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Episode 1 of season 2 premieres in just over an hour.
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The english lyrics of ED. Thoughts?
They're having a concert in my country this month but I'm not going.
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Remember, Kana LOVE, Kana VICTORY
Is this the anime or manga thread
Fuck Ruby
BGOTY 2023
BGOTY 2024
BGOTY 2025
BGOTY 2026
Why not both? The thread's fresh enough that both would likely fill up the thread anyway.
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Ruby best girl.
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Spoiler for animeonlies: The author revealed that Akane is a whore who fucks old men for roles.
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That’s a strange wall…
Is that even a spoiler?
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AquRuby is cute and canon
Ai-chan the CUTEST!
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There’s only 1 (one) scene I’m interested to see animated and then I’ll drop the anime and everything related to this series once for all.
>Aqua and Ruby stand in the same room as eachother

Why are they like this?
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Wake me up the next time Mengo decides to draw Aqua and Kana together on official art, rat-kun
Akanesissies is this true?
Go cuddle with your sister
That's not needed when the actual manga supports AquKana
She doesn't even talk this season.
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Mengo sure does a great job of illustrating the endgame pairs
There are exactly two Akanefags in these threads, Akaneschizo and his ilk. Why do you think there are only two of them? Because every other Akanefag jumped ship after such a reveal.
God I wanna marry this whore
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>Melt and Ruby interact for 2 pages
>RATS: Ruby will get Melted soon. Melt is so lucky. M E L T I N G. Aka setting up the OTP. Ruby won the Meltbowl!

Why are they like this?
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The manga supports AquRuhy, though. Reminder that the revenge got wrapped up before the reincarnation plot
another pathetic attempt at humor from the massive autistic loser known as ojisanschizo
Still has good production as usual but not going to watch this anymore.
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Mengo knows the ending yet chooses to pair up Aqua with Ruby and Kana with Akane every time, very curious indeed
>jumped ship after such a reveal.
They jumped much earlier tho. Ojisangate was just the final nail in the coffin.
Ruby won
Feels like it's about Ruby and her thoughts
Melt posts are a joke though
Inbredfags seriously latch on to promotional art (that would obviously feature the two protagonists/two siblings together) and act like their crackship has been confirmed
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Uhh the manga supports KamiRuby actually.
Actually the newest cope from Akaneschizo is that Mengo isn't thinking about the story, which she knows the ending of, when constantly drawing AquRuby and KanaKane content. She's literally turning her brain off and not thinking about it at all. It's just completely random content she's churning out.
Poutkane, my beloved.
Mengo is just thinking about what gets her pussy wet when drawing AquRuby and KanAkane
I wish
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The copes from the inbreds are delicious
Reminder that for some reason the official youtube channel will premiere the second ed before the op
Basically Ruby's monologue during the audition with Frill and Akane.
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Aqua is old men btw.
Holy cute and canon
That's Ai.
That's Akane.
akaneschizo. will. win.
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Reminder that Aqua’s oshi is Kana
>supports her in the live action
>his mind is free when they hang out
>supports her in the concert
>supports her in the theater
>goes full retard for a year for her sake
>supports her in the scandal
Meanwhile with Ruby
>I said I’ll support you! Dude, trust me (just ignore when I skipped your concerts for a whole year because of someone else)
no that's singular, but the other old men not only sound like it but also look and fuck her like it
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>I-I was pretending to be retarded hahaha...
Fuck off and overdose on copium, rat.
Which is incredibly funny because even if that was the case Mengo is drawing is what she likes and Aka specifically said that he’s a writing the manga with Mengo in mind as his target audience
tell something nice about Kana
>Mengo did that Tsubasa manga that had the feMC peeing
>no pee scene in Oshi no Ko
What did Mengo mean by this?
>"Okay but the interlocked fingers totally BTFO'd the entire plot hehe total Ratby W"
Is that abnormal
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This is even outdated.
Reminder that inbreds know very well how boring Ruby as a character is but they just want degeneracy to win
The first thing you see when you watch the episode is the op, not the ed
Akaneschizo is just a retard who makes up his own delusions and never budges from them no matter how many arguments are thrown his way. In other news, water is wet.
Seems like Meltposting has mindbroke an inbred...
Are you that scared of him..?

