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Sorry Norn.
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Sylphiebros... I don't feel so good
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Is having a dwarf daughter the ultimate bliss?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more blissful than having a dwarf daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years so she can inevitably go into the high arts. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her grand or technical literature, making her practice her dexterity, making sure she had a healthy booze-heavy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her minds gains a ravenous hunger for artistic knowledge and dexterous skill. All complimented and exemplified by her equally ravenous thirst for life's nectar (alcohol).

Raised the perfect girl? Great. You benefit yourself and the world. If you're lucky, a great dragon general who loves the arts will see her worth as you do and dotes on her with his knowledge. He gets to educate her thirsty mind every night. You get to see the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her being merged with the loving tutoring of a fellow man who can appreciate your pride and joy.

As a man who has a dwarf daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl to shower you and the world in her arts. All discussed over drinks you share from any age she wishes to drink; for a dwarf it not even being child abuse. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL bliss. Think about it logically.
>apologizing to some retard who has nothing to do with your actions because you violated their belief system
Surely, our hero would not do something like this.
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Jaegerbombs with Julie! Jaegerbombs with Julie and it isn't even child abuse! Teaching her how to microsolder a motherboard afterwards! Then more Jaegerbombs! With Julie!
Rudeus bends over to please his sisters too much

Okay, atheist piece of shit.
Julie is an autistic child.
Normalfags watching a loli plap the main character and theres crickets
>implying any religious individual should apologize for violating someone else's differing beliefs
You have to spoil your little sisters rotten
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She'll get over it
I loved the seething meltdowns this week
what's with this metoo faggots lately on social media first chainsaw man and now mushoku tensei

like holy shit can't they just enjoy the chinese cartoons like me
There was less seething than I thought there would be. Granted, the animeonlies got a version where Roxy rides Rudeus rather than the OG Rudeus fucking Roxy's brains out.
fake outrage is the easiest way to get desperately needed attention. if you say you read/watched something this week you'll get no replies, but if you suggest that someone did something wrong then even people who have no idea what you're talking about will rush to agree or disagree.
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Is having sex with your dwarf daughter the ultimate bliss?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more blissful than having a dwarf daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years so she can inevitably go into the sex arts. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her hentai literature, making her practice her sex dexterity, making sure she had a healthy cum-heavy diet, educating her, "playing" with her. All of it has one simple result: her minds gains a ravenous hunger for sex knowledge and sensual dexterous skill. All complimented and exemplified by her equally ravenous thirst for life's nectar (semen).

Raised the perfect girl? Great. You benefit yourself and the underworld. If you're lucky, a pervert dragon general who loves the sex arts will see her worth as you do and dotes on her with his sex knowledge. He gets to educate her thirsty body every night. You get to see the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her being merged with the loving tutoring of a fellow man who can appreciate your pride and joy.

As a man who has a dwarf daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl to shower you and the world in her sex arts. All discussed over drinks you share from any age she wishes to drink semen; for a dwarf it not even being child abuse. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL bliss. Think about it logically.
There was virtually no seething from anime onlys. The majority was from you LN purists who can't get over a scene getting cut
Woke liberals are losing their minds, everything's alright
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as predicted normies are getting used to cunny

the age of cunny has begun

captcha JR
Roxy is not
It was a troll post dumbanon
>no leaks
>episode isn't finished
it's over isn't it?
tis bg art rly be bussin' fr
Rudy eats out Roxy's belly button
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shut up nigger
bind didn't consent
Pussy too. But that's too vanilla
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These are considered lolis......

anon just stop this mental retardation and accept that you're a lolicon

see >>268213208
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as a woman, i'd love to experience this feeling at least once
>mosaic hands typed this post
Does Tornado not wear pants?
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Holy Moly
If it was Eve, then you'd have more of an argument.
Now this is just retarded. Short girl does not necessarily mean loli. True lolis have to be lacking in sexually developed features. Tatsumaki clearly does not fit the criteria, and Yabuki's own illustrations of Yami also have her too developed to be loli.
Tell the class how old Yami is and combined with her looks......
ridiculously based

Lolis can be curvy too you retard

it's like you've seen like 10 animes

Mikan is 12 and is a loli
>Sorry Norn
She's taking the BRC, no need to worry.
Do they reproduce with their spears?
I'm sure she will take as many of Ruijerd's spears as she can
It's actually really important question though, an entire race with detached penises...
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You lost

Accept it

lolicon in denial
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Only seasoned animewatchers who are already used to adult lolis are still watching this
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Where's the anon that was doing a fan translation for this MT doujin?
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This is what really ends up happening.
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Why the fuck are there so many loli deniers as soon as night time comes

I get it europoors that barely watch anime
She's 15 - high school age. Unlike >>268215883 who is borderline. Look at any booru site and the description for the loli tag. It'll either say "looks 12 or younger" or "preadolescent." Yabuki, the illustrator responsible for the character, gives her moderately sized breasts, especially by Japanese woman standards. She is very clearly not preadolescent.
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>Norn crying like a baby
>Norn confronting Rudeus
>Sylphie telling Norn to shut up
>Sylphie accepting Roxy
Next episode will be pure kino.
You used the max age and not the age when she was first popularized

you are a cheater

she was 14 at the start

and here's Nadeko Sengoku who is also the same age and is a loli

and she's in middle school

captcha 0 GAS
>Look at any booru site and the description for the loli tag.
Why not look at what the Japanese have to say on the subject?
>young or short or flat or babyface
Sorry, as MT fans, we're more lolicon neet.
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Alright it's time for the /vg/ special as I call it

Wakey wakey twitterfags
>All who deny this are either people who want to like lolis while denying it so they can shit on lolicons or the dumb faggots calling everything "hebe"

