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Cute and canon couple.
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>in reality
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Akane prefers old dicks though
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This stuff really made some people mad.
Kana avenged Nino
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>if Aqua knew she was Sarina from the start
Aqua's old dick.
Gooks say full spoilers in one hour
Ruby will get Melted SOON
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Ruby won.
Reminder that Ai wouldn't approve of twincest.
Akane as her sister-in-law.
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Reminder that Ai would only approve of Akane as Aqua's wife.
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Face of young jump btw.
He made it up.
Aka and Mengo are really building Ruby up to be the new Ai, down to getting the same tragic end.
It's still funny that Ruby got chosen over Kingdom though.
Kana will kill her like how Nino killed Ai.
Reminder that next chapter is so bad it's going to start a shitstorm
No, it's probably just chinese people crying over Kamiki not being a super villain. Chinese people have very black and white villains in their media as well as revenge is very black and white.
Except we already saw that in 147 and the last chapter
Not from Kamiki himself. The DVD will probably make him cry and repent which is why chinese people are mad.
This would also serve to make the apparent "threat" disappear until Nino shows up with a knife.
It was revealed to me in a dream
>Not from kamiki himself
We did see it from him. He didn't mind to be punished after his reunion with Ruby and Kamiki himself said he was ready to receive his punishment and even with a pinch of whitewashing by making Kamiki say he was happy for having to talk with his son
After 147 there was at least the chance that he is preparing to go with a big bang and some purpose. Fuck me even the chapter ends with him yapping a cliffhanger into the sky.
Jokes on you, the thing he claimed was just the interviews
Obviously. But we were talking about hopes after 147.
Has doomfaggotry rotted your brains this much or are you both retarded enough to actually believe this?
Aka's brain has rotted to the point where this is the most likely truth.
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Wooby won
Are you ready for the biggest hackery tet to be seen?
There's a reason chinks are fucking pissed.
>shit series continues to get more shit
This has happened too many times for me to care anymore.

/a/ has collectively begun to understand that 11s can't write endings
Doomchads have continuously proven to be in the right most of the time
Nips were angry that foreigner leaked this cover
Nips are always angry about leaks.
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Are nips angry about Ruby's leaking pussy?
No they like it
They are literally me.
Akane's loose pussy is leaking ojisan semen again
This is someone's hero btw
RubyMelt is canon?
>rats have completely lost touch with reality
No, ShinRuby is canon
That's my hero!
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>she sees your dick
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>she sees your dick
Happyna :^)
>He sees your dick
The storyboard of that chapter should be amazing.
I want to fuck ilk in the ass.
Why would you want to do that? It's unwashed.
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>Secret love
>Bloodline yearns
>Dark minds embrace
>Crimson joy
>Does your dim heart
>Heal or destroy?
>Bury the light deep within!
>Cast aside, there's no coming home!
>We're burning chaos in the wind!
>Drifting in the ocean all alone!
>Before Kamiki goes to jail, he tells Aqua he wants an Unrated version of 15 Year Lie that featuring graphic sex scenes based off him and Ai
>Aqua obliges
>In fact, Kamiki coaches Aqua and Ruby
>"Disappointing. Ai was much better at giving head, Ruby. Also, Aqua, your thrusts are too slow. Sex like that wouldn't satisfy Ai. Hell, it wouldn't satisfy Airi."
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Nice >>268222642
>Frill getting bit too into her Airi role that she becomes a genuine child molester
Her first victim will be Aqua. This is the Frill end I warned you all about
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Reminder Nino is an antagonist.
>inbefore Kamiki didn't really kill Ai
Aqua puto
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Reminder Nino is cuter than Ai
Reminder that Nino is the mother of Kamiki's secret fourth child.
Which she aborted.
Ai-chan the CUTEST!
If she switches to black stars, will she kill you?
Reminder Akane loves fat balding ugly old men
I can't believe Kamiki got NTRd
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>It's a woman.
>A woman?
>Yeah, she's having sex with a boy.
>Oh, but she's ugly, right?
>Well, no, not really. It's the actress, Airi Himekawa.
>The one with the long dark hair?
>Some young boy is having sex with Mrs. Himekawa?
>What? No you don't understand!
>You sure they've had sex?
>Has she performed oral sex on him!
>I think so.
>So wait, what's the crime?
>The crime is she isn't doing it with me!
>Hey, he's totally underage! She's taking advantage of him!
>You're right. We're sorry. This is serious. We need to track this kid down, and give him his luckiest boy in Japan medal right away.
Canonically broke up too!
>I am forgotten...
>Cloud Strife
>Loid Forger
I think I have a type.
Fucking nerd
Ruby will get Melted and then Shunned very soon
We're so close to the anime I can feel some solace and joy about this series again.
In only 2 weeks Akane date will be animated too
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Frill's husband.
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I can't get over you
Can’t get over you
And before I die, I pray that
I could be the one
That I could be the one
But I won't be no fun
If I can't have you, no one can
You are odd
>artist's pixiv is full of literal toddler porn
>he's from argentina
of fucking course
I can't wait for Ruby to kiss Melt
It's those German genes. Full of depravity.
Aqua will fuck Kana, and Melt will beat the shit out of him.
With his dick.
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>we wuz german n sheit
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The worst of the worst. I guarantee the fucker that drew that has germ*n genes.
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Aqua is for Ruby
I hate kana
Aqua (OnK) would approve.
I think you're just tsun for her
I hate Ruby so much. She ruined my career as an idol.
That one character with the glasses from early in the manga who went into marketing...
Akane just admit you'd lez it out with her.
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Cute and canon
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>when he won't stop being needy
What really sent Hikaru over the edge was no longer getting headpats from Ai
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Akane will provide Hikaru what Ai denied him.
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>That one doujn where Akane does her Ai larp and fucks all those dudes
I came buckets.
I have never been able to comprehend people wanting Aqua to end up with Akane. I get Kana and Ruby. Akane's role in the plot has always felt like a total afterthought to me and I don't understand how they think her and Aqua have anything remotely close to a functional or sensible relationship.
Best not to think about it too hard. I'd like to believe that our resident Akanefriends know deep down that it doesn't make much sense and is just wishful thinking
Makura Eigyoushi no Ko by darkmaya.
Anon, that wasn't a douijn. That was canon manga material.
>I have never been able to comprehend people wanting Aqua to end up with Akane. I get Kana and Ruby.
Ruby is understandable. Kana isn't. She's completely irrelevant and a complete bitch. Akane has actually done a ton to help Aqua. And without her help his incestuous little sister would be brain damaged or dead by now. Akane and Aquas relationship was the most "real" out of any possible ships in this series. AquKana is just a joke though.
KYS ojisanschizo
that's Aqua look at his eye
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No, Melt got his star eye after this happened off-screen during the timeskip
Not only is Akane literally the only heroine who is actually relevant to the plot, AquAka is the only organic relationship. I have no idea what brain damage possessed you to write this.
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Akane just took ANOTHER ojisan into her hotel room.
>to the plot
Plot is shit and so is Akane.
Akane is doing a service to Japan. Relieving the sexual frustration of old men. She could be the key to fixing hikkis and neets. She just needs to fuck them also.
How about you fuck off instead shitting up the thread with your spam ojisanschizo?
I agree with you that they're wrong about AquAka not being functional or sensible. But I don't see how YOU are brain damaged enough to think that Ruby isn't relevant to the plot. Kana is the only irrelevant heroine logically. Functionally irrelevant to the plot.
I just can't believe she did it again after she'd stopped for 3 whole days
The plot is AquAka. The moment that stopped being the focus of the story it became shit.
Ojisanschizo was spamming literally last thread, up until the very last post.
Ruby will marry Aka himself. Aqua will marry Mengo.
So Melt and Kana respectively, got it.
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no I was talking about Akane
No you were talking about yourself.
Akane has already claimed Kana-chan's body for herself.
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It's only natural that Melt, as Akas favorite character, would end up with Ruby, a protagonist. And it's only natural Kana, Mengos favorite character, would end up with Aqua, a protagonist.
Was there anything new from Chinese leakers who said that everyone will be angry at the new chapter?
Mengo's favourite character is Ruby. She just likes seeing Kana cry, that's all.
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Because AquAka is the strongest pairing this series produced naturally simply by writing them together.
The most powerful fans and the most subhuman haters all gravitate around it, a sign that shows that AquAka is a writing marvel from an hack that hasn't realized it just yet but will now that season 2 will make Akane explode in popularity unless he purposefully mishandles her scenes.
They will be mishandled. Like have you seen the 1st season and the anime staff obsession with kana?
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This was when I was convinced that Akane is best girl and Kana, the winning love interest and the titular Oshi no Ko, is shit. Sadly, MC prefers the selfish abusive tsundere over a kind and caring girl.
>They will be mishandled
Akane's episodes were the best in season 1.
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They nailed most Akane scenes in season 1, so I want to see it for myself.
>the winning love interest
That's Akane.
>the titular Oshi no Ko
That's Ruby.
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>Mengo's favourite character is Ruby.
Headcanon. Kana is her favorite character and her self insert.
>This was when I was convinced that Akane is best girl
So acts like an annoying mom? That's cringe and no one really wants that kind of attitude from their gf.
>schizo collage
Mengo literally said that Kana is an Aka character.
Someone clearly wanted that attitude enough to marry and make a mother out of them.
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Yeah Akane is very tender and kind, even when Aqua didn't reply to her messages she still sent another two just to show him that her care is genuine but not overbearing.
So? Still her favorite character.
what will Aqua think when he finds out about the ojisans? will he care?
Ok Aqua
Stop shitposting on /a/ and do something useful, your dad isn't gonna kill himself. On second thought actually, he just might.
Literally your headcanon. Aka wrote the ending for Mengo and it's supposedly going to be a happy ending for everyone but Kana.
Holy shit Akane really was his mom
>So acts like an annoying mom?
Are you talking about Kana here? All Akane did was text him.
>Aka wrote the ending for Mengo and it's supposedly going to be a happy ending for everyone but Kana.
LMAO. Now that's some schizo headcanon right there.
>Akane was also missing
Anon... I think that while making your argument, you missed a very important detail from this page.
He knows already and couldn't care less, because Akane is just one of Goro-Aqua's many temporary onaholes.
>author interviews are schizo headcanon
>an opinion formed from some random collage somehow isn't
There is literally not a single interview where Aka has said everyone will get a happy ending except for Kana. So yes, it's schizo fucking headcanon retard.
>All Akane did was text him.
She wrote the most mommy stuff imaginable.
Because Aqua will make her a mommy.
Aqua likes everything about Akane though. He only hates k*na.
4 days until AquAka season
Praying for Flowers in the addict romance
Why do you care
Aqua is Akane's permanent boytoy.
>A minor shouldn't drink booze
>Don't drink it even if some adult asks you to.
This is mom talk.
The only person being annoying in that scene was Kana.
He is a mentally ill self-inserter.
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Or a qt autist who is concerned
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Do we get early leaks ?
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Which girl is best suited for me?

