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I hate Lucy.
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She is precious. And the series' poster child
Look at the fat baby!
I really hope next season includes the bit where she acts strange for a baby and Rudy thinks she might also be a reincarnator and speaks Japanese to her to test
Look at that mutt
if only rudy knew what a piece of shit that baby would become
Made for hobbit dick
Rudy is a piece of shit Dad who was always away from home, neglecting his children
Another reincarnation of some other Hikikomori from our world?
No, just a shitty child.
Not possible as Rudeus is a spirit that was abducted from his world, so Rudeus is incomprehensiblyt lucky.
Fuck Roxy
And all that because he fucked a migger. If he didn't do that, Hitogami wouldn't be hunting for his entire bloodline and that would free Rudy a lot of his schedule to spend quality family time.
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I'd rather fuck Lara
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No, you don't have to worry about that with any of the kids.
How many books have been planned in the Redundancy sequel? Has Rifujin-sama given a hint or anything?
Lara >>>>>>>> rest
simple as
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What now...
Baby making time with mig wife
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>born autistic from the get go
this kid's not going to catch a break is he
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>canon btw
so aleady proved is dragon quest V cheap ripoff.
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so cute
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>Morocco state-media is already advertising Season 3
That didn't take long.
What the heck?
It's big among the niche of Muslim anime watchers.
>season 3 maybe 2026
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I’m sure it is
>sister is named Aisha
>son is named Saladin
>practices polygamy
>lives and abides under Sharia law(literally the town where he settles down is called sharia)
>prays 5 times a day
>wives are pure and untainted
>is a follower of the al-Masih
>is waging a lifelong jihad against the False Allah
Except once Lara is born, that's game, set, and match. Checkmate. Hitogami has already lost. All he can see in his future now is Orsted beating the shit out of him until he dies. He can see his entire life, and ALL routes he can perceive now lead to Orsted killing him. He is done.
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i wish rudeus was my dad
>follower of the al-Masih
The what?
why do Sylphie's clothes look so modern?
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Lara the Saviour.
Nanahoshi brought Earth clothing to their world. That's how she got rich
anointed one, child of god
I thought she got rich by establishing trade routes
one of my favorite color images from the novels
This but Sieg
she did a lot, she established trade routes and peddled otherworld goods and knowledge (mostly food and clothes) along them
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Isn't Lucy the most useless of the children?
She's just...there.
All the other kids feel more important
Christina is the mostly useless one. Lucy actively fucks up Rudy's relationships with several of his children.
>Lucy actively fucks up Rudy's relationships with several of his children.
truck kun should have avoided oldeus.
>Lucy marries her fucking great uncle
Chris warmed her father's heart, that's not useless
Yes, she was
oldeus is a manchild larping as young.
never forget that he is a 50 year old man.
>Yes, she was
That's some shit reading comprehension
re-read the chapters
You can blame Elinalise
Nah the problem is that Rifujin NEEDS every named character to end up with a known character. It's why Aisha fucks Ars, why Norn fucks Ruijerd and so on.
>If it had been Christina it wouldn't have even been all that weird
>but it had to be Lucy
can we all agree that making the sequel about AKito is fucking stupid
speaking of, is there going to be a second teleport incident when that happens?
this is not what happened and should never happen
Middle East princes are rushing to personally fund S3
morocco is in west africa
Well, it's Muslim either way.
Isn't he an isekaijin like Banana rather than a reincarnation? Would be weird to make the MC a guy who can't fight
Does Rudy stay with a fucked up arm forever? No magical arm? No megabuster?
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Mischievous child grrr spank correction needed
Eris has like 1 INT. How hard can it be to just talk to people without attacking them?
So basically you're saying that the erufu was a mistake and Rokishi did nothing wrong?
No. Orsted has god tier magic. He fixes Rudeus arm after their battle.
He gets fucked up in most of his fights from here on out but it's okay since he makes friends with Orsted.
Cool, can't wait for S3.
Season 3 will have about 12 fights, gonna be a bit different from last season since the plot finally starts and all
Listen Rudy, I know your wife is expecting, your dad just died and your mom is a vegetable but I need you to cuck my granddaughter RIGHT NOW.

What did she mean by this??
Woman moment
"May I welcome Roxy Migurdia as my new wife?"
"Is your brain rotting, you idiot!!!"
(Roxy = "trembling")
Roxy gave birth to one saviour and one autistic magic armour researcher obsessed with improving Rudy's magic armour.

Sylphie did give birth to the next Death God.
If half the IRL women were like her and the other half were like Sylphie, earth would be a better place.
Yeah, he has no appeal as the next mc after Rudy set the bar. Given how in his first summoning he died like a bitch, he will be useless without cheats. Lara, Orsted or another Rudeus descendant (not Sieg) are my hope.
>killed half of Rudy's descendant
Nothing personal, papa
Sylphie has low self-esteem, which is why she was masquerading for an entire year as a guy towards Rudy, because she feared the mere possibility that he would have forgotten about some Sylphiette-chick from his childhood simply as a result of not caring about her, and was more comfortable lying to him in that time.
She also fears that her elven blood and other ancestry makes it difficult for her to conceive, which is why she explicitely gave Rudy the permission to seek out other women if he desires a heir. And she doubts the sex appeal of her body when told by Luke that her body shape elicits no interests in him, and Rudy keeps hanging out with beauties like the beastfolk princesses.
This is a girl whose selfesteem was destroyed by the green hair she was born with in her childhood, being bullied by all other kids.
She has a problem with herself.
This is not a girl who will yell at others for being a little bit selfish or making mistakes.
Where is it said that he kills a bunch of them and turns on his family?
>She also fears that her elven blood and other ancestry makes it difficult for her to conceive
It isn't unfounded, considering that's exactly what happens.
My headcanon
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That's just speculative headcanon and shitposting for giggles.
>died for literally nothing doing some stupid shit in some shithole of of retarded obligation or something
he's cringe
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Nowhere technically, but by the time he becomes the new Death God he is extremely edgy in his all black armour and has anlso abandoned the Greyrat family name, refusing to use it. Which likely means he has had some sort of falling out with his family, and no longer considers himself one of them.

Additionally, it's speculated that given Sieg's age, and when Laplace will be born, Sieg will be either the father or grandfather of the reincarnated Laplace, putting him on the side of OrstedCorp's enemies in the coming war.

