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Yoshino Nanjo turned 40 years old today. Say something nice about her and her fripSide songs for Railgun.
Yesterday was also Index's VA's birthday
what's the state of the LNs nowadays? I dropped after NT22. heard it went downhill fast in GT
her music was alright
She's good
I like how her songs (or at least the Railgun songs) all sound alike but in a good way, with their own flavor of escalating hype.
Yay God!
Why is she so hungry?
Kamachi got into a rut for a few volumes, but he's pulled out of it recently. Last 2-3 novels were insane, full nuclear Touma
Touma birthday when?
>previous Raildex thread was the first to hit bump limit since May
>this thread is dead already
Where is everyone?
It had ups and downs. The only volume I didn't really like at just about any point was GT4. I've really enjoyed the last 5 volumes and I'd argue GT has some of the hypest Touma moments in the series so far.
that thread had a chapter dump in it to be fair
also there is totally not a certain misaki thread up right now too
I saw that thread but it's a Misaki thread not a Raildex thread.
Also I don't think it was solely or mainly because of the chapter dump because other chapter dump threads have failed to hit bump limit too, plus the thread lasted for several days and mostly didn't even talk about the chapter.
i dont know theres a lot of reason its slow right now. most of it is probably the fact that its nighttime in america so not many people are on. maybe some fatigue from having a thread hit bump limit so recently. the misaki thread will take some attention and people may not realize there is another thread up.
Even without a competing Misaki thread, most other Raildex threads have been dead lately. In the past, Raildex reaching bump limit was the norm, but now they're the exception.
yeah its sad. years without an anime. many people hate raildex these days too. in that misaki thread, many flocked there just to coom, and when they realize misaki was from toaru they were mad.
It just seems weird how some Raildex threads could hit bump limit or at least gain traction while others just die quickly.
yeah but its not like the threads that are hitting bump limit are doing so quickly. theres some i remember some that would hit 100 or 200 posts and die around these hours. i think most of r/a/ildex regulars are in the americas.
It's just weird
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Happened to me. Didn't know there was a proper Raildex thread up. I thought I was seeing things due to sleep deprivation. Anyway here's an otter.
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why does the gachashit keep making new orianas but also make them super tame? it can't be censorship considering what they've drawn kuroko wearing.
I didn't enjoy raildex overall but her songs were memorable. Also enjoyed her singing in symphogear
Can't believe she's already 40.
I liked her song in that fire emblem game that everyone on /v/ made fun of, but then they censored her character so I didn't bother playing it
>they censored her character
>Mami is 44
>Jolno is 40
>they were 28 and 24 respectively when Index and Railgun started
Where did time go?
I miss Maon so much
What would happen if you removed Biribiri's shorts?
It would be extremely painful
Just imagine
He an Aquarius so it between January 20 – February 19.So it likely will happen at some point in GT or whatever come next. Touma could be dead just long enough to miss it or he will be reborn on the day.
I hope it's February 13 not just to match his bad luck but also because it would mean he'd share a birthday with a special certain someone.
I want to shoot my railgun into Biribiri
Yurikofag did a really big number on these threads and drove a lot of people away. 3 full years of gaslighting, samefagging, and shitposting can fuck with just about any fanbase. Combining this with GT starting off shaky, raildex manga (outside of ITEM, arguably) not really going anywhere due to refusing to progress into NT territory, and the pervasive gloom of season 3 being absolutely butchered, its little wonder that we're slow as hell.

That said, we've been dead for months at a time and lived in the archive in the past. We always bounce back.
Who's Yurikofag?

That doesn't really explain though why some threads still hit bump limit and others don't.
GT started shit but got back up to hype.
If I see a thread up I'll stop in but I don't religiously post like I used to. I'm sure there's a few others like this.
>Who's Yurikofag?
A shitposter that made MP seem down right pleasant. Be glad you dont know them.

He would constantly bitch about how Accel didnt deserve to be punished, blah blah blah. Some of the complaints he had were kinda valid, but he wanked the absolute fuck out of him and if you disagreed in any way, he would claim that you were some boogyman that hated Accel. If you called him out on his shitpost tactics, he would start "no u"ing you, basically just accuse you of what he himself was doing. He would impersonate other anons to derail conversations, try to always steer the topic towards Accel, make up random shit and peddle misinformation while refusing to provide source... he got his moniker because he would spam threads with Yuriko (fem Accel) pics and kept claiming that Yuriko had some massive following in Japan. I think he was butthurt about the gacha not having Yuriko for awhile or something. He also kept claiming that Accel was never confirmed male and therefore Yuriko was real or some shit. You could always tell when he showed up, because threads would go from positive/neutral to constant bitching and conspiracy shit. He would act like we couldnt take critique when we pointed this out, and basically used Accel as a shield to hide his malicious intent behind. Oh, and he kept accusing everyone of being a pedo.

