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Goku finally lost.
Sex with Bejita and Gojita.
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Why is Bejita such a gag character?
ONLY people who can refute the collage can reply to this post
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I can refute ANYTHING, bitch.
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HUGE btw
This is the only "collage" you need, and it CANNOT be refuted.
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My...manga....my anime...my videogames...alll MINE
I'm SICK and TIRED of diaper duo.
Freezer did NOT tank that...
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Anyone wants chocolate bars?
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To be fair, who could?
the one where he needed a majin powerup hardly counts
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cute and canon
then its still 2-0 bitch.
Toriyama wouldn't have drawn this.
Bulma is uglier than Chi-Chi.
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ENTER the unwashed underwear duo!
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>H-Hoppu, what did you put in those bars?
>Chi-Chi's lipstick
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I cum harder to Chi-Chi than I do Bulma.
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What is this character's most iconic line?
Opinion discarded.
...cried SHITjita
Why is he the only non faggot member of his family?
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Krillin is charging towards you like this
What do you do?
His assistants are pretty zesty
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Piss in his mouth.
I mean bottom gay, not macho gay.
Throw Upa's piss.
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>IP grabbing link
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This is what he's running towards BTW.
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Goku's Gokulets.
Bejita's Bejitalets.
Someone post my HEROES.
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Gohan's Gohanlet.
So goku's sperm is stronger than bejitas, huh?
Tien's....... oh wait he doesnt have kids KEK
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Goku's Gokulet is literally just him
If toyo designed him you would all piss your pants in anger
If Toyo designed Goten he would be missing a neck.
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Bejita's childs aren't hisses.
He has his students. Roshi doesn't have a kid either.
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gay name
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FUCK!!!! I can't find a future where /dbs/ kneels to me...
...oh wait a minute, it's opposite day!
More like Yhwach me fuck your wife
>has ACK in the name
>kills his own ally for being a tranny
What did Kubo mean by this?
yeah, kike.
Why do we make fun of Yamcha and Tien for being loner losers with no bitches?
They have each other.
Krillin lets other men fuck 18.
His name is Vegeta, actually.
Because Yamcha starts out unable to talk to women but after he gets with Bulma he conquers his fear and from that day only literally never stops fucking women. It's why Bulma left him. We have no reason to believe her ever stopped smashing hoes left and right. Dude was a pro athlete for awhile so he not only has money but he's also famous on top of being the third most powerful human on the planet. Yamcha stopped training and fighting because he was too busy getting pussy. People need to leave him alone.
Weird self own
I can't look at Bulma without thinking Beerus.
I can't look at Chi-Chi without thinking Piccolo.
I can't look at 18 without thinking Roshi.
I can't look at Cheelai without thinking Beerus.
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kek that bald goku made me pee
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Um vegeta bros are you guys ok?
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I'm gonna have to take away Bejita's internet access again.
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i love my cute babygirl gigi so much bros shes so pretty
This... is the infamous Bejitabro?
Shut the FUCK up.
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Not a single soul gives a shit about Goten though.
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K, b, c.
>hurting Gigi hurts her husband too
He really looks like a fruity faggot just like his parents.
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>manipulating words
Nice try FAGigi, Bejita was laughing at your misery.
I wonder who drew this and the punch image.
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Absolute chads who know how to create funny content! Approved by King Kai btw.
Aizen>Madara>Freeza>Sukuna>>>>>>>all of One Piece villains
>you are fight the cancer that is killing the halls
>you are seething so hard that you spent hours drawing something
I'm conflicted.
Correct. Jiren can be placed at the bottom of the list (not because of his quality as a character, but because he qualifies as a hero instead of a villain)
It’s creative on topic content.
I see a Tardkurat? I grab my Crocs and go SPLAT SPLAT!
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>Mfw some spic set off a strobe fireworks which ended up hitting his house some trees and a parked vehicle.
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What did Goku mean by this?
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Moeshit will never be on-topic or accepted.
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Isn't Moe one of Goku's oldest and best friend?
Nice virus.
Modern Super is honestly so soulless. I'm glad it's on hiatus.
Goku would let Moe fuck his wife unlike Homer.
It's an AI pajeet "song"
Street shitters shit on these halls.
... in Fortnite.
She is so fucking cute
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These are Bejitards?! AHAHAHAHAHA
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Obviously a Gokubro pretending to be a Bejitabro.
Goku is immune to Gigi (he is too retarded to be affected by her powers)
Scholars on steroids.
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>drawings were made specifically to make fun of moeshit
I don't think you are in position to complain about it in the first place if that's the case.
Kiss Gigi
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Well, why would that even matter anyway? She's Bejita's wife, not Gokek's.
Is this suppose to be funny?
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My cute wife.
not based
kill yourself
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>Bleachfags know full well they can only keep one single thread alive for an entire week and so went back to leeching off DBS
As expected.
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Not my problem discordfags like you are humourless
Oh and refer to >>268478580
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Careful. Keep talking like that and his father-in-law might yabba-dabba-do you.
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Uhh what was meant by this?
Cute and based.
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Very based.
Extra cute.
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>SLURPza: origins
>SHITgi autist samefagging it's own post a million times again like it does every single other thread
So tiresome...
I want to kiss her...
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Discordigi is samefagging and ignoring the solid arguments calling him out in hopes of continuing his spam. Kek!
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Looks organic to me.
How did things change after Toriyama's death?
I actually liked the visuals of Dragon Ball Super Hero