Either way, it looks like he is not going to have an easy life.
I think having him try to undo his fathers legacy makes for an interesting twist. I'm a sucker for that deconstruction crap.
Laplace will clearly be Sieg's son, and Sieg will die protecting him from Lara.
Her lovely sister gonna stop him
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it was her sluttiness coming through
Given what Lara says to him at one point, it's entirely possible.
I no shit want to see them go at it, maybe Sylphie cry her eyes out seeing how far Sieg fell.
Lara is incredibly distant from her family because she knows she will have to destroy it to save the world.
This in reality their husbands would be random dudes from offscreen
She wouldn't act like this if it wasn't the curse affecting her. Curse clearly changed her mindset during all those years.
I genuinely appreciated how Elise wasn't flat in the anime because she's a whore and the studio obviously forced her to have tits to comply with the Madonna Whore Complex.
I haven't bothered to read the LN yet but everyone keeps saying she only needs to fuck every couple of months and it doesn't need to be with different men. So basically she's a slut by choice it has nothing to do with her curse.
It's a reference to another series you dork.
it's every few days without the magical implement, every few months with it. It doesn't have to be with different men, it can be the same guy (like with cliff). She was driven out of her village for having sex with men after her husband died (she had to or she'd have died) and from then on didn't really stick around with anyone romantically until cliff, from what we know
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The best part about season 2 was Aisha. She is literal perfection. So why does she become a felon later on?
Because she was trained since birth to become Rudy's concubine and Rudy wasn't having it because imouto is off limits says nipponese law
>nipponese law
At least in the web novel version, it was because the trashing he received from his big brother (the sibling who still tried to help Nipdeus until he found out that the freak's been jerking off to his daughter's recordings) instilled a subconscious sense of guilt to never ever doing anything incest-related ever again in any life, which is why Rudeus isn't lusting after his mom's body.
And that's an explanation he added in the literal last arc of the story to justify why he never imouto'd
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> Brought up to be a literal cock sleeve and servant of woodi
> After all those years of pent of gism woodi's his son grows up and looks a lot like woodi
> I ain't getting any younger.jpeg
> Let the baby making commence

Not plapping Aisha was one of Woodi's greatest mistakes. He wouldn't have even had to get her preggers. She'd be happy enough with the seg and intimacy. If I was woodi I would've gone balls deep in that little Minx not long after she started living with me. Lilia wouldn't be neglected either, I'd insist on her and Aisha doing a threesome at least once a week :)
It's just shit writing.
Christina is the one with unlimited social skills.
Lilia raised her to exist as her brother's bangmaid. She even ended up with the perfect genetics body to be his cocksleeve, since Rudy remarked how by the age of 15 she was past D cups and was well in the range of "busty petite".

Except he never used her as his sleeve.
Marries her grand-uncle. Gaslit her brothers into believing that their father's disappointed in them all. Only told her dad about her feelings when she intended to marry her grand-uncle.
Likes to troll. Is telepathic. Can see in the future, but needs to take classes to improve her future-sight. Is the Chosen One and has the Sacred Beast as its companion. Knows her purpose in life.
Marries his aunt. Believed that daddy is disappointed according to his big sister. After becoming a teen daddy, did his best and became a grade 1 riajuu, had the best grade of his year at the royal academy and was fawned over by all the women for being so handsome, became a sword saint, took over his dad's job at the corporation.
>Sieghard Saladin
Was given a chuuni second name that even his otherworldly dad considers too cringe. Also made to believe that daddy's not happy with his children. Has increased strength (but not on Zanoba's level) and is good at North God-style fencing. Found out that almost nobody likes him because he has green hair. Decided to be jobless for a while and refused to marry beautiful chicks. Wants to be with his only friend, who is stuck in a jungle fighting for his life against jungle niggers. Becomes the next death god. Will help his best heterosexual friend to fight against three empires.
Seems to have trouble finding her way home. Is cute and light enough to be easily kidnapped. Likes to tinker with magic items. Will create all-purpose magic armor that doesn't need the ultra-high mana capacity of daddy to function. Everything else is unknown.
Likes her daddy. Is a beauty, but overall just average in everything. Is crafty and works with her sister-in-law / aunt to plot the downfall of a stereotypical villainess. Marries her cousin. Highly implied to become queen-consort.
>She also fears that her elven blood and other ancestry makes it difficult for her to conceive, which is why she explicitly gave Rudy the permission to seek out other women if he desires a heir.
Jesus what a desperate reach.
She said that IF she winds up having problems conceiving that Rudy can use a concubine to have children in her place. That is nowhere near the say as saying "Hey husband I know we vowed to be loyal but actually you have full freedom to bang whatever other women you want whenever you want for any reason you want and I'll be okay with it." Rudy already knew she was pregnant, he didn't need Roxy to act as a surrogate mother, he literally just felt like fucking another woman and breaking his wedding vows because he was in the mood for it.
Did you not understand that the whole post was about explaining her low self-esteem?
>Can see in the future, but needs to take classes to improve her future-sight
Not really, she had it working just fine when she was a baby.
Did you miss the part where you're just trying to justify your self-insert getting everything he wants with no compromises and no consequences to his actions but still pretend it's some kind of deeply written philosophical hero's journey and not just bog standard wish fulfillment?
animeonly here. is something actually bad going to happen to rudy to make him regret going or was hitogami talking out his ass?
he comes again
She still is taking classes to improve her clairvoyance, as per jobless oblige.
Oh boy, now you're assuming things again.
Paul died. That was the regret.

Theoretically you could say that Plan Rat is also a regret, but that got completely derailed.
He lied. Now leave and avoid spoils. Best season incoming
do you really want to know? click spoiler for answer, 2nd spoiler for explanation
a rat from the begarit contintent that snuck into rudy's house with his luggage will eventually infect and kill roxybut rudy from the future where that happened comes back in time to tell our rudy about it beforehand
Mind games.
>hey remember what happened the last time you defied me? Yea your precious dad died
>better do what I tell you now without asking too many questions
And it works.
thanks anons
i don't like that
You're blatantly misrepresenting the dialogue and situation to try and defend Rudy and the only logical reason to be so desperate for that is if you have some sort of unhealthy investment in Rudy, as if you see him as a proxy for yourself. This is a well-known kind of behavior among otaku so it's a very obvious assumption to make. You bend over backwards to defend Rudy because you're actually protecting your own ego.
You'll regret going there, Rudeus Greyrat.
Because now I will kill your entire family.
Sylphie would be happier if there's no harem. She preferred a monogamous marriage, but had to compromise to Rudy's desires.
Dude, you're assuming things again.
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Shame if somebody happened to do something about that.
Lara will be the main protagonist, but Akito will have a lot of focus once he shows up
Give me any other possible reason you twist logic in any way you desperately can to defend Rudy.
I mean, you could always do something like this:
Sylphy tells Rudy that she still loves him, but she's very upset with him. She gives him the cold shoulder for a while, then (after she delivers their child) tells him she's going to take a little time off to clear her head.
She goes back to the academy to take up a teaching position, as Roxy settles in. She communicates mostly by terse messages. Eventually, Sylphy mentions that she's found a lover. While she'll stay legally married to Rudy, she won't be coming home for a while.
Polygamy / Polyandry works both ways, after all, and it's obvious they have an 'open marriage'.
When she does, things are never quite the same between them. She's more passive-aggressive, more sarcastic, and it's clear that something has been broken that will never quite be fixed.
When Rudy brings it up, she tells him:
>"Rudeus, you were the only man I'd ever loved. I thought you'd respond in kind. Now I can't quite see you the same way again, and I don't know if I ever will. I just need time, that's all."
Oh yeah, and she never quite warms up to Roxy. The two women generally try to stay out of each other's way, but they're coldly, formally polite to one another when they meet (though Roxy tries her best to bridge the gap.)
Unfortunately, their kids don't get along either.
Roxy fucking off from Rudy's life would be more realistic. Her love for him is really shallow anyways
To be honest, that's probably the best possible outcome for all involved. Just considering it a fling in a moment of emotional weakness, then never talking about it again. She can always hook up with one of his kids eventually.
Fucking hell this is why 'realism' is for the birds. That just sounds like an awful emotional quagmire to wade through.
Look, you're assuming that I'm defending Rudeus, and then you had a rant about hero's journey and complexity and whatnot. Seriously, it's pointless.
>She can always hook up with one of his kids eventually.
The Aisha way
>Decided to be jobless for a while and refused to marry beautiful chicks
He's a fag isn't he?
>sieg goes back in tiem due to some weird miko power
>becomes Laplace
It seriously sounds like an attempt to turn it into some american live-action teenage drama shit.
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I am SOOOO fucking tired of Elfniggers Yapping every single day.



