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>Amanda Wallerd's Awkward Dance
Why do the Japanese have such a weird sexual fetish for older black female characters?
This dance is so awkward that I want to watch it more than once.

Didn't you already this bait thread?
yes curse those japanese and their adult woman fetish
aunt jemima lookin ass
very organic post
Cursed thread. Bump.
>Why do the Japanese have such a weird sexual fetish for older black female characters?
That's the West. Have you forgotten that hag in the Resident Evil Netflix or whatever remake who started dancing for no fucking reason, or the She-Hulk twerking scene with that dragqueen? The West is obsessed with zoomer dances.

The only equivalent I can think of anime obsessed with dancing is with Pokemon Journeys dancing for no reason in the OP like a bunch of retards.
The Japanese like it though? I really dont understand the hate for this at all.
Capeshit is very popular in Japan. Japs love this.

Only unironic weeaboos aka wapanese are hating on this anime.
Kill yourself, shill.
Everyone loves dancing
The opening animation is very cool but it would be better if they put an actual song behind it.
It's clearly just mimicking other things that went viral, namely Mashle S2's OP.
Only joggers like that crap
I completely agree
It's like the dumb dancing in the Reddit X Family credits
The positive response isn't because its capeshit, if you read the Japanese comments, the main reason they like this is that it mocks political correctness lmao.
>it mocks political correctness
>source: my ass
Japanese see this sort of thing differently. これでポリコレも騒がんでしょ。
>with this the politically correct will be angry.
>No, they will be angry for sure.
>This is a huge roar of laughter
>amazing political correctness avoidance
>This should become a hidden legendary netmeme
>a strongstyle response to the politically correct demands with a lariat
These are the types of comments that are receiving the most support on the Japanese side. From my understanding its because they basically did the due diligence of sticking an old ugly black woman in there to make her expressionless and serve no purpose but to dance around like a monkey and have the stereotypical racist features (like big lips on black people). Basically they think its fucking hilarious and the forced black woman is there for them to laugh at. AKA they won just by not being afraid of finding racism funny.
>characters dance
This is James Gunn's only creative invention at DC.
I can't believe this show referenced Hitman
Some Japanese anime otaku believe that americans are victims of political correctness, and some make discriminatory remarks about treatment of black and asian characters.
>an epic win for political incorrectness because I don't want to fap to the black woman, and she has plump lips (despite them not being drawn like sambo lips)
that's pretty bland
openings of many anime also have characters flying or running.
Many japanese people don't know who Amanda Waller is.
Lex fucked that btw
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>forgot the expressionless part
that includes her lack of animation even though whenever Harley Quinn was on screen the animation noticeably improved a ton but when the black girl was dancing they just had her repeating basic movements without any other added animation.
Anyways a win is based on how people treat it anon, you missed the point. Imagine if whenever western movies put a forced black character in a show the response was "OMG this is so great this fucking ugly ass fat black woman is so funny every time shes on the screen because she is ugly fat and black."
What do you think would happen? Thats right, they wouldn't do it any more. It is a victory just by virtue of their response because it is the scariest response for these people, even more than complaining that it is there.
Also in response to your cherrypicked frame
Looks to me like they are trying really hard to be le ebin memey and get popular with the ironic crowd. No thanks.
just one of the first google result because I couldn't actually remember how they drew her lips
she's literally the bitch in charge of the suicide squad in all iterations
>imagine if the response was
that already happens. its just 4chan that can't be racist without seething rather than having fun it it
They used to be able to do fun racism, now it's rather serious and vitriolic.
Forced is definitely a poor choice of words on my end.
She does belong there, but Japanese people find it funny anyways and they and you should be able to as well. Thats the difference. It doesn't really matter what your or my opinion is on it, my statement is just that they find this anti politically correct, and that is reality, they also do know who she is, and they find a lot of stuff about this video funny for example stuff like this.
>its an extremely ironic ED the commander is dancing in a safe zone while the rest of the team members are throwing themselves into an operation and risking their lives.
I don't blame him, a woman in a position of power like that can be attractive with a poor physique.
it's being true to its source material
> Capeshit is very popular in Japan.
Couldn't be more wrong, Japanese adaptation of Western properties are popular in Japan. See: Marvel Super Heroes.
Westshit is Westshit even if it's in Japan. And Westshit is getting attention in Japan because it's fucking dead over here.
Kek, based. I may have to watch it
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Most Americans don't know who Amanda Waller is either, anon
And people like you worship Eastshit.
Yeah because it's actually good.
That's a bit odd, given how woke the show already is without her. It reeks of feminism, diversity and ACAB shit.
Ah, it's the same as how japanese anime is considered hentai.
Nah, I think that just means you like asian characters, just like people who like K-POP.
The source material is shit.
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We want the Oprah Winfrey audience
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>You get a bomb
>And you get a bomb
>And you get a bomb!
>Everyone gets a bomb!
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I'm surprised at how lazy it was
She cute
There's a lot of anti-political correctness propaganda going on japanese YouTube. For example, it would be like an american having a one-sided opinion "japanese anime is just violent and perverted."
What even is this guy? He doesn't really look like any of the other fantasy humans? He's got weird eyes, darker skin and a weird bright hair color. I'd say he's like a Thalmor or something but he has normal ears and not elf ears.
Isn't he a New God?
This is based though
Fuck class traitor pigs and their bootlickers
>he say
>while posting in /a/
You act like Japanese doesn't already include that kind of stuff already and conceptualize it differently.
>Feminism - 90 lb anime girl dumpsters giant opponents, happens literally all the time
>Diversity - Add whatever the creator wants typically just for whimsy or visual interest
>ACAB - Pretty common plot point too to have corrupt cops
Think about the setting, the reason Batman exists is because Gotham is a fucking shithole top to bottom. Joker operates in Gotham, so when Harley gets brought in she'd be taken to the shithead Gotham cops, which is what we see. Then Amanda Waller is always on about government shady business and doing unethical things for power and control.
where's the inn? where's the system? where's the harem?