We always had suspicions it was just one fag (he hid behind muh juanguyisms too), and it finally got confirmed when he was banned and threads suddenly were nice for 3 days. That got him mad and he would start ban evading when people reported him. And of course, he'd deny any of this happened. Someone went back in the archive and pinpointed that he had been doing this for roughly 3 fucking years. He almost certainly hated the series and was trying to destroy the threads.

But anyway, fuck him. He isnt worth wasting breath over.
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I havent really been around for awhile since me and my wife had a child, but as others said, its just an "off season" time for the series and people are either lurking or taking a break. Maybe some threads just bring people back and its all coincidence.
Man, I was just out of highschool when I binged Index 1.
I'm already older now than Jolno was when she sang Only My Railgun.
What's this?
After panel for the Railgun concert apparently.
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>heard it went downhill fast in GT
Some early GT volumes are whatever, but I wouldn't say it went 'downhill', stuff like GT4 was mostly a waste of time, but so were a few volumes in OT or NT as well.
I dunno why but they seem intent to push a more 'classy' vibe for the more mature characters, but won't hold back when it comes to cunny. I don't know if it's just the designers' preferences or there's something else behind.
This is still insane to me, how mentally ill must anyone be to hate a series for so long and religiously shitpost the threads for years?
Her concert?
All railgun seasons and OVA OP/ED singers.
The neural network processing the grimoires required too much energy. If everyone had 103,000 grimoires the environmental cost would be unsustainable.
Too bad someone's not there anymore
Can't believe they actually announced new pachinko and some dolls
Pachislot franchise.
I still can't believe Maon died
Elisa got memory holed.
I can't blame her when her manager raped her
Also, the latest GT left the series in a big unknown territory. There isnt much to discuss because nobody really knows where the fuck Kamachi is going to take this, outside of vague notion that Touma will eventually revive, maybe due to his harem of orbiters. So the main source of discussion is stalled right now as its sort of the end of an arc, but not really because Alice is still around, just punished.
Mikoto is such a great design and its wasted on a generic tsundere
don't name it touma
mikoto is a completely generic design. if you knew nothing at all about the series and were shown a lineup of all the tokiwadai girls you would think she was a minor character like wannai.
She stands out specifically because she doesn't look ridiculous like every single other character in the franchise.
That thread only hit the limit because people kept bumping and saving it from page 10 with random inane statements. It's a common for people to try to resuscitate these threads to continue the circle jerk.
Why did they do it to that specific thread and not to others?
Sometimes they try to but they die out anyway. That one just had slightly more traffic since it was a chapter dump thread too. The random "Which raildex do u want to fuq" type of calling card thread isn't always going to get all of usual suspects to show up comparatively so the dedicated necromancers can't always keep the zombie threads alive during slow traffic hours.
A lot of the science side characters have pretty simple designs. Hamazura is literally thug number 2.
Why did Accelerator end anyway?
>listening to a dumb ass
It is a legitimate question, why some Raildex threads do well and most don't.
I enjoy the comical timing but please stop keeping dead threads alive.
Mugino supremacy
>please stop keeping dead threads alive.
People kept the last thread alive no problem, I don't see why it's suddenly a bad thing this time.
And it was answered multiple times. This isnt even the first time raildex threads had "dead" times. It comes in cycles due to circumstance. Listening to some fag talking about circle jerks over that is dubious
>didn't read NTR23
I still can't believe that the series has been going on for 20 years and in-universe it still hasn't been a year.
The manga didnt focus on Accel and instead on literal whos. And the art wasnt good. So it got canned. I dont know why they couldnt jusg deliver on accel fucking shit up and some batman fags trying to be clever and play around with his choker weakness, would have been a lot more entertaining. Or if you arent going to focus on accel as much, at least have established charactrrs in there. I wouldnt have minded GROUP bantz and sol to break up action.
Mugino's bulliable anus
Ah yes, Saten, Pierce, Fukiyose, Himegami, etc have such crazy designs
It's not a bad thing if there is an actual discussion, but most of these threads are getting bumped with nothing going on in the hope that people will be interested later. Part of the reason everyone wanted to genocide general threads is because they were eternally bumped threads that would devolve into a circle jerk of a few people discussing nothing and shitposting. Keeping threads alive past their expiration date is not good for the board or the fanbase.
I swear Raildex has to be one of the most cursed franchises out there.