Inbreds talk all day about Kana because there isn't much to say about Ruby at all. She just exists without any appeal
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AquRuby is not even degenerate enough to shill it for contrarianism reasons.
It already started?
>protected Ruby from weird agencies
>made Miyako produce idols and assembled an idol group for her sake
>cheered on Kana so she wouldn’t ruin Ruby’s first concert
>found Ichigo because he was worried about Ruby
>was hurt when she abandoned her path of becoming a bright honest idol
>made her hate him so she could live without him
>saved her from breaking down even though it went against his plans
>called her his Oshi twice
>kissed and hugged her
>called her his salvation
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>but they just want degeneracy to win
AquKana is more degenerate though, since it's based on a literal toddler crush kek
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literal who OP
Except shipping it to be a contrarian seems to be its main appeal.
This poster >>268412976 is also known as ruinfag/ojisanschizo and he's a kanafag butthurt to the point he daily shitposts in all onk threads. For your sanity, filter his shit and report it.
It's all lies btw, it's a sarcastic comment he's purposefully trying to frame as something else.
>was hurt when she abandoned her path of becoming a bright honest idol
He was actually hurt when he break up with Akane
>made her hate him so she could live without him
Ruby hating him wasn’t part of his plan but still a plus. That was just Ruby being SHIT and not giving actual consideration to what Aqua said
aka probably said no because he's low test
Where are you all watching it?
Yeah, that OP song is trash
Literal downgrade from first OP
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Akane has only ever fucked one man.
Yeah, the key word is "seems". No one really cares outside of other shipperfags.
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>He was actually hurt when he break up with Akane
He was, look at Aqua’s pained expression here
>Ruby hating him wasn’t part of his plan but still a plus. That was just Ruby being SHIT and not giving actual consideration to what Aqua said
Aqua specifically revealed Aka’s secret in such a way so she would hate him for her sake
No it's based on Aqua being cool teenager. If he'd be stupid to her, she wouldn't have fallen for him during Sweet Today. Nothing degenerate to be found. Not forgetting someone is not degen lol it's the base of human relations.
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kana a shit
I hate Yoasobi but you are right. At least the second half of the OP is salvageable because the rhythm of the song blends perfectly with the visuals
Stop bragging Aqua.
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>People said they cut this moment
>Another lie
Sigh, I'm tired of kanarats.
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Cute lesbian couple. And Mem.
Not always. Sometimes the 1st episode will skip the ED and show the OP at the end, sometimes they skip the OP and show the ED.
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This poster >>268414041 is also known as Akaneschizo and he's a Akanefag butthurt to the point he daily shitposts in all onk threads. For your sanity, filter his shit and report it.
Everything he says is all lies btw.
What part? I only remember one fag saying last night that they cut Melt’s reintroduction
Akaneschizo go do a Akane and kill yourself already
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Ai modo
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Aaaahhh so much AquAka this season is so blessed
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>1 hour left for the nip meltdown with the manga
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Except Aqua is not just a "cool teenager" no matter how much he copes.
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These screencaps are from nip TV?
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we splatoon now
>Kana rejects this for a twink
What a kek
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FBI akane
I have to be be honest. I'm gonna say it. I don't care for Kana.
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/onk/ hates Kana, aside from a few schizos
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Taiki bros... thank God he got rid of that thing off his face
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I have to be honest, I think the biggest missed opportunity with OnK is that Aka didn't make Miyako a bigger character and part of the harem. She was promised a hot young actor, and Aqua is LITERALLY. RIGHT. THERE. Like, come on Aka. Flex your creative writing skills here and write some pseudo-mommy kino.
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Yes yes yes this is what I wanted to see more AquAka! More parallels and things like those! A natural couple!
Same. I feel my attention span dropping when her scenes come up.
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cute couple
Fuck you
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>My boyfriend is a loner, he has some sort of evil aura around him but I kinda like it
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Where are you watching?
lmao yea i think it would be a little bit difficult to best an OP with half a billion views on youtube
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Akane thread
Akane board
Akane website
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The internet.
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>He's sort of smiling at Akane pout
so beautiful
so ugly
>t. Mentally ill faggot
What a slut
she's so gorgeous i'm not even kidding anymore
what kind of pact did mengo do to be able to create such a masterpiece
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unironically would have been a better series if it was all mengo instead
the average OnK experience
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>they included a heart in her clothing
Good. Kana is love
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>That Sayahime
Damn Ai looks like a kek in comparison
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They're really adding a lot to Akane scenes
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akanefantachi will be eating good this season
Akane's love.
Ruby… season… cough…
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goat eyes
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AquAka season, like I always said.
Not even going to feel guilty for rats and their ilk if they show favoritism, I had enough of Kana.
5min left until ED release
I hate the current state of the manga thanks to Hacka but I guess I'll have to watch this cour for these Akanes.
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>I had enough of Kana.
No you don’t
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another literal who ED
Akanechizos are too cocky for no reason.
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It's over. The chapter count was 41-44
They didn't really skip anything but just connect scenes differently.
Pretty high quality overall, I'd add that the OP is nice but I feel the imaginery spoils a lot of stuff which I don't agree with. The song is OK, the imaginery helps it a lot.
if they don't drop the same level of quality from season 1 it could be easily one of the best shows of the year
A state of grandiose unwarranted self importance due to a acute mental illness despite being constantly BTFO sounds like a viable reason to me.
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The gif is POUTKANE
Akane just fucked another ojisan
Vol 15
Akane looks like 2m long there
Is this the (expected) announcement?
This looks like Akane kidnaped Kana like a creepy obsessed stalker she is.
wow, ED visuals are.... trash

