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Better late than never.
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Do you think they get horny hearing all the sex noises?
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hypocrite rudy
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Norn surprisingly more so than Aisha
Norn blushes. Aisha peeks and flicks the bean.
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Success breeds jealousy.
i personally can't stand wish fulfillment garbage that takes itself seriously
Noodlebrains only want extremes like superfunny comedy or ultra-serious boring mundane drama, and hate anything inbetween.
Fortunately, they are an irrelevant minority.
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>we'll only get to watch the battle for Asura Kingdom towards the end of Trump's 2nd term
It's so over.
>he thinks the trad conservative girl doesn't touch herself every night before going to sleep
Don't worry, Jr-2028 will follow
such an empty criticism that could be applied to almost any fiction aside from things like King Lear, Oedipus Rex or Grave of the Fireflies

Even many less extreme tragedies could be called wish fulfillment of some kind. Children of Hurin is wish fulfillment — after all what boy doesn't want to become a legendary dragon-slayer?
will we get the staff list leaked before the first trailer? place your bets
Nah, I'll be waiting for Fuentes 2036.
>after all what boy doesn't want to become a legendary dragon-slayer?
That's just sounds like power fantasy not wish fulfillment
The guy who directed the hydra fight will direct
>The fight with Atofe
>The fight with Orsted (2 part episode)
>The bulk of Vol 17 episodes.
S3 and S5 will be peak anime
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>normalfag friends visibly uncomfortable with the "cheating" shit with Roxy
Serious question, is it really necessary to create a 3rd Polygamy Tensei thread? Don't be like Frieren spammers, you are better than them.
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>you are better than them
You're right about that.
Rudy didn't almost wreck his family. Paul hid his infidelity until he got caught via Lilia's pregnancy, Rudy came clean right away.
Kys retard do you know who I am?
I did check that one reaction channel that was mentioned in a couple previous threads expecting I might get a good meltdown but they seemed surprisingly understanding of the whole Roxy thing.
Where are the other two? Theres only one thread for on topic discussion
>le criticism
it's not criticism. i don't like this shitshow and that's that
>con goer niwakas like normalfag anime

this is not the gotcha you think it is
Stop watching reaction channels you bastard, this is not your reddit hugbox!
>said an anon who spent 6 months to watch the entire series so far, and will spend another 6 months to watch the next seasons of said series
Then again, hatewatchers who are afflicted with FOMO-syndrome do exist.
i haven't watched more than 3 episodes
Thanks for coming clean that it's not a real criticism so we can give your bare exhortation to stop liking things that you don't like the amount of consideration it's due, which is fuck all.
Aisha masturbates in front of their door
>I did check that one reaction channel that was mentioned in a couple previous threads
Kek this fanbase is beyond pathetic
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Animeonly here, when do we get to see Rudy dab on Eris with his two wives?
Dominion lmaos at the concept of fair elections
He has no time to dab on her, because one of his two wives is on the verge of dying she actually already died. Then he tells her to fuck off, as he loses his othe wife.
>Time traveler Barron shows up and corrects the mistakes of the the bad timeline
Freiren: The Next Demon Slayer™ is not normalfag?
Who should voice Gall and Auber in the English dub?
>always thought my grandma would see Trump as the last president
>turns out i was right if he wins
>2027 she turns 100.
It's just fake virtuesignaling. Cut off those so-called "friends".
The name is bait all she does is wander aimlessly to the North
The sex room is soundproof, Rudy made sure the place had proper noise isolation. It's the only place in the house that has it though.
Matt Mercer or Troy Baker would be a perfect GF, his voice needs to be deep but still fairly young sounding.
Peacock needs to be very exaggerated in his voice. Almost like a Mark Hammil Joker but not so much. Maybe Johnny Yong Bosch.

Bryce Papenbrook would make a perfect Alek.
When he's nearly dead and on the ground crying.
yeah he tells her to fuck off several times and then rapes and tortures her
she escapes and still sacrifices her life for him
in an alternative timeline
How disabled is Roxy? Can she send telepathic messages despite not understanding them, or is she totally migger deaf.
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If there was cheating it would have to be with banana
She seems to be completely telepathically deaf.
At least, we haven't ever seen any migurd react to her thinking at them to please stop thinking at her.
I feel so sorry for Aisha. She can't say no to Roxy because she herself is a product of polygamy. And her mom forces her to be a servant, when she should be training to become an adventurer like Elinalise.
I am jealous of Ruijerd
Anime implies she hears a high pitch noise whenever a Migurd sends a psychic message to her.
don't be. He killed his own family and was hated and lonely for 400 years.
>I can’t handle fiction unless it’s extremely self aware and constantly making fun of itself
seems like you can’t stand anything other than marvel movies
But he got Norn
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>tfw no daughterfu
What are the odds that Norn would accept Aisha as Ruijerd's second wife if she found out Aisha was pregnant?
I don't think Norn was worth all that trauma which made Rudeus himself an unstable genocidal suicidal maniac when he received the same karma.
those other guys are talking about an "alternate timeline" btw. in this timeline he tells her about it in a letter but she doesn't care and comes straight back to him anyway.
Aisha doesn't give a fuck and she loves being a maid. Roxy coming along probably gave her false hope.
>Ehhh~ Onee-chan likes girls her size? And he's fine with multiple wives?! Then that means that I can still... teehee~
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>Aisha already planning to get hair dye and become blue-haired
Why even think about it? Ruijerd would never cheat on Norn. In fact he probably has his hands full with her already.
Norn would kill herself if Aisha NTRed her
The cuckposter is trying to come up with all kinds of combinations.
That's why we have such inane shitposts like
>what do if Sylphie x Luke?
>what do if Rudeus x Ariel?
>what do if Aisha x Ruijerd?
>what do if Roxy x Zanoba?
>what do if Pax x Norn?
and so on.
She'd come around to follow the pattern of young rebellious kids critizing their parents flaws only to find out as adults they'd do the exact same thing.
don't get why resident retardo goes on a moral crusade about fictional characters
>implying crack shipping isn't just wholesome fun
If I were to get mad about ships in MT I'd have already dropped it when Rudy didn't get to bang his sisters.
What if Seighart Saladin Greyrat wasn't the strongest man to ever live?
No. That's fat teenage girl-behavior.
>what do if Sylphie x Luke?
Sylphie will need implants
>what do if Rudeus x Ariel?
hot. and get marriage counselling.
>what do if Aisha x Ruijerd?
Norn x Ars
>what do if Roxy x Zanoba?
Roxy may want to reconsider that petrification
>what do if Pax x Norn?
Pax will have to repent before Millis
Luke is just disgusting
Rudeus already considered Ariel a potential wife in the Vitaverse
Norn would kill herself
Zanoba is asexual
He refused to plap Nanabotshi
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>Rudeus already considered Ariel a potential wife in the Vitaverse

When is the upcoming Mushoku Event thats rumored to announce the Eris OVA?
why did Norn join that sect even in another reality where Rudeus lost his wife and friends due to their corruption?
One would rather expect them to be naked together.
If being a KamiKuro patrician makes me empathetic to teenage girls, then that's just a plus.
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He sends her a letter to come and help him take down Orsted. Eris arrives to a wasteland that once was a forrest with Rudy's magic armor all blown apart and him with no arms. Oh and Roxy and Sylphie arrive too but nobody cares about wives and husbands right now. The thing with Eris is that she doesn't give a shit about anything as long as she gets to be with Rudy and protect him.
Norn already ghosted him in that timeline a long time ago she doesn't know.
Volume 23 Vita puts him in an illusion AU where he and Ariel are married and he us the king of Asura. Also Ariel has no harem hes her only husband meaning he fucked Luke big time.
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Luke died in that dream-timeline.
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Zanoba already has a wife though
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why is oersted hellbent on killing him before being allies
>Also Ariel has no harem hes her only husband
Unsurprisingly, self inserts would get mad even at some irrelevant AU story
>he fucked Luke