>What should have Rudeus done
Imagine if this retard did do two jumps instead of one and settled in the past
>That just sounds like an awful emotional quagmire to wade through.
Well, it's why infidelity is such a big deal
It's not like there's ever an excuse for it, he can't say like "I had my dick out and Roxy tripped and fell on it". He didn't even wait for Sylphy to give birth before he started fucking around.
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Keep crying, and next you'll transition to 41% yourself
>Seriously, it's pointless.
This is the one remotely sensible thing you've said. Arguing with shameless self-inserters is generally pointless, most of them have no hope of ever self-reflecting or developing better tastes. Sometimes I can't help myself but respond to them and try to get them to see the errors in their logic, but 99% of the time they respond to criticism like you by going into full defensive denial mode.
t. CW executive
fuck off
>mentions 41%
>while posting a troon
Nice troll
>All this strawmanning
Wew, a fictional character getting to bang chicks really pisses off some people.
You're a cuck. Rudy should have not just married Roxy, he should have killed every other man in the world and married every woman in the world and had kids with all of them. But only daughters though, and then he should have fucked all his daughters, and all of his eventual granddaughters, and so on in that fashion for eternity.
>thinks reverse traps are troons
You unironically posted that in the eceleb-thread.
>Make the story incredibly boring and the characters unlikable
Yeah that's definitely something you could do. Fortunately, Rifujin is not that lacking in confidence as a writer.
>no!! you must follow the exact specification
>pair the spares
I hate authors that do this.
>Rifujin is not that lacking in confidence as a writer.
If that were the case he wouldn't have written a story in the most absolutely bottom of the barrel lowbrow genre of all time for one of the most notoriously tasteless demographics in the world.
WTF is this. So they're going full Rick and Morty? Does Rudy from another dimension that succeeded in connecting isekai to Japan teach our Rudy how so Nanahoshi can go home and Rudy brings his crew to vacation in Japan?
Go back, normalnigger
You are retarded.
Polygyny is based.
Polyandry is cringe.
Men and women are not the same.
Deal with it, faggot.
>Writes a story on the importance of family
>makes the main characters kids all hate him
hackujin nande?
>written a story in the most absolutely bottom of the barrel lowbrow genre of all time
I don't think you understand exactly what Mushoku is in the context of isekai
wait what? did i miss something
It's a family drama series
Only 50% were sad about daddy being disappoint.
That's progress.
>If that were the case he wouldn't have written a story in the most absolutely bottom of the barrel lowbrow genre of all time
Since when is Mushoku considered science fiction?
Rudy, just UGGHH listen here. I've helped you out throughout your journey. I helped you get back home, helped you find your family members, got you a magic eye and got you super laid. But you just didn't listen to me. I said please please please please don't go to the Sandmigger continent, specifically Rapan Teleportation Labyrinth Sanctum 3. I said very very nicely, but nope you just had to go. Oh well guess my kindness in the past didn't mean anything. Well whatever I'll forgive you as long as you do one thing. Tell your blue wife to eat all the snacks in the house. Just eat all of them whenever she gets the chance. Stuff her face if you have to. Also make sure you keep praying at your shrine.
He's doing it again.
Who's he?
The problem is that he he didn't want to experiment, since the consequences were unknown.
In the worst case, he could have had his consciousness trapped inside the prior body, and be unable to communicate, then re-experience his past self continuously trying to travel back and failing and getting trapped in the mind of the past and so on, for all of eternity.
If such a horror were to happen, then best to at least send his consciousness back to the time when his waifus were still alive.
But then it turned out that it's not quantum leaping like in steinsgate, but rather full body materialization. Neet. Oh, but no stomach. Bad.
I did a personality test and i got sylphy, what did the survey mean by this?
Do you want to get married and have several children
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Sex with Sylphie!!
kek, it's actually real
Are redundancy novels translated yet?
No, you could just mtl the novels
Not officially, but they're in a google drive
Coming out in November, it seems.
Sieg fucked up. Should have kept the princess as his beard while he goes full Alexander's servant with Pax Jr. Christina is the one that fulfills the nobility connection.
She ruins her siblings' relationship with their father, then marries Cliff's son and fucks off to Millis forever.