Pic related
But enough about rats.
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Because I want to see it in animated form
Don't care. Detective waifus are top tier. Simple as.
>”Akane Kurokawa was also missing”
Where did Akane go in that party?

Anyways this sequence is weird. Why is Kana saying “good night” when it’s morning?
Why is Akane asking if he went back home safely if in the next message she’s saying he shouldn’t drink?
Why is Kana such an ugly gremlin?
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>Where did Akane go in that party?
You just know.
Ruby. She has the tightest pussy as it's never been used.
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But Aqua is old men, and Akane wasn't with him.
>Ruby saying today is a safe day, but she lied and she gets pregnant.
It's alright Melt, you can always just force her to abort it.
All Life Deserves To Be Born In This World.
No, akaneschizo was a mistake.
Except for Ruby's spawn, of course. No one wants a retardbaby, which is what you're guaranteed to get with her.
Believing what? That Hikaru was just a raped confused broken kid and after Ai's death he just "existed" in the onk universe until he got cooked by Aqua? Yeah, I think this is the directon we're now heading. Clearly
She will die during childbirth for lying
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(You) are a mistake. Akane"schizo" isn't.
No anon it's obviously those subhuman native american genes are you retarded
due to my erectile dysfunction i didn't get a boner but because of my great sense of humor I laughed my fucking ass off thanks anon
>Kana is irrevelant because she is fuctionally irrelevant to the revenge plot that happens to fucking suck btw
>produced naturally
The naturally produced pairing of being saved mid air (already jumped) and then obsessing in pleasing her saviour, being kissed in a dating show and becoming a fake couple, spending time as a fake couple without even holding hands, starting dating "for real" but offscreened and then monologud that boyfriend loves someone else and that they're still a fake couple, hopes somebody they will be real anyway, tries to kill daddy so that her dream can finally become true, loses everything.

Absolutely naturally produced pairing by simply being written together without any underlying plot reason at all !!!
such an annoying bitch, just like her fans
Baconhands was mediocre
But enough about k*na.
Are you okay anon?
You'e in love with the deus ex machine plot device
Sure it is, kraut. Your kinds degeneracy has ravaged the world plenty without adding disgusting shit like that into it.
post skin
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>when the mc has a more compelling dynamic with the “plot device” rather than the supposed main love interest
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the greatest comeback in romcom history
kana doesnt deserve a happy ending and an incest ending will never happen
so I root for akane by process of elimination
plus akane is cuter, sexier and her star-eye reveal was the best episode in the anime
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You germ*n degenerates have done enough harm.
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Say, if anime adapts the 4 Mengo interludes would you like it?
If you mean with "more compelling dynamic" a fake relationship that was needed to move the revenge plot and a fake relationship to protect his actual love interest, then yeah you are personifying a plot by projecting it as actual character traits of your girl.

Naturally you still can't understand why it had to end so "abrupt" with Akane and therefore you're trapped with your 100 times debunked confession panel and will cry forever that Aka "retconned" it while it was never a thing and 100 times explained why there was never a need to retcon anything.
>more compelling dynamic with the “plot device”
If you want to fuck your own mother then maybe.
good song choice
Are you a turk? lol
German genes just make everything more efficient. But the what exactly they enhance is rooted in the degenecary of the admixture. You're defending stone age degenerate genetics from across the ocean to "dunk" on whites. You're spiritually brown and prob a mud.

Not my fault your ancestros get raped by germans and now your autism is 1000% more efficient.
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Yes, Kana and Akane fighting over the "One Cock" was peak
No. I'm white. And I'm not dunking on whites. I'm dunking on Germ*ns. Who aren't white.
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Umm Oshi no Ko...?
You've been spamming this bullshit for quite a while now faggot.
Ah I fucking hate bluepilled poser racists. Pure reddit moment
>Believing what?
That the last thing he was going to do was conduct interviews for the movie? If so, then yes, you may be retarded. Doomfaggots at least have an excuse because Aka's hackery mindbroke them.
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Kana no Ko!
Yes, Tokai-chan?
You might think you're "white" kraut but you don't truly belong.
>Naturally you still can't understand why it had to end so "abrupt"
Because Aka couldn’t come up with a real legitimate in-universe reason to make them break up, but he had to break them up because it was obvious that she wasn’t supposed to be the main love interest. I’m not even an Akane shipper, it’s just super funny how AquAka had more chemistry than Aka intended for a losing heroine and this makes kanafags seethe because AquKana interactions are just Aqua and other characters greentexting how great Kana is and how they like each other, lmao. It’s almost unbelievable that the person who wrote Kaguya is the same one writing AquKana from how amateurish and shallow it comes across.
>t. Someone who never had a loving and caring partner
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How very true
The only explanation for how shit AquKana is is that Kana isn't the main heroine, but if Kana isn't the main heroine at the end of this it just means Aka wasted 40 fucking chapters on this shit tier romance shit between Aqua and Kana and others greentexting their supposed love for absolutely fucking nothing while speedrunning the actually important shit.
A winning honse like Teio knows to support Kana the winning girl
Hmm. No my point was to say that after I read 147 I didn't expect him to conduct the interviews but to prepare something bigger, since he was talking to Nino. But I guess she was indeed just inserted randomly so that Hikaru has a sparring partner for his info dump on us.
Thankfully any true winning HORSE would know to bet on RUBY who the entire premise of the story REVOLVES AROUND.
>>t. Someone who never had a loving and caring partner
Yes, you've never even touched a person of the opposite sex (who is not your mother) in your life akaneschizo, we know.
Aka stopped caring about everything else.
damn what a bop. We don't have the ED visuals yet do we?
>Has as much presence as air for 2/3 of the entire story
Don't put too much money on your losing bet McQueen
Not Akaneschizo, but keep seething. I hope one day you’ll understand how it feels to be in a loving relationship where your partner wants the best for you and treats you with kindness!
It's true no matter how much you seethed about it.
>but if Kana isn't the main heroine at the end of this it just means Aka wasted 40 fucking chapters on this shit tier romance shit between Aqua and Kana and others greentexting their supposed love for absolutely fucking nothing while speedrunning the actually important shit.
First harem? Also, what “romance”? Being drawn together is not romance and neither is talking to each other
>Aka couldn’t come up with a real legitimate in-universe reason to make them break up,
Except he did? Aqua's relationship with Akane was just a mean for him to escape his revenge from the start. Everyone with a brain knew this theme would resurface sooner or later and their subsequent break up is inevitable.
>Aqua's relationship with Akane was just a mean for him to escape his revenge from the start
Just like Kana
>t. Someone who never had a loving and caring partner
t. someone who never had a loving and caring mother

> it’s just super funny how AquAka had more chemistry than Aka intended for a losing heroine
What do you mean by chemistry though? Most Akanefans imagine the chemistry must have been great according to a phone call. So their great chemistry was literally offscreened then? Wow. That's so great... They ate parfain together! The other chemistry that was going on was plot relevant for the revenge and naturally declines with the importance of the revenge plot itself.