Hypothetically if Rudeus were to go to Ariel and ask to replace Luke's position do you think she'd fire Luke?
Norn was already a millisfag at that point, that happened well after where the anime currently is
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Of course she wants his sperm and tries to NTR Sylphie in front of her all the time
That's a big bed huh, there's place for at least two more people.
In the final world timeline? Nah, he's her best male friend and most loyal supporter.
She would only do that if Rudeus impregnates her.
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I get why rudy can't just choose one of them.
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Hey, Rudy attacked first. He thought he was meeting with Bananahoshi.
She gets hot and bothered from Rudeus seeing her piss herself
so why did they get killed in the other timeline in asura?
who the hell makes that kind of face
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The entirety of season 2 part 2 was solely about a blue bird snagging herself a grey-brown bird and leaving the white bird behind.
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Orsted is an idiot, the competence of Orsted Corp is Rudy and Aisha
because Rudeus stole a secret tome from Millis to save Roxy so he was a very wanted man by the church dead or alive
Orsted is a walking encyclopedia, what you do with it is something else entirely.
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If Fitz-senpai was a boy, would Rudy still tap that?
>so why did they get killed in the other timeline in asura?
Because Ariel's supporters are weak and irrelevant. No Derrick means no Perugius-support.
No surviving Sauros and Phillip means no Luke convincing them to join Ariel by wooing Eris.
No Eris means no chances of survival against the assassins of minister Darius.
This all leads to Sylphiette getting amputated and having a clean cut across her face.
Luke and Sylphie you mean? cause Ariel tried to retake the throne without Perugius's support, and Sylphie was no match for the people protecting Grabell.
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She is so funny.
Millisfags need to cough up>>268391888
the healing magic so medicine can advance, fucking scum.
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>meanwhile only makes two
>he did all these things but only with Roxy, Sylphy got to watch though
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Disgusting Elf-mutt
>Looks like a chad in the LN
>Looks like a twink in the anime

God I hope that his season 3 design looks more like Paul.
He never thinks of fucking a woman to create a hybrid that is unaffected by his curse
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Stay mad haters.
Every woman he fucks would most likely kill herself.
And even assuming he manages to ensure she can't kill herself, the pregnancy might take a century, making it not worthwhile to it.
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I like em both just like rudychad.
Oh right driggers have really weird long ass pregnancies
>roxy gets terminally ill
>rudy and friends steal a book from millis to heal her
>plan fails, roxy dies
>sylphie leaves to help out ariel in the war
>millis kill squad kill off the rest of his friends and family
Rudy turns into a anti-millis murder machine with time and gravity magic but by that time he already lost everything
The queen has small boobs
the part where he runs behind her as she's thinking "this is what I think he would be doing" is so good. there are some things like that that you can only do in a visual medium that improve upon the LN.
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Die Auber
You're too ugly for this world
I'm hoping when we get the diary animated we get the scene of Rudeus "no way fag"ing Eris.
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Still big enough that everyone who isn't a Japanese ghost inhabiting a dead body would consider attractive.
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Auber is cool
the only candidate capable of loving him properly is Luicelia.
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Did you pay your respects to roxy pantsu altar today /a/?
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roxy erotic
this better not be ai
>already did by releasing covid so Trump loses 2020 and Biden is the one to be hit by the dementia ray instead
It was not by my hand that I am once again given this awesome unique haircut.
I was called here by fat pedophile politicians who wished to pay me tribute.
god I fucking hate miggers
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he's not stupid but he is only good at certain things. an autist essentially. same for all driggers.
It is. Hair and clothes melt together.
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pretty much all demons are autistic too
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All I know is that it comes from my roxy folder. Hopefully she gets more screentime and character development next season!
>Greyrat family dinner with Orsted
>"Watch out, Mister Orsted. The soup is kind hot, make sure to blow on it some"
>"Don't worry, Sylphiette Greyrat. This isn't enough heat to penetrate my Saint Dragon Battle Aura. It needs at least to be as hot as the sun"
>Laugh Track
>"Uuuuhh. Ok then."

Amazing sitcom
Rudeus x Ariel is kino
Demons aren't autistic their brain just never matures, if you pay attention they're just extremely old kids.
Its funny since Lunaria and THE DRAGON GOD have normal social skills
ive been wanting an mt sitcom for years now
Prompting for blue haired female mage on DALL-E creates Roxy clones
nah the dragon god was autistic lunaria on the other hand was normal
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It should have been me.
No he was a ragetard he converses with the dragon generals casually its Laplace who is autistic
SItcom with Curseless Orsted as a protagonist would be fucking awesome. It's just a twenty thousand year old virgin autist having to socialize for the first time in many millenia
Well, that Rudy IS still about three years away.
They could just update his design now one final time no? Or would that not be good? Maybe one last time in volume 18's adaptation?
I don't see why they wouldn't.
>their brain just never matures, if you pay attention they're just extremely old kids.
That's pretty much what autistic adults are like
Well. There is about a year maybe over a year timeskip only. Maybe they just won't even mess with the design at all. I'm just thinking that if they already gave Sylphie her long haired design they could just make Rudeus look like his 20 year old design and just keep increasing the size of his rat tail like the LN.
It's actually complicated. Some art he looks like a girl even
*Plap plap plap*
>ditches his magic staff later on to become more of a battle mage
Reminds me of Negima.
And then you pick other art of him and he just looks like a chad. I prefer the chad dilf design.
Someone edit a tit bulge to this
Every single thread I read this word, what does it even mean.
Magic nigger = slur for magic race (demons)
Little Migger fucking machines
Eris is red.
Miggers are blue.
Sylphie watch out, or a migger will cuck you!
It's referring to Russia's Mikoyan Mig jet aircrafts.
Couldn't he just put those staff crystals on his hands. Also why can't Rudeus use magic with his legs and mouth? Isn't the Voice Magic literally magic using your voice? So what the fuck is this "I can't use magic without my hands!" bullshit.
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We should've gatekept harder...
Hard R for Migurd.
Racial slur for Migurds.
Jesus fuck that Sylphie
M-words = homewrecking little semen demons
>Sylphies signature weapon was handcrafted by Roxy
>Eris's signature weapon was given to her by Roxy's parents
>Rudy's signature weapon was worn by Roxy
I was a Sylphie fag but now I realize Roxy is best girl
Sorry, bro. MT is going to be worldwide famous, then Netflix will give us a live action adaptation. Sylphie will be a mutt nigger. Roxy will be asian, Eris will be a nigress with her hair painted red. Rudeus will either be a white male and utterly humiliated or half black because they will make Paul a nigger and his mom a white woman for that jewbucks.
Based, run over every glowing telepathic miggas with your cart.
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I love Norn!
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Authors punching bag
Aisha is the patrician choice.
She's a cute, clever and self-aware girl who longs for your attention. Who could ever ignore the pleas of one's little sister as she pouts and tugs on your sleeve?
Doesn't Norn flourish for the rest of the series?
Rudeus is such a fag, he had big fat 15 year old tits rubbing his back in Millis
this series is dead ong frfr, time to stop making threads for now methinks
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A lot of people are hating on the harem direction the anime is taking, were the signs not their from the very beginning?
She does. Outrage-selfinserters who want to be Norn just talk nonsense like always.
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>patrician choice
I don't see Lara anywhere in your post so you must be wrong
congrats, you've figured out that msot people are terminally retarded NPCs incapable of conscious thought and having no internal dialog
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Hiticutie was never outplayed, only outhaxed
based on this order ruijerd is next
orsted fight isn't long enough for 2 episodes
rudy gets dunked on in 5 minutes
This thread needs more Seigi no Mikata.
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Doesn't matter, they'll still watch no matter what.
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I mean the three main heroines were featured so prominently I didn't think animeonlies were this dumb, but I'm proven wrong once again.
Filler time :)
This is the problem with having an anime go mainstream
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This is honestly the reason I choose Norn over Aisha. Any guy would love to have her as a sister. I like Aisha as a standalone character, but as for the imouto role, she is just too perfect.
She feels too unreal. It kinda hinders that incestuous taboo feeling that some sister lovers crave for.