this ain't isekai
I was hate watching this just because it's the first show of the new season, but honestly I find this ED hilarious.

To the extent the show has an agenda, I like the agenda because I hate cops. Perhaps that's a "woke" thing but if so it's the only time woke is ever good. Even if wokies hate cops for some retarded reasons related to George Fentanyl and the Dindus, I'll still take it.
So what are people's powers going to be
>Clayface - Explicitly now more of a geomancer as long as the material is wet enough to count as clay
>Harley - Seems to situationally become much stronger (Requires a weapon that it consumes in the process? Requires a magic item to use the magic within it?)
>King Shark - Appears to have highly enhanced healing
>Peacemaker - ?
>Deadshot - ?
>Ratcatcher - Can control beasts other than rats
>Enchantress - ?
>Katana - At least is using weapons other than her normal one
>Killer Croc - ?
>Thinker - ?
based af no cap
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What would happen if I got killed by her?
It would be extremely pleasurable
Best Harley design in a long time
Is that why Isekai is so popular?
I just love both, manga and comics.
Comics are fucking garbage lol.
It's like coming to watch a Dragon Ball video and wondering who the creepy green alien is.
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Not gonna lie lads, she's the one who does it for me.
You mean the second show of the new season.
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>Superman = Dragon Ball
>Batman = Death Note
>Fantastic Four = One Piece
>X-MEN = Naruto, My Hero Academia
>Constantine = Jujutsu Kaisen
>Blade = Demon Slayer
>Hellboy = Chainsaw Man
You just like asian characters.
It's not the staff boosting Ratcatcher's command over rats to beastmen? Or is that how emprah is controlling them, considering Katana also has special gear.
It's possible they work off of augmented items instead of just gaining new magic power, but it would be weird for them to be totally different. So my guess is it works more of like a focus or possibly further enhances the ability (range, strength of control, ability to empower them, something like that) rather than causes the change.
I think that's the case. In Katana's intro she's proficient with a sword within the limits of what a person can do. When she reappears, she's deflecting bullets.
Superman < DB
Batman > DN
XMen <<<<< Naruto/MHA
Constantine >>>*>>>>> JJK (Also not same fucking genre, you should compare Cons to Ura Baitou)
Blade < KnY
Hellboy > CSM
And i still say that Comic book are fucking garbarge
I've never read any of the new gods stuff but isn't he not really powerful enough for that?
You've never ready any of those.
Soul sucking
but frankly I would rather engage in another sort of sucking with Katana
Wait fuck I said that the wrong way
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Not even sure what you meant to say considering she's flat as her blade not that that's a bad thing
If she doesn't want me to lick her tummy and tug with my teeth at her sarashi, she shouldn't dress like that .
Why would do you think that being a bad thing is the default newfag?
I meant to say something about her sucking me, it came out sounding like I was a futafag
Calm down Basil.
Well she's a super hero, she can already do that at base. We don't know what augmentations she's gotten other than she's obviously carrying different weapons with unknown abilities.
You'll suck her katana and you'll like it, fag.
aaaa I wanna pull down those pants
the mask-choker-midriff-low-rise-pants ensemble is sekkusu
>This woman has given birth
Perhaps this version of her just lost a boyfriend.
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Is the losing her family actually central to her already being active? maybe it will happen later in this setting, if this is successful I imagine any future Wit DC stuff will continue off this universe, hence they didn't show batman during the joker scenes to keep their options open for his later design.
>Is the losing her family actually central to her already being active
Yeah, she goes from doting housewife to Punisher with a sword after her brother-in-law kills her family.
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>even more trash material for studios to waste their time on
Just what we needed!
Wonder if they will show that at some point then.
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>black character written by a japanese is dancing to a rap song by a wigger
Japan proving they still got the good drugs.
yeah my favorite is this one, MC starts dancing literally out of nowhere
>DC Isekai
>It's not about a comic book fan being reincarnated as Darkseid after he got hit by a truck
based and tummypilled show
Why 10 episodes? Such a unusual amount.
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Short hair BUILT for ruffling
see: >>267829376
anime NEEDS a meme dance, it's so wacky and cool
Warner Bros. ran out of budget (source: my ass)
masked girl and her bare tummy makes me feel funny
what do you mean?
I guess should be attracted more to Harley but something grabbed me about this girl.
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i still don't know what you're talking about
Honestly, I really like Harley having the classic Jester headdress as a hoodie
It's not as good as the actual classic costume, but it's nice
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>built like a beanpole
>messy boyish short hair
>no tits
>skinny legs
>practically emotionless
What is there to like about her?
>What is there to like about her?
When you're in the closet, but not ready to come out yet. She's the perfect character for that.
yeah it's weird that they made a katana that wasn't that hot
That's a man.
Yes that.
Stop, I can only get so erect.
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Not anime, fuck off
this was as bad as i thought was gonna be.
>they release episode preview days before official release.
>is bombarded by negative reviews commenting on the missing fanservice and the change of harley clothes from miniskirt (as shown before) to shorts.
>they release 3 episodes trying to get otakus onboard with the 3 episodes to judge a series.
>still get assblasted by negativity.
watched the episodes and regreted it, for being so hyped as "isekai killer" it was a childlish attempt since only kids get pulled in by "blood and gore".
>Solo leveling is similar in that area,claimed as mature because blood and gore.
>Is the same as any gook stuff of bullied loser finds way to beat strong oponents.
>Most readers and fans are kids that can't even read more then 20 words in a page.
no one cares about that.
>but what about kuro from fate or other same skin color girls on other anime.
well tanned skin is not the same and besides they make sexy girls unlike western.
>is bombarded by negative reviews commenting on the missing fanservice and the change of harley clothes from miniskirt (as shown before) to shorts.
She always had shorts, what is your retarded ass on about?
The old one had husband and son, after new 52 and the other reboot she is married but with no children, she is just a plain widower
in the official pv from months ago she was shown with pleated miniskirt as classic japanese girl.
still even without that is bad (normally to get isekaid you have to die yet.......(
>still even without that is bad (normally to get isekaid you have to die yet.......(

