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>2nd studio becomes Pierrot Films
>new movies are now coming
Alright /nart/ it's time. What do YOU yes YOU want to see in a new Naruto film? For me it's Team Naruto da movie
>What do YOU yes YOU want to see in a new Naruto film?
A teaser for an actual sequel that isn't Bort. Similar to how they did for Dragon Ball Super.
So Naruto Part 3? I don't think Kishimoto will write another weekly manga. Unless it's just a series of movies.
Thread is DOA lol
Unless it's blank period nardo I don't want a sequel.
He's big enough that he could have a team working with him to alleviate the work load. Not to mention he's not that old so he could easily write a new story that isn't Bort. The real question is if he would have the balls to invalidate Bort altogether by making it non canon. Toriyama did it.
There's also the possibility for a prequel. There's so much unexplored topics in the manga.
I think it'd be easier for him to just have it as a series of new films that he can write instead of a new weekly manga.
You ARE going to buy the new Blu-ray collectors edition, right?
Nah, I don't buy anything that I can find digitally for free. They would need to give me a summoning scroll or a real kunai and shuriken made of metal or something.
nobody gives a fuck about naruto movies including myself.
not when they're all fillershit. do they not have shame jesus.
You don't own anything online
It's the anime
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>You don't own anything online
Yes I do. And it's not online.
Disk is easier to use THOUGH
I can burn them myself. And how the fuck is something easier than a couple clicks?
OP you could've posted a more attractive picture, this thread is fucked.
>gaming hard drive
Do you use Steam
What's wrong with it
>Thread about to die
>People stop posting in it
...Yes, you stupid faggot.
Movie about leadup to & outbreak of the 1st Shinobi World War
Never happening btw.
Sakura hate
Why is that
Because we can never have nice things.
>trying to continue an argument because you couldn't get the last word in
Are you a woman or just a repressed faggot?
Whatever you say raikagefag.
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The only one who got banned was the bort spamming retard who turned out to be an NTRfaggot and 1schizotard
But ok you do you
both of you stop
You are right, he doesn't deserve the replies, but I feel it's also wrong to just ignore him and not let everyone else know the same guy who has been shitting up our threads with so many different personas for months is also a raikage NTR degenerate.
it was caught so no need to give him yous
Thanks for the (You).
Thanks for another (You).
Now leave you obnoxious piece of shit.
Naruto with his own team going on a mission.
Naruto is too op tho
told you both to stop
Who would he train?
Cucknohamaru & co. are too old. I don't want to see bort anywhere. New (bort original) Genin are shit.
It would have to be some of K11's kids but not bort and salad.
New kids straight from the academy.
>New (bort original) Genin are shit
>(bort original)
No new pre 700 aka blank period genin
When will this fucker shut up?

nuPierrot would be in charge so they would end up making more boring kids like the ones from bort, is what I meant.
Yea but if Kishi designs it then it'll be all good.
If Naruto trained a new team it would be too cliche if he taught them Rasengan, he already taught it to Konohamaru.
Give Naruto a Genin with Raiton and give Sauce one with talent for Rasengan variations just for funnies.
Or just teach each of them elemental ninjutsu
>fire rasengan
>water rasengan
>earth rasengan
movie about sand siblings lives.
how'd they warm up to gaara more?
how'd gaara become kazekage?
>Burns your hand
>Splashes the enemy (Magikarp no Jutsu)
>Makes the Earth spin faster, causing god knows what kind of natural disasters
sovl. nardo is the best teacher now
Boy look at all that red in this thread. Bye-bye.
Thank you, whoever you are.
I see. Another win for the ninja!
I forgot bleachfag too
I would like those two
Lmao the retard bortfaggot got nuked
Why? Any conflicts arising after the events of the series just undermine the achievements that were made during the series. Not to mention things can only get worse going forward because any new threats below the likes of Madara and Kaguya would just get swept aside effortlessly, while any threats beyond those two would result in massive powercreep and the rest of the cast getting left by the wayside even more. There is no way to make a sequel to Naruto work, hence why the state Boruto is in isn't that shocking. Any further content in the series has to be either a prequel or some kind of an alternative retelling. The ending has to remain as it is.
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Pierrot Films is only for Bleach, sorry.
Naruto is a manga for little children.
You really don't have anything better going on your life, huh?
>Anon got btfo'd so hard, jannies had to step in and save him from killing himself
Holy fuck. Can't make this shit up lmao.
>He's back
Oh for fuck's sake
Oh no
wait Im confused are you the bort?
The guy sperging out is the bort who spams our threads when he's bored, yes. Also he's an NTRfaggot who posts Raikage shit. We keep mentioning it because if we let people forget he will never leave.
He was the dude that was banned right
Yep. For some reason he keeps saying someone else got banned when it was him that caught a vacation.
Don't engage him. Just remind him that we caught him posting raikage ntr garbage.
>He's now carrying out conversations with himself
Same song and dance as last time. You really need to find some human interface that isn't from your screen.
What makes Boruto bad? I'm almost done with the Naruto manga. It's also got a quality drop around the time of the 5 kage summit and it relegates a shitton of beloved characters from part 1 to the background in exchange for bringing back dead losers like Zabuza but it's still readable, what does Boruto do so much worse?
>What makes Boruto bad?
It takes the poorly thought out shit that happened in late war and expands it no reason. It retcons and nerfs shit all the time. The characters are all just poor imitations of Naruto ones. I don't think it has a single consistent theme. Do not read or watch it. The only decent shit is the slice of life anime filler.
>The characters are all just poor imitations of Naruto ones
You just reminded me that Kakashi Jr exists, except it's not his son and he's just some wannabe retard kid.
God I hate bort so much.
Metal is Lee's son but he's more irrelevant than his mum Tenten even though he knows Taijutsu which is the ayylmaos weakness
Only Jashin knows
Bort is going to reset the timeline thus rendering the events of Bort non-canon
it's already not canon
>What do YOU yes YOU want to see in a new Naruto film?
Hinata birthing Raikage's child and the rest of the Konoha women siring his bastards
>stop spamming or fuck off
What an insufferable hypocritical faggot you are.
Ah there he is, his shitposting doesn't work so he breaks out his good ol' reliable r*ikage folder.
>He's here
Please Raikage sama, save the thread
I've also thought about it. But even if Ikemoto is a fucking hack, he's too mediocre to write a hack ending like that. I don't think there's any way he does anything that isn't both really boring and extremely offensive to old school Naruto fans.
Kill yourself bort cunt
I doubt they care about most fans who aren't buying the manga at this point.
Then suddenly, all discussion stops at the same time as soon as THAT anon was called out. Totally organic and totally not a samefagging butthurt douche. Anyway, aBortion isn't canon and you idiots can fuck off to your own thread
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>Shino when Fat Anko
Architect TIME
Anko is friends with Kurenai and she said it's okay
Choji's daughter better watch out because Shino-sensei is coming for her in 10 years.
Holy kek. She's MINE, btw. Shino has one already. I WILL HAVE MY OWN SLAM PIG
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Do you really want THIS as a mother in law?
Enough of the cringe. She's built for Raikage, and it isn't even remotely debatable.
>He has to ruin everything every time
Idc. I want slampig. Simple as.
Chocho means pussy in south america
Really? I claim it. Rightfully.
>What makes Boruto bad?
Shitty art. Boring story. Dull characters. This is going by the manga. The anime was decent and was carrying the entire brand before it got cancelled because it was fucking retarded making a WEEKLY ANIME for a MONTHLY MANGA.
That's the one bad thing about Boruto. It's very afraid of stepping on any toes from the original series. Kurama coming back sealed the deal.
pre-Chunin exam random village missions
she's likes em young
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Reminder that they stole green eyed salad from you
There should've been a pink-haired son.
stop reminding me that Boruto exists, please
Nobody cares about your fanfiction
Why is Ikemoto so shit at drawing. Fan arts take his slop and turn it into a goddess.
Thread got nuked again...I think these generals may actually be the worst on this board, or at least has some of the worse regulars
Ew not canon
how would kishi make the cuck story in gaiden tho
is that really a bad, hack ending? Plenty of other time travel stuff has similar endings are are well liked. Maybe it's only an issue for Bort because it wasn't initially presented as a time travel story?