sue me
And if it's not that, then it's seething to oblivion anytime Hoppu is posted.
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>NTR post
Fuck off. She already has a man.
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>Looks organic to me.
>Seething about a random cat
Other way around, buddy.
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You are such an unfunny faggot.
>no u
Only Dragon Ball Super characters, buddy. The catalogue is that way, FAGigi.
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Anti-gigibros we are unfunny faggots...
Yes I agree, the SHITgi faggot is extremley annoying and unfunny
Gigibros... We are tourists and FOTM...
Just farted under my blanket and gave myself a dutch oven, damn it reeks
GigiCHADS.... Teach me how to not be an insufferable dork... teach me to be funny....
I just farted on a SHITgiTARD for being so goddamn ANNOYING.
>said FAGigi in the mirror
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I think it speaks a lot about Bleach when the only talked about character is a transexual.
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She's so CUTE!
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>You are such an unfunny faggot
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There is no other characterfag who spams an off topic moeshit character while participating in shipfaggotry with one of the characters of /dbs/ anywhere near to this extent, and no other creature so committed to begging for our attention in a place that rightfully despises it. This is because the shitgiqueer holds the distinction of being the single biggest mentally ill attention whore currently residing in the halls.
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Slurpzasisters look like THAT?
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How does she do it....how does she mindbreak people to this extent???
>same words it said right after posting CP
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>the lengths the group is willing to take to keep spamming the Gigi meme to death
Your only purpose with this is to drag down Vegeta and everyone knows that. The best part is that you're stupid enough to believe no one has figured that out. You and your forced meme will never be organic. STACYppu, just like many other scholars here, gave a great impression several years ago.
Say it loud say it clear:
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Seething about any actual female characters*
Take your meds, Hoppu. I know Vegeta leaving you for STACYgi hurts but get over it.
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>Take your meds, Hoppu. I know Vegeta leaving you for STACYgi hurts but get over it.
>get called out for being extraordinarily obnoxious
>"m-mindbroken *sniff*
LITERALLY as predictable as the ticking of a clock, holy FUCK.
least mentally ill gokubro
>Daipa is supposedly about turmoil in the Demon Realm after Dabura gets vored
>Instead of using Mira and Towa, they use some ugly clown
LMAO This idea was done before TWICE; once in DBO, again in DBX (the first game). Also, I just noticed she kinda resembles an angel because of some fanart I saw.
For me, it's actual canon.
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yay or nay