Isn't Fukiyose's VA still on indefinite hiatus and thus de-facto retirement?
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>and in-universe it still hasn't been a year.
Isn't that just normal for long-running franchises? Unless you get stuff like Gundam or (I suppose) JoJo which regularly change their cast with each iteration, time usually flows extremely slow in these series (see pic related.) Even series like One Piece have very slow time progression outside of 'here is a timeskip' moment.
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I love her works under other names
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>Isn't Fukiyose's VA still on indefinite hiatus and thus de-facto retirement?
Why are they so hesitant to replace her? It's been so long at this point you'd expect them to hire a new VA, she hasn't even got a new card on Imaginary Fest and is still stuck to her version from launch.
Yes, but she doesnt show up again until like midway through NT anyway
So she'll never be replaced?
They will be 120 when it's finished
>late night
>little girl wearing nothing but a blanket throws your door open
>yells please take care of me
wat do?
What would you say to Misaka if you met her?
It's me Kamijou Touma but an esper changed my appearance, and the only cure is to constantly have sex with me.
Nothing, I'd try to avoid her sight and quietly get away.
how old is she?.
Accelerator is parading around with a loli sister of yours.
She looks skinny, probably doesn't have good nutritions. Poor young girl, Imma treat her a big meal tonight.
You will never have Touma's tadpoles.
Last time I tried to watch this I got about six episodes in
You either make your move or move on with your crush
I liked the Netoge ending
and Elichika
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Birdway breedway.
I need to press my face against her belly.
I love my abusive alcoholic wife.
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>See this
>Wat do?
Take her home, shower her and put her to bed.
is this what happened after this anon >>268737557 got her a big meal?
might start the lns
Beef or fish?
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>you'll never experience this
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Please tell me there's a video...I need to hear Mikoto going chu
I don't follow this series too much but I like Kongou
JP fans joke that they’ll surely get a good NT adaptation if they keep buying merch
is it based off of money spent or winnings?
oh cool that's the girl from blue archive
Unironically one of the most influential people on my life. If it weren't for her railgun songs, I might have not continued watching anime at all. Thus I would have missed many of the related activities such as learning Japanese.
Shd should scissor a woman
Pretty good choice
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A god damn shame if you ask me
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Let's not bring that fucker up, but yeah he was largely responsible for the decline of threads. He's a bad memory
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>what they've drawn kuroko wearing
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Moogs > Biri
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Touma should have impregnated purple
Imagine the little zaps from her embarrassment and excitement she would give off as you kiss her deeply and hold her close.
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God damn I want to FUCK those tits so bad
mini kanzaki a cute
Made for paizuri
>child before marriage
How scandalous
she is without sin it was a virginal birth. dont darken your thoughts.
"Just the tip"
Id piss on her
[X] Genuflect
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well they gave her the purple micro bikini as seen in the anime as well as this one and a belly dancer outfit
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on the other hand oriana got this for a swimsuit which is less sexy than even kongo wears
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for reference this is what her swimsuit art in the chink game looked like
Fuck off MKL
No shes fat
Consider it done.
If i must
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A ball in a sport that Accelerator would totally lose against
All you fuckers will do is just meme Kakine into being a former volleyball player
verly naise
kuroko is peak sex
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Literally custom equipped, manufactured, artisan crafted, formed by nature, smithed, created and consecrated for dragon cock. Genuinely and literally the perfect little dragon cock taking nymphlet I’ve ever seen. Imagine her underdeveloped, dainty little chicken legs forced wide for the pulsating mass of scales that will ingratiate itself into her, morph and twist her hesitant curiosity into bestial lust, her quivering supple pussy swallowing that steaming, sky blue rod whole and clinging to it like a bitch in heat as some hulking winged serpent mates and deflowers her. Imagine her little face, so young and noble, cursing and screaming for a harder pummelling and rutting from her draconian dominator, as his thick lemon yellow mass erupts it’s primal seed into her pure high born womb, staining that perfect little lineage, forever marking generations of delicate ojou flowers with steaming basilisk spunk, imagine her sweating and screaming as those child like hips birth a wyvern child, forever staking the normal highschool boy’s claim to her lineage.
God, I just want to scoop her up, carry her to bed and leave us both bedridden for days after our passionate lovemaking.
I dont think youd be able to tire out Mikoto very easily
Dont underestimate my penis
But seriousky, how the fuck is Mugino #4
Crowley decided to put her there because he knew she would get an over inflated ego over it, thus making her subsequential jobbing much funnier
Misaki is too fat to lift her remote fast enough against mugino
if they wrote this fag out of the story going forward raildex would be saved
What an utterly retarded statement.
Thank god you dont write Index
Firepower aside, the potential applications of her power are incredible. Unfortunately, she is retarded. A level 5 Okuyasu.
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what the fuck was her problem
What’s worse, rollercoasters or chopsticks?
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i know you're in here yuno
""""Euro"""" maintenance workers.
Assuming the inability to hold chopsticks extends to being unable to do any fine motor work and not literally having a mental block on using only chopsticks, hating all of science because of a rollercoaster accident. It's like Sherry but infinitely more dumb.
>What’s worse, rollercoasters or chopsticks
Honestly chopsticks at least Vento had lost somebody, even if it was dumb to blame the idea of roller coasters let alone extending it to all of Science. Maidono on the other hand was basically just embarrassed.
do you think she ever took revenge on that bitch of an amusement park that took her brother from her?
shes a retard, but she is cute
>nooo I need to self insert you don't understand
>the most boring shonen protag ever is the lynchpin of this franchise I swear
what do the power rankings of academy city look like if power was measured by cuteness?
Read the novels, secondary
Uiharu is now the top esper
>self-insert argument out of nowhere
Why are male-protagonists haters so mindbroken?
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we can NOT let her have that much power. just think about what she will do to the now much lower ranked kuroko...
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I'm sorry but pachinko ads are so laughably OTT its ridiculous