Either way I think this would be a winning move and something that most Naruto fans would be happy with. Would give them a blank slate to work with for future projects if need be.
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Tbf part 2 looks like shit pretty often but I get what you mean
So this is Boruto’s love interest
still has a consistent art style unlike the gangsta shit Ikemoto's doing
It's piss-easy to draw better than Ikemoto.
Boruto has presented time-travel in the anime and in a storm game. So it's already introduced.
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gaara tanks the cold.
snow doesn't bother him and he can even sprout flowers from his head
>What do YOU yes YOU want to see in a new tardruto film?
A less cringe.
I could probably get better than him
Imagine Sarada spanking Sumire’s ass
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I’d rather imagine Kiba spanking Naruto’s ass
I don't have to imagine
Dragon Ball Super isn't even a sequel, it's a mess of a midquel, made of things that never happened.
Your loss.
The Naruto movies, especially Part 1 ones, are pretty enjoyable.
Nagato is my favorite character.
>YOU want to see in a new Naruto film?
I would like to see a new rendition of the Kankuro vs Shino fight with the budget of a film.
>He's big enough that he could have a team working with him to alleviate the work load.
I don't know anything about Japanese business management but I will never understand why big mangaka like Kishimoto don't become something like cief editors of the franchise they created as to expand the their wolds.
You also like to hear your bro getting laid?
Just have Naruto travel the world for a diplomatic meeting along with some gennin and chunnin as "bodyguards," like they did with Asuma's daughter.
It would be fun watching Naruto teach a kid who is good at genjutsu.
I wish he did get laid (he was a kissless, handless, virgin when I left and he was 22).
Is that hairline real or edited
>hack ending
Is it really?
It's b*ruto, of course it's real. Also even in Naruto she was ugly as a kick in the nuts.
She looked good in chapter 700 though.
Just do the fucking movies before the seiyuus start dying of old age.
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Yeah... No.
I’d like to see Jiraiya going on a mission and showing how he developed his full infiltration/combat arsenal.
Stone Ocean was shit even by JoJo standards.
Part 2 is better than Part 1 Naruto by a long shot and it's obvious in the sales figures and reception.

