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>KGB Volume 3 has been recommended by Naruto's Author: Masashi Kishimoto

Takeru must be so happy right now
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This is what Naruto was reading!
Confirmed that Hinao is Hinata of Bachiworld.
>Vol.1 + 2 climbing top 100 in shoseki
>before volume 3 release
>before naruto recommendation was revealed

They better announce another reprint FAST lmao
We won
We won
We won
Takeru won, simple as.
thanks anon
You think so? I'm thinking she's more likely to be paired off with Hakuri now.
This guy made it >>268403327
did you guys ever leave? It was nothing but momentum for kgb beside ranking bottom that one time way in the beginning
>Naruto: This Hakuri kid is totally me dattebayo
Interesting strategy if so
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It feels like it's been a massive fight with pretty much everything actually handled by jump

Everything outside jump has been insane though, yeah
I love seeing all the displays made by bookstore employees and seeing all the manga piled up.
It's a risky strategy, but if it is what they are doing, it's definitely working, and it would match with the actual series performance we see in shoseki
Let's not kid ourselves. Naruto would totally love Chihiro
perhaps we were too harsh on Nakano
Hakuri wanting to get praised and acknowledged by Kyoura is totally similar to kid Sasuke, though. He also has a violent brother and comes from a family with eye-related powers.
The one bad thing about the recommendation is how it encourages a very shallow level of discussion, I bet tons of people will keep trying to interpret KGB via Naruto instead of allowing it to be it's own separate thing.
There's no way Char doesn't have pink at this point

>Black hair = Chihiro/Sasuke
>Silver/Grey hair = Hakuri/Kakashi
>Blonde = Shiba/Naruto
>Pink = Char/Sakura
Especially with how little it really feels like it takes from the story.
Most of the naruto influence is from the Art / Paneling
> no tally for weekly shoseki
Would Naruto approve of the way Chihiro operates?
Char is confirmed blonde.
He already confirmed blonde.
He's more like the Itachi, lets be real. But I'd rather Hakuri just be Hakuri instead of constantly compared.

Hokazono was asked about her hair color in the convention interview he did and he said her hair was blond. There's actually a lot of blonds in the story now. I count the Sazanamis as having bright platinum blond hair, it doesn't look white to me.
Takeru said Char’s hair color is similar to Shiba’s hair color
Sure didn't stop JJK though
They probably look like father and daughter next to each other.
It's finally happening,. By the end of the year we will drop the BC and AD system and replace it with PK(pre kagurabachi) and KE(kagurabachi era)
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Who The hell is Kishimoto when you can have Wakui and beat you in sales on rakuten lol
>platinum blonde
lmao even
Would any WSJ protag even approve of Chihiro's actions outside of serial killer Light Yagami?
>I bet tons of people will keep trying to interpret KGB via Naruto instead of allowing it to be it's own separate thing.
Literally the next post lmao: >>268404446
>Hakuri just be Hakuri
It amazes me how Naruto continues to inspire future manga while something like OP somehow can't spawn a clone.
that's hakuri
Or MHA. Or Demon Slayer.
>rank #232
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You know what. They might be good friends. Nart is BFFs with War Criminal Sasuke anyway
One Piece isn't over. It's fans don't need to try and recreate what they love. Or maybe I'm wrong, idk.

It would be REALLY funny if in like 2 years the big names of jump (besides Luffy) are super Pro-Yakuza and Super Anti-Yakuza
I'm so disappointed in all you. Do better.

>X is the Y of KGB!
Stop it!
So, how long until Kishimoto draws some KGB stuff. He did for MHA a few times.
IMO this probably has a lot of merit. You don't need more of what you're already satisfied with.
>Long dragging storylines that should've been over in like 3 or 5 chapters
I don't think any mangaka would follow in Oda's footsteps. Kishimoto or Kubo has the easier paths
>Kishi draws Chihiro before he draws any new Bort characters

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Go over to /nue/
All 3 have over 60+ volumes. I don't think we're getting any new long running shounen. Even Fairy Tail was like 60+
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>amazon rank #2119
>I bet tons of people will keep trying to interpret KGB via Naruto
they already were
Arguably, Fairy Tail IS that clone

Just that it's not trying to hide it's soft porn
Why did you include my post in it? I was literally laughing at how the next post after the guys said people were gonna go >KGB IS NARUTO was exactly that.
It isn't. That's just a myth.
>"I wish I could have written cool samurai too" Masashi Kishimoto
He already did inside Naruto. Mifune. Although he's all about honour and all that.
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His hair is not optic white like his shirt collar and it's shaded with soft yellows and desaturated browns, it looks like platinum blond to me. It's more obvious when you compare it to platinum hair in real life. This is a good example of what it looks like.

sorry bb, my bad
>Q: What is Hinao, Shiba, Char, and Hakuri's hair color?