Norn being difficult, having her own problems, opposing your actions because she holds her own values regardless of whether they are right or wrong, feels very much more how an actual sister would be. Which makes it all the better if you were able to be triumphant over her heart because you put in the work and effort to have her by your side.

If I wanted it to be easy for the MC, I'd watch other generic isekais instead where everything easily goes the way of the MC with minimal trouble.
You can easily spend five more minutes on Rudeus first blowing his elemental nukes on Orsted, then firing a gorillion superspikedrill-stone cannon bullets at him, trying to constantly evade and then attack Orsted, with Orsted being pushed back and unable to first land a hit on Rudeus because Rudeus also uses disturb magic and so on to hinder Orsted.
Then comes the dragon sword, and Rudeus gets dicked in less 2 minutes, with most of that time being filled with Rudeus monologueing about how ultra-strong Orsted is.
The episode will probably partially about Rudeus making the preparations, then have the entire rest of the episode being the fight. If they go big, they could make the fight several times longer and flashier. Like some crazy spells being cast, Rudeus and Orsted having a spell-off, Shit blowing up, Rudeus making mountains, Orsted making blackholes using gravity magic all this crazy shit
its only a problem if anyone involved in the production gives a fuck about the cancer that is the anglosphere interbutt

thankfully we've seemingly avoided that with MT so far
Okay, shit's confusing me. Was Zenith teleported directly into the crystal from the mana disaster or was it because she was in an adventuring party and stepped on a trap and then she got teleported there? Is the latter story just what Hitogami told to Geese?
your top 5 episodes of Season 2?
>older brother's feelings
>abrupt approach
>white mask
yes the latter
They're going to spend five minutes alone of Rudy thinking about Hiroshima and Nagasaki to create his nuke, then dropping it, an actual god level spell
So episode ends with Eris jumping in at the last moment and the following episode is a Eris meeting Roxy and Sylphie and then a 2 minute sword fight where Orsted is hardly trying before Orsted goes "RUDEUS GUREIRATTO!"
Paul Greybox, give me strength against Orsted.
He's a Shirou Emiya archtype?
Sieg is a selfish asshole
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You shall have it, my son.
No, Shirou is fucked
Sieg is just a chuuni playing around
>Mana is so shitty that it puppetshows a corpse if its left alone
Jesus fuck
He's just a mushoku larping around and bothering the neighborhood because he wants to remain a mushoku.
Reason being that he kinda hates himself for not taking his best buddy's offer, finding out that he's actually despised for being a greehaired abomination, and still thinking that his dad doesn't really care much about him despite Rudeus having explained that Lucie's interpretation of his intention were not right.
Also, he refuses to get married.
Sieg is Aemond Targaryen
>second son
>has a role model
>forges a chuuni persona to follow in their footsteps
That's why you must never ever try to bury somebody in a forest in the six-sided world if you want to hide the evidence.
You'll get attacked by a vengeful skeleton.
Yes. Though honestly I'm hoping something like this:
>Last episode of the cour
>Starts with showing how Eris got there in the first place, she got the letter and went together with Ghislaine. Cut to her getting to Sharia.
>In Sharia it's shown her going around asking where Rudeus' house is and learning all the rumors about him and shit.
>She gets there, has a conversation with the girls and they go out to find Rudeus.
>Anime original scenes of everyone in a horse trying to find him, they follow the signs of the battle.
>They show Eris running in and using Longsword of Light to decapitate Orsted, but he dodges, getting to the end of last episode through Eris' pov
>Fight ensues

Main reason is because I personally think ending the cour on the cliffhanger of Rudeus becoming Orsted's subordinate to be kino as fuck.
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>Norn being difficult, having her own problems, opposing your actions because she holds her own values regardless of whether they are right or wrong, feels very much more how an actual sister would be.
Each to their own, but I would never settle for a realistic sister. My own little sister is always headstrong, irate and just annoying to deal with. Sort of why I also really dislike Kirino.
Aisha is in fact unreal, she keeps dropping cliché eroge lines in a setting like MT and that's why I love her so much. She is aware of that incestuous taboo and tries to bridge it playfully.
the way they handled Norn's range of disbelief, then sorrow, then acceptance because she ended up believing in Rudy, then her anger when Roxy was introduced, was done so well
Yooooooo this anime is bussin. fr fr when do we get the new season? Need that shit rn on god man. Rudeus has crazy rizz like his father to get two gyatts like that. I want more rn but I'm not reading no books and I don't want to get spoiled by tiktok. shit sucks
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miggers? it's a portmanteau of magic and niggers
that way you can tell that demons are minorities in their world
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Hehehe, Rudeus, give me your kittens now, nyaa!
oh my god, look how precious this face is. she looks so worried, ahhhhh it's too cute
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>Our team wiped a good chunk of the high ranked swordsmen
Nothing personnel
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I honestly never considered the perspective of those who have actual sisters. I can see your point when a character can hit home too hard.
In the end it's all fantasy regardless of how each character is written.
Will Alexander Kalman III become the spics favorite character?
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Why did hitogami asked Rudeus to help Ruijerd?
What would had happen if he didn't help him?
I image Ruijerd would left the kids at the migger town and they would be unable to leave there until Roxy visits. Then Rudeus would join a party with Roxy and Eris, which could have ended with him breeding Roxy as the years pass.
could hitogami be trying to prevent that?
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I'm more of a K2 enjoyer
I always thought it was just a fake advice to get things going. Ruijerd would probably help anyway.
Hitogami wants Ruijerd to die of Superd Aids.
Rudy would have helped him regardless
Eris kakoi!!
>I image Ruijerd would left the kids at the migger town
no, Roxy wasn't a concern at the moment, Ruijerd was supposed to be the long term consequence in his master plan, Hitogami is patient
I kinda want them to show Sylphie using Cumulonimbus for the first time but I know it's gonna be skipped, it isn't important and is only talked about in passing in the LN, I just think it would be cool to see her doing the same movements as Rudy did with the wand she got from him. I miss the magical feel of S1C1.
hitogami willing MT3 will be shockfull of good magical action
still hate how he didn't marry nanahoshi and the princess
>Not casting I Am Atomic
Pleb isekai protag.
The princess absolutely comes with way too many baggages to deal with, so yeah, Rudeus absolutely doesn't want to marry her. Staying in the north in his cozy little manor far far far far far away from all those murderous nobles will make it much easier.
As for Nanahoshi, even without her disease, it just wouldn't be right. She doesn't want to stay, and she has a life back home, just like all the orthodox isekai protagonists from before the reincarnation trope. Marrying her would mean that she has given up all hopes.
I'm sure the king tier spell learning will be in the trailer for S3. We will see the effort right away, maybe they could add it as an anime original scene.
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saw this in a recent thread
where is it from?
Storyboard of Eris sex that never made it in.
>animate the sex scene but keep it private in the studio
fucking studio bind motherfuckers
learn what storyboard means retard. That's genga.
I'm pretty sure it's explained that him casting voiceless magic involves using his hands to mentally control the flow of mana, like how a normal human works with their hands to build things. They don't use their toes to form a ball of mud. This ain't Avatar.
I know a lot of faggots say things like "Well the LN was fade to black as well" the anime gives them a chance to enhance the LN and from the very beginning did Bind fail. Even if it had to be BD only, it would enhance the experience, MT is super watered down when it should be GoT tier when it comes to sex and violence.
fucking insane that they considered it
the S1 director is built different
imagine the U149 scenes that only exist privately
Ruijerd would have followed Rudeus and Eris from a distance and protected them even if they didn't ask for help. I thought maybe Hitogami simply wanted him near Rudeus to help keep Roxy away (since she's terrified of the Superd), or maybe he was always thinking long term and wanted to get Ruijerd to the central continent
The annotations are wrong here. The A cel should be the furthest back, and B on top.
t. animatorfag
This man actually RudyMaxx'd
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>the S1 director is built different
He's a pussy, should've went through with it at least in the BD.
>11 minutes ago
>Shilling your own channel here
So it's just a matter of getting used to it, yes? That's cool then. I don't see why you can't flow your mana into your feet, if you can do it for voice magic
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he wanted this to happen, which wouldn't have happened if Ruijerd never left the demon continent.

