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Dear Citizen:

Thank you for your loyalty. You've no doubt noticed that the world is a troubled place. People are apathetic, lazy, unmotivated. You've probably asked yourself:


Rest assured that measures are being taken. Beginning immediately, we will randomly select different citizens each day who will be killed within 24 hours of notification. We believe this will help remind all people how precious life is and how important it is to be a productive, active member of society.

Thank you for your continued attention and your cooperation and participation...

Episode 20: Act 1: The Phantom Country
Previous Ikigamis: >>268571212
Hey OP, happy to see the NWP didn't get to you!
I overslept a bit..
This fukken goy with that self-serving old man grin...
fucking feds. cant trust no one.
>having military installations straight in the middle of civilian territory
Their greatest ally really doesn't care about not-Japan, they just want to establish dominance over not-China.
And that's all for today. As it turns out, cyber security is simply meaningless if you're compromised on the ground level. Who'd have thought.
So do you think fear or belief/loyalty a more effective motivator?
The biggest betrayal
are they trying to out-fed eachother?
Thanks as always. Fear is not as effective as belief/loyalty, since some bigger fear can easily come around. It's much harder to change somebody's beliefs, but then we have the shock therapy and naked isolation of this chapter. But I wouldn't be surprised if Fujimoto jumped at the first chance to leave the country though.
You see that face?
That's the face of a shitposter who threw the most successful bait in his life.
Formercourierbros, we still have a shot!
I hate glowniggers like you wouldn't believe.

Jesus Christ.

Thanks, OP. I wonder who's jewing whom between those two miscreants.
Both, both are good. Just use fear to "motivate" them into changing their beliefs.
Thanks for the read, OP. Historically, the human element compromises security, not technology
>fear or loyalty
I'd say incentives work best. I'd kill and die for free beer.
uhhh maybe he's just not good with women dude
It was kinda obvious he was the one snitching on Fujimoto , but I thought he felt disappointed in him for having to do so. Instead look at this smug motherfucker. The author got me good, jimmies were rustled.
Howdy, OP
Ojii-san still stands up for--
Osananajimi moments
look at the schnoz on that one
thanks, OP. Having done group formations, being afraid of being the only one doing the wrong thing is a terrifyingly good motivator. that being said, a man who leads via loyalty/belief can recover face when a man who leads via fear only has to slip up once
Yo, anon.
I feel kinda betrayed, too
Thanks OP. I think people are goal oriented. You'll get the most from people by convincing them that they are helping the ones they care about.
the hero we don't deserve
d-damn, section chief....
actually caught me off guard
Trust no one, anon.
I don't trust you
Trust the me that doesn't trust you!
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incredibely foreboding atmosphere, wow. this manga has been punching above it's weight for so long! reminds me of that scene in the patlabor movie.
this arc got me thinking, why aren't there more political thriller manga?
loyalty will always be stronger than fear. by the way, I thought this was the last thread.
If they're meant to be spying on each other, this is textbook prisoner's dilemma.
Fear only works for so long and requires constant pressure. It's much more effective to reward people than to punish. The difficulty is finding the right balance of reward vs punishment.
Thank you for posting.
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>by the way, I thought this was the last thread.
Last episode. We still get to see courier san suffer for another two chapters.
H-happy end?
Thanks OP
Rewards are the way to go
See? SSL/TLS was fine. It was file fingerprinting
I didn't realize we were so close to the end...
>why aren't there more political thriller manga?
I would imagine there are, there always are. But they don't get translated.
but that's entrapment!
That's illegal!
Entrapment is when a police officer coerces you into committing a crime you never intended to commit. He laid a bait and Courier-san took the bait by accessing his computer and taking the files. He never told him to do it. Courier-san could have easily done nothing and not get corrected.
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thx OP
I'll admit my knowledge of the law is limited but I thought baiting criminals period counted as entrapment
Like, a police officer leaving an unsecured bike and tackling whatever passing jogger takes advantage of that opportunity would count as entrapment
I guess the author's inspiration is 1984 eh?

This is its own thing but is funny how often in Manga you see a government using totalitarian tool, whether is the schoo council, the moral council or in battle shounen.