Unambiguously worst girl. It's kind of ironic how Sylphie ended up the worst mother with the worst children. You'd expect the worst one to be Eris by far because she is so incompetent at anything other than the sword and sex, but she got at least one out of two over the line.
Sieg is the best child, and Lucy is the only one with Rudy's hair
>Worst wife
>Worst kids
Kill elves
Sylphie was sixteen years old when she got pregnant the first time, she got pregnant from another adolescent who was never home, and she was ignoring her child too much in the most important early years because MUH ARIEL MUH BODYGUARD DUTY. Of course she was going to be terrible at being a mother the first time, anybody could see that coming a mile off, but she was a good parent to Rudy's other kids like Lily, Ars, and Christina. She just didn't do well with her own.
Anon, that just means Sylphie's genes are weak. Meanwhile Eris and Roxy clearly have strong genes with how their kids turned out.
It was Rudy's fault for even saying misleading words to Lucy.
Sieg is the strongest child of the Greyrat family
That's Laplace factor, not Sylphie genes.
I think the other anon means that the kids look more like their mothers.
Those are Laplace genes
Rudy lost his left arm, why does he have a left arm in this LN drawing?
inb4 hurrr he gets a prosthetic
that looks like a living arm
I'm talking about the hair and appearance.
Then, Sylphie still wins. Both of them got her ears
He still came out of Sylphie's womb. Curse Roxy and Eris for no getting Laplace buff at birth
What if... Hitogami is le good?
Magic exists that can regrow limbs again.
But Rudeus doesn't have access to that type of spells yet. Shine Healing, the spell he used when he stopped the bleeding in the teleportation labyrinth, is an advanced tier healing spell.
The spell to regrow lost limbs out from nothin is king tier, and is only known by the Millis church, who will not ever hand it over for any reasons.
You can safely expect Rudeus to get access to that spell at some point, though, even if the Millishians would never want to hand it over to somebody with more than one wife.
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Got Rudy's hair
Got Sylphie's eyes and ears
Got Sylphie's green hair
Got Rudy's eyes

What's wrong with that? Better than being a boring matching blue like the miggers
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>only known by the Millis church
If MT is the Father of Isekai, is Orsted the Father of Regressors (gookshit favourite)?
>you can do anything you want, sweetheart
>REEEEEE, MY FATHER HATES ME. Gotta tell all of my sibling, teehee
>look, Sylphy
>our son
>he has beautiful green hair like you had once
It's quite sad to see that somebody who had green hair still is affected by the green hair panic herself.
>>you can do anything you want, sweetheart
If only that's what he said. What he actually did is:
"I'm not expecting too much of you" which he meant that he's not holding some expectations of his own for them, and that they can do what they want in their lives. But its still misleading
Whichof Rudeus kids is he going to marry? Lara?
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There's a sort of dark purity to how awful this is. I'm not sure what's worse, Sylphie going into teaching for no discernable reason rather than returning to Ariel, fucking some random guy, or transforming into a bitch while still sticking around. It's neat how you ruined not only the characters but also the story going forward, bravo.
The causality chain is for him to be saved and to end up with Liria.
Sieg when?
Season 5.
Is Aisha actually trying to fuck her nephew or is it just a meme?
>rudy somehow didnt notice a fat fucking loud ass rat in his bag when walking across the continent
is rudy a fuckign retard?
They have a kid
Not suprising he'd be oblivious to how saying something like that would be taken. This is the same guy who misintepreted Eris's letter and went into a depression spiral for months.
Don't believe 4chans anonymous
>marries his cousin
He is Nanahoshi's boyfriend and is going to NTR Nanahoshi with Lara. When she leaves the house for the last time, she says outright that she's going to go find and take herself the boy she needs.
It actually makes a lot of sense. Going back to Ariel means having to tell her the entire sordid story, at a time like that it would be really embarrassing. Especially since Ariel helped them get together in the first place.
It would like seeing an old friend again after years and going:
>"Hey, it's been a long time! How're you doing, man? How's the wife and kids?"
>"Oh, uh, she cheated on me less than a year after we married. Things are kinda tense at home now."
It's half-a-meme.
It happened in the web novel but was scrapped among many things, she only has an attraction to him now. Which is common among Greyrats.
I think the rat came from Chaos Breaker, not Bergaritt
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It isn't a meme. Pic related, Aisha literally grooms Ars for molestation from the cradle.
Yes when he was 10 years old
It's one of Oldeus' theories. The other theory is that Geese put it there.
The rat came from Demon Continent. When Rudy and co went there to get some herbs for Nanahoshi
She doesn't really have a choice, does she? It's part of an actual curse, so she feels instinctive horror and revulsion at green hair.
lmao what the fuck
Ariel is one of those degenerate nobles who thinks having multiple lovers is fine, so she'd be the last person to complain about polygamy.
>it was minor
What the fuck Rudy.
This bitch is fucked up, at least Norn came out alright.
Wet-nursing is very normal.
Norn came out obsessed with old man Ruijerd.
That's normal, it's because he saved her life.
That isn't wet nursing, it's a 14 year old girl trying to get her nephew to play with her tits.
Nothing wrong with that
Rudeus considers both Norn and Aisha's partners to be problematic anyway.
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No it actually makes no sense for Sylphie to abandon the only other person she cares about. The idea that she'd be embarrassed in front of one of the most degenerate freaks in the world who promised to take her back in if this exact scenario occurred is laughable, which is why it's the first thing she did in Oldeus timeline. Putting this much effort into defending the most blatant bait of all time is pretty silly.
lol, if Sylphie phrased it like that, Ariel would sneak herself into Rudeus' room
'Problematic' and 'complicated' are 2 different things anon
He's several centuries older than her and a widower, she practically browbeats him into it and crawls into his bed.
Aisha and Ars will still end up being canon. He'll probably just age Ars up for it
In Vol 14, Chp 3 Rifujin-sama mentioned mice running around Chaos Breaker and specifically a large rat running out of the room full of murals. I don't remember it being confirmed either way, but I can't imagine that was a coincidence.
>The corridors hadn’t been cleaned this far down, and mice periodically raced past our feet as we went.
>Although she barely touched it, the door gave way with a creak. Apparently, this one wasn’t locked. A large rat came scuttling out, shooting past our feet and slipping through the crack as Nanahoshi nudged the door open
Also, Oldeus says:
>Most likely, it sneaked into my luggage while I was in Perugius’s floating fortress.
No, he didn't. Arus is 13 by the time Aisha has a partner that Rudeus doesn't want to talk about, so they did it early just like in the web novel.
B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but muh geese evil masterplan rat theory!!!
Utterly Destroyed And Debunked.
Still nothing wrong with it, just two adults getting together.
>t. cowardly monkeyshitter
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Ruijerd travelled with her and gave her life lessons and advice while she was a child, that makes it grooming. It's okay for him though, since he was never a fat loser, just a sexy muscular murderer.
Unlike Aisha and Ars, Ruijerd wasn't trying to groom Norn though, he was just being nice.
>Lucy marries Cliff's son
>Sieg is an edgelord
>Lara is the next MC
>Ars fucks his aunt
>Christina marries Ariel's son
>if the Millishians would never want to hand it over to somebody with more than one wife.
Does millis ever start shit with him or his family over the fact that he seemingly got access to the high tier magic spell or anything else he does in the future?
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How can you be sure about that? We don't have access to his internal monologues like we do with Rudues. This sneaky demon might have been trying to raise her to be his perfect woman from the start, he certainly accepted the marriage offer quickly enough.
No, the miko and the pope are under Orsted Corp. thumb
Since Rudeus isn't going around handing over king tier healing spells, they do not send assassin squads after him.
Lily becomes a vaguely autistic sperg researcher at Ranoa, and is a next-level genius at advancing magic circle design alongside improving Magic Armour for mass production and distribution. She is going to be world-changing when it comes to the developments in warfare going forward.