Really? All that ED for shitty Ruby run towards the door?
Someone add it to the chart
i dont care what yall think, the OP is really fucking cool
>That Akane smile
>Kana's annoyed face
Someone's face got unwillingly stuffed in titties
ED is mediocre, still prefer the last one. They really dropped the ball with this and that trash ass OP.
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The keychain being shown once again
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Cute mommykane
Ruby won
>already getting review bombed
Akane is so big...
Yeah for Skelly Goro reveal
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OP is good, get a taste.

Your "idol" was mediocre with boring visuals and a song that gets old after 3rd replay
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Visuals are great, the song is awful
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From Kappe
I really liked the ED, the song is nice and I enjoyed the visuals of Ruby dancing plus the crow holding the keychain at the end foreshadowing the body discovery, very nice.
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>mfw I'm about to stretch out Kana's cunny with fat futa cock
>Your "idol" was mediocre with boring visuals
What are you on about?
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Ruby looks like a middle schooler here.
Anon thinks that people who didn’t like this OP are Yoasobi apologists
K*nakekes throwing a melty and rwview bombing AquAka season.
It's over for this season, isn't it?
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it's not awful at all? it's a good song
Akane won
I dislike Yoasobi as much as the next anon and still think Idol was better than the current OP song
For the visuals they're not half bad, pretty great even
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White nose
You kidding, right? I was giving it the benefit of doubt thinking that the song was awful due to the camrip quality, but listening to it clearly is just as bad. The chorus is the only good part
reminder that jarman is reading the thread and there is NOT enough good posts for a full video
you schizos need to TONE IT DOWN
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But only platonically.
idk what to say except that you have quite the questionable taste in music
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Loved AquRuby/GoroSari moments in the OP. Goro with his grandma
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i fixed it
She tweeted it right after the episode so presumably yes.
>K*nachizos are too cocky for no reason.
Cute and canon
Dogakobo will avenge Akane
She right tho
Akane is incredible, she is light herself...
Akane will avenge Ai by marrying Aqua.
Sarina PUTA
Akane is the real MC
Akanebros eagerly waiting for her choker scene. Meanwhile Ruby appropriates the choker in the ED <3
Is he even allowed to do that particular field considering he has bad eyesight and wearing glasses?
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And I think its they keychain thats shown falling with Ruby reaching out for it
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She noticed fingers being interlocked
Of the nightly shows for ojisans
Akane mannerism in this episode was captured perfectly. They expanded on her cute and refined side without leaning too much on the gag in favor of Kana.
I have high hopes for the following episodes.
Also as one of the few Abiko fans the casting was done right despite Ayaneru voicing characters like Iroha she works well. Looking forward to that scene next episode with her.
please make 1 funny joke
For how many seconds Ruby showed up in this ep?
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Another official aqrb art, should have drawn them holdings hands tho
Slutby, my beloved.
Is anyone not watching S2?
Akanefags all secretly want to bang their moms
She won't fuck you bro
of course not, he's not aqua
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Oshi no Ko is on the cover of the upcoming Newtype August issue
Akane's existence
PLEASE be funny once i'm begging you
>Kana the closest in the cover
as expected of the main heroine
> アニメで有馬の性格悪いところカットされてて草
Apparently they are whitewashing Kana and removing her cunt moments? Funny if true
That creature in the back is ruining the photo with his shitty tracksuit
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Damn, just look how aesthetic Aqua looks with Akane