>what is this
Badigaid is bringing Ruijerd to meet the rest of the Superd who stayed on the Human continent after the Laplace war. They're all fucking dying and he wants Ruijerd to die, too.
Imagine being so mentally ill and pathetic you like low brow garbage such as this whole series. Literally not a single redeeming quality.
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do you think we will get Redundancy 3 or 4 even before the S3 or will Rifujin stall and blueball us until then?
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Not him, but I accept you guys believing that
Rifujin will be too busy making a gacha game and finishing Orc Eroica, mark my words
>2024 i am forgotten
>not even a preview in the ending
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>Rudy on his knees, no arms, looking pitiful as a baby, monologuing about how he's a dead man and wishes he could have said goodbye to Sylphy + Roxy
>Zoom into his face/body implying Orsted's sword is closing in
>Cut to white room with Hitogami
>No Hitogami, cut only lasts a few seconds
>Back to real life
>Zoom still focusing on Rudy's face
>Slow-mo eye widening in surprise as sparks from the sword clashes slowly flows across the screen
>Red hair slowly falls into frame
>Black screen
>"Sorry I'm late, Rudy..."
>Zoom out panning to the back of Rudy's head
>Still-shot of Eris's back with prime focus on her ass parrying Orsted
>End scene

I don't care about this retarded bitch. I hope they butcher all her scenes.
Nah, Badi's not an Apostle yet. He probably just met with him and was nice enough to help him find his people.
It's even more pathetic then
I mean, he does, just not as easily. He launched himself Aisha (or was it Eris's scene?) across town with a rock pillar. He just can't form anything like a fireball.
So? There's not a single piece of fiction with redeeming qualities.
By "he" I meant Hitogami, my bad.
was the mangod aware of the teleport explosion incident as it was forming or was he unaware until after it happened? from the story it looked like the ball spend several years massing up energy above the town.
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I hope you die a slow and painful death.
Do all wives share the same room?
No they all have their own rooms.
It's extremely difficult to justify.
I hope you die before season 3 so you don't see this retard ever again.
>Sylphoid schizo having a melty for the Nth time this week
After, because he's not bothering to watch there, and the whole mana ball formed slowly over the years, so that nobody bothered doing anything about it.
But then when Rudeus broke the final paradigma making Eris wise instead of letting her stay dumb , the ball suddenly rapidly gained mana and then expanded and then exploded.
>10% of the thread is people talking about the story lore
>15% of the thread is people shitting on the show
>75% of the thread is people spamming about their sexual fetishes and/or getting mad people don't give their fetishes a safe space
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>It's extremely difficult to justify
it's even more difficult to justify why your morals should interfere with their private lives
i read that it was the change of the time axis due to history changing was it's attempt to bring it back into alignment right? that is what the energy was trying to do?
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Vita's dream always makes me laugh and then brakes my heart into a hundred pieces
I don't think you need to do much to justify it. Ultimately Rudeus just comes clean and Sylphie decides to forgive him. I don't understand why people need to shit their pants over this.
It wakes up
you look like rudy kinda
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Did you know that being physically attacked and having your core beliefs challenged activate the same parts of your brain (in hindbrain and medulla) into fight or flight mode? This is why Rudy taking Roxy as his second wife gets so many people fuming with anger and distress. They are also mostly women from what I've seen on other websites.
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My dick at 2am, at least that means I'm a healthy young adult
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>To my uh...."precious" daughter Lucy, if you are reading this letter it means I am dead, but don't worry, I died doing what I loved the most, drinking Ariel-sama's piss, you see, you're probably wondering why your Auntie Norn raised you instead of being raised by me or your father, well, your father, in a moment of stupid grief slept with some prostitutes and despite knowing how horny Greyrats can get I felt this was the final straw, I truly did consider raising you but then I remembered how good Princess Ariel's piss tasted so I ran off to her oh and you'd probably sleep with your father too given the opportunity and I didn't want to be around to witness that, yours truly your mother, Sylphiette Asura
It's funny how you try to pretend this is solely about morals, and you can't possibly fathom the concept that you are objectively wrong for how you want to act and conduct yourself.

But what more can you except from a porn addict with brain rot who talks in "memes".
Now kith
>fantasy world? fantasy rules.
There's probably a slight overabundance of women in MT's world just because men are more likely to go off and be adventurers than women. A man in such a world who survives into adulthood taking multiple wives isn't an insane reach.
It doesn't need justified, this isn't the only piece of fiction where someone cheats, they need to grow up and stop acting like pussies.
I first learned of the Vita dream bit through a badly translated summary and when I actually read it, I was incredibly grateful that Vita didn't make Rudy fuck his mom back to normal. That will always color my perception of it.
They should've had Ars do it. He's down with dicking down older relatives.
Vita dreams make me hard
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So we can all agree that hitogami led Geese to the Beast Village, right?
Success (Paul) Breeds Jealousy (Lilia)
Success (Paul) Breeds Jealousy (Norn)
Seriously, why are they so spanish/italian looking?
Why do the japanese suck french cock while thinking that meds are some sort of sexpest demon race?
Rifujin isn't as fucked up as most posters here.
They are only part demon though, they probably look more like Kalman I and he was only a human
If mangod is the god of the humans or just god in general then what the fuck is millis?
READ migger READ
the simple answer is we don't know who millis is, maybe it will be covered in the sequel like the technique god.
He looks so old in this picture, his illutration of him, Atofe, Ruijerd and Norn together makes him look like a 20 year old gigachad. Kalman 2 and 3 can probably live for thousands of years, right? Since Immortal Demons, are you know, immortal.
millis is more like a saint that has his own religion
They're immortal.
Kalman 2 is around 500 years old iirc
millis was probably a former apostle who got screwed over then started a religion to guard against other people making his same mistakes
the way the temple knights get pissed off by rudy asking if they received a message in their dreams seems intentional
My guess is he was once a human who killed millis and stole the spot
Doesn't their human blood nerf their longevity? Though I don't know how that would work if immortal demons can just live forever.
That as old as Ruijerd. So is Rapan only 500 years old? The city was founded after Kalman 2 killed that giga behemoth, right?
Immortal is immortal. Kalman II, III and Randolph might end up being decrepit old men eventually but they're still gonna be immortal.
I swear on me mum that's samefagging.
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>Greyrat University
>24 episodes
>4 for each sibling
>covers the siblings' time at the magic university
>animated by Doga Kobo or some other SoL based studio
Anyone happen to have a stash of bitcoin they could drop on it? No?
Like >>268396691 said he's more like the religion's Mohammed, except more like a catholic version.
So MT was correct. Isekai or Wuxia protags that have harems of a gorillion women are just psycopaths. While Chads with 2 and 3 wives are just women lovers.
Because the spaniards led the original mutt empire (from white to arabs and amerindians). They literally made a whole mutt subcontinent. And they are also lazy and lascivious.
>The sweet spot seems to be