>Hokazono: In the latest colored page, Shiba's hair color is pale blonde. Hakuri, or rather the Sazanami family, all have white hair. The image I have for Char's hair color is close to Shiba's. As for Hinao, I have the impression that she keeps changing her hair color, like blue or pink, so I'll leave it as something to look forward to when she's featured in a center color.
>white hair
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takeru realized the error of his ways and made him platinum blonde
is anyone rec'ing astro?
White hair confirmes
he even has root shadow
Maybe it has gone through a vintage filter
platinum blond Is more silvery
Vol 3 coming out means we will have extras. There will be extras for sure this time, right?
Why do people want Hakuri to be blond so badly. Isn't white cool enough?
Yeah, there are more than enough pages this time.
Last volume was an exception, most likely pushed by the editor.
More likely it's just that Takeru is a guy and doesn't know much about fashion or hair styling terms. He probably doesn't know the difference between sandy blond and mousy blond either.
that's ash blond
he hadn't fully decided at the time of the indonesian con
but then he saw some 90s action movie kino and was like "no yeah that's a better color for hakuri"
White hair can look kind of cold and I think platinum blond fits the overall aesthetic that has been presented better. This doesn't seem like a series where lots of people have unnatural hair colors that they are born with.
Comprehensive list of blonde variations:
> Platinum Blonde
> Silver Blonde
> Icy Blonde
> Ash Blonde
> Beige Blonde
> Champagne Blonde
> Honey Blonde
> Golden Blonde
> Strawberry Blonde
> Sandy Blonde
> Dirty Blonde
> Butter Blonde
> Caramel Blonde
> Pearl Blonde
> Sun-Kissed Blonde
> Bronde
> Dark Blonde
> Blonde Balayage
> Copper Blonde
> Wheat Blonde
> Creamy Blonde
> Yellow Blonde
> Ash Brown Blonde
> Fawn Blonde
Headcanon. Takeru even confirmed it is white but that will not stop them
The twist is that just like Gaara and Sasori, his hair will actually turn out to be red
So when will we finally see Chihiro sleeveless?
Some of these are fake blond btw, women who were genuinely blond as children who's hair got darker with age unable to cope with the fact that they are now brunettes now.

"I'm not a brunette I'm a dark blond!"

look at the most recent color page again
kyora already took off chihiro's trenchcoat and showed us chihiro's base layer
you'll have to survive on that for the next few months anon
I'm genuinely surprised his base layer isn't a dark color. I'm gonna guess it's a white shirt.
White. Gotcha.
The only people I can imagine caring about what specific type of blond hair Hakuri has instead of just calling it white like author confirmed are women.
Yeah author’s words are canon so it is white
the only man reading this manga is Brazilbro
Delusional. Chihiro seems like the type to be very consistent with his laundry. I bet he even blues his whites too.
So basically. There's no way we'll stay bottom 5 for long?
Bottom 5 until anime comes out.
Tomorrow is a guaranteed bottom 3-4
>nue cp
>kb cp
>TES cp
That's most of its cushions.
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and then he colored hakuri's hair with a yellow tint weeks later
His pants are
>beige blonde
We already left it.
they were supposed to be denim . . .
>yellow hair
literally naruto
I wouldn't say guaranteed

Could all be below us still, + Psych House and Necromance
Exactly. Platinum blond.

Hakuri is Hakuri
that was when he was with his dad.
things have changed since then.
if Kunishige were alive, then he would've worked hard to make sure Chihiro grows up much bulkier than the one we have.
Chihiro clearly is neglecting himself right now.
Imagine the smell.
It would be funny if Chihiro still wears tighty whities but I doubt it. Kunishige has dignity
Turn off night light bro
Hag lust thread is the best thing to come out of this series
never used that before
> Here is a list of various shades and variations of white:
> Pure White
> Snow White
> Ivory
> Eggshell
> Cream
> Antique White
> Pearl White
> Alabaster
> Ghost White
> Frost White
> Off-White
> Bone White
> Chalk White
> Vanilla
> Linen
> Porcelain
> White Smoke
> Milk White
> Seashell
> Lily White
> Coconut White
> Marshmallow White
> Winter White
> Glacier White
> Moon White
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I hope roku get to ENTER as an ex glowie
Chihiro was keeping house while his dad was a bad influence in that regard. I do not think he would get any sloppier once he only had himself to take of. I bet he was even doing Shiba's laundry.