I'm sorry bro but nobody actually read the LNs. the anime is the only thing anyone cares about.
you could have fucking styil as the protag and it would be fine. it's just that touma sucks dick hard.
So who will sing NT's OPs if it ever gets an anime?
>no I refuse to read the novels, but I will continue to try to speak on something with authority that I know nothing about
>someone doesn't like my shitty self insert, he just hates all men
go back to /r9k/
>Touma is self insert

>super duper smart, literal super genius brain
>polyglot at the age of 14
>professional level at violin
>one of only 7 level 5s in the city, strongest female
>mascot of the esper program
>super rich
>beloved by her peers
>also has bitches after her muff, just like Touma
>moralfags like Touma (actually worse because he canonically makes shit up to fuck with opponents and doesnt belive half of what he says)
But thats ok, because she has a vagina, right?
Read the novels, secondary
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>I'm going to speak with authority on something I know nothing about
>I will base my entire opinion on a terrible adaptation that literally cut out large swatches of backstory and characterization
speaking of stupid god right's seat members
this guy could use precedence in the 0.1 seconds on the molten sand raining down to save himself. but couldn't do it to the incredibly telegraphed pillar falling?
>this guy could use precedence in the 0.1 seconds on the molten sand raining down to save himself. but couldn't do it to the incredibly telegraphed pillar falling?
>I will base my entire opinion on a terrible adaptation
>but couldn't do it to the incredibly telegraphed pillar falling?
Almost like that didnt happen in the LNs and the anime is full of retardation
im not that anon i was just trying to make a joke :(
Its ok, I'm still just asspained at Index 3 being a terribad adaptation
my bad
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A day never goes by where I don't think of Maon.
Wake her up and say that she hasn't eaten all the eggs.
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40 years is young for a seiyuu/singer unless they're meme pseudo artists like idols so don't worry, Index IV will be announced in November.

That bottom Misaki gives meaning to humanity's existence.
Misaki probably declined rank 4 because it's too much of a hassle.
>40 years is young for a seiyuu/singer unless they're meme pseudo artists like idols so don't worry
A certain someone retired at the age of 36 and her recent pictures haven't exactly been flattering.
And yet despite all that she's basically a loaner while Touma has half a dozen girls trying to fuck him despite being a broke mob looking character who has a special power in his hand.
if you niggers wanna talk about the novels why is every image itt an anime screenshots? Why is the OP about the anime songs?
If they're so good and awesome make your own threads and discuss them there.
Anon Mary Sue and Self Insert are two completely different things
>come into Raildex general thread talking about LN studf
>wtf make your own thread
Next time just admit that you are retarded and move along
>And yet despite all that she's basically a loaner
She has people wanting to fuck her. Also its "loner", ESL
>while Touma has half a dozen girls trying to fuck him
Because he saved their fucking life and stood up for them in their time of need. You know, literally how Kuroko and Mikoto played out.
>despite being a broke mob looking character who has a special power in his hand.
Against hax ass faggot with crazy powers, the fuck is your point? Also Touma canonically has a great body, the LN artist just cant stop drawing twinks
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>general thread
So is Alice going to die via the beta orbiters going apocalyptic?
Call the Anti-Skill, I dont give a fuck
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Othinus will finally stop LARPing as being powerless and murder that bitch
bowl of eggs
Proto Mina
She is doing the new Yozakura Senpai opening together with the new fripside duo
What is even the point of leaving fripSide if she would just collaborate with them anyway? I know her leaving fripSide wasn't fully her decision but management's, it's just that it still feels pointless.
When does Biribiri's dad ever become relevant
in the side novel and nt
It was me
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Why is Fukiyose so sexual?
>"normal" girl
>class rep
>giant tits
hits all my checkmarks
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She takes herself very seriously
Level 5 team fight against a big bad SOON
They wouldn't even get past HT.
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Why is she like this?
imagine if you were a dicklet in a world where every guy wore stretchy dick defining pants. life would be hard.
We all know if Touma re-live long enough to have a family. He will only have one son and tons of daughters with nothing but Brother Complexes and Father Complexes
Only if you're a homosexual.
kek i didnt even think of it that way
Half the reason she went to the United Kingdom in the climax of NT. The other half was Touma
Repressed bisexuality. This would be her ideal life, but at the same time, she'd still (pretend to) get mad at Touma for cumming inside Misaki.
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Holy fucking seizure inducing lesbianism, batman. This is getting too blatant. What's with Misaka's orgasm face when she pulls Misaki giving you (her) a reward?
This has been a Pachinko/Gacha franchise for a long time, bucko.
how do you think kamachi or really any author feels about their works getting whored out to gambling machines and gacha games like this? i know he probably approves it and he wants money, but i feel there has to be some conflict.
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I like Mikoto. I hope she manages to confess to the eldritch horror larping as a boy (when he comes back). Don't know about her chances of winning I'll be honest.
I don't think anyone's going to win the Toumab owl unless you count Index and Othinus being his housemates
I hope that when Tokiwadai gets back in after the holiday they decide to cut another half-inch off the skirts, what's the point if you can't see underwear from the front.
Holy seizure fest, Batman.
W I D E dex
Has Mikoto ever canonically in any media forgotten to wear shorts or for whatever reason did not wear them?
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I don't think so, we've gotten some bathing suits occasionally but never a situation where she was supposed to wear shorts and didn't. Kuroko has stolen whatever she has beneath the shorts on at least one occasion i think (when they were cleaning the pool) and then there was that time in Russia she had to change into a bathing suit in a back alley but that's it.
Well i guess there was that time in SS3 when something happened that caused skirts to malfunction, Misaka was fine because shorts but the other girl affected was going commando which is apparently common at tokiwadai.
He was probably howling during the part where Mikoto and Misaki were about to kiss and wore the wedding dresses, with his dick out and everything. Just kidding, AI machines don't have penises (yet).
>I don't think so
I know there are some official upskirt pantyshots of Mikoto where she's showing white panties without shorts (and yes they they were of Mikoto and not the sisters, they're on Gelbooru). Don't think they count as canon though. I think the mobile game also has her without shorts in some costumes.