>While Chads with 2 and 3 wives are just
Depraved and mentally ill, and care more about sexual gratification than healthy relationships.
>he's back again
Obsession. Do you want us to have sex with you that badly, monofaggot?
Is this the discuss 3dpd thread or talk about MT thread?
It's the "same fagging until bored anons start biting" thread
Well, Rapan has to be less than 500 years, since Kalman II needs to first become the greatest north god, obtain the legendary sword by slaying the king dragon that terrorized the southern parts of the central continent, then do other heroics before he was powerful enough to then go and slay the behemoths.
It's the same insufferable loser from yesterday and one or two of his discord buttfaggots
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Holy shit anons, I can't believe Rifujin has managed to play us for so long...
Arus is like 2 years old at max. No gerontophilia yet.
Now compare it to Human (Asuran).
>off topic
edgiest moment of the series is still rudeus asking julie if she wants him to kill her
It's funny how you are so blatantly in the minority, but you still delude yourself into thinking that these threads should be your personal safe space.
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Do you think I'm pretty?
I'm confused why the Seven Seas translation refers to Banana as both Silent Sevenstar and Nanahoshi interchangeably, why bother translate her name in the first place if they're using both
I'd agree. I also liked the Vol 7 episodes
Silent Sevenstar's the translated title she gives herself in the native Human Tongue of the six-sided world. Nanahoshi's her family name, of course.
wonder why it took 100 loops (if not more) for Rudeus (and Nanahoshi) to appear when they never appeared in the original universes. It's like being born on earth you had to wait to die and suddenly be taken to another realm to exist for a purpose.
man sylphiette's grandmother is such a whore
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>man sylphiette's grandmother is such a whore
ikr, I love her so much.
Oedipus was wish fulfillment?
He killed the monster, became king and married the hot queen.
Surprise! The rando you killed on the street was your father, your wife is your mother who killed herself from the shock!
This retard even plucked his eyes from depression.
I don't share that kink.
Obviously, Orsted created one loop where the kingdom the reversal child was situated one day decided to do the whole let's-summon-otherworlder-heroes spiel for the first time. Then Akito gets summoned, dies, makes her sad, makes her wish he wasn't dead because he was the first nice guy in a trillion lifeties she can remember, and that leads to the whole Nanahoshi-in-the-past event, coupled with alien Japanese ghost possesses dead baby thing, which then changes the loop so that Orsted will never know what caused the loop was that would lead to the summoning of aliens.
Since Akito, Nanahoshi and _____ all arrived at different point and order, it's difficult to say how that is connected with the timeflow in the mundane dirt world.
It took uncountable thousands of loops. In every loop, there was a Rewind Miko, who could remember each loop due to her curse, but she had a weak destiny and kept dying. In every loop she was born to somebody else, and in every loop she remembered it.

She finally went crazy through all the loops and her powers were then pushed in the current loop to create a chain of causality backwards in time that allowed Nanahoshi and Rudeus to be summoned.
>Oedipus was wish fulfillment?
Reading comprehension? Never heard of it?
Id cheat on Sylphie with Elinalise so much because cucking your wife with her grandma is a rare event
wait a minute, that means Clive is into Gilfs.
What does sex with Elinalise feel and smell like?
She knows every bedroom trick there is.
Like if somebody injected concentrated Soma inside you. It will be the best fuck in your entire life, and nothing better can ever be experienced again.
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Roxybros... I need a migger right this instant... I can't take it anymore
Has she no fucking shame?
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To hold in mine arms, to kiss lovingly and carry on my shoulder during dates, to have rough passionate sex with at night, to bare 7 of my children.
Love miggers
Kiss miggers
Smell miggers
PLAP miggers
Hug miggers
Hold miggers
PLAP miggers
Tuck miggers in to sleep
Wash miggers
PLAP miggers
Breed miggers
Have a litter of half migger children
Be held in a miggers loving embrace
die of old age in a miggers loving arms
Rudy guilt trapped banana to call Orsted then he assaulted him.
Orsted, knowing that it was an attack from Hitogami, defended himself and beat the shit out of Rudy until he started begging to at least spare his family.
He heard Rudy's circumstances. Hitogami wants to kill Rudy's bloodline because they will be a key piece to seal him (Lara, his first migger daughter). Orsted made a counter offer, he will protect Rudy's family from Hitogami and in exchange Rudy will help him hunt Hitogami. That's when they became allies and Orsted became overpowered because Rudy can make the connections Otsted can't due to his hate cuse, Cliff developes curse sealing artifacts, Aisha makes a super merc group, Norn breeds Orsted crush and Roxy breeds Lara.
Closest thing you can get is a short and petite hapa with blue colored hair.
But remember, 2D will always be superior.
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I need your best Eris pictures. Like RIGHT now. It's important. I could die.
>2D will always be superior.
Sometime I wish 2D never existed so I wouldn't have to deal with the heartache of knowing I will never have a 2d lover.
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Don't hate the world. Embrace it. Love 2D because it exists. Endure 3D because it carries many 2D worlds in its orthogonally projected shoulders.
Sorry, I mixed the paragraphs when reading.
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The problem is that there's not a single 3D out there as loving as Sylphie or as Loyal as Eris or as sexy as Roxy...
Per Rifujin this is the last loop. Hitogami is going down, Orsted will win this one.

But whether the summons would be the same in future loops depends on how the time flow works. As in, when Orsted loops and is reset back to start, is he ALSO resetting back to start point wherever in the Earth timeline it corresponds to. Or is he only resetting in the SSW timeline and Earth timeline is completely independent of SSW. If his reset loops back in Earth timeline as well (so 20/50/100/200 years back in its past, depending on how much time flows differently there, and time can still flow at a different pace but be loopable), then Rudeus and Nanahoshi could come through in subsequent loops if the same circumstances and conditions are met.

Basically, is there one timeline for both Earth and SSW that might move at different rates but Orsted is still looping back in the whole timeline. Or I does Orsted looping only affect a single world. Because as far as we know, there are no "failed timelines" it is just the one timeline that Orsted is continually resetting and when he resets the previous loop events never happened in the first place in any timeline.
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>everybody doing chores or helping out
>Eris just standing there in the middle
What makes it funny is it's because she is banned from the kitchen.
If you were in rudy's shoes but had to pick only one (1) wife, who would you choose?
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Probably has to be Roxy. Hitogami must die and Sylphie's or Eris' children can't accomplish that. Also Sylphie is functionally infertile, she is barren after two so she isn't a good choice for bearing lots of children anyway.
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My wife Roxy. Here are the best qualities of her in no particular order:
-short so I can carry her around
-the cutest
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This one is hard to beat
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What makes Lara so necessary?
Why is Eris fucking Cloud Strife?
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>eris ends up weaker than Isolte and Nina
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Have you ever read Dune? You know how Paul Atreides and Leto II have prescience, flawless future sight that allows them to see all possible paths of the future?