That's not even a rule. If I wasn't already watching this, this is the kind of complaint that would incentivize me.
>in the official pv from months ago she was shown with pleated miniskirt as classic japanese girl.
She literally was not.
This is all the exact same footage from episode 1, nothing changed.
>normally to get isekaid you have to die yet
No you don't retard. Like half of isekai stories feature summoning.
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is normal isekai stuff either get killed or teleported as slave.
is normal isekai stuff the only exemption would be "get isekaid by god of that world".
thanks for agreeing is bad.
God just fuck off to some board that actually speaks your retarded language. You're so baffling ignorant it's embarrassing, not a fucking thing you've said is true.
this is from >>>>/co/ or >>>>/tv/
they should stay on their containment jails.
low quality anime style, not even isekai by isekai rules.
sorry pancho or paco for not talking spainshit.
>Isekai haters: Waaaaaaaaahhh isekai is bad because it's always the same every time waaaaaaaahhh
>Also isekai haters: Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh an isekai didn't do the thing I said all isekai have to do that's illegal waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh
>It reeks of feminism, diversity and ACAB shit.
It doesn't. Besides the niggerlicious ED there's nothing "woke" about it so far.
>low quality anime style, not even isekai by isekai rules.
There are no "rules" you fucking ESL retard. Protip: The Isekai written by this exact same author has the MC summoned, he didn't die to get there and there aren't even gods at all in the world he went to and he's not a slave. Eat shit.
>for being so hyped as "isekai killer"
What are you on about
Anything named 'suicide squad' exists solely as villain fanservice (not the sexual sense) and anyone claiming otherwise doesn't understand the product line at all.
All of dc and marvel is faggot infested trash and by extension so is this.
Lmao you think he actually wrote it and didn't just get paid to put his name on it.
>The credited writer didn't actually write it because... he just didn't, okay?! The whole thing reeks of his style and manner of dialogue including character types he's used in his other work before but he didn't write it because that destroys my asshole
I accept your concession, retard. Man you isekai haters really are just too dumb for one of the dumbest genres ever made. I suggest Teletubbies or Bluey as shit that's more your intellectual match.
Dc and suicide squad fan, in general this is a good suicide squad story. It's normal for amanda waller to screw up a mission and send a second team to clean up her mess
>Dc and suicide squad fan
Kill yourself faggot.
Name 3 examples besides the shit ED you can just skip.
I don't keep up with this crap, which decades old character are they announcing is a faggot this month?
The previous two Suicide Squad animations were pretty good so I have faith in this one.
My only gripe is the lack of Boomerang and Deadshot being black, which is easily solved by NOT watching the dub and just pretend that he's tanned.
I don't get why they keep insisting Deadshot be black (I know, 'muh will smith') when they could double dip diversity points by making boomerang an abbo
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Amanda Waller is legit one of my favorite DC characters, she needs to be FATTER AND UGLIER, but I'll accept this because it's fucking funny.
Kill yourself /co/ckroaches.
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How does a cockroach kill itself?
Sad and pathetic.
>Could've gotten some green lantern isekai kino
>Maybe even a superman isekai
>Instead DC continues to push suicide slop and rave slut Harley down my throat