What is with japs doing this?
>to be retarded I was only pretending
Which way, courrier man?
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That's just a difference between The Nation's laws (superior) vs your country's laws (inferior).
What does HE gain from acting like this? Does he masturbate to the idea of a super government?
Government simp?
It's become part of his identity. The NWP is his tribe.
That wouldn't be entrapment either. Simply leaving bait is fine. Entrapment would be if a police officer stops a jogger and begs them to take the bike. The jogger would not have taken the bike until the police got involved and pressured them to.
I wont pick Insector Haga
>That's illegal!
lol, lmao
You require re-education. Off to the facility with you!
You are just saying that because you are afraid I might be suspicious of you!
Glowie-bros are NOT insects.
You feel for the post I submitted! The fact that you replied proves you are a social miscreant!
Well there was that whole period in the early 20th century where they did a lot of fascist shit.
Ojii-san did nothing wrong!
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closest I can think is The Story of my Village about the construction of the Tokyo international airport. I think the tl dropped it though.
Almost there.
Well duh, not enough moe shit or shounen battles to make it interesting. Plus the vocabulary is probably harder. Same reason stuff like Moyashimon (lots of technical jargon), wine manga (too niche), etc. isn’t translated.
Almost where?
Episode 20: Act 2: The Phantom Country
Early today, OP.
I suppose it balances out with yesterday
I thought he was with the national police at first, but with all the bait and switch with Kubo it completly left my mind that he could be one of them
Ok, it's more reasonable that they'll react positively to this.
>Burning perfectely good planes
You could have sold them!
Symbolic and intentional sabotage. Selling them would create a value that would return to the nation/ally. The message is that the nation should never have had those planes to go to war with.
Wow, I'm shocked at his honesty.
I thought he believed in the government as well last chapter. Turns out he was awake to the bullshit, just fine with it.
Seriously, how do you even cope with this?
And that's all for today, there's no more secrets left to reveal now. Tomorrow will be the final chapter.
What is freedom anyways?
I know that it's redundant to say this manga is depresssing by this point, but man...
Middle panel could be a banner
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The last ikigami!
Thx mate.
>What is freedom anyways?
To choose
God damn, that's on the nose but good. Of course it's all been propaganda, and of course it was all for the sake of forcing conscription while making it "voluntary." It's a very warm proposition that you can risk yourself and your child may have a chance at a peaceful future, until you remember that volunteering so someone takes the gun off your child isn't really voluntary.
I know he is supposed to be balding but how exactly would his hairstyle look like IRL?
>this guy counted on me breaking the law as part of his plan
>but he TOTALLY is gonna slip up this time and let me escape the country
That's a combover, anon, it's a very well documented bad hairstyle.
He keeps repeating this and I can't tell if he knows Fujimoto isn't but wants to keep up the facade or if he knows and he keeps pushing this button to make him snap
Of course he has 24 hours left.
I think it's pretty kino.
goddamnit he's so smug
>people were being killed so the others would become better cannon fodder for the ally
I'm confused, was the fake document part of the government's plan to drive up recruiting or was it just the glowie doing glowie things?
The old man has to be baiting courier-san again. Specially with the whole thing about telling him all this and then saying the country will be closed off in 24 hours.
>24 hours left
>What is freedom anyways?
Being able to do whatever you want.
Well courier-san has already lost everything, including his family. The only thing he has left is Kubo. He's got nothing left to lose, so he might as well make a break for it since he won't get another chance at it.
It was glowie doing glowie things. He left bait for Fujimoto and he took it. The recruiting for the war was the government's plan all along and it would have happened with or without that fake document being leaked.
i can't help but think of Russia in 2022 when i read this. Also makes me think differently of the rapid economic inflation they had after they started the war
mr.ishii came up with it
I love this panel.

>how to kill a country's culture and destroy import/export
but will they though?
>But instead, you're grasping at any option that's presented to you. How easily you forget your true goal.
>Grateful for the chance to choose... you just make your choice and revert to everyday life.
Democracies btfo
Has a balding jiijii ever been this smug before?