and how bad he looks with Kana
The new ED is pretty good accompanied with the visuals. Song is a massive downgrade though
aka was involved in the production, of couse he would fucking do that
I want to fucking kill him
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Who cares, this thread shows the only Kana "fans" left are autistic retards accusing people of being self inserters as if they're not the biggest human cases in the threads and a retard who hops between Kana and Dumby daily.
The less Kana the better. Season 2 is not hers.
Just watch the ending Ruby won so hard
>The new ED is pretty good accompanied with the visuals. Song is a massive downgrade though
song is good but visuals suck

even if it's just Ruby, at least make it less boring than being typical cliche depressed girl.
Fuck, we could've gotten Tokyo kino instead
Kekqua bros... our guy is getting cucked by an ugly midget
Only you are accused of being self inserter in these threads because you obviously are.
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Aka is still mad after what happened with the Scandal arc. Chances are that they are going to heavily rewrite that arc if we actually get a season 3
They already did this with season 1. See when Kana rejected Aqua's water bottle.
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Aqua loves only Ruby so it’s fine
Only duo illustrations with Aqua
opening in high quality in 2 minutes
Some of the people obsessed with Kana have fallen into the trap of relating with her too much over things such as unrequited love, imposter syndrome, an unsatisfactory childhood, a lack of "deserved" recognition, failure despite working hard, depression, the narcissistic self-flagellation, et cetera. They project themselves onto her and in doing so, they are pushing their own hopes onto her (similar to her mother) when they root for her.
Unfortunately, this connection has led to the formation of one of the more insane and obnoxious waifu/shipwar fanbases you'll come across. I've seen a few shipwars before and they were all pretty heated thanks to basic human nature, but Aka really outdid himself with Oshi no Ko. Any negativity towards Kana can be taken as more of a personal attack and this leads to some defense mechanisms kicking in along with increased hostility. Furthermore, when she and her role in the story are praised or theorized about, there are times when people are also subconsciously fellating themselves on some level. Blah blah self-insertion blah blah wish-fulfillment character count limit character count limit. Normally, this behavior wouldn't be too looked down upon on its own. However, despite liking Kana for how "genuine" she is, some of her more aggressive supporters are rather disingenuous and fake.
Now when it comes to Sarina/Ruby, not as many can easily relate to dying from cancer or being born as a talented "nepo baby." Also she's Aqua's sister and normalfags don't like incest. As for Akane, less people can identify with her because her feats can be seen as more of an entertaining spectacle. Also she actually tried to kill herself instead of just thinking about it. Rather than identifying with Akane, many will instinctively see her as the "enemy" since they've already imprinted on Kana. When fans like these act out it's likely they're just venting some of their own insecurities, frustrations, and regrets.
She literally snapped at him in the anime episode
>half of the ed shows Ruby feet
I sure have won
Yeah accusations by mentally ill schizos, how poignant.
I self insert into Akane's vagina
>of fucking course this is from reddit
lol. lmao.
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Thanks doc
>captcha: kys rn
subs when
In the anime she immediately realised she was in the wrongand was remorseful. Meanwhile in the manga she blamed Aqua and refused to admit fault.
It originated from here newbro
what the fuck i just got that exact same captcha, what are the odds?
In the anime she as well first says "You are the retard, you were mean first" and only then turns around ans looks for him.
Kana won the Aquqbowl so hard it's not even close
I don't consider this as a win.
Akane won not only the Aquabowl but the Kanabowl too.
Decuntifying Kana is a good thing though.
jarman, the threads wont be worth it, it will be worse than mushoku tensei. Dont waste your time
I'm not even shocked desu. 4chan level of autistic fights are living rent free in this comment. Obsessing with the "more aggressive fans" and put them on the pedastral of a character discussion is the result of enganging only with those people.
That is Ruby and was always Ruby
>Kana-chan! Kana-chan! Kana Arima!!!
She won the irlbowl really
The music leaves a lot to be desired
Manga thread when?
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Aqua and Ruby on their way to tell the world that they are dating
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I couldn't care less about this mindless will they won't they slop.
It's such a cheap narrative gimmick to keep the audience reading and one of the lowest forms of writing.

