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Kongou desu!
She's great.
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Tsundere botes are the best.
The only good boat, I miss her like you wouldn't fucking believe
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rub a quack thanks for the duck
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ro-chan is getting a little chubby
Give it 9 months and you'll know why.
You can't make a boat pregnant.
Not with that attitude
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Haruna daijoubu
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Thank you all for saying such kind things about mai waifu.
made for shotakan sex
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I prefer aryan shipgirls, although Kongou is also pretty hot.
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I still can't choose between Prinz and Bismarck. Both are very erotic shipgirls
Holding a beach orgy party with your cute aryan shipgirls! Defeating them in a drinking contest and in bed!
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Cute pastas.
I want to claim Bismarck's asshole!
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Shimakaze will always be a cute girl!
Never wasn't.
I want to fill her with my wurst!
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How can this cute kraut be so erotic?
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>No Kongou Sisters side OVA

I'm sure after the roaring success of Shigure's anime there'll be new Kancolle content very soon.
Can't tell if sarcasm since I don't know the sales, but iirc S1 sold well despite negative reception just due to the fact that it was KanColle, so I'd believe if S2 sold well.
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post tsunboats
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Where are the aircraft carriers?
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International cooperation is always nice to see.
Why did the anime suck so much ass?
They knew it would sell even if it was shit.
That's a very generous assumption. No, their mistake is that they thought they had a great idea.
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Tsundere sex with Kasumi and the other two whose names I dont know
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Which botes would rape a shota skk?
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EnKo queen spotted.
It didn't have a clear direction, you can feel there were many conflicting visions that contradict each other and never feel cohesive.
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Best engineering in the world!
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Then how did Inazuma become my daughter?
That opinion is debatable at best.
Not in this case. Aryan ships really torpedo their competition
I love the Germans. Their hulls are slightly over armored, giving them a bit extra weight. I absolutely love that about them. But I will acknowledge that such a body type is not the pinnacle of naval architecture. What is gained in armor is more than lost in speed.
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To conclude I consider the American hull design with all or nothing armor scheme as the best overall for both armor and speed.
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I want to pay Suzuya for creampie sex on her unsafe day when she's not on the pill.
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Bratty botes must be punished.
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Do boats need underwear?
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BGOTY 2015
lord give me strength
Only when they aren't in TTK's quarters.
How expensive would that be?
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Looks like Oia.
Thirty knots is a pretty brisk pace for battleships.

I thought she was a destroyer, not a ferry.
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I like these
I want to slowly enter a DD.
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She eats too much
Eating is a vital part of sharing foreign cultures.
Is there an abyssal that eats a lot like Akagi?
Seaport sometimes is shown to be like that. Some people theorize Midway Princess is abyssal Akagi but I don't buy into that personally.
Also while the Aircraft Carrier Water Oni is the counterpart of Shoukaku, I do like to think of her as someone who spends 90% of her time eating large amounts of food, specially cakes, so maybe she can get into some food competition with Akagi.
Supply Depot eats massive amounts of shit
> large amounts of food, specially cakes
Abyssal Stocking.
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I want to breed these aryan ships!
Kancolle was once at the top of the world.
What the fuck happened?
Sometimes I wish ships could go faster just by dressing like Shimakaze.
Never was, popularity adjusted over time and still mogged azur lame
>What the fuck happened?
All of the side projects were mediocre aside from the arcade game.
KC is still there and still have lots of fans, but wasted potential would describe it well.
It is a mediocre game saved by the hot girls. It also has many years so just like with legacy franchises, people got tired of it.
Azur Lame sucks so much, at least the KC girls have matching uniforms and it tries to be a military game. The Azur Lane water maids and dog girls make no fucking sense.
It's a curry store with a browser game side gig, what did you expect?
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KC has amazing character design or at least during the first 5 years. So many historical nods combined with the designs all while keeping a nice fashion sense that can feel grounded, moe or cool, both with shipgirls and abyssals. You have a few bland or ridiculous designs but even those tend to have its appeal like the potatoes.
Azur Lane just has sex appeal on its side but there's no thing else there.
Completely agree. Only good thing about AL are the thots. I've cum buckets to St. Louise in her luxurious wheels dress but KC mogs it everywhere else.
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at least we don't have permadeath or SHITbafu in our game lmao

>KC has amazing character design
>smiles better as an amputee
I agree with that part.
Shitty game, devs loathe gaijins, all medium suck dick.

It only survives due fanwork and merch.
It's been 8 years since Iowa entered the game and American ships now far outnumber every other gaijin fleet in the game and yet there's still people who believe this.
they ran out of japanese botes to add
should have started with 30-ish botes and add 10 per year
>Almost a decade
I would give her the roughest sex.
KanColle is 11 years old, you shouldn't be surprised the anime is coming up on its 10th anni.
Torisan always draws just about the perfect amount of body.
Anime tanked hard.
Nah there are better artists out there.

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