Boruto is average because it's monthly with slow pacing and weak characters and nonexistent drama and suspense.
That's why Clorox got cancelled multiple times in Japan lmao everybody knows that shit is ass

Garbage ass series. Kys Bleachtroon
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She did look good.
Uglier than Karin. And I HATE Karin.
Fuck off aBortion. It never was and it looks even worse now.
>the new
the only thing that naruto needs is a Kai edit to clean out all the filler and reanimate some episodes that need it.
Stop being racist, Sasuke.
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Don't mind if I do
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AI bing was cooking with this Painruto
I just want to go one day without underages shitting up the place... Just one day....
we just finish what you started, boomerbros. believe it
is this truly a win? the new anime artstyle sucks ass
Loud women are less than undesirable.
Every woman posted in this thread? Believe it or not, cheats FOR Raikage with no encouragement from him whatsoever.
>murican hours
He just keeps ban evading regardless of what time of the day
Kishimoto cocksucker really lost his head, didn't he? The cour 3 reveal really broke him lmao.
Nardo is garbage, narutard spic.
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Post the REAL Mei you coward!
I won btw.
Why is he like this
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it could be good
The later half of stone ocean was peak actually.
glowies are maladjusted
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what topics would you want to see explored?
i don't think i've ever seen any suna kunoichi wearing facepaint despite it being common for suna ninja to wear it
Origin story for Hanzo.
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gaarabros... his arms?
These movies were always filler tier junk meant to satiate you until the real thing came. No real thing is coming this time, so how do you think it would be received?
This looks like if Konan and Naruto had a kid together
Where did Minato really come from?
What really happened to the Uzumaki clan?
What do you mean? She clearly wears makeup.
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T-rex of the sand.
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Itachi sol-ACK!
That's clearly AIDS Itachi
HEALTHY Itachi solos everyone. Words from Kishi himself.
Where's your reliable source?
Kishimoto never ever talked about "Healthy Itachi" you lying piece of shit.
kek i didn't think of that.
but the suna men definitely still wear heavier makeup
うそ (笑)
There doesn't need to be any conflict. I would have loved Boruto if it didn't include any alien shit and was just a slice of life story about the olde cast learning to live in a peaceful world. Naruto would solve problems diplomatically.
Hin/a/ta reigns.
Fuck off aBortion.
Bort is trash
go back to your thread lurking loser.
>Just have Naruto travel the world for a diplomatic meeting along with some gennin
I like this idea
Let's hope Nishio stays with the regular studio and not this one.
>>what topics would you want to see explored?
>Land of Whirlpools & Uzumaki Genocide
>First 3 wars
>Sakumo & what led to his suicide
Maybe some of these could be miniseries instead of films but whatever
>Kishimoto cocksucker
You are a fucking retard.
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M-rated movies with hate fuck.
He calls everyone that. He's the bleachfag. He thinks this place doesn't shit on Kishi all the time. He's obsessed with Naruto.
Fuck off aBortion.
>He's obsessed with Naruto
Well so am I but not like that.
He got banned like 3 times already and he keeps ban evading to say nothing of value.
>gets banned again this week
I know. Just ignore him.
Fuck off retard
>Just ignore him
I mean yeah but it's pissing me off that I don't even know what he's angry about and he keeps complaining about literally nothing. It's all so tiresome.
I would have liked that too. Oh well. They'll won't get a pound from me now.
Yea. I've been wanting to upgrade from my DVD collection. I managed to get the films on bluray a while ago.
Kill yourself, Bleachtranny.
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Das rite
Hinata! There's an Uchigger behind you!
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Itachi from the gacha
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>Hehe. The plan is working....
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Itachi's so handsome bros....
This is what he was doing in between torturing Sasuke and hunting down jinchuriki
But what if Uchiggers are FlatChads instead? And I don't say it because of Sakura, she's divorced already
Transformation Jutsu will solve all issues
Ok fine, what's the plan after she lures them?
Idk I'm not Hatenata.
My fucking dream match would be Madara vs Takamura (Heavyweight form) from Hajime no Ippo. I don't give a shit about powerlevels. Takamura and Madara are insanely based.
kino match
This would make a great OVA. Are OVAs even made anymore?
They'd really need to re-evaluate how they draw preBort characters, I don't like looking at the mustard boy Naruto when they do childhood flashbacks in Bort
>Part 2 is better than Part 1 Naruto by a long shot and it's obvious in the sales figures and reception
Again with this faggot shit, huh.
Man, she really done and wasted her GODLY genes because she was insecure, huh.
It's a far-away shot. The only "shitty" thing about Naruto art i can remember is poses being reused sometimes and some impactful moments being reduced to a small panel/shot from above for some reason.
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reminds me of this.
it was a small panel but it looked cool.
naruto does relegate some really nice art to tiny panels
found the actual page with it for reference
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I want a total re-animation of Pain arc, especially that fucking "my pain is greater than yours" fight.
She should have fucked Chojuro
hinata has the calmest reaction of her group
It's because she imagines much worse happening to (((them))).
Ancient Hyuga. Just do the same for them as you did for Uchiha and Senju. Idk, i just want to see some cool samurai-themed Hyuga.
>I wish I could do that to Sasuke-kun, so cool....
Get this
Jade Empire Hyuga
as in they were the rulers of some far off continent that migrated to the elemental nations when a branch family member took the throne
and they installed the bird cage seal to ensure it never happens again
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to flex on the hoes
unfortunately, anko was a crazy bitch, not a hoe
It's funny how Neji being slightly mean during Chunin exam was more traumatising for her than a guy being horrifically murdered, kek.
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her byakugan was probably better able to understand what was going on than shino+kiba so she was less surprised
to be fair, insecurities would be a greater thing to a ninja than something as common in their life as gore
>Shino's wife tried to /ss/ Naruto
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I wonder if she remembers this when she has to call him Lord Seventh
She showed so much promise back then, damn. A dark "good guy" character who is also not shy about using her sexuality and has a history with the main villain. Kishi couldn't handle all the kino he accidentally wrote.
She's a slampig now. IT'S OVER
Boruto and chapter 700 ain't canon.
> chapter 700
nuh uh
she can just walk it off lol
shillficfag, is that you?
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I think he borrowed the character of Menchi from HxH and once she was written out of the story after the exam arc of HxH there wasn't anything left to borrow from
Menchi is a food hunter/appetite kween and proctor of the 2nd exam phase, it adds up with other early Naruto stuff having HxH written all over it
She really should've reconsidered that whole shinobi thing when she was being taught to rearrange someone's guts with a kunai.
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could you beat him at ddr?