We need a writer with vision and balls to freshen things up a bit. I fucking hate shows where it's obvious who's going to win. Why not have the main mc have a main and a side? Why don't you make it seem like it'll go one way, but he finds out she's a massive whore and has an terrible personality when the mask drops?

People that consume this slop need to be sterilized
it's disingenuous. She IS a cunt, that's part of her personality. Trying to retcon it because (surprise, surprise) the audience doesn't like that is a pussy move
Aka made that awful decision, he should fucking stick to it
Sayahime or Tsurugi?
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Can't wait
Never ever. The manga is shit now.
Wait, the entire theatre arc is in the first episode?
And of course it entirely cuts out the vulgar and obscene downgrading level of critique kanafags are facing on 4chan.
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The most important webm
I'll choose the one that doesn't have shit hair and piss eyes.
Fuck you, I'm not watching this shit.
Is it just me or does anybody else think they are trying WAY too hard with the opening visual?
Aka shouldn't stick to alot of stuff in the manga. If this is one of a variety of retcons to save the plot in the adaption I'm all for it. This of course includes a totally differently paced movie arc as well
>Opening ends with AquAka
>Akane is the first girl he looks at
Kino, canon, cinema
Full ED song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmrXrZ_LhQ8
This season will end with Aqua and Akane making their relationship official just so you know.
Akane bros....
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Stopped following the manga last year because Kana shitting up the manga like how Ishigami shat up Kaguya finally got to be too much but I'll watch S2
>She IS a cunt, that's part of her personality.
Always has been, throughout the entire manga. I can't see any reason to change that in the anime. It's not like she acted that way only in this arc and that outraged the fans. Kana is a cunt, that's who she is
I agree it’s a pussy move, but maybe Aka overshoot in the manga and she was never meant to be perceived as a massive cunt outside of her childhood arc?
It always felt weird how readers would hate her for being a cunt because that’s how she acts, yet no one in-universe says she’s currently a cunt piece of shit, just a sarcastic woman
impecable comedic timing, as expected of the butt-monkey heroine
Everyone in the replies is discussing this shit, but no one has yet provided what actually was cut off if anything at all
subs out?
I hope we get another insert song with B Komachi
Of course he would do this. See, he wants everyone to validate his choice of having kana as a waifu so she has to be perfect and loved by not just the people in-universe but by real people so he has to remove anything that may cause people to dislike her. So ratchet up the moe, niceness and pity bait. Aka is pathetic.
Ai is actually ALIVE!
Will Kana avenge Nino?
Yeah, it was just the volume cover.
in 18min on aniwave.to
Ai Hoshino died like Bruiser Brody.
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I think it's time for the inbreds to get a reminder.
That Aqua is canon siscon?
Don't let the OP and ED distract you from the fact that Ruby is irrelevant for two thirds of this season
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I've read the Manga anon. I was sucked into it with the murder mystery angle, but was gravely disappointed when it shifted into love triangle bs.
If you're an autist into Jpop/idol culture you'll probably get some enjoyment out of it. But for a high quality Manga chad, it's not for me.