>Also twitter/tumblr/reddit faggot responses are to be ignored

The 149cm and under in this image are all lolis
it can go higher


I'm out normalfags
149 is where I draw the line
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The concubine kneels to the true wife, even in her own mind.
is this fanart? it kinda looks like an official illustration
>birth of Lucy
Forgot that
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She's head wife and alpha cuckquean for a reason.
I don't think that'll be shown.
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Your incel wish fulfillment anime will never be good.
Dare to be a chad and do something else
Anyone ever have a legit poly relationship?
Rudeus owes Roxy sex.
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She's just a harem enabler for Rudy, like for addicts, Sylphie thinks of Rudy's bliss first and her own priorities rather than the rest of the cucks that followed after her.
Lucy's birth happens before the graveyard moment
Thinks of his bliss, but she has her limits and the further into their marriage, the more Rudeus becomes pussywhipped by her.
Yeah. I think they'll cut it out and show it in the beginning of next season.
i feel like i've seen this before in another anime. unless that was something else with a similar setting.
speaking of Juliette, is she related to that dwarf?
Was speaking Japanese with Nanohoshi really that big of a deal to make Sylphie jealous? Also, would she accept Nanohoshi if push came to shove.
Gayhand? No.
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What are you talking about? Death Note is good.
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She probably would. But that's only if Nanahoshi showed that she actually loves Rudy just as much as she does, or maybe, Sylphie will be wary of her since she's not really sure what's up with her and Rudy. But as long as she won't take Rudy away from her, Sylphie would probably be fine with it.
Sylphie will win by the end of it
>All who deny this are either people who want to like lolis while denying it so they can shit on lolicons or the dumb faggots calling everything "hebe"
I am a loli purist. I don't want to look at a supposed "loli" character and have my eyes violated by the sight of a hag like Tatsumaki.
>she was 14
Still not loli. Hell, despite that being JC age, that's early high school age if you consider countries like the US. Characters like Nadeko should be categorized as JC, and not loli.
In the books yes, but chronologically no. It will still be shown because of the name of the episode
I'm pretty sure it refers to Paul's belongings (i.e. Norn taking his sword, Zenith his armor).
>I will now ascribe to you my boogeyman's unrelated stance because I am a mad revisionist
there was an immense amount of normie seething, but you don't pay attention to that, so I understand. I also don't care about the cuts from the LN because I am not a retard and understand that a visual medium is going to be inherently different from a first person perspective written narrative and enjoy both for what they are.
Now, move the goalposts so I can laugh at you.
i love cuckqueankino
Sylphie is threatened by her because she knows her and Rudy have a special bond.
>the elfnigger coping has already begun
Considering they've been building Sylphy's pregnancy, they'll probably spend some minutes on it. It'll probably be joined with the graveyard moment as Rudeus is telling Paul all that's happened in the past month. There's no way they aren't showing Lucy's birth.
We uh...we found some votes for sylphie....at 4 AM...
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there's at least one schizo in /vg/ that says even the cups are not lolis, people can be that retarded.
>b-but i don't agree
Nadeko is a loli though
>mindbroken actual pedophile
ruh roh raggy
It showed that there's something that tied Rudeus closer to Nanahoshi than Sylphy's status as a childhood friend. So she became paranoid that there's some level of intimacy between them even though Rudeus kept denying it. Them speaking to each other in a language no one in their world can speak doesn't help.
nah first episode next season is going to end with a fade to black for the first threesome
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I don't cope when I post Sylphie perfection, I think Sylphie is too good for the series but that's just my opinion about it. Her character is kinda integrated with the haremshit, but she's still good. However, Roxy and Eris' characters isn't enough to accomodate with it, only Sylphie is good in Rudy's harem
and i'm fine with jc being hebe, but is silly to think that a brand new jc can't be loli (i agree that's not nadeko).
but people get to autistic with a definition that's not exact
example: some people would say that because meari is not 100% flat she's not a true loli
Legit how does sylphie get over this betrayal?
Backstabbed by both her husband and her gran
>I don't cope
>proceeds to post cope
because she's an actual cuckquean who gets off on rudy having other women in his life
she was practically groomed for it by lilia, though that's because lilia assumed that the second wife in question was going to be aisha
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Truthposting isn't cope. MT is good, but not all of it is good
Sylphie wasn't groomed by Lilia, Sylphie doesnt even name Lilia in her own thoughts. Her only impression of Lilia is just that she was another wife of Paul who is the father of Rudeus, and since his father is like that, she prematurely assumed that he'd take after him and thought ahead. It's all from Sylphie's observation in her childhood at Paul's house, Lilia herself didn't really last any impression to Sylphie
There's got to be some sort of superiority thing going on. Like she was jealous of Roxy until she saw her, and then she was fine with it, she is fine with Eris because Eris is a puppy in Sylphie's hands, but she isn't fine with Ariel or Nanahoshi because she most likely feels inferior to them somehow.
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>Ariel or Nanahoshi
Because they're whores or wenches. Sylphie doesn't really feel inferior to Nanahoshi, she just seethe because she doesn't know exactly what's up with her and Rudeus, and that makes her feel unease of accepting her. And Sylphie herself know that Ariel is a slut from hanging out with her at Asura, they're both too risky for her to let in
>It's not cope
>posts cope
Whatever lets you sleep at night, I also like other series than MT yknow
Ariel hadn't lost her male virginity to Luke yet
You don't know that
>male virginity
You mean virginity?
I'm unsure why you bizarrely feel the need to justify your opinion to me, if it really wasn't cope you'd just laugh it off, shitpost and then get on with your night instead of insisting for about an hour now that you're not coping and how MT isn't really that good anyway
Now, name 3 series you think are better than MT
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On another episode of The Sisterwives Meeting
Everyone keeps calling Ariel a slut but she's only had sex with other females at this point, so that's why I specified male virginity. She'll lose it with Luke at some point. Ariel had sex with a few other men at most considering the father of her children. Luke got way more side pussy.
>specified male virginity
Virginity is only penis in vagina.
People forget Roxy ages slowly and is a lolibaba
Yeah, I guess that's true. Being too honest has always been my bad habit
>Hey there my fellow demon lords lets having another human bloodbath
>No we are being peaceful behave
>No? What do you mean no? I am the rightful demon god you obey everything I say
>Yes Lord Kirishika however at the moment you are but a child with not even a trillionth of a power you originaly possess
>Have you forgotten? This is our world
>My lord
>You are terrified of the humans thats it
>We have a major problem the Sea people we could easily invade the humans using ships but those bastards refuse to let us use the ocean ways
>Well genocide them too once we are done with the humans, humans arent dumb dumbs like the Beast people, isolationist weirdos like the Sky people and arrogant jerks like the Sea People. They change constantly remind me of those dragonoid bastards. Hmph the dragonoids were the most powerful people in the SSW and its looks like humans will assume that role after all
>It is obscurity that you wish to avoid my lord?
>I know this is their world but I am the Demon God and I its my world, the human god has been a no show for eons therefore there is no major threat to my conquest
>My lord but we are being peaceful
>Your peace is disgusting! We are demons we are not peaceful I care not for what philosophies those Superd bastards fall under
>My lord if
>If only that dragonoid Laplace didnt exist this entire planet would be mine right now
>Lord Badigadi had displaced him
>Dragonoids are irksome they figured out soul reincarnation their level of immortality is even beyond ours, its a good thing they are extinct aside from the son of humans and dragons
>You mean the Dragon God?
>I dont know what that fellow is up to a god that doesnt dominate and rule how insane
>But my lord you aided Rudeus Greyrat
>That human from another dimension? What of it? It was just entertainment
>Truely you never change
Imagine if he got Roxy pregnant and just told her to fuck off? Damn they would've loved that
>According to Rudeus that dragonoid Laplace will emerge soon let the humans deal with that and once they are done we can get started on a new war for rule of this planet
>My lord
>This time I want every non demon dead a world of only us demons for the rest of time
>We are getting grounds in equality in even extreme areas such as Millis
>Good thats makes it all the more easier to slaughter those humans in the future
>Fine I agree
>I agree
>I agree
>Heheheheheh my lord you always come with such fun ideas
>Atofe you aided Rudeus and you are willing to betray him?
>The only human I am loyal to is my dear beloved Kalman all other humans can drop dead
>They sealed off my husband too, we'll have to work to undo that he will be necessary too
>Very well to the world of only demons
>To the world of only demons
>Total human genocide
>Complete human destruction
>Sorry Rudeus but I am the demon god and demons are the only things that matter to me so enjoy your peaceful world human from another dimension
Edanime is a nigger and cries about lolis always I hope you don't mean him
>"Ay hol up. U axin me 2 marry u now and get the bread 4 u?"
>Rudeus Washington Carver Jr. ducking his child support
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I want her
give her to me
Just go spend times in the same labyrinth as her.
ok where's that
idk, just look for some loli bitch with horns and offer her food. She'll let you know where Roxy is hanging out.
The funny thing is at that point, Roxy is the one bringing home the bread since she had an actual job.
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She's built and destined for Greyrat cock only
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just wish this scene was 20 seconds longer
nigger I read all the novels, that art was not on volume 25
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Does Rudy plap his cute sisters in the LN? If so why did they cut it out of the anime?
they'll have a threesome next cour
Houzuki Yayoi cannot be "corrected". This is the greatest ghost hunter of all time you realize?
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She hard loses to oji-sans.
how much mixed race breeding is required until superds are born without spears and third eyes? (asking for a mosaic friend)
Nope but Rudy and Aisha sleep in the same bed together and bathe together all the time. Hes gets full access to her naked body as much as he wants. She wants to fuck and she even spoons with him in one instance. There is a what-if moment where Rudy will see a world where he married Aisha
Both Sylphy and Roxy are my beloved Waifus, you guys can't have them!
Go to be Hito. They are Rudy's
Nah she'd win
Can I have Roxy screencaps and webms?
Roxy lolibaba cunny
Sylphie's major claim with Rudy is childhood friend and shared history as children.