hatenata is a sociopath too
Nope. Qrd?
Fuck off, Huntertranny. There is nothing HxH about Naruto whatsoever because HxH itself is unorignal and a shitty fanfiction of Dragon Ball combined with JoJo but somehow 10x gayer and for transvestites.
She's too fat. It's all Shinos fault
>Anko is promoted to a main character after her introduction
>Orochimaru is after both Naruto and Sasuke because Kyuubi jinchuriki + Sharingan = infinite chakra at will
>Trains Naruto for the Chunin Exams while Jiraiya watches for any signs of Orochimaru
>A lot of bonding moments
>All of her comments about how fucked up people really are in all those moments were foreshadowing for how horrible she can be and was under Orochimaru
it was shilled here, either by the author or a fan
it's mostly stopped though
I wish Anko joined Yamato on Team 7
she should've been there for the tenchi bridge arc, yeah
Naruto trying to get Hinata and Sasuke to give each other a hug of peace (One is just uncomfortable, the other wants blood)
That should be an ova
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Damn, I didn't think it was possible to actually make Sarada visually appealing.
She just needs her old hair or a slighty longer hairstyle now. Also no glasses. Also some fat tits
>Nothing but TUD thoughts in that head
At least Naruto ended, HxH is literally the GoT of manga
Kill yourself narutard
Lol. Narutard cope. The only people to get banned in these threads are low IQ narutards samefags like the kishimoto cum slurper and that borutard
>and that borutard
That's (You). We have proof of that so kill yourself.
Nardo should have ended after the first chapter
Lol. Narutard cope. You couldn't catch me wasting time with garbage like boruto. Narutards is about how low I am willing to steep. Kys narutard.
>At least Naruto ended
>bort resting his face on a wall.jpg
>wants loads of kids
How do I acquire this
Boruto is just fanfiction, it's not real.
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What is the name of this jutsu?
I got kicked out of my anime club in high school because I said Madara was the best villain in the series :(
Hashirama's story
I need to know exactly which characters died virgins
Madara, Obito, Shisui, Itachi, Neji
Definitely not Haku ifyouknowwhatimean
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Tell your BOYfriend to keep his big fat trap shut!
Just imagine if Uchiggers actually had sex instead of being retards. Things could've been so much better.
>rewatching shippuden
>it's a tenten episode
Should I skip?
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>if Uchiggers actually had sex
He was unconscious
Watch it for her sake.
It's a miracle he didn't go and beat Nagato's skelly ass when his first restaurant got destroyed.
itachi had a girlfriend
...Who died at age 13.
why would you come to a nart thread just to say this?
you know where you are, right?
Don't engage him. He's the ban evading boruto/bleach spammer that calls everyone he disagrees with a samefag and when he got banned we discovered he also posts raikage NTR shit.
He hates /nart/ culture and even talks shit on drawfags for good measure.
sorry but it's really hard not to call out retardation sometimes
Put up a password, faggot
>insane amounts of delusion
Kill yourself kishimoto cocksucker. Not even other narutards like you.
>There he goes again
Why the disagreement? Where they Painfags?
it's my fault for giving him a (You).
i have to apologize for this
they're gay
ms paint animation jutsu
Don't worry, literally anything will trigger him. He will start randomly complaining about some strawman that exists exclusively in his head and no one else even knows what it is.
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He's so obvious. Why does he lurk here?
Does anybody have a bigger, more high quality image of this?
smartest aBortion kek
It's Wind Style: BRAAAPPP jutsu
I wouldn't want a Naruto Super (give me a Kakashi or Minato prequel) but literally that and anything else would be better than Boruto. The story is completely lost and the new characters don't even look like they belong in the franchise. I really can't think of one thing we get from keeping this slop on and the only people I see defend it are shit stirrers/trolls and retards that would suck up literally anything as long as its official content.
Fuck off aBortion. You're not welcome here.
I don't know why Shueisha insists on going on with it.
I wanna fuck this loud-mouthed gook
Are Iwafags supposed to be chinese or do you say it because of her dress?
Wait... Gook means Korean.
What the fuck are you even talking about then?
>cocksucker samefagging again
Don't you have more sales statistics to spam? Everyone knows it you. Everyone dislikes your shilling.
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It comes down to giving her breasts and not fucking up her proportions
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She looks like a complete gook bitch with her souless black eyes and dark hair.
And I wanna rub her tummy
RR (Reserved for Raikage)
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Fights that nobody remembers
Should've offered to fuck him
He would've have Uchiha offspring and the hidden sand kage clan gets the fucking sharingan
temari vs. sauce was filler.
it didn't happennin the manga.
that's why nothing cool happens there and is thus why nobody remembers it
>Should've offered to fuck him
Wouldn't have accepted because she's not a cute smug firecracker
>sand kage clan gets the fucking sharingan
...No. That's a Konoha exclusive.
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It had some cool animation, Sasuka weaving around tree branches & shit
I'd reckon the Naruto anime is more popular / has had more people view the series through the anime in North America at least
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Hatenata will love that
Boruto sneak peak tomorrow.
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sure i guess, but it pales in comparison to every other chuunin exam fight.
and i think it's because it's anime only. the anime staff wasn't that good at coming up with fights.
and it's pretty pointless. nothing is accomplished by temari buying time.
unlike all the other fights that move the plot forward in some way.
>shino beats kankuro which takes him out of the equation
>sauce "beats" temari and then she gets right back up to carry gaara away
>gaara beats sauce which takes him out of the equation
>naruto beats gaara which saves sakura and gaara himself
i hope that makes sense

good reaction pic though. i saved it.
i just find tired/annoyed looking character shots funny
adding that temari vs. sauce is also barely even a fight
left looks like utter shit holy
while gaara never says it directly, it's pretty obvious he eventually accepted kankuro and temari as his siblings after naruto saved him.
kankuro notices this too.