I'm also bitter about wuby not getting some.
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>It always felt weird how readers would hate her for being a cunt because that’s how she acts, yet no one in-universe says she’s currently a cunt piece of shit, just a sarcastic woman
Many such cases!
Three fourths*
I think you meant 80% of the entire manga
As was predicted by people who actually have brains (there are very few of them in these threads, sadly). Not by the akaneschizo tho. He is a retard.
So this..... is theatre namek...
Heh.... it's quite something......
>Underage retard is both an illiterate /snk/ AND /csm/ crossboarder
realistically, is it that wrong for men to kill their (ex) gf if they get dumped?
>no one in-universe says she’s currently a cunt piece of shit
I'd say it's being implicitly told by how few entertainment job adult Kana got
Not replying? So you admit there was nothing cut out in season 1? Yeah.

So what was cut out in episode 1 of season 2? Can anyone clarify or are we just going to bitch around?
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ED seems to imply that Ruby is totally getting stabbed.
I haven't visited these schizo threads for 7 months now. Has anything changed from the times of Shima D posting? Or is it still the same circlejerk?
>you can see Aqua's chest
Aqua is not Goro bros…
Nothing changed
>So what was cut out in episode 1 of season 2? Can anyone clarify or are we just going to bitch around?
I guess that retarded nip told about Melt's introduction. But both Kana and Aqua were kind of rude to him that time.
ShimaD posting is still around, but with a significant drop off. Now it's ojisan shitposting with a bit of Melt.
and Aqua will save her
I said her behaviour was whitewashed, not that scenes were cut out you retard.
opening the episode with the 2.5 theater was very interesting, it really did have the theater vibes
We know have oji-san posting due to >>268412976 but there is still a lot of mental illness if that is what you mean.
I wish people would have a more leveled judgement but we are among severe autists...Yeah not giving Melt a cold stare it toally whitewashing Kana, Aka is so embarassing blablabla
Aqua will only save Akane.
Kana fucks horses now.
have we ever seen akane's uniform before?
>didn't watch Link Click
Yes and then another keychain moment will happen (also implied in the ED).
Canon couple
"People" stopped trying to force Shun with Ruby and are trying to force Melt now.
>have we ever seen akane's uniform before?

Yes, in episode 6.
just remember the Giga
is this the part that wasn't in the manga?
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Yes last season briefly. But I'm glad Akane is winning the outfit game too other than the entire season.
>Chink fujobait 'anime'
Lol, lmao even
her uniform looks like shit, retard. she's getting mogged so hard by kana in that pic.
Aqua is stretching out Akane's holes again...
Akane fucks pigs now.
Why does it look like they turned antialiasing off?
Kana will cry if she hears you called her a pig.
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MELTING incoming
"Master" will treat Ruby well
No need to tell everyone about your shit taste.
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Cute and canon
>Mogging anyone
Funny rat, how can someone whose entire outfit definition is changing hats mog anyone?
>ED seems to imply that Ruby is totally getting stabbed.
Hey, fuck you nigger, respect my bro Tatsuya
ED is foreshadowing Dark Ruby and Goro's corpse anon
akane is canonically dogshit at music
THREESOMEna confirmed
why did yoasobi abandon us bros..
agree, the visual are good but the song is terrible generic.
are you kidding? the only one who could make that goofy uniform look good was ruby. Akane's uniform is pretty just like her
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The focus on her opening the door followed by a scene filled with blood?
By one of the animators
Getting AkuRubi overload.
Aqua = ojisan
Kana = pig
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Another AquRuby art, this one by the animator who gave us Halloween AquRuby
I am glad they are doing what I hoped they would do with TB and just go crazy with the visuals.
Man Himekawa is so cool. Too bad he became a gag later
The song for the ED is so fucking good
Battle shounen of the year
Nips noticed that in Mephisto that Aqua and Ruby were heading in different directions. Now they hold hands and ascend the same stairs, cute.
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this whole sequence was so cool

Too many black people in his music videos.
I love it.
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here, webm instead of gif
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>meek, otherwise wholesome author won't stand for them butchering her work
Holy based. Glasses chick btfo
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>More cutekane gifs
Ah the AquAka season is so blessed for my folders
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Memcho's curry?
Looks like it could be a loading screen in the game. Cute
She filled it with aphrodisiacs.
I love them.
Which heroine would my HERO CHADku root for?
Akurubi vn when?
If only that's the only issue with that curry...
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Just watched the episode

It's great
They made it way better than the manga.
Though there's was a lot of explaining on the screen while characters are talking so it was messy.