Except Nanahoshi comes from his "real home" (which she doesn't understand), they have a language only they use with each other (which she doesn't know), they like sharing specific food (that she doesn't like), and more. They have a relationship that nobody else in the entire world can have, bonding them by common origin, and because Rudeus refuses to talk about his past life with his wives beyond the most general of details, it puts up a wall of sorts between them that Banana can see behind while they never can. Also doesn't help that Banana admits he is extremely attractive (in Vol 11 where she says he looks like some European/Western male model from her magazines, and in Vol 23-24 when she realises he used to be the fat bastard and promptly starts eyeing him saying he got hot; she definitely has a physical attraction to Rudy).

Sylphie internally always freaks out when Nanahoshi is involved as a result (though they are a bit more relaxed with each other later on in the LNs it never quite goes away for her). Roxy and Eris aren't nearly as bothered by it, each with their own reasons why (well, Eris just doesn't give a fuck really). Sylphie would accept her if push came to shove, but she really would not like it.
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Ariel is a complete, fundamental, and utter degenerate. But she is very careful to only use her womb for children that she thinks will be worthwhile. She flirts with Rudy all the time in later LNs while he thinks she's joking and she isn't.
The queen of Asura
Nina's interlude where she thought they were having an affair was hilarious.
kek, Doga had the same misunderstanding as well
She may fuck a few other men, but who does she come home to at the end of the day? Luke.
Besides, Luke gets more different pussy than Ariel gets different dick.
Hard to call Luke a cuck when NTRs who knows how many guys. Imagine if tjose sluts around Luke in Ranoa had bfs for a second.
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Best part of the interlude was Nina seeing Eris with a child, suddenly feeling somehow like she had lost to her, and not knowing why.
Wholesome and dare I say, based.
>shit... if only i had a hot cousin
>oh wait...
Both Doga and Nina are dumb as bricks so it fits.
>Orsted should be Dragon/Normal since he's a mutt
He is the son of a God and Demi God.

He is 3/4 God
Yeah but one of the gods is from the human god side aka normal. The pokemon god is normal type too.
>He is 3/4 God
AKA impure bloodline AKA mutt
if we are playing eugenics, Full Dragon God Genes vs half Human God Genes, the the Full Dragons God Genes will be the Dominant ones meaning he is likely 3/4 God but full Dragon
Either way he is still half dragon half human.
He should just be Dragon type in his case. Although it would be pretty cool if he had some gimmick similar to Arceus where he could have a secondary type that changes based on the item he holds. He is the master of all abilities so he could fill that role.
>Either way he is still half dragon half human.
Did I stutter??
the real question is how can human eggs suddenly transform into superd eggs
Human doesn't mean normal typing though. Rudy and Eris wouldn't be considered normal types.
L would actually look like that IRL
And he'd smell
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So I asked Satania who is the best Mushoku Tensei wife and she explained that it's simply a fact the 3 are inseparably great and should not be compared to each other in a denigrating light. She also said fighting over the girls is not in the proper Mushoku Tensei spirit and waifuwarriors are, as she said, niggers.
You're not L

You just stink
Woah... Satania said that?
...how does that follow from what he said?
Dude, can I have her phone number?
He is projecting

He looks like that guy and stinks

Silly anon
who drew this, this kinda sucks
Norn is best girl.
We know, Ruijerd.
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Total. Banana. Dominance.

I am ready to see her smile when they reach the watermelon.
Cana anyone recommend me a show with a functioning power system ? This one sucks . Starts of well , but then you have people disrupting magic attacks even after magic gets used to form a physical one, people regenerating lost heads AND memories with their brains and memory storage destroyed , and people making other people freeze without magic , people moving 100 meters in 0.5 seconds without motion sickness, people ripping other worthless people out of their own dimensions but somehow incapable or summoning someone who is actually useful...
I'm upset they didn't animate Nanahoshi singing up on stage with Badi. They had a new song and everything. but cut to a black credits screen. Its like they gave up on that scene.
making banana happy is haram
Kino song...
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They've really gotta start cutting the OP/ED more often. Or just negotiate for longer timeslots somehow.
Runtime has been a plague on a lot of things...
The power system in Mushoku is one of the better ones out there, and has a clear ranking system carved out. Disruption magic might seem OP, but it only works on magicians, and there are very few magicians in MT to begin with. 90% of the fights deal with Rudy against non magicians. Rudy hits a wall very quickly in the series and is usually outmatched. I personally think the fight scenes that are yet to come are going to be some of the greatest in anime history. The most recent anime fight isn't even the best fight in the books, and its anime episode is tied for the highest rated anime episode of all time on IMDB.