Lara has the same power.
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Water god style hard counters her especially.
She isn't weaker than Nina.
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Eris defeated Nina.
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Nina's an emperor
a title she earned on her back instead of with her sword
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The only requirement to become a Sword Emperor is to defeat a sword king, Eris defeated Ghislaine.
Anything past King rank is just a title fight. There are Sword Kings who can beat Emperors for example. Sword God itself is stated to have had people claim it in the past by offing the current Sword God, then losing it a day or two later to a King or Emperor who was better than they were.
That just means Nina is a better lay too
Emperor tier pussy
rudy and gino agree that cousin pussy can't be beat
with no new MT episodes on the horizon I feel lost, empty and sad. My life has become so pathetic that MT episode are the only thing I look forward to living for...
Eris, yeah.
Time for your own growth. Just imagine that this is your isekai life. You got this.
>Time for your own growth
Read something else. Learn japanese
Roxy because fuck shitogame and (literally) fuck miggers. Also, she is the cutest, even if Sylphie is a close second.
these threads might be the only place that expected normalfags to have a meltdown. When go on twitter or reddit or whatever people show nothing but love towards roxy
It's like anons here forgot how much roxy is loved by the community
Probably Eris but I would need a trial punch to see if I could handle dealing with her every day. Otherwise I would have to choose Roxy. Lilia and Pursena are probably part of the package though, so Eris would have to hit me pretty fucking hard.
Don't worry, once you get past your early 20s your life will begin to feel better
Volume 5 of Orc Fucker comes out in October.
But I've never read, nor plan to read, the series so I have no idea how long they want it to go on for.

Rudy did nothing wrong.

>Dad died saving him
>Mom is mentally not there
>Hand amputated in battle
>The one woman you associate with all things good nearly died and now she’s actively seducing you.

I doubt most men could stop things from happening at that point.

Further, Sylphy’s forgiveness is easy to justify:

>See’s all of the above
>Grateful he’s still alive
>It took his goddess seducing him to get him to cheat
>Already knew he was likely to cheat
>He didn’t hide things
>The other woman will objectively make the family stronger and more likely to survive.
>The first born will still be my child
>Read something else
No. MT hit everything I wanted in a story, it's impossible, I tried reading the Wheel of Time but it's not the same.

I'm 28...
season 4 maybe
>Rudy was able to hurt orsted as a child
>COuldn't beat a random monster now
What would it take?
Have you tried psychedelics? Some might help you meet a hitogami like figure. Maybe that will add the mystical touch you need to propel you forward.
He quite literally hurt the monster more than he did Orsted.
This. It is all rather intuitive, even. I don't get all the fuzz.
>first born will still be my child
Unfortunately it's also the worst child.
>Have you tried psychedelics?
I was never into drugs, I took a 800mg edible once and felt like paranoid shit and thought I was talking into the future, never again.
>Unfortunately it's also the worst child.
It isn't, it's the most neglected child.
i think it's pretty funny that that anon just asked when eris would show up again and then LNIGGERS spoiled 4 seasons worth of content
That's Ars.
Ars neglect is self inflicted, he got mega nurturing from his hot aunt in return. Lucy got nothing.
You are walking into the future while operating under a perception of the very near past, though.
Also, not all drugs are the same. I would recommend (1P-)LSD or DMT, although those two are quite different, they are the ones that summon pressences more reliably. You might find the mystical push I mention in something else. Meditation, when practiced daily and for a decent amount of time, can also induce psychedelic-like effects.
You mean he got molested by his aunt. Are you suggesting Lucy should have been molested?
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>You mean he got molested by his aunt.
If only we all were so lucky.
>Are you suggesting Lucy should have been molested?
Aisha molesting her Oldest niece and Nephew sounds pretty hot ngl...
Until the incident was resolved, all children were neglected by Rudeus. Sieg and Arus were gaslit by their oldest sister into believing that Rudeus ain't giving shit about any of them, which is why neither will bother connecting too much to their ubermensch father.
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>bad things happen to me so I must have sex or else I will kill myself and abandon my family
>but my wife who is so insecure she didn’t reveal her identity to me for a whole year because she thought I completely expunged her from my memory said it’s ok so it’s all good
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Lucy was neglected longer by order of being the Oldest. It was already too late to truly reconcile, Rudy didn't even realize she was being married off.
Yes, MT is full of pretty fucked up and dysfunctional people. Lilia literally groomed her daughter to be impregnated by her older brother and then when she instead got impregnated by her nephew Lilia tried to stab her to death with a kitchen knife.
Will mushoku tensei's sequel take place while rudeus's still alive?
>so I must have sex or else I will kill myself and abandon my family
He never thought or felt that, retard.
Well, if she's so insecure that she'd rather pretend to be a dude because she was fine being Rudy's friend (until her allies told her to stop pussyfooting like a coward), then it makes sense that she's insecure enough to believe she can't keep him all for himself.
No. He dies at the end of the current story, retard.
They live in the same household, so she would be receiving more or less the same amount of time and affection anyways.
Maybe even more since the offspring from different wives will also love her.
Ok but his kid is supposed to be the main character
Will the protag be 60?
It’s not about what he thought, it’s about what actually happened
We don't know who's gonna be the protagonist for the sequel series set in the six-sided world.
We only know that Lara is the Chosen One, not necessarily the protagonist.
But chances are that she is, since apparently, Rifujin wanted to make Roxy the protagonist in the first place, if mumblings on 4chan are to be believed.
No. His kid won't be the main character. We don't know who the main character will be. His kid is just a really important person
>what actually happened
>while giving a contrafactual that never happened
Yeap, you are stupid.
His kid is the Chosen One and Saviour, but may not be the main character, or only main character. You have protagonists and deuteragonists for example.
Who cares, the love life is basically over since Rudy is forced to work "overseas" non-stop to keep his family safe for the rest of his young life.
Important to note Lucy tried to gaslight Lara as well, but Lara ignored her.
The kid being referred to is Roxy's daughter, not Sylphie's. Roxy's daughter has the Migurd lifespan, so she will be living for 200 years or so.
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Lara is a bitch, she could've saved her siblings heartache by telling them the truth, but she probably thought it was funnier to see them suffer. This fucking brat needs anal correction.
>Roxy's daughter has the Migurd lifespan
Even if she's mixed?
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>so she will be living for 200 years or so.
Is it possible her life span will be diluted like Sylphies for being a mutt?
Is there actually any reason why Sylphiette continued to pretend to be a dude in Ranoa?
I mean, yeah, I understand pretending to be a guy so that most perverted nobles won't try to sexually molest her (except perhaps a minority of homosexual ones). But once they're at the Ranoan Magic University, there is no need to pretend to be a guy named Fits anymore, since Sharia doesn't have ultra-perverted Asuran nobles everywhere (the only ultra-perverted one being Ariel herself).
Reminder that in roxy's spin off they introduce the a demon eye that makes anyone fall in love with the user
You could make orsted yours anon
They both seem to have taken a lot more of Roxy's genes, so they're probably not getting shorter lifespans.
Apparently yes. She also has full Migurd telepathy even though her mother doesn't.