Also, I doubt they only came up with the inoculation now. It's likely that the actual govt elite in support of the NWA got it blindly anyway. Why didn't any of the protestors or anti-NWA groups use that as a basis to rally resistance?
I really appreciate how much this is Japanese 1984
Truly it is the Ultimate Limit(TM). Thanks for the read OP, the suspense in all of this is palpable. So many different ways all of this can end up being bait, and how it can tried to be resolved.
Howdy, OP
Time to lift for the future of the country
>Service guarantees citizenship
this is better thinking than the US after WW2. The first US troops to get deployed to Korea barely fit infantrymen standards and had no support against KPAGF armor
>the timer is back
hell yeah. Thanks, OP.
Thank you for posting.
boss is wise, like yoda
I like flower sellers
this asshole is enjoying this too much
i didnt even notice that fujimoto's hair was turning white holy shit
Kinda too much how it suddenly breaks the very opinionated and angry protestations
Fujimoto is based
Man, Fujimoto never stood a chance.
>start ikigami courier job
>do alright but can't fully buy into the propaganda
>cute rebel psychologist sees right through you
>glowie boss also sees right through you
>he manipulates you into reporting her
>then manipulates you into reporting yourself
>get brainwashed, get out, still can't accept it
>he still sees right through you
>now she's probably going to report you again
The 1984 comparison is apt.
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And it all could have been avoided if his girlfriend just didn't break up with him
What would happen if a young person got in an accident and needed a heart transplant?
The GLORIOUS NATIONAL WELFARE ACT anon sure has been quiet lately.
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Our end is near...
Put in the heart and kill him anyway.
please just 24 more hours
Courier san...
Not yet.
Don't be a miscreant. You have been warned.
Not so fast
Our last 24 hours...
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Now that the time is nigh, have you gentlemen accepted the benevolence and wisdom of the National Welfare Act in your hearts? Say yes.
Shave that ball of yarn on your head, baldy.
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alt version
cute commissar lady protecting you from violent ikigami recipients > scary domestic terrorist

1. Fujimoto should not have been thinking with his dick. All of this could have been avoided if he wasn't chasing women around. There is a reason why you don't date coworkers.

2. Ishii gave Fujimoto repeated warnings. He kept warming that NWP agents were everywhere, and saying the wrong things around the wrong people could get him into a lot of trouble. Notice he didn't arrest him right away even Fujimoto was constantly complaining about his job and expressing doubts about the NWA.

3. She will probably report him. Why would she trust him after he reported her?
I was held up a bit today.

Episode 20: Act 3: The Phantom Country
>how to smuggle out of country on google
fujimoto my dude
never corner a man
He's desperate
I mean unless he's being monitored live it wont matter. Either he leaves in 24h top or it's over.
Never trust women
Bad trigger discipline
It's so cool how the information he got from his job is coming back now.
Nooooo stop thinking with your dick, courier-san.
Fujimoto won, I kneel
Japan.... Home...
Cringe ending
Old glowie btfo
And that's all for today, all for the manga. Thanks for following along. I think it's a fairly well thought out manga, if a bit on the nose. And that's not necessarily even a bad thing. I hope you enjoyed it.
Sheer luck might have saved Fujimoto in the end, but after all this time, it's not so bad to end an episode with a genuinely good ending. Remember: running away is always an option.
During this daily I learned there's an ongoing sequel manga, so tomorrow it seems appropriate to start posting those. I skimmed through the first chapter to confirm it makes place chronologically after this ending, but otherwise I haven't read any of it yet. There's a nine year gap between the two publications, so I think it'll be interesting to see how the two compare. Currently there's nine chapters translated and it seems like the updates are fairly regular.
So what was your favorite episode? Any particular reason for it? Almost hard to believe there's only 20. Feels like there were more.
Anyways, thanks again for reading. If I don't see you tomorrow, I hope you have a good life.
thanks OP. was one hell of a ride.
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buck = broken

old man not so smug anymore

Thanks op! Can't decide between Graffiti Master and the journalist...
Thanks OP, looking forward to see what the next one is like.
I think some of the lighter, more hopeful episodes stuck in my mind more, like the blind sister or the photography shop.
Thanks for the read, OP.
This was a pretty fun manga. I wasn't really expecting for Fujimoto to get caught and tortured until the very end as a bad end for a grim manga, so I was really surprised by how things turn out. And to get a happy ending, to boot.
>So what was your favorite episode?
There were many great arcs, but I think I liked the camera one the most because of how unexpectedly sweet it was.