So it's not
>Because Aka couldn’t come up with a real legitimate in-universe reason to make them break up
But because Aka never intended them to GET TOGETHER without a real legimitate (romantic) in-uiverse reason to begin with

You spend too much time reading 4chan greentexts of kana haters or even compose them yourself and it has rotted your brain.
the fact you discuss more about akane than any other character in this dogshit manga just confirms she's better written than the other bitch because fuck sake you can't pass a day without seething over her
no leaks yet
Aqua is a complete bitch. Escape revenge when revenge is just a stupid movie my ass.
nta and not a waifufag either, but the chapters where akane was the focus are much more entertaining to read than kana's or ruby's
it is truly a shame she isn't the main heroine, that way we would've got more akane chapters
>the fact you discuss more about akane than any other character
Literally fake news tho? Everyone "discusses" Kana here most of the time with occasional peeing in the akaneschizo's dumb faces.
>their subsequent break up is inevitable.
Their subsequent breakup didn’t even touch this topic. Couldn’t even write a proper breakup dialogue, instead we have Aqua acting schizo as always and Akane acknowledging that he’s acting in contradictory ways “you said you wanted to use me but now you’re being kind…”
>“I never loved Akane and I always used her, I even put a GPS on her and took advantage of her position and intelligence but now I’m breaking up to keep her away from my revenge otherwise she’ll get into dangerous situations or ruin her own life… because I care about her!” Then never goes over their relationship again, next time he sees Akane she declares she will stop him and get involved in his revenge again and Aqua instead of telling her off he challenges her to try. Bravo Aka, great writing, now lay down the drugs or take your meds.
I mean she is the main heroine for the revenge plot. People just need to understand that this isn't a justification for the romance plot. And that's fine.
that's not true at all
Akane "discussion" consists of someone ojisanposting, which causes one or more of the akaneschizos to completely lose their minds and shit up the thread for a couple of hours. Rubyfags and Kanafags butting heads has more substantive discussion, and even that shit is unbearable because the exact same garbage is repeated ad nauseum.
kanachan spent the night at the stable again...
Akane has just been creampied by 2 ojisans at the same time
I think she's in heat for a certain edgy stallion...
im not a waifuschizo either but every time I come to this thread to discuss the story its some seething retard making wall of text shit against akane while they never peep about their dogshit girl its so fucking annoying to see this shit daily
>a fake relationship that was needed to move the revenge plot and a fake relationship to protect his actual love interest,
This cope is actually retarded, all Akane achieved with regards to the revenge plot is giving Aqua a taste of genuine happiness and a reason to live beyond revenge. And Akane is the one Aqua wants to protect from getting involved with his revenge and the one he actually loves.
just five more days and hopefully the wave of newfags will be able to drown these fucking posts forever
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Who doesn't love a good "underdog" story? KanaKane only blew a 120 chapter lead once. Yahoo!
The revenge is dogshit. It's just melodramatic nonsense. Aqua is a coward.
>I never loved Akane and I always used her, I even put a GPS on her
He obviously overexaggerated to make her hate him, because he was planning to suicide and wanted to create reasons for the people around him to let go of him with the intend that they wouldn't be as impacted by his death but can just move on. Same stuff happened when Ruby flipped out after he published Ai's secret, where he said "It's okay like this, makes it easier for you when I'm gone".

In fact during their relationship he prob used the GPS to comfort her even better or to keep an eye just in case. She had an unstable history and Aqua invested most of his time to make sure she won't get exploited by evil industry types again. For an obsessed guiltfucked guy like Aqua that's pretty much in character.

I agree to the second half of your greentext. That shit was just badly written.
Why do your face covered in urine then?
Akane is the main heroine for the romance plot as well.
Embrace horsecock like the bitch you are
I hate kana
People arguing with rats isn't discussing k*na.
Akane, Ruby and Kana have just swallowed the semen of an ojisan Studio executive. Aqua is crying like the cuck he is.
please kill yourself ojisan schizo
>giving Aqua a taste of genuine happiness
Except we never saw him actually happy, while both Akane confirms he's just playing her good boyfriend while being attracted to Kana and Mem confrms that Aqua is the obsessed one over Kana who because of his mental illness can't risk dating her.

This entire period of his life was pretty sad and far from genuine happiness. He completely lost track from living a good life. Instead he was exhausting himself with a shitty variaty show while keeping track of Akane's mental health.
These threads are without a shadow of a doubt the worst on this board, even worse than /dbs/ because at least it seems like they're having fun
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I'm just killing time till the leaks are here. The ojisan jokes are funny
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>a taste of genuine happiness
"A taste of genuine happiness" btw.
Kaninisisters how are we coping?
They aren't, you're mentally ill and no spam of self acceptance will change that
>“I never loved Akane and I always used her, I even put a GPS on her and took advantage of her position and intelligence but now I’m breaking up to keep her away from my revenge otherwise she’ll get into dangerous situations or ruin her own life… because I care about her!”
No, the point is that he always loved Akane and always cared about her, that's the point of his confession the chapter prior and the point of him trying to protect her by pushing her away and bottling up his feelings for her because of his revenge.
>next time he sees Akane she declares she will stop him and get involved in his revenge again and Aqua instead of telling her off he challenges her to try.
That wasn't her telling him she'd get involved with his revenge, it was her telling him she's going to stop him from ruining his life for it, like he stopped her. Aqua was begging her to save him.
ojisanschizo is unironically pretending that he's another person just to compliment his own shitty jokes
this is beyond pathetic, that other guy in a few threads ago actually mindbroke you huh
>his confession
Everything about the story after Ai died is trash. I don't care anymore. I'm here to have fun by posting ojisan shit.
>to completely lose their minds and shit up the thread
That's what you're doing right now ojisanschizo.
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Ojisanschizo is Akaneschizo's new bogeyman...
The only thing that's debunked is any possibility of you being sane.
Akane and Kana just got gangbanged by studio execs from Hollywood. They both came so good. Aqua still crying about muh revenge
oh my god he really did get minbroken lmao this is hilarious
Keitard will you admit defeat and that Kei is main heroine when Ruby inevitably wins?
NTA but you're a mentally ill nutcase.
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NTA, but Akaneschizo yaps about ojisanschizo as soon as someone talks negatively about Akane. It's insane. They're both insane.
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>after Ai died
So 98% of the story? Fags who keep eating shit they don't even like should be gazed all together, because they literally poison every sensible discussion with their venom.
Based Kana wife, she waited for her husband awake.
So do leaks come out midnight Japan?
you're not in the right mind if you're the mc of a harem bowl with Ruby in it and think it's fine if another guy fucks Ruby im exchange for Akane or Kana
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At the end of the day it's just sad. Akane and Aqua will never end up and you'll cry about a retconned relationship for years to come. I just gave a solid explanation why it wasn't a retcon. Well, maybe you wake up to the truth and accept it. I won't blame you that you'll deny my read until everything is settled but you will eventually remember it afterall.

Good luck
I stopped visiting the threads for a while because there were no Kana chapters
Akane, Ruby and Kana just gave blowjobs to some male kpop stars. Aqua still crying about revenge and movie.
Aqua is K-pop star
akaneschizo isn't even here what the fuck is this schizo even going on about now
>You've become a softie! But that's good too!
>Aqua has become a little more cheerful lately. It's like he's no longer obsessed.
>I've finally found my happiness.
>Aqua-kun has been cheerful and bright lately.
Literally everyone in the main cast tells you that Aqua was happiest when he had given up his revenge and was in a genuine relationship with Akane.
Nah. That would require him to actually work instead of crying muh revenge that amounts to nothing.
You are so dumb
Just fuck off instead seething eternally about AquAka.
He literally isn't here you schizo.
99% of the time it's you ojisanschizo.
He was here not a long ago. But now yeah, only his ilk and some no name akanefag are here.
Aqua seething about revenge while Akane, Ruby and Kana orgasm from Saitou dick in order to keep their jobs I assure you.
They're coping by trying to pretend Akane's entire presence in the manga doesn't count, as usual.
Why should everyone look at these people all together?
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>This entire period of his life was pretty sad and far from genuine happiness. He completely lost track from living a good life. Instead he was exhausting himself with a shitty variaty show while keeping track of Akane's mental health.
What the fuck are you on about schizo? It's Aqua who had been finding salvation in having Akane by his side, not the other way around.
Frill will win
To see how retarded they are.
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Ruby is his salvation, though
Melt is superior to Aqua. Improved and isn't a schizo and gets laid. He will fuck Ruby and Akane. Kana will go with Taiki.
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>My face btw.
Anon, I'm aware that not being on a suicide revenge mission makes one happier. But at the same time we can clearly see his own mental state in his actions in contradiction to the performance he gives off to the people around him, literally culminating that even his gf can still see through his facade ("Aqua, a liar", "playing a good boyfriend", "Aqua is still haunted", "he is attracted to Kana") and ultimately Chapter 150 Gorou saying that finding out that Sarina is alive was the salvation he was seeking.

