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Only five more days. For anyone who hasn't seen the announcement, Hidive will be simulcasting it uncensored.
>this is the biggest shes ever been drawn
>still nowhere near the disgusting blobs people post here
God bless meth and his taste
What is even there to uncensor?
The only anime the studio has done previously was a literal hentai.
isnt this the studio's first solo anime?
gross. this definitely needs censoring
pride month is over, buddy. go back to >>/lgbt/
>Hidive will be simulcasting it uncensored
Don't confuse this with confirmation there will be nipples in the anime.
what other meaning could "uncensored" have in this context
they will not be censoring the content of the anime.
That doesn't mean the anime will have nipples in the first place.
Just last season the anime Kaii to Otome got this treatment.
alright whatever you say
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If you had told past me the Official twitter was gonna do a weight gain drive, I wouldn't believe you
I'm not familiar with Kaii to Otome. Could you explain to me how it was apparently uncensored but had no nipples?
Holy fuck, s he is even fatter than in the Satero chapter
Not that anon, but while the anime kept most of the pantyshots from the manga (censoring only a handful) and even added a few new ones, as well as included an uncensored butt scene in the ED, the shower scene's butt got censored as well as all nipples. No light beams though.
>6396 fry emojis against 429 of everything else
I thought people wanted this to be a weight loss manga. Why didn't more people spam the healthy foods emojis?
I want to fuck a belly button.
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You have to lose 100 pounds so that we may bring you to weight loss surgery.
Thanks for the explanation. I understand now, but I still have faith.
You have no power here, Now.
If this Elf ends the show thin, I'm killing myself
It's Synecdoche and he wasn't even the one who drew it obviously the series new lead animator did
Okay but how uncensored are we talking? Elf manga uncensored or interspecies reviewers uncensored?
We're in good hands
Well there will be two version, one censored and the other not.
What's what I'm asking. How uncensored will the uncensored version be?
Well get nipples, don't expect much the manga too doesn't have anything more.
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That's what i figured
I will watch this uncensored slide show, and enjoy it
Very bold post anon
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I can't wait for the wave of fanart of her, what with the absolute fever about asses and legs right now
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It will be glorious.
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It's an untapped market for this season, so I'm hoping.
This and Oga fanart.
Based Oga enjoyer. I really want to see more art of her
Faith can move mountains.
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Very much so
>tfw she's still slimmer than you
What are you even doing man
Feed her more fries, that will fix your problem.
Never stop, King.
Do you think the expected to make her this fat based on all the engagement?
Their initial tweet with the blurred images isn't near as fat she is here.
I guess the anime was so cheap to (not) animate that they have extra cash for promotion and collaborations.
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3DPD fat is not 2D fat. The 2D fat is hot and delicious, the 3D fat is smelly and lethal.

Pull the brakes before it's too late.
So what do the Japanese think about this? Are they into this or is it just us gaijins?
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Architects, how are we feeling?
You know there’s groups for every fetish everywhere. And this was made by them for them.
>one eye
>two eyebrows
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Does he have fucking bling on his sthetoscope?
I am 100% sure the people who buy the manga are excited.
Rethink your life choices
Why was this deleted? Just make it a spoiler ffs
feels like winning brother. Large, soft, heavy elf women are in our future Inshallah.
I'm kinda scared guys, what if it sucks?
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>It's Synecdoche
he'll always be methonium in our hearts.
Just stop eating, literally that easy. I’m a DYEL twink and struggle to eat enough
>all characters fatter than the manga
>marketing leans into the fetish, not trying to skirt around it
all those years of dealing with the erratic schedule... it's been worth it
Meth has to up his game and make everyone fatter in the manga.
Imagine someone's first introduction to the series is the anime and they go back and read the manga and gets utterly disappointed everyone is like 40 pounds lighter.
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no one cares about this one, also that shitty naming.
>translation : Elf-san can't lose weight.
>trannyslation : Plus size elf.
just fagottry only that, also joke anime that got DOA because of shikanoko that will premiere this sunday JPT.
insecure fat wife and giant childhood friend gyaru are his greatest works
I like the last one
his only anal work
>he made a manga titled Healthyx1000 Big Ass
>it has no anal
I love this man's work, I wish him all the success in the world, but I will never understand him.
you know it's going to suck