Regenerating characters and lighting fast fighting is something you are going to get in just about any anime at this point.
I think they cut the OP/ED out more in S1, S2 it's noticeably eating up space each episode.

What I wonder is why doesn't anime usually go for more than 20-21 minutes? I know it is generally rare, but for example one of the Tenchi spin-offs, Isekai Monogatari (Geminar), had 40-odd minute episodes, which is something excessively uncommon but wound up working really well for the series. I think Mushoku Tensei could probably benefit from a similar expansion. Perhaps not as large one, but an extra few minutes each episode (which you'd get just by cutting the OP/ED most times) would work wonders.
Aren't Re:Zero episodes 30 minutes each?

Time slots only really work for shows that air regularly on TV. Shows that stream should not have any restriction other than budget, time and laziness I suppose.
Haven't started part 2 yet? Just one question, does the Hydra fight look kino?
>negotiate for longer timeslots
It's baffling why anime studios don't do that more often at least for important episodes. The only show I saw who consistently did that was R:Z season 2.
Hydra fight wasn't the kino of most kinos but for what they did, it was pretty good. CGI wasn't as bad as it was memed out to be. I've read the LN and it still felt tense.
Mana is literally a natural phenomena of that world and the current magic system is like the "string theory" of their world, trying to make sense of the phenomenon but the level of their technology is still too primitive for them to understand scientifically.

I bet in the sequel the magic system is going to be more refined and polished
Season 3 desperately needs longer runtime, especially if they plan to do three volumes in its first cour. Volume 13 is one of the longest ones yet, and 14 and 15 are absolutely packed with action content.

Season 2 covered 7-12.
v7 is 403 pages long, action heavy. It was covered in 3 episodes, cut out Sara POV chapters.
v8 is 382 pages long, slice of life heavy. It was covered in 4 episodes, cut out Eris/Nina chapter.
v9 is 491 pages, slice of life heavy, covered in 5 episodes, cut out Nina chapter.
v10 is 394 pages, slice of live heavy, covered in 4 episodes, cut out Eris chapter.
v11 is 533 pages, mixed slice of life/action. The anime covered this in 3 episodes, but mostly covered up to page 346, then cut out almost all of the 200 remaining pages and condensed it into 5 minutes.
v12 is 454 pages, action heavy, covered in 5 anime episodes.

If we follow this logic into season 3 cour 1
v13 is 511 pages, very slice of life heavy. Based on v8/9/10, it is almost certain that v13 will require a minimum of 5 episodes to cover. It will also need at least one episode entirely for Eris and Nina, and extra time if they plan to give us Sara's cut POV chapter from v7.
v14 is 446 and action heavy, and probably some of the most important scenes yet. Easily needs 5 episodes on its own, if v12 is anything to go off of.
v15 is 500 pages, action heavy and will require another 5 episodes minimum, possibly 6 given how much is in covered in it.

Typing this out thats means cour 1 would need at least 16 episodes to cover V13-15 in a single cour at its current timeframe. Unless they increase the episode length that absolutely won't happen. The way things are looking we will get
5-6 episodes for vol 13
5-6 episodes for vol 14
1-2 episodes following Eris and Nina's storyline
In a single 12 episode cour with 20 minute episodes
What exactly was Banana's mask for during traveling? Does she need it at the school too?
I think ending with TP4 makes the most sense, but we will probably see the bad end episode from volume 15 included.
I figured it was to hide her gook features
> It will also need at least one episode entirely for Eris and Nina
I would just about put money on that being an Episode 0. Or an OVA like Sylphie this season.
Such a shame that vol 11 got done dirty in the anime and manga. I know its characters are one offs and never return again, but it would have been nice to see the bandit ambush at least. If there was just one more episode it would have played out this season.
>v13 is 511 pages
>v14 is 446
>v15 is 500
I pulled up my digital copies of the LNs and got page counts of 196, 172, and 194. Where are you getting those numbers from?
Noble sees woman with exotic features, noble wants to fuck woman with exotic features.
The fight choreography was pretty great
new sylphie hairdo just dropped
Yeah, but woman with exotic features happened to be wearing that mask while walking around with Orsted. Nobody is stupid enough to pick a fight with that.

Once she's at the school I assume she does it as an affectation, but she shouldn't need it while she's with Orsted.
Thats would be just for pre volume 13 Eris content they skipped out on. There are also more Eris chapters in both 13 and 14 that would require their own additional episode. And theres the Eris manga that they could adapt into its own episode.
If they give volumes 13 and 14 each 5 episodes, we could have two separate Eris episodes sprinkled in.
mask was for convenience to have the initial scene with rudy
ugly norn!
how much time has lapsed since rudy left her?
I don't like the earrings. They make her look kinda slutty
A couple of months.

Weird that she's growing her hair now. I vaguely remember it wasn't until after V17 that she said she was definitely going to start growing out her hair.
reminder rowin is best girl
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Thats how many pages on my digital copy.
The mask is also psychological barrier between her and this world she doesn't want to have anything to do with, that's why she stops using it after being helped. She may still want to go back but won't turn her face away from the people who live in it. At least that's how I see it.
Look at vol 13s illustration
not really, it was in v11.
feels a bit too fast desu but i won't be nitpicky about that though
Strange. What are you using to read it? I'm just using an iPad books app.
So, we finally have the mama hairstyle. I like it.
She looks soft and makes me wanna hug her.
Looks slutty. And reminds me of Snow White, except the Queen's Blade Grimoire version which makes it automatically even more slutty.
My hope is that season 3 will have 24 episodes but will adapt 5 volumes rather than 6.
That way we would have 4 more episodes that can be used to properly adapt volume 14, 15 and 17.
Nta but vol11 in physical format has 404 pages for me
They will do Vol 13-14 in the first cour, and end it on Oldeus reveal. Then Vol 15-17 will be the second cour.

Screencap this post.
I'm using the same actually, but mines horizontal instead of vertical. I just did a quick test in vertical mode, and its changed from 511 to 284. Still different from your count however, but I guess ipads automatically change the amount of pages based on your display.