>going commando which is apparently common at tokiwadai
The fuck?
>which is apparently common at tokiwadai.
>with skirts that short
slut academy
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Misaka Mikoto and Sakibasu Yuri’s pleated skirts suddenly fell down to their ankles.


They paused for a bit.

This was an esper power.

RailgunSS3 4.jpg
It was a truly ridiculous application of Telekinesis.

But the damage must have been greater for Sakibasu who was not wearing shorts like Mikoto.

Her black kneesocks were no defense at all.

One detail in particular will be omitted to preserve the maiden’s honor, but let’s just say the black twintails girl blushed bright red and screamed while frantically waving her hands holding the violin case to hide the area below her navel.


“Sakibasu-san, do you not believe in wearing underwear or something? Otherwise, I really recommend wearing it from now on.”

Now was not the time to be considerate.

Mikoto gave that somewhat exasperated comment, but on the inside, her tension had only increased. She did not relax because she highly doubted this was a simple prank. Comedic events were more effective than serious ones at preventing people from thinking straight. And with pants or a skirt around the ankles, it was just as difficult to move as with rope tied around the legs.

Also, you could not help but have your eyes pulled downward.

That was like shutting your eyes in front of the enemy.

hhmmm might have been wrong on it being common in tokiwadai or it was said elsewhere
>One detail in particular will be omitted to preserve the maiden’s honor
>said details is said immediately after anyway
What did they mean by this
It's honestly grating, but in the case of Raildex is worse because the author refusing a change for the setting ends up hindering the characters some kind of development because he wants to keep the status quo
Again, slut academy
>Also, you could not help but have your eyes pulled downward.
What did Mikoto mean by this?
Why is the writing style so obnoxious?
You think I wouldn't be doing that if I could? Even the cold death of the universe ripping every atom and the fabric of spacetime itself apart wouldn't be enough to rip my tongue from Misaki's pussy if she was real.
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Now this is a proper forehead
>Kamachi should abruptly alter his pace because some dumb gen z kid is too ADHD to deal with it
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Slag status?
>20 years of status quo is good
Dude at this rate Kamachi will die before ever finishing the story
wait, there's going to be more after GT ?
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We Rock Together
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>Me in the pachinko parlor
This is straight up an attack on one's senses. How the fuck is anyone supposed to endure this amount of sensory overload for hours to end to play pachinko? They should play this for the kids who supposedly had epilepsy attackd after watching that one pokemon episode, give those little shits somete worth crying about.
How do you feel knowing raildex anime will never have all this sakuga?
I hear you get used to it, which is why these things became so fucking obnoxious in the first place. They weren't like this to start out with, but as people got more and more dulled to the sensation, the feedback was amped up until it's basically ADHD tiktok on steroids every time you hit the lever.

One thing you don't get is they're also loud, too. It's not uncommon for the boomers addicted to these to have hearing problems.
I'm fine with it and I don't care. I would rather Raildex just keep to 00's era harem gags anyway with Touma and Mikoto being dense to others advances.
>time progression
>having literally anything to do with "status quo"
Never write anything in your life, please.
Collabs are cool and she can still focus in her solo career afterwards.
She was already doing her solo career even during her fripSide days.
Holy shit, that little cry is just too cute
Man, I just dont get it. I literally have ADHD and this shit just pisses me off.
I hate how this guy can only draw two expressions
Because actual ADHD is different from internet addiction/dopamine burnout. ADHD is just diet autism, they can hyperfocus on shit that they enjoy more then the average normalfag. They just have a lot of time concentrating on something that doesnt interest them
They just have a hard* time concentrating on something that doesnt interest them