Lucy marrying Clive and becoming a turbo-Millisfag is kek worthy.

By the time they can, he is publicly known to be an agent of the #2 World Power, and while the average Millisfag won't know what that means, the ones at the top of the Church know exactly what might happen to them if they piss off the Dragon God.
Lily mass produces magic armour V1s. The sequel will have mech suits
>both Roxy's children become different but perfect wife candidates
Why are Migurds like this.
Sylphie, as the original wife, should have had three children
Barren womb puts paid to that.
Everyone wanted Sylphie to have a third child, so that the others could then also spawn another child, but Sylphiette unfortunately miserably failed by becoming barren after her second child.
Nothing one could do about it.
>can't they just heal her barren womb?
Nobody has created a spell to fix up dried ovaries yet.
The entire basis of that decision ("next child should be hers") was incredibly dumb and it's so awkward that it really just rises out of the author not wanting to write more than two children each.
Sylphie should have been killed by Hitogami as retribution after she gave birth to his weapon Sieghart Saladin
this was the actual reason, it wasn't dumb though it was the right choice and that's a reasonable in-story rationale
People here who have never had any meaningful relationship in their lives calling literal anime characters "groomer". Americans are so fucking funny.
He literally wasn’t ever going to tell Rudeus that he loved Norn and only did so because he thought Rudeus uncovered it. Grooming implies indoctrination but we see that they marry in every timeline when they meet as adults so there’s nothing malicious. Tbh I think you’re just trolling but I thought to clear this up.
Nothing would go wrong with an extra 3-4 children. The in-story rationale only works for Sylphie not having any more children, the idea that she would block the other two from having children because she's barren is dumb especially because even from the very beginning she was offering concubines because she might have trouble.
There's a point where it's too many characters to make them all interesting and relevant, 6 is enough and keeping it symmetrical is a good thing to avoid fueling the waifu wars. If he wanted more, he could have just written Sylphie to reach 3 (not a huge stretch), which would allow another kid for the other wives as well, but 9 children is a lot. She's also not overtly blocking them, it's just an unspoken respect thing.
I'm not saying more kids would definitely ruin it, but imho it's not necessary and the in story reasoning doesn't bother me either, I can see why it was done this way.
Sylphie was assured at that point Rudy won't abandon her so she decided to monopolize what's hers in the first place, and have the extra concubines to get the condom for the rest of Rudy's lifespan
Roxy is now the worst girl
Stealing is bad
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xter drawing sylphy is crazy
Are you just a stickler for monogamy or would you have accepted multiple wives under different circumstances?
Boobs too big
>keeping it symmetrical is a good thing to avoid fueling the waifu wars
That's retarded, they're gonna happen anyway.
But at least there's no who-has-most-children front in the neverending retarded waifuwars of mushoku tensei-land.
Yeah, instead you get one wife being infertile and getting a shit reputation for that reason.
I sometimes feel like I'm the only sane person in these threads
When was Sylphie said to be infertile?
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Very nice, this activates the neurons
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How would the story change if Orsted didnt sperg out and donuted Rudy and instead explain that hitogami is a nigger and Rudy should join the based dragon god faction instead.
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That doesn't mean he wants to add more to it or give the illusion of favoritism. He wrote a harem story with symmetry for a reason, why break that just to pile on a few more kids?
Rudeus, Eris, and Ruijerd don't split up and start touring the world with Orsted and Banana. Rudeus doesn't go to Sharia, and never reunites with Sylhpie, but he does end up getting Geese's letter and meets Roxy again, possibly losing Paul, and marrying Roxy in the aftermath after cheating on Eris
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Physical novel will be released in France.
It's taken them this long? Usually they're miles ahead of the anglosphere
Rudy will still receive a letter from Ranoa, and he'll attend and marry Sylphie in the end
Truly sane people don't post here
Just have Eris die in the battle against the hydra. advaced tier swordfighters like her and Paul are destined to die, because that's still jobber tier.
>in french
Oui oui baguette omelette du fromage
>start touring the world
Doubtful they wanted to head home not hang out with the dragon god and Orsted isnt doing that, he would entrust them to Ruijerd and be on his way.
how did this anime turn from 10/10 adventure story into 0/10 whorehouse drama in a matter of 1 season? bizarre
puts even AoT to shame
During TP2 you mean? If he did that the story would change massively, but it wouldn't really make sense for him to do that at this point. Rudeus is just some kid who he believes to be a disciple, Orsted doesn't know anything more.
She says it herself early on, and after two children Rudy fails to impregnate her in 40 years of trying until she hits menopause.
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How is she this cute. How do I find someone like her
Rudeus is a disciple of the Man-God, he simply doesn't realize it.
Already had the digital one for a while.
>being infertile and getting a shit reputation for that reason.
the opinion of a handful of weirdos on here doesn't matter, and having 2 kids is not being infertile
It's always been the journey of Rudeus' life
Dead End wouldn't split up and they'd instead probably be traveling with Orsted and Banana. They likely end up on Begaritt eventually anyway once the letters and Paul reconnection occur, and Orsted will likely split up from them for a while like he did with Banana. But with Dead End still together, if they go to Begaritt Ruijerd could probably solo the entire labyrinth himself, ensuring Paul lives, Zenith is rescued, and Rudy will end up with Eris and Roxy as wives most likely.

He may go to Ranoa after that, since it's Roxy's Alma mater, but it's equally likely that he goes with Paul and the recovered Zenith to wherever they want to stay. Fittoa region wouldn't surprise me as an option. If he doesn't have a reason to go to Ranoa I don't think he's likely to, so he may never meet Sylphie there. BUT he may end up involved in the retaking of Asura anyway because that was an Orsted job and if he sided with Orsted already by then, then Orsted will want to put him to work on Asura to save the loop. In that circumstance he likely meets Sylphie again, but he would still think of her as Fitz unless she actually revealed her identity to him.
no sorry i'm actually the only sane person in these threads
Imagine how tight Lucy's cunny is going to be.
>Dead End still together, if they go to Begaritt Ruijerd could probably solo the entire labyrinth himself
Ruijerd isn't that good is he?
he is, just one of his comrades was able out to hold out against a dragon god.
Yeah, anon is shitting you. Ruijerd won't even have any idea how to cauterize the Hydra's heads after slicing them
If Eris stays with Rudeus, I think Ghislaine is bound to stay with them too, I think.