Regardless of how many pages, the scaling between the anime and LN remains the same.
Fuck sorry I meant vol13 kek >>268223532 (me)
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Oh yeah! Church Girl is pissed off.
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Forgot pic
Vertical for me is 249, which is much closer to your vertical, I was using horizontal but it might be counting the two column setup as one page in it. It's probably format settings and typeset on whatever versions we're both using.
It's what Norn deserves for always being such a cunt to her older brother.
Based on the arcs, I can't see them going beyond Vol 17. Eitherway we get extra time to pad out episodes, and volume 16 is pretty short and simple in its plot.
Like this anon suggested >>268223533, this makes the best sense in terms of content and pacing.
Was Norn this confrontational in the LN?
And that's still not enough. He needs to do more.
Mmmmh, ending on Oldeus is quite a punch in the gut and 12 episodes for volume 13 and 14 are a bit too much. Maybe 9-10 are a good compromise.
I agree they should not adapt volume 18 and keep those 4 episodes for the others volumes.
Honestly, they should take an extra year and then broadcast it without split cours, so relase it in 2028.
>letter arrives begging for help
>you want to go, you have to do what you can, but your brother who everybody says is AMAZING and PERFECT says he will go instead
>although he didn't really want to and you had to convince him
>he promises to bring back your parents, no matter what
>he leaves and every day you pray and hope he survives, hope he saves your parents, hope they all come back safe
>then he returns
>one parent (the one you know) is dead
>one parent is brain dead
>and he brought a new wife what the fuck
>what the fuck was he even doing anything worth what everybody says about how amazing he is, did he just not give a fuck, or was he just sticking his dick in a random woman instead of doing what he promised
Please, never direct anything, 12 episodes of pure Slice of Life will drag down the series. and consume budget unnecessarily
I want to topped and punched by Norn
You will get your SoL and you will like it.
>It's what Norn deserves
His apology and protection? Yes, she does deserve that.
Oh yeah, she definitely deserved to lose her father because she told her brother that he was an adulterer.
What if we get 2 OVAs back to back, like we did for Eris The Goblin Slayer and The Sylphie episode? Assuming one is Eris focused, what other cut season 2 content could be its own bonus episode?
Volume 14 has the entire adventure to Perugius, the castle setup, Ariel's initial push to get him to acknowledge her, and the trip to the demon continent to help Nanahoshi, it has plenty of adventure mixed in. Volume 13 is the pure slice of life one.
>Oh yeah! Church Girl is pissed off.
ill rather have them rush vol 13-14 so vol 15 fits in the cour, and then they can pad 16 and 17 (maybe even cram in vol 18 or some of the side stories)
There is no way on earth they are including V18 in S3. Not without skipping so much material that the entire season will be butchered.
I...guess it makes sense that his adventurer's garb still has the bloody sleeve, but he better not still be wearing the same bloody shirt underneath it by this point. That's gross, man
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Remind me if I'm wrong but Zenith does know that Paul died for here, right?
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He will wear it until morale improves
She does, at this point she already understands what is happening around her.
he is semi aware of the world around her but is more like being in a dream.
thats why she cant properly communicate but her mind IS THERE.
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She knows. And it is heartbreaking.
She can communicate with telepaths. Lara talks to her all the time.
Besides the Eris stuff, theres Norn joining Millis, the cut Roxy chapter, and the desert travel. I'd love to see an entire desert travel episode as a bonus OVA, but I kinda feel like it they would have just included it in the main season. Eris would make a perfect episode 0 for season 3, while this season's special episode covers the other cut content.
>She can communicate with telepaths. Lara talks to her all the time.
im talking now, not in 5 years.
Oh fuck I remember now
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Sad Roxy.
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Let me lick her tears
Rudy will lick her bellybutton and make it all better.
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this is a dekinai
reminder that no matter how nice you are to them they can start bitching and whining with faggotry at any moment
and they will do this their whole lifetime being a shitter that never gets any better
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Eris tease. She's in her young form for some reason and her hair magically grew back somehow.
It was obviously going to happen, at this point in time her hair already grew back.
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>Rudeus is so blind to her ludicrous popularity that he thinks she has no romantic prospects
Also no OP or ED by the way.
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Interesting, they went with Sylphy's volume 13 look instead of her end of volume 12 look.
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If only they knew...
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animators were probably itching to draw her in her best design, understandable
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This, I also wanted to see her form of White Mama already
About time, hope they never use it again
Does Rujierd ever go to Rudy for help because he gets scared of a situation with Norn or something?
Can I have the pic of Roxy hugging Rudy?
Huh, I thought they were going for a full surprise and show her again in the diary timeline only to get killed off.
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You need to be more specific.
>Eris is shown next episode
We're so back.
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Prime Eris!
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> Their daughter is the Chosen One
> Rudy's sigil as 7 great power is Roxy's necklace
I love Roxy so much bros
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Goku is back bros
Is there a reason why Rudeus didn't rise to #5 on the rankings even though he was winning against Randolph when they fought briefly? Or does a fight have to be 1v1?
thats adult eris, blind-kun
all me
that was the slowest run ive ever seen
all the emotional weight of that scene = gone
it's too goofy to be taken seriously now
norn should kill rudeus desu. I would lose it if I was in her position
Rudeus didn't win against Randolph. They simply cleared their misunderstanding
the author is a dizzyfag, he seems to like his blue
The one in the latest episode.
Rudy was kicked out of that fan club because he took a bath with Norn.
Didn't Randolph admit he was out of mana and that they had him though?
Norn may be a freak in bed but I doubt Ruijerd would go to her brother for advice
Because it's not a series about Rudy becoming number 1. Rudy would've effortlessly bodied Randolph in his main suit anyway.
Any sort of student worth mention get added while Norn was president?
She already gave Rudy her flower.
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poor norn
Got any more leaks?
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fuck this shit... paulbros had it so hard... i liked him... the trade was not worth it...
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It will be nice for some Erisfags to return. There are too many elfshitters and demonfuckers around nowadays.

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fat baby is here too
Oh she about to go nuclear on Rudeus
Who are the toukilets and manalets of Rudy's kids?
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Wait, that ear! I thought this was a flashback of rudeus lol
Lucy and Christina. Maybe Lily but we really don't know much of anything about her potential.