In no shape or form was the Aqua between Chapter 80 and 96 able to live a happy life serving his OWN interests. The bar was set so low that it's truly amazing to me that you literally quote the comparative of "happy" when it was evidently a lie.
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No. Ruby is a rapist.
There never was a suicide revenge mission. Aqua is just a schizo.
>What do you mean by chemistry though?
When characters have organic dialogue instead of acting like the author’s mouthpiece to greentext about how we should feel about something. Akane falling in love with Aqua is believable because it’s the exact reason as Kana: he put himself in her shoes and helped her and was by her side when no one else was in that moment. So then she tries to give something back to him. She tries to understand him and make him happy too. They talk and sometimes open up to each other. Like the scene where Akane figures out Aqua’s past and hugs him you could tell that it wasn’t forced on her by the author, it felt genuine and touching. Compare to the one “Arima shines best when she’s drawing everyone’s attention” when Aqua didn’t spare a single thought about that issue until Akane prompted him to, and it was Akane who cared more about Kana in that performance than Aqua, yet Aka had to write Kana reacting only to Aqua’s efforts instead of Akane’s. That’s contrived writing. Aqua not even remembering Kana after the big timeskip and then acting like he’s always been her fan on the balcony is contrived writing especially because they had just met again, he had no particular reason to be that invested in her.

What I personally find funny is that Akane was written like a proper love interest from Aqua’s point of view but wasn’t the designated winner so Aka couldn’t have Aqua fall in love with her for real and had to break them up because the plot demanded it.
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>organic dialogue
What is "organic dialogue"?
He needed her to lead him to the father. The phone call was grooming her. Yet at the same time he wasn't lying of course. He is thanking her because if she didn't accept and shared his revenge goal he in fact wouldn't come so close to his goal. This phone call was a parting message because next time they see each other he'll pretend to be the biggest asshole ever in order to alienante her to keep her save and he wanted her to hate him so that if he dies she's not suffering from it.

It's an in-character trait that Aqua believes if he was truthful reasons for his words then the actual ulterior motives to say them are justified. Like when he convinced Kana to join B-Komachi, then explained Miyako how he manipulated her but then also said "Well, I wasn't lying though".
Kana just fucked another ojisan
>this schizo again
When you forget you’re reading a fictional story and they feel like real people interacting, that’s organic dialogue. If you don’t, it means the author is forcing their will on the characters and it comes off contrived.
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When Aka is going bring up keychain again?
Akane did not fall in love with Aqua until Tokyo Blade, when they were dating.
>When you forget you’re reading a fictional story and they feel like real people interacting, that’s organic dialogue. I
But who judges which dialog is "organic" and which is not? You? This is not serious.
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>but wasn’t the designated winner
She is.
>Aka couldn’t have Aqua fall in love with her for real
He did.
Is he really Aqua with purple hair? or he is Kamiki?
Yeah, it only makes it more realistic. She may have had a crush even before that because she blushed when she was asked if she would like to date Aqua for real, but then their relationship deepened. She was given a reason to be interested in him and then grew attached as they spent more time together.
Nice argument, yes the readers judge the work. It’s like when you’re eating a good meal, maybe you can’t cook and couldn’t name the ingredients of the dish but you sure as fuck can recognize when something is cooked or not or if it’s edible at the very least. It’s something you intuitively feel.
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It's Aqua and Ruby, again.
When is the manga going to address the elephant in the room that is incestous kiss and Ruby’s confession?
>Like the scene where Akane figures out Aqua’s past and hugs him
She had her starry eyes the entire time, deeply affected by realizing that the secret ingredient to understand Ai ("secret child") which to Ai was a saviour happens to be the actual person Aqua who is also Akane's savior. This realization messed her hard, overwhelmed by Ai's and her emotions. Hugging scene is the literal definition of contrived (but psychologically interesting writing, just google "method acting" and the wiki article "psychological effects of method acting") but it's very much important for building Akane up as the main heroine for Aqua's revenge plot. Helps you also to understand what the recent "motherzone" Akane put herself is all about. Being separated from Aqua made her realize what's actually important for her: To make him happy selflessly, meaning without the need of a romantic relationship to support this wish.

>Compare to the one “Arima shines best when she’s drawing everyone’s attention”
I don't understand why you pick for your argument some scene from the stage play. But you're wrong. It wasn't just Akane who wanted Arima to shine. Aqua made the effort for himself, because as he explained to Melt one can lift up his own performance by displaying contrast. Aqua knew he can only beat Taiki and everyone else if his act of pain and suffering is contrasted to Arina's pure infinite joy.

You haven't thought about the TB stage place well enough and make it about romance.

So to sum it up: You quoted a scene elemental to Akane's inclusion into the revenge plot and you quoted a TB scene you didn't even realize the significane of.

We both know there are enough dialoges between Aqua and Kana that aren't "contrived" but you'll rather lie.
After the Kana bait is over. But rats will cope and tell you it was 'addressed' in 150.
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It's already been resolved retards.
>When Aka is going bring up keychain again?
>+200 posts
>Check thread thinking someone posted new chink spoilers
>It's just the same schizo babble
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Seems like the inbreds are in need of another GRIM reminder.
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>it's been resolved
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I just can't get enough of Ai-chan.
But I mean different readers would have different opinions on that matter. And no, fictional story is not food and is much more subject to subjective interpretation.
>But at the same time we can clearly see his own mental state in his actions in contradiction to the performance he gives off to the people around him, literally culminating that even his gf can still see through his facade ("Aqua, a liar", "playing a good boyfriend", "Aqua is still haunted", "he is attracted to Kana") and ultimately Chapter 150 Gorou saying that finding out that Sarina is alive was the salvation he was seeking.
No? "Aqua-kun, a liar, is doing his best not to lie to me" means that Akane is aware of Aqua's true nature, and thus him trying to be honest with her means that much more. He was not "playing a good boyfriend" he was BEING a good boyfriend. "Aqua is still haunted" of course, what would he be finding salvation in Akane for if that wasn't the case. "he is attracted to Kana" Akane's adherence to the narrative she created in her own mind of Aqua not being able to love her does not change that his true feelings are of love towards Akane.
>ultimately Chapter 150 Gorou saying that finding out that Sarina is alive was the salvation he was seeking.
But she is not Hoshino Aqua's salvation, as evidenced by his black stars.
>In no shape or form was the Aqua between Chapter 80 and 96 able to live a happy life serving his OWN interests.
That is literally exactly he was doing, he was pursuing his love like he wanted and he was pursuing his new dream of acting. He was being Hoshino Aqua, not Amamiya Goro who lived only to serve others.
Yes. The main reason for the keychain, was a way to identify each other for the reincarnation. It's been resolved. It might get brought up in like 144, but it's served its main purpose.
>got alluded to in 144 and shown again in 150
Rats one again proving that reading comprehension isn’t their strong suit
I bet you think Eren meant it when he said he hated Armin and Mikasa
Jokes on you, they are betting all on tanabata
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It's main narrative purpose is not recognizing each other.
>She had her starry eyes the entire time, [...]
That's a lot of schizo babble to avoid admitting that Akane, after finding out the trauma that's been haunting Aqua who she cares about deeply, wanting to comfort him is a perfectly organic development.
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>schizo babble about Akane having maternal feelings all the way back in Tokyo Blade
Picrel. Stop making up your own headcanons about method acting to recontextualize the shitty writing that is going on now I can assure you that Aka was not thinking that far nor that deeply. Btw, readers having to make up headcanons to justify characters changing their goals and emotions offscreen is the epitome of bad writing
>Hugging scene is the literal definition of contrived
A character LITERALLY acting in in character in accordance with their emotions who were properly developed on screen and given a realistic reason to exist in advance
>(You): contrived
Just say you don’t know what that means at this point
>We both know there are enough dialoges between Aqua and Kana that aren't "contrived" but you'll rather lie.
Post them, even though I don’t even think what contrived writing actually is at this point.
>Aqua made the effort for himself
He changed his mind because of Akane who wanted to bring out Kana’s acting. He wasn’t shown being concerned *by himself* about Kana’s performance prior to that moment.
>He was not "playing a good boyfriend" he was BEING a good boyfriend
The monologue begins with Akane bringing up the ultimate redflag of being a good boyfriend (being attracted to another girl), then lists a greentext of what traits of a good boyfriend he do fulfills though. It's an act of him.
>Akane's adherence to the narrative she created in her own mind of Aqua not being able to love her does not change that his true feelings are of love towards Akane.
LMAO. No, it's her idealistic belief that their relationship is actually leading somewhere which makes her tolerate the major red flags of that cuck relationship. That his feelings are "true" is your headcanon, even Akane isn't saying that. She just believes that the lies become true someday. That the lie that he loves her - as he is acting as if he does as her boyfriend obviously - at some point becomes the truth. Like I said, it's an act and Akane knows that.

Akane hopes so much that this happens that she in the beginng of the monologue explains that she refuses to question why he is doing what he's doing, coping that it's probably because he really tries to be with her.

He never did though. He was doing exactly what he promised he'd do in Takachiho: protect her. And protecting Kana. Aqua between 80 and 97 is a psychological mess and far from being actually happy. His human relations strategy is completely retarded and mind fucked and it was sad to see.