And I dont think Paul would die if they have actual good close combatants like Ruijerd and Ghislaine with them. Unless Hitogami pulls some shit and actively trying to kill him, maybe.
you don't need cauterization if you're fast enough to lop off all of its heads.
She becomes a hardcore Millisfag. At least Sieg accomplished something.
Nah, in such a scenario Rudy is already working with Orsted, so he will be blanked out from Hitogami's sight.
He's Emperor tier (or at least high king tier) warrior.
He can't. He doesn't even have Long Sword of Light
he would still die with Ghislaine, her charge and release fighting style isn't suitable for a multiple-headed monsters.
Total elf genocide.
If she aims at the base of the necks, she couldve lopped multiple heads in one charge, and that alone would significantly made the battle easier for the party.
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I can easily see Mushoku Tensei taking over SpyxFamily as the daughter-father meme anime
It won't, because LN readers know how that relationship goes. As in, badly.
you mean it's torso? lol she isn't slicing through all of that.
the state of sword autists.
Funny how in a society without any of the liberal institutions to grant them freedom, women magically become more moral and the ones most inclined to religion. Tells you everything you need to know about today's society.
Ruijerd doesn't need sword autism.
that's not the focus of the story at all
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>Yor, has a non-biological daughter Anya that she would protect with her life, that's a telepath and has a big white dog
>Eris, has a non-biological daughter Lara that she would protect with her life, that's a telepath and has a big white dog
it's literally the same characters
You have to be extremely retarded to hate Lucy. Lucy is also the most talented Child according to Redundant Reincarnation
Anon is just m3m3ing again
Like, how he's spamposting about Sieg being gay back then. He's now switched his target to Lucy
Retard take. Rudy literally lives in a university town that employs his wife. Thanks to magic/touki (non-brawn power sources) women have a ton of freedom in this society and plenty of them are immoral and not followers of Millis. Furthermore, the Milliscultists are a caricature of religion and hardly more "moral" than anyone else, they just hate polygamy and demons.
>they hate demons
Cliff's sect doesn't.
MT is a story about Rudeus' life. And his children are not part of his life.
animeonly niggers get no say.
It always is, these westoid faggots have no shame.
No blessed child? Then that sect can fuck off.
The Millis religion is a woke religion, nothing is forbidden except polygamy, you can't fuck without marrying, be homosexual or marry and raise your children as heretics. If Millis existed he was a false prophet to be sure.
can* fuck without marrying
Millis forbade demons too, it's why Orsted and Hitogami never really bothered doing much with them.
Employment is not a liberal invention, retard. I should've been more specific. Talking about all the liberal notions we have, like "equality" or divorce/redistribution laws for assets/children, etc. Most followers of Millis in the story are women.
that's the view of a sect not Millis himself.
Even worse, at least the demon expulsion faction has some existential "we have to protect humanity" justification, Cliff's sect is a cult based purely around seething about polygamy and hoarding trademarked magic.
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Much more happens than that.
Cliff dies trying to help Rudy acquire a good tier healing book from millis, Roxy dies from a deadly disease, Rudy becomes abusive and cheats on Sylphie with prostitutes she cries for days and leaves him and everything he's given her including their daughter, Zenith slaps him and Lilia makes him go after her, weeks later he finds her Body with with its arm cut off, a slash across it's face and hung on a cross while the citizens are throwing rocks at her corpse, he then proceeds to burn their bodies and kill half of the city with fire magic, becoming a mass murder
Later on Zanoba is killed, Julie, Ginger and Aisha are found chopped up to pieces in Rudy's basement and Rudy goes full on murderhobo rapist and I mean literal rapist. Later on he goes around killing strong people to get information on Hitogami but ends up biting off "Moore" than he can chew when he fights Atoferatofe and Eris(who's been following around and beating him up since Roxy died) jumps in front of a final blow meant for Rudeus and dies, he then spends the next 40+ years of his life searching for a way to kill Hitogami to no avail, but stumbles upon a secret dragon technique of time travel, he dedicates his remaining life to perfecting it(he doesn't perfect it but does succeed at using it and dying from it later)
>She ruins her siblings' relationship with their father
No she doesn't speed reader
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Are self-inserts with us in this thread?
Seriously, pick up the book instead of being a disingenuous faggot, you have no idea what you're talking about
The Sylphieschizos are, so yes.
>Later on he goes around killing strong people
But did he ever end up killing the two powers that killed Sylphie in that timeline? or no
She'd have all of the Hydra's heads off before it could blink at least anime wise since she actually fights at the speed of light in the anime, as opposed to the LN which is ambiguous at best.
No. Maybe auber, but Reida would assrape him
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Why is a Morrocan State-controlled media shilling Mushoku Tensei?
No. He isn't strong enough.
>Employment is not a liberal invention, retard. I should've been more specific. Talking about all the liberal notions we have, like "equality"
Women being able to work without even a hint of discrimination is emblematic of their equality and freedom. There is nothing stopping any woman in this society from earning their own income and living however they want, they absolutely are "granted freedom". Magic and touki giving them the ability to fight on equal (or greater) footing removes the biological inequalities too, which actually gives them far more options in this society than liberalism gives them in ours. The only thing you're correct about is that there's no divorce rape.
Again, Millis isn't "moral" and women across the world aren't turning to Millis due to lack of freedom or their superior morality so your comparison makes no sense. You're treating this regional cult like it's a tradwife factory because it has some caricaturized similarities with Christianity.
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Forgive me in advance for posting this.
NTA but Slyphie left Dudy and follows Ariel back to Asura to participate in power struggle for the throne and their faction loses. The victor display their dead bodies in public.

It's really popular in Morocco.
And I thought Sylphyfags couldn't sink any lower.
Both are bargaining chips kek
Miggers won
He doesn't really need Christina as a bargaining chip with Asura, since Ariel is fully on board as Orsted's subordinate. It's just so Luke's son can dick down the next best thing to Eris.
As an aside, anon, it's not exactly covering with glory to say that the only thing those a daughter are useful for is taking a penis.
Nope, even Rifujin says the outcome wouldn't change much with Ghislaine being around let alone solo it.

