucked. Everything after CA arc was a fucking joke.
Best poster in the thread, I want to sniff sweaty sho butt
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>emitted his voice so loud that it blasted people away
I don't think even Uvo's scream did so much
Who are the other 4 top 5 nen users besides ging?
Canonically netero level btw
Couldn't he just have heard his grandpa's ability being described before knowing nen?
Any enhancer that knows en easily beats Tserriednich btw.
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hello it is me the final villain

how can there be more than one me in the same place? well you see, with my hatsu I can travel to alternate realities by placing myself inbetween 2 objects, and with that I can bring copies of myself from those realities into this one, yes.
Ging one shots btw.
Loses to the Meruem that Pariston brings from another reality thus loses to Pariston
Partison is a beta male manipulator sissy
if hes not a specialist

his personality best fits transmuter, though hes obviously a psycho and puts on a face, i think the whimsy and tricksterism is still evident
>headcanon headcanon headcanon
in the boat arc togashi decides to write out exactly how a character was thinking because morons like you can't understand subtext in the slightest
he literally does "show, don't tell" with the illumi's needle during the arc, and the massive amount of clones is another example of that. You, as the reader, are meant to come to the conclusion, ESPECIALLY AFTER SEEING THAT A LARGE PORTION OF THE TROUPE IS ALREADY THERE, PLUS ILLUMI, that chrollo in fact had help from his buddies during that fight. And yet, so many fucking people are too fucking retarded to see this because togashi doesn't outright say it. And this is why we have walls of text now. Because he realized a large part of his audience is fucking retarded.
>Why haven’t we seen a chuuni yet?
Chrollo and Feitan are massive chuuni.
What are you on about Illumi, Hisokabro?
Black whale will sink believers, how do you picture it playing out and at what part of the arc will it happen? I don’t believe in the theory because
I have no idea how the whale could possibly sink. But if it does happen. I think
>everyone on the top boat seen in the picture, will survive and sail off
>it’ll happen AFTER Kurapika and Tserriendich have a heated event
Dragon dive is a strike ability ging could copy it.
I think the sinking is an intentional mass sacrifice of peasantry to empower the end of the Succession Ritual, and an unsubtle reference to Hobbes Leviathan.
The top boat is obviously intended to separate.

What triggers it?
Somebody wins, or maybe theres only two or three competitors left to force the conclusion.
The fighting over getting on the top boat, seems like the catalyst that will force Tserri, Pika, Spiders, Hisoka, Mafia, and Princes to all get real cozy at once.
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>Hey Hisoka can you move over a little, I’m kind of claustrophobic, thanks dude
>how the hell is he summoning a dragon that shoots a million arrows what the hell does that mean
I think Kurapika will intentionally sink the Black Whale to void the Succession Contest ritual. If the ritual is supposed to be based on putting a bunch of bugs and creatures in a jar and having them fight, then how did you end it prematurely? By breaking the jar, which in this case is the ship.

Otherwise, I don’t see anyone else sinking the ship. Even the Heil-Ly don’t want to sink the ship, they want to sail back to cause chaos on the mainland.

One thing I was wondering, we know that escape is impossible, but is there a time limit for the ritual? If the ship lands on the new continent and the Succession Contest isn’t resolved, are the princes stuck on the Black Whale until it’s over?
you are forgetting about the gayest character in the whole manga, YOU! the reader!
The ship was always planned to sink, at least as a way to cover up the death of 13 princes, since the SW is supposed to remain a secret for the general population. Like how Nasubi's SW was covered under the guise of a revolution.

Add to that Nasubi refering to the 200,000 passengers as sacrifices in his inner thoughts.

It's not a matter of will the ship sink, it's a matter of how it will be avoided. I don't think the DC expeditions would continue if 200k people die.
The point of Gon's character was his innocence. The point of chimera arc was for him (and subsequently the story) to lose innocence. Gon isn't needed anymore, HxH is seinen now.
wtf Funny Valentine is in HxH now? He soloes btw
Chrollo WILL die on the boat
>Kurapika would kill hundreds of thousands to save one baby
Just picturing that is fucking hilarious. Kurapika , woble, Oito sailing to the New continent, smiling holding hands.
Then we cut to a mass of people fighting, drowning, screaming “help”
Gotta crack a few eggs
Kurapika made a deal with Tserridnich to get the eyes back that involved puncturing all the lifeboats but one so Tserri can eat popcorn watching them all die and pick up some stragglers to make art with before being crowned king by forfeit
>kurapika commits a genocide and becomes an A-rank criminal all for a single person, inciting survivors to come after his life, thus completing the cycle of revengeTM.
>how the hell is he controlling people and his own face by using needles what the hell does that mean
Why people pretend Killua haven't seen nen abilities before learning nen, he literally did in Hunter Exam.
That can be explained with acupuncture bullshit about nerves and what not, literally summoning a magic dragon is nowhere the same.
>first voyage to the "new world" and the big flagship just fucking sinks
Congrats. All those people that wanted to go to your newly founded country? Lmao they ain't getting onto another of these ships. They'll think the exodus is cursed, or they'll think the ship's are simply not safe or some shit.

It also doesn't fit with "the people ALWAYS come first, you just get to decide who's on the lever making that choice" of Nasubi. Killing his own family in a ritual to make the strongest new king is one thing, killing his own people would go against the notion of a king as a servant to his people.

The ship MIGHT sink, but not by design. The yacht on top will be a silver lining born by the designer wanting to be fancy rather than something made on purpose.
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Togashi spoiler Machi and Kurapika daughter named Sarasa?
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I think he's been late with his posts on Saturdays a few times
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>413's character inking finished.
if he finishes up to 420. this means his 30 storyboards he did back in 2018 would be over right? and he would need to do storyboards
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>still 3 pages
>only 7 days for Togashi to start chapter 415
スタッフの種花です。 掲載分とその後の30話は全て4年前 に書いた物で早く今書い

up to 440 i think
I think he did storyboards up to 430
It would mean that togashi will have to write leorio, so it won't happen
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>Jiririn Jiririn

how adorable of him to draw the character of his wife (Sailor Moon Squad)
cute senshis

what nen types would they be?
Some of their powers are all over the fucking place depending on the attack. If you want to narrow it down to their main tools and gimmicks, it's slightly clearer.
Uses a metal whip, which can transform into other objects and shoot beams of light, so probably manipulation, emission and enhancement. Likely she's just a specialist with a gimmick close to Kurapika, who uses her whip as a medium to manifest all types of Nen.
Pretty cut and dry, she throws lightning, so primarily transmutation, with a side of emission to deliver the payload.
Same as above, except fire.
Same, except water/ice.
She mainly shoots beams of light, which would make her a classic emitter, but also has a strong gimmick centered around healing/purification, and I don't think healing is strongly attributed to any one category. Enhancers can heal themselves, but healing others is a little less clear. She might just be an emitter trained in Nen exorcism (purification) and enhancement (combines with emission to heal others).

Most tool use, like wands or Moon's tiara, can be considered conditions. Where it gets fucked are their combination/"give me your power, my friends" attacks, which might be complex conditional abilities using each other to fulfill the requirements.

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