might as well just enjoy the voice acting
Meat can't be beat.
>that shitty naming.
Okay but "Second Helping" for Shin is actually good though.
Honestly anything is better than "Elf Can't On A Diet"
elf cannot into diet
The twitter account has it as Elf can't be on a diet which is a tiny bit better.
The tall gyaru hits so many things...
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I wonder how many doujins Meth actually made, I could've sworn there were lots and lots but now it seems he only did a handful.
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You are right, Meth is prime breeding material.
Back when he pretended to be a woman.
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based mommy enjoyer
They only did enough to fill two tankoubons i think
They know how to draw cute fatties without the disgusting parts same with fukumaaya
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>they fell for the "self-portrait" meme

all I've seen is muchi lover, "Because it's you, shorty" "healthyx1000 big ass" "cosplay nightingale" and "motherhood of love" all of which I've never seen collected into a second tank, and he did like a cover insert for some elf doujin by a different artist.
>falling for the >he >she meme
Meth switched too quickly to going mainstream with elf-san otherwise they would've done more anal.
Could've sworn meth had a second tankoubon but i guess not
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we're reaching unprecedented levels of bigness
Has the MC had sex with any of them yet?
he has sex with erufuda and auntie every day
Which chapter?
At this point I'm pretty sure the author pulled an Oh My Goddess shit and made Erufuda or somebody else put a spell on the MC that prevents him from going full horndog on the fatties.
Compared to how he lusted after the boss in the first chapter to know, he's sure become more asexual.
He's not attracted to fat women.
he states multiple times out loud that he's attracted to bigger ladies. he's just a professional and not terminally horny. maybe he's just not into brats and women with no sense of self control.
be careful what you wish for
What the hell, this has to be the biggest girl he has ever drawn.
I NEED to grab that belly.
Anon, if this is how big she is now, just imagine how big she'll get when she's fattened by the Satyr.
Insane we're at the point where we have an official weight gain drive.

Nips and vagoo maybe, personally I don't care too much for uncesonred

Its truly wonderful isn't it

We will have a fake out ending where she loses weight and leaves, probably in the 2nd or maybe even 3rd season depending on pacing. Just like the run with Meth's original publisher only for her to just come back fatter again.

if you're a woman post belly, if you're man just become strong fat guy easy as.

So damn good, never thought i'd live to see the day

If you are in the twitter scene there's a lot of jap architects, of course not as much as world wide but a large amount than one would think for the nation. I don't think the anime will ever become some darling but it has enough for niche levels.

Its the teams first outing, i don't expect it to be more than a glorified slide show but it doesn't matter, what matters is that this has opened up the path for fat fetish to get into a more mainstream media of actual anime. This really hasn't happened before and the effects of this could be huge. I will enjoy it regardless and hope that it gets a 2nd season with a bigger jiggle budget.

She's a big gal

no such thing as too big

this is technically bigger than when she was fattened, whats funny is the Satyr didn't even have to do anything thats just how fat she would be with no one to hold her back,
Mass replying faggots need to be shot
>IDF floods the tunnel
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Are we sure it's gonna be uncensored? Afaik the AT-X version only airs 2 days later on 8th July, and the truly completely uncensored AnimeFesta version airs a good 2 weeks later on 19th July.
HiDive airing the completely uncensored version on 6th July would be pretty huge.
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oh shit that one's great, it's also probably the only hentai for bi-guys.
>Are we sure it's gonna be uncensored?
that's explicitly what the announcement says, so we kinda have ot assume that's true. I would expect the delay with the japanese broadcasts are due to some kind of local regulations or contracts that the international stream just isn't beholden to.
You make Dr. Phil blush by how much of a quack you are.
Anon please, I don't want these to be deleted too, use the spoiler tag.
Nervous, I just want this to at least be decent.
Yeah, but they can still technically say "uncensored" even if it's just the less censored AT-X version.
yeah but until it airs we don't even know what the "less censored" version even is.
Everything but nipples probably.
I really want to see Oku like this.
I wanna do a weight gain sequence that progresses each week as the anime goes on
Every other girl has their strengths but Erufuda's sheer gluttony is unmatched.
Literally an official WG drive wow
Didn't Meth post a gym selfie on his twitter at one point? It was from shoulders down and he looked like a solidly built guy.
Unless I'm confusing that with another mangaka.
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NTA but the site says that the AT-X version is going to be a different one from the one airing on other channels, they didn't had this on the site last week so they probably wanted the uncensored thing to be a surprise till now
And the version on AnimeFesta has even less censorship, it is called "Mechapotepote ver." while the AT-X one is called "potepote ver."
So this is being produced by the same people behind those "TV hentai" shit like Showtime and Adam-kun, which explains why Elias is doing this?
just 1 week to go are you excited
His hentai doujinshi work is better.
get back to the granny
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>Right below have ping to ton of other sites and news reposters.