permaban gigifags on sight
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>no rebuttal
She's so hot...
Here is the fanart in question.
>schizo babble
>needing rebuttal
They already get banned for either off-topic, trolling or avatarfagging. Just keep doing that.
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Bejitabros love gigi. You are mentally ill.
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I don't know man, you seem insecure this post >>268479076 called you out rightfully. You must be upset, are you upset?
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>Bejitabros love giAAAIIIEEE
I identify as gigi give me bejita
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Christ, Bleachfags aren't human.
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don't forget to post the Part 2
We love gigi
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Here, sister.
Bleach is better than Warm Piss.
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Interesting that on an American holiday that he threads are suffering from even more tranny posting.
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>Gigifag is self-fellating again after getting eviscerated
He might look it, but Goten IS it.
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>Giselle: So I can't get a period?
>Doctor Piccolo: Nope.
>Giselle: What about eggs?
>Doctor Piccolo: Nada.
>Giselle: Do I at least have a womb?
>Doctor Piccolo: Nope.
>Giselle: So I can't get pregnant?
>Doctor Piccolo: Pretty much.
>Giselle:......so I'm not a woman, I'm just a man with a mutilated penis.
>Doctor Piccolo: Correct.
>Giselle gets up sadly to leave
>Doctor Piccolo: Oh Mr. Gewelle.
>Giselle: Y-Yeah?
>Doctor Piccolo hands him a small object.
>Doctor Piccolo: Don't forget your dilator
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The Gigitroon reveals itself to be the Rukinigger homosexual.
G Squad...Murder it.
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No. Future Trunks is stronger than Gohan, Present Trunks is stronger than Goten, Bejita Jr is stronger than Goku Jr.
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The "big three" were Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece in the mid 2000's. That was literally the name for them you buffoon.
>butthurt because somebody called him an unfunny loser
>probably a virgin too
Just kill yourself already you are so retarded
>everyone is the same person
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On it.
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But if I do, who will read my manga?
>sh*rty troons are tracing /dbs/ now
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On it.
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Gokubros, not like this...
Hoppujita posts have been around since 2017 as well. This moeshit fad is less than a year old.
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My hero.
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>ip grabbing link
I don't think so, little pup.
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I still remember those days when the mysterious drawchad made this drawing and the alt. after Hoppu and Vegeta had sex. He made a previous one with her as dominant too.
Too lazy to screencap. Fire up a VPN, it's just some proof.
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What anime are you watching? Bejita bitch slapped this whore out of the tournament of power and got her whole universe erased.
Which drawfag? The namefag or someone else?
>ip grabbing link
Clicked and bookmarked.
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>IP grabbing link
YAHOO! Please send me a pepperoni pizza!
Hoppu is canonically the only female to call Bejita handsome.
I'm sorry he did that to Gigi. But then again, Bleach doesn't belong in Dragon Ball in the first place.
Bringing up my past?
A one way ticket to getting ASSASSINATED and MURDERED.
>her two sons
Bulma's mom did it first.
...Bejita's love.
Piccolo falls in love with Vegeta.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the Saiyan Prince's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls him, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when Ma Jr. recounts the previous day's confessions to Vegita, he only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the Saiyan he called is not the same Saiyan he fell in love with. In fact, he doesn't exist in this universe at all. He is Bejita's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with Pikoro's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of his crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the DAILY DOSE.
A nameless DrawCHAD. It wasn't the one who is infamously known here. There were other artists who contributed to the Bejippu pairing though.
Hoppu herself looks like the kind of person who must have enjoyed getting punched too. Just look at her clothes, hell her whole universe too.
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Bulma's mom was claimed by Goku before, it doesn't count.
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Towa is drawn like THAT in the Heroes manga? Nice.
I don't know about all that but the Piccojita posting has been around 2008.
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I do recall now. The namefag DrawCHAD promised a muscle growth sequence featuring Hoppu and never delivered, he ran like a coward!
I would draw for these threads if it'd fuel actually funny stuff (cuckshit and porn are not funny).
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You know she took Dutch's BBC.
Unfunny people should just fuck off.
Hoppu and Vegeta are cool to draw together, however I always wanted to see more of muscular Hoppu. I've also suggested Sorrel and Goku being together since you know... Bunnies and carrots.... Also the BUGhan stuff from a while ago
...a chocolate from Hoppu..
>BBC mentioned
My penis is erect
Hoppu x Gigi
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Towa legit looks like a hentai character in the Heroes manga.
BUGhan is funny because it twists an existing trait of the character.
Gohan edited to be a psychopath who mutilates and experiments on other characters, turning them into insects.
Hmm yes. Interesting points all around. Very kafkaesque.
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BUGhan getting frisky with that girl from universe 10.
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>Blech jobbed to fucking U9
Kek? Aroo.
>punchline is sex
Rarely ever funny, so basically always unfunny.
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Love him or Hate him, His monthly OPUS gave /dbs/ discussion. It drove all of the off-topic looney troons to their crust infested trash hive, while the Manga was currently being discussed with the Warden on standby.
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Your top 50 most embarrassing Bejita moments?
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>Toyo is filled with envy
My chode would TANK that
Bejita being 3-0 against Goku means he's defeated Jiren thrice btw
In the heart of the royal palace on Planet Vegeta, the last rays of sunlight faded, swallowed by the encroaching night. Shadows stretched long and deep, mingling with the flickering torchlight that lined the stone corridors. The air, thick with incense, felt stifling, as though it bore the weight of countless battles and bloodshed.

Prince Vegeta stood alone in his opulent bedchamber, a space dominated by dark wood and cold stone, symbols of the Saiyan race's unyielding nature. Though only thirteen, his eyes, as black and hard as polished onyx, reflected the harsh reality of his upbringing. His father, King Vegeta, had molded him into a figure of ruthless ambition and steely resolve.

A knock at the door broke the silence. Vegeta’s expression remained unchanged; he had been expecting this.