You will eventually understand this soon when you realize that after Hikaru is dealt with he will actually not return to the state of mind of Chapter 80, but actually progressed beyond that sad little life.
>Being separated from Aqua made her realize what's actually important for her: To make him happy selflessly, meaning without the need of a romantic relationship to support this wish.
Private arc was literally dedicated in part to showing that this is bullshit. Akane may want to selflessly support Aqua's happiness, but she is also genuinely in love with him and wants to be with him, that hasn't changed as evidenced by the scene in 149 where she thinks to herself how she won't allow Aqua to date anyone she doesn't approve of.
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>That his feelings are "true" is your headcanon, even Akane isn't saying that.
Right, Aqua is saying that.
Yes, but people would ask why the writing improved for 4 scenes just to nosedive again.
>bro can't tell the difference between natural speech and Aka's greentexting
Read manga for 2 more years before posting.
>I bet you think Eren meant it when he said he hated Armin and Mikasa
Lol what? No, I instantly knew that was a play to distance them from him because of what he was going to do. Unlike inbreds, I know how to read and understand subtext.
Goro saying he will treasure the keychain forever means that he doesn't recognize her?
Yeah but look at the arguments in general. People discuss whether AquAka is a healthy relationship, whether he loved Akane for real or not. They discuss the actual relationship. Nobody is questioning whether their relationship existing makes sense in-universe or not, because it’s been well explained and given a proper reason on both sides.

When people criticize AquKana by calling it contrived and questioning its validity, the argument by shippers is “we have been TOLD Aqua likes Kana multiple times” (yeah that’s exactly one of the problems here) and “he was shown liking her by making owo faces”, but when you ask them *why* they like each other and what actual MUTUAL development is there to explain said liking especially on Aqua’s side they go “they just do okay?”.
>Unlike inbreds, I know how to read and understand subtext.
He should read actual books instead.
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Expected type of response from an inbred. All you know is to sit in your echo chamber and jerk each other off about your delusions. I like how I posted this image yesterday and said some bullshit about "This was Ai having a prophetic dream about Ruby and Aquas future as dual idols like Sarina had in the LN" and you retards agreed. I could cook up all kinds of bullshit from the manga and as long as it's pro-Ruby you fuckers would agree with the bullshit.
>they go “they just do okay?”
Nothing wrong with that
Your blithering retardation and ineptitude in understanding a graphic novel is worthy of nothing more than a cheap laugh and ridicule. Why would I bother engaging a single brain celled organism (again?) I'm just here to laugh at you and screenshot your posts. lmao
>Btw, readers having to make up headcanons to justify characters changing their goals and emotions offscreen is the epitome of bad writing
It's my headcanon since 1 1/2 years, anon. I can prove it with essays that I posted.

>A character LITERALLY acting in in character in accordance with their emotions who were properly developed on screen and given a realistic reason to exist in advance
>Just say you don’t know what that means at this point
Contrived means to me when the sheer existence of a character serves a plot purpose and thus turns any of that character's trait into a function or device for that end. The moment Akane was portrayed as the ubermensch genius 1 to 1 copy of Ai it was set in stone that she'll become a kind of yandere for Aqua (aka re-enacting a kind of unconditional support). You can't understand the Akane on Gotanda's balcony without the impact her realization of Aqua being Ai's child had. Just as you can't understand her overproctective murderous intend to kill Hikaru without the severe emotional impact her "Ai role" had on her while watching Hikaru's videos. Literally shown via a panel in which "Ai's emotions that revived in me have stirred up".

>He wasn’t shown being concerned *by himself* about Kana’s performance prior to that moment.
He literally says Kana's attitude pisses him off. Aqua made up his plan how to win against everyone offscreen, but on screen we saw several times and it got narrated how important the competitive aspect between the actors is, with the difference that Aqua didn't just do it for ego but for his far more important revenge goal. Aqua needed Arima to give her performance otherwise he couldn't beat everybody. Picrel
Already discussed >268260813
>It's my headcanon
So how about you fuck off and keep it yourself instead of insisting on it being the truth?
It was even diffuse on the bridge when Aqua pointed out her mixed signals. However I did not say that Akane do loved him. I'm saying that clinging to the hope that the relationship can become real dispite the red flags is something she finally overcome, thus her wish for his happiness is now separated from being romantically affiliated with him. She knows it's not her to please him romantically, which is why she supports Kana now.
Just some retard's schizo headcanon.
Because it got proven right with 149.
>She knows it's not her to please him romantically
She is literally the only person he has ever loved romantically.
For you >>268260410
No, it got proven to be nothing but headcanon.
>She is literally the only person he has ever loved romantically.
So Aka wrote her monologue under the umbrella just for fun. I see.
For you>>268260499
A lot wrong with it when you’re 1) writing a fictional story 2) not showing the characters actually interact and develop this feeling over time. Instead you get Aqua greentexting on the balcony out of the blue like a stalker despite not even remembering her and having just reconnected recently. Or 150 where Aqua greentexts about Kana being a hardworker despite never witnessing her efforts because he was ghosting her, or said efforts happened offscreen during the timeskip between her childhood and adolescence. To add insult to injury said effort wasn’t even shown to the audience either. Or worse, talking about her “strong, straight gaze” when after that bold declaration she did nothing but mope for the entire story.
The first panel is literally another enforcer of the motherzone. Typical trope of mommy having the last word in who her "son" is dating.
Aka wrote that monologue so he could include a scene from it in Aqua's confession of love to her 10 chapters later.
>Nobody is questioning whether their relationship existing makes sense in-universe or not,
What does this even mean, holy shit. Characters either love each other or they don't. If they exist in the same universe nothing stops an author from writing them as lovers.
>we have been TOLD Aqua likes Kana multiple times
No, we have been told by others that Aqua loves Kana ON TOP of different AquKana interactions that show that they are indeed in love with each other. Changing POV just serves to further affirm what most readers already knew from their interactions, rather than to completely replace actual interactions with it. You are such a dishonest piece of shit.
This question just reveals yourself as extremely autistic itself. Love doesn't need an "objective" reason to flare up. Literally all human literature about love always emphasize its irrational nature. You can't make someone to love you.
Oh so it's time for the weekly thread where 400 posts are dedicated to whether or not AquAka was good and genuine. Holy fucking shit give it a rest you fucks
>Aqua greentexts about Kana being a hardworker despite never witnessing her efforts because he was ghosting her,
Pieyon arc *exists*
>No, we have been told by others that [HEADCANON] on top of [HEADCANON]
We've never had Aqua say he loves her, nor have we ever had Aqua display love towards her. It was always just a one-sided crush.
This shit happens every other day.
>We've never had Aqua say he loves her,
That's your cope? I thought Akaneschizos claim to be literate and understand how plots unfold? This is shocking.
>1) writing a fictional story
How many actual books have you read in your life? Because from what I'm reading right now, not so much.
The AquAka season starts in a week and KamiAi being a rehash of AquAka basically confirms that AquAka is endgame, so it's only natural you have schizos coping right now ITT.
>That's your cope?
NTA, but I notice rats (or at least one vocal samefag) say this a lot. Aqua has NEVER said he "loved' Kana. Feel free to post the panel and page that we all missed, except you.
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You're fucking retarded. KamiAi parallels RubyAqua if anything. It has nothing to do with Akane. And it's not a fucking good thing anyways.
>Posting this retarded shit. Again.
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It's the truth. Instead we have "Goro", who never loved anyone romantically, telling "Aqua" he should like Kana. The fact that it's "Goro" and not "Aqua" saying this should be a dead give away he doesn't love her.
The same arc where Ruby and Mem were also working off their asses?
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Kana's secret twin is the final boss
>Or worse, talking about her “strong, straight gaze”
Same gaze she gave him on the TB stage, same gaze she gave him during the video filming in Takachiho. After that how was she going to give her that when he was obsessively AVOIDING her gaze by even hiding in his room whenever she shows up. Do you not get, how depressing it was for him and how obsessively he was trying to protect that straight gaze by not becoming the reason she gets hurt? Like you pretend Aqua just happened to ghost her.

How dead inside do people have to be to not aknowledge or even address the tragic quality of this dynamic but worse to even point to it as a flawed contradictory and inconsist character writing? Just wow.
You are the retard for not seeing the obvious parallels.
>The same arc where Ruby and Mem were also working off their asses?
"Other people work hard too, this means Kana doesn't have such a quality. She can only claim this quality if she's the only one on earth having it, thus I can just lie and say Aqua never saw her working hard" okay... we get it you are retarded
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Only baking soda matters
Your cope's already been BTFO in other threads. Your fanfic is never happening.
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I’m not even the guy you were even replying to but nobody is going to convinced by that pathetic greentext of extremely generic qualities pretty much every other heroine possesses
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>they went to shit because they didn't have a Kana
Schizo, him ghosting her had nothing to do with her "straight gaze" and everything to do with the ptsd that had been haunting him since Ai's death.
You fucking retard. Ruby understands Aqua too, that's the whole point. But the question is if she will go crazy like Kamiki did when Aqua rejects her. It has nothing to do with Akane.
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It might look underwhelming or even disappointing but it’s Aqua’s personal taste. Stop bullying him
>Instead you get Aqua greentexting on the balcony out of the blue like a stalker despite not even remembering her and having just reconnected recently.
? Quite some time has passed since their reconciliation and the time of the first concert. Aqua just spelled out his own observations plus googled some stuff because Kana is a celeb and there is a plenty of info about her on the internet.
>about Kana being a hardworker despite never witnessing her efforts
He literally observed B-komachi practices in the IchiPro office even during the ghosting period. Otherwise how could he know that Kana never skipped practices in the chapter 103?
>Feel free to post the panel and page that we all missed,
Afaik he used in all cases the word "like".
To Akane: I'll always like you
To Ruby: "Of course I like you, Sarina-Chan"
To Kana: 150 where even the word "romantic feelings" gets used together with liking her and her qualities.