>If Ghyslaine had been there, would Paul have survived?
But even if Ghyslaine had been there, it might not have worked after all.
Hydra might have acted differently from the beginning.
Not a thing. That's a liberal term. Different treatment and favoring one gender over the other is natural.
>nothing stopping any woman
You're mostly talking about peasants here. Noble and Royal women in the story are mostly bound to their duties. Unless they manage to escape, like Zenith did.
>granted freedom
By who or what?
>Magic and touki giving them the ability to fight on equal (or greater) footing
Pretty sure men can manipulate mana too. Don't know what point you're trying to make.
>removes the biological inequalities too
It doesn't. The vast majority of people in the world can't use magic or create a battle aura.
>only thing
That's not the only thing that I mentioned.
>due to lack of freedom
Absolutely are. Just like it works in the real world. Hello? Why do you think that Muslim countries have the biggest share of female religiosity by far? Educate yourself.
Everything is perfect from her small tits to the outfit, but it's all ruined by her butter face.
art has nothing to do with character, it's literally all about who has the sexiest designs. Most of the artists don't even read the story and just spoil themselves so they can draw the right setting.
Ghislaine and Ruijerd at the same time then, fuck it.
Ruijerd could tank the hydra hit that killed Paul seeing he stopped a red cobra charge with his bare hands, Ghislaine would be cut in half.
You guys are overselling the Hydra a bit.
Two emperors can definitely take on him no matter what.
One is what's pushing it.
I think you're overselling Ghislaine, you were saying she could solo it minutes ago. Also he's isn't an emperor but king.
Give Ghislaine Paul's sword and she solos it.
Emperor+King can do it too.
Ghislaine can't even solo Auber
I mean sure that would be overkill obviously
Eris + Ghislaine and even that wasn't enough but needed Rudeus help also, meanwhile this guy saying she's emperor level lol.
Lul imagine if all their babies are fat nerds who died and isekaied like him kek. Would be 11/10.
Different anon
A team of saint class>King, one rank below
I agree a balanced well-rounded team provides a lot of synergy that one simple fighter just doesn't have.
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*comes back for season 3*
Jobbermanfi won.
Would have been a better pet than Leo.
>speed of light travel
>dies to a little old lady

Nah, he's a born jobber. Orsted agrees, Leo is so much more powerful than Arumanfi it isn't even a comparison.
Its the other way around. Sylphy gets the pounding, while Roxy does the technical Kamasutra stuff
>lost to a dog
>scared of stacyris tier
Bros... we were supposed to be Arumanfi The Bright, the fastest.
most truthful post in this thread
numbers confirm it
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Partial results are in:
>5. Paul Greyrat
>4. Rudeus Greyrat
>3. Sylphie Greyrat
>2. Eris Boreas Greyrat
>1. Roxy Migurdia
Polls will be open until July 7. You can vote here:

Herro... nippon votto onry
purisu no gaijin
>Paul at 5th, right after the MCs
That's why Mushoku is Kino.

While on /a/, the discourse was dominated by "seggs, cheating" etc, back during the novel release discussions on /a/ everyone was sad for Paul instead.
>1. Roxy Migurdia
My wife at #1
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Sylphie not at #1 makes it shit.
I am going to be fucking sick
I got vertigo when I saw where the blue lines were connecting
what the FUCK
>miggerfags at it again with the VPN
Seeing Lucy so happy here makes it feel extra bad that she ended up feeling neglected cause her pops was stuck working away for so long
Don't worry anon. She ends up fucking Cliff's son, not telling her father about it until she's leaving to go live with him in Millis, and also converts to Millis.
No different than any other Elf/Girl or Vampire/Girl romance story.
Don't feel bad for her, Anon. She's a horrible spiteful little bitch
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Weirdos like you shouldn't be allowed around children.
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Orsted knows up to God Tier Healing and he healed his arm(s). On the Job healing is one of the great benefits when working at OrstedCorp! Apply now!
>Lucy marrying Clive and becoming a turbo-Millisfag is kek worthy.
Guarantees a Pope that doesn't fear the Dragon God in the future. Same as Christina, Lucy is doing her due dillegence.
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Why is my cute white haired wife like this?
The 2nd wife shit is bad writing. In fact. Rudeus moping around after Paul died that "he was too depressed to keep going" was bad writing. He's a soon-to-be father who has a pregnant wife waiting at home for him, and now at that moment he needed some pussy to cheer him. And when he tapped that he now can't abandon the slut "that saved him from it". It's all just laughably forced, these characters has no sense of reality in them
He awake
God she and Sieg look so hot together
The Blessed Child is Orsted's direct subordinate now anyway, and she seems to be immune to Orsted's curse, as well as somehow invulnerable to Hitogami's attempts to contact her.
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The 2nd wife shit is great writing, MT lies at the peak of not just isekai but fantasy as a whole. Truly a divine set of books.
Why is roxy stronger than sylphie is sylphie learned incantationless casting at a young age? Shouldn't she be a lot stronger?
Blessed Child has a stupidly weak fate, having a Pope aka leader of a mega powerful nation that you can actually befriend without fear is a much better prospect.
Hopefully they don't skip this one. I feel like Volume 16 will be the biggest victim in Season 3.
They are roughly the same, it's also a matter of intelligence/training.
Roxy has trained more so she's slightly stronger.
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>Why is roxy stronger than sylphie
She isn't. Roxy knows more spells but Incatationless Magic+Buffing Magic Equipment>>Roxy King Tier Magic(That she can only cast once mind you)

Roxy isn't suited for combat against single humans only against monsters or batallions.
Sylphy next to Rudy is all that matters. She won't leave her husband alone.
>muslims love the harem series with lots of incest
Shouldn't be surprised.
13 could be a bigger victim
Damn, I didn't think mudslimes was this based.
Sylphie has incantationless healing too. She seems like she would be clearly stronger on paper but reading the LNs it feels like roxy always does more
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Read it again. Roxy can't win
13 is one of my favorite volumes, I'll be super depressed if they skip too much of it.

Put it this way, Roxy would've gotten slaughtered during the Ariel ambush to Ranoa. While Sylphie was doing the slaughtering.
Sylphie stayed at home, thus less action
Sylphie has a huge mana pool but not much aptitude for high tier magic. Roxy has very good aptitude for high tier magic but her mana capacity is lower. Roxy also learns a lot over time about magic circles and advances her knowledge, to where later in the LNs she can work on the Magic Armour, something Sylphie can't do.
Roxy as a result is what you'd want in a war, Sylphie is what you'd want as Ariel's bodyguard because it's easy to throw some fire or water bolts like a gatling gun when you have voiceless casting. Roxy does have shortened incantations which is incredibly rare and hard to do, but voiceless will still be faster.
It simply isn't all about mana pool, remember Rudeus has a bigger mana pool than even Laplace but it doesn't mean he's actually better than Laplace because Laplace was/is significantly more skilled at how to use that mana efficiently. Rudeus is repeatedly referred to as "crude" in his application of mana, he can usually afford to be because he has so much but it's still inefficient as fuck.