and i find kankuro's connection of these 2 events interesting in particular because it's how he notices gaara's acceptance of him as his brother.

gaara goes from saying he doesn't see his family as his siblings and threatening to kill them to sharing his feelings and dreams with kankuro.

and iirc kankuro doesn't refer to gaara as "brother" after gaara says he doesn't see him and temari as his siblings.
that is until gaara starts sharing and forming a connection with kankuro.
he then asks naruto, in his words, not to save "gaara," nor to save "the kazekage," but to save his "little brother."
this is because kankuro saw that gaara accepted him as family and knew it was okay to call him his brother again.
and when he sees gaara after he gets revived, he even calls gaara "brother" to his face.
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I did not expect to find such a fine piece of high art today. Holy shit
I Remember. I Remember what a bullshit IT was. Temari tactically tricked him into the sand and Won- lol nope, kawarimi no jutsu. We don't see Sasuke use IT, we don't see him doing signs for it...it just happened. And Kishi even tries to make everyone believe how smart Sasuke was for coming up with it. The biggest plothole bullshit jutsu.
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I wish i was Konohamaru.
>new movies are now coming
Is this true? i'm not keeping up
Reasons why Jiraiya would have beat the fuck out of Itache had they actually fought

>Imperfect sage mode
Jiraiya has the frogs feeding him chakra and natural energy. Works under the same concept as having a tailed beast feed you chakra to make you immune to genjutsu which 8 tails used on Sasuke. This not only buffs Jiraiya up way more than Itachi could handle physically, he's immune to one of Itachi's greatest powers and all of his genjutsu. Even his Susanoo's sword "trapped people in a genjutsu world", on top of that the Yata Mirror nullified physical attacks based on switching nature elements to counter physical attacks and ninjutsus. Senjutsu isn't nature elements.

>Fire seal
Jiraiya was literally able to seal the black flames in his first confrontation with Itachi

>Frog summons
Tsunade shows that Susanoo's could be broken by physical force, and she even broke Madara's who's leagues above Itachi. Chief Toad was breaking down forests while fighting the first tailed beast. Even with the Susanoo's sword and shield, against several giant frogs at once it'd get broken, it's not fighting multiple frogs from multiple angle carrying giant weapons.

Itachi has no way of beating Jiraiya.
Sneak peak tomorrow?
Imagine creating one of the hottest designs ever and just doing nothing with it.
No wonder Naruto is fucking dead.
He's a subhuman Bleachtroon
lmao Bleachtroon's still mad that everyone canned that garbage series. Good riddance.
Naruto has higher per volume sales, higher total sales and is much much bigger and better than Huntertrash.

HxH is the inferior version of Naruto judging by the numbers. KYS trannoid.
Too early
Naruto ended in 2014. What the fuck are you talking about?
Pain and Obitofags.

Pain is cool but I can't comprehend how people like Obito. Even if he was "justified" he was annoying as fuck. Madara just had a far superior presence.
when was this? my shitty anime high school club just played shitty ass anime like some shojo garbage. filled with normalfaggot bitches.

you were lucky to have proper naruchads (even if they disagreed with you lol) at yours. Where was this? Mine was in Ontario, Canada.
I live in the southern US, Arkansas to be specific. This was back in 2016. I was surprised that my high school had so many weebs because otherwise, finding anyone who read manga or watched subbed anime was a long shot.
Oh neat. Wouldn't expect to see anime clubs or anime fans in a remote place like Arkansas lol. Yeah my anime club thing was in 2019 so not too far off.
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Here in middle England, my school had mostly Naruto, Death Note and Pokemon in the library.
One of the perks of having commiefornia transplants, I suppose. There was a japanese girl who attended school for a year and transferred out as soon as possible because one of the weebs stalked her. He always said he wanted "just a little sniff" and couldn't comprehend why that was creepy.