Yeah, yeah. Cope that it's "Gorou" who said that, ignore that "Aqua" autistically yells "I KNOW THAT" and sperg about the "adolsecent" line if that helps you to undermine any third party who pointed out Aqua's feelings for Kana too.

I don't really care at this point. Arguments are just bad.
I asked you to post a page where Aqua declares he loves Kana. Not whatever the fuck this gibberish is. Thank you for conceding it doesn't exist.
Aqua's hard here
>If they exist in the same universe nothing stops an author from writing them as lovers.
Holy shit you need to treat characters as individuals with their own goals, feelings and reasons and not just as dolls you can position however you like. This is the difference between good writing and bad writing.
>Love doesn't need an "objective" reason to flare up.
The ultimate AquKana cope, as I said. Keep seething.
>Changing POV just serves to further affirm what most readers already knew
Nope, it’s textbook “tell, don’t show” and even breaks immersion when done badly. Like Gotanda being “sure” Kana was Aqua’s girlfriend because he brought her over once and didn’t even act romantically around her. If you ACTUALLY write good organic interactions you don’t need other characters greentexting about said obvious love
>from their interactions
I’m still waiting for the organic AquKana interactions that show *how* he fell in love with her, but you’ll keep coping that he doesn’t need a reason and that it doesn’t even have to be shown, for you it’s acceptable if Aqua is just *written* as being in love with Kana because the author wills it.
I don't even understand how you think this is refuting anything I said.

You said it was is unnatural for Aqua to remember her gaze and wrongly linked it to the fact that after her title drop on the concert her not winning the first round of the shipping war and being ghosted means she was deliberately moping for the entire story or smth lmao. How stupid. Disingenuous prick
I would too if that loli slut was tempting me with those bare shoulders
Your soul belongs in a cage
>ignore that "Aqua" autistically yells "I KNOW THAT"
Yeah, despite knowing all that he doesn't think of her as the girl he likes.
I'm not that anon retard.
Blud Kana giving up THAT hard because he ghosted her means she DIDN’T have a strong straightforward gaze to begin with, that’s what makes it especially retarded. She makes a bold declaration and then she doesn’t pursue it. She faces a challenge and she utterly gives up! The literal fucking opposite of having a strong gaze that faces forward.
He LITERALLY does. If he doesn't think of Kana like that, who does he think of like that?
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>she’s a hard worker
So are Ruby, Akane and Mem
>she is sensitive
So are Ruby, Akane and Mem
>she has a strong gaze
Does does Ruby, Akane (forma de Ai) and arguably Mem
>who does he think of like that?
Akane. Ruby. Two people he's reffered to as his salvation.
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Doesn't matter. You replied you defend it then.
>”the girl you like is the genius actress, isn’t?”
>proceds to admit over and over everything his inner Goro said
>> he doesn't think of her as the girl he likes
What level of mental gymnastics this
>Quite some time has passed since their reconciliation and the time of the first concert.
>Aqua just spelled out his own observations plus googled some stuff because Kana is a celeb and there is a plenty of info about her on the internet.
Literal headcanons to fill the gaps again
>Does does Ruby, Akane
No they have a captivating gaze, what he actually describes as what he likes.
wtf is wrong with you holy shit
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>muh strong gaze
More like the biggest coward in the series
Bullshit. Where's the proof he thinks of Ruby like that but not Kana?
People hating a girl for being a coward that needs to be pushed must be the total state of this board.
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Aqua only cares about one specific straight gaze
Strong gaze and captivating eyes are the same thing
>What level of mental gymnastics this
Inbred mental gymnastics.
>Goro: Ruby is my salvation.
>Aqua: I agree
Aqua: Ruby is just my little sister.
>Goro: Hey you like that actress girl anyway right, Kana Arima?
>Aqua: I know that.

Fucking retarded apes.
There's no mental gymnastics involved. He rejects the idea of Kana being the girl he likes despite knowing everything Goro tells him. Aqua wants to give up his revenge again, but he can't do that for Kana as she isn't his salvation and thus not the girl he likes.
People hating Akane because they're jealous to the point they become daily scat and ntrposters is better? Hypocrites
"Rats are too iliterate to follow [HEADCAON]"
Maybe you should get a clue and realize that engaging these retards is pointless. Just screencap the especially ludicrous copes and laugh at them at the end.
Let me spell out what the anon is trying to say. It's very obvious:

>1. Aqua does not consciously consider her the first choice to be the girl to spend his youth with. "Why her?" Needs to remind himself via Gorou.
>2. "Gorou" reminds him of all the qualities he likes in Kana.
>3. Aqua is already aware of these qualities that his other self is shilling and gets annoyed when "Gorou" gets pushy.

The take away is that yes, Aqua likes Kana, always has, but she's not his first choice. The whole situation is logic versus heart.
>Holy shit you need to treat characters as individuals with their own goals, feelings and reasons
So follow your own advice then? Because there is literally nothing in the story that prevents Aqua from loving Kana.
>The ultimate AquKana cope
That's just truth. If you'd read at least one book in your life, you would know this.
>“tell, don’t show”
Classic akaneschizo's cope, but no. It was shown and it was also told.
I'm not playing this game with a sharpie. I know your kind and I know your dirty tricks so whatever interaction I come up with you'll call it "unnatural" and "non organic". Because only you share this twisted notion of "organic" interactions and no one else.
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People hate having garbage being pushed down their throats. Crazy concept, I know, but it’s the truth
Lies. Both Ai and Sarina had strong gaze according to Aqua
Do you like me, Sensei?
Of course I do, Sarina-chan
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>Fucking retarded apes.
But enough about yourself.
I don't see the relevance of your response to my post. >>268263448
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>and arguably Mem
Mem definitely has it, she only needed 1 chapter to prove it, chapter 130
Come up with an actual argument maybe
>Frill meets Kamiki
>She method acts as Airi and rapes him
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No it's not. The star eyes are captivating eyes.
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RubSHIT no hope
KanaRAT never had a chance.

This series will end in total Miyako victory.
>no star eyes
Thanks for proving that k*nashit doesn't have a captivating gaze nor is she capable of producing one.
I'm doxxing Aka if the twins don't at the very least thank her before the end of the manga.
Cute and canon btw.
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Stop bullying my son and his shit taste
ACKane won ACKqua.
I certainly proved to not be a hyprocrite by engaging in these long debates
Yup. Kana has GALAXY eyes when she shines. There's an unimaginable amount of stars in a galaxy I don't know why they pretend she's not special too. She's honestly the most special, the only issue is that she doubts herself too much. But when she's at her peak, nobody can compare.
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What Aqua really loves about his wife is her baseball skills
Aqua loves Akane Ruby and Ai, that's the exact opposite of shit taste.
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>You fucking retard. Ruby understands Aqua too, that's the whole point

Lmao, let’s stop joking.
Ruby knows nothing about Aqua. Even characters like Frill knew Aqua better than Ruby.

It’s good thing that Aqua turned out to be her reincarnated crush otherwise she would’ve never forgiven Aqua had he just been a regular brother.
Right, so strong gaze is worse than captivating eyes that Ai, Ruby and Aikane have
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Based milfchad.
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>his shit taste
But his ideal woman is you, Ai... Are you shit? Also pic.
You're retarded. Slit your wrists vertically.
Actual ending.
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>incest is peak
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Ruby was right about Aqua tho
Can't wait to see those animated
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>the galaxy eyes cope again
Abiko had them, loli Akane had them. They aren't special like the star eyes Ai, Hikaru, Aqua and Ruby, Akane or Yura have.
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>Aqua: picrel, directly to her face
>You: Wow Ruby is such a retard for not understanding Aqua
It wasn't hard to notice that he changed. He came home, opened the curtains and smiled back at Ruby. A cheerful side she hadn't seen in over a decade basically.
I meant the part where he still didn’t forget about Ai
>They aren't special because someone has them too. However the hoshigans that so many people share are uniquely special

What a stupid contradiction. What are we even arguing here, retard? Aqua says she has a special gaze to him. Why are you trying to hard to obfuscate this simple truth?
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Uhhhh, retard you just prove the point. Ruby don’t understand Aqua that’s why she needs everything spelled out

Aqua even says back to her that he cares about Ai and she calls him a liar
Ruby knows nothing about Aqua. Again, she only forgave him because he turned out to be a reincarnation of a person she likes
Well until she thought she got proven wrong when he shared Ai's secret. I mean both her words at her grave and her reaction which sealed the scandal arc tell us that her opinion was impression-driven, not the result of some deeper understanding of the objective situation. Which is okay btw. I'm not the anon who was sperging about how Ruby doesn't understand Aqua, that's just a shallow dunk.
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Mengo owes us dark Aqua x dark Ruby hatesex doujin
Captivating eyes >>> strong gaze
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And then Ruby claims she always understood why he does everything he did the next arc
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>But his ideal woman is you, Ai... Are you shit?
His ideal woman is Ruby.
>Ai was 151
>towering over Hikaru
what a manlet
It’s almost as if she learned something about Aqua that made everything click.
That he is Goro and she only cared about Goro and never cared or even knew about the current 18 year old Aqua
Also whoever made this scale is wrong and used google. 172 is 5'8, 158 is 5'2.
>Ruby knows nothing about Aqua. Again, she only forgave him because he turned out to be a reincarnation of a person she likes
I think there is a difference between forgiving and simply not care about Aqua anymore. The latter represents her position more. Likewise she didin't "forgive" Aqua after the reveal but he simply became important to her again.

