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Chapter 35: The God of Destruction's First Sleepover
34 >>268570528
And that's it. He just doesn't know how to relax.
Would you peek?
Thanks OP. I'd peek on Uneras.
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Ultra lewd lump

I like when she says stan and I don't care what other people think

What a pervert
I wouldn't dare
Thanks as always OP!
Thanks OP
>Would you peek?
If I was a teenager again then probably. I'm in my 30s,I feel like I would just get deeply depressed if I even gave serious thought to doing that
What a slut.
I keep reading the author's name as Ken Kaneki
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Thanks OP.
>Would you peek?
High reward low risk but if I was younger. Right now might detain me.
>Naputaaku turns into an overbearing uncle when drunk
Thanks OP
I'm too much of a purityfag
This boy needs to learn how to have fun.
Thank you for posting.
Ruru sure had it rough
Thanks OP.
Only would peek for Uneras if she was alone.
I can't think of a single manga with a hotsprings episode that doesn't have the "not so fast, you need to wash before you go in" bit in it
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Thank you, OP!
Every day I identify with Napu more and more
Giddy Up
Thanks for the read, OP
Maybe, but the milf in the robe afterwards would probably be the lewder moment
Thanks OP. I would not. Children hold no appeal to me.
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hot springs have the best massage chairs, it's a fact
thanks, OP. My reputation at this point gives me more than a chance at some slight titilation
When will they learn?
What about the mothers of the children?
That penguin is peeping
Oh my
Is Ren having dirty thoughts?
Yes but not while the children are around. UNLESS they're oyakodon-legal.
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He's a teenager, take a guess
No, of course not (Yes).
He has been left out.
I wouldn't out of respect for privacy.
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she's so a tease
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the brat has a nice butt
>a fucking towel
And it's enough to make a human male insane
long boi
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Megane has nice hips
oh shit
Almost there.
you lie
Yes, Ruru is worth the risk
Chapter 36: The Melancholy of Zonze Ge

TF fetishist
Been there.
And that's it. Cute little urchin.
How do you break the ice?
He misses his dog
He's just like me

He is doing his best
Talk about football. Especially now
Thanks as always OP!
>How do you break the ice?
With teeth
Uneras don't. I don't want that kind of boner.
she's FAT
>How do you break the ice?
That's the thing, anon. I don't.
Thank you for posting.
Why doesn't she just cut her fringe
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Thanks OP
Don't know, but I'm a master at freezing it up again
>Didn't get to see Ruru turned into a dog
I feel cheated.
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What is it about Ruru that makes me want to degrade and use her so much?
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What do you think about Wako?
I'm afraid I started following this Daily with Angel Densetsu, and I have not read City.
She looks cute though
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literally me.
Thanks OP.
>How do you break the ice?
Wish I know.
Thank you, OP!
That escalated quickly.
thanks, OP. Asking about work is cliche but people can talk about it
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I freak the fuck out.
Long Magu is long.
Why is a floating blob in dog form such sex. Thanks for the read, OP
>how do you break ice
I usually don't. I try to ask about a couple things when it feels right to, but otherwise I usually feel it'd be a bother or an intrusion. If they want to talk, they'll break the ice first.
Merci OP.
Usually I ask if they have plans for the weekend, and when that fails I start talking about whatever I want.
Good night, Magu thread.
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Rest in peace.
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Here's an icebreaker for everyone. What's your favourite song?
Thanks OP. I was given a perfect chance to once and I didn't. I was a fool.
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Very colorful and pretty.
Dead fat mushi
NEET mushi!
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It's like drill rap.
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I hope the mountain lord is pleased.
Magu soon.
Not a manga, but in The Sound of Waves by Yukio Mishima, there's a character that doesn't wash before and it's portrayed as grotesque.
Chapter 37: Flowers of Chaos in Full Bloom
What's so great about Ruru anyway
And that's it. She's too dumb to be manipulated.
What's your favorite flower?
Thanks OP
I'm more of a bushes and trees kind of guy
In Modern Japan, flowers view you!
I don't care about flowers myself.
is there pee in this manga?
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She cute, and also managed to make the God of Destruction chill.
Personally i like her mom better.
This actually looks like fun.
What a beautiful tree
Spider lilies I guess
Thanks as always OP!
Thanks OP.
I like Chrysanthemum, sunflowers, dandelions and cassia fistula.
I feel called out.
Magu's such a dork.
Being the one serious character in a gag manga is suffering.
I like tulips.
They have a nice shape.
He's not that serious. He's just aloof and insecure about his senpai hanging out with others.
She is really too dangerous for mortal men to withstand.
I'll gladly die training.
but it's fun!
thanks, OP. Sunflowers, I'd say
Thanks for the dump like always OP.
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Autism Speaks
I love it
Thank you
Thicc Uneras...
Magu is destruction
Napu is madness
New Guy is fate
What is Uneras?
I feel like providence and fate are pretty much the same thing
providence is foresight, management, and 'The care, guardianship, and control exercised by a deity; divibe intervention'
fate is impartial. providence does favors and rigs things for the desired outcome, and is also capricious. you can't lose your fate but you can gain or lose providence
What is fate but the will of God?
I suppose it might be a little different under a polytheistic system
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When is the Christian God showing up?
already has
The mere suggestion of Christ made Magu mad. He didn't even know him.
what are spider lilies? (columbine for me)
(also nice song, think I heard it in a folk dance class once. what nationality?)
>He didn't even know him.
Wasn't Magu trapped 600 years ago? He definitely would know about Christ
>Magu has always been a naive idiot being tard-wrangled by his 'subordinates'
What does Jesus' small form look like?
a lamb, duh
He doesn't even know how babies are made.
That makes it sound like her power is just "I can do whatever I want."
From what we've seen, that is exactly what her power is. She makes magic items that can do anything.
That's actually consistent with what we've seen so far of his past.