Best example: Oldeus became a monstrously powerful mage, and still got dabbed on by Moore when he dropped his guard for a split second.
Because mages cant into status spells. Seriously not one incantation for covering an area in a poisonous haze?
sylphie is permanently nerfed because Eris and roxy are shitty wives and she has to pull their weight
That's why she gets the Fate Guardian Owl, it protects her from death by weak fate.
I don't think so. I think they'll keep most of the important stuff. I actually don't mind if they skip the meme chapters like the threesome retardation. Give me 4-5 episodes of cozy family dynamics and I'm good.
Chris and Edward are second cousins
>Sylphie has a huge mana pool but not much aptitude for high tier magic
This is just wrong. Sylphie could've mastered Lightning if he gave it three or more shots, as per Rudeus' words. The only reason Rifujin didn't write it is that it would be too pitiful for her to mog Roxy in what she's covering the best, but Sylphie can cast Cumulonimbus and with Sylphie's mana, that alone can be a huge asset in large-scale war
She's still 3rd in the poll KEK
This I love Vol 13(Top 3 for me) but absolutely hate the threesome cringe, not the act of it just the set-up as a whole. It made it feel as if Rudeus was taking a step back in his development. Things I absolutely need though?
>Elinalise wedding
>Birthday celebration with Zenith rubbing Aisha and Norns heads
>Sylphie, Rudy and Roxy restaurant date
>Rudy kissing the girls foreheads at the wedding
>Cliff shit talking Rudy for having multiple wives when he should be caring about Norn's feelings
>Sylphie performing Cumulonimbus(The rest is obviously gonna be in)
Didnt Sylphie create giant pillars of fire in V17?
Sylphie isn't good at mana compression anon. Rudy thinks she can do it with a few more tries but that is a hypothesis that is never tested.
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So? she's first in my mind and heart.
I know you just wanted to incite more useless waifu war
That's intermediate to advanced tier.
She did. For Perugius' entrance
Sylphie pulled off the Cumulonimbus, if she actually put more work into it I'm sure she can cast Lightning
But she didn't. So she is not King tier.
Which mushoku (female) is into scat play?
Ok I just had a traumatic discussion between a r*editor who said that the show's problem is the framing and the tone. I argued that I don't care about morality, then he said sure, morality isn't the problem but the framing. I genuinely don't understand what is the difference between good framing and bad framing? Aren't they based on morality in the first place?
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I've been here the longest time, and Sylphie was always last in polls for who best girl or what now, even if I rarely vote. But I'm telling you, that shit doesn't matter.
Sylphie was nerfed because Rifujin is a disgusting Roxyfag
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>arguing with redditors
Rudeus said she can pull it off if she give it more attempt. Rifujin didn't delve enough into it, and never wrote it, but you're really coping if you think Sylphie won't be able to cast Lightning if she focus at it
>Eris second without appearing at all this season
So this is the power of red
Sorry I can't help it but now I realize I shouldn't have done that.
Roxy is a crippled migger that deserved to be burned alive
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Not him, but "what ifs" aren't facts. She is never stated to have done so, so no point in making assumptions about things that never happens.
Roxy has lesser screentime than Sylphie tho
>Good framing
Sturdy, well-polished hardwood

>Bad framing
Plastic, but also hastily cut shitty moist wood
You're still wrong for saying Sylphie doesn't have "aptitude" for high-tier magic since she pulled off the Cumulonimbus in just her 2nd try. Cumulonimbus alone can change the tides of war with Sylphie's mana
All three of the wives needed more POV side stories, once Rudy married them all they should've each have had their own side chapters in every volume.
Yh Sylphie was 15 when she did Cumulonimbus and will live for another century, fuck Rifujin holy shit.
>Sylphie was 15 when she did Cumulonimbus
She was 18, but yeah Rifujin really should've gave the wives more moments in at least redundancy.
>s-she could totally do it if she tried
So she could do it but is a quitter, is what you just said. Making her a loser without the strength of mind and will to knuckle down and do it. Meaning, she can't do it. Your concession is accepted.
Why do you need to argue? It's proven that haters have no correlation with the show's production quality. If you want a good S3, sit back, buy the LN's and the BD's and merch and hope for the best.
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Mana pool doesn't mean shit when you can't use it competently anon. Oldeus has Laplace-tier mana and got fucking dabbed on by MOORE. Who Rifujin has even said is only mediocre capacity.
She stops training at all after Asura arc. Compare to Rudeus, who trains regularly and pushes himself into Emperor class from King.
No one cares about your mind or heart elfnigger
>Mana pool doesn't mean shit when you can't use it competently anon.
Wdym? Sylphie did the Cumulonimbus and became a Saint-tier mage. And what's a better way to use magic competently than being chantless with a huge mana pool? In fact, Roxy is the shitter for being a chantlet
Also, just read >>268413545. No way mages like Roxy can survive that
It's possible that she managed to do it in the next month or something, but just wasn't written
A lot of people do actually, monofaggot.
How could my wife react like this to a second wife, provided she is bisexual?
>And what's a better way to use magic competently than being chantless with a huge mana pool?
By being Moore, having mediocre mana, mediocre ability, still needing chants, and STILL kicking the shit out of Rudeus (and Oldeus in the Oldeus timeline). People act like chantless is a win button. It isn't.
If only Bind invited all the guys who vote to Roxy in the poll for more manpower resources, then maybe the anime wouldn't be so shit
Make sure the second wife is always fated to spend her life with your wife across infinite timelines.
It is as Rudy forgets he can just make the ground impale you
Moore has like 1000+ years old of military experience, anon. Even demons like Roxy can't live that long to practice magic that hard
The question from the retarded Sylphieschizo was what is better than chantless + huge mana pool. The answer is being able to use your mana competently by training and getting the experience. Which Moore demonstrates.

Also, a thousand years is less likely, since most of the time he is busy tard wrangling Atofe.
Rifujin nerfs Sylphie as she can creare ice too meaning she could flash freeze targets instead of airbursting them.
Sure, but stop acting like every mage can be Moore, or do you actually think Roxy can survive this? >>268413545
Chantless + Mana Pool is just that big of an advantage. Don't pretend otherwise
>Sylphie is what you'd want as Ariel's bodyguard because it's easy to throw some fire or water bolts like a gatling gun when you have voiceless casting
In >>268413633 which was the post that set off the schizo again, I would suggest you read the reply chain anon?
How do I do that IRL?
Any other advice?
Moore can merc anyone other than Rudy but Roxy vs Sylphie changes depending on the setting
>Sylphie has a huge mana pool but not much aptitude for high tier magic
This is what I picked up on tho? Saying doesn't have aptitude for high-tier magic is bullshit since she pulled off the Cumulonimbus in her 2nd try
How about you go read the reply chain?
NTA but yes she could, in theory. She has short incantations, same as Moore does, so it becomes about whether she has the combat experience for a fight.
Sylphie can just airburst Roxys head off in a second. Remember her loli self created a house size hole in Ariels room killing the assassin.
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>Just started reading the light novel
>Even when they were children and he still thought Sylphie was a boy Rudeus wanted to pull “him” in and kiss him
He really is a bit of a queer isn’t he?

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