Lara is the Chosen One, has superior future sight to Hitogami, and has an "extraordinary" mana pool.
Ars is a Sword King, possibly Emperor tier.
Sieg is the next Death God.
is this her young self or adult one? her figure is very slender so I can't tell without looking at her front
kek, i thought this was babydeus
Next episode will be the first time any of the heroines met each other.
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They are literally going to draw her giving birth next episode
>Ars is a Sword King, possibly Emperor tier.
80 years in teh future when shit goes down, wont he be like 80 himself cause he is full human??
Lana and Sigh are at least mixed Migurd and Elf so they are likely to have longer life spams
anon go home you're drunk
bye faggot
I wonder if Ars and Chris ever feel resentment over their siblings having longer lifespans.
It's one thing when a different race/species gets to live longer than you, but I'd definitely be feeling pretty shitty if my own brothers/sisters got to stay young while I quickly fossilized
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All the heartbroken women of the Asura Kingdom Fitz fanclub.
only one sword from migurd village, youthful thin appearance, this might be her in the sword sanctum days.

i wouldn't be surprised if the last thing in the episode was her saying "wait for me rudeus" or "im coming rudeus"...

then again they could just show her standing there without saying a word as the ed music plays in the background.
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>It was just a trivial misunderstanding
MOFO was 1 inch away from suicide if not for Soldat
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I'm here
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Less than an inch, that sword was right out at his throat. Another split second and he'd be done. Hitogami probably watched and seethed when Soldat stopped him.
4.5 months give or take, travel to 2 months, labyrinth diving a week, be depressed for an entire week, travel from 2 months
That's because they wanted to cut corners anon, do you want to work more for the same pay? Passion is dead.
Where's the anon who said that they wouldn't show Lucy?
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cant wait for father to get home...
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BIND is just a try-hard showoff studio, they're mid because they can't even into consistency
Do they tease the rat at the end?
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He has his granddaughter who Rudeus saw in a vision of Hitogami's defeat. There's also Luceilia to consider as well.
So how did the Japanese LN readers (the actual LN readers whose opinions are the ones that really matter) think of the latest episode?
Bind is the embodiment of "they made Mushoku good not because they're skilled people, but because they love Mushoku."

Feel like S2 staff (aside from Qkawa and other animators that tweet about the series) are not as passionate ngl.
WOW,Japanesefans arevocalabout the new episode and they are NOT happy! They are discontented with the whole rewriting of the entire scenario and the skipping content situation. Guess they werehopingfor a more faithful and properly paced episode that actually followed the kino source material. There's even a petition online to scrap the entire Season 2, and remake it this instant. Obviously that's not gonna happen but it shows how unhappy they are.
Lucy doesn't become a great hero, she has nowhere near the talent of Rudy or his wives and it's actually a problem with her mindset because she thinks her father in particular is a superhuman who she can never measure up to. And magic is imagination.

She does marry Cliff and Elinalise's son though.
JOPs are fine with the anime adaptation for the most part because they see the anime and LN as two different products
its also why they don't really complain about the RPG retreading the anime's content
S1 is a 7/10, and the least standard.

MT is cool and stylish, but their sloppy adaptation took out some of that charm and swag
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The best way to handle S3 is too adapt Vol 13-17 in two straight cours aka 24-25 episodes without a break inbetween since stopping by TP4 would break the tension. In that case they can take three full years from now on to make S3 and have two OVA episodes about Eris and Sara to bridge S2 and S3. IMO this would be the best outcome.
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Sylphie isn't allowing of girls cuz she's a lesbian or into cuckoldry tho. She's doing it out of compromise, for herself and Rudeus' happiness.
>Aren't Re:Zero episodes 30 minutes each?
Most Re: Zero episodes are 26 minutes long.
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Excited to hear Kayanon voice Milphy, that is all.
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She feels perfectly safe with Rudy and Roxy. Still insecure at Roxy's maturity compared to her (which is entirely fair, she's 16 and Roxy is much older/more adult) but safe.
But does it end with Rudy walking away while Only plays
>that height difference
The fuck? Roxy is 150cm to Sylphie's ~155, it shouldn't look like that huge a difference. Of course, they didn't get Rudeus' height correct either. Why can Japan not into proper heights?
Oh fuck, you just know those will be the earrings she leaves when she gets crucified...
re:zero epsiodes feel longer because in S2 they cut the OP/ED sequences for a lot of episodes and used the OP/ED as background tracks for ongoing scenes instead to extend the screentime
it was kinome
Why does the art look so shit for the final episode?
Blew their budget on 22 and 23.
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is was shit for the entire season
At this point Eris will be taller than Rudy.
She is from the start
>Why does the art look so shit for the final episode?
What's wrong with it? Explain instead of just shouting that it looks shit.
Sylphie was cuter with short hair...

Rudy is taller than Eris in the LN.
She isn't when she comes back though, Rudy is 175cm and she is 170cm.
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gee rudy, two wives?
too bad that entire season was boring as shit
It insists upon itself.
You're the only person I've seen criticizing the art, must be a you problem.
Those earrings aren't really my jam. To be honest, the idea of piercing holes into your ears kind of squicks me out. It feels like the kind of stuff a whore would do. Sylphie is supposed to be on the pure and natural side.
Quints confirm whore I suppose.
I love Sylphie so much
So, Season 3 confirmed.
What if they're earrings bought for you buy your significant other? Do you just throw them away breaking their heart and wasting their money?
imagine the smell
Wasn't there a leak that it had started production already?
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>season 3
>there are anons itt who dislike earrings
She reeks so bad that nobody else in the Sword Sanctum is willing to be in the same room with her.
does eris ever do the dance shit again?
I like how the PV's tricked anime onlies into thinking Sylphy was going to get upset about Rudy cheating on her & asking to take another wife. I've already seen many of them saying that the season's going to end on a depressing note like season 1 did.
I can't nibble the earlobe freely with it
She completely forgets how to do anything other than sword and sex. I mean that in a literal sense, as in, she becomes illiterate. She can't write and she can barely comprehend her own name when it is written down.