He probably uses unscented laundry products and avoids fragrance in general. You can't go sneaking around ganking baddies if they can smell your Baccarat Rouge or Drakkar Noir announcing your incoming presence. Also Japanese people don't wear fragrance that much compared to other countries, it's considered rude.
chihiro wears his dad's old clothes under his tracksuit, but he never washes them so they never lose his dad's scent
>ex glowie
no fuck off
the series has way too many glowies as is.
also, shiba (and most likely Kunishige too) already got that role
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i bet don shiba would wear fragrances
We definitely hitting dobe on jajanken next week.
>We're so b-ACK
Above Murakami even if it's uncounted.
I have heard of people doing this but you're not supposed to wear the clothes yourself because they'll stop smelling like the original owner and start smelling like the new wearer. You're supposed to seal the clothing in something like a ziploc and even then their scent will fade eventually.
Both Our Shiba and Don Shiba seem like the type. He has a luxury of stealth that Chihiro doesn't thanks to his sorcery, you can't smell him approaching if he's going to teleport next to you. Tom Ford Neroli Portofino for Our Shiba and something obnoxious for Don Shiba.
I want Ufotable to cancel Genshin and create an anime about the KGB.
The style is very fitting for Ufotable, and there is no better candidate to follow in the footsteps of KnY as the flagship franchise.
you won't get ufotable
>b-but MUH sales...
cope and seethe bachikeks
Chihiro’s hair color is more like a charleston green
now you're just making words up
I really wish for this from the bottom of my heart.
I think the KGB anime project will probably launch just around the time the Kimetsu anime concludes, so the timing is perfect.
>around the time the Kimetsu anime concludes
That's... 2029
Dark brown imo
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i remembered that we do know chihiro's fragrance
> I think the KGB anime project will probably launch just around the time the Kimetsu anime concludes
lol, lmao even.
Each film is going to be a year apart if not two, there is also another movie for final fight after them.
that's right
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There are no men in this thread
Nah, muzan's fight is too long for one movie.
It'll probably be a tv series, something like 8 episodes preceded by the movies recut in a tv format.
there is at least one male homosexual
i remember asking that anon for the classifications of twinks/bears
>just around the time the Kimetsu anime concludes
Haha oh anon
>kagurabachi #340
>akane #431
The gap is starting to widen.
I am a man, ask me anything.
>mfw thing that happened last time happens again
yes the rest of us are cute little girls
>above akane
>below dandadan
>little reason to buy it online because of natsucomi and goodies
KGB saved its ultimate obi until the very end
Akane will always be pumped during the preorders phase because of the rakugo association doing the massive preorders at the wholesale scale.
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thanks for doing what i could not anon. saved btw
are you the homo?
I thought you were hags
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Nue FUCKING lost. NarutoGODS won.
can you please elaborate on the classification of twinks/bears?
cute lil girls find chihiro dreamy too!
Predict author comment
they probably self insert as Char
but i thought it was the men who liked to imagine themselves as little girls?
>Volume 3 is on sale now! I can't believe Kishimoto-Sensei recommended my Manga...
okay real question. will chihiro and hakuri ever reach the insane levels of overt fucking gayness of naruto and sasuke
>b-but they both own eachother
you don't understand
so cute.
and canon.
too bad hakuri gets brainwashed later on by that hag, chihiro, and shiba.
It’s amazing to see the memes being prophesied
He's gonna end up being the town bike of the series
I doubt it. Takeru already put Ice Hag in the story and nothing phases Chihiro unless it's his sword or his father.
shhh. no more questions
Chihiro is Enten sexual (not sword sexual, mind you)
And if the series ever get that big, even the fujos will always write Hakuri screaming Soya's name when he cooms while getting fucked by Chihiro or anyone else.
I don't think so, precisely because Hokazoni has seen Naruto. What made Naruto and Sasuke special was that Kishimoto seems genuinely unaware of how gay he made them appear to be. That relationship wasn't inspired by any media he had seen. It was truly authentic and inadvertent and that is why it is FujoKino.

Simply by having seen Naruto before precludes Hokazono from rising to that same level, any shipteasing he does will be calculated. It can still be good but it just won't be the same.
If Soya lives to become sort of ongoing antagonist for Hakuri then I expect Soya/Hakuri to continue as a very popular pairing among JP fujos. It's only petering out if he dies.
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No, I am a straight male who wants to dom Hiyuki.

I don't know anything other than superficial information, like how one is hairy and the other is not.
I can talk about the differences between loli and hebes however.
this is nice
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>The artist praises how immersive and captivating the art is, filled with power and emotion. He also states Hokazono's style is something manga readers will definitely love.
Hokazono must've came on the spot once he got the call from editor-san
nah, sasuke and naruto was on another dimension
>they are drawing chihiro without the trenchcoat
Post the nip version(before translation)
I thought last chapter confirmed he died?
chihiro never saw the body
Sasuke and Naruto are fujo royalty. They will never be surpassed *because* the manga was just too successful and influential. Chihiro and Hakuri can be a fine pairing but it will never surpass Naruto in this regard simply due to timing.

Death of the Author, I do not trust Takeru to be aware of the intricacies and subtle differences between all the types of blond. He could legitimately think a pale yellow is 'white' and he would be wrong because he's a man and doesn't know better.
i tried to read this but I couldn't get past the terrible faces with gaping mouths every two panels, does he git gud at drawing facial features later on ?
Hakuri’s hair is eggshell
He's improving.
extremely important discussions are happening itt
naruto trying to bring sasuke back was a major contributor to the insane levels of homoeroticism between them
literally chasing him, threatening to use force
and then sasuke trying to kill naruto to awaken his sharingan?
the words gay and fujo are too small to describe what the fuck sasuke and naruto had going on
although layed off as a joke, they quite literally kissed in chapter 3. chihiro and hakuri could get confirmed a couple next chapter and naruto and sasuke would still be gayer
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>Still another 7 hours till volume extras
Well what do I do in the meantime
chihiro and hakuri could have graphic homosexual sex next chapter and it still wouldn't be gayer than what naruto/sasuke had going on
What power up would Soya get in order to compete against Hakuri?
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Nue kinda won tho
Hishaku magic.
Experimental but more stable datenseki.
Kyora's mask.
I interpreted most of their interactions as being one sided, Naruto was way more homo than Sasuke. But IMO, it wasn't just the text itself but the circumstances behind it that really elevated it. Kishimoto was inspired by the relationship he had with his brother, it really wasn't supposed to seem gay. When people see chemistry that was completely unintended by the creator it enhances the impression of the characters as being separate from the creator, more 'alive', more able to surprise by making their own authentic decisions against the writer's will and I think that's what a lot of fujoshi are resonating with. Hakuri tugging at Chihiro's ankle is cute but it's too calculated to match the faggotry of Naruto, they're still just 'characters'.