"Enter," he commanded, his voice carrying the authority of his lineage.

The door creaked open, and Gine stepped inside. She was a striking contrast to the palace’s brutal elegance, her demeanor softer, her presence almost an anomaly among her kin. The wife of Bardock and mother of Raditz, Gine was known more for her compassion than for the ferocity typical of Saiyan warriors.

"You summoned me, Your Highness?" she asked, her voice calm but edged with apprehension.

Vegeta turned to face her, his gaze sharp and assessing. "Yes, Gine. I have summoned you."
DAMN you /dbs/, I told you not to summon the forsaken scholar of legend! Look what you've done!!!
>he's defeated Jiren thrice
...in the minigame
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>Kakarotto... I am your father
She stood still, the tension between them a palpable force. "What do you require of me, my prince?"

A predatory smile played on Vegeta's lips, a smile that spoke of power and control. "I require your presence tonight. Here. In my bedchamber."

Gine's eyes widened, the meaning behind his words striking her with a mix of shock and dread. "My prince, surely you jest."

His smile faded, replaced by a cold, unyielding stare. "I do not jest, Gine. I command it."

Her mind raced, the implications of his order crashing over her like a tidal wave. "Prince Vegeta, I am a married woman, loyal to my husband, Bardock."

Vegeta took a step closer, his gaze never wavering. "Your loyalty is to the Saiyan crown above all. You will obey me."

Gine felt a surge of defiance, her Saiyan spirit refusing to bow. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides, a mixture of anger and fear coursing through her veins. "Please, my prince. Reconsider."

But Vegeta was unmoved. "You will stay, Gine. You will please me as I have commanded. Refuse, and your family will suffer the consequences."

The threat hung heavy in the air, a vice tightening around her heart. She thought of Bardock, of Raditz. Their faces flashed before her eyes, and with a shuddering breath, she understood the gravity of her situation. To defy the prince was to invite ruin upon her family.

"I... I will do as you command," she said, barely more than a whisper.

A satisfied smirk curled Vegeta's lips. "Good. You are learning."

The night stretched on, a testament to the power that ruled their lives. Gine warred with her sense of duty, each moment a bitter reminder.

As dawn approached, Gine slipped from the prince's bedchamber.She knew that this was but one night in a long, arduous path laid before her, a path dictated by the whims of those who wielded power without mercy.

And so, under the cold light of the morning, Gine walked away, her steps echoing through the empty halls, each one a silent vow to endure whatever came.
More like KakarHAWK-TUAH
how is my Prince so cool all the time?
He has defeated you thrice, Jiren
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>SHITscord GigiTRANNIES got BTFO again
Yes indeed, that tends to happen when you DARE to go up against a HISTORICAL FIGURE of the halls....
That's actually kind of terrifying. Looks like a spider.
Throw a biscuit at him; that, or press the muffin button.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! You’ are references are out of this world my guy!
Thank you, kind stranger! Don’t forget to like and subscribe!
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I literally think that its all the angry discord moepedo troons still angry that a DB dub actor got more attention than their special literal WHO moe actors. Case in point this image. They will never be Japanese btw.
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Jesus man...
>4 stars
>thread comes to a grinding halt
Is this the key to ending DB threads?!
How do Bejitafags cope with the fact that canonically Bejita has the ugliest wife? In Super it is a recurrent joke how she is called ugly and even Gokek, the most asexual character, finds her body unappealing so she has to use literal magic to look better because beauty treatments aren't enough.
I agree to fuck his wife in front of him
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Gigi won.
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Yup Yup. The nulybros? Take no prisoners.
Deltarune fucking sucks.
Fuck you, asshole
You know who you are
where's this from?
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Krillin is still charging at you
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“Pecking order.”
>throws the midget off the lookout
No lies detected.
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nvm i found it
Bet he'd look real cute with some hrt and girly clothes...
Erm, Tienbro....
Tenbro btw
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>Bet he'd look real cute with some hrt and girly clothes...
Low test
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Maybe the real psychopaths weren't goku all along..
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Goku spread the psychovirus across all the boards
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Krillin could unironically kick all of our asses if he was real.
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I WILL shitpost in the granny TARDku sticky
Based fellow Brolybro.
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>Krillin could unironically kick all of our asses if he was real.
It's Tenshinhan.
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>It's Tenshinhan.
what were you testing?
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I know these two..
>Krillin and Chiaotzu when Piccolo prepares their daily dose
Chiaotzu isn't a cuck, he gets his boy hole ravaged by Tien every day
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SEX !!!!!!!!!!!
Chaozu gets shoved up Ten's arse every day.

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