Either intern is overworking or something is off.
What do you mean?
Usually official accounts don't tweet anything past usual marketing.
Will the MC ever stop acting like he's not horny at all? I'm not asking him to fuck them although I certainly wouldn't mind I'd just like him to show signs that he's really into it. It's an ecchi manga, ecchi manga should have MC's that at least have signs they're quite into it no matter how they hide it.
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Cute Erufuda.
>Insane we're at the point where we have an official weight gain drive.
Not the first time. I know there was a manga about a snow lady that had one right after the manga ended as well.
Cautiously optimistic.
He flat out admitted he liked fat chicks in the second chapter, anon.
That's the second chapter. He's acted like he's asexual as time went on.
That's cause either Satero or Oneiros eat his desires when we dreams, so he keeps his Horny levels in check.
He understands the boundaries of his clients, like a true professional. Also he has hot sex with elfuda every night so that helps curb his libido.
At least he does get embarrassed whenever he sees them naked like here >>268360570. So he's not entirely asexual at least.
also his dream had most of the cast even bigger than they normally are, and fish's siren song made her a thicc goddess, he's blatantly into the girls physically. if anything he doesn't enjoy his situation because they're all varying levels of dysfunctional brats and he's a well adjusted adult.
None of them ever show any degree of romantic interest in him either, except his boss the pig girl who he is also openly attracted to but rejects anyway because he knows workplace relationships are a recipe for disaster.
She's so greedy and gluttonous and hoggish. If she was left to her own devices she'd be immobile in no time. It's so fucking hot. I love this fetish, I'm so grateful I was born a fatfag. And I'm so grateful to Meth for gifting us this prime specimen of piggishness.
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This but with Oku
It's funny how helps extremely obese people but he's fat himself.
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Not today you son of a bitch
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i told myself i wouldn't be bothered by other peoples opinions on this but god damn my patience is being tested. i can only hope they get filtered when they realise its not body positive nor is it ssbbw tier shit
Holy fuck, she's huge. I don't know if my penis will handle this show.
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Post this image to scare a fatfag.
>Kuroeda was the real fatfag all along
Makes sense, given how tsuntsun she is towards Erufuda
It's a fat fetish ecchi show.
We've only had one trailer and nothing so far has done anything to quell the fears that we're going to be slideshow tier when it actually drops.
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They are sharing fanart.
I don't care, I just want to see slampigs.
I can't believe how down /a/ is on this anime. I'm actually looking forward to it. Even if it's gonna be a slideshow, it being done by a porn studio gives me hope they'll at least give us some nice shots and not hold themselves back on the content.
getting smothered by Oku and/or Hitome boobs that are larger than my head
This but with Kuroeda

I dunno, from the first promo shot I wasn't feeling optimistic. You can salvage a slideshow somewhat with directing choices in a non-action focused series, but it really bothers me that this doesn't capture the author's style unlike Mysterious Maidens did.
Nah you fags are feeders disgusting
i'd hope its not a slideshow with how aggressively they're promoting it
Nah man, they are promoting it so aggressive BECAUSE it is a slidwshow.
how do you mean
he impregnated them all in a dream
Shaking with excitement, brother
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I think it is obvious this was made after Frieren's success so they're banking on elves a bit more. I just wish they gave them a bit more time
Is he Synecdoche's archnemesis?
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Remember to vote so we are the prime show chads this season
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I will never give up on Kuro
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Please sit on me Kuro!

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