In practice her relationship to Aqua after she understood why he shared Ai's secret is the same as during the cosplay arc: She is just obsessed with her own revenge goal.
Except she did know him. There are a couple moments this is shown.
Too bad Aka decided to make harem bait.
Did she jump from a bridge?
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I can’t blame you for thinking that given how underdeveloped their relationship has been pre-reveal, but that’s factually wrong
All that from the same chapter.
>Aqua says [HEADCANON]
Aqua is no longer Amamiya Goro, and he is denying himself his happiness with Akane, so he tries convincing himself Kana is good enough for him.
>akaneschizo has become completely delusional
...'s sister-in-law, Akane.
all of this could have been avoided if Akane actually jumped down that bridge
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> Except she did know him
Ruby didn’t.
The entire relationship between Ruby and Aqua Hoshino is like that Human Resources meme, where the woman reacts differently depending on who says x thing.
Ruby latched against Aqua for selling Ai and couldn’t forgive him no matter how many characters tried to justify him. But once she learns he is Goro, suddenly everything is forgiven. She never understood Aqua, nor noticed that he was always acting exactly like Goro
>k*naschizo is projecting his schizophrenia onto someone who isn't even here
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>has become
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>Aqua: *spends whole interaction downplaying Ai’s importance to him*
>after this he feebly attempts to assert he still cares about Ai
>Ruby calls him out because his actions are contradictory, and his words just sealed the deal
>You: she’s retarded
Even fucking Gotanda (who knew about Ai’s wish while Ruby didn’t) said that one had to see the dvd to understand Aqua’s actions and Aqua purposefully hid it from Ruby AND tried to make him hate her. It’s fucking obvious that she would be mad. Frill read the script so she could infer what was behind it, Ruby didn’t so she couldn’t especially after Aqua tried to make him hate her and purposefully lied about the real reason he revealed the secret
She did, then Aqua came to the rescue of his future wife.
No, you literally braindead rat. Aqua was going out of his way to push her away and not disclose his intentions by misleading her. Part of the plan was so that she wouldn't miss him after he was gone. Which is why Tsukuyomi told him it was a bad move to save Ruby, because it would have been easier to carry out his revenge plan if Ruby hated him as intended. Once Aqua stopped being an edgy faggot and explained himself, Ruby forgave him.

But why am I even explaining this? You're fucking retarded with zero literacy hellbent on pushing this deluded headcanon Ruby only cares about "Gorou", likely thinking it's going to save your sinking ship somehow.
>Captivating eyes >>> strong gaze
Kaburagi even gave Kana's gaze her own title but enough of your schizo
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Please for the love of god just end this thread already
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>Once Aqua stopped being an edgy faggot and explained himself, Ruby forgave him.
No. It was because he tild her he was Goro, she never tried to forgive Aqua.
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>Ruby: You don't care about mama
>Ruby: Liar

Where did Aqua downplay Ai's importance? He never said anything bad about Ai or how not important she is to him. He just used the information and that's it, that doesn't mean he doesn't care about Ai, you just made that up just like schizo Ruby did.
Btw, if she understands Aqua so much why she doesn’t believe he’s lying ( in your schizo delusion)?

So yes, you are a retard and Ruby is shit
Case in point
>But why am I even explaining this? You're fucking retarded with zero literacy hellbent on pushing this deluded headcanon Ruby only cares about "Gorou", likely thinking it's going to save your sinking ship somehow.
> Aqua purposefully hid it from Ruby AND tried to make him hate her
Oh that cope again. Aqua was quite straightforward, Ruby was the one to blame for living in a fantasy world and not understanding the weight of Aqua’s proposal. Aqua himself said that it would be something that could hurt her
Yeah, and what she has (the ability to convince people of one lie in particular) is inferior to the star eyes, which can sell any lie in general.
Both your's and the rat's position do not contradict each other though.

As soon as Ruby read the script and knew what the movie is about, Ruby should have come to her senses. What reason was there to still be mad when she at the same time forced herself into the role with unbreakable determination, clearly sharing the goal of the movie that Frill spelled out and she must have understand after reading the script herself.

Ruby even at this point did not question Aqua's attitude.
>deluded headcanon Ruby only cares about "Gorou
Aqua said himself, it's in the manga.
>ignoring the fact that Ruby felt like she got betrayed by family (again)
>As soon as Ruby read the script and knew what the movie is about, Ruby should have come to her senses
Exactly, “”””””should””””””
Her ability is to convince Aqua that she's his top girl. Spelled out to you by Kaburagi and later Akane.
if aqua were to be upfront about his idea with ruby, reiterating they were doing it to save her friend, she would have eventually agreed to it
he went on her back on purpose to make her hate him so that she won't miss him after he's gone
in fact Tsukuyomi comments on how he sabotaged himself by revealing Ruby that he's goro because now she loves him again
If Ruby didn't care about Aqua she wouldn't care about being betrayed by him.
>sidegirlfags seething as the creators go all in on ruby for the final arc
It’s almost like if sidelining Ruby for half the manga ended hurting her writing. Shocking
>Her ability is to convince Aqua that she's his top girl.
Lol. Lmao.
>The mentally ill guilt ridden character dissociating from his past self, who is also paralleling Kamiki, does not believe the girl loves him.

HOLY SHIT STOP THE PRESSES. You rats are genuine ass AIDS.
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Nta but if being Goro was enough to make her forgive Aqua she wouldn’t have to say that he did something they betray Aqua and Aqua likewise wouldn’t need to tell her that it’s for revenge
Ruby wasn't particularly great even before the sidelining tho.
Literally here >>268264707
Do you need it spelled it out that that’s what he was trying to imply? That’s why Ruby said “up until now I thought you cared about Mama more than anyone else”. Did you even read that chapter?
>Btw, if she understands Aqua so much why she doesn’t believe he’s lying
Because he actually DID something that proved the lie could be the truth. You don’t understand shit though because you think Ruby forgave him just because he’s Goro, while she forgave him because he revealed the truth behind his actions to her, which is that he did it for revenge and that he didn’t forget Ai at all.
She only cared that he revealed Ai's secret.
How is not catching the ball because he was affected and lost concentration on the ball disproving anything?
It disproves the idea that Shitqua is a good athlete.
>was so I can avenge her
>meanwhile Kamiki gave zero fucks even when told to his face
It keeps getting funnier
Not a single romantic panel in that chapter. Meanwhile Ruby lights up his entire world.
Kana was finished as soon as she demanded to be his only oshi.
>The mentally ill guilt ridden character dissociating from his past self,
This is headcanon.
Who would win in a fight, Aqua or Mr Burns
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>This is headcanon
Not even worthy of a rebuttal. Kill yourself.
>Mr Burns is immortal and so is Kana.
>Aqua is reacting to Kana basically doing the same thing his grandmother did in his past life by hiding his face
>somehow this is romantic.
Hold on. You posted A SPECIFIC panel to disprove her gaze. Yet this panel shows how she threw the ball high in the air while confessing, so NO eye contact. And he STILL lost focus and dropped the ball.

Lol. Lmao. That's some pretty hard affection.