She becomes an actual retard whose only use is the sword to kill Rudeus' enemies and as a womb to receive Rudy's seed. She is not even able to do any chores around the house like Sylphie and Roxy do, so she ends up as a vague security guard of sorts to enforce discipline.
Fuck Lucy she made half her siblings hate Rudeus too
Now THIS is the Sylphy form I can get behind, her Fitz and post-Fitz designs are ugly as fuck
her hair grew like 4 inches in 5 months. Isn't that excessive?
Rudeus shouldn't have bought those things, a necklace would've been better. Those are basically symbols of being a hoe, and its revolting. Shirotaka knew that, which is why they didn't draw sylphie with them in the illustrations
>Those are basically symbols of being a hoe
Westoids are fucking retarded.
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ssh ssh shh, I don't care! White mama is top Sylphy so it's completely fine!
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Fitz-senpai is just as great, sorry but you're wrong
Not for a teenager, I remember when I was that age and I needed a haircut like once every 3-4 months.
Green hair was better.
Apparently teenagers' hair grows half an inch every 4 weeks so it should be a 2 inch growth. Maybe Elves are built different, Elinalise does have very long hair
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I love all versions of Sylphie cuz she's just that perfect. Sad that the anime couldn't do her any justice tho
Why are you posting Fitz the man then?
>sylphie: where's rudy?
>i think he's spending the night with nanahoshi again
>sylphie: oh ;_;
That happens once a month, Rudy always checks in with her without fail.
it doesn't matter, they gave her her final form so they can start making merch now, no need to wait 4-5 years for next season
My Sword autism cave woman cant be this cute
>Tries to help with cooking
>Cuts the vegetable, the cutting board AND the table
>Tries to become a guard at the schools
>Almost kills the VP on the 1st hours of being hired

Any form of body modification is a symbolism of whoredom. This encompasses nose piercings, tattoos, and so on. Earrings are equally not an exception.
I need Nanahoshi moon art with her having knife ears and showing Sylphie being extremely butthurt about it.
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>Any form of body modification is a symbolism of whoredom.
Like I said, retarded westoids.
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Did her eyebrows grow longer? What happened during those months he was away?
>Sylphie trying not to seethe at Eris destroying her wedding present
>Roxy trying to keep calm and keep her job when Eris threatens the principal
>then she goes to Zenith and stammers that she will do her best as third wife and Zenith the Millis believer smiles at her
>White Mama
Is the motherly figure and housekeeper who says yes.
>Blue Mama
Is the smiling teacher and the instructor who says no.
>Red Mama
Is the disciplinarian who spanks you when you pull a prank.
As much as I love MT, I really dislike the polygamy/harem part of it. I think it's the one big mark against it. And its not even really the polygamy itself, I just also feel like it is poorly executed.
>there are M*ll*s fags here in this thread
It's not poorly executed though.
>I just also feel like it is poorly executed.
you have 1 chance to explain why
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Threesome is the only way to mend their hearts.
>he didn't read it
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I want church girl to scold me.
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Friendly reminder miggers are homewreckers. All of them.
>hates on rudy for having multiple wives
>doesn't hate her based daddy for having multiple wives
How so? Can you properly argue for your position in a comprehensive manner?
I would steal her from her manlet pindick husband so fast bros...
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With Paul out of the picture, Rudy now has Zenith all to himself. And if he is concerned about accidentally getting her pregnant, he can always order Lilia to suck his seed out from her womb.
Is this you?
typical millisfag, cant look past your own personal world views and beliefs to just enjoy a story for what it is, flaws and all
literally all rudy had to do was dick her hard enough to make her stop complaining
Shut up Norn
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If only Rudy stayed focused on that last head.
Not sure if it played out different in the LN though.
Someone enlighten me on the last hydra moments.
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If I were Orsted, I'd force Nanahoshi to ride my face on a nightly basis.
This has been discussed for weeks...
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I was out and busy
in the LN rudy was confused because his eye of foresight wasn't catching everything the hydra was doing, because it only shows him the immediate future within his vision range and most of the hydra's body was outside the scope of his eye
then talhand jobbed and rudy had enough time to realize what was going to happen to him, but not enough to react quickly to save himself, which led to paul sacrificing himself for rudy
rudy blames himself for being a toukilet because from his perspective thats the real reason paul died
he being focused is why he almost died cause he could not understand what the headless parts were doing (neck swinging goes BRRRRRR), froze up and then head came crashing it.
Milisfags are based, tho.
Fuck haremshit.
Hopefully your wife bring men to your house as well.
I hope you're wife enjoys taking BBC.
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I see. Thanks for the clarity.
Do not fuck your sisters. That is disgusting and incestuous.
There's a thousand good romance stories out there. Why's it a big deal if one of them is a harem.
Depends on the Millisfag, some are based and some are cringe.
I dont and I will never have a wife
It's funny that most Milliscucks don't bat an eye when it's some other harem series played straight but when one like this comes that tries to play it seriously, they all lose their minds.
You should read the LN, Erisfag. Blue, green but especially red is much better in there.
>aisha hugging norn
This never happened in the anime btw because Aisha is a cold psychopath incapable of feelings and they both hate each other. The portrayal of characters in the anime is really bad.
we do not talk about the rat here
Nah, they always bitch. It's just that MT is the big thing right now so they're more visible.
They don't hate each other. You're right that Aisha is a psychopath though.
in the LN*
I want to bone Rokkari more than Roxy
Most harem series don't even go for harem routes, so why bitch when one of them has the balls to do it? Milliscucks would hate Tenchi Muyo.
Based taste brother
She's the hottest migger in SSW
She looks the same as her daughter except with a different hairstyle and she's already had a child.
Shes wasting her life as a spearchucker better to be my plap baby factory in a nice cozy city in the human continent
At this point they do and they are at each other throats when the occasion arises. Also this is a completely anime original so they can make aisha more likeable by glossing over her self-absorbed personality. This is actually trash.
they made Aisha to be more attached to Paul in the anime, you can see this when they meet again at Millis in last episode of season 1
They slurp shit like Gotobun and then bitch whit Mushoku.
It insists upon itself.
My wife is not allowed to have multiple husband
I am allowed to have multiple wives; women are not my equal
why is this hard for you to grasp, poojita?
Ah, fellow men of culture
Whoa, very comprehensive argument.
I agree. Women are not your equal. They are superior to you.
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lemme summarize my understanding of the final moments just to be sure i got it right...

boss has final desperate attack
everyone in that group knows this
except for rudeus.
also rudeus does too much fire damage and gains aggro.
his eye is no help, he is too close...
father sees this, pushes him out of the way, twice
the second time he gets smoshed and crunched
rudeus does not realize, all he sees is the final head right in front of him
this is his chance, hand in eye, point blank spell, head explodes
eye closes and clamps down on his arm, vice like grip, cant pull out.
head pulls him upwards off the floor
the combination of his weight and the sharp scales around the eyelid slice part of his arm right off.
he is separated from the head and falling
calls out to roxy to help finish it off, or to heal him? not sure
ether way roxy casts fireball (flamethrower)
critical damage.
boss dies.

do i have it right?
Im much taller than Rudeus too I wonder if she'd shudder from me picking her with one arm
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Their world is already fucked up and disgusting.
Making sweet passionate love to Norn and Aisha would be healing their souls for the better.
Did Aisha not give a shit about Paul in the LN?
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Threesome with Roxy's mother and daughter while Roxy watches.
>I agree. Women are not your equal. They are superior to you.
go take a shower, dyke
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Norn will find her purpose in life with Ruijerd.