Wasted potential.
I think it's been alright so far desu.
Eh, the source of most of the comedy in the series is that they are rude, crude convicts and madmen going on an isekai adventure. That's the hook.
You wouldn't get that with Superman or Green Lantern because they'd actually respect the customs and rules of the isekai world.
Rick Flag tried and was still messing up.
I thought this would be way popular, kinda mid so far ngl
There was literally an 80s comic about Atom shrinking down and joining ant-sized barbarians in the Amazon. Would have been perfect.
Cockroaches don't read comics or watch cartoons, anon.
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I hate this show?
I don't care?
>they are rude, crude convicts and madmen going on an isekai adventure.
I'm pretty sure there is already a gorillons of anime/lignt novel/manga about it between the "prostitute isekai" or the "vending machine isekai"
What the fuck is wrong with this place? I just came to /a/ to talk about this show and every thread has been full of racism, homophobia, and transphobia, a lot of it directed at me when I haven't even said anything about being trans. If you don't like it just don't watch it, anime will be better off without you.
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I want that nigger to sit on my face while I'm wearing full Klan regalia and reciting the 14 words over and over until she suffocates me.
anime Sword of the Atom would be insanely cool

I prefer the Suicide Squad as an isekai. Outright criminal fuckups being isekai'd isn't something I've ever seen before, and the cast has a good dynamic.

I would love to see a straightforward Green Lantern anime though. Hal even has the underaged waifu! He's perfect for anime!
meant for
I would much, MUCH rather have Deadshot be black than Boomer not be white. Deadshot is an easy raceswap because he's got a mask anyway, so there's very little to his visual identity that's lost by making him black. Captain Boomerang has an iconic look though that precludes him from a raceswap.
You will never be a woman.
So? I didn't say it was somehow original. Most capeshit is just regurgitating other media but worse.
There's a whole lot of outrage and not enough harley posting
>Frumpy grocery store auntie black woman is somehow appealing as a character when drawn by the Japanese
How the fuck do they do it?
She's a LOT bigger than most black aunties I see at the grocery store, lad. It's like all the fat black aunties merged into one wall of lard and hardassery.
She's way bigger in the DCAU stuff and pre NU-52 comics. Bitch has a pronounced neck fold.
So she's essentially Sister Krone from Promised Neverland?
the dude behind this wanted to make Flash anime, but WB insisted on Harley Squad.
>Superman < DB
I will actually fight you on this just because the 2000's Superman cartoon is really fucking good. Corny at times, yeah. But fuck you, I'll fight you. It's equal to Dragonball, for different reasons, but still great nontheless.