The graffiti arc was also pretty good. That guy really did his best.
How dead is this guy after letting two miscreants escape?
The parallel to the graffiti is fukken amazing
Thanks for the read OP. This was a fun ride from start to finish, and I'm glad you shared this. Hard to pick a favorite, but there's a few in the first half like the blind girl, the elder caretaker, and the swan song.
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Howdy, OP
trustworthy Arab friend is back
oh no
damn, dude's turning 55. Makes me think his previous generation might've had an influence on his ideals
thanks, OP. I expected it to be pretty campy but it ended up being a lot better of a dystopian piece. I liked the graffiti one, but also the one of the retirement home and the kid helping out with the grandmother, just because I like Japanese perspectives about the war due to how little they talk about it. Shigeru Mizuki's works hit the same kind of spot
It has to be A Photo of the Deceased
Thanks for the dump OP! It was nice rediscovering this manga I read back then in college. It still holds up I think
Ending Theme
He's so mad
Now this is the true betrayal
That's Beirut explosion tier!
>when non-Americans say you don't need a gun

>speech 100

>I think it's a fairly well thought out manga, if a bit on the nose. And that's not necessarily even a bad thing.
I agree. Like I wrote in an earlier thread, I thought the premise was silly at first, but It was explained as it went along and makes sense in universe.

>I hope you enjoyed it.
I did. Thank you for posting.
>can you smuggle me out?
oh shit, it's him!
>t. Glowie geezer
holy shit
Thx mate. Enjoyed this manga more than I thought I would.
Explosions killed him.
shoddy work on that BOOM effect, I know Viz can do better
this is so fucking cool
you've gotta be kidding me
holy shit OP what a goddam ride you took us in. I was expecting something very shallow and boring, but it punched way through into greatness by the pure character it has. it was very well paced, there were good and bad endings, and the overarching plot with courrier-san kept it interesting. also it completely earned this ending, with the inversion of the usual chapter structure and the callbacks to previous ikigamis. also, the art was very good, there never was a case of same face, and both action and emotional scenes had impact.
I liked the episodes with good or bittersweet endings, like camera grandpa or the drifting mama, but the ones with completely horrible endings also stuck with me, like the national welfare wannabe hero. the graffiti one and others that dealt directly with the NWA were also good. I hope the sequel is just as great as this was.
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thanks op. i liked this quite a bit. my favorite ones were the one with the policeman's kid at the school, the musicians from the first volume, and the recent chapter with the nurse. this page has stuck with me since i read it.
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best manga i've ever read
love the national welfare
love the inoculations
love the national welfare heroes
love the recruitment of combat support personnel
love superintendent ishii and inspector kaga
hate social miscreants
hate thought criminals
hate the federation
hate fujimoto and kubo
Thanks OP. I gonna echo everyone here with the graffiti and photography ones being my favorites, though I really love the double page spread where the mom drifts the sports car.
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that on was really good
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This is hysterical
>what if 1984 had a happy ending for the protagonist
I can dig it.
Thanks for sharing OP! This was quite a change in tone from Q-chan, but I'm glad I gave this a shot. This ended up being a lot better than I was expecting and it became the daily I was most looking forward. You've been two for two with your manga.
Thank you for posting, OP. It was a very unusual narrative but somehow it worked.
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Pretty much all the episodes are good and the author knows how to develop characters in a short time span, the musician duo's story is truly amazing and leaves a lasting impact despite being one of the first cases introduced in the series.
Thanks for the dumps.