Aisha found her purpose in life as a maid. Actually that is a lie, she was twisted and warped into incest with Ars.

She never really knew him. She did have her mother, who drilled into her from birth that she must love her brother, her brother is everything, and her brother knows all and needs her to do anything and everything he needs for him.
Lara is a SNITCH. She waits for her father to do something, then tattles on him. Then in exchange for getting what she wants from him, she doesn't tattle on other things. Like his shrine in the basement.
Stop going for married women
If its an Eris season, it will be better quality
honestly, rudy should've given her corrective plapping already.
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Married women are the best.
Eris spanks her regularly. More than any of his other children, because she continuously misbehaves and pranks.
Hot. I like her even more now
There is nothing hotter than cucking your wife with her mom
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What's interesting about the whole thing is she seems near-immune to the whole Superd curse and superstition, it doesn't even faze her or distract her in the least from getting that demon dick.
>It insists upon itself.
>has a chance to explain
fucking retard
Who's the guy on the right?
Norn grew so fast!
Norn's been taking steroids!!
Help me, Roxyyyyyy!!!!
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Didnt Zenith's family who are milicucks as well mistreated her for being incompetent as well?
After that treatment any sane child would start hating their family and their religion after that, yet she keeps seething that not everyone is a milisfag.
Did she ever get an LN pov to explain why she's a cunt that by extrapolation thinks her sisters existence is a mistake that shouldn't have happened?
It would be so easy to steal a kiss with her so close like that...
Reinhardt from fire emblem
Why is Aisha so over Norn in the anime like some overly attached sister? What the fuck is this shit?? Theyre pandering so much to yurifags.
>Did she ever get an LN pov to explain why she's a cunt that by extrapolation thinks her sisters existence is a mistake that shouldn't have happened?
norn is a cunt to rudy because paul always talked rudy up as being the best thing since sliced bread
then the first time she meets him is when paul was getting his ass beat in a fight he started by pinning down his ten year old son, screaming at him and then punching him in the face multiple times
norn doesn't know that though because paul was too much of a bitch to explain it and rudy never felt like getting into it
that chip on her shoulder never really went away and she's always deeply resented him ever since
Just a sociopath asserting dominance
The curse did affect her. It caused her to want to get speared by the first Superd she met.
you think the man famous for tricking his opponents couldn't be telling the opposite?
Just because they argue doesn't mean they hate each other, at least not anymore. I think even the LN briefly mention Aisha tried to console Norn. Someone fact check me please.
I mean even eris didn’t get affected by the curse aside from the first interaction. The superds in the forest who didn’t shave their heads as far as we know don’t seem to be feared by the kingdom or the villagers.
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Imagine hating on a 9 or 10 year old child.
why would they? they're riajuus who have sex early and are in positions of power, with their own grandchildren.
I didn't mind Norn when she was so young. I started to hate her when she was in her mid/late teenage years and still acted like a bitchy child
>Yesterday's thread were an anon was disccusing everyone anual's salary and screaming NEPOTISM while other anon was shitposting about all isekai being Buddhishm themed
One of the most schizo threads I have seen, didn't expect it out of MT.
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Zenith's family emotionally abused Norn, Aisha, and Lilia.

That's without even getting into when Rudy first met Claire. Yes I know she had "reasons" but they were fucking retarded reasons and don't even come close to justification of that bullshit.
Nah, he was legit done in that moment, had they kept fighting he'd have been dead and there'd be a new #5.
I didn't care for the resolution of this conflict. Claire finds some voodoo black magic to maybe heal her daughter and decides to tell nobody and just prostitute her without explanation and we're supposed to feel sorry for her?
The whole Japanese theme of forgiving family no matter what wears a little thin sometimes
my favorite part was where he admitted his parents were actually filthy rich, top% earners, and his entire spiel was him coping ridiculously hard because his parents didn't spend any of it on him
homeslice was malding hard
yes, the attack Rudy didn't expect was the hydra using its headless necks as whips and also he being too close made his Eye of Foresight worthless because the hydra was too big and everything was happening outside of his field of view.
In the end, the only problem was his lack of experience with dungeons.
You know Laplace is the next on the list, right?
The voodoo black magic wasn't even real, it was "yeah this woman who was cursed ended up taking dick from hundreds of men a month" and everybody relevant in the room knew it was Elinalise and wouldn't work. Like, you have the chief agent of Orsted in the room and you don't even mention your idea with consideration that he might have considered it? Stupid.

Should have let that family face three music for their actions, no matter how misguided.
meant for >>268231284
>Rudy loses his temper and stone cannons half the house to pieces
>meanwhile Aisha:
rudeus without power armor won't win against the guy who can't cook Japanese food in melee range.
Aisha literally always looked down on Norn and bullied her because she viewed her as stupid but also her being a legitimate daughter. They didn’t see eye to eye for the longest time and here comes this moronic director depicting them as flanderized loving siblings completely taking a shit at the authors story.
Yes, we do get a Norn POV while she was waiting for Rudeus to come back with her parents. She was so worried about everybody out there it started to affect her life and studies, so with the help of Cliff she finds peace of mind by praying every morning at the church alone.
So she ended becoming a Millicuck because of Cliff.
she has no clue about some nigger calling himself the dragon dork
Per Rifujin yes he could. Orsted confirms in story that Randolph is well behind Alek and Gal, as well. Randolph is way past his prime and only retains the title because people are still scared to challenge him. Had the fight continued he'd be dead and there'd be a new number 5 great power.
Norn likes praying because it connects her to her mom, and gives her structure.
So not only is she a retard, she is a retard who doesn't know the barest minimum of the way the powers of the world operate.
I like to imagine Lara knew Norn was there.
I think Randolph would still win against these two in 1v1 fights unless they get all the information about his combat style beforehand like Rudeus got from Orsted.
considering that Rudeus was exhausted mentally and physically despite having Zanoba and Roxy around, and the death god instadestroyed all the charms on Roxy with a single strike, I will always bet on the ones with god-level battle auras than unarmored mages who are constantly tricked.
if he's not a millis-faithful, then she doesn't care about his existence
Rudy got that information and overestimated, as is his wont.
meant for >>268231522
>his entire spiel was him coping
Kek, classic.
>You motherfucker, stop with the sexual degeneracy right now
Holy fuck her family is worse than I expected. Care to post what happened next?
>before even bump limit
Kys nigger
Anytime now
>they nerfed her ass
Owari Da

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