Like, for the most part he just accepted offerings and then destroyed what they ask him to destroyed.
A figurehead.
>have one talent
>enjoy that talent
>people provide food, housing, and adoration in exchange for performing said talent
We should all be so lucky.
Chapter 38: Naputaaku Runs Away of the First Time Ever
Hey, pal.
And that's it. Napu is a good boy.
Who would you stay with?
How tiny is that pot
Thanks OP
Ruru, if Magu can be taken out of the equation for a night. The Fujisawas otherwise
Thanks OP
You are a fake OP. You answered wrong.
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Leave me alone, this is hard
Don't worry anon. I appreciate your hard work
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Good work
Oh, it's the little Magu hand he gave her.
It still hasn't withered. How nice.
Ol' Napu looks cool.
Cute starfish.
Ruru's mom.
but new napu is cooler
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Thanks as always OP!
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oh my god they're all sea creatures
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excuse you
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I was gonna say I'm not sure what Muscar is supposed to be, but I just realized he's a squid.
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>alicia looks at you like this
>wat do?
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Thank you for posting.
Thanks for the read, OP
The Fujisawas. Napu's nice, and the girls are top tier.
has he always had an eye in his mouth
thanks, OP. Ruru is least erratic, probably.
yes, since his very first panel, but it only gets drawn once in a while
It's such a great panel.
I love how they’re pretty much brothers now. Especially since they started out kinda disliking each other.
Four-eyes and Gu La.
As a non-occult life form, I have nothing to fear.
Plus she's cute.
What if I'm allergic to crab?
Owari da.
Useless Napu. Making them behave is literally what your power is for.
cum and die
doujin bait
What if they're already mad and frenzied?
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most of the job's already done, then.
Comfy boats.
>boats touching
What hijinks? I don't see any hijinks.
Chapter 39: He Who Rules the School
A bit early today
Yo yo
And that's it. I can't believe Ren is that powerful.
Were there any big rumors at your school?
>Magu becomes the bancho
Thanks OP
Some of the younger years thought one of the new teachers when I was almost done was a tranny
I can't believe Magu-chan is fucking dead.
Someone post Chouko jumping off the roof.
Cute classmates.
Now i want a delinquent spin-off.
Thanks OP.
I only remember people talking about a crazy man on the cemetery next to the schoolgrounds. Or how someone lived on the hill behind the school.
Thanks OP
>Were there any big rumors at your school?
Less a rumor and more a reputation, that the 4th grade teacher was a massive bitch that would never let anything slide and would always elect to go for the harshest of punishments. Naturally all of us in the 3rd grade werent looking forward to the next year, but lucky us that teacher took the year off on mat leave so my year never found out.
Look at this AURA
Thanks OP
>Were there any big rumors at your school?
There was a teacher who allegedly slept with one of the seniors.
>I can be you're davil or you're angle
Is it okay for Izuma to treat his mom like that?
I feel like every older year has a student and teacher who seem a little too close
Allegedly the girlfriend of the senior caught the teacher sending him sexy photos on Snapchat, although the teacher still works at that school so it was probably not true.
Honestly I had some pretty cute teachers who I wish had molested me. I was a cute kid too, they must've thought about it.
Sex with the new girl
Thanks OP
Sexy schoolgirl cosplay Uneras...
It probably wouldn't be that hard to convince her.
>Were there any big rumors at your school?
That the art teacher slept off his hangover in the art supply room. Actually, I know that rumor to be true because I've seen it.
Thanks OP.
Oh yeah, the vice-principal left suddenly one year without an explanation. Pretty much everyone concluded he got caught getting too close to students. He wasn't very well liked.
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Can't think of anything
Thanks as always OP!
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The Silver Spoon watchalong will start in about an hour and a half
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I don't think I'll be able to make it.
You'd be mad too if your mom showed up to your school in JC cosplay
Three mysteries?!
can this guy beat kitano-kun?
Kitano would very glady sign the book, or at least try to and accidentally stab Magu in his eye with the pen and take Izuma's role as his archenemy
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Final Fantasy VII
She loves money though
Don't do this to me
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Good stuff
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Great fun
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Good god, Hotori is so cute.
You've been productive, anon.
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There was a new daily that started