Hishaku enhancements with refined Datenseki. Made a blade wielder. Completes the ritual with his father and loses Isou but gains Storehouse and learns to wield it creatively.
Was Kishimoto inspired by Jojo?
>>Zero (0) obi recommendations
Not being half dead from Chihiro's attack. Not becoming braindamaged when Hakuri is near.
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soya just needs to jack off to compete against hakuri for their rematch. half of the reason he lost to hakuri was like 50 mental nerfs/ underestimating him. remember he is supposedly more talented/ more intelligent than kyora
didn't sasuke try to kill naruto to awaken his mangekyo sharingan? you know that thing that requires the user to kill someone they love
I would love for him to join the Hishaku and pledge to CAGE Hakuri
new heaping piles of fresh hatred at the harlots that seduced his little brother
I really hope Souya lives and joins the Hishaku
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initially i thought was a shitposting tier progression for his character but souya joining would be cool. not to mention he probably has nothing better to do other than think about hakuri all day
do what takeru does
>take a walk
>take a shower
>eat some food
and then do other things such as
>kagura your bachi
>take a nap
Mutates into a resident evil-like tentacle monster that wants to rape Hakuri with its tentacles.
you get with the rest of us in the western part of the world and go to sleep soon
>EoS Fight
>Hakuri vs Hishaku Souya
>Souya pulls out properly working datenseki infused gloves
>gigantic Shark spirit beast appears
Their interactions were also more fun and chemistry was good because they actually butted heads a lot. A whole package of flavor. Hakuri and Chihiro can't get that because I can't see them ever getting into a serious conflict of disagreement. There needs to be more tension and I think it's too late for that.
Soya could remain as the head of the Sazanami clan provided they aren't all exterminate and provided there's any merit or gusto to maintain the clan in the wake of the auction failing. But if that isn't the case then him joining Hishaku could be interesting.

Wouldn't happen but it would also be kind of interesting to see what he would do as a free agent, bound to neither his clan nor to a new employer. How would he cope? He doesn't appear to have any marketable skills outside of combat nor is he shown to have any personal ambitions.
Naruto and Sasuke were good... for an arc.
Then sasuke went edgy and didn't take much to disappear so it became naruto longing for a dude he barely knew.
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>naoya just a little more gay
would be based
No I wanna see the part about Hinao too especially what it could specifically mean about two toned hair
I give these 2 days tops before people complain about stock issues
>relying entirely on shilling for your success
I love the acryllic.
Kishi did add some childhood fuckery with them. But yeah Naruto's obsession was over the top in Shippuden.
i can't wait till we get to a level of popularity that we start getting figures and shit
If only Sasuke didn't go full retard at the end of part 1.
she changes the colors
who knows what color he will decide it will be when he finally draws it
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as opposed to nue which has shilling and no success LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>which has shilling
>Zero (0) obi recommendations
Uh oh kgbtard goes contradicting himself and proving himself wrong yet again.
isn't it all a hastily done on-the-spot transcription because there was no recording aloud?
sasuke quite literally saved his life and actually did care about him, when most people hated him. it makes sense he cared about sasuke so much. he was just super gay about it
>everyone in this thread is a single person
shizo, meds
>one kgbtard is proven wrong by another kgbtard
Doesn't change shit really.
It could happen, one of them could have an edgy phase where the other has to pull them out of it. That's the only way I can see it developing the sort of spice and conflict of Naruto and Sasuke; the characters had known each other a long time across a variety of circumstances with differing emotional states towards each other which made it really ripe for shipping purposes.