None of the other Migurd traits got diluted with Lara, she even got ones that Roxy didn't have. Migurd blood breeds strong. Wouldn't really make sense for shortened lifespan to be a thing when nothing else is.
Low-Self Esteem and Low Self-Worth, also dumb teenager.
It did actually happen though. Rudeus was going to starve himself to death and abandon his wife, unborn child, and sisters and the only thing that could apparently get him out of it was cheating on said wife.
She's stupid
Yes, Rudy is a bad romantic partner, and a weak minded person in general. Now what?
Sylphie has outbreeding depression. Lara has hybrid vigour. They're technical terms, you can look at them on Wikipedia.
>refused to translate Zenith thought, when Rudy asked her
Bratty migger
She's an idiot teenager.
>weak minded person
What would you do if your dad turned into a kit kat in front of you and your mom became a vegetable?
Because she uses both. She's the one who literally translated her name to use as a pseudonym, but her actual name is still Nanahoshi.
It did not happen, hence why it is a contrafactual, retard.
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It's cute.
hope you get your Eris, man
anyone got the greyrat family tree on hand? i need it
Not try to kill myself when I have a wife that loves me dearly and a unborn child that needs their father at home. This isn't the first case of Rudy being weak minded, he literally tried to kill himself over Eris, three fucking times.
Roxy actually has lower self-worth than Sylphie since she deems herself a concubine for the entire series.
What didn’t happen? Explain yourself retard, it doesn’t matter what he thought or felt, what matters is the consequences of what would’ve happened if no one fucked him.
At least you admit it
Feels like the average animeonlys forgot about Rudeus suicide attempt
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>At least you admit it
Why wouldn't I? It's no big deal. Rudy is majorly flawed. That's why I love the story so much.
In universe, probably just consistency. If a noble from Asura who was aware of her being a guy went to Ranoa, they'd find out that Silent Fitz was actually a girl and write back home which could cause issues.

The actual reason is to be a dramatic callback to when Rudy first met her as a child and thought she was a boy.
There are probably people in real life who have literally experienced that and still didn’t immediately go to the extreme of suicide
What are we talking about? What is the point of contention, you imbecile?
Do I have to spoon-feed you everything?
>This isn't the first case of Rudy being weak minded, he literally tried to kill himself over Eris, three fucking times.
All because both of them were autistic on the opposite wavelengths.
Not him, but sure and there's probably a bunch of people that introduced a 12 gauge to their brainstem after something like that as well.
Anime only here
Since Norn starts training so young, does she become a badass swordswoman?
My original comment was replying to someone who thinks Rudeus literally did nothing wrong, which is for some reason a common sentiment. I agree he’s at least written leagues better than the average isekai doormat
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Let's not forget how easily his mind broke after Roxy died, he turned straight to an alcoholic cheating neglectful and verbally abusive husband, and then lost everything else because of it. Rudy might be one of the weakest minded MC's in anime that doesn't just straight up turn into a Villain MC.
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Let's just say that the pen is mightier than the sword
Nope. She peters out at intermediate in everything.
Her only real talent is writing, hinting that she's overall good at the arts and literature.
She became a bard-adventurer in prior timelines.
I say:
“Rudeus tried to kill himself and abandon his family and the only thing that makes him not do that is the act of cheating on his wife”
And you blabber out:
“Didn’t happen”
What the fuck didn’t happen? The thing that literally happened in the story and was animated like a week ago?
A lot of fans that say dumbshit like that just suck at articulating what they actually want to say, they're usually trying to defend the right for the story to be told the way it is and the right for it to exist, rather than straight up defend the characters. Though I wont deny there are some that just straight up think Rudy did nothing wrong.
Rudy was willing to kill himself rather than find his mother or make sure his childhood friend was alright. When he's heroic he's heroic but when he's pathetic he beyond just regular pathetic he hits a entirely new level of low that no isekai protag outside of What-If versions of Subaru hit.
You said here >>268399614
>bad things happen to me so I must have sex or else I will kill myself and abandon my family
Then here you said here >>268399795
>It’s not about what he thought, it’s about what actually happened
Then I pointed out how stupid you are by saying something "actually happened" when you are discussing a contrafactual (OR ELSE I will kill myself and abandon my family) that did not happen at all.
Hopefully your idiotic mind is able to understand this very basic exercise in plain logic.
I'm really dissapointed but thanks for the answer
No, she is Jack of all trades, master of none. Intermediate in every sword and magic skill. And I do mean everything.

In fairness to her, she learns incredibly widely and that's impressive in and of itself. Probably long term better than Aisha, who is a genius but wastes it trying and failing to be her brother's bangmaid.
No, bad writing considering her canon self is an adventurer who can handle the fucking Demon Continent as thats how she meets Ruijerd
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I love these two so much...
I love Eris as well
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Sylphie. I go crazy everyday at the tragedy that I can't have a Sylphie wife IRL
Sylphie its a no brainer
Roxy has too much time gap
Eris is a retard
It’s not a contrafactual when it’s literally the circumstance that happened nigger, nothing besides cheating on his wife worked to get him out of his faggy ghandi impression, so we can assume that if Roxy never seduced him he literally would have killed himself.
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>I go crazy everyday at the tragedy that I can't have a Sylphie wife IRL
Not even joking but sometimes I cry to myself that I'll never have a Sylphie wife IRL.
I am assooooooooooming
>t. (You)
It was fate creating a way for Roxy to get her womb rearranged to make way for the Hero.
Sylphiefag, get out and try to find someone or get therapy, you're sounding insane nowadays
You have to go get her. She wont just fall on your lap.
He's been like this for months
elfmuttfags are melancholic faggots
who would have thunk
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>seigi no mikata mention
Are you talking about Sieg?
Do you mean THAT sieg?
The 5th of the Great World Powers, spawn of the Magic King and 7th of the Great World Powers, Quagmire Rudeus Greyrat, the fang of the Dragon God, 2nd of the Great World Powers Orsted?

About the North Emperor crowned by the former 7th of the Great World Powers, North God Kalman III, son of Kalman II, son of Kalman I and Demon King Atoferatofe Raibaku, sister of the 3rd of the Great World Powers, Fighting God Demon King Badigadi, fiancée of the Demon Realm's Great Empress, Kishirika Kishirisu of the 12 Demon Eyes.

You know, the man raised by the King class royal magician of Shirone's court, Roxy Migurdia Greyrat, the Mad Sword King, Eris Greyrat, and the Saint class water magician Sylphiette Greyrat, former bodyguard of the current ruler of Asura Kingdom, Asura Queen Ariel Anemoi Asura.

The man whose origins trace back to prestigious noble houses from Asura and Millis, as well as Elinalise Dragonroad, the S ranked adventurer formerly known as Rostelina, servant and experiment of the 1st and 4th of the Great World Powers, Demon-Technique Dragon God Laplace, whose essence flows within his own veins in form of the "Laplace Factor".

Yes, the underdog sibling of the head of the famous Rudo Mercenary Company, Ars Greyrat, of one of the consort princesses of Asura, Christina Anemoi Asura, of the daughter-in-law of the pope of Millis Cliff Grimoire, Lucy Grimoire, and even of the legendary chosen hero of the beast race who will save the world accompanied by the mythical divine beast, Lara Greyrat.
Have you missed the last several months?
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She doesn't exist. No such thing as nice and loving 3D women.
I'm not the Sylphiedoomtranny, I don't shit post about the other 2 girls or about season 2 being bad. I just love Sylphie the most is all.
Figure of speech, I don't want him to just turn hostile on mention of therapy
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Indeed, I'm talking about the comrade of Pax Junior, the son of the princess of Kingdragon Kingdom, Benedikte Kingdragon, as well as Pax Shirone, the fallen righteous king from Shirone Kingdom, younger brother of the blessed child and famous and revolutionary inventor and producer of automatons, the war hero Zanoba Shirone.

The boy baptized by the slayer of Laplace, the man who marked an entire era, the master of the flying fortress, Sky Castle [Chaos Breaker], none other than the Armored Dragon King Perugius Dola himself. Yes, all this time I have been talking about the nephew of the mysterious shady hero who aided Perugius in his final battle, the leader of the Superd tribe, Ruijerd Superdia.