No idea how that happened, I guess I should go to bed
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>Kamachi AI
I like the other fripSide singer more.
I wanna "rock" Saten backstage if you catch my meaning.
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What did he mean by this?
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>cant by your own cute autistic clone gf yet
fuck this gay earth
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I know your pain though my clone gf is more psychotic as opposed to autistic.
In terms fripside history, when Nanjo was recruited she was meant to one of a few vocalists with shared workload. But her first song was railgun which blew up bigger anyone thought it would, so they ended up never going with that plan. Nanjo joked it took her 2 or 3 years to realise she was not going to have anyone to job share with.
Now they keep getting Nanjo back it almost feels like what they planned originally. That and they probably accepted they are not going to as popular as they were with Nanjo.
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>because the author refusing a change for the setting ends up hindering the characters some kind of development because he wants to keep the status quo
To be fair this feels mostly like an excuse to keep Accel away from getting directly involved in the plot and Accel just not turning the city back on would have been a bigger shakeup and a more natural development.
why is only satan not pregonate??
why indeed
He's been more directly involved in the plot in his jail cell than most of NT ironically. Keeping the city off would definitely be more of a shake up, but I don't think it would be natural for him to turn the city back off since it was already on again and Accel put in a shitload of work trying to fix the city before even getting the keys.
Has he?
Her tubes are tied.
He didnt give much of a fuck about her in GT4
Touma letting Index meatshield was the only good thing in GT4 outside of the Whitehouse duel. That reminds me, he also was just shooting the shit with Aogami after Othinus warned him that Alice has index and could kill her at any second. He is way too used to Index being in peril.
Lol no. Index is still the default winner until something shakes the status quo

Heck, she even got Othinus as her sidekick now

>to keep Accel away from getting directly involved in the plot and Accel

Huh? He is more involved directly in the plot than all of NT.

>just not turning the city back on would have been a bigger shakeup and a more natural development.

Accel in the beginning of NT was wondering which path he should choose but even in this state he would like to interfere in other life bring things to a positive conclusion if he can.

In NT10 he show he growth behind the concepts of winning or losing

And by trusting Touma he show how much space of his mind he willing to give for others.

In cronzon arc: he was seeing his past selfthat was always controlling by adult in Qlipah situation

when he said she "belongs to him" that shows feeling of possession, the feeling that is alright to have something or someone which is demonstrates the character is slowly accepting themselves

Now he has this experience, he can guide people who are straying from the path of light due to being misguided by people in power

That why he chose to be chairman

The city that harbors the Dark Side must be led by someone like accel who overcame it with his own life on the line.

the one who was a villain who killed 10000+ clones now can became a hero to others.

The one controlled by others for the most of his life.

achieved the position of being in the seat of control.

The one who shut himself out from others formed connections with other

And He shutdown AC will be stupid

Like what will happen to sisters that in cooperative institutions? Who will finance the readjustment they get in these facilitates? Who will support them if they existence reveal in the world just like GT 4?

What about DS or kihara who will separated in the world? Or espar?
>Like what will happen to sisters that in cooperative institutions?
He has Last Order, he wins this one.
Mikoto a best

But will tho.
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It will always be Worst for me.
willchan is the will of the mikoto network and allah dubs confirm
She should be jailed.
I like how the clones all emphasize different aspects of Mikoto's personality.
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Yea, in my room, where I sleep with her every night.
So who's the pervert who wants to fuck?
It will, specifically, all the episodes with MisaMisa in them. You will get the scene in which Misaki flirst with Touma with sudden sakuga while the rest of the episode looks like a slideshow, and you will like it.
All of the clones are horny to some level but there is no true horny clone yet. We only clones representing her being coldly logical, mischievous, childish/naive, and compassionate.
Based on Index III, it'll only be when Stiyl does stuff.
It's Misaka. She's the horny one.
New Anime when?
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why would anyone want to see Gremlin arc crammed into 26 episodes?
Vento cosplaying as a furry
It will be Misaka BEST
Here, have this even more superior Misaki.