Rajab is the real victim here.
I'm still surprised the writing turned out so well. I did not have high hopes when I started reading. The premise seemed destined for schlock. Shows what I know.
Now I know where I recognised the artstyle, Heads
Good manga, equally as ham fisted though
Good but ham fisted seems to be his specialty.
the fact that the nation was specified to not be Japan still seems a massively unnecessary copout, other than that it was enjoyable, thanks OP
I think the biggest twist was the old man wasn't expecting him to freak the fuck out and run away after telling him everything he's been told is a fat lie
Imagine if years down the line Fujimoto writes a book about his experience and spill the beans about the true purpose of the NW law. The shitshow would be glorious!
What a lame ending. Also, pussying out and saying it wasn’t actually taking place in Japan and going as far as painting Japan as a safe heaven sounds like editorial or the author got super scared and had to bend over backwards to save face.
Yo, anon.
>I'm still surprised the writing turned out so well.
That's why I was uneasy about the very first episode. It wasn't the greatest first impression for how the manga turns out.
You're probably right about that last part. Had to avoid any outrage.
It would be officially denied by the country
>Guy just gets done brainwashing to believe that it's for the good of the country
>"actually it's to make the citizens perfect canonfodder"
>"but you believe in it now, so that's okay, by the way the ports are closing in an hour"
>"could you please inform on the one other person left in this country you have a connection to?"
He'd be persecuted too.
Doesn't matter. The rest of the world will be able to read it, and if it got inside the country it will be an important document for the anti-national welfare resistance. If the country still exists by then, that is.
>The NWA of NotJapan exists solely to encourage citizens to be cannon fodder for their ally.
While it's true that some citizens might prefer to fight in the war rather than get death papers, there is no evidence that is the intended effect of the NWA. As stated by its ministry, the NWA exists to REPLACE war as a way to make people value life and be happier and more productive members of society.
It must also be noted that many people volunteered even before the inoculation deal was revealed, so it's incorrect to say citizens were motivated just because of that.
Also, the source for this information is a criminal who posted fake news online to artificially generate chaos, and he's currently running from his country's authorities abroad.
Animals in the wild have to contend with random threats that could kill them. The evolution of every single organism is rooted in addressing those situations. You do have to wonder what the effect is of so many of us never encountering any real danger in our lives.
Kek, the wording is perfect.
What kind of reaction was he anticipating / hoping for? It baffles me.
Extradite Fujimoto now!
I was about to say he just expected him to be completely mentally gone and just wanted to brag, but he expected this >>268613422
Maybe he didn't expect he would get 'that' close to escaping?
>but he expected this
I don't think that was him on the phone. These pages >>268678070
>>268678114 suggest that Kubo was in contact with Kaga, especially with how Kaga implies she was already suspicious of Fujimoto. Section chief's anger is probably not just because of Fujimoto's "betrayal" but because he bet on the wrong side of glowie politics.
I'm betting Kaga will be sharing responsibility for Kubo's escape.
Yeah, they're usually decent or better at that.
May as well keep using this thread for now.

Ikigami: Sairin

Episode 1, Act 1: A Deprived Life
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That's quite fucking fair, frankly.
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And that's all for today. Good to know !Japan is still standing after the war.
Do you like idols?
oh shit
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>national prosperity preservation act
>delivery man
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Thanks, OP. I only like idols in anime.
I wonder if this manga will be as good as the original, I'm not feeling it with nu-courier-kun so far.
Wow, we're really starting off with maximum drama.
who the fuck are you
>Good to know !Japan is still standing after the war.
is it
>using the vertical panels as one
>completely different terms
>tl notes up the ass
giving that job to a miscreant again? did they learn nothing?
Nu-courier-kun is the alternate bad end to courier-san where he accepted the reeducation
It's probably pretty slim pickings when it comes to people wanting to be couriers, nobody wants to be mates with a guy that deals government sanctioned death so you need really socially isolated people
Kind of like Executioners were in the real world
To be fair, national prosperity sounds more reasonable than national welfare. Delivery man instead of messenger is just plain bad. Also there's quite a few ESL tyre grammar mistakes.

Let's see where this goes. From the few panels we had of the new messenger's past, he was anti-NWA and got re-educated for that. I somehow think it's unlikely he was a messenger prior to that, so why make someone like that a messenger? Quite weird.
Why did the OG courier become a messenger again? He had a gf and everything.
It will be neat to see how the world changed in these last 10 years.
>are you okay?
nigga what do you think
last panel can be cropped and taken out of context
didn't he only get banned for that one day?
dude folded like a fuckin omelette
Stable, consistent work akin to an office job and lack of other prospects, I'd imagine. He mentions his family but never expresses anything about them.
You know, I don't think we ever touched on what happens if a full-on criminal gets an Ikigami. We know what happens if they commit a crime after, but what if they're in jail or what have you and get the note.
>chapter doesn't end with a close up on his face and Time Left at the bottom
This don't feel right
Thanks for the read, OP
I don't like the idea of idols and the idol industry.
it's not too late to change your hikikomori ways
momma wants grandchildren to go through the system
I like the Maoist/Kim propaganda artpiece
straight for the gut
thanks, OP. Not really, I like manly music like Falco and Warren Zevon
Thank you for posting.
Hopefully it gets better soon.
>Former social miscreant delivers Ikigami to his own son