I have no qualms with any other opinion you have.
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She gets pushed down our throats as it is. Clayface was the real surprise hit, even though he's basically Boomer's whole schtick.
Kill yourself, retarded tourist. This shit shouldn't even be allowed here. Harley Quinn has become absolute cancer in recent years and now the same subhumans that ruined /u/ with ugly /co/shit and actual tumblr retardation have a license to shit up /a/ just because WB or any other big American studio can't not be a blight to everything these days. It's inexcusable and we need to be even worse.
Nah, the actor shtick was already a thing in that Harley Quinn comedy show.
If anything they gave Boomer's personality to Deadshot.
Captain Boomerang.
Yeah, Lawton is usually the professional killer who has to tard wrangle when flag isn't the one doing it. I dropped suicide squad comic when Harley became leader with dead shots recommendation. I think this was new52. Haven't read comics in like a decade.
>shit up /a/
Implying /a/ wasn't already shit
This. This board was lapping up Netflix One Piece.
How can one entitled generation fuck the world up so much?!
Shonen spics*
All the best isekai stories involve going through some sort of portal.
>he's basically Boomer's whole schtick.
Kek yeah, you can put Boomer in all the scenes where he isn't using his clay powers and it wouldn't look out of place
It's bait you dumb fucking moronic newnigger
I like the show a lot so far. Clayface and Peacemaker are fun.
I like how they made Joker and Harley more grounded instead of treating them like superhumans
Joker getting pushed back by regular cops and Harley getting outclassed and actually showed desperation against a melee fighter like Katana already makes this better than in the comics where Joker scares everyone shitless just because and Harley being some super acrobat that's able to take out the JL
You are out of your mind.
anyone who watched justice league knows her
Mori is whiter than you, you dungpile
Harley is kind of superhuman in the comics now. Ivy gave her increased agility and a resistance to toxins
Neat gay gf buffs
Kill yourself a hundred times
I hope the director gets to make the Flash anime he wants
Did he ever mention which Flash the anime will be about?
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It wasn't specified but we got this gem out of it
That was pre-New 52 (and in her 2000s solo comic it also said Harley is dependent on Ivy's juices or she'll literally die.)

I believe post-N52 the new origin for her powers is from when she was created by the Joker dipping her in the same chemical slurry he was created in.

Yeah I also really liked how the Joker was a lot more scaled back too. I'm so used to seeing the Joker be this giant OP force of nature due to every writer wanting to put their own spin on him that him just being a theatrical criminal is refreshing
>Clayface thinks Alice in Wonderland is an Isekai
If this happens in the future I hope the Rogues are included
it is THOUGH
this shit fucking cracked me up when I saw it, good shit
The Japanese consider it one and it's their word.
I miss when King Shark was a Hawaiian serial killer demigod who was on the same level as Superboy instead of a dopey guy who just happens to be a shark
me too. I get that he's funny but there has to be some middle ground between "literal brain of a kindergartener" and "just killer croc again"
It's almost funny that he's been so divorced from his origin that there's never been any "controversy" over him not being Hawaiian
at most people would complain about his name being "appropriative" but they just call him King Shark all the time so nobody reads anything into it.

I like assault on arkham Shark but i do like the visual gags they get to do with him in SSI (like just swallowing whole guys) so I'm really conflicted about what I would prefer out of him.
>assault on arkham Shark
FrostBite OTP
based and correct. Maybe if there's a SSI2 we'll get Frosty in it
Assault on Arkham stacy Frosty or Hell to Pay goth girl Frosty?
my heart will always belong to Assault on Arkham Louise.
Because he learned the language from rude, crude convicts
lean, mean fucking machines.
Patiently waiting for the 'Harley switches place with the princess' episode
HOLY FUCK your comparisons are terrible past the 1st one
Harley and that Princess need to tongue wrestle
over what, the right to lick katana's tummy?
Why this thing flopped?
Oh she can join in too fuck I just finished jerking off to Harley and Katanas duel ending in a lesbian hate sex on the rooftop
Its been fucking years since an isekai has almost destroyed my lungs in laughter this shit is fucking hilarious
Go ahead and report the thread then, hell go on irc and talk to the mods, you seem confident enough the threads don't belong her and trying to uphold the rules but let's see out the rulemakers themselves feel.
It's not eve aired on jap tv yet
Make it edgier, instead of her son dying she miscarries.
>not even isekai by isekai rules.
So combatants will be dispatched isn't isekai either by your standards?
Can you try speaking english?
>are we sum kinna suicide squuuuuuuuuuuuuuad
can't believe they actually said this
If it premiered in Japanese, then it's anime.
He is speaking english, ESL-kun
actually looks like the most corporate pushed shit I’ve seen in anime. This will have no soul at all.
Origin story of Superman and Goku are "respectful" but they're almost same. I think title is dragon ball minus?
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They said this show was only going to be 10 episodes long and the first 3 would be the only ones to be released as a batch, that means from now on it's only 1 episode per week, I'm sure people would lose interest rather fast and I think 13 or even 12 episodes would be better than just 10, shit's going to feel rushed as fuck
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Liked the first three episodes. Definitely getting some of that "assholes in a fantasy world" humor I had hoped for.