Also, ED song is great transitioning but it being Ruby makes no sense since majority of the series will be tokyo blade.
Also, where the funny faces after author says the rewrite the whole thing?
the whole season will be like this?
Ruby's hips...
>ED song is great transitioning but it being Ruby makes no sense since majority of the series will be tokyo blade.
That's the point though, they had to include Ruby somehow.
Like what? Stuck in this Tokyo Blade arc? Yeah, pretty much.
>Nips noticed that in Mephisto that Aqua and Ruby were heading in different directions. Now they hold hands and ascend the same stairs, cute.
That's honestly strange visual symbolism for this season. This season Aqua quits the revenge, while Ruby ends the season with taking up the mantle. So you'd think it would be the reverse with him going up the stairs, and her down. Them both going up the stairs together fits more with the current manga events than S2 events.
Oshi no ko!
Ruby's show is back!
My life has meaning again!

They're doing Tokyo Blade and Private. We'll be back to Ruby in like the last quarter of the season
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Because it's not about the anime season but the story. If it were just about the season Ruby wouldn't even be in the opening like she is.
We know Aqua
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I love Tokyo blade kino

I knew anime was gonna do it justice because the manga was had basically no theater visuals nor experience
Yep Ruby won
Not this season but in the manga
no girl would ever let him look like that
i like the gritty guitar in the ED, i wonder if they can pull off an ED drop as good as akane's star eye reveal
Sayahime mogs Ai
We know, Aqua
Bejita bros we have a chance
spoiler that shit nigga
Yeah, I am digging the ending a lot. Reminds of an older style anime ED. It will also be perfect for that moment during the photoshoot,
Having Kappe as key animator is like cheating.
tokyo blade is irrelevant
The ED sounds like a 2000s punk song
dragon like even
Cute mother and daughter
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Reminder that Aqua was smiling in this moment of OP only with Ruby
actually Yoasobi are now known thanks to Idol.
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Yo, can WEBM Anon make a WEBM of where Akane bends down for Aqua? That was sexy and cute
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Akanebros, kanabros…
so season should end at the end of volume 8?
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She's great.
jokes on you, i dropped this boring melodrama shit long ago
Season will end on chapter 80 most likely.
Confirmed 13 episodes and will probably end on chapter 80.
god damn there's not a single frame where Akane looks anything other than perfect
100 million views top
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>i wonder if they can pull off an ED drop as good as akane's star eye reveal
Yeah there's a couple of scenes. Funnily enough they all involve Akane somehow.
kek it's been so long since tokyo blade that I forgot about this twist, she surprised me a second time lmao
The pout scene was way too extreme.
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Is there a lore reason as to why Akane is so sexo?
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>literal who

newfag literally showing himself.
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extreme case of being the best girl
Watched the ep, it is really Akane focused. Also they cut quite a few bits
they fucking get rid Ai from Gemini
she is running towards a murder (a flock of crows)
Ohm so that's why the baseball theme from the OP
That "curry" is literal shit.
Too bad the OP song is just alright. This ED is great though!
the manga has jumped too many sharks to give a shit about the plot but at least the animation seems decent enough
this staff would make Namek arc actually funny
oshi no no no
are they fucking inciting people to suicide
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Didn't noticed it
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what a bitch
Haven't heard her perspective yet so I guess I will defer judgement, but my first thought is this is a stuck-up creator fucking up everyone else's work because of 'muh vision'
An adaptation will always need to adapt at least somewhat.
i miss the old op, this just seems generic
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This is, after all, Akane and Aqua's season.
It’s stadium for the dome concert. Aqua and Ruby will perform as an idol duo at the end of the series
What exactly is Ruby trying to accomplish there?