You can already feel social prosperity increasing!
We should all be grateful.
Sounds like someone consigned to a dead end job.
I think having your son to be an idolfag must be pretty sad.
anyone else feeling patriotic?
I love my nation so much that if it were up to me we'd double national welfare quota.
Well, good thing he won't be anymore in 24 hours. NWA-chads win once again!
NWA never misses.
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Not really but there are exceptions.
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laughing at those idiots in !japan rn, they cant even come here to complain LMAO
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You're making a pretty good argument there
If it's random what does it matter if they're productive or not
Those crying faces lol.
I wonder if he's still around and kicking
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I'm surprised there isn't more of a courier-to-miscreant pipeline given you get a front-row seat of the insanity.
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new banners never ever
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I should feel sympathy towards him... But he's an idolfag.
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The copium
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And that's all for today. How do you deal with stress?
I get that she's panicking, but that's asking a bit much after basically erasing him from the son's life.
Thank you for posting.
The typesetting here makes no sense. Probably mixed up the order in addition to the stilted translation.
oh, NOW you want him in your life huh?
getting a cute idol suck you off would be nice.
>decadent thinkers

Have we ever seen someone just use an ikigami to get people to do whatever they wanted?

Thanks, OP. I live with it.
bumping this thread for the NWA and so I can read
bumping so this true patriot can read
Oh shit, he's going to do it!
Do you mean the NPPA?
I'm a social decadent miscreant thinker
I think I can see where this is going. Dude unknowingly came from a split, mother lied about his dad dying before he was born. His idol is going to be trapped and destitute if she keeps the pregnancy, because of her contracts.
He's going to give idol a lie she can feed her child, using a doctored "inconclusive" DNA test to claim HE'S the father and that she doesn't have to be afraid of telling people now, because he's going to die as a welfare hero. Save someone else who saved him during his struggles, using the public etiquette around NW chosen against the stigma against idols having relationships.
I like the rock and hard place he's in right now. If he helps, he's break the rules. If he doesn't, he can get in trouble because of the whole "parents are to blame" thing
>"parents are to blame" thing
Would he? He might be the biological father, but legally and socially he's a complete stranger to the kid.
Dystopian overreach and overreaction
In MY Ikigami Universe?
More likely than you'd think
How modern!
You won't escape.
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People like you are the reason society is in the state it's in.
Immersive myself in something distracting.
nuh uh
You can tell lies but I know you're not a real patriot.
AND a mendicant!
this thread needs reformation
Do you think reformation will be enough?
It's weird that there are any social miscreants at all. The NWA has no flaws!
I think the NWA sucks!
Someone in posting here might get ikigami'd this very day. Just think about it.
I hope it's one of these >>268771276 psychos, that would teach 'em how to appreciate the NWA.
They must've learned to deal with that, like East Germany did with their border guards.
Real patriots don't fear being ikigami'd. They welcome it.
I can feel it.
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The not-Japanese refuse to stop jumping in front of sharp objects.
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smug glowie ojisan's status: KEKED
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And that's all for today. How long have you been married to your waifu?
oh fuck we got ikigami'd
>Baby daddy actually took responsibility
A miracle only possible because of the NWA.
not exactly the same premise, but the drifting mom story did it better
Thanks, OP. Which waifu?
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>unreliable man is made to man-up and support his child
>child of single mom manages to stop the cycle of suffering
>backstabbing idol gets what she deserves
>idol is freed from unfair contract
>all thanks to the GLORIOUS national welfare act
We are so freaking back.
Thank you for posting. See you next thread.
We are the end of our last 24 hours... but our sacrifice will not be in vain.

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