Which one? Not counting Ikigami.
check the archive
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New daily! Dual na Kanojo no Taoshikata
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If I do lewd things to this lewd goddess in JK uniform, the cops can't do anything to me, right?
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Uneras' chest cross creating fake cleavage in her uniform. The mangaka absolutely knew what he was doing.
See you.
How does Hotori keep up with so many dailies?
wait what the fuck this is new? I thought magu chan finished
It did finish
It's still going.
Thank you for posting.
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I wish I was at that table.
I wish I was underneath that table.
I wish I was that table.
I wish I was.
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who the hell is that girl
She is.
fake childhood friend something something
Chapter 40: The Teacher Kanade Akamura
Play that funky music, white boy!
And that's it. He's got moves.
Has a teacher ever had it out for you?
>being 30 be like
Someone who was a teacher once hated me, but I wasn't in her class.
No wonder they almost got wiped out, that old chaos cult robe is...
>Has a teacher ever had it out for you?
Yeah, getting physical abuse for poorly explained reasons sure was fun.
now I want to know about magu cult involvement in esoteric nazism
>They all died because none of them could see anything
yeah but in retrospect I deserved it
And he's not even 30.
He's at the decrepit and advanced age of twenty seven.
Classroom harassment? Classy.
Yeah, my sixth grade math teacher hated me for some reason. It wasn't too bad though, because my mom backed me up. My mom was usually the type to always support the teachers, but she said that she absolutely despised the parent teacher conferences she had with that woman, so I never got punished for getting in trouble in that class.
Many such cases.
Thanks OP
A few times
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magu related?
wtf aika can fly?!
We still haven't recovered from the piss chapter
Thank you for posting.
I forgot the teacher was introduced this early.
I hate teachers like this. HATE
This is wa too cute, now i'm starting to feel really sad knowing it was cancelled.
Yeah, three different teachers each in a different institution. But they were assholes to a select number of people.
I also had a teacher in 3rd grade accuse me of cheating and looking into her book because i was the only idiot in class that had a question right. She made me leave class and wait on the hall.
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Not really
Thanks as always OP!
No, but I've had server admins that were out for me basically.
Did you have it coming?
Thanks OP. What about you?
Yeah, I had a middle school teacher who hated me. Gave me shit for everything and even openly talked about it with other students. The dumbass still couldn't fail me despite how hard he tried.
Why was that? No reason?
I still have no idea. I was a great student and didn't make any trouble.
hotori has extreme levels of autism
aika possessed many abilities some undines would call... unnatural
It's like she wants to be an onahole, and given how she acts as a weeb, that's probably not so far fetched
Thanks for the read, OP
I had one that was after my ass because I kept sleeping in other classes, but still had the grades and such that other teachers would back off. Thing was, it was an art teacher as part of a mandatory "side" class, so it was easier to find ways to fuck off and laze through.
That'll do it.
Thanks for the dump
Never heard of him
Magu? I hardly know u!
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He's a very obscure god.
It was a French server. The rules were applied differently to French speakers. None of that mattered when I was a noob but I got gud over the course of several years and towards the end they'd be making up rules that applied to nobody except me. One admin would kick me just for killing him with the sniper rifle. I was hardly the best player but I was the best non-French speaker and that clearly made the admins salty.

It sucked because I liked playing against the semi-pros that were regulars there. It was basically the only good server left in the game too. It was a running joke that even though it was a clan server nobody who was actually good joined the clan.
You made me listen to the song.
Kids should be bullied more by their teachers.
It's more likely to be the other way around nowadays.
Day of Defeat.
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I want to put her hand in my mouth
It probably reeks of pheromones
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Stop that
Uh oh. OP's jealous
It's nothing personal. She just has tiny and cute hands and I want them in my mouth
Are you just going to let him get away with saying that, OP?
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He doesn't have much longer to live.
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I miss them
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Bye bye
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kitano my love

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