That Chihiro and Hakuri are nice to each other is precisely why a lot of people like it though, especially among Western fujos where cute and healthy pairings are the current vogue.
>>which has shilling
>>Zero (0) obi recommendations
Illiterate savant.
every time i see this mcs face its always drawn exactly the same. not a knock on the mangaka though as there are clear priorities on what to nail when making a generic harem manga
>two people have different opinions
imagine my shock, meds
Naruto has no influence
Kill yourself, retard.
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i dont think hakuri will become the new clan head nor do itachi mode but i doubt he will be happy just letting the sazanamis reform/ let them continue their shit
>kind of interesting to see what he would do as a free agent
>How would he cope?
now THIS would be interesting. souya could be used to show how someone reacts to their entire purpose being taken away from them (serving the razukaichi and fucking hakuri ) and has to cope with not having a purpose. unlike hakuri who found something else to live for, after this arc souya will have nothing. i doubt he cares for the other two tou siblings, and even if he did care about tenri, he fucking Titan'd. i can see it now, souya going insane in a run down abandoned building, maybe takeru will throw us a bone and have some messy assorted pictures of hakuri pinned up on the wall
>inb4 he just says fuck it and plays basketball
Cute healthy and bland... Oh well. I was hoping for some tension after Tenri's death but that didn't happen. Gotta wait and see what Takeru does with Hakuri going forward.
>he thinks that the fact nue has 0 obi shilling is somehow an opinion
Cute but that's a fact, proving your opinion wrong. Sasuga kgbtard.
Weekly Rakuten Ranking - Manga in General (6/24/24 - 6/30/24)

1. One Piece #109
2. Jujutsu Kaisen #27
47. Astro Royale #1
71. The Elusive Samurai #16
85. Kagurabachi #3
108. Akane Banashi #12
111. Witch Watch #17
296. Me & Roboco #18
434. Nue's Exorcist #5
1423. MamaYuyu #3
2570. Green Green Greens #3
4813. Shadow Eliminators #3
4815. Shadow Eliminators #2
5879. Dear Anemone #1
Don't hurt yourself. you're exposing yourself as esl even more.
Read. Carefully. Again.
>47. Astro Royale #1
Better not look at its recent rankings.
It fizzled out FAST.
Dear Anemone is just pitiful, damn.

I'm surprised by Roboco's placement over Nue, I guess Nue's sales tend to be frontloaded.
Gon and Killua
>retard is so used to greentext he doesn't understand when it's used as a quote
Holy mother of newfaggotry. Did you learn about 4chan from screenshots?
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5879. Dear Anemone #1
Gon and Killua are not as gay as Sasuke and Naruto and it's even more one-sided IMO.
leaving the nue threads alone might be a mistake
seething nue fan vs falseflagging csmtard. good thread guys.
I cant get over the dumb faces in this manga. They look they came straight out of mob psycho 100
gon/killua is up there with the gayness though
>CHAD psycho 100
>ad hominem
I accept your concession. Go back to school.
>>retard is so used to greentext he doesn't understand when it's used as a quote.
>he doesn't know.
Luark moar.
go back >>268406392
>Gon and Killua are not as gay as Sasuke and Naruto
you could easily say that naruto is simply obsessed with sasuke, killua however is literally gay no matter how hard anyone tried to deny it kek
>bwaaahhhh ad hominem go back to schooool
Stay mad, retarded newfaggot.
I can see why you say that but to me it isn't the same, and the appeal is different. The appeal in a meta-narrative sense is about the mangaka trying to sneak in more than editorial wants to allow him so that allows for a sense of fantasy about how the characters really feel and how they would really act. Purely within the context of the story I would only like the pairing because I would want Killua to be happy. I think they're written really well though even if you don't care about shipshit.
i just remembered how angry naruto and sakura were about sai "replacing" sasuke lmao
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astro lost. nue lost. mamayuyu lost. chainsawman lost. jujutsu kaisen lost. my hero lost. blue lock lost.
The rats gets louder the longer you left them alone, nuecucks is no exception
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>1423. MamaYuyu #3
Killua does genuinely come across as someone who is gay but Gon doesn't. I actually didn't like HxH that much but I thought they were a fun duo.
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how much longer until chihiro's sweater comes off? another 30 chapters?
Believe in the beach themed summer cover.
Hiw can they continue when Shinuchiman will destroy the whole venue and the only Sazanami survivors are Hakuri and Soya.
everyone gather together
there's a month left until group cover
>Believe in the beach themed summer cover.
we need to believe harder than anything we've believed in before
>296. Me & Roboco #18
>434. Nue's Exorcist #5
shinuichis power is to cut ANYTHING...as long as its clothes
>el hermano ENTERS
>he is a giant pervert who cuts off everyones clothes
How long until Shiba turns heel?
There are younger brainwashed Sazanami left at the mansion.
>takeru then has to draw the fight scenes in a way where the goldfish cover up the naughty bits
that would be a new challenge for him i think
Never. Irrelevant background character until his inevitable death which wouldn't affect anything.
I felt sorry after shitting up their lackluster threads for months but they got rowdy now and someone needs to pay more visits kek
It's no accident that fujoshi who want spicier content need to set the two into AU situations in order to generate conflict. Currently the manga just doesn't support Chihiro and Hakuri being antagonistic towards each other. I don't think we will see them come into conflict till at least one more arc passes. Their relationship is *just* being established so it would be whiplash to suddenly tear that down. You'll need to wait a bit. Hopefully some other fujo pairing can catch your interest in the meanwhile.
They are at the VIP booth WITH THEIR MOTHERS
It would be very fitting if the Naruto author recommended Kagurabachi and the Sam 8 author recommended Astro.
the venue isn't where they all live and there are other Sazanamis
This would be an extreme shitpost
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Sojo’s seiyuu soon…
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Are these basically jinchuriki?
hakuri would inherent kyora's fertility and waste it all on chihiro, I hate hakuri
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>advertising using the tokyo revengers name
i didn't know they could do that
>dozens of kids
>all of them are faggots
poor kyora
The King of Keks strikes again lmao
They're not using any drawings of it and just mention its name so I guess it's gucci?
Jinchuriki-inspired, probably. They have identical restrictions.
They can if they have made a deal with the copyright holder
they probably paid kodansha a large amount of yens to do it, jump is truly dead if this fails kek
Any sales predictions? Also wtf is this thread just a stealth wsj general now?
I kind of expect the Sazanami family to be dealt with off screen. I'd be (pleasantly) surprised if Hokazono decides to deal with the fallout of Kyora's death. There's two routes it can go:

>Hakuri or Soya step in as the new clan head.
It would be more interesting for Hakuri to do this though it does pull him out of Chihiro's orbit. I think this would introduce positive new goals and new conflicts for Hakuri and potentially puts him in a position to conflict with Chihiro in the future. Soya can become the new clan head but I think that's kind of boring and undermines Hakuri's achievements in dismantling the Rakuzaichi, I'd still be open to seeing it though.
>The clan disbands and now you have all these Sazanami sorcerers as free agents
Soya wouldn't be the only one but he'd exemplify the struggle all his other kinmen are facing. This wouldn't do very much for Hakuri's character other than to reflect on the unintended consequences of good deeds but it could be a benefit to Soya. People who feel like they have nothing left to live for are the most free to take some crazy chances and make wild choices. I think all the Sazanami kids had empty lives outside of their devotion to their dad even if they don't consciously realize it.
But isnt that written by the same hack
>Any sales predictions?
>Also wtf is this thread just a stealth wsj general now?
Always has been.
always has been
35k+ should be about the highest I predict.
this has to be the worst kgb thread ive seen in years. what a mess
is astro actually good? I've yet to read it but manga nowadays is mostly a waste of time and I'm not exactly keen on reading potential garbage
clearly you weren't there for break week
>this has to be the worst kgb thread ive seen in years. what a mess
There were worst. This is childplay.
My hero boku no pico gay meteors with blatant One Piece """homage"""
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9 months*
>make it sounds like KGB is on 350 chapters+ and has 2 seasonal anime.
I still remember it before the anime aired a few years back, now it's full of schizos and newfaggotry
The conflict present in the manga is that they are both socially stunted with unusual backgrounds who don't know how to behave like normal people. Also they are both traumatized and need healing. It's just a softer sort of conflict. It's sort of undercut by Hakuri basically being 'fixed' rather early on but oh well. It's not bad, I get why people like it.
nigga like a third of the posts are about naruto alredy what did you expect
Chihiro's La Hermana really killed the series. Now incestfags can't stop shitting the thread.
People are actually discussing the manga. Celebrating the obi recommendation. Discussing sales and a few other titles. It's a perfectly good thread and better than many recent ones.
It's just boring

The last chapter was infinitely better than everything before it but that's like going from a 0/10 to like.... a 2/10
and arguing about hakuri's hair color
it's fucking platinum blonde by the way
yes I agree with you, it is platinum blond
It's obviously white and yellow
true. we only had one schizo argument but other than that this has been a good thread. we actually have stuff to talk about again
More like eggshell yellow
Tonight's gonna be fun
>toc and leak discussions
>reacting to the series being sold out like instantly in stores
None of what you described is a conflict, even a soft one. What a reach.
>It's a perfectly good thread and better than many recent ones.
Seriously better than the hakurischizo threads or the aischizo threads.
plus there's a random nuefaggot trying to shit up the thread but got scared of retaliation lmao
it's more like snow when you piss on it, that kind of colour
I read chapters 1-3 and lost interest. Read the recent chapter with the Iron Chef parody and thought it was pretty cute. I'm gonna give it another shot but I think I'm gonna end up preferring the SoL and comedy chapters more than the action/drama ones.
platinum blond is an almost-silvery blonde
Platinum piss color, I like it.
The latest brother introduced is definitely the best one so far

But everything else is just......boring
nue also suffers from similar issues, the fights are so bad that it's practically killing the manga kek
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tommorow night. it's time. are you ready for HIM?
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Need this as a figure
Nue's author is still young and has terminal LN brainrot so he can't draw action, but he'll improve in time if he keeps drawing manga.
Nue might be able to attract a more dedicated fanbase and actually rival kbg if that's the case, sadly harem and cuckshit isn't enough to get sales
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*almost* silvery being key, natural platinum blond still retains some warmth. Ash and Ice blond are more cool toned.