There's also BEST clone, AKA Dolly.
Announced on November 4. Be there or be squared.
I'll be cubed
Synthzie Grid, pls.
It's for the best. Imagine the cesspool of STDs that it Satan's womb, that's and environment too hostile for a fetus.
Relative to the light novels, where is the railgun manga at right now?
Pre OT1 flashback.
At this rate, the next Railgun arc will be a flashback about Tokiwadai director's early life.
Cant wait for the Mikoto fetus flashback
The true number 1
Cube-sama, I kneel!
>showing no skin
>hair covered
>not even posing
And yet, this is as erotic as Nogi has ever drawn Misaki. What is it about the simplicity of an apron that makes girls so enticing, R/a/ildex?
it's the heartwarming feeling of a slut turned into housewife
I don't know about Touma, but I sure have. In fact it started years ago and my disgust for her has only increased.
19090 feels the closest to horniest clone. She physically changed her body in order to try impressing Touma, reading dating magazines. If she's at that point she understands physical appeal leads to arousal which leads to sex. She may not be schlicking twice a week like Mikoto but she absolutely has cock on the brain.
I mean they all have cock in the brain
>cock in the brain
That because as the series went on, more people were after him and his right hand over Index. The enemies most of the time just use Index to get to him over, needing the 103 001 grimoires. At the end of the day, the only reason why Index was kidnap in GT 10 was because Alice wanted to save Touma. Index had less value then Touma and his right arm. They wouldn't want Touma to do something dumb if they harm Index that could lead to him throwing IB away
I don't want one as long as JC Staff is the one making it. After Index III it show how they look at Index as a series as a whole. So it would either be a rush mess of trying to put 11-23 volumes into one season or be as bad as Berserk 2016 in them trying to cheat it out, if not both. It better to never have an anime again, over letting a company that threat it like trash made it.
With how slow Fuyukawa Motoi is now, to the point he either sick and dieing or doesn't want to do Railgun anymore. How the higher-up don't want to enter into NT timeline, it likely to end with the flashback arc.
You heard me
>could lead to him throwing IB away
To be fair, Alice seemed to be betting on the dragon king in the fight. Of course that was after Index gave her silent prognosis. Hell, DK Touma probably would have survived the curse or destiny or whatever considering he grew his fucking head back instantly with no repercussions.
You're probably right about the wife aura it provides, but it works for every girl. I'd agree with you if it only increased the appeal of girls like Lessar or Saten, but it also does for Misaki and Mugino and neither is a slut, just really horny for one guy.
Well, I guess that's in line with why they are all horny to some level. They each got a different aspect of her personality but all got piece of her subconscious lust.
How did you react to Maon dying?
I was sad for a day then I moved on.
This image is fantastic
Moogs needs to bake girls in her oven more often.
I was rather sad for a while. I felt the same way when Miyu Matsuki died.
>grazed his ear
unrealistic trash
Kamachi can’t commit to killing characters after all
It checks out, the average American can't aim for shit.
>I don't want one as long as JC Staff is the one making it.
Unfortunately they won't ditch JC Staff given how Railgun T was still a success. The silver lining is that Nishikiori definitely won't come back after such a mess, hopefully they'll get a competent director this time, but I'm still worried they'll rush the whole adaption (regardless of studio) considering how old early NT is now.
good songs but dogshit series
They really need to have one team work on an Index reboot while another team works on NT or something. Its the only way to even have a shot of making amends and getting new blood
He killed Frenda
You're a dogshit series, faggot
>I mean they all have cock in the brain
Accel you have to stop thinking of semen on brains
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Who is the most spankable raildex?
Misaki, Aradia, Mugino
birdway, no question
why arent they naked
Thats for Touma only
Based and canon >>268757689
Who deserves it: Leivinia, Lessar, Oriana
Who I want to: Orsola and Patricia
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Qipao Misaki is cheating.
no that would be gay
It's not gay if the balls aren't touching. As there's no balls involved, it literally cannot be gay.
Mikoto has a huge swinging dong
Every single nun
he is dead now, they only have each other
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Why isn't Mikoto wearing shorts here?
Theyre invisible
She isnt aqua
Or maybe she didn't wear them
There's necromagic out there, you know
And then mandatory impregnation
Good luck with IB stuck to his corpse. Even if they cut it off, if his thought patterns are similar enough it would grow back and he'd fall over.
Touma is so lucky
magic attacks can harm the rest of his body though so thats probably not true unless he touches himself with his hand
I mean, would it truly be him? Would IB stay with zombie Touma over afterlife Touma?
He ignored stuff like Angel Fall entirely. The chances of him getting reanimated and it not reaching his hand are pretty much zero.
Who knows. If he's truly "outside it all" then IB shouldn't follow him. The question is where the zoo is.
Objectively Kinuhata
>spanks ass
>arm breaks
worth it?
Biribiri my love
>tomato rice
Good stuff
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Why'd you have to remind me...
Now I'm sad again
She's so ordinary but is also the most beloved character in Raildex, how does she do it?
>most beloved character in Raildex
Ah I see you started talking about Index, the lovely main heroine of the series (which is named after her) who everyone adores and has no ill feeling towards.
Without question
Animeonly here watching Accelerator's anime.