Also, that guy in particular was a huge Obtofag.
>still lurking here
what an obsessed loser
>He always said he wanted "just a little sniff" and couldn't comprehend why that was creepy.
log jutsu most OP in the nardoverse
Maybe you would have liked it but I highly doubt this would've been the case for most of the audience. The genre shift from a battle shonen to a slice of life is way too big and would alienate a whole lot of people. At the same time it would be difficult for the new series to attract any new readers because the slice of life enjoyers would be turned off by the idea of having to read through a long battle shonen series to understand the context behind the sequel. There is a reason why this kind of thing is basically never done and that's because it doesn't result in success. Battle shonen and slice of life can both attract a pretty solid audience but the intersection of the two, i.e. the people who like both, is much smaller.
You've said that to me at least 3 times now, I went to sleep for 9 hours and you're still repeating it to other people thinking it's the same guy when I'm not even the original guy and you don't even have the balls to (You) them.
You are legitimately schizophrenic.
If the show fits, wear it then. I'm not sure what you're still doing lurking here faggot.
You are mentally ill. Talk about Naruto or fuck off spammer.
>alienate a whole lot of people
Nta, but that already happened. Having a seasonal SoL show would probably keep more fans engaged. I also doubt people who would watch this would be bothered by reading/watching its predecessor.
>Talk about Naruto
Says the retard(s) who only come here to spam narutard again and again. Fuck off insecure freak.
Ino, more like Iyes
What?? You're the one saying Narutard every 30 seconds.
Are we... Are we attacking the same guy? My bad if so.
>You're the one saying Narutard every 30 seconds.
I haven't said that until now.
>Are we attacking the same guy?
Seems so. Lol. Friendly fire. Sorry!
The context was about an actual sequel that isn't Bort. If you wanted to make that succeed you'd need to stick to Naruto's strengths rather than trying to turn the series into something completely different. And yes, telling a slice of life reader to go through a long battle shonen series to properly enjoy the slice of life definitely would have turned them off. It would have been like advertising Naruto to K-on fans back in the day.
>And yes, telling a slice of life reader to go through a long battle shonen series to properly enjoy the slice of life definitely would have turned them off.
Most would probably just ignore it and watch it anyway, though
more like GIWTWM
Most of the slice of life audience would watch a Naruto sequel even when they had no knowledge of Naruto? Yeah, no. They have plenty of dedicated slice of life series to consume that have no battle shonen series prequels attached to them at all, while also having a much more slice of life friendly aesthetic. Slice of life series are typically very ordinary for a reason, which is why high school settings are so popular. Magical ninja parents raising kids in a post-war world is way too niche for basically everyone who's not already a fan of the original series. You'd essentially be faced with a situation where the sequel is so different from the original that it alienates much of the old fanbase, thus forcing the sequel to try to build a new one from scratch while being handicapped by a strange setting and a prequel that doesn't appeal to slice of life fans. It would be a guaranteed flop.
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Let me guess, Sakura self-inserters found the poll and spammed votes
You can only use this cope so many times.
They've done that like 3 times already lol I wouldn't put it past them.
Probably. They're quite insecure
Sakura has the most retarded female ridden fanbase I'm not suprised
How doea it feel to have your man legally stolen from you, Sakura?
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We're getting the live action film. Animated film will probably happen after that
Fuck off raikagecuck/1schizofag
>Still absolutely assmad that he got publicly exposed juggling different personalities to shitpost
The Shang Chi director is gonna make it. Is he any good?
y-you guys weren't joking about a live action? It's real...?
Yea. Been in development hell since 2015

>“It was a true honor to meet Kishimoto-san in Tokyo and hear his expansive vision for his creation,” stated filmmaker Cretton. “We are very excited to collaborate and bring NARUTO to the big screen.”

>“When I heard of Destin’s attachment, it happened to be right after watching a blockbuster action film of his, and I thought he would be the perfect director for NARUTO. After enjoying his other films and understanding that his forte is in creating solid dramas about people, I became convinced that there is no other director for NARUTO. In actually meeting Destin, I also found him to be an open-minded director who was willing to embrace my input, and felt strongly that we would be able to cooperate together in the production process. To put it simply, the live action NARUTO is bound to be a film with spectacular action and profound drama. I can’t help but be excited for it.”

>in development hell since 2015
Oh ok, so nothing to worry about then.
Apparently Shang Chi is one of the better Marvel movies that were made after Endgame.
Yea but now it's moving ahead. I suspect Kishimoto stopped anything from happening. This is the first time he's talked positively about the film since it was announced.
>watching news
>commercial for Gaza war is playing sadness and sorrow
>>commercial for Gaza war is playing sadness and sorrow
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>delusional narutards inventing boogeymen
Lol. Narutrannies really are pathetic. Pic related but spic-ier
It threw me off.
>kids crying and lady screaming in pain
>that flute comes in with more kids screaming
>inventing boogeymen
There's proof in both screenshots and archives of what you did, Raikage bort.
A new Senjew tactic, lol. It's the default sad theme
>thinks im him
>still lurking
>t. >>268707429
They are your own filth, narutard. I ain't got anything to do with them.>>268684122
No one else got banned but you for spamming b*ruto and posting NTR. And we are never going to let you forget it.
>thinks he is really any better anyway
I don't go to bleach threads and try to shit them up. Since Im not obsessed with it. Also you're still lurking here is hilarious. Shows what you prioritze lmao
That wasn't me lol. But think I am going to do cuckspam here. You low IQ retards are easy enough to bully.
Still here? You love us you werid faggot. Fuck off already.
>>muh honor
It's not even that you annoying mutt. I have no reason to visit your threads. You're here because Naruto or Kishimoto or both live rent-free in your mind for some odd reason. Sub human behaviour like yours is killing the entire board. Fuck off.
Go back to spamming that literal tranoid in your threads' faggot.
>That wasn't me lol
Is that your newest cope? Kill yourself and go shit up a different thread. Leave my /nart/ alone motherfucker.
I checked the out the fight scenes and those look great. Idk about his writing, though.
>narutard delusion
They are your own filth, narutard
>admits he's trolling
Concession accepted sub human.
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Don't worry anon Raikage did something with it
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Why is Naruto so hated? We get constantly attacked here by people from other threads, bleach, dbs, you name it. We never fuck with other threads, ever. I don't get the obsession.
DBS does that to other places. It's just this one Bleachfag and the occasional HxHfag. The Kuboid needs a name. Im calling him Jimmy
I don't even have a problem with Bleach. I LIKE Bleach. Why these fuckers seem to think they need to be at war with Naruto is beyond me.
What's funny is that she's not even the only example. Kishi drew a perfect outfit and everything and we never get to see it
PTSD from when Bleach was cancelled or something, IDK. Jimmy is clearly not sane.
Kishi is old school conservative, lol.
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>Kishi creates the BEST women in all manga history (Except Karin and Karui)
>This is the only fanservice he decides to give us
It hurts to live.
Pierrot gave her more moments before the PURGE. Wish he made more fan service. Maybe that would've made it harder for the annoying westoids to get into Naruto
>Pierrot gave her more moments
Yeah but you'd have to watch all filler to catch any of them.
Besides, I want fanservice from ALL the girls not just the obvious front heavy main girl
I grew up with it so I didn't realize it wasn't canon until way later.
This too.
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I wanted Hinata to be in stuff like this.
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Nice try, Narutard. Level-E and YYH laid the foundations for Togashi's magnum opus, that is HxH and Dragon Ball walked so HxH could run.