Though I worry it'll wind up a bit too shallow. I feel like DC won't let them put in any kind of actual emotional core to the characters and it'll just be irreverent piss taking the whole time.
Like, Konosuba is also assholes in Isekai, but they also have good moments of them showing genuine care for each other and some emotional developments. I don't know if anyone but Harley could get something like that here.
Use MAL like a normal person /co/mblr.
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Killer Croc and the second Clayface (the one being used on this show) are tragic characters in the comics, but Clayface is only here to be played for laughs and Killer Croc is only in the show to be killed by Harley and company
so you won't be getting emotional stuff, this shit is only 10 episodes long so I can see why they would rather focus on comedy and violence over actual narrative
/co/trannies blown away by the concept of having attractive characters.
I'm not going to bother scrolling more than one result down on google just because you can't understand the english language paco. Can you fuck off already? People are trying to talk about anime.
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a bit of will smith, a but of assault on arkham that made deadshot darker, and well now everyone kind of sees him as black. Also Who are in the previous team? I think I saw enchantress and we have katana, which seems to have betrayed rick flag, so she doesn't have his back
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I like this Harley design, looks younger and shorter than usual
boomer schtick is being a huge jerkass, the actor thing fits clayface
You're just making yourself look like a bigger newfaggot.
Previous team was Katana, Enchantress, Killer Croc and Ratcatcher, I'm also sure Joker is going to show up to be the final boss somehow since he was talking about wanting to leave to another world and take it over
also technically Killer Croc is black, he just mutated into a giant reptile
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Akira Amano was the original character designer, right? I think I remember seeing that before when this was first announced.
He does good work with design. It's just his writing is mediocre. Still enjoyed REBORN! as generic shounen, but it was pretty disappointing in a lot of parts.
Amusing to see Japan's reactionary slugs are just as delusional and sucked into a phantom culture war as the /pol/tards
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Bait used to at least try.
Almost forgot "The Thinker", he's in the intro, they usually only use him to kill him off
Capeshit bros we eating good on all fronts. Ignore the politically charged chudcels overreacting to everything.
I'm even having a blast watching The Boys on Amazon
except for enchantress, not a particularly dangerous team, but prone to betraying. Also why would katana betray the team? She's more of an outsiders character and a handler when she's around the squad, unless it's part of amanda's plan to topple the kingdom by aiding the empire. . .
They're clearly setting up for some "rivals" in the teams already with Harley vs Katana and Deadshot vs Ratcatcher.
Wonder who will be for the others. Killer Croc to King Shark is a bit too on the nose but they may just go with it. Clayface vs The Thinker could have some good smug idiots going at it. Which would leave Pacemaker vs Enchantress which sounds funny enough.
So the princess looking just like Harley has to play into things somehow, right?