The hero that smashes evil, the ally of justice, the black knight of the Order of Dragon Knights, the conqueror of the dark tribes and wielder of the sword that reveals itself under the moon, [Moonlight Darksword], the fearless man who withstands even Orsted, the most dangerous creature of this world, unfazed, the one and only Death God Sieghart Saladin Greyrat!
I wouldn't say she can handle the demon continent, when she was nearly being killed and had to be saved by scary greenhaired ivory-skinned spear-man.
Unless the light novel version of Redundancy (apparently called Redundant Reincarnation) depicts that differently.
roxy obviously, she will look young and hot all the rest of my life
>I am assooooooooooming
Yes, that’s what people do when given thorough information. The whole party full of people he knew and cherished tried for 2 whole weeks to get him off his ass and he wouldn’t budge, it’s safe to say either they would either have to force him out or as what actually happened have him cheat on his pregnany wife
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They're really the ones that who need to take their meds, kek
Just ignore their sorry asses
>No such thing as nice and loving 3D women.
What if you are wrong and you don't find your Sylphie because you did not dare to get up and do something just because you could fail? Wouldn't that be the greater regret?
I am in a happy 10 year long relationship. I once felt kinda like you are feeling right now.
Has anyone ever had a sex dream involving the Mushoku girls? I had one with Eris about a year ago
Every woman I've known, dated or were related to are all mean, aggressive, scornful bitches that actually deep down inside hate men.
No, I can't imagine 3d versions of MT girls, which is weird because I've had sex dreams of Ed, Edd n Eddy girls...
And that actually happened, yes.
What did not happen was what you said happened here >>268399795 namely
>so I must have sex or else I will kill myself and abandon my family
Which includes a contrafactual component that cannot have "actually happened," as you like to say. In your most recent post, you actually did it properly by phrasing it as a logical disjunction.
Someone that isn't me should make a webm of all the Rudeus/Heroine sex scenes.
So you’re just being a nitpicky smartass because I phrased it in a funny way
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Good for you, anon. You should treat like the very world. I'm actually not that old, so I'm not really as desperate, but I do feel like I should be making my move soon. But I also think my career should be my priority too. Tough times.
An increasingly common breed.
That is why you must go for the youngest you can go (don't be a pedo, obviously). You got this, man. Also work on yourself, no matter how good you think you already are.
I am just on ritalin right now and switching tabs and documents and typing like a madman because I have to finish this fucking report. Maybe it is minor mania.
That is relatable. I have some family business related responsibilities that I have to take and I also have to go back to school to get some skills related to this new set of responsibilities (in addition to the ones I already had and my own now ex-job). This drains my resources and I fear I might be neglecting my relationship but I know it is the best for us in the long term.
Since we are confessing I wish to have a Roxy-lite wife. Someone older than me but also shorter.
Lara inherits Rudy's clairvoyance and future sight and those abilities manifests way more powerfully in her than in Rudy's body. She can counter all of Hitogami's moves because she can see the same future as him.
Lara will also be able to open the realm in which Hitogami is hidden which indirectly saves Perugius life and a lot of Orsted magic power (normally, Orsted needs to kill Perugius to open the realm to Hitogami and Orsted has near zero recovery rate due to a curse).
Finally, Lara is fated to be the hero and she will probably get all those hero bonuses, one of them is the beast tribe guardian beast since is the hero's partner (the reason why he likes Rudy so much is because he can sense a piece of Lara within him).
Currently, Hitogami is almost checkmated. As soon as Lara is able to influence the world, is game over for him.
She can't inherit what he doesn't have when she was conceived.
Clairvoyance at the very least is all her.
>Lara will also be able to open the realm in which Hitogami is hidden which indirectly saves Perugius life
Nothing is ever hinted that she can and will do that at all. At best, she drew a teleportation circle to get out of there in the final dream, which does not mean that it will really happen like this.
Ah, that's right. I forgot the order.
Rudy got clairvoyance near the end right?
Near the end of the poop flower searching arc.
If she drew that circle to get out, she probably drew the circle to get in.
>almost checkmated
That is until Hito decides to use one of Rudy’s descendants against Lara. Say, a certain hero of Justice perhaps
That's just wishful speculation on your side to somehow spare the irrelevant old man in his flying castle.
So dream in 2D
Perugius is not irrelevant. He is supossed to be one of the key members to hunt Laplace once his seal breaks right?
I don't remember very well, but wasn't he the one who gave Rudy a guardian beast summoning scroll to protect his house (honestly, I don't remember if it was Orsted, banana or Perugius).
Is it eve explicitly stated that orsted needs to kill all the dragon kings? what are their treasure's anyway?
Both, Orsted gave him one, but Rudeus fucked up and summoned Almanfi, so Perugius gave him a replacement.
>Near the end of the poop flower searching arc.
Nah, that was cliff that got an eye during the poop flower search, Rudy got his eye towards the end of the novels.
Mistakes like this makes me remembrer that I am getting too old.
Death to all the dragon generals and their bloodline, the traitors who first helped destroy all the other worlds and kill untold number of peoples, and then dared to betray the dragon god.
No mercy to them. This is how the dragonfolk will earn forgiveness, by dying out.
They can still reincarnate right?
Right? ;_;
Laplace didn't betray. Yet he still must die.
On the other hand, Perugius is not a bad cookie and is good friends with Rudy.
In that world, when one dies, their soul disintegrates in mana.
They mustn't, for they unironically steal the bodies of others and destroy the souls that should have been formed, in order to inhabit it like a parasite infesting people.
Just like the dragon folk accuse the Man God of being a puppeter who stole the power and soul of the true god of humans, so too do that race of hypocrites steal the bodies of others and make it their own.
No matter how vile the Man God himself is, the dragonfolk are just as villanous, and must not be allowed to exist, for they bring only doom and are to blame for everything bad happening in the first place.
I thought that Orsted killing method will stop them from reincarnating.
Why not just find random Laplace Syndromed stillborns?
If there is just a little bit of justice left in the six-sided world, then Orsted will hopefully forever destroy the souls of the Dragon Generals, making it impossible for them to ever be reborn again.
Meant for >>268402334
I'm still at vol 22 but from what I can piece out:
1) Chaos Dragon king is dead
2) Orsted has his treasure
3) Orsted (or was it Perugius?) expect him to come back in 50 years.

So maybe they actually can resurrect after getting made into donuts.
For what? In order for the villainous dragon generals to take over?
The babies born dead because of Laplace's influence are dead because of the evil misdeeds of said member of the vile dragonfolk race.
No mother should be subjected to giving birth to stillborn children infested by the vile mark of the Demon God, just to make it a vessel for mass-murderers and traitors.
Then that's bad. Reincarnation in Mushoku Tensei world is basically body snatching.
It's implied that the first dragon god gave each of his generals a god gem from the world he shattered, and that both powers their reincarnation, and would need to be taken to crack into the void world where Mangod is. So probably no.
this but dohga
Don't they only inhabit soulless bodies?
idk about the others, but laplace factor makes it so that the baby's mana prevents a soul from forming in some cases.
So it body snatching in the sense it was not mean to be their body, but not in the sense it belonged to anyone else.
Bodies that are souless because of the dragon reincarnation ritual. Rudy is one fo them, he was a stillborn child due to Laplace, and his soul inhabited that body.
With that said, not every baby with Laplace factor are unable to get a soul. Sylphy also has some Laplace factor and she is healthy.
i wish rudeus was my dad
You want a pedo as your dad? He won't diddle his own children (Lara was a real accident from Rudy's perspective), but he will be a danger to all your friends until they get out of his strike zone.
Yeah. He'll probably try but Silphy would probably chicken out.
Not if I molest my friends first
current anime rudy is 16, he's 24+ in that image you replied to
Rudy fell for Fitz when he still thought he was a man. He has zero issues with falling in love with guys.
it's not, the details are too accurate and the shadows are all correct
I think it's to get ruijerd out of the demon continent

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