Kawae is improving at drawing dynamic looking panels but I still find his choreography tough to parse. I think in his heart he wants to do a battle manga more than he wants to do an ecchi romcom or whatever so he just needs to step on the gas and do his best to get better at it.
He needs to start over desu
So cool, I knew the series was going to be special right then and there
this panel is beautiful and he looks so handsome
Exactly and that’s why Hakuri has white hair. Doesn’t resemble the pic at all
Hakuri's hair has too many warm yellow tones
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sh figuarts sojo and chihiro can happily join my army of dragon ball figures
This pic is just shiba's hair color.
>has white hair
not according to the recent hq color page
what exactly caused the consolewarring? there is literally no overlap in themes between kgb and nue other than typical shounen qualities
bold claim
>debating hair colour for 100+ posts when theres a clear colour picture from the author
do bachikeks really?
Yeah, it's white.
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Takeru’s words are final.
at one point down the line what caused it doesn't matter anymore, good anons shits on nue and the rest are left to rot
>Rec is actually from Kishi
So Seishi probably told him. Interesting. This rec must be genuine then.
>They look they came straight out of kino psycho 100
Yeah, platinum blonde
Well, I'm just saying that's what fujoshi have to work with given what's actually suggested by the text. Whether that will be sufficient to interest you or me is a different matter. It's possible you might like some of the AU scenarios people have come up with for the express purpose of introducing conflict to the pairing. If not then there's still people writing for Chihiro and Sojo, if that's your preference.

Personally I'm not vibing with any of the fujo pairings for this. Wouldn't care if there were no relationships in the story. I genuinely prefer bladeshipping as weird and stupid as it is.
>inb4 vol3 characters info says that Hakuri has white hair
it's like you forgot the themes Sojo exemplified or something
women can see more colors than men can
Vol3 chara info has no Hakuri lol
Based schizo.
>It's possible you might like some of the AU scenarios people have come up with for the express purpose of introducing conflict to the pairing.
I literally don't care.
>I'm not vibing with any of the fujo pairings for this
same. I don't know why are you trying to sell hakuhiro to me if you don't even like it yourself lole
>there's still people writing for Chihiro and Sojo
My last hope
I can't believe I have to bring Nue into this but there's a similar situation at play there. People can't decide if Gakuro's hair is green or yellow.

Regardless, if Hakuri's hair is listed as 'white' but you can clearly see that it is blond by using your eyeballs there is going to be conflict about which label is the correct one.
>I've thought about Hakuri's hair colour and I don't think I'm wrong
>it's platinum blond
idk just trying to be helpful I guess I didn't mean to seem pushy

It's one writer holding steadfast so once they're out of juice it's OVER until the anime comes along to inspire new people to pick up the mantle
>mangaka is a big Naruto fan
But Kagurabachi has strong Bleach vibes... I would've never guessed Naruto as a major influence.
It got a cover, it’s already enough
it looks fucking white, just because it has warm shadows in one color page doesn't meat it's not while.
this, unironically

I understand Hakuri's hair color better than Takeru sensei ever could
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Everything below 100k lost
BOOM. Chihiro would go nicely next to my KING Goku
an entirely new breed of Hakurischizo
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> once they're out of juice it's OVER
No! They will stay and write more! I know it! Their insanity will give me more content!
So kagurabachi won then
naruto influenced takeru to become a mangaka but after some one shots and reflection takeru realized that what he wants to make is bloody revenge kino
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>hakuri will have urine colored hair and you will rike it
get it right!
>be narutofag
>watch tarantino and john wick
>start doing revengekino instead
60k slop are not in the club, wait 2 more volume
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is the-
is the bejita figure kneeling?
look kind of crowded though, not sure if a chihiro figure would fit
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B-bachitard..they can use Tokyo revenger name for Astro volume 1, we are finished
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Even Chihiro's hair highlights appeared a bit brown on the color page, so it must have something to do with the overall color temperature of the picture. Takeru bothered enough to specify Shiba as pale blonde, after all.
>bejita kneeling
You know remember TR has a spin off with the characters that its fujos actually like and how it sells.
artist gave up with that cover. what the fuck were they thinking?
Yeah, it'll probably have a good volume 1
Volume 2 and 3 will be what to look for though
They don’t axe top 3 toc +Cover series that sell decently
I'm waiting on the supposed twin

Three years from now people will still be debating Hakuri's hair color
They are btfo by rakuten with Astro destroying kgb, and they will cry this week
Or Takeru gives the color description again
>I don't want to know!
FUARK my shitty iPhone camera for flipping it
It’s my shitty college display, not a lot of room. when I finally move out I’ll make a better display with more room for chihiro and friends, and a space for an army of Bejitas kneeling
He will always be a platinum blond to me!
So are shitters trying to start beef with astro like it was done with nue?
It's the same person doing it.
i dont want to be that guy but in a way the simplistic closeup of the MCs face actually makes it pop when a lot of colvers sometimes have many elements which leads to clutter. too bad the mc looks ugly as fuck but i see the vision
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>The one bad thing about the recommendation is how it encourages a very shallow level of discussion