Does he ever lose this switch thing running his brain for him? Or no longer need it any more? I vaguely know that eventually he gets angel wings or something, but does that mean he doesn't have to have this dumb drama-preserving handicap of "I only have ten seconds left of the battery" that keeps coming up?
No, though it does make him stronger in multiple ways. Especially since he now has to learn to not just stand there and expect to win before running into heavy hitters that would bisect him.
I thought he won't fight Touma again though? Since everything else bounces off his auto-reflect.
Kuroko love
The whole battery thing only appears when the plot demands it otherwise it might as well not be there
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I'm ready for November. Its her turn.
Why November?
Fall fes.
I see
Mikoto's pubic hair
No. It was an intentional handicap added because he was too powerful narratively. He might be fixed in the future but for now he's stuck with it.
Lessar deserves it but I want to spank Lancis.
I want to bully Lancis's anus
Exploring Lancis' jungle.
I would tease it relentlessly while fucking her pussy
Hotdogging Lancis while Lessar critiques your form and strokes her tail suggestively.
please stop, I can only get so erect
How does Lessar move her tail?
Isn’t it usually in October?
He really is. Imagine getting to breed a litter of hellspawns with Misaki like this.
It is, but this year it's on November the fourth and the people on the IF stream told us to expect news that day, and they wouldn't lie to us, would they?
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Is Biribiri the best Dengeki Bunko tsundere?
She's not even the best result of her own DNA.
Slut. At least wear an apron over that.
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She's not a chef
Not even close.
She's not even the best tsundere in her own series.
There are so many characters that could and would have killed them if he kept fighting the way he did. He wouldn't have even made it past Amata.
You are not going to find a good female character in this series. Touma is basically the only well written character.
Why is she undressing in the middle of the street?
for uhh, tactical purposes
why not?
Exhibitionist public sex AV filming.
Irokohaku woke up horny and with a Misaki craving.
he saw pyuma draw harem Mikoto so he got to work
Very strong rectal muscle control from years of practice. She can clamp like a vice.
Uhh, that doesn't sound very professional for a judgement member.

Misaki would totally cosplay during sex for Touma, it's practically canon. In Misaka's case IDK, but pyuma did his art based on an IF event, no?
Judgment is full of children. They're weaponized hall monitors.
They worked for Aleister, Judgement; might as well be glorified hallway sluts.
>hallway sluts
Fascinating concept. Tell me more.
slutty hallway monitors, obviously
Built for BDC (Big Dragon Cock) and BDKC (Big Denki Kong Cock).
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tell me about the leader
why does she wear the mask
also why is she always pissing herself goddamn
she understands her position in the world and is forced to deal with creatures who can buttrape her to death, peeing herself is thus a defensive reaction to make herself look less attractive.
also weak balder.
>why does she wear the mask
if you wet yourself 4 times a day you would wear one too.
If I take that mask off would she die?
Nobody cared who she was until she put on the mask.
She's a big girl.
For you.
jesus CHRIST
Lancis' very large Black Forest. You can get lost very easily in it.
Lanci's nails and hair are disgusting. Very accurate to Bri'ish people.
It's hot
>Dat Pinvise doujin
Her nails are great. I want her to run them along my back.
>They're proper posh, innit M8
Fuck off.
Misaki is cute
Misaki a best.
I WANT TO RAPE MISAKI. Not have sex or make love, just rape.
She would fry your brain before you enter a 100 feet radius from her.
You seem upset
She loves being raped.
By Touma. You're not even human in her eyes.
too bad a sultan oil baron magician will buy her
Thats ok, women loved to be fucked by monsters. That's half their erotica.
Touma is already a monster AND an old man, he's got all of Misaki's bases covered. She really doesn't have any use for you so she'd probably just turn down your brain on sight.
>Drops comatose by Misaki using her powers
I wanna know what was Kamachi thinking. The implication being that this happens all the time when a magician attempts to mind rape another one, since it wasn't esper or Misaki specific.
Because there are probably hundreds of mind control related spells and unless the magician is complete bullshit like CRC, they aren't going to have a counter for every one ready to go and are better off pulling the plug if caught.
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What the fuck are they putting in the AC water?
The blitz loop,
Through search way,
Only my railgun can shoot it,
Ima sugu!
>looks exactly the same but with longer hair
Personally I really, really love Grow slowly and Nameless story.
Crowley's magic semen.
Puberty is the ultimate form of God's sex magick.
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Need more art of these two
I am angry, angry about Slags.
Oh no! You have to hide Oriana, he's coming home!!
I love slags. I will make an honest woman out of Lancis.
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>Touma is already a monster
Yet there are currently zero (0) fan arts of the Imagine Dragon fucking any Raildex girl...
I don't know about deserving it, but the ones in most danger of getting not only spanked but smacked around right now are: Birdway, New Light (especially Slagssar), Oriana, the royal family, the female knight, Stiyl Magnu's disciples, and Orsola if she stays on Engerland.
This is clearly an injustice in dire need of correction.
It will have to come from you since youre basically the only one that pushes this
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I want more Aradia
I will NOT eat ze bugs
Which Raildex is the hairiest?
Is Biribiri shaved?
her racism prevents her from seeing muslims as human so they are immune to her power
Probably Mugino.
>bump limit again
What went right?
Forget shaved, she hasn't grown a single hair yet.
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Noukan. Obviously.
Seizure inducing MisaMisa.
We’re back.
Raildex operates in cycles. This isnt the first time we've been relatively inactive.
Has to be Laura or Misuzu. Maybe Seria.
Okay, sure. I don't have any so here's some cursed Misaki x Kuroko instead.

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