captcha : ANGRD
mutual masturbation is next
MAL doesn't let the score go up unless it gets like 10k votes or something.
can't wait until they break up
stupid side character
Who fucking cares.
/a/ saw IT.
aka gave up on writing a story that makes sense, let's just focus on the anime for now
"Doctor, I finally have the period!"
did you guys rike it
I haven't read the manga since 120 something but that can't be real
Did he push the other lady off the mountain accidentally too?
>mangafags casually spoiling manga shit in the anime thread
You guys know there is a manga thread up right now right?
It's signifying Ruby winning as the "Oshi" and becoming an idol with Aqua, but the baseball field is also highlighting that Kana wins as the "love". That's a fair ending I guess.
It's already up to 8.40.
>Akane pouting
>36k likes in like 2 hours
Hope you enjoy them getting back together in the manga.
ojisanschizo/kanarats and their ilk have been trying to taint anime onlies with retarded shit all day I wish a janny banned his schizo ass already
Literally holding hands like lovers.
This is the general thread made before the anime started airing. Go make an anime only thread for that.
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Reminder that handholding with fingers intertwined is called koibito tsunagi/lovers’ handholding in Japanese
STFU and read the manga!
This got posted before the anime started airing.
I wouldn't call it trash but it definitely isn't Idol level
This is the anime thread:
>>Episode 1 of season 2 premieres in just over an hour.
This faggot >>268419293 will not stop ruining the threads until the end of the season.
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>Story about Akanes character being in a relationship but the entire fandom ships the guy with a different girl and shes completely overshadowed
A bit on the nose isnt it?
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Just like most anime episode threads? Is this the only anime you've ever watched with /a/?
god I love long haired girls
it literally doesnt matter, it became the anime thread
Fag, there was no manga thread up when this was posted. Notice how the title is just Oshi no Ko in general.
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Ruby is Tsurugi, which is why Akane will win.
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>Fag, there was no manga thread up when this was posted.
Then just create one or spoil tag your shit.
>Notice how the title is just Oshi no Ko in general.
Again, just like every other anime thread?
Liking every character does not mean you are shipping everyone with the MC.
Feel bad for EOPs. The subs are so fucking bad.

Multiple lines are also just straight up wrong, like the TL does not have a good grasp of the Japanese language.
>Is this the only anime you've ever watched with /a/?
Not him but no and I always get spoiled by manga fags. Its nothing new. Cry about it you mong.
Taking a page from the Aerithniggers book i see
Mangafags and LNfags always tag their spoilers on anime threads for most shows. You can easily do the same.
I want... no, need both
Aqua, you just can't.
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That's a you problem, don't get subs from a group doing pure MTL.
this panel is so fucking stupid, with this much self awareness you'd think aka would AVOID doing the same as her irl
This is the worst anime thread I have seen. I will just stick to series without male protagonist for anime thread on 4chan...
aquruby opening
ruby's delicious legs and feet
imagine the fresh scent of a cute idol's socks~
I love her so much
the visuals in this scene were real nice
So anime will show everything offscreened by Aka?
This is worse than MTL. The sentences don't even make sense grammatically in English.
I wish Ruby never existed.
yeah they were shit
that line in particular was terrible
Mengo *really* likes drawing this facial expression on girls. I believe she noted it on Twitter. Not surprised she pinned it, given it looks almost identical to her original.
No, they just frontloaded AquRuby content in the OP so people don't forget Aqua has a sister.
cute + canon
also ruby legs sex peroperoperopero
That's not Mengo who pinned it. It's the OshinoKo account. Although now it seems to have pinned something else.
I loved the op and ed. The op is better than the 1st one by the way
I can't even imagine what could be living with a sister this hot
I really like the ED song, it's great, definitely better than the OP song
More like they don't have a good grasp on English.
Aerith won. Get over it.
*hairy unshaved girls
Aerith and Tifa both won, that's literally how Square Enix treats it.
The love triangle is so shitty, I don't know why they have to go to this angle, disappointing but not surprising
The visuals are better but the song sucks
>song sucks
You have shit taste
Last for Ruby best girl and will win
no she wont
Ah true, she already did >>268419873
damn brat showing off her bare legs
correction is needed
Aqua was starring at that. Can we blame him?
Aqua + Ruby is canon
ruby lost...
>Can we blame him?
no, for we all would've done the same

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