anon, third of this thread had faggots discussing Chihiro's underwear and how dirty and stinky it may be
that being said, here is cute adult Char
i need her to become Chihiro's apprentice-wife post timeskip
The hags are too funny man, what can I say
he would not be stinky
anon . . .
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you fags never told me that inoue complimented takerus work in the past
Wakui made kino covers all the time for TR so the criticism is justified.
you think hags are also here?
I told you Imamura should get Inoue to come check KGB after Tezuka award though.
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i like to throw something at them just to see the new wild shit they say
He tried with squid 8
anon . . .
>he doesn't know
would inoue even like kgb
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who do you think has been arguing about Hakuri's hair color this whole time?
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great, now i have a reason to post one of my favorite pics
Its weekly does look fine, everything before and after that does NOT.
Why would he not?
I would be satisfied if the story ended with no confirmed pairings, everyone just living together as a family and Char apprenticing under Chihiro.
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Hiyuki will appear in the next chapter to save Chihiro, right?
i don't know i haven't read slam dunk or vagabond
>save Chihiro
No way fag. It's too early for her to be an ally.
Fighting off Shinuchi would also be her duty.
It has been said in the last few threads and couple of times when the series was just starting
He made Vagabond, probably the closest to what he made to Kagurabachi
Would be kino if we got to see Hiyuki go all out because of the Shinuchi
>doing anything
Well, Hakuri is basically braindead and chihiro probably doesn't have much energy.
Hiyuki COULD come and save the day with him.
>inb4 irrelevant
Shiba could get them out, but he would be unable to stop shinuchi.
>Hakuri is basically braindead
Hakuri will keep OVERCOMING his limits for 10 more chapters, no need for any assistance.
yep, irrelevant.
>a new day
>anon keeps seething about hakuri
Hiyuki will rescue Hakuri, thus establishing Hiyukuri and grinding Chiyuki underfoot
I'm on my best behavior today.
Shiba is the Gojo of the Kaguraverse
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i think we will see smth like this in the epilogue
>from an ice hag to a flame hag

this is basically a given
>jobs to teenager on magic rocks
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bachikeks... we're a one trick pony.
I think she'd be a more interesting choice than Hinao (though realistically Hinao is better suited temperamentally).

Would be funny to see people complain again about Chihiro lacking a love interest.
Shiba is definitely the Kakashi
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Dont brush off our girl Enten like that, pal.
But his scar is healed by Char’s touch
That's not a good sign desu. Naruto's writing sucks ass.
>last two lines have different font even though the japanese doesn't
I don't but it's not exactly a popular pairing
>starts beef with nue unprovoke
> starts beef with astro unprovoke
> acts like a victim
bachikeks are the palestines of manga
So... the victim everyone keeps siding with?
Naruto's storytelling knows no equal though
This is (and not character achetypes) is main reason why KGB feels like Naruto's successor.
Takeru just like Kishi is a talented storyteller. The flow of the story, the way its presented, the way its bits hit remind me of Naruto out of all shounens for how well and cinematic its made.
>palestine out of nowhere
amerilard detected
Kill yourself narutard
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what the fuck kind of comparison is this?
Continue living, based Naruto enjoyer
so this is where all the psuedo-smart pretentious dr stone fans ended up. i derive enjoyment from seeing all of you unintentionally make fools out of yourselves. you are the monkey on the typewriter. because you are writing it doesn't make it make sense, and you are as smart as a monkey.
Vol.3 extra doko da
there are multiple styles of good storytelling, but kgb's flow/presentation does not remind me of the good parts of naruto at all
>Naruto's storytelling knows no equal though
for how bad it is. KAGE BUNSHIN NO RASENGAN!!
Yeah but heres the original raws? Is her hair baskin robbins colored blue/pink or did he confirm one-part is black and only the bangs is what she colors on daily basis like headcanons? Wheres that in the translation or in the original raws?
It's just pseudo-smart pretentious shonen fans.
go kill yourself. We sold more than your fucking shit manga
Then post the link to the video or audio. If theres a video you usually see a transcript in the Japanese script in most of all mangaka talks.
>no recording aloud
>No event was described or quoted
>isn't it all a hastily done on-the-spot transcription because there was no recording aloud?
>So you are OP
>State the event
>Link the person who went to the evnt which has no official link in the internet
>kgb #287
>akane #395
Farewell, wife.
tried after already doing it, yea.
Then it in nipponese blogs or summaries. Is this your first jump manga or something?
>nipponese blogs
it was in Indonesia
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great thread, faggots.
Lets discuss naruto's war arc since we're milking the obi recommendation
ngl, this guy probably has the shittiest taste among all the MHtards
It was a steaming pile of shit.
technically, it's a war saga since 5 arcs cover the entire war.
So, how long until we get games like Naruto Ultimate Ninja?
Hated reading it weekly. Don't remember most of the stuff that happened.
It was enjoyable until edo tensei was cancelled. Then it went full mecha fight.
Anime when? It's gonna be MAPPA, right?
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Amazon pre order update
In the end, Astro couldn't beat Nue
2026 by Pierrot Films, they are free after next Bleach cour.

Swap nue and roboco and the order would be what people expect.
Astro is a wild card because it may do well storewise, who knows, I hope it beats nue and that's it then drops hard for vol 2
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The best.
The coolest guy...
>people were shitting on kgb's pre-order figures just the other day
where are they now, i wonder?
They don't remember kgb is always super close to akane until release, then it shoots up hard.
Now it's closer to DDD than akane.
Akane got 6 live action videos damn

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