HxH is at the moment at least three times as thick with plot and intrigue more than any other manga. To give you a tangible example of this, currently in HxH we have a small conflict about the succession struggle of a single kingdom that is being represented by THIS graph. This is the level of storytelling that HxH is operating on that Kishi is incapable of coming up with, because the only "plot" he knows what to write are Sasuke rescue arcs, Konoha being under attack and fighting old villains ad nauseam because he couldn't copy/paste HxH anymore due to hiatus.

It wasn't until the War arc that Naruto finally started to become "original" with the whole alien subplot which is just a copy and paste of Dragon Ball Z and everyone hated it, Narutards included.

Do try to keep up with the nuance. HxH is the thinking man's shounen.
Didn't read
what is he babbling about
Holy kek
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I agree
He's angry we discovered he was the 1schizofag who complained about SasuHana a lot while also trying to post NTR raikage shit
Tenten was denied access to a bar because of her tits one time.
>because of her tits
But boys can drink too as long as they're 20 years old.
super unfair lel
Why didn't 10 Tails Obito "kill" edo Madara? It's canon that he's able to make edo tensei not be able to reform since he chopped off Minatos arm and Hashirama confirmed Juubito is stronger than him, it shouldn't be hard for him to just rush over to Madara and take him out. Obito already established that he didn't like Madara and Madara already showed his hand that he doesn't care about Obito by trying to get him to revive him before he became the 10 tails jinchuuriki.

On another note isn't there technically 2.5 Madara corpses? His original body that Black Zetsu hid away and allowed Kabuto to find in order to edo tensei him(Kabuto probably hid it somewhere). The edo tensei body that then became a living body thanks to Black Zetsu forcing Obito to revive him, which then died after Zetsu betrayed him and Kaguya spat him out. And the pair of legs that Sasuke chopped off which might still have 10 tails chakra in them since he was the jinchuuriki at the time.
didn't he have some kind of curse seal on him?
>Kishi even tries to make everyone believe how smart Sasuke was for coming up with it.
it's filler.
kishimoto didn't write that fight.
i even wrote a long ass reply why i don't think it's as memorable as any other fight during that time frame
Obito mentions that he had Kakashi stab it because it would have gotten in the way of him becoming the 10tails jinchuuriki
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Another easy win for CHADkura.
It's so obvious it was botted. If that was a poll with real votes Hinata would be much closer to Sakura regardless of what place they end up at.
i find it hard to believe anyone likes sakura that much.
she's such a nothing character
See >>268711775 It's not the first time Sakurafags do this.
so sakurafags just go around botting every poll they know about?
how do they keep finding out about all these polls anyway?
do they just lie in the shadows doing nothing all day and then when there's a new poll they get a headache and hear a voice in their head that tells them to go spam that poll?

i don't get it
>so sakurafags just go around botting every poll they know about?
Pretty much yeah.
>how do they keep finding out about all these polls anyway?
Sakurafags are mentally ill.
>do they just lie in the shadows doing nothing all day and-
They also come to /nart/ to complain about Hanabi.
It's hated on /a/ because it had such an obnoxious fanbase in the past. There was even that one time moot filled the board with all kinds of Naruto stuff as a prank.
Raikage. That's the post.
>Hinata and Orhime not in the top 3
Lmao, rigged.
It was hated because it attracted new users since it was insanely popular. We occasionally hasld threads that weren't shat up. It was never officially banned.
>They also come to /nart/ to complain about Hanabi
>coming to an indonesian rug knitting forum just to complain about anons having fun with some headcanons
why are they like this?
how did naruto get so popular anyway?
>why are they like this?
Because they feel legitimately threatened by SasuHana, since it's a much better pairing that isn't one-sided. There's no other reason why they would care that much about it.
Being enjoyable, having a fuckton of games, films etc. It was also on prime time tv, which helped a lot outside Japan.
>moot filled the board with all kinds of Naruto stuff as a prank.
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if you believe it,
you can be somebody,
you can be somebody,
if you believe it,

if you believe it,
you can be somebody,
you can be somebody,
if you believe it,


yeah i have a ninja clan,
ninja clan,
yeah we stand,
naruuto i'm on my way,
naruuto i'll be okay,
getting ready to fight on sight,
come, my best friends by my side,
suh-soo-kay is really cool,
sakura the beautiful,

the great jenin,
the great jenin,
the ninja fightas
are comin' in,

if you believe it,
you can be somebody,
you can be somebody,
if you believe it,

if you believe it,
you can be somebody,
you can be somebody,
if you believe it,

in the village hidden in the leaves,
to become hokage you better believe,
naruuto the chosen one,
naruuto comin' up strong,
ninjas waitin' for the duel,
to win or die the world's so cruel,
don't stop you movin' on,
don't stop you got to run,