Btw. Aqua also had his black starry eyes during the entire reveal scene. You attach way to much important and headcanon to eyes that shift faster than a sequential gearbox
>Kill yourself
Nice argument, he is not running from his past he wasn't in bad terms with Goro.
> the same thing his grandmother did in his past life
nta but what. His grandma disregarded his dream for one of her own, in that chapter Kana is accepting and encouraging him for the dream he claimed to want to pursue
Him dropping the ball means he won't look at her the way she wants, illiterate.
Not even the same anon. Not even talking about the eyes although the parallel between the light coming back when they shared their feelings is nice.
+ the narrational build up and the content of her confession of wanting him to see her on her graduation concert on fucking Christmas lmao, a typical day of love in Japanese writing.
>in that chapter Kana is accepting and encouraging him for the dream he claimed to want to pursue
She’s a yes man, yeah. She doesn’t care about his acting career anymore, apparently
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She is literally encouraging him to repeat his mistakes from his past life.
You mean the same day where Goro gave Sarina her first and last Christmas present?
>telling him thst is fine with him pursuing his dreams and that it suits him is the same his grandma did. Also, it was a great scene we got a really cute Cutequa.
What kind of schizo reading is this.
Living for others and not himself is why he abandoned his dream of being a surgeon. Now it’s no longer the case
Thanks for proving the point. Not even a single sparkle.
He reached 178cm as an adult somehow
Ruby won
>Aqua also had his black starry eyes during the entire reveal scene.
Ruby too. Just discovering Goro was alive was not enough to bring her back to white. What brought her back to white was him telling her how he felt about her. Same thing happened later to him in 143.
Yep and the sidegirlfags are gnashing their teeth over it.
Are you implying Gorou had a romantic intend in giving Sarina her first Christmas present which happens to be a concert of B-Komachi in her hood?
You guys say this because of the snk scene. In that scene, Eren immediately starts justifying why he dropped the ball and then it cuts to Zeke with a look of sheer horror on his face. Do you think maybe that these two scenes might be framed a little bit differently?
>I-I'm not Gorou anymore
>I'm BAD, I told 2 many LIES
>I can't :) anymore....
>I feel muh guilt just being ALIVE
>S-she likes you (Gorou) not me (Aqua)
>You: hudrurr HEADCANON he's not dissociating hahhaha look at me I'm so retarded!

No, seriously. Follow this anon's advice >>268263931
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Wrong, she ran into his arms already without her starry eye. The eye we see is without a star, Ruby's white star was always on the other side (in this panel covered by Aqua).
Nta but no, but you’re trying to claim that Christmas is obviously a romantic holiday when it applies to AquKana but deny that it could be applied to current AquRuby, who previously shared a significant moment in their relationship which was related to Christmas
Yeah, Aqua surely is going to accept Kana’s feelings on the day he gave Sarina her into Christmas present
>Living for others and not himself is why he abandoned his dream of being a surgeon.
And now it's why he's abandoning his dream of being an actor.
>Nta but no, but you’re trying to claim that Christmas is obviously a romantic holiday when it applies to AquKana but deny that it could be applied to current AquRuby, who previously shared a significant moment in their relationship which was related to Christmas
No, I'm saying that when we get a narrational buil up in the manga forming around love and christmas that this implication is rather obvious. Going from Akane's effort to push Kana, forcing her to make a confession of love to Aqua as the latest as christmas by directly tilting Kana with the "If you don't do it I'll do it myself, I don't want to be on christmas alone", the dream sequence with Gorou and then Kana's invitation to come to her graduation with her clear intend to hopefully get together with him is a clear romantic build up.

Thus your implication (or whoever it was) that dropping the ball was a rejection is pretty shallow if we just go by the manga narrational build up.
>"Are you saying Gorou wanted to fuck the child?"

okay anon.
Okay, no black stars but she lost her stars completely until he revealed his feelings and at that point she regained her white star. 123 was Ruby’s turn, 143 Aqua’s turn there’s no deep reason to it other than Aka wanting to write Ruby returning the favor later. Because what actually made them go back to white were their feelings for each other.
>rat is pulling the pedophilia card
Oh the sweet irony
He was going to wait until she came of age but if she still felt the same. Yes, he loved her and it’s why he got reincarnated.
Why aren't you just saying "Yes, I think Gorou had clear romantic intention when giving Sarina her gift" instead of this bullshit
The buildup is framing Christmas as a romantic holiday. The concert tickets that were just brought up by Ruby in 143 were the aforementioned Christmas present in the novel. I don’t think this is just a coincidence that now a lot of emphasis is being placed on Christmas.
Why do you think he said he would think about marrying her?
to not crush her hopes while she's dying
>Illiterate rat proving he never read the novel, yet pretends to have a valid opinion
He never knew she was dying or terminal, you stupid fuck.
Oh, I totally agree that it's not a coincidence. I'm in for a conflict to arrive over this. That certain interests are clashing is obvious.
He didn't think she was dying.
>Todou: You had to be aware
>Gorou: Well, yea... but

He was shocked that she is so terminal that she couldn't even make it to the concert, because both Todou gave her his approval to go to the concert and Sarina hid her recent pain from Gorou.

You are mixing up two things here.
he knew, and anyway it was 0 committal from him because in the case she was going to recover from cancer, she'd go back to live in the city with her family as a normal teenager for years and would have forgotten to ask an old guy to marry her
Sure, that's why her death affected him more than anyone else.
Retards, he didn’t know she was going to die soon and thought she was getting better. He also explicitly said that making promises so Sarina could look for something in her life was cruel
>The prognosis showed a five-year survival rate of approximately 20% post-diagnosis, highlighting the disease's difficulty to treat.
>Certainly, Gorou knew that it wasn't an illness that could easily be cured.
>"If the astrocytoma has metastasized, radiation therapy is also ineffective. It was obvious that this day would come. Amamiya, you were prepared for this, right?"
>“I… was… but," Gorou couldn't help but retort, "Until this afternoon, she was full of life! She could talk normally and had a good appetite. She was even excitedly talking about the concert...!"
>”... I see," Toudou responded in a soft tone as his shoulders slumped. "But Amamiya, that’s the cruel reality of an illness. It always takes the lives of our patients in moments we least expect them to."
>"This can't be happening…!"
What is denial? He “knew” but didn’t want to believe it.
Holy fuck, this cope. He thought she was going to recover. Or at the very least, deluded himself she was going to. He no idea she was dying. Fuck off with your copes.
It's not even that, he believed she would live despite chances of that being slim. They also go on to explain that Sarina kept her deteriorating health a secret from him and got the nurses to agree not to tell him.
He did not think she was going to die and even states he would never make promises to her to trick her.
he promised to think about it
then saying no to the 16yo healthy sarina won't be a betrayal
Well, I'm reading this not as denial but as hope for her own sake, because certainly her not dying is obviously for any decent human being the right mindset.

You're reading it as that he was waiting for her to survive so that they can love each other.

We're not going to agree on this. So lets just agree to disagree.
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There's a reason we get the keychain and its importance to Goro brought up in 144 after Ruby's confession in 143. Then, we get the crows POV on the keychain scene and the motivation for reincarnating them in the next chapter.
I don't know how stupid you have to be to miss this obvious shit.
The actual answer is that she's a fucking 12 year old, and when a child says something along the lines of "Mr, I want to marry you when I grow up," you don't go "Heh, no way" and crush their feelings
Retard, he actually thought that she would recover, that’s also part of the reason why he was so devastated by her death because she passed away in the moment he expected the least
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Ruby's tight pussy
>You're reading it as that he was waiting for her to survive so that they can love each other.
That's not what he's saying. The argument is that he wasn't bullshitting when he said he'd consider marrying her when she came of age because "lol she gonna die, let's make her happy."
>anon is so autistic he thinks goro would have said no to sarina in that moment if he didn't intend to marry her
And he was still going to consider when she turned 16. Your next cope?
Retard, Goro explicitly denounced such promises
even when a kid with cancer is asking?
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The retard wants to pretend that Goro didn't mean anything he said to Sarina. Despite the fact that he didn't deny that she meant more than to him than just a patient at the hospital and couldn't define his feelings for her when asked.
However, when Ruby starts saying she's 18 year old Sarina he gets awful fuzzy about it.
You guys are legitimately autistic. And not in the haha funny 4chan way, but in the literally cannot understand human interactions and dynamics way.
No, you just refuse to accept that Goro was being honest despite it being written as such.
Literally scroll up. I literally said that of course he was devasted because he didn't expect it to happen in this moment.

However it also implies that he was aware and certainly if she died for instance after the concert, maybe a little bit after or a year he would have been far less impacted, knowing that he at least could provide her some memories worth living.

You however construct his emotional damage around the marriage proposal and thus in the end by your logic it's acutally irrelevant when she died and whatever good happened to her if they didn't end up dating each other by age 16.
Yes, he said it was cruel to make false promises to a girl who is not going to make it anyway just so she could have something to look forward to
Don't try to move the goalpost, you disgusting rat. You heard what he said.
>"The thought of her having something to look forward to... that’s just too cruel."
Gorou wasn't like that.
They're so illiterate and obnoxious, but reality going to bludgeon them in the face more soon than later.
No, but you are definitely coping. Keep at it, you're doing great!
No, he thought she would live despite it being unlikely.
>"The thought of her having something to look forward to... that’s just too cruel."
Gorou wasn't like that.

Gorou wasn't even aware that she was genuinely looking forward for that. That's the irony. Just like he wasn't aware how fucking apeshit her psyche went when he disappeared to Tokyo.
Goro was entirely serious when he said he'd consider marrying Sarina.
>However it also implies that he was aware and certainly if she died for instance after the concert, maybe a little bit after or a year he would have been far less impacted, knowing that he at least could provide her some memories worth living.
literally headcanon. The most obvious explanation is that Goro believed that Sarina would recover like all people do with their loved ones. Nobody wants them to die
Yep, literal chapter 1 confirmation that if Sarina asked him out at 16 it was a done deal.
I hate it to break it to you but it’s a typical romance trope in manga/anime

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