They gonna do a switcharoo at some point? Also feels like the human empire is actually gonna turn out to be the villains here and they'll have to kill the bitch queen.
Katana will either be brainwashed or a double agent.
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The first Clayface from the 40s had no super powers, he was just a serial killer with a cool mask but when they brough him back in the late 80s/early 90s he stole the powers from the other Clayfaces and was easy one of the most OP Batman villains if you don't count Gentleman Ghost, the fucker could fly, had corrosive acid powers and fire powers, Batman was unable to beat him and he only lost because his corrosive powers caused him to fall throught the ground, they had to nerf the shit out of him in later years so Batman could actually fight back
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Remember that dancing is a literal primal instinct thing with most modern humans.
It's part of socialization skills which is the thing that makes society well, exist. Also works to pick up a partner for reproduction in the most basic sense. Which is like, the whole point of why the body even cares to keep you alive and tells you to meet god as soon as you would like to after your 30s.
DChads can't stop winning
I hate tiktok cancer so much it's unreal /a/
Dancing ED have existed for like 30+ years my dude. They're hardly original.
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There's a bat in the opening so Batman might show up unless they only want to use villains and antiheroes in which case that could be Man-Bat instead
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>Did nothing but watch TV and eat pizza for months
>Didn't got fat
They also apparently still let her do her hair and make-up in prison.
Ya know what they say:
>"Hit the lean!"
I'm diamonds
File deleted.
Her original version from the 90s cartoon said that she wasn't a real blonde, that means that they allowed her to dye her hair blonde after she was arrested
she's cute, black milfs are an underrated category waiting to be exploited, haven't seen one since Lenora from pokemon
I like Black Deadshot better because I used to like how gangsters acted in those 2000s movies and Deadshot practically perma-shoots and acts like that with his wrist guns.
>T. Not American.
Will Smith's Deadshoot was kinda boring in group scenes. Bloodsport so far felt better but maybe it was just Gunn's direction.
Anyways, Anime Harley cute.
Why aren't these characters attractive? I thought Japan made cute girls? Do they have any actual creative control in this shit?
Flash is kinda tainted RN due to Ezra Miller BS but it's Flash, give it a year or two and people will completely forget about it and welcome whatever new hint of a new Live-Action Flash and by associating, welcome any new other version of Flash with no real permanent association with the original DCEU Flash because clean slate ensues.
Don't belittle Clayface by comparing him to whiny boomers than dodged the draft in vietnam and now demand their grandkids to die in ukraine and israel.
for fuck's sake anon boomer refers to captain boomerang
>Flash beating some isekai time god or demon lord in fluid anime style and using his vast repertory of speed force abilities against whatever SSS+ difficulty level magic that other monster is using.
Could be kino.
>give it a year or two and people will completely forget about it and welcome whatever new hint of a new Live-Action Flash
Lmao every shit movie thats comes out is creating more and more people that are swearing off super hero shit.
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Most people talk about how Peacemaker has the same VA as DIO, but the VA also voiced other villains as back as the 90s where her voiced Rezo/copy Rezo in Slayers and FlameHeart/FlameSoul in Orphen
as for non evil characters he voiced Daisuke (Ranma's best friend) in Ranma 1/2 and Jinpu (the chinese feng-shui wizard) in the Rurouni Kenshin anime where he even got a character song:
>did you know one of the most famous seiyuus around has has had many roles
Thank you for sharing.
The 90s Orphen is still better than the shitty remake even if neither is really good
Easy there big boi
She's a psychopathic psychiatrist that dodges knives and bullets. I'm sure she does at least 500 backflips in her cell everyday.
Too bad they're recasting everyone for the Ranma remake so he wont reprise that role
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Why didn't we have bait posts like this when the Iron Man, Wolverine, X-Men and whatever the fourth one was aired?
It's kinda obvious in recent iterations that they barely live the prison life for the sake of keeping them in-line.
/co/niggers stayed in their board.
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The show is actually fun if you know these obscure comic facts.
>Suicide Squad anime thread
>not a single /ss/ joke
I'm disappointed, /a/.
I still don't understand why that shitty remake got 3 seasons.
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Nobody watched it.
/co/ckroaches don't even know what that means.
I meant Clayface being an actor
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this anime sucks but the dancing monkey is hilarious
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I liked the evil loli from the 90s show even if she was anime original
I like the more punk aesthetic. It fits with the anarchist vibes that her and Joker are giving in the first episode.
The recent shit where they tried to turn her into a roller girl really didn't gel with me.
I mean I was already expecting this capeshit to be embarrassing since its pozzed westernslop being adapted, but this is even more than I could expect, especially this roundabout shilling. Fuck off.
Exactly this.
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Katana's design is also good
We have /ss/ threads, it's just that suicide squad doesn't lend itself for those kind or jokes
>Katana, one of the better fighters/martial artists in DC
>Harley going toe to toe with her for a while
I missed when DC didn't wank Harley into this combat expert and she was just the abused trickster companion of the Joker that like him used gadgets and trickery to beat her enemies. I also wish she didn't look like fucking trailer trash. All the le quirky evil girls in vidya like Jinx from LOL and Juri are direct result of this bitch.
She got overpowered pretty easily here so it could be that Katana was just playing with her at first.
Watched an episode without knowing anything about this. It's some kind of marvel spinoff for minor villains? Doesn't seem to be much appeal beyond that.
>Doesn't seem to be much appeal beyond that.
There isn't, but corpo suits have been trying to make it a thing for years despite that.
Killer croc, enchantress, ratcatcher, katana and the thinker
90's kid here and I miss fun racism.
Didn't know Hank Hill was the star of this show.
This is the first time Harley Quinn has looked attractive in over a decade.
>2 decades...
It's DC
Minor supervillains being forced to work for the government has been a thing for decades.

Being small time makes it easier for the writer to kill them off, unless you're one of the more popular ones, but the threat of being blown up still gives a sense of urgency for the protagonists. Also being villains gives the excuse to have the protagonists be assholes
>It's DC
What's the difference?
>has been a thing for decades
So it doesn't even have novelty going for it.
not watching this slop but harley quinn looks fucking hot in this
They did this but he gets incarnated as Superboy.
The only gag that really landed for me was Deadshot making Rat Catcher his homie.
I'll forgive the anime as long as that sheboon gets shot in the face in the last episode.
>Also being villains gives the excuse to have the protagonists be assholes
Maybe they should try a comic book villain reincarnated as an otome game villain.
So this summer she is dancing in anime and planning to enslave all superheroes in comics.
That bellybutton is asking for a licking
WB owns it while Disney owns Marvel
In layman's terms, DC is Batman and Superman
Marvel is Spider-man and Iron Man.
So basically nothing?
All look same.
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>All look same.
How about now?
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>Flash vs Generic Isekai God
Nah. Just go all out and give us the money match that we want
DId you miss the part where the warden had been sucking up to her hoping for a crumb of pussy
It's still two completely different rosters that can't really interact officially anymore due to it involving too much pride and money involved with the companies that own the IPs
That's inj*stice Harley, nothing to do with Suicide Squad
She's the cutest when she's just normal and has blonde pigtails
looks like a man in a wig
It's a girl. Akira Amano is the perfect example of how fujos draw the cutest girls together with cute/hot boys. Her own series are very mediocre but her design work is pretty good
why is suicide squad popular
It isn't.
Hits multiple demos. Capeshit nerds like it because they like all capeshit. Smelly weirdos with Joker tattoos like it because it's the kind of specific capeshit that caters to them. Women like it more than average capeshit pretty much because of Harley.

It is, at least in terms of finances. Thins like merchandise sales don't lie anon. People keep mentioning that David Ayers movie doing well financially but it didn't just do well financially, all the merch did AMAZING. In fact merch based on his take of the team continued to sell long after that movie was in people's minds. There is a certain kind of weirdo it appeals to, you not liking it does not change this.
Lmao only faggots and trannies still read capeshit.
It's not.
Superman is nothing like Dragonball.
Batman doesn’t like killing
Fantastic four is more like Seinfeld lol
X-men is about powers being misused but someone became about Yakub overtime
Constantine is Magic and Sorcery not Shintoism
Blade and Hellboy I don’t know about.
Isekai = shit
Capeshit = shit
You eat double shit
Apparently having a black character in an anime makes a show woke.

But gay is OK
sales are sales
Cute Mall Ninja Waifu
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>Blade = Demon Slayer
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>Blade < KnY
>XMen <<<<< Naruto/MHA
It isn't, it sometimes works like the anímate movies or this, it sometimes doesn't like the game where they try to make them heroes.
Less Homosexual than XNigger, that's for fucking sure
MHA/Naruto straight up better world building and interesting ability than XNigger
I can even say that the existing of XNigger actually screwing up Marvel Hero and World
Hell, i even think that Boruto > XMen
Ouch, not even mha fans would say that
Decuck alone is more homo than anything in X-Men or even Marvel in general. And that's including their cringey 2016-2020 period faggying up and "diversifying" everything.
>Decuck alone is more homo than anything in X-Men or even Marvel in general
>He doesnt know
Deku can have an entire chapter of him fucking a woman (female), and he'd still be homo.
Being gayer than x-men is quite an achievement, dangit dekuck
Looks like they're trying hard to appeal to the average ironic anime memefaggot with this show. Just cringe all around.
I literally can't stop fapping to Waller. Send help please.
It takes a while to ship a gun in the mail, anon.
I'm sorry but my anime dance OP shits on your anime dance OP
I forgot the fucking link because I'm retarded and now my argument has lost credibility
I never said about MHA has better MC than XNigger
I just saying world building is mile better than XNigger
>graphic was okay (for WIT)
>voice acting (RULE BRITANIA AND DIO) was supreme
>humor was also pretty nice (ep3)

I like it.
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>a strongstyle response to the politically correct demands with a lariat
i don't know what the hell he meant by this but i like the cut of his gib
The music used in the actual movie was so lazy. The fucking Twitter edits were more memorable than that.
Fun racism is around, anon. You just have to keep an eye out. I found out this morning that the city of Anna, Illinois is an acronym for the city's real name which is Ain't No Niggers Allowed, Illinois and people that live there are just completely aware of this fact.
For as shitty as that Suicide Squad movie, it was the version that took off in pop culture. People were unironically dressing like that version from Harley Quinn. The James Gunn version of Suicide Squad didn't make a dent, despite being a better-made film. But even with that, WB gambling so hard on SS becoming the next Guardians of the Galaxy has been an outrageous flop. And yes, I'm talking about the game.
Why are her eyes blue here?
Mind-controlled or possessed is my bet.
Flat woman are superior because you can get a better angle while proneboning them.
I want to rape harley and get her pregnant so fucking much
>Mori ED
Could have been interesting if it wasn’t Harley focused
The trifecta of pure dogshit
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>watch first episode
>da jokah is drinving a piano fueled car
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>put it back hun, we already have anime harley quinn at home

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