the great chuunin,
the great chuunin,
the ninja fightas,
are comin' in,

kowakaru na naruto chikyu o mamore,
kowakaru na naruto chikyu o mamore,

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Yea, he kept telling people it was never banned, and then he pulled that. Based as fuck.
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>1010 thread with 1000 plus replies
>naruto girl feet thread
>naruto role-playing thread
holy kek i never knew moot was so based.
naruto truly is the souvl of this board. it's n/a/ruto
Wouldn't have happened if mostly moefags read the rules.
I've been here since 2007. I also never said anything about it being banned so I get the impression you're arguing with some imaginary character here.
My bad. Whenever it's brought up, someone ends up mentioning it was banned.
that anon is getting ptsd from most anons (when this topic comes up) saying naruto was banned.
and it's a general misconception on this board
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>it's n/a/ruto
Queen of /a/
>Bleach character making the top 3 of anything
People would really complain about Sakura being shit then post stuff like this confidently whats next you gonna say Nobara was snubbed too?
>Big booba
>Scores high
Wow that was hard
only bleach girl that i'd believe making top 3 in a poll is rukia.
that other anon is delusional.
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I wonder what happened to the anon who was keeping this updated
We never got the 391-400 update and my mind jumps straight do "They must have died" and then I wonder if it was suicide or accident/natural causes..I get most depressed at the idea that they moved on with their life and gave up on being a hunter
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Serious question, why was Storm Connections so bad?

CC2 usually puts a lot of effort into their Naruto games and if you read the CEO's book you'd see that they practically live and breathe the franchise. They literally had Naruto's editor on speed dial when they first started making games for it.

All 4 of their Storm games were good, 4 kind of fell off a bit but it was still solid and one of the only anime games to beat the anime into adapting manga content.

And then along came Storm Connections which was basically just an overpriced expansion pack. The combat was a mess, literally every single DLC character it's getting should have been in the base game, there's only one new story, they replaced 3D animated scenes with 2D stills, and the sound editing was so bad that people accused them of using A.I.

It should have been Naruto's Sparking Zero. Especially when it had 4/5 years of development time.
This was my reasoning.
>>why was Storm Connections so bad?
>butchered history mode
>missing fights
>missing games
>Boruto story mode
>gameplay changes
>most of the dlc are Boruto characters
That's basically it. No one wanted another collection of games. No one wanted a Boruto mode or Boruto dlc. In fact, CC2 only made an original story because they don't like the manga and publicly shat on it. People wanted Ultimate Ninja Storm 5 or a new Naruto game series altogether. The production value remains grea, but that's it.
>why was Storm Connections so bad?
Because suits think the big name will sell on its own so they shit out the most soulless, unpolished, low effort garbage they can once every few years to collect the money and call it a day. Except they don't understand the only franchise who can get away with it is Pokemon because its fans are the most retarded braindead consoomer zoomers out there. Aside from that, Anime games are not popular enough to pull that off. But they sure will try.
>shit out the most soulless, unpolished, low effort garbage they can once every few years to collect the money and call it a day. Except they don't understand the only franchise who can get away with it is Pokemon
depressingly so.
my last game was sun though.

but to stay on topic i've been having fun with the older nart games
>my last game was sun though
Moon for me but I didn't like it, didn't even finish it.
You guys are serious retards just not accepting that Sakura, who is a main female character, is popular. Sakura has always been high on polls since day 1.
They removed tilts and made combat even easier. Now we've lost access to that 1 attack for every character. What the fuck was Matsuyama thinking.
The Boruto story mode told me CC2 should've handled the Boruto IP instead of Ikemoto. It actually felt like a Naruto story.
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This firecracker makes you shake in your boots.
Insane how true that is
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Not as easy as Bleachtroons that got their garbage series axed lmao

Laughingstock of the world.
The king is often hated by the peasants.
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Incredibly sexy protagonist
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Hinata pubes
in my mouth
blond prankster life
It's kino.
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Finally made it to Part 2. This little part was great kek, can't wait to see where things go from here.
sure but what made it so popular?
normalfags love it.
is just being good mainstream material?
but there are good things that get ignored by most people too.
what sets naruto apart from other good things that it gets so much attention?
1. Ninjas. Everybody loves Ninjas
For the west, most people defined anime as DBZ, Sailor Moon, and giant robots. Naruto came in and added movie like drama in its fantastical action setting. And one other interesting thing it did was have an MC who wasn't instantly a pro at everything and wasn't well-liked by the rest of the cast at the beginning. Naruto, at its time, came off as something special to a lot of people
That's what Kishimoto said but it's not true nobody cares for ninjas. Naruto isn't even about ninjas.
It's interesting because at the start Naruto isn't that likable. He's loud, stupid, and annoying. But he shows he has heart, so you root for him. Kakashi even mentions that Naruto has this strange power: whenever he meets people, they start to believe in him. That plus the cool magic system, good designs, some great characters early on, and good first few arcs really cemented it as a winner.
Right time right place i guess.
exactly my point, Gaara uses a gourd and sand magic powers and has a monster in him. nothing ninja about that.
That's like saying pirates of the caribbean isn't about pirates because there's magic in it. Ninjas are mostly a myth and in their mythology magic and demons feature heavily.
if the author confirmed it then yeah thanks
everybody likes ninjas
>manga full of 10/10s
>barely any nudity
Naruto and JJK have this in common
makes sense.
i guess that's also why most other battle shounen today aren't as mainstream.
they're more by the books while naruto was unique for its time
>In fact, CC2 only made an original story because they don't like the manga and publicly shat on it.
>Naruto and JJK have this in common
JJK doesn't have hot bitches ngl
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Where is Bulma? Shit tier list
my wife
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Naruto is my husband I love him and want to fuck him
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Kiba’s pubes
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can this little boy pee in front of me please....
bread's